Molecular Evolution Activities

Refining Electrophoresis


Refining Electrophoresis



J. L. Hubby and R. C. Lewontin, "A Molecular Approach to the Study of Genic Heterozygosity in Natural Populations. I. The Number of Alleles at Different Loci in Drosophila pseudoobscura," Genetics 54 (1966): 546-595.

R. C. Lewontin and J. L. Hubby, "A Molecular Approach to the Study of Genic Heterozygosity in Natural Populations. II. Amount of Variation and Degree of Heterozygosity in Natural Populations of Drosophila pseudoobscura," Genetics 54 (1966): 595-609.

Richard Lewontin, "Twenty-five Years Ago in Genetics: Electrophoresis in the Development of Evolutionary Genetics - Milestone or Millstone?" Genetics (1991)




This page was written by Michael Dietrich.It was last update July 16, 2004.



