Auxiliary material for Paper 2008GL034300 Tropical methane emissions: A revised view from SCIAMACHY onboard ENVISAT C. Frankenberg Netherlands Institute for Space Research, Utrecht, Netherlands P. Bergamaschi European Commission - Joint Research Centre, Institute for Environment and Sustainability, Ispra, Italy A. Butz Netherlands Institute for Space Research, Utrecht, Netherlands S. Houweling Netherlands Institute for Space Research, Utrecht, Netherlands Institute for Marine and Atmospheric Research, Utrecht University, Utrecht, Netherlands J.F. Meirink Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute, De Bilt, Netherlands J. Notholt Institute of Environmental Physics, Bremen, Germany A.K. Petersen Institute of Environmental Physics, Bremen, Germany H. Schrijver Netherlands Institute for Space Research, Utrecht, Netherlands T. Warneke Institute of Environmental Physics, Bremen, Germany I. Aben Netherlands Institute for Space Research, Utrecht, Netherlands Frankenberg, C., P. Bergamaschi, A. Butz, S. Houweling, J.F. Meirink, J. Notholt, A.K. Petersen, H. Schrijver, T. Warneke, and I. Aben (2008), Tropical methane emissions: A revised view from SCIAMACHY onboard ENVISAT, Geophys. Res. Lett., 35, L15811, doi:10.1029/2008GL034300. Introduction The auxiliary material describes the cause of the spectroscopic interferences of methane retrievals with water vapor absorptions in more detail by using synthetic retrievals. Further, modifications applied to the Bx-Reims water spectroscopic database in the SCIAMACHY retrieval window are listed. 2008gl034300-fs01.eps Propagation of systematic error in spectroscopic parameters in retrieved methane abundances. (a) Forward model runs for HITRAN and the modified Blx-Reims spectroscopic databases assuming a tropical atmosphere with high water vapor abundances (1.39\cdot 10^{23} molec/cm^2) and a gaussian instrumental lineshape with 1.33 nm FWHM. (b) Resulting forward model error \Delta F, assuming the new spectroscopic dataset to represent the truth. Figures S1a and S1b are drawn with high spectral sampling while the following panels use SCIAMACHY sampling (about 2 pixels per FWHM). (c) Entries of the Jacobian K = dF/dx for methane, carbon dioxide and water vapor. (d) How the least squares approach accomodates the systematic error in the forward model by incorrectly fitting individual trace gas contributions, shown as thin lines in the same color as in Figure S1c. \Delta F is shown as black line, K(\hat{x}-x) as red line} 2008gl034300-ts01.txt Additional modifications of water spectroscopic parameters. Modified values are marked by a preceding *, units given in the header. 2008gl034300-txts01.tex, 2008gl034300-txts01.pdf Text describing: 1) Cause of the spectroscopic interferences of methane retrievals with water vapor 2) Modifications applied to the Bxl-Reims spectral database