========================== README.TXT =============================== ARTICLE INFORMATION: E-JCPSA6-114-001114 Journal: Journal of Chemical Physics, 22 May 2001, Vol. 114, No.20, pp. 8913-8925 All Authors:Julio D. Lobo, Andrei Deev, Chi-Kin Wong, James M. Spotts, and Mitchio Okumura. Title: Electronic Spectroscopy of the Alkaline-Earth Halide Cluster Ca2Cl3 List all authors DEPOSIT INFORMATION Description:Listings of the observed vibronic transitions of three isotopomers of Ca2Cl3, Ca235Cl237Cl (187 amu), Ca235Cl37Cl2 (189 amu), and Ca237Cl3 (191 amu). Tables include intensity of bands, frequency of bands relative to origin, relative intensities, frequency shift from the Ca235Cl3 bands, calculated frequency shifts, assignment of bands, symmetry, structural isomer and empirically calculated combination bands. Total No. of Files:Total No. of Files: 4 Filenames: README.TXT ( 2 KB) 187isotopomer.doc (98 KB) 189isotopomer.doc (58 KB) 191isotopomer.doc (36 KB) Filetypes: README.TXT (ASCII), 187ISOTOPOMER.DOC, 189ISOTOPOMER.DOC, and 191ISOTOPOMER.DOC (Microsoft Word 2000 Document) CONTACT INFORMATION: Professor Mitchio Okumura, Arthur Amos Noyes Laboratory of Chemical Physics California Institute of Technology Pasadena, CA 91125, USA e-mail: mo@its.caltech.edu Tel.: 626-395-6557 FAX.: 626-568-8824 =====================================================================