Molecular Evolution Activities

Molecular Evolution Bibliographies
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G. W. Lasker, "Population-Genetics, Molecular Evolution, and the Neutral Theory - Selected Papers - Kimura,M," American Journal of Human Biology, 7 (1995), 544-544.
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B. Lavie, E. Nevo and U. Zoller, "Differential viability of phosphoglucose isomerase allozyme genotypes of marine snails in nonionic detergent and crude oil-surfactant mixtures," Environmental Research, 35 (1984), 270-6.
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S. R. Lawson et al., "Quantitative protein changes in metastatic versus primary epithelial ovarian carcinoma," Gynecologic Oncology, 41 (1991), 22-7.
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S. Lawson et al., "Down-regulation of an abundant cellular protein associated with tumor progression," Carcinogenesis, 9 (1988), 2129-32.
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Lucien M. Le Cam, Jerzy Neyman and Elizabeth L. Scott, Darwinian, neo-Darwinian, and non-Darwinian evolution (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1972).
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O. Lecompte et al., "Genome evolution at the genus level: comparison of three complete genomes of hyperthermophilic archaea," Genome Research, 11 (2001), 981-93.
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M. S. Lee, "Molecular clock calibrations and metazoan divergence dates," Journal of Molecular Evolution, 49 (1999), 385-91.
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T. Leitner and J. Albert, "The molecular clock of HIV-1 unveiled through analysis of a known transmission history," Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 96 (1999), 10752-7.
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R. Lewontin, "Computing the organism," Natural History, 109 (2000), 94-94.
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R. C. Lewontin, "Single-Locus and Multiple-Locus Measures of Genetic Distance between Groups," American Naturalist, 112 (1978), 1138-1139.
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R. C. Lewontin, "Selfish Gene," Nature, 267 (1977), 202-202.
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R. C. Lewontin, "[Review] Modern Concept of Nature - Essays on Theoretical Biology - Muller,Hj," Social Biology, 22 (1975), 96-98.
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R. C. Lewontin, "[Review] Mans Future Birthright - Essays on Science and Humanity - Muller,HJ," Social Biology, 22 (1975), 96-98.
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R. C. Lewontin, "Problem of Genetic Diversity," Harvey Lectures, (1976), 1-20.
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R. C. Lewontin, "Genetic Aspects of Intelligence," Annual Review of Genetics, 9 (1975), 387-405.
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R. C. Lewontin, "Analysis of Variance and Analysis of Causes," American Journal of Human Genetics, 26 (1974), 400-411.
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R. C. Lewontin, "Population Genetics," Annual Review of Genetics, 7 (1973), 1-17.
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R. C. Lewontin, "Who wrote the book of life? A history of the genetic code," Science, 291 (2001), 1263-+.
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R. C. Lewontin, "Detecting Population Differences in Quantitative Characters as Opposed to Gene-Frequencies," American Naturalist, 123 (1984), 115-124.
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R. C. Lewontin, "25 Years Ago in Genetics - Electrophoresis in the Development of Evolutionary Genetics - Milestone or Millstone," Genetics, 128 (1991), 657-662.
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R. C. Lewontin, "Forensic DNA Typing Dispute," Nature, 372 (1994), 398-398.
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R. C. Lewontin, "Adaptation," Scientific American, 239 (1978), 212-&.
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R. C. Lewontin, "Sociobiology as an Adaptationist Program," Behavioral Science, 24 (1979), 5-14.
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R. C. Lewontin, "On Constraints and Adaptation," Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 4 (1981), 244-245.
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R. C. Lewontin, "Elementary Errors About Evolution," Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 6 (1983), 367-368.
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R. C. Lewontin, "Inferring the Number of Evolutionary Events from DNA Coding Sequence Differences," Molecular Biology and Evolution, 6 (1989), 15-32.
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R. C. Lewontin, "Which Population," American Journal of Human Genetics, 52 (1993), 205-205.
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R. C. Lewontin, "Citation Classic - the Evolutionary Dynamics of Complex Polymorphisms," Current Contents/Agriculture Biology & Environmental Sciences, (1989), 16-17.
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R. C. Lewontin, "Polymorphism and Heterosis - Old Wine in New Bottles and Vice- Versa," Journal of the History of Biology, 20 (1987), 337-349.
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R. C. Lewontin, "Science for the People," Bioscience, 29 (1979), 509-509.
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R. C. Lewontin, "How Important Is Genetics for an Understanding of Evolution," American Zoologist, 26 (1986), 811-820.
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R. C. Lewontin, "[Review] Evolutionary Genetics - Smith,JM," Nature, 339 (1989), 107-107.
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R. C. Lewontin, "Credit Due to Nabi," Nature, 291 (1981), 608-608.
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R. C. Lewontin, "Population-Genetics," Annual Review of Genetics, 19 (1985), 81-102.
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R. C. Lewontin, "Dobzhansky's Genetics and the Origin of Species: Is it still relevant?," Genetics, 147 (1997), 351-355.
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R. C. Lewontin, "The Detection of Linkage Disequilibrium in Molecular Sequence Data," Genetics, 140 (1995), 377-388.
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R. C. Lewontin, "The Use of DNA Profiles in Forensic Contexts - Comment," Statistical Science, 9 (1994), 259-262.
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R. C. Lewontin, L. R. Ginzburg and S. D. Tuljapurkar, "Heterosis as an Explanation for Large Amounts of Genic Polymorphism," Genetics, 88 (1978), 149-169.
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R. C. Lewontin and D. L. Hartl, "Population-Genetics in Forensic DNA Typing," Science, 254 (1991), 1745-1750.
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R. C. Lewontin and D. L. Hartl, "Forensic DNA Typing - Response," Science, 255 (1992), 1054-1055.
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R. C. Lewontin and J. L. Hubby, "Citation Classic - a Molecular Approach to the Study of Genic Heterozygosity in Natural-Populations .1. The Number of Alleles at Different Loci in Drosophila-Pseudoobscura," Current Contents/Agriculture Biology & Environmental Sciences, (1985), 16-16.
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R. C. Lewontin and J. Krakauer, "Testing Heterogeneity of F-Values," Genetics, 80 (1975), 397-398.
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R. C. Lewontin and R. Levins, "On the Characterization of Density and Resource Availability," American Naturalist, 134 (1989), 513-524.
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Richard C. Lewontin, R. S. Singh and Costas B. Krimbas, Evolutionary genetics: from molecules to morphology (Cambridge, UK; New York: Cambridge University Press, 2000).
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B. H. Li et al., "Diverse Backmutations at an Ochre Defect in the Tyra-Gene Sequence of Escherichia-Coli B/R," Mutation Research, 246 (1991), 139-149.
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B. H. Li et al., "Diverse backmutations at an ochre defect in the tyrA gene sequence of E. coli B/r," Mutation Research, 246 (1991), 139-49.
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W.H. Li et al., "Rates of nucleotide substitution in primates and rodents and the generation-time effect hypothesis.," Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 5 (1996), 182-187.
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W.H. Li and M Tanimura, "The molecular clock runs more slowly in man than in apes and monkeys," Nature, 326 (1987), 93-96.
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Wen-Hsiung Li, Molecular evolution (Sunderland, Ma.: Sinauer Associates, 1997).
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Y. C. Li et al., "Spatiotemporal allozyme divergence caused by aridity stress in a natural population of wild wheat, Triticum dicoccoides, at the Ammiad microsite, Israel," Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 102 (2001), 853-864.
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