Molecular Evolution Activities

Molecular Evolution Bibliographies
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M. Woodwark, D. O. Skibinski and R. D. Ward, "A study of interlocus allozyme heterozygosity correlations: implications for neutral theory," Heredity, 69 (1992), 190-8.
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A. P. Gupta and R. C. Lewontin, "A Study of Reaction Norms in Natural-Populations of Drosophila- Pseudoobscura," Evolution, 36 (1982), 934-948.
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L. Zhang, S. K. Pond and B. S. Gaut, "A survey of the molecular evolutionary dynamics of twenty-five multigene families from four grass taxa," Journal of Molecular Evolution, 52 (2001), 144-56.
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R. R. Hudson, M. Kreitman and M. Aguade, "A test of neutral molecular evolution based on nucleotide data," Genetics, 116 (1987), 153-9.
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J. K. Kelly, "A test of neutrality based on interlocus associations," Genetics, 146 (1997), 1197-1206.
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F. M. Phelps, "A Unifying Model for the Substitutional Genetic Load," Ima Journal of Mathematics Applied in Medicine and Biology, 8 (1991), 31-56.
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N. A. Moran, "Accelerated evolution and Muller's rachet in endosymbiotic bacteria," Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 93 (1996), 2873-2878.
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A. S. Peek, R. C. Vrijenhoek and B. S. Gaut, "Accelerated evolutionary rate in sulfur-oxidizing endosymbiotic bacteria associated with the mode of symbiont transmission," Molecular Biology and Evolution, 15 (1998), 1514-1523.
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T. Kunisawa, K. Horimoto and J. Otsuka, "Accumulation pattern of amino acid substitutions in protein evolution," Journal of Molecular Evolution, 24 (1987), 357-65.
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T. Ohta, "Actual Number of Alleles Contained in a Multigene Family," Genetical Research, 48 (1986), 119-123.
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R. C. Lewontin, "Adaptation," Scientific American, 239 (1978), 212-&.
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S. Yokoyama, K. E. Isenberg and A. F. Wright, "Adaptive evolution of G-protein coupled receptor genes," Molecular Biology & Evolution, 6 (1989), 342-53.
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Austin L. Hughes, Adaptive evolution of genes and genomes (New York: Oxford University Press, 1999).
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J. E. Fleming et al., "Age-dependent changes in proteins of Drosophila melanogaster," Science, 231 (1986), 1157-9.
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I. Vodyanoy, J. E. Hall and V. Vodyanoy, "Alamethicin adsorption to a planar lipid bilayer," Biophysical Journal, 53 (1988), 649-58.
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T. Ohta, "Allelic and Nonallelic Homology of a Supergene Family," Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America-Biological Sciences, 79 (1982), 3251-3254.
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T. Ohta, "Amino acid substitution at the Adh locus of Drosophila is facilitated by small population size," Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 90 (1993), 4548-51.
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T. Ohta, "Amino-Acid Diversity of Immunoglobulins as a Product of Molecular Evolution," Journal of Molecular Evolution, 15 (1980), 29-35.
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T. Ohta, "Amino-Acid Substitution at the Adh Locus of Drosophila Is Facilitated by Small Population-Size," Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 90 (1993), 4548-4551.
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D. Kordis and F. Gubensek, "Ammodytoxin C gene helps to elucidate the irregular structure of Crotalinae group II phospholipase A(2) genes," European Journal of Biochemistry, 240 (1996), 83-90.
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T. Ohta, "An attempt to measure the patchwork pattern observed among alleles at major histocompatibility complex loci," Journal of Molecular Evolution, 51 (2000), 21-25.
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T. Ohta, "An Examination of the Generation-Time Effect on Molecular Evolution," Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 90 (1993), 10676-10680.
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M. Woodwark, D. O. F. Skibinski and R. D. Ward, "Analysis of Distributions of Single-Locus Heterozygosity as a Test of Neutral Theory," Genetical Research, 62 (1993), 223-230.
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K. Watanabe, K. Kitamura and Y. Suzuki, "Analysis of the critical sites for protein thermostabilization by proline substitution in oligo-1,6-glucosidase from Bacillus coagulans ATCC 7050 and the evolutionary consideration of proline residues," Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 62 (1996), 2066-2073.
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R. C. Lewontin, "Analysis of Variance and Analysis of Causes," American Journal of Human Genetics, 26 (1974), 400-411.
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S. V. Edwards et al., "Ancestral polymorphism of Mhc class II genes in mice: implications for balancing selection and the mammalian molecular clock," Genetics, 146 (1997), 655-68.
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J. F. Crow, "Anecdotal, historical and critical commentaries on genetics - Thomas H. Jukes (1906-1999)," Genetics, 154 (2000), 955-956.
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I. F. Wilson, "Application of ecological genetics techniques to test for selection by habitat on allozymes in Cepaea nemoralis (L)," Heredity, 77 (1996), 324-335.
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Jacques Ninio, Approches moleculaires de l'evolution (Paris: MASSON, 1979).
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D. O. F. Skibinski and R. D. Ward, "Are polymorphism and evolutionary rate of allozyme proteins limited by mutation or selection?," Heredity, 81 (1998), 692-702.
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P. Andrews, "Aspects of hominid phylogeny," in C. Patterson, ed., Molecules and Morphology in Evolution: Conflict or Compromise? (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1987), 23-53.
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M. Kimura, "Average Time until Fixation of a Mutant Allele in a Finite Population under Continued Mutation Pressure - Studies by Analytical, Numerical, and Pseudo-Sampling Methods," Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America-Biological Sciences, 77 (1980), 522-526.
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M. A. Suchard, R. E. Weiss and J. S. Sinsheimer, "Bayesian selection of continuous-time Markov chain evolutionary models," Molecular Biology & Evolution, 18 (2001), 1001-13.
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X. Gu and W. H. Li, "Bias-corrected paralinear and LogDet distances and tests of molecular clocks and phylogenies under nonstationary nucleotide frequencies," Molecular Biology & Evolution, 13 (1996), 1375-83.
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G. B. Nunn and S. E. Stanley, "Body size effects and rates of cytochrome b evolution in tube- nosed seabirds," Molecular Biology and Evolution, 15 (1998), 1360-1371.
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Ziad TaÔb, Branching processes and neutral evolution (Berlin; New York: Springer-Verlag, 1992).
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F. Friedberg and A. R. Rhoads, "Calculation and verification of the ages of retroprocessed pseudogenes," Molecular Phylogenetics & Evolution, 16 (2000), 127-30.
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E. Zuckerkandl, "Can flies stand in for humans?," Journal of Molecular Evolution, 37 (1993), 1-4.
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R. Groenhout, "Care theory and the ideal of neutrality in public moral discourse," Journal of Medicine and Philosophy, 23 (1998), 170-189.
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J. Beatty, "Chance and Natural-Selection," Philosophy of Science, 51 (1984), 183-211.
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M. Kimura, "Change of Gene-Frequencies by Natural-Selection under Population Number Regulation," Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 75 (1978), 1934-1937.
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A. Munte, M. Aguade and C. Segarra, "Changes in the recombinational environment affect divergence in the yellow gene of drosophila," Molecular Biology and Evolution, 18 (2001), 1045-1056.
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R. C. Lewontin and J. L. Hubby, "Citation Classic - a Molecular Approach to the Study of Genic Heterozygosity in Natural-Populations .1. The Number of Alleles at Different Loci in Drosophila-Pseudoobscura," Current Contents/Agriculture Biology & Environmental Sciences, (1985), 16-16.
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R. C. Lewontin, "Citation Classic - the Evolutionary Dynamics of Complex Polymorphisms," Current Contents/Agriculture Biology & Environmental Sciences, (1989), 16-17.
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A.G. Kluge, "Cladistics and the classification of the great apes," in R.L. Ciochon and R.S Corruccini, eds., New Interpretations of Ape and Human Ancestry (New York: Plenum, 1983), 151-177.
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S.L. Washburn, ed., Classification and Human Evolution (Chicago: Aldine, 1963).
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D. J. Cutler, "Clustered mutations have no effect on the overdispersed molecular clock: a response to Huai and Woodruff," Genetics, 149 (1998), 463-4.
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H. Huai and R. C. Woodruff, "Clusters of identical new mutations can account for the "overdispersed" molecular clock," Genetics, 147 (1997), 339-48.
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J. L. Cherry, "Clusters of identical new mutations can not account for the "overdispersed" molecular clock," Genetics, 149 (1998), 465.
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H. Akashi, "Codon bias evolution in Drosophila. Population genetics of mutation-selection drift," Gene, 205 (1997), 269-278.
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