Table 2. Present-Day (Year 2000) and Year 2100 Annual Mean Global Burdens of Anthropogenic Aerosols, Tropospheric Ozone, and Greenhouse Gas Mixing Ratios Used in This Studya Year 2000 Year 2100 Ammonium Sulfate, Tg 2.83 2.70 Ammonium Nitrate, Tg 0.66 2.82 POA, Tg 1.25 2.90 SOA, Tg 0.28 0.39 BC, Tg 0.23 0.53 Tropospheric O3, Tg 327 520 CO2, ppmv 367 836 CH4, ppbv 1760 3731 N2O, ppbv 316 447 Chlorofluorocarbon (CFC)-11, pptv 267 45 CFC-12, pptv 535 222 aEmissions are based on SRES A2 scenario; see Liao et al. [2006] for details of anthropogenic aerosol and tropospheric O3 concentrations.