Molecular Evolution Activities

Molecular Evolution Bibliographies
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M. Kimura, "Diffusion-Model of Intergroup Selection, with Special Reference to Evolution of an Altruistic Character," Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America-Biological Sciences, 80 (1983), 6317-6321.
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T. Ohta, "Theoretical-Study on the Accumulation of Selfish DNA," Genetical Research, 41 (1983), 1-15.
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T. Ohta, "On the Evolution of Multigene Families," Theoretical Population Biology, 23 (1983), 216-240.
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R. C. Lewontin, "Elementary Errors About Evolution," Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 6 (1983), 367-368.
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M. Kimura and N. Takahata, "Selective Constraint in Protein Polymorphism - Study of the Effectively Neutral Mutation Model by Using an Improved Pseudosampling Method," Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America-Biological Sciences, 80 (1983), 1048-1052.
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J. M. Smith, "The Neutral Theory of Molecular Evolution - Kimura,M," Nature, 306 (1983), 713-714.
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A.G. Kluge, "Cladistics and the classification of the great apes," in R.L. Ciochon and R.S Corruccini, eds., New Interpretations of Ape and Human Ancestry (New York: Plenum, 1983), 151-177.
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Motoo Kimura, The neutral theory of molecular evolution (Cambridge [Cambridgeshire]; New York: Cambridge University Press, 1983).
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J. B. Walsh, "Role of Biased Gene Conversion in One-Locus Neutral Theory and Genome Evolution," Genetics, 105 (1983), 461-468.
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S. Scherer, "Transmembrane electron transport and the neutral theory of evolution," Origins of Life, 14 (1984), 725-31.
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C.G. Sibley and J.E. Alqhuist, "The phylogeny of hominoid primates, as indicated by DNA-DNA hybridization," Journal of Molecular Evolution, 20 (1984), 2-15.
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T. Ohta, "Population-Genetics Theory of Concerted Evolution and Its Application to the Immunoglobulin-V Gene Tree," Journal of Molecular Evolution, 20 (1984), 274-280.
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T. Ohta, "Some Models of Gene Conversion for Treating the Evolution of Multigene Families," Genetics, 106 (1984), 517-528.
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R. C. Lewontin, "Detecting Population Differences in Quantitative Characters as Opposed to Gene-Frequencies," American Naturalist, 123 (1984), 115-124.
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T. H. Jukes and M. Kimura, "Evolutionary Constraints and the Neutral Theory," Journal of Molecular Evolution, 21 (1984), 90-92.
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S. Yokoyama, "[Review] The Neutral Theory of Molecular Evolution - Kimura,M," American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 65 (1984), 401-402.
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T. Ohta and G. A. Dover, "The Cohesive Population-Genetics of Molecular Drive," Genetics, 108 (1984), 501-521.
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B. Charlesworth, "[Review] The Neutral Theory of Molecular Evolution - Kimura,M," New Scientist, 101 (1984), 41-41.
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J. H. Gillespie, "[Review] The Neutral Theory of Molecular Evolution - Kimura,M," Science, 224 (1984), 732-733.
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S. Scherer, "Transmembrane Electron-Transport and the Neutral Theory of Evolution," Origins of Life and Evolution of the Biosphere, 14 (1984), 725-731.
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B. Lavie, E. Nevo and U. Zoller, "Differential viability of phosphoglucose isomerase allozyme genotypes of marine snails in nonionic detergent and crude oil-surfactant mixtures," Environmental Research, 35 (1984), 270-6.
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E. Zuckerkandl, "Herpes simplex transforming fragments," Nature, 311 (1984), 418.
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J. Beatty, "Chance and Natural-Selection," Philosophy of Science, 51 (1984), 183-211.
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G. A. Dover, "The Neutral Theory of Molecular Evolution - Kimura,M," Endeavour, 8 (1984), 104-104.
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M. Lynch, "The selective value of alleles underlying polygenic traits," Genetics, 108 (1984), 1021-33.
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M. Gottschalk and P. A. Blanz, "Highly conserved 5S ribosomal RNA sequences in four rust fungi and atypical 5S rRNA secondary structure in Microstroma juglandis," Nucleic Acids Research, 12 (1984), 3951-8.
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M. Kimura, "Diffusion-Model of Population-Genetics Incorporating Group Selection, with Special Reference to an Altruistic Trait," Stochastic Processes and Their Applications, 21 (1985), 7-8.
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R. C. Lewontin and J. L. Hubby, "Citation Classic - a Molecular Approach to the Study of Genic Heterozygosity in Natural-Populations .1. The Number of Alleles at Different Loci in Drosophila-Pseudoobscura," Current Contents/Agriculture Biology & Environmental Sciences, (1985), 16-16.
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J. C. Stephens and M. Nei, "Phylogenetic analysis of polymorphic DNA sequences at the Adh locus in Drosophila melanogaster and its sibling species," Journal of Molecular Evolution, 22 (1985), 289-300.
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M. Kimura, "The Neutral Theory of Molecular Evolution," New Scientist, 107 (1985), 41-&.
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M. V. Vol'kenshten, "[Biopolymers and evolution]," Molekuliarnaia Biologiia, 19 (1985), 55-66.
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R. C. Lewontin, "Population-Genetics," Annual Review of Genetics, 19 (1985), 81-102.
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F. Tajima and T. Mukai, "Statistical-Method for Testing the Neutral Theory by Using Genetic-Variation in a Population at the DNA Level," Japanese Journal of Genetics, 60 (1985), 629-629.
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T. P. Keith et al., "Nearly Identical Allelic Distributions of Xanthine Dehydrogenase in 2 Populations of Drosophila-Pseudoobscura," Molecular Biology and Evolution, 2 (1985), 206-216.
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T. Ohta, "Variances and Covariances of Identity Coefficients of a Multigene Family," Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 82 (1985), 829-833.
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M. Goodman, "Rates of molecular evolution: The homonid slow down," BioEssays, 3 (1985), 9-14.
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T. Ohta, "A Model of Duplicative Transposition and Gene Conversion for Repetitive DNA Families," Genetics, 110 (1985), 513-524.
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V.M Sarich, "Of molecules, comparative anatomy, and the fossil record--The evolutionary message cannot conflict," American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 66 (1985), 224.
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M. L. Weiss, "[Review] The Neutral Theory of Molecular Evolution - Kimura,M," American Anthropologist, 87 (1985), 440-441.
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E. Zuckerkandl, "Quantitative protein profiling: determining lexotypes," Journal of Theoretical Biology, 121 (1986), 185-98.
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F. J. Ayala, "The theory of evolution: the case for randomness in the evolution of DNA and proteins.," Pubblicazioni della Stazione Zoologica di Napoli - Section Ii: History & Philosophy of the Life Sciences, 8 (1986), 129-38.
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O. B. Ptitsyn and M. V. Volkenstein, "Protein Structures and Neutral Theory of Evolution," Journal of Biomolecular Structure & Dynamics, 4 (1986), 137-156.
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M. E. Kreitman and M. Aguade, "Excess polymorphism at the Adh locus in Drosophila melanogaster," Genetics, 114 (1986), 93-110.
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T. Ohta, "Actual Number of Alleles Contained in a Multigene Family," Genetical Research, 48 (1986), 119-123.
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T. Ohta, "Population-Genetics of an Expanding Family of Mobile Genetic Elements," Genetics, 113 (1986), 145-159.
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E. Zuckerkandl, "Polite DNA: functional density and functional compatibility in genomes," Journal of Molecular Evolution, 24 (1986), 12-27.
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R. C. Lewontin, "How Important Is Genetics for an Understanding of Evolution," American Zoologist, 26 (1986), 811-820.
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J. E. Fleming et al., "Age-dependent changes in proteins of Drosophila melanogaster," Science, 231 (1986), 1157-9.
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Jonathan Robert Pollack, Molecular evolution of the human y chromosome (: Thesis (B.A.)--Harvard University, 1986, 1986).
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England?) Royal Society (Great Britain). Discussion Meeting London et al., The evolution of DNA sequences: a discussion (London: Royal Society, 1986).
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