About CaltechAUTHORS

CaltechAUTHORS is part of the Digital Archives of the California Institute of Technology and is managed by the Caltech Library. Its mission is to collect, manage, preserve, and provide global access over time to the scholarly output of the Institute and the publications of campus units. It has been active since 2001.

CaltechAUTHORS contains research publications by Caltech faculty and other Caltech researchers. Most items in CaltechAUTHORS are articles, but there are also books, book chapters, conference papers and more. The repository is updated continuously as departments and library staff add available and recently published documents.

This site is powered by InvenioRDM, an open source research data management (RDM) repository platform.

Any correspondence concerning this specific repository should be sent to library@caltech.edu


CaltechAUTHORS supports OAI 2.0 with a base URL of https://authors.library.caltech.edu/oai2d