Molecular Evolution Activities

Documents on Molecular Evolution

Profiles-John Gillespie

John GillespieJohn Gillespie is Professor of Evolution at University of California, Davis and Chairperson of the Population Biology Graduate Group. He recieved his Ph.D. in zoology in 1970 from the University of Texas. Gillespie's research interests include the role of natural selection in evolutionary processes taking place in constantly changing environments, as well as stochastic processes in molecular evolution. Gillespie has published numerous articles on molecular evolution, the molecular clock, and the neutral theory. He is also the author of the well-known monograph, The Causes of Molecular Evolution (1991).






Selected Bibliography:

  • J.H. Gillespie, "The effects of stochastic environments on allele frequencies in natural populations," Theoretical Population Biology 3 (1972): 241-248.
  • J. H. Gillespie, "Natural selection with varying selection coefficients--a haploid model," Genetical Research, Cambridge 21 (1973): 115-120.
  • J.H. Gillespie, "Polymorphism in patchy environments," American Naturalist 108 (1974): 145-151.
  • J.H. Gillespie, "Sampling theory for alleles in a random environment," Nature 266 (1977): 443-445.
  • J.H. Gillespie, "A general model to account for enzyme variation in natural populations," Theoretical Population Biology 14 (1978): 1-45.
  • J.H. Gillespie and C.H. Langley, "Are evolutionary rates really variable?," Journal of Molecular Evolution 13 (1979): 27-34.
  • J.H. Gillespie, "A randomized SAS-CFF model of selection in a random environment," Theoretical Population Biology 21 (1982): 219-237.
  • J.H. Gillespie, "A simple stochastic gene substitution process," Theoretical Population Biology 23 (1983): 202-215.
  • J.H. Gillespie, "The molecular clock may be an episodic clock," PNAS 81 (1984): 8009-8013.
  • J.H. Gillespie, "Some properties of finite populations experiencing strong selection and weak mutation," American Naturalist 121 (1984): 691-708.
  • J.H. Gillespie, "Molecular evolution over the mutational landscape," Evolution 38 (1984): 1116-1129.
  • J. H. Gillespie, "The interaction of genetic drift and mutation with selection in a fluctuating environment," Theoretical Population Biology 27 (1985): 222-237.
  • J.H. Gillespie, "Variability of evolutionary rates of DNA," Genetics 113 (1986): 1077-1091.
  • J.H. Gillespie, "Rates of Molecular Evolution," Annual Review of Ecology and Systematics 17 (1986): 637-665.
  • J.H. Gillespie, "Molecular Evolution and the Neutral Allele Theory," Oxford Surveys in Evolutionary Biology 4 (1987): 10-37.
  • J.H. Gillespie, "Lineage effects and the index of dispersion of molecular evolution," Molecular Evolutionary Biology 6 (1989): 636-647.
  • J.H. Gillespie, "Molecular evolution and polymorphism: SAS-CFF meets the mutational landscape," American Naturalist 134 (1989): 638-658.
  • J.H. Gillespie, "The molecular nature of allelic diversity for two models of balancing selection," Theoretical Population Biology 37 (1990): 91-109.
  • J.H. Gillespie, The Causes of Molecular Evolution (New York and Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1991).
  • T. Ohta and J.H. Gillespie, "Development of Neutral and Nearly Neutral Theories," Theoretical Population Genetics 49 (1996): 128-142.
  • J.H Gillespie, "Junk ain't what junk does: neutral alleles in a selected context," Gene 205 (1997): 291-299.
  • J.H. Gillespie, "The role of population size in molecular evolution," Theoretical Population Biology 55 (1999): 145-156.
  • J.H. Gillespie, "Genetic drift in an infinite population: the pseudohitchhiking model," Genetics 155 (2000): 909-919.


