A systems-level approach reveals new gene regulatory modules in
the developing ear
Jingchen Chen
*, Monica Tambalo
*, Meyer Barembaum
*, Ramya Ranganathan
*, Marcos Simões-Costa
Marianne E. Bronner
and Andrea Streit
The inner ear is a complex vertebrate sense organ, yet it arises from
a simple epithelium, the otic placode. Specification towards otic
fate requires diverse signals and transcriptional inputs that act
sequentially and/or in parallel. Using the chick embryo, we uncover
novel genes in the gene regulatory network underlying otic
commitment and reveal dynamic changes in gene expression.
Functional analysis of selected transcription factors reveals the
genetic hierarchy underlying the transition from progenitor to
committed precursor, integrating known and novel molecular
players. Our results not only characterize the otic transcriptome in
unprecedented detail, but also identify new gene interactions
responsible for inner ear development and for the segregation of
the otic lineage from epibranchial progenitors. By recapitulating the
embryonic programme, the genes and genetic sub-circuits
discovered here might be useful for reprogramming naïve cells
towards otic identity to restore hearing loss.
KEY WORDS: Auditory system, Cell fate, Chick, Embryo, Hearing,
Placode, Transcription factor
In vertebrates, the entire inner ear arises from the otic placode, a
simple epithelium next to the hindbrain, which invaginates to form
the otic vesicle. The vesicle undergoes extensive morphogenesis,
ultimately giving rise to the adult inner ear, an organ of exquisite
complexity comprising distinct sensory, non-sensory and neuronal
cell types of the auditory and vestibular apparatus. In humans,
congenital hearing defects are often due to mutations in
developmental genes. Thus, a mechanistic understanding of ear
development not only provides insight into the molecular control of
ear formation, but could also provide information relevant to the
aetiology of human sensory disorders.
Specification towards otic fate occurs early in development and
requires diverse signals and transcriptional inputs that act sequentially
and/or in parallel. This process is initiated when sensory precursors in
the pre-placodal region (PPR) become specified as otic-epibranchial
progenitors (OEPs) under the influence of fibroblast growth factor
(FGF) signalling (Fig. 1A; Ladher et al., 2000; Maroon et al., 2002;
Martin and Groves, 2006; Nechiporuk et al., 2007; Nikaido et al.,
2007; Phillips et al., 2001; Sun et al., 2007; Urness et al., 2010;
Wright and Mansour, 2003). The OEP state is characterized by
transcription factors like
(Khatri et al., 2014; Ohyama and
Groves, 2004; Solomon et al., 2003), Dlx genes (Brown et al., 2005;
Solomon and Fritz, 2002),
(Christophorou et al., 2010; Freter
et al., 2012; Hans et al., 2004; Mackereth et al., 2005) and
(Barembaum and Bronner-Fraser, 2007, 2010; Schlosser, 2006).
After this step, Wnt and Notch pathways cooperate to promote otic
and repress epibranchial character (Fig. 1B; Freter et al., 2008;
Jayasena et al., 2008; Park and Saint-Jeannet, 2008; Shida et al.,
2015). However, the transcriptional networks that control each step
and the distinct differentiation programmes for otic and epibranchial
cells are very poorly understood.
Here, we examine the active transcriptome of the developing ear
from sensory progenitor to the overtly recognizable placode stage.
Major changes occur as cells transit from a progenitor state to
become OEPs, highlighting this as the most crucial step during otic
induction. Time course analysis reveals previously unknown steps
of otic commitment, defined by unique sets of transcription factors,
and functional analysis not only reveals new downstream targets of
known otic transcription factors, but also allows us to construct the
first otic gene regulatory network (GRN) and predict connections
therein. Its hierarchical organization reveals how, starting from a few
factors initiated by otic induction, information is propagated
through the network using positive feedback and feed-forward
loops to stabilize otic identity and generate diversity by segregating
otic and epibranchial fates.
New genes in otic placode development
The progressive commitment of ectodermal cells towards otic
identity occurs gradually, via a series of regulatory interactions that
are not well understood. In avian embryos, otic specification begins
around the 5-somite stage (ss) and by the 10ss, the otic ectoderm is
already committed to its fate and to form an otic vesicle (Adam
et al., 1998; Groves and Bronner-Fraser, 2000). To examine the
steps leading up to this cell fate decision, we chose three time points
for genome-wide transcriptome analysis, corresponding to the
stages when (1) cells become specified as OEPs (5-6ss; Fig. 1A), (2)
the placode acquires its characteristic thickened morphology (8-9ss)
and (3) cells become committed to an otic fate (11-12ss; Fig. 1B).
To identify otic-enriched genes, we compared the otic
transcriptome with that of whole embryos (3ss). Several hundred
genes are enriched more than 1.5-fold at each stage (5-6ss: 1202
transcripts; 8-9ss: 1079 transcripts; 11-12ss: 1315 transcripts;
Fig. 1C,D; Table S2). This analysis recovers many known otic
transcription factors (23/27; e.g.
; Fig. S1A; Fig. S2). Functional annotation of otic-
Received 20 December 2016; Accepted 24 February 2017
Department of Craniofacial Development and Stem Cell Biology, King
s College
London, London SE1 9RT, UK.
Division of Biology and Biological Engineering,
California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA 91125, USA.
*These authors contributed equally to this work
Author for correspondence (
A.S., 0000-0001-7664-7917
This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution
License (, which permits unrestricted use,
distribution and reproduction in any medium provided that the original work is properly attributed.
© 2017. Published by The Company of Biologists Ltd
Development (2017) 144, 1531-1543 doi:10.1242/dev.148494
enriched transcripts (Fig. 1F-H) reveals progressive commitment to
otic identity:
epithelium development
is the most represented gene
ontology (GO) term in OEPs (5-6ss; Fig. 1F), but this rapidly
changes at 8-9ss and 11-12ss, when
inner ear development
becomes the prominent term (Fig. 1G,H). Interrogating disease
association databases reveals that transcripts enriched at the
commitment stage are associated with hearing loss (Fig. 1E).
In total, this analysis identified 135 potential transcriptional
regulators, of which 112 are novel with respect to the otic placode.
To verify that they do represent otic-enriched transcripts, we
assessed their expression using complementary methods. Twenty-
three factors are indeed expressed in the otic placode according to
the gene expression database GEISHA (
geisha/; Fig. S2). We found ten additional factors enriched in
placode tissue as assessed by qPCR from dissected otic-
epibranchial domains (Fig. S1B,C). Likewise, of 52 transcripts
tested by NanoString 46 are present in the otic placode at 11-12ss
with mean count >300 (Fig. S1D). For further validation, we
in situ
hybridization of 39 additional factors (Fig. 2;
Figs S2, S3). This confirmed that the majority (34/39) is present,
although not necessarily restricted to the otic placode. In summary,
the transcriptome analysis identifies many genes not previously
associated with ear development.
Dynamic changes of gene expression in the developing otic
To capture changes in gene expression as otic cells mature, we used
complementary approaches:
in situ
hybridization, transcriptome
changes over time and hierarchical clustering. This allowed us to
define synexpression groups and uncover distinct transcriptional
states during otic placode maturation.
Analysis of transcription factor expression by
in situ
are expressed in OEPs at 5-6ss and their
expression persists in the otic placode until at least 12ss (Fig. 2A-F;
Fig. S2). In contrast,
) only become
Fig. 1. Otic-enriched transcripts.
(A,B) Diagrams showing the location of OEPs at 5ss (A,A
, graded pink-blue) and the otic and epibranchial placodes at 11-
12ss (B,B
; otic: purple; epibranchial: blue). OEPs are induced by mesoderm-derived FGFs (green in A
). Later, FGFs activate Wnt ligands in the neural tube,
which cooperate with Notch to promote otic identity (B
), while FGFs and BMPs from the endoderm promote epibranchial fate. (C,D) RNAseq was performed
on dissected otic placodes from 5-6ss, 8-9ss and 11-12ss and otic-enriched transcripts enriched were identified by comparison to the whole embryo (3ss); see
also Tables S1 and S2. (C) Genes enriched in the otic placode at 5-6ss (blue; fold-change >1.5). (D) Venn diagram showing the number of otic-enriched genes at
5-6ss, 8-9ss and 11-12ss and their intersection. (E) Disease-association of otic-enriched genes. (F-H) Biological processes and signalling pathways over-
represented in otic-enriched genes at each stage showing at most the five top over-represented terms for which
<0.01 (Fisher
s Exact test) for each category.
Epi, epibranchial domain; OEPD, otic-epibranchial progenitor domain.
Development (2017) 144, 1531-1543 doi:10.1242/dev.148494
prominent in the otic territory from 10ss onwards (Fig. 2G-L; other
; Fig. S3I,J,
O-AD; Fig. S2), whereas
are confined to the
epibranchial region (Fig. 2O-R; Fig. S3K,L).
transcripts change rapidly: they are broadly expressed at 5ss but then
become restricted to the epibranchial territory after 9ss with
also present in neural crest cells (Fig. 2M,N; Fig. S3M,N). In
addition, several transcriptional regulators surround the otic placode
at 11-13ss (Fig. S3AE-AJ), whereas others are widely expressed in
the ectoderm including the otic territory (Fig. S3A-H; Fig. S2) or
also present in neural crest cells (Fig. S3AJ-AN). We summarize the
temporal and spatial expression of 95 known and new transcripts in
Fig. S2.
Dramatic transcriptome changes accompany OEP specification
To highlight the main changes that occur at key steps of otic
development, we performed pairwise comparisons of the otic
transcriptome at consecutive stages: we compared (1) the PPR at
0ss with OEPs at 5-6ss; (2) OEPs at 5-6ss with the otic placode at
8-9ss; and finally (3) otic placodes at 8-9ss and at 11-12ss
(Fig. 3A,D,H; Table S3). The most dramatic change occurs as cells
transit from a sensory progenitor state in the PPR to specified
OEPs, with 1569 transcripts being upregulated and 1733
downregulated at 5-6ss (Fig. 3A). Thereafter, changes occur
more gradually (Fig. 3D,H). Transcripts associated with GO terms
related to the acquisition of anterior character such as
pituitary gland, nose, forebrain and diencephalon
; Table S3) are significantly under-
represented at the OEP stage (Fig. 3B,B
), consistent with the
earlier suggestion that repression of anterior fate is an important
step for otic induction (Bailey et al., 2006; Lleras-Forero and
Streit, 2012).
Hierarchical clustering identifies distinct TF synexpression groups
during otic commitment
Hierarchical clustering of all transcription factors that are either
enriched in the otic placode compared with the whole embryo
(Fig. 1) or differentially expressed over time (Fig. 3) reveals five
major clusters denominated transcription factor cluster 1-5 (TFC1-
5; Fig. 4A; Table S4). These clusters show distinct temporal profiles
(Fig. 4A-F) and generally confirm our
in situ
hybridization data. For
example, transcripts in TFC1 and TFC2 increase over time and these
clusters include
(Fig. 2; Fig. S1B,C).
Combining these three approaches allows us to define distinct
regulatory states as OEPs become committed to an otic fate. A
number of PPR genes are reduced during OEP induction (
; Fig. 4B; Fig. S2; see also Khatri et al., 2014),
whereas a small group of transcripts [
et al., 2011),
(Barembaum and Bronner-Fraser, 2007),
] becomes upregulated together with
(Figs 2, 4; Figs S2, S3).
expression is initiated
around 10ss together with
(Betancur et al., 2011;
Khudyakov and Bronner-Fraser, 2009; Yang et al., 2013), and
becomes restricted to the epibranchial territory (Fig. 2),
where it is co-expressed with
et al., 2001; Freter et al., 2008; Groves and Bronner-Fraser, 2000).
Thus, already at the 10ss stage, otic and epibranchial progenitors
begin to segregate and become molecularly distinct. As cells
become committed to otic identity many new transcription factors
start to be expressed (Figs 2, 4; Figs S2, S3) and the otic and
epibranchial fates continue to diverge. In summary, our time course
analysis reveals distinct regulatory states as cells acquire otic
identity. Substantial transcriptome rearrangements occur within a
brief period of only 6-8 h (from 1ss to 5ss) during the first step of
otic induction: anterior character is inhibited and cells are specified
Fig. 2. Expression of transcription factors in
(E,F) are expressed in OEPs and in
the otic placode (OP).
(I,J) and
(K,L) expression starts at placode
stages, whereas
is expressed in OEPs (M)
but later restricted to the epibranchial territory (Epi)
(N). At 12-13ss,
(O,P) and
(Q,R) are absent from the otic placode, but present
in epibranchial cells and the ventral ectoderm
Development (2017) 144, 1531-1543 doi:10.1242/dev.148494
as OEPs. Our analysis defines new factors that characterize a
transcriptional state characteristic for OEPs at 4-5ss. As
development proceeds, known ear-specific transcripts become
more prominent, as do genes associated with hearing impairment,
suggesting that our data might harbour new candidate deafness
Pathway analysis suggests potential novel regulators of otic
placode formation
Signals from the surrounding tissues induce and pattern the otic
placode. Although the role of FGF, Notch and Wnt pathways is well
established (Abello et al., 2010; Freter et al., 2008; Ladher et al.,
2000; Ohyama et al., 2006; Park and Saint-Jeannet, 2008; Phillips
et al., 2004; Urness et al., 2010), it is likely that other signals are also
involved. To explore this possibility, we used hierarchical clustering
of all otic-enriched genes (from Fig. 1) together with differentially
expressed genes from stage-wise comparisons (from Fig. 3) to
generate six major clusters (denominated C1-C6; Fig. S4).
Following pathway enrichment analysis for each cluster
(Fig. S4A), we extracted the components of each significantly
enriched or depleted pathway (Fig. 3C,F,G,J; Fig. S4B-D).
First, we evaluated pathways known to mediate otic development.
As expected, Notch signalling components are present throughout
placode formation and are over-represented in OEPs and in the
placode (Fig. 3C; Fig. S4A,D) with
expression increasing
sharply as the placode forms and
and -
rising gradually.
Wnt signalling components are highly enriched in cluster C2
(Fig. S4A,C) with the Wnt receptors
and mediators
increasing steadily. In contrast, the Wnt antagonist
drops sharply at 5-6ss. Components of the non-canonical Wnt
pathway, such as
, rise gradually together with
suggesting a role in placode assembly and morphogenesis. These
findings are consistent with known changes in signalling events
during otic commitment and therefore confirm the usefulness of this
Fig. 3. Temporal changes in otic gene expression.
Pairwise comparison of the otic transcriptome at consecutive developmental stages: 5-6ss compared with
0ss (PPR; A-C), 8-9ss compared with 5-6ss (D-G) and 11-12ss compared with 8-9ss (H-J); see also Table S3. (A,D,H) Differentially expressed genes with a fold
change >1.5; blue indicates upregulated transcripts; orange indicates downregulated transcripts. (B,E,I) Gene ontology analysis of up- and downregulated genes
showing the five top over-represented biological processes or signalling pathway (
<0.01; Fisher
s Exact test). There is no significant association for the
downregulated genes shown in H. (B
) At 5-6ss terms related to anterior structures are significantly under-represented relative to 0ss. (C,F,G,J) Changes of
transcripts associated with signalling pathways over the entire time course. Asterisk indicates that the gene expression level is indicated by the
-axis on the right.
Development (2017) 144, 1531-1543 doi:10.1242/dev.148494
approach to predict the potential new pathways regulating otic
Next, we investigated whether new pathways emerge from this
analysis. As OEPs become specified, components of the steroid
biosynthesis pathway are markedly upregulated (Fig. 3E,G),
whereas TGF
signalling components drop sharply (Fig. 3I,J).
Spliceosome components (Fig. S4A,B, cluster C2) peak at 5-6ss
and 8-9ss. Consistent with this, spliceosomal defects are known to
cause craniofacial disorders, some of which are associated with
hearing loss (Lehalle et al., 2015). As a morphological placode
forms, focal adhesion-related components become increasingly
enriched, suggesting a role in placode assembly (Fig. 3E,F). These
observations point to signals and pathways not previously
associated with ear formation to explore in the future.
Fig. 4. Clusters of otic transcription
(A) Otic transcription factors from
the enrichment and time course analysis
cluster into five clusters (TFC1-5) based
on the row z-score of fold change relative
to the PPR at 0ss. (B-F) Expression level
of the top 50% transcription factors in
each cluster. Line in the top right of each
cluster represents the overall expression
profiles across the three time points. See
also Table S4.
Development (2017) 144, 1531-1543 doi:10.1242/dev.148494
Regulatory relationships reveal distinct transcriptional
modules during otic commitment
Our time course analysis of gene expression predicts a
transcriptional hierarchy during otic induction. To begin to test
this hierarchy, we selected three transcription factors, Etv4, Pax2
and Lmx1a, for perturbation experiments for the following reasons.
The transition from sensory progenitors to OEPs is mediated by the
FGF pathway (Ladher et al., 2000; Maroon et al., 2002; Martin and
Groves, 2006; Nechiporuk et al., 2007; Nikaido et al., 2007; Phillips
et al., 2001; Sun et al., 2007; Urness et al., 2010; Wright and
Mansour, 2003). Accordingly, the FGF mediator
is expressed
in OEPs (Lunn et al., 2007) and upregulated 7.5-fold from 1ss to
5-6ss (Table S3). Only ten transcription factors are strongly initiated
at OEP stages (6- to 235-fold), with
being the top factor
(235-fold; Table S3), but
is one of the few genes (6.3-fold;
Table S3) exclusively expressed in otic, but not epibranchial cells
(Fig. 2A,B). To explore the gene network downstream of these
factors, we knocked down their expression by electroporation of
antisense morpholino oligonucleotides at 1-2ss (MOs; Barembaum
and Bronner-Fraser, 2010; Betancur et al., 2011; Christophorou
et al., 2010). Experiments were assessed by NanoString nCounter
at 10-12ss using a total of 216 probes including 70 otic genes
(mostly transcription factors), markers for placode progenitors,
other placodes, the neural plate, neural crest cells and non-neural
ectoderm. This analysis provides a large-scale view of
transcriptional changes in a single experiment enriching
previously published data, which generally assessed a few genes
at a time. In addition, selected transcripts were also assessed by
RT-qPCR and/or
in situ
hybridization (Fig. 7; Fig. S6; Table S5).
A gene was considered to be activated or repressed when its
expression was reduced or enhanced after knockdown, respectively
[NanoString: normalized mean count >300, ±1.2-fold change,
-value (
-adj)<0.1; RT-qPCR: ±1.5-fold change,
in situ
hybridization: absence or reduction of signal in
electroporated cells]. These data allow us to add functional links
between Etv4, Pax2, Lmx1a and other transcription factors in the
otic GRN (Fig. 6), although cis-regulatory analysis will be required
to distinguish between direct and indirect interactions. Although our
experiments do not determine precisely when these interactions take
place, we can infer this from our expression data, which show the
onset of target genes.
Etv4 and Pax2 control the onset of OEP factors
Etv4 knockdown leads to a reduction of
expression (Fig. 5B-B
Fig. S6A,B) confirming a requirement of FGF activity for
expression. In addition, Etv4 activates other early OEP transcripts
; Fig. 5A-F; Barembaum and
Bronner-Fraser, 2007; Yang et al., 2013), and is also required for
genes present at placode stages (
; Table S5).
In contrast, Etv4 represses some PPR genes (
), the OEP
and late otic placode transcripts (
Fig. S6A,B; Table S5).
Many Etv4 targets are also regulated by Pax2 (OEP transcripts:
; placode genes:
; Fig. 5G,I-J
; Fig. S6A,C; Table S5). In addition, Pax2
activates the Etv4-independent OEP genes
(Fig. 5H-H
) and
, the placode transcripts
maintains the PPR factor
, while repressing the posterior PPR
, which are normally cleared from the placode
as it matures, the trigeminal marker
(Wakamatsu, 2011), late
onset otic genes (
) and
, which is later expressed in
the epibranchial region (Fig. S6A,C). Pax2 is also required for the
epibranchial-specific factor
(Fig. 5K-K
). Electroporation of
control morpholinos does not affect
otic gene expression (Fig. 5N-P
many inner ear transcription factors depend on Etv4 and/or Pax2
activity placing these factors at the top of the otic hierarchy.
Lmx1a and Pax2: a positive feedback loop that maintains OEP factors
and represses alternative fates?
Exploring Lmx1a function, we find that
depends on Lmx1a
expression is reduced when Lmx1a is knocked down
(Fig. 5L-M
; Fig. S6A). Thus, they mutually regulate each other in
a positive feedback loop and have common targets: both are
required for
expression (Fig. 6A). In addition,
Lmx1a is necessary for
expression. Like Pax2,
Lmx1a also suppresses several transcripts (Fig. 5L; Fig. 6A),
among them the PPR genes
and the lens/olfactory
. Thus, together both transc
ription factors appear to
promote OEP, but might also participate in the repression of
alternative fates.
Commitment to otic fate is initiated by the specification of OEPs
from the posterior part of the pre-placodal region, followed by the
acquisition of columnar placode morphology and, finally, placode
invagination to form the otic vesicle. During this process, the otic
territory is exposed to signals from surrounding tissues, and as
morphogenetic events shape the embryo, its extrinsic environment
changes constantly. As a result, ectodermal cells first initiate a
transcriptional programme unique to otic progenitors and then form a
patterned otic vesicle. Here, we have greatly expanded this
transcriptional repertoire by identifying more than 100 factors that
might be crucial for placode development, and are also new candidate
genes for hearing impairment. Exploring the dynamic changes in
gene expression over time together with perturbation analysis of
selected transcription factors and integrating data from the literature
(Fig. S5) allows us to propose the first GRN for otic commitment.
A transcriptional mechanism for OEP specification
To establish the first GRN that describes how sensory progenitor
cells are committed to the inner ear lineage, we used a strategy that
measures changes of all otic transcription factors after experimental
perturbation using partial knockdown of three transcription
factors (Fig. 7). This GRN has the deep structure characteristic of
embryonic networks (Davidson, 2010), revealing the hierarchical
organization of the process that drives otic commitment. Within this
network, distinct transcriptional modules can be identified that
gradually establish otic identity.
The posterior PPR module
For the otic placode to develop, ectodermal cells must first go
through a PPR state (Martin and Groves, 2006), which is identified
by Six and Eya family members and by
. Six1 is an
important PPR determinant (Ahrens and Schlosser, 2005;
Brugmann et al., 2004; Christophorou et al., 2009) and Irx1, Dlx5
and Foxi3 are known to regulate its expression (Glavic et al., 2004;
Khatri et al., 2014; Pieper et al., 2012; Sato et al., 2010; Woda et al.,
2003). In the posterior PPR,
are crucial
for otic placode formation (Brugmann et al., 2004; Christophorou
et al., 2009; Solomon et al., 2003; Steventon et al., 2012). Gbx2
restricts the expression of
to the anterior PPR (Steventon et al.,
2012), whereas Foxi1/3 and the Six1/Eya2 complex regulate each
other in a positive feedback loop (Khatri et al., 2014), perhaps to
maintain posterior PPR identity. Together, all four proteins provide
Development (2017) 144, 1531-1543 doi:10.1242/dev.148494
crucial input for the OEP transcription factor
et al., 2010; Hans et al., 2004, 2007; Solomon et al., 2003, 2012):
loss of Foxi1 function in fish and repression of Gbx2 and Six1
targets genes in
and chick, respectively, lead to the absence
(Fig. 6B; Fig. 7A). However, none of these transcription
factors is sufficient to induce Pax2 in non-otic cells, suggesting that
additional input is required.
The OEP module
It is well established that FGF signalling induces OEPs from the
posterior PPR (Ladher et al., 2000, 2005; Maroon et al., 2002;
Martin and Groves, 2006; Nechiporuk et al., 2007; Nikaido et al.,
2007; Phillips et al., 2001; Sun et al., 2007; Urness et al., 2010) and
we show that the FGF target Etv4 is crucial for this process.
upregulated as posterior PPR cells transit to OEPs and is required for
Fig. 5. Regulation of otic transcription factors by Pax2, Etv4 and Lmx1a.
Target-specific morpholinos were electroporated at 0-1ss and changes in gene
expression were assessed by NanoString with three biological replicates, each of which containing five pieces of otic placode (A,G; see also Table S5),
in situ
hybridization (B-B
) or RT-PCR with two biological replicates each containing five pieces of otic placode (L). (A) Etv4 knockdown analysed
by NanoString. Green indicates downregulated genes, red indicates upregulated genes. Open triangles represent data points that have a value beyond the axis
limit. (B-F)
In situ
hybridization after Etv4 knockdown for the genes indicated in each panel. A reduction of
(8/12; B
(6/6; C
(7/11; D),
(8/10; E) and
(4/5; F) is observed. Asterisks indicate the electroporated side. B and C show morpholino fluorescence of the embryos shown in B
and C
respectively; B
and C
show sections through the embryos shown in B
and C
, respectively, at the level marked by the horizontal lines. (D-F) Sections of embryos
electroporated with Etv4 morpholino. (G-K
) Pax2 knockdown analysed by NanoString (G). Green indicates downregulated genes, red indicates upregulated
genes. Open triangles represent data points that have a value beyond the axis limit. (H-K
In situ
hybridization after Pax2 knockdown for the genes indicated in
each panel. Asterisks indicate the electroporated side.
(4/4; H
(4/4; I
(3/4; J
) and
(4/4; K
) are reduced. H-K show morpholino
fluorescence of the embryos shown in H
show sections through the embryos shown in H
, respectively, at the level marked by the horizontal lines.
(L) Lmx1a knockdown analysed by RT-qPCR. The results are presented as fold change ±s.d. and two-tailed Student
-test was used to calculate
(M) Morpholino fluorescence of the embryo shown in M
(3/4). (N-P
In situ
hybridization after control morpholino electroporation for the genes indicated in the
panels; N
w sections of the embryos in N-P, respectively, at the level marked by the horizontal lines.
In situ
hybridization for each gene was performed on
four embryos electroporated with control morpholino.
Development (2017) 144, 1531-1543 doi:10.1242/dev.148494
expression. Thus, a typical
gate controls
OEPs: its expression requires dual input from the posterior PPR
factors Six1, Foxi3 and Gbx2 and from the FGF mediator Etv4
(Fig. 6B; Fig. 7A).
Our data suggest that Etv4 and Pax2 work in concert to promote
otic identity and place them at the top of the transcriptional
hierarchy for otic commitment (Fig. 7A). Together, they rapidly
activate an OEP module consisting of
. The OEP module also contains the
Pax2- and Etv4-independent factor
(Betancur et al., 2011);
however, its upstream regulators are currently unknown. As Etv4
and Pax2 share many targets, two scenarios could explain their
mode of action. Etv4 might only regulate
, which in turn
controls other targets in a linear hierarchy (Fig. 6C; for simplicity,
we depict this possibility in Fig. 7). However, it is equally possible
that Etv4 and Pax2 act in a feed-forward loop, in which Etv4 is
required for
and both together control the expression of
downstream targets (Fig. 6D) as is indeed the case for
(Barembaum and Bronner-Fraser, 2007).
Although these and previous data implicate Pax2 as a key factor
for otic specification and proliferation in chick (Christophorou et al.,
2010; Freter et al., 2012), the mouse otic placode still forms in the
absence of Pax2 (Burton et al., 2004; Favor et al., 1996; Torres et al.,
1996) or Pax2 and Pax8 function (Bouchard et al., 2010). The fact
that sauropsids have lost the
gene (Christophorou et al., 2010;
Freter et al., 2012) could explain the more prominent role of Pax2 in
the otic GRN.
The newly identified OEP factors might play an important role in
cells in an OEP transcriptional state, where they are
competent to respond to signals committing them towards otic and
epibranchial fate. It has previously been suggested that continued
FGF activity inhibits otic placode formation, while promoting
epibranchial cells (Freter et al., 2008). Indeed, when chick OEPs are
cultured in isolation they maintain otic identity from 5-6ss onwards
and even generate neurons in the absence of additional signalling
(Adamska et al., 2001; Groves and Bronner-Fraser, 2000). These
findings suggest that in an OEP state ear precursors are FGF
independent and we propose that the OEP module could be
instrumental to maintain cell identity. Like Pax2 and Lmx1a, other
OEP transcription factors might act in positive feedback loops to
maintain OEP gene expression and repress alternative fates.
Two distinct steps segregate otic and epibranchial
Our temporal analysis reveals two steps during the segregation of
otic and epibranchial fates (Fig. 7A,B). Under continued FGF
signalling, OEPs differentiate into epibranchial cells (Freter et al.,
2008; Sun et al., 2007). This is consistent with our finding that Etv4
is required for epibranchial transcripts, as is Pax2. Dependent on the
cellular context, Pax2 is likely to use different partners to impart cell
fate (Kamachi and Kondoh, 2013; Stolt and Wegner, 2010): SoxE
group members are prominent in otic cells, but they are absent from
epibranchial placodes, where SoxB group members could represent
major Pax2 partners (Ishii et al., 2001; Wood and Episkopou, 1999).
In the otic lineage, expression of a small set of transcription factors
; Fig. 7B) is initiated downstream of Pax2
and the OEP module; for example, the Sox10 enhancer is directly
controlled by Pax2, Sox8 and cMyb (Betancur et al., 2011), whereas
epibranchial cells begin to initiate a different transcriptional
In a second step, a large number of otic transcripts begin to be
expressed, among them several that depend on canonical Wnt
Fig. 6. Regulatory modules during OEP specification.
All diagrams summarize data from the literature and from this study (for details see text). (A) Lmx1a and
Pax2 mutually activate each other, control common targets and appear to repress alternative fates (see text for details). (B)
is controlled by the posterior
PPR factors Six1, Eya2, Foxi3 and Gbx2, as well as by the FGF mediator Etv4. (C,D) Etv4 and Pax2 could act in a linear pathway (C) or in a feed-forward
loop (D) to control other OEP genes (see text for details).
is regulated by both Etv4 and Pax2; however, because
is also regulated by Etv4 for simplicity
the network in Fig. 7 assumes that Etv4 regulates
via Pax2: Etv4
Development (2017) 144, 1531-1543 doi:10.1242/dev.148494
Fig. 7. Gene regulatory network incorporating new functional data.
(A-C) Signalling inputs, gene expression changes and regulatory relationships at
the three different stages. Regulator links are based on data from the literature (Fig. S5) and our perturbation experiments (Fig. 5; Fig. S6A-C). Direct interactions
confirmed from literature are indicated with blue diamonds and bold lines. As enhancers for most genes are currently unknown, the network assumes the
simplest interactions depending on perturbation data (see also Fig. 6). Epi, epibranchial domain; OEPD, otic-epibranchial progenitor domain; OEPs, otic
epibranchial progenitors; OP, otic placode; pEpi, pre-epibranchial domain.
Development (2017) 144, 1531-1543 doi:10.1242/dev.148494
signalling from the neural tube (Freter et al., 2008; Ohyama et al.,
2006) (Fig. 7C). Interestingly, FGF signalling, either directly or
indirectly, promotes the Wnt mediators
, suggesting
that these upstream events might prime OEP cells for Wnt
signalling. In contrast, under the influence of bone morphogenetic
protein (BMP) signalling (Begbie et al., 1999) epibranchial
progenitors continue to diverge from otic cells and the two fates
become firmly established. In summary, the temporal resolution of
our analysis highlights the complexity of cell fate decisions and
reveals new transcriptional states as sensory progenitor acquire ear
and epibranchial identity.
The OEP module: a molecular circuit re-deployed in other
Our analysis has defined a new transcriptional circuit, operating
downstream of Pax2 and FGF/Etv4, which we propose is important
for the specification of otic-epibranchial precursors. In addition to
the ear, members of the OEP module are also co-expressed in the
developing kidney and limb, including
(Cook et al., 1995),
(Fernandez-Teran et al., 1997),
(Ha and Riddle, 2003)
as well as
(Chimal-Monroy et al., 2003) and
et al., 1998; Wang et al., 2006)
Members of the Six and Eya
families lie upstream of the OEP module, and together with Pax
proteins are part of the fly retinal determination network (Salzer and
Kumar, 2009), which in vertebrates also regulates the formation of
other organs including the ear and kidney. Interestingly, the
homologues of Zbtb16, Lmx1a and Prdm1 participate in fly eye
formation although their relationship to the retinal determination
network is unknown (Ko et al., 2006; Maeng et al., 2012; Wang
et al., 2006). It is therefore tempting to speculate that the OEP
module is part of an ancient sub-circuit that is re-deployed as a unit
to govern cell fate decisions in different species and organs. The
OEP module could provide an initial link between the top upstream
regulators (Six/Eya and Pax proteins) that propagates information to
the next level of the network.
Uncovering new candidate deafness genes
Although much progress has been made recently to identify the
genetic causes for hearing impairment in humans, many causative
genes remain to be uncovered. In particular, mutations in
developmental genes are associated with human deafness: for
example Six1 or Eya1 mutations are known to cause Branchio-Oto-
Renal Syndrome, an autosomal dominant disorder (Ruf et al.,
2004). Functional annotation of our transcriptome data reveals a
significant association with hearing loss, in particular for transcripts
enriched in the committed otic placode (11-12ss; Fig. 1E). Indeed,
the number of otic placode-enriched genes that fall into known
human deafness loci is significantly higher than expected for a set of
random genes (data not shown). These findings suggest that our data
might harbour a number of novel candidates for congenital
malformations of the ear and for hearing impairment.
In summary, integrating data from the literature (Fig. S5) and our
new analysis has allowed us to establish the first gene regulatory
network (Fig. 7) that models the early stages of ear development. By
identifying key otic genes and the linkages between transcription
factors at different levels of the network, we define new distinct
regulatory states as cells acquire otic identity as well as the
regulatory loops that stabilize cell fate decisions. In the future it will
be important to identify the cis-regulatory elements controlling otic
gene expression to determine direct and indirect interactions. The
information gleaned from our analysis of otic transcriptional
programmes will be crucial for future experiments aiming to
reprogramme cells after loss of hearing and/or balance for the
purpose of repair and regeneration.
Tissue dissection and embryo experiments
Fertilized hens
eggs (Winter Farm, Herts) were incubated in a humidified
incubator at 38°C to reach the appropriate stage. For dissection, embryos
were isolated from the egg and pinned out ventral side up on a resin plate in
s saline. The endoderm and mesoderm layers were removed using a
G-31 syringe needle in the presence of a small volume of 10 mg/ml dispase
before dissecting the future otic ectoderm based on the region expressing
(Streit, 2002), rostral to the first somite and adjacent to future hindbrain
rhombomeres 4-6.
in situ
hybridization, embryos were isolated in PBS, fixed in 4%
paraformaldehyde in PBS and processed as described previously (Streit and
Stern, 2001). Digoxigenin-labelled antisense RNA probes were synthesized
with T7, T3 or SP6 RNA polymerase (Roche) as appropriate from expressed
sequence tags, cloned fragments or previously published plasmids (Table S6).
For morpholino knockdown experiments, electroporation at 0-1ss was
performed either unilaterally with control and experimental morpholino, or
in the same embryo with control and experimental morpholino on different
morpholinos were validated previously (Betancur
et al., 2011; Christophorou et al., 2010); as controls, standard control
morpholinos (5
) were used.
, a splicing-blocking morpholino (5
) targeting the exon 4-intron 4 junction was used and
deletion of exon 4 was confirmed by RT-PCR followed by sequencing the
PCR product. Changes in gene expression were assessed by whole-mount
in situ
hybridization or from five to ten dissected otic placodes by RT-qPCR
or NanoString. For dissection, the non-electroporated or control morpholino
electroporated side and the first somite is used as a guide.
RNA isolation, library construction and sequencing
About 100 placodes were collected from each stage for RNAseq library
preparation. Immediately after dissection, tissues were lysed in lysis buffer
(Ambion) and RNA was isolated using the RNAqueous-Micro Kit
(Ambion). Libraries were prepared with TrueSeq RNA Sample
Preparation V2 kit (Illumina) and sequenced with Illumina HiSeq 2000
(Illumina) to 1×50 cycles or HiSeq 2500 to 2×100 cycles.
Sequence alignment
Reads ware aligned with TopHat2 (v2.0.7) to Ensembl chick genome
Galgal4.71 (Kim et al., 2013). Transcripts for individual samples were
assembled with Cufflinks (v2.1.1) (Trapnell et al., 2010), with combined
Ensembl gene annotation (Galgal4.71.gtf) and Refseq acquired from UCSC
table browser as a guide. All assemblies were merged to obtain a merged
annotation file, which was passed to Cuffdiff (v2.1.1) to obtain normalized
RPKM value for each gene, and to easyRNAseq (v2.1.0) to retrieve the
count table for all genes (Delhomme et al., 2012). All sequencing data were
deposited in Gene Expression Omnibus (GEO) under accession number
Identification and analysis of differentially expressed genes
DEseq (v1.16.0) was used to identify enriched otic genes relative to the
whole embryo (Anders and Huber, 2010) based on the count table generated
above. A gene was considered to be expressed in the otic region when the
normalized RPKM was >4, and the number of normalized counts was >300.
Owing to a lack of biological replicates,
mode was used in DEseq,
which treats the two samples to be compared as replicates to estimate the
variance of gene expression. This approach assumes that most genes are not
differentially expressed (as would be the case in biological replicates), thus
generally overestimating variance, because the variance among samples
from different conditions is usually larger than among biological replicates.
Therefore, this method produces very conservative results with small
numbers of differentially expressed genes (Anders and Huber, 2010).
-adj<0.1 and a fold change of >1.5, only a fraction of known otic
genes (14/37) is recovered (Table S1). To maximize the discovery of otic
Development (2017) 144, 1531-1543 doi:10.1242/dev.148494
placode-enriched genes, all genes with a fold change of >1.5 were included
as candidates for further analysis. This analysis recovers 27/37 known otic
genes. Validation by
in situ
hybridization was used as a secondary screen to
ensure that the gene list did indeed represent otic placode-enriched
transcripts. Indeed, of all 39 factors screened by
in situ
hybridization only
five are not expressed in the placode, validating this as a useful strategy to
identify genes enriched in otic cells.
Gene ontology analysis for differentially expressed genes was performed
with DAVID (DAVID Bioinformatics Resources 6.7, http://david.abcc. (Huang da et al., 2009a,b). Disease-related enrichment was
analysed with Webgestalt (Wang et al., 2013; Zhang et al., 2005).
Partitioning of otic genes into different clusters
Both enriched otic genes and differentially expressed transcription factors
from pairwise analysis (except downregulated genes at 5-6ss relative to 0ss)
were used for hierarchical cluster analysis. Fold change of these factors at
5-6ss, 8-9ss and 11-12ss relative to 0ss was transformed into row z-score
with heatmap.2 and corresponding heatmaps were generated using gplot
within R (R Core Team, 2012; Warnes, 2012). Otic genes were clustered in
the same way to generate the clusters in Fig. S4.
Quantitative RT-PCR and NanoString nCounter analysis
RNA from dissected otic tissue and the whole embryo was isolated using the
RNAqueous-Micro Kit (Ambion) and reverse transcribed. Primers for target
genes were designed with PrimerQuest (IDT). qPCR was performed in
technical triplicates using Rotor-Gene Q (Qiagen) with SYBR green master
mix (Roche). The
Ct method was used to calculate the fold change, which
was expressed as FC=2
(Livak and Schmittgen, 2001).
were used as reference genes to calculate the fold change.
RT-qPCR to validate the otic-enriched genes was performed from a single
biological replicate, and RT-qPCR for morpholino experiments used two
biological replicates; the
-value generated from a two-tailed Student
was used to evaluate the statistical significance.
NanoString analysis was performed in triplicate per experimental
condition with the nCounter Analysis System using a customized probe
set of 216 genes. Five to ten tissues were lysed in lysis buffer (Ambion) and
total RNA was hybridized with capture and reporter probes according to the
nCounter Gene Expression Assay manual. The results were analysed using
the raw count with DEseq2 (Love et al., 2014). A transcript was considered
dysregulated when the mean count was >300, up- or downregulated by at
least |log2foldchange|>log2(1.2) and the
-adj<0.1. The cut-off of mean
count 300 is empirical based on the observation that genes not expressed or
very weakly expressed in the otic region had a count of less than 300.
GRN construction
GRN construction was performed manually using BioTapestry. Different
regions of the network were defined according to the known biology of OEP
induction, segregation of otic and epibranchial domains and the signalling
input from adjacent tissues taking into account the new transcriptional states
identified in this study and data from the literature (Fig. S5). Genes were
allocated to each region based on their temporal and spatial expression
pattern (published or determined in this study). Interactions were plotted
according to published data from different species as summarized in Fig. 5;
these largely depend on the analysis of mutants or knockdown experiments
using a few genes as otic markers and, with few exceptions, lack enhancer
information. The model presented in Fig. 7 incorporates the data from the
current study, which determined changes in gene expression after MO
knockdown of three transcription factors by RT-qPCR, NanoString
nCounter and/or whole-mount
in situ
hybridization. For some transcripts
all three methods were used, whereas for others only one or two approaches
were employed (Fig. S6). Occasionally, we observed a discrepancy between
the three detection methods; in this case, an interaction was defined if
expression change was detected by
in situ
hybridization, or if two methods
provided the same result. NanoString nCounter evaluation allows the
analysis of hundreds of genes in the same sample, thus providing a global
view of gene expression changes.
To establish links between upstream regulators and their downstream
targets, unless otherwise stated we assumed the most parsimonious
pathway: e.g. if gene 1 regulates gene 2 and 3, and gene 2 regulates gene
3 we assumed the simplest explanation of gene 1 gene 2 gene 3.
We thank Ewa Kolano, Annabelle Scott, Chia-Li Liao and Hilary McPhail for
excellent technical assistance and C. D. Stern for critical reading of the manuscript.
Competing interests
The authors declare no competing or financial interests.
Author contributions
A.S. designed the experiments; J.C. and M.T. collected otic tissues; R.R. performed
RNAseq for PPR tissue; J.C. analysed RNAseq data; J.C. and M.T. performed most
functional experiments and analysed all data together with A.S.; M.B. contributed to
the knockdown experiments; M.S.-C. contributed to RNAseq experiments; J.C., A.S.
and M.E.B. wrote the manuscript.
This study was funded by grants from the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences
Research Council (BB/I021647/1), Deafness Research UK (513:KCL:AS) and the
National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders (DC011577).
Deposited in PMC for immediate release.
Data availability
All sequencing data have been deposited in Gene Expression Omnibus under
accession number GSE69185 (
Supplementary information
Supplementary information available online at
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