Technique,Advantages,Disadvantages Electron Microscopy,Provides detailed wiring diagram of small volumes.,Time and labor-intensive. Impractical for long-range connections or for many samples. Synaptic Tagging,Can monitor synapses in vivo.,For regions dense with synapses, super-resolution microscopy may be required. Need genetic drivers for putative synaptic partners. GRASP,Can monitor synapses in vivo. With NSyb::GRASP, can specifically detect active synapses.,May be not sensitive enough for in vivo detection. Can induce irreversible binding at natively transient synapses. PA-GFP,Can be used for unbiased identification of novel synapses.,Not conclusive by itself. Requires functional studies to confirm. WGA,Only requires a single transgene. Simple to implement.,Can result in labeling of higher-order synapses. The signal can be difficult to detect because it gets diluted. Tango-Trace,Can identify functional synapses. Allows genetic manipulation based on synaptic input.,Requires prior knowledge of neurotransmitters. Requires a way of artificially stimulating the presynaptic neuron of interest. TRACT,Allows genetic manipulation based on cell-cell contact.,Requires optimization to trace neuron-neuron connections.