Molecular Evolution Activities

Molecular Evolution Bibliographies
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M. Woodwark, D. O. Skibinski and R. D. Ward  A study of interlocus allozyme heterozygosity correlations: implications for neutral theory 1992 
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A. P. Gupta and R. C. Lewontin  A Study of Reaction Norms in Natural-Populations of Drosophila- Pseudoobscura 1982 
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L. Zhang, S. K. Pond and B. S. Gaut  A survey of the molecular evolutionary dynamics of twenty-five multigene families from four grass taxa 2001 
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R. R. Hudson, M. Kreitman and M. Aguade  A test of neutral molecular evolution based on nucleotide data 1987 
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J. K. Kelly  A test of neutrality based on interlocus associations 1997 
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F. M. Phelps  A Unifying Model for the Substitutional Genetic Load 1991 
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N. A. Moran  Accelerated evolution and Muller's rachet in endosymbiotic bacteria 1996 
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A. S. Peek, R. C. Vrijenhoek and B. S. Gaut  Accelerated evolutionary rate in sulfur-oxidizing endosymbiotic bacteria associated with the mode of symbiont transmission 1998 
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T. Kunisawa, K. Horimoto and J. Otsuka  Accumulation pattern of amino acid substitutions in protein evolution 1987 
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T. Ohta  Actual Number of Alleles Contained in a Multigene Family 1986 
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R. C. Lewontin  Adaptation 1978 
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S. Yokoyama, K. E. Isenberg and A. F. Wright  Adaptive evolution of G-protein coupled receptor genes 1989 
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Austin L. Hughes  Adaptive evolution of genes and genomes 1999 
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J. E. Fleming et al.  Age-dependent changes in proteins of Drosophila melanogaster 1986 
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I. Vodyanoy, J. E. Hall and V. Vodyanoy  Alamethicin adsorption to a planar lipid bilayer 1988 
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T. Ohta  Allelic and Nonallelic Homology of a Supergene Family 1982 
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T. Ohta  Amino acid substitution at the Adh locus of Drosophila is facilitated by small population size 1993 
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T. Ohta  Amino-Acid Diversity of Immunoglobulins as a Product of Molecular Evolution 1980 
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T. Ohta  Amino-Acid Substitution at the Adh Locus of Drosophila Is Facilitated by Small Population-Size 1993 
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D. Kordis and F. Gubensek  Ammodytoxin C gene helps to elucidate the irregular structure of Crotalinae group II phospholipase A(2) genes 1996 
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T. Ohta  An attempt to measure the patchwork pattern observed among alleles at major histocompatibility complex loci 2000 
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T. Ohta  An Examination of the Generation-Time Effect on Molecular Evolution 1993 
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M. Woodwark, D. O. F. Skibinski and R. D. Ward  Analysis of Distributions of Single-Locus Heterozygosity as a Test of Neutral Theory 1993 
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K. Watanabe, K. Kitamura and Y. Suzuki  Analysis of the critical sites for protein thermostabilization by proline substitution in oligo-1,6-glucosidase from Bacillus coagulans ATCC 7050 and the evolutionary consideration of proline residues 1996 
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R. C. Lewontin  Analysis of Variance and Analysis of Causes 1974 
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S. V. Edwards et al.  Ancestral polymorphism of Mhc class II genes in mice: implications for balancing selection and the mammalian molecular clock 1997 
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J. F. Crow  Anecdotal, historical and critical commentaries on genetics - Thomas H. Jukes (1906-1999) 2000 
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I. F. Wilson  Application of ecological genetics techniques to test for selection by habitat on allozymes in Cepaea nemoralis (L) 1996 
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Jacques Ninio  Approches moleculaires de l'evolution 1979 
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D. O. F. Skibinski and R. D. Ward  Are polymorphism and evolutionary rate of allozyme proteins limited by mutation or selection? 1998 
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P. Andrews  Aspects of hominid phylogeny 1987 
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M. Kimura  Average Time until Fixation of a Mutant Allele in a Finite Population under Continued Mutation Pressure - Studies by Analytical, Numerical, and Pseudo-Sampling Methods 1980 
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M. A. Suchard, R. E. Weiss and J. S. Sinsheimer  Bayesian selection of continuous-time Markov chain evolutionary models 2001 
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X. Gu and W. H. Li  Bias-corrected paralinear and LogDet distances and tests of molecular clocks and phylogenies under nonstationary nucleotide frequencies 1996 
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G. B. Nunn and S. E. Stanley  Body size effects and rates of cytochrome b evolution in tube- nosed seabirds 1998 
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Ziad TaÔb  Branching processes and neutral evolution 1992 
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F. Friedberg and A. R. Rhoads  Calculation and verification of the ages of retroprocessed pseudogenes 2000 
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E. Zuckerkandl  Can flies stand in for humans? 1993 
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R. Groenhout  Care theory and the ideal of neutrality in public moral discourse 1998 
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J. Beatty  Chance and Natural-Selection 1984 
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M. Kimura  Change of Gene-Frequencies by Natural-Selection under Population Number Regulation 1978 
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A. Munte, M. Aguade and C. Segarra  Changes in the recombinational environment affect divergence in the yellow gene of drosophila 2001 
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R. C. Lewontin and J. L. Hubby  Citation Classic - a Molecular Approach to the Study of Genic Heterozygosity in Natural-Populations .1. The Number of Alleles at Different Loci in Drosophila-Pseudoobscura 1985 
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R. C. Lewontin  Citation Classic - the Evolutionary Dynamics of Complex Polymorphisms 1989 
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A.G. Kluge  Cladistics and the classification of the great apes 1983 
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S.L. Washburn  Classification and Human Evolution 1963 
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D. J. Cutler  Clustered mutations have no effect on the overdispersed molecular clock: a response to Huai and Woodruff 1998 
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H. Huai and R. C. Woodruff  Clusters of identical new mutations can account for the "overdispersed" molecular clock 1997 
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J. L. Cherry  Clusters of identical new mutations can not account for the "overdispersed" molecular clock 1998 
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H. Akashi  Codon bias evolution in Drosophila. Population genetics of mutation-selection drift 1997 
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