An Integrated Subharmonic Coupled-Oscillator
Scheme for a 60-GHz Phased-Array Transmitter
James F. Buckwalter
, Member, IEEE
, Aydin Babakhani
, Student Member, IEEE
, Abbas Komijani
, Member, IEEE
and Ali Hajimiri
, Member, IEEE
This paper describes the design of an integrated
coupled-oscillator array in SiGe for millimeter-wave applications.
The design focuses on a scalable radio architecture where multiple
dies are tiled to form larger arrays. A 2
2 oscillator array
for a 60-GHz transmitter is fabricated with integrated power
amplifiers and on-chip antennas. To lock between multiple dies, an
injection-locking scheme appropriate for wire-bond interconnects
is described. The 2
2 array demonstrates a 200 –MHz locking
range and 1
4 array formed by two adjacent chips has a 60-MHz
locking range. The phase noise of the coupled oscillators is below
100 dBc/Hz at a 1-MHz offset when locked to an external ref-
erence. To the best of the authors’ knowledge, this is the highest
frequency demonstration of coupled oscillators fabricated in a
conventional silicon integrated-circuit process.
Index Terms—
BiCMOS integrated circuits, coupled oscillator,
mutual injection locking, phased arrays.
I. I
NLICENSED operation in the 59–64-GHz band is stimu-
lating novel radio architectures for millimeter-wave inte-
grated circuits. The available bandwidth offers gigabit/second
data rates, and high absorption at 60 GHz is an important
feature for dense networking. Transceiver circuits that operate
at millimeter-wave frequencies have been demonstrated in
silicon germanium (SiGe) fabrication technologies [1]–[3].
However, the integration of a complete phased-array trans-
ceiver with antennas on a single chip offers new design choices
and opportunities [2]. Phased-array designs at the 24-GHz in-
dustrial–scientific–medical (ISM) band have demonstrated new
receiver circuit architectures [4]–[9]. This paper demonstrates
the application of a new circuit approach based on coupled-os-
cillator arrays for millimeter-wave phased-array designs in a
standard SiGe integrated-circuit technology.
To maintain phase coherence between phased-array ele-
ments, oscillators on different dies must be phase locked. While
coupled phase-locked loop architectures can maintain the phase
relationship between neighboring oscillators [7], [8], coupled
oscillators are well suited for fully integrated phased-array
circuits. The wavelength at 60 GHz allows for several array
Manuscript received March 28, 2006; revised August 23, 2006.
J. F. Buckwalter was with the Department of Electrical Engineering, Cali-
fornia Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA 91125 USA. He is now with the
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of California
at San Diego, La Jolla, CA 92093 USA (e-mail:
A. Babakhani, A. Komijani, and A. Hajimiri are with the Department
of Electrical Engineering, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena,
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TMTT.2006.885581
Fig. 1. Coupled-oscillator scheme for fully integrated phased-array transmitter.
Each oscillator drives a transmit chain with a DAC controlled phase shifter,
power amplifier, and antenna.
elements to be located on a single die. Consequently, an os-
cillator can be placed on each die or at each transmit element.
One particular advantage of an on-chip coupled-oscillator array
is the distribution of the carrier frequency between different
transmit elements. Previous integrated phased-array imple-
mentations distribute 16 phases across the entire chip, results
in large amounts of silicon area dedicated to wiring and high
power consumption [4]. Global frequency distribution becomes
increasingly difficult at millimeter frequencies. By co-locating
an oscillator at each transmit stage, closer control of the delay
mismatches between the local oscillator and the mixer stage is
Scalable architectures are particularly appropriate for cre-
ating large phased arrays by tiling several dies. In Fig. 1,
scalability is demonstrated for a phased-array transmitter. The
phased array requires phase coherence between all elements.
Since each chip requires frequency generation, neighboring
chips are injection locked to ensure phase coherence. If oscil-
lators are located at each antenna element, injection locking
can lock the oscillators both on-chip and between chips. This
tiling approach is useful not only for phased arrays, but also
for applications where the separation between antennas might
be several wavelengths. Consequently, this design approach
focuses on an injection-locking scheme appropriate for an on-
and off-chip coupled-oscillator array.
In this transmitter implementation, a two element by two el-
ement (2
2) array of transmitter cells is integrated on a single
0018-9480/$20.00 © 2006 IEEE
chip with antennas. In [5], array scalability originally motivated
investigation into a coupled-oscillator topology. This paper ex-
pands on the design details of the coupled-oscillator array by
describing the interconnect structure for subharmonic injection
locking, as well as the circuit implementation of the injection-
locked voltage-controlled oscillator (VCO). Additional results
illustrate the circuit operation in the time domain. The measured
results show that the phase noise of each element can be sup-
pressed when locked to an external source across a single chip,
as well as across two chips.
In Section II, we summarize the analysis of coupled oscilla-
tors and explain the motivation of using these circuits for fully
integrated phased-array elements. In Section III, we discuss the
circuit design of the coupled-oscillator cell and the coupling net-
work. Finally, the results for the coupled-oscillator array are pre-
sented and compared to the performance of individual oscilla-
tors in Section IV.
Adler described the unilateral locking phenomena in coupled
oscillators [10] and Kurokawa later studied the microwave dy-
namics [11]. The basic phase relationship between neighboring
oscillators is
are the phase
difference and natural frequency detuning between the local os-
cillator and an injected signal,
is the carrier frequency,
the quality factor for the oscillator, and
are the os-
cillator and injection currents. The locking range is de
ned as
and allows the phase difference to
theoretically vary from
to 90
. The frequency detuning re-
lationship is demonstrated in [10]. Increasing the locking range
is possible with increasing
or decreasing
. The passive
components of the tank bound the oscillator
and strongly af-
fect the oscillator phase noise. From a testing standpoint, we use
the injected current to control the locking range
Bilateral oscillator arrays were
rst proposed by Stephan
[12]. York and Compton [13], York
et al.
[14], and York and
Itoh [15] proposed coupled oscillators for electronic beam
steering through injection at the periphery of the array. The
effect of bilateral injection locking is to modify the behavior
in (1). In this case, the phase dynamics of the array produce a
linear phase gradient across the array. In [15], the dynamics for
a coupled-oscillator array with bilateral and external injection
locking for beam steering are described as
are the frequency
detuning and phase difference between the
th and
lators, and
are the external injection current and
phase, respectively. The continuum dynamics for beam steering
have been studied by Pogorzelski
et al.
[16] and experimental
Fig. 2. Impact of different dielectric mediums for the interconnect scheme and
the radiation network. The coupled oscillators will not necessarily be separated
by half a wavelength at the subharmonic frequency. The coupled oscillator is
connected by a transmission line with attenuation
and propagation constant
. The impedance on the line is
results have recently demonstrated the array pattern for oscil-
lator arrays of discrete components [17].
In integrated circuit implementations, the process, voltage,
and temperature (PVT) variations between different oscillators
introduce phase errors between neighboring elements. For
process variations, the design is subject to less variation across
a single die than across different wafers. Therefore, the fre-
quency range ensures the locking of the array must be greater
when considering locking between different dies than locking
between oscillators on a single die. Other characteristics of
coupled-oscillator dynamics are worth consideration. First, the
phase noise increases with the frequency detuning between
neighboring oscillators [18]. Additionally, the phase noise
limits the allowable frequency detuning. As the edges of the
locking range are approached, the oscillators can lose lock.
For this reason, coupled-oscillator arrays have found a limited
role in beamsteering since
is necessary between array
elements for beamforming. Secondly, stability analysis of
coupled-oscillator dynamics demonstrates the possibility of
unwanted modes in large arrays [19], [20].
Instead of exploiting the phase relationships in (1) and (2)
to control the beam angle, this study instead relies on injection
locking solely as a means to distribute and phase lock the car-
rier signal across a single chip and between neighboring chips.
The locking range consequently must be large enough to sat-
isfy the PVT variations in a particular integrated-circuit tech-
nology. Slight supply variations shift the natural frequencies of
neighboring oscillators, as will be demonstrated in Section IV.
The relative phase control of each transmit stage is indepen-
dently provided with digital-to-analog (DAC) controlled mixers
for beamforming and data modulation. This circumvents many
of the problems of relying on coupled-oscillator dynamics for
Finally, we consider the coupled-oscillator network as it
applies to the phased-array transmitter. The distance between
neighboring oscillators that are co-located with the antenna is
dictated by the half-wavelength spacing in air or, if a silicon
lens is used to focus the antenna pattern, in silicon [2]. This is
illustrated in Fig. 2. One of the advantages of using a silicon
lens is that the distance between array elements will be much
shorter since silicon has a dielectric constant of 11.9. However,
the coupling network in a standard silicon process will be
located in the metal stack and, consequently, propagate through
et al.
a different dielectric, i.e., silicon dioxide. It is interesting to
consider the number of wavelengths of the
th subharmonic of
the oscillator frequency that separate the neighboring elements
is the dielectric constant of the silicon dioxide and the
radiating medium.
could be chosen to minimize the attenu-
ation over the interconnect. The choice of the subharmonic fre-
quency will be discussed in Section III. Notably, if the
rst sub-
harmonic is used
and the radiative dielectric is air,
the interconnect will be approximately one-half of the subhar-
monic wavelength. However, if the radiative dielectric constant
is instead silicon, the interconnect length is reduced to 0.14 of
the subharmonic wavelength. By matching the impedance of the
oscillator source to the coupling interconnect, the impact of the
propagation constant is primarily reduced to the role of attenu-
ation on the coupling signal.
nal consideration regarding the use of coupled-oscil-
lator arrays for beamsteering applications involves the phase
jitter of each oscillator. Ideally, neighboring oscillators should
have identical phases, but the phase noise of each oscillator is in-
dependent and the limited injection-locking bandwidth between
oscillators causes a statistical variation, known as phase jitter,
that corrupts the mean phase between the neighboring oscilla-
tors. The cycle-to-cycle phase jitter between two oscillators can
be expressed as
is the power spectrum of the phase of each os-
cillator and is assumed to be identical for both oscillators. In
many cases, the power spectrum of the phase can be estimated
from the measured phase noise
. Consequently, the
phase noise of each oscillator must be suppressed suf
through injection locking to minimize the phase error between
neighboring elements. Any contribution to the phase jitter will
degrade the beam pattern and induce an error vector for data
The basic coupled-oscillator topology is shown in Fig. 3. The
2 phased array contains four oscillators at each transmit
(TX) stage. The block diagram demonstrates the implementa-
tion of the oscillator cell. Each oscillator is designed to operate
at 40 GHz. Isolating the oscillator from the power ampli
and antenna is critical because on-chip coupling is dif
cult to
accurately model and severely degrades performance through
pulling between the oscillator and power ampli
er [21]. By
shifting the oscillator frequency to 40 GHz, the unwanted
coupling is reduced. The oscillator is divided to 20 GHz and
mixed with the 40-GHz signal to achieve the 60-GHz in-phase
(I) and quadrature (Q) components.
Fig. 3. Coupled-oscillator schematic. The oscillators are coupled along two
dimensions. The coupling network operates at one-third the carrier frequency.
A. Interconnections
Coupling between different dies requires considering the in-
terconnect. If wire bonds are used to provide the interconnect
between two dies, frequencies above 20 GHz are strongly at-
tenuated through poor matching and re
ections. These losses
reduce the injected current strength between the neighboring
dies and weaken the locking range described in (2). Tiling chips
at half-wavelength spacings keeps the inter-chip spacing small
and minimizes the wire-bond inductance. Conse-
quently, we choose to injection lock at a subharmonic of the
local oscillator frequency. The
rst subharmonic at 20 GHz is
available from the carrier generation scheme described above
and illustrated in Fig. 3. Since the static dividers provide I and
Q signals, we propose an I/Q scheme for coupling within a 2-D
array of oscillators. In Fig. 3, the 20-GHz I signal is coupled
along the
-axis while the Q signal is coupled along the
Consequently, each oscillator in the integrated 2
2 array re-
ceives an I and Q subharmonic signal from its neighbors.
Coupled oscillators can simplify the distribution of high-fre-
quency carrier energy over a phased array. However, electro-
magnetic simulations indicate the on-chip antenna will radiate
substantially within the silicon substrate and silicon
metal stack since the dielectric constant of silicon is much
higher than air [2]. The presence of a global transmission line
interconnect grid absorbs part of this radiated energy. The
transmission-line structure for the coupling interconnects was
ed to reduce the absorption of radiated energy. The in-
terconnect transmission line is illustrated in Fig. 4. The ground
plane is a bathtub, which shields the differential interconnects
from the substrate similar to the transmission lines described
in earlier microwave and millimeter-wave designs [22], [23].
The bathtub ground plane, however, is severed every 200
avoid the absorption of radiated millimeter-wave energy. The
differential coupling signal travelling in the transmission line
is relatively unaffected by the severed ground plane since the
return currents in this structure are localized. IE3D simulations
Fig. 4. Interconnect structure with severed bathtub to prevent coupling to inte-
grated antenna.
Fig. 5. Measured interconnect
-parameters over 1 mm of interconnect.
indicate that the characteristic impedance of the lines changes
by less than 5%. A segmented-ground transmission-line test
structure was fabricated to compare the
-parameters with a
regular bathtub transmission line. The measured
are compared in Fig. 5 and demonstrate that the loss of the
segmented transmission line over 1 mm is around 3 dB and did
not vary much between the segmented and normal transmis-
sion-line structure at 20 GHz. However, the measured return
loss is increased by 3 dB at 20 GHz due to the severed ground
B. Frequency Doubler
Since the injected signal is a subharmonic of the oscillator
frequency, the injected frequency must be multiplied. At each
oscillator, the I and Q injection signals are provided from the
neighboring oscillators. Injection locking with both I and Q sub-
harmonic signals increases the second harmonic power since
. A circuit schematic for the
frequency doubler and oscillator is shown in Fig. 6. The I/Q sig-
nals are picked up by a receiver that drives back-to-back bipolar
devices. These transistors are biased below the forward active
region to generate strong second harmonic content through rec-
cation. Changing the bias voltage
allows control over the
injected current at the second harmonic. The basic collector cur-
rent dependence on the base
emitter diode voltage is
Fig. 6. Injection locking and VCO topology.
is the saturation current,
is the base
voltage, and
is the thermal voltage. If we assume that the
bases are driven with a differential ac-coupled injection signal
, the sinusoidal dependence in the exponent
is expressed through the series expansion
Odd harmonic terms cancel when the injection current is
added at the collector. One back-to-back transistor pair is driven
by I, the other one by Q. Since the second harmonic remaining
at the collector has a 180
phase difference (90
multiplied by
2), the differential signal is generated for oscillator coupling.
Consequently, the even harmonics remain in the current in-
jected into the VCO tank circuit.
Additionally, resistor degeneration at the emitter of the
bipolar transistors provides common mode rejection. Emitter
degeneration is introduced with the resistor
in the emitter
and the base
emitter voltage changes to
is the common mode current. Recalculating (5), the
differential collector current for the I and Q paths is
et al.
Finally, the difference of the expressions in (8) gives the de-
sired injected signal
The injected current is twice the frequency of the I/Q signals
and depends quadratically on the amplitude of the injected cur-
rent. Adding the currents in (8) gives the total current through
the emitter resistor
The bias current is constant through the stage, but depends on
the input power as the differential current did in (9). For small
current levels, this transcendental equation can be approximated
with a series for the exponential dependence on
. In this
When the tail resistance is small,
, and
the total current depends on the power of the injected signals.
For larger power levels, the total current saturates as
. For a tail resistance of 20
, this current is roughly
1.3 mA. Substituting (11) into (9), the differential mode current
For large power levels, the total differential current saturates
Hence, the differential injection current contains only en-
ergy at the twice the subharmonic and the amplitude of the
injection signal is independent of the injected power level. For
, the differential current swing should be greater
than 1 mA. However, this equation only describes the current
when no dc bias is provided across the base
emitter junction.
In reality, the base
emitter voltage drop can also be
xed to
increase the amount of injection current. An ADS simulation
of the complete frequency doubling circuit is demonstrated in
Fig. 7. The simulation is performed as a function of the injected
subharmonic voltage swing. Different values of tail resistance
and base
emitter voltage are shown in the plot. The results
provide a comparison for the amplitude of injected current at
the subharmonic and carrier frequency.
Larger resistance provides more rejection of the subharmonic
frequency, but limits the current injected into the tank. For this
Fig. 7. Current injected into the VCO at oscillator and subharmonic frequency.
design, we chose 20
for the tail resistance as a tradeoff be-
tween the desired injection current and the rejection of the sub-
harmonic frequency. Additionally, varying
at the tail resis-
tance can provide a dc bias that puts the bipolar devices closer
to the forward active region. This effect is plotted in Fig. 7 for
V. Now the injection current depends weakly on
the input subharmonic power and the injection current remains
xed at around 4 mA. However, the circuit also provides less
rejection of the subharmonic energy.
Consequently, the subharmonic energy is ef
ciently con-
verted to the oscillator frequency energy through the use of a
frequency-doubling scheme. Now we turn our attention to the
coupling of the injected signal into the VCO.
C. Injection-Locked Oscillator
Energy can be injected at many different points of the oscil-
lator core. Injection-locked frequency dividers inject energy in
the tail of a cross-coupled differential pair [24]. However, the
tail is useful primarily for superharmonic injection locking be-
cause the emitter or source node of the differential pair is a
virtual ground at the oscillator frequency. Alternatively, cou-
pled oscillators have been proposed for quadrature generation
[25], [26]. These schemes use a differential pair connected in
parallel to the cross-coupled pair in the oscillator core to in-
ject energy. The sizing of these devices and injection current
control the coupling strength. This topology can be dif
cult to
implement at millimeter-wave frequencies because the parasitic
loading can result in a narrow or reduced the tuning range. Other
papers have shown direct injection locking for quadrature gen-
eration through a separate differential stage that drives a ring
oscillator [27].
For this design, the frequency-doubler output is coupled into
the VCO core with a coupled transmission line. The coupled
transmission line is part of the VCO tank circuit to reduce the
effect on the oscillator tuning range. Unfortunately, the coupled
transmission line also limits coupling strength.
simulations of coupled transmission lines in this fabrication
technology are shown in Fig. 8. The simulations are swept
Fig. 8.
-parameters for coupled transmission lines in injection-locked VCO.
for three different transmission-line lengths. At 40 GHz, the
coupling between the injection-locking circuit and the VCO
depends on the coupling length. The 50-
m lines show a
15-dB coupling strength between the two circuits while
the 200-
m lines provide
7-dB coupling. Interestingly, the
coupling reaches a maximum around this value and decreases
at higher frequencies. In this case, the total inductance of
the transmission-line tank of the VCO limited the coupled
transmission-line section length to 100
m, providing
coupling. The lower coupling strength at 20 GHz provides
additional rejection of the subharmonic energy. The coupled
transmission line rejects the subharmonic frequency by
for the 100-
m length compared to the oscillator harmonic
On the left-hand side of the schematic in Fig. 6, a simple
cross-coupled nMOS VCO is shown. The oscillator tank con-
sists of the combination of the transmission line and coupled
transmission for inductance and varactor diodes. The tuning
range of the VCO is over 4 GHz, approximately 10% of the car-
rier frequency. Notably, the oscillator self-mixing enhances the
frequency tuning range at 60 GHz by the ratio of 3 : 2, and the
tuning range should remain 10% of the oscillator frequency.
The coupled-oscillator array was constructed in IBM 8HP,
a 130-nm SiGe process with bipolar and CMOS devices. The
of the bipolar devices is 210 GHz. The array is
shown in Fig. 9 and occupies an area of 3.5 mm
5 mm. The
wavelength of a 60-GHz signal determines the spacing between
on-chip antennas. In air, the array spacing
is roughly
2.5 mm. However, the array is intended to radiate through the
die substrate where a silicon lens is used to absorb the radi-
ated energy [2]. Consequently, the array spacing is designed
and the array spacing is 0.7 mm. Unfortunately,
the element spacing is too restrictive given geometry considera-
tions for the on-chip antenna and the array spacing was chosen
for 1.7 mm. This limits the beamsteering and causes undesir-
able sidelobes, but is still useful for the proof-of-concept. The
enlarged version of one cell shows the antenna, which resides
approximately 200
m from the
ve pads on the lower metal
layers, as well as the power ampli
er, DAC controlled phase
Fig. 9. Chip microphotograph for complete 60-GHz transmitter with a close-up
view of one array element.
shifter, mixers, and injection-locked VCO. The antennas are
placed on the lower metal layers to provide better power cou-
pling to the silicon lens. The coupling interconnects run along
the top and right-hand side of the cell to four pads that allow
wire bonding to a neighboring dies. Each oscillator consumes
25 mA for the static frequency divider and 125 mA for the os-
cillator, frequency doubler, and coupling buffers. The current is
increased by the use of the quadrature injection locking scheme
since each oscillator drives four 50-
The VCO frequency varies between 35.5
39.5 GHz, falling
3.5 GHz below the desired range of 39
43 GHz. The tuning
curve for each of the oscillators is shown in Fig. 10. The vari-
ation in the oscillator tuning range varies with location. The
southern oscillators have a higher natural frequency than the
northern oscillators. Additionally, the output power of these os-
cillators is approximately 3 dB lower. To prevent coupling be-
tween the antenna and large power supply connections on chip,
the power supply was provided along an axis perpendicular to
the on-chip antennas in the microphotograph in Fig. 9. Conse-
quently, both northern oscillators are located closer to the power
supply pads and the resulting drop in power seems most likely
due to voltage drop along the supply lines. As the oscillators are
tuned together, the locking range determines the usable oscil-
lator frequency range.
To characterize the performance of the coupled-oscillator
array, a VCO test structure is initially measured under injec-
tion-locking conditions. The phase noise of the free-running
oscillator, as well as the locked oscillator is demonstrated in
et al.
Fig. 10. Tuning range for each oscillator in 2
2 array. The difference between
the natural frequencies of each oscillator is greatest near the highest frequencies.
Fig. 11. Phase noise of reference, injection-locked oscillator, and unlocked
Fig. 11. The locked oscillator phase noise tracks the injected
reference with 6-dB higher phase noise. The injected signal
is at 20 GHz and the phase noise is measured at 40 GHz.
Consequently, there is a 6-dB penalty in the phase noise of the
locked on-chip oscillator. At 1-MHz offset, the phase noise of
the locked oscillator is
112 dBc/Hz. The injection-locking
characteristics are measured as a function of injection power.
In Fig. 12, the carrier frequency is measured as a function of
the injected subharmonic frequency. At
dBm, the
locking range is around 60 MHz and increases to 320 MHz
dBm. To verify these locking-range results, we
compare the expression for the locking range to these measured
results. If the locking range is 320 MHz and the tank
around 10 at 40 GHz,
Comparing this to our simulations in Fig. 7 provides agreement
about anticipated injection current levels.
In Fig. 13, the testing scheme for the coupled oscillator is il-
lustrated. The external reference drives a 20-GHz signal through
a power splitter and an I/Q coupler. The second signal from the
power splitter is divided down to 10 GHz and used to trigger
Fig. 12. Locking range for the VCO as a function of injected power.
Fig. 13. Testing scheme for the coupled-oscillator array.
an Agilent 81600C oscilloscope. The I/Q signals from the cou-
pler are delay matched to externally lock the coupled-oscillator
array. The I signal is fed to the East edge and the Q signal is
fed to the South edge. Additionally, the locking is controlled
on-chip through the bias voltage of the frequency-doubling cir-
cuit, as described in Section III. For testing the 2
2 array, each
oscillator can be probed with the high-speed sampling head in
the oscilloscope or the spectrum analyzer. The oscillator be-
havior is studied by observing the 20-GHz injection-locking
signal of the oscillator.
In Fig. 14, the phase noise of the 2
2 coupled-oscillator
array structure is shown with and without injection locking. In
this case, the average phase noise of each oscillator is around
93 dBc/Hz at 1-MHz offset. Next, a
10-dBm external refer-
ence is injected at the northeast and southeast oscillators. The
injection current, controlled with
, was set to draw 8 mA
per cell. The oscillator phase noise was consecutively measured
without changing the operating conditions. The phase noise of
the injection-locked VCOs is around
114 dBc/ Hz at 1-MHz
offset. The locking range for the array under these conditions is
approximately 200 MHz. The operation of the locked array is
limited by the natural frequency and power variations for each
oscillator. This also affects the phase noise of each oscillator in
Fig. 14. Phase noise of each oscillator in 2
2 single chip array: (
) without
and (
) with injection locking.
Fig. 15. Phase of each oscillator in array across locking range.
the array. This supply and bias mismatch dominates the process
and temperature variations that might occur on-chip.
The phase of each oscillator can also be measured at 20 GHz
with a high-speed sampling scope. The externally injected
signal is used to trigger the high-speed scope. The phase pro-
gression of each oscillator is demonstrated in Fig. 15 and is
normalized to zero to provide relative comparison of the phase.
The maximum oscillator phase variation is at most
over the 200-MHz locking range. This locking range is
measured at the subharmonic frequency, but the phase variation
is calculated for the actual carrier frequency. Voltage variations
strongly in
uence the locking range. Note that the southern
oscillators tend to have a greater phase range due to the weaker
oscillator current. Any phase offset between the oscillators can
be compensated with the DAC controlled mixer that provides
phase shifting.
Fig. 16. Phase noise of northwest oscillator as a function of frequency de-
Fig. 17. Phase noise of oscillators across a 1
4 array with two different dies.
Additionally, the frequency detuning between the reference
and the oscillator was scanned to measure the change in the
phase noise in Fig. 16. As demonstrated in [18], the phase noise
changes as a function of the frequency detuning depending on
the frequency offset. The curve qualitatively agrees with those
predictions as the phase noise increases near the edges of the
locking range. To achieve the best phase-noise performance
across a grid of oscillators, the frequency detuning of all the
oscillators should be minimized.
Finally, a 1
4 oscillator array is measured in Fig. 17 with
an external injection signal of
10 dBm at the NE oscillator of
die #1. The testing scheme described in Fig. 13 is altered to in-
clude a second die. The coupling ports of the two chips are wire
bonded together and the southern oscillators on both chips are
turned off. As before, the spectrum analyzer and oscilloscope
can probe each of the oscillator injection locking ports to mea-
sure the array behavior. The locking range under these condi-
tions is roughly 60 MHz and is reduced partly because only the
in-phase signals are used to injection lock the array. The phase
noise of the locked oscillator closest to the external reference
110 dBc/Hz at a 1-MHz offset. Each consecutive oscillator
has phase noise of
107, and
108 dBc/Hz. The phase
noise would ideally increase across the array. Instead, the irreg-
ular shift in phase noise may result from the natural frequency
detuning between the neighboring oscillators. Nonetheless, the
et al.
Fig. 18. Oscilloscope waveforms for 20-GHz injection signals across 1
low phase noise across the two chips is encouraging for demon-
strating larger arrays by locking on-chip oscillators to off-chip
reference signals.
The phases of each oscillator in the 1
4 array are shown
in Fig. 18. The phase shift introduced between the two dies is
nearly 180
, while the phase difference between the on-chip os-
cillators is smaller. This is presumably related to the difference
in the injection strength between chips, as opposed to between
oscillators on the same chip. This degradation in the injection
frequency can also result in the lower locking range of the 1
array. The impedance of a short (0.2 mm) wire bond can be es-
timated as
and induces mismatch
in the interconnect between two dies.
V. C
This paper has described the implementation of a coupled-os-
cillator array integrated in an SiGe process for millimeter-wave
applications. The coupled oscillator employs quadrature sub-
harmonic injection locking to couple neighboring phased-array
elements both on-chip and between chips with wire-bond in-
terconnects. Measurements of the oscillator array demonstrate
reduced phase noise when locked to an external reference. The
locking range was measured to be 200 MHz for the oscillators
on a single die and is limited by the process and voltage varia-
tions that exist over the large die area.
The authors acknowledge the support of the Defense Ad-
vanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) Trusted Foundries
Program for access to the 8HP technology. Additionally, we
thank the Rogers Corporation, Rogers, CT, for the generous do-
nation of the duroid.
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James F. Buckwalter
06) received the
B.S. degree in electrical engineering from the
California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, in
1999, the M.S. degree in electrical engineering from
the University of California at Santa Barbara, in
2001, and is currently with the California Institute
of Technology working toward the Ph.D. degree in
electrical engineering.
From 1999 to 2000, he was a Research Scien-
tist with Telcordia Technologies, where he was
involved with rate-agile burst-mode electronics
under a next-generation Internet Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency
(DARPA) project. During Summer 2004, he was with the IBM T. J. Watson
Research Center, Yorktown Heights, NY, where he developed new equalization
techniques for high-speed serial links. In 2006, he joined Luxtera, Carlsbad,
CA, where he developed high-speed circuits for optical interconnects. In July
2006, he joined the faculty of the University of California at San Diego, La
Jolla, where he is currently an Assistant Professor of electrical engineering. His
research interests are high-speed serial links, mixed-signal circuit design, and
microwave and millimeter-wave integrated circuits.
Dr. Buckwalter was the recipient of the 2003 Analog Devices Outstanding
Student Designer Award and a 2004 IBM Ph.D. Fellowship.
Aydin Babakhani
03) received the B.S. degree
in electronics engineering from the Sharif University
of Technology, Tehran, Iran, in 2003, the M.S. de-
gree in electrical engineering from California Insti-
tute of Technology, Pasadena, in 2005, and is cur-
rently working toward the Ph.D. degree at the Cali-
fornia Institute of Technology.
Mr. Babakhani is the vice chair of the IEEE
Microwave Theory and Techniques Society (IEEE
MTT-S) Metro LA/SFV joint sections MTT-S
Chapter 17.1. He was the recipient of the Grand
Prize of the 2006 Stanford
California Institute of Technology
Innovators Challenge, the 2005 International Solid-State Circuits Conference
Analog Devices Inc. Outstanding Student Designer Award, and the 2003
California Institute of Technology Special Institute Fellowship and Atwood
Fellowship. He was also the 1998 Gold Medal recipient of the National Physics
Competition and the 1999 Gold Medal recipient of the 30th International
Physics Olympiad, Padova, Italy.
Abbas Komijani
99) received the B.S.
and M.S. degrees in electronics engineering from
the Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran,
in 1995 and 1997, respectively, and is currently
working toward the Ph.D. degree at the California
Institute of Technology, Pasadena.
From 1997 to 1999, he was a Senior Design Engi-
neer with Emad Semiconductors, Tehran, Iran, where
he was involved with CMOS chipsets for voiceband
applications. From 1999 to 2000, he was a Senior De-
sign Engineer with Valence Semiconductors, Irvine,
CA, where he was involved with data converters for voice over Internet Pro-
tocol (VoIP) applications. His research interests include high-frequency power
ers, wireless transceivers, phased-array architectures, and delta
data converters.
Mr. Komijani was the recipient of the 1991 Silver Medal of the National
Mathematics Olympiad, the 2000 California Institute of Technology Atwood
Fellowship, the 2004 IEEE Custom Integrated Circuits Conference (CICC) Best
Student Paper Award, the 2005 Analog Devices Outstanding Student Designer
Award, the 2006 Grand Prize of the Stanford
California Institute of
Technology Innovators
Challenge, and the 2006 Outstanding Ph.D. Student
Award presented by the Association of Professors and Scholars of Iranian Her-
itage (APSIH).
Ali Hajimiri
99) received the B.S. degree
in electronics engineering from the Sharif University
of Technology, Tehran, Iran, in 1994, and the M.S.
and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering from the
Stanford University, Stanford, CA, in 1996 and 1998,
From 1993 to 1994, he was a Design Engineer
with Philips Semiconductors, where he was in-
volved with a BiCMOS chipset for global system
for mobile communications (GSM) and cellular
units. In 1995, he was with Sun Microsystems,
where he was involved with the UltraSPARC microprocessor
s cache RAM
design methodology. During Summer 1997, he was with Lucent Technologies
(Bell Laboratories), Murray Hill, NJ, where he investigated low-phase-noise
integrated oscillators. In 1998, he joined the faculty of the California Institute
of Technology, Pasadena, where he is currently an Associate Professor of
electrical engineering and the Director of the Microelectronics Laboratory.
He is a cofounder of Axiom Microdevices Inc. He authored
The Design of
Low Noise Oscillators
(Kluwer, 1999). He holds several U.S. and European
patents. He is on the Guest Editorial Board of the
Transactions of the Institute
of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers of Japan
His research interests are high-speed and RF integrated circuits.
Dr. Hajimiri is a Fellow of the Okawa Foundation. He is an associate
editor of the IEEE J
. He is a member of
the Technical Program Committee of the International Solid-State Circuits
Conference (ISSCC). He has also served as an associate editor of the IEEE
. He is a member of the Technical Program Committees
of the International Conference on Computer Aided Design (ICCAD). He
was a guest editor of the IEEE T
. He was selected to the top 100 innovators (TR100) list in
2004. He was a recipient of the Teaching and Mentoring Award presented
by the California Institute of Technology. He was the Gold Medal winner
of the National Physics Competition and the Bronze Medal winner of the
21st International Physics Olympiad, Groningen, The Netherlands. He was a
corecipient of the International Solid-State Circuits Conference (ISSCC) 1998
Jack Kilby Outstanding Paper Award, two-time corecipient of CICC
s Best
Paper Award, and a three-time recipient of the IBM Faculty Partnership Award,
as well as the National Science Foundation (NSF) CAREER Award.