Table 3. Indirect Effects on Marine Stratocumulus In Situ Aircraft Observations LES or ERMa Simulations Twomey effect CDNC increases due to Na increase Ferek et al. [1998]; Taylor et al. [2000] of MAST; Brenguier et al. [2000] of ACE2; Feingold et al. [2006]; this study Feingold et al. [1994]; Kogan et al. [1996; 1997]; Jiang et al. [2001; 2002]; Ackerman et al. [2004]; Lu and Seinfeld [2005]; this study Smaller droplet size due to CDNC increases Hudson and Yum [1997] of FIRE and ASTEX; Taylor et al. [2000] of MAST; Brenguier et al. [2000] of ACE2; Feingold et al. [2006]; this study Feingold et al. [1994]; Kogan et al. [1996; 1997]; Jiang et al. [2001; 2002]; Lu and Seinfeld [2005]; this study Second Indirect Effect Drizzle suppression due to higher CDNC (Albrecht effect) Fewer drizzle drops Ferek et al. [1998]; Ferek et al. [2000] of MAST; this study This study Smaller drizzle rate Ferek et al. [2000] of MAST; this study Jiang et al. [2001; 2002]; Ackerman et al. [2004]; Lu and Seinfeld [2005]; this study Column LWP or local LWC responses due to drizzle suppression LWP/LWC increase Taylor et al. [2000] of MASTb; this study of the ship track impacted cloud Jiang et al. [2001, 2002]; Ackerman et al. [2004] for ASTEX, FIRE (CDNC <225 cm-3)c and DYCOMS-II (CDNC <35 cm-3)c; Lu and Seinfeld [2005] for ASTEX; this study of the ship track impacted cloud LWP/LWC decrease Ferek et al. [2000] of MAST; this study of the overall 13 clouds sampled Feingold et al. [1997]; Ackerman et al. [2004] for FIRE (CDNC >225 cm-3)c and DYCOMS-II (CDNC >35 cm-3)c; Lu and Seinfeld [2005] for FIRE Entrainment rate increases None Ackerman et al. [2004]; Lu and Seinfeld [2005] Cloud cover increases due to drizzle suppression Noned Ackerman et al. [2003] Lifetime increases due to drizzle suppression None None Dispersion effect Narrower droplet spectral width due to higher CDNC or Na Hudson and Yum [1997] of FIRE and ASTEX; Miles et al. [2000]e; in-flight data for all clouds and flight-averaged data for clouds with CDNC >100 cm-3 in Pawlowska et al. [2006]; this study of the ship track impacted cloud Feingold et al. [1997]; Lu and Seinfeld [2006]; this study Decrease or increase of relative dispersion due to higher CDNC or Na Relative dispersion decrease Miles et al. [2000]e; in-flight data for all clouds in Pawlowska et al. [2006]; this study of the ship track impacted cloud Feingold et al. [1997]; Lu and Seinfeld [2006]; this study Relative dispersion increase Liu and Daum [2002]; Flight-averaged clouds in Pawlowska et al. [2006]; this study of the overall 13 clouds sampled (on the basis of Na) None aEddy resolving model is a 2D version LES. bDrizzle occurrence was inferred by satellite, and LWP is from microwave radiometer. cOr the threshold of surface drizzle rate of 0.1 mm day-1. dThis effect is difficult to measure by aircraft and is mostly seen in satellite studies, e.g., Kaufman et al. [2005] and Rosenfeld et al. [2006]. eCompiled database of "marine" and "continental" low clouds. We assume that "continental" clouds are more polluted than marine clouds.