Auxiliary material for Paper 2004GL020476 Recent changes in the air-sea gas exchange of methyl chloroform Paul. O. Wennberg (California Institute of Technology), Synte Peacock (University of Chicago), James T. Randerson (California Institute of Technology), Rainer Bleck (Los Alamos National Laboratory) Geophys. Res. Lett., xx (xx), doi: 10.1029/2004GL020476, 2004 Introduction. Included here are supplementary files that describe the ocean model setup and evaluation (text and figures) and tabulation of output used to generate the paper figures. 2004GL020476_SText.txt Text describing: 1) The physical/chemical properties of methyl chloroform used in our analysis 2) Evaluation of the ocean model tracer fields with in situ data sets. 2004GL020476_Sfigure1.eps Figure S1. Measurements of CFC-11, CCl4, and methyl chloroform, on the WOCE P13 line in 1993 at station 41 (39N, 165E). Unlike, CCl4, the ratio of methyl chloroform to CFC-11 remains essentially constant at depth suggesting that it is long-lived in these cold waters. 2004GL020476_Sfigure2.eps Figure S2: Circles represent summertime Labrador Sea time-series measurements of CFC-11 (top) and methyl chloroform (bottom) interpolated onto potential density surface sigma = 36.65. These density surfaces correspond to average depths of 500 meters. The crosses represent the MICOM-simulations on the same density surface. 2004GL020476_Sfigure3.eps Figure S3: Comparison of model (pink) and measured (orange triangles) CFC-11 (left) and methyl chloroform (right) for WOCE P13 Station 41. The methyl chloroform measurements are taken from Lobert et al. [1995] The CFC-11 data are taken from the WOCE data archive. In Lobert et al., the profiles labeled CFC-11 are actually CFC-12. 2004GL020476_Sfigure4.eps Figure S4. Sea Surface Height in the western Pacific (obtained from the Naval Oceanographic Office) simulated with a true eddy resolving (1/16th degree) model illustrates that between 30 and 40 north latitude at 165E large gradients exist due to the outflow of the Kuroshio current. 2004GL020476_Sfigure5.eps Figure S5. Observed CFC-11 (top) and Simulated CFC-11 (bottom) along WOCE track P13. 2004GL020476_STable1.txt Table S1. Atmosphere-ocean exchange of methyl chloroform and a conservative tracer. 10(8) moles year(-1) 2004GL020476_STable2.txt Table S2. Atmosphere-ocean exchange of methyl chloroform and a conservative tracer (10(8) moles year(-1))