Apollo Guidance Computer Activities

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Author(s)  Title Date
AC_Electronics  Apollo Guidance and Navigation Lunar Module Student Study Guide 1967 
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Ramon L. Alonso, Hugh Blair-Smith and Albert L. Hopkins  Some Aspects of the Logical Design of a Control Computer: A Case Study 1971 
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Ramon L. Alonso et al.  A Digital Control Computer Developmental Model 1B 1962 
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Ramon L. Alonso and Albert L. Hopkins  The Apollo Guidance Computer 1963 
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Ramon L. Alonso, Albert L. Hopkins and Herbert A. Thaler  A Multiprocessing Structure 1967 
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Ramon L. Alonso and J. Hal Laning  Design Principles for a General Control Computer 1960 
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Anonymous  Astronauts' Guidance and Navigation Course Notes 1962 
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Anonymous  More Apollo Guidance Flexibility Sought 1964 
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Anonymous  Guidance System Operations Plan, AS - 278: Vol. 1, CM GNCS Operations 1966 
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Anonymous  Jim Lovell at G&N; station 1967 
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Anonymous  Colossus Assemble Revision 249 1968 
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Anonymous  Demonstration of the AGC 1969 
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Anonymous  Control of Flight Software Development Costs 1971 
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Anonymous  MIT's Role in Project Apollo, Vol. II: Optical, Radar and Candidate Subsystems. 1972 
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Anonymous  Apollo/Skylab ASTP and Shuttle Orbiter Major End Items 1978 
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Anonymous  Luminary 131 1969 
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R. Battin et al.  The Compleat Sunrise being a description of Program Sunrise (Sunrise 33 - NASA DWG# 1021102) 1964 
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Hugh Blair-Smith  YUL System - Pass 0  
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Hugh Blair-Smith  AGC4 Memo # 9 - Block II Instructions 1966 
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Martin Collins  Interview with Robert Seamans, Jr. 1987 
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Edward M. Copps Jr.  Recovery from Transient Failures of the Apollo Guidance Computer 1968 
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Robert Crisp and D. Keene  Apollo Command and Service Module Reaction Control by the Digital Autopilot 1968 
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Space History Division  Guidance, Navigation and Control 1999 
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C. S. Draper et al.  Space Navigation Guidance and Control. Volume I. 1965 
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C. S. Draper et al.  Space Navigation Guidance and Control. Volume II. 1965 
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Charles M. Duke Jr. and Michael S. Jones  Human Performance during a Simulated Apollo Mid-Course Navigation Sighting 1964 
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Jim Dumoulin  Kennedy Space Center: Historical Archive 2000 
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J. C. Dunbar, R. A. Larson and P. T. Augart  An Automated Documentation Technique for Integrating Apollo Crew Procedures and Computer Logic 1966 
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Maxime A. Faget  The Evolution of Flight Control of the Apollo Mission 1976 
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Philip G. Felleman  Hybrid Simulation of the Apollo Guidance Navigation and Control System 1966 
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F. K. Glick and S. R. Femino  A Comprehensive Digital Simulation for the Verification of Apollo Flight Software 1970 
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Alan Green  Digital Development Memo #267: Vlock II Keyboard and Display Program 1965 
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Alan Green  Keyboard and Display Program and Operation 1966 
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Alan I. Green and Robert J. Filene  Keyboard and Display Program and Operation 1967 
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The Guidance Software Validation Committee  Apollo Guidance Software Development and Validation Plan 1967 
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Eldon Hall  Computer Displays 1962 
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Eldon Hall  Reliability History of the Apollo Guidance Computer 1972 
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Eldon Hall  The Apollo Guidance Computer - A Designer's View 1982 
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Eldon C Hall  A Case history of the AGC Integrated Logic Circuits 1965 
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Eldon C. Hall  General Design Characteristics of the Apollo Guidance Computer 1963 
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Eldon C. Hall  Case History of the Apollo Guidance Computer 1966 
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Eldon C. Hall  MIT's Role in Project Apollo, Vol. III: Computer Subsystem 1972 
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Eldon C. Hall  From the Farm to Pioneering with Digital Computers: An Autobiography 2000 
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Eldon C Hall and Richard Jansson  Miniature Packaging of Electronics in Three-Dimensional Form 1959 
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James A. Hand  Computer-Aided Inertial Platform Realignment in Manned Space Flight 1968 
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James A. Hand  MIT's Role in Project Apollo, Vol. I: Project Management, Systems Development, Abstracts and Bibliography. 1971 
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David L. Hanley, Jayne Partridge and Eldon C. Hall  The Application of Failure Analysis in Procuring and Screening of Integrated Circuits 1965 
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David G Hoag  Apollo Navigation, Guidance, and Control Systems: A Progress Report. 1969 
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David G Hoag  The History of Apollo On Board Guidance and Navigation 1976 
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David G. Hoag  LEM Guidance Computer Programs to be Supplied by MIT 1965 
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