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Amygdala-enriched genes identified by microarray technology are restricted to specific amygdaloid subnuclei

Supplementary material for Zirlinger et al. (2001) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA98 (9), 5270–5275. (10.1073/pnas.091094698)

GIF Image

Fig. 5.  (A) Distribution of normalized average difference (GIF Image) values in each sample. Only the Mu11ka array is plotted here, but all other chips had similar distributions. The histogram describes a unimodal distribution, wherein the bulk of the mRNA species are of relatively low abundance.  Only a minority of the mRNA species were highly expressed. These results are in agreement with previous estimates of mRNA abundance and complexity in other tissues (1, 2). For clarity, only values below 7,000 are shown. The dotted line indicates the mean value (1,104). (Bin size = 200.) (B) Plots of average difference values for all possible two-way comparisons. The first row has the amygdala (A) on the x axis. The second row shows plots with the cerebellum on the x axis, and the third and fourth rows have the hippocampus and olfactory bulb, respectively, on the x axis. The y axes are the cerebellum (C), hippocampus (H), olfactory bulb (O), and PAG (P), from the first to fourth columns, respectively. For clarity, average difference values were divided by 1,000 and only values below 30,000 are shown.  The dashed line indicates a slope equaling 1. 

  1. Lewin, B. (2000) Genes VII (Oxford Univ. Press, New York).
  2. Zhang, L., Zhou, W., Velculescu, V., Kern, S., Hruban, R., Hamilton, S., Vogelstein, B. & Kinzler, K. (1997) Science276, 1268–1272.