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Published October 3, 2013 | public
Journal Article

Tribute to Takeshi Oka


With this Festschrift, our community honors Takeshi Oka on the occasion of the 45th anniversary of his entry into the field of astrochemistry. He is known simply as "Oka" to his friends, colleagues, and admirers across the fields of chemistry, physics, and astronomy. Like many of his scientific heroes, Oka brings to science scholarliness, deep physical insight, an appreciation for the beauty of nature and art, a sense of humility and humanity that comes from an awareness of the history of science, and an anarchist's disregard for authority. The diversity of contributions in this issue reflects both the breadth of Oka's intellect and the many who have been drawn to him by his generosity, his humanity, and his passionate quest for truth.

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© 2013 American Chemical Society. Published: October 3, 2013.

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