Table 2. Description of Spectral Parameters Used in This Study Parameter Description R*750 R* value at 753 nm from the left eye Red/blue ratio L2/L7 (753 nm band/432 nm band) 482 to 535 nm slope (R*535 - R*482)/(535 - 482) 535 nm spectral inflection [(0.570 x R*432) + (0.430 x R*673)] - R*535 601 nm spectral curvature [(0.522 x R*535) + (0.478 x R*673)] - R*601 535 to 601 nm slope (R*601 - R*535)/(601 - 535) 904 nm relative band depth [(0.510 x R*800) + (0.430 x R*1009)] - R*904 754 to 1009 nm slope (R*1009 - R*754)/(1009 - 754) 934 nm/1009 nm ratio R6/R7 (934 nm band/1009 nm band)