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Peer Review File
Four dimensions characterize attributions from faces using a
representative set of English trait words
Reviewer #1 (Remarks to the Author):
Human's cognitive system computes high-level attributes from objects, including faces.
These attributes are usually assumed to be dimensions of a cognitive or computational
space in psychology and neuroscience. Two much-debated dimensions are valence and
arousal. While there seems to be quite strong evidence in favor of some valence-line
dimension (but see Martinez, 2019, 2018), there's little evidence for the latter. Are there
other more appropriate high-level dimensions that define our perception of faces in a social
context? The present paper answers this question in the affirmative. Using an innovative
approach, the authors examined over 100 different possible attributes and identified four as
possible dimensions of the computational space of faces. These results will for sure restart a
much-needed debate of the major role of attributes to interpret people's faces.
My only concern with the approach is that the ~100 attributes studied in this paper are
selected by the authors, which may lead to bias and a less-than-perfect interpretation of the
underlying dimensions of human's cognitive space. For example, we know that languages
other than English include affect words not available to English speakers. Thus, using a
limited number of dictionary entries limits the results of the paper. A second limitation is in
the face datasets used for this study which are highly biased to caucasian/white individuals. I
do not see these are disqualifying limitations and believe that the results are important
enough to justify publication in a top journal such as this one. However, I'd like to see these
limitations noted in the paper. For one this will serve as a cautionary note to readers. And,
second, it will hopefully encourage others to extend on this research. Another minor
limitation I think the authors should mention is that the word embedding computed with deep
neural networks is dependent on the criteria used by that algorithm (e.g., loss function).
Again, this is not a major issue, but it should be noted that changing the loss function,
architecture, or others, may lead to different outcomes. This one is less important than the
other two limitations listed above, mainly because I think the authors have taken good care
of this and done the appropriate studies and analyses. Yet, a sentence or two with a
cautionary note would go a long way.
In summary, this is a much needed, impressive, highly innovative study with far-reaching
results. The paper is well-written. The studies are well designed, and the results are highly
relevant to psychologists, neuroscientists, and engineers. I am in strong support for
Some related papers to be considered for additional discussion: Sutherland et al. PNAS
2020, Fan et al., eLife 2020, Srinivasan et al. IEEE TAC 2018, Brooks et al. PNAS 2019,
Franklin et al. Emotion 2018.
Reviewer #2 (Remarks to the Author):
Prior work on social facial perception found that a smaller number dimensions underlie the
perception (famously, 2 or 3). Similar to this line of work, the authors determined the number
of summary dimensions; they selected face images and trait words that are more
representative than those used in the prior work, sampling each of them from a more
comprehensive set of items evenly from the respective space (face space and trait-word
space). Then they determined the number of summery dimensions using multiple methods.
In sum, this is a strong piece of work that adds to the field. I only have minor issues with the
current versions of the manuscript.
My initial reaction to the paper was mixed. On one hand, I did not find the results presented
not too surprising. Sure, employing a bigger, comprehensive set of words and faces will lead
to a larger number of underlying dimensions, explaining a bigger variance in data. It seems
to me at first this fact makes this work appear incremental in nature. Relatedly, the selection
of 100 words and 100 faces seem arbitrary – why not 200, 400, or 1000 face/words?
Following the same logic in the introduction, a larger number of stimuli might have led to a
larger number of dimensions (although the authors make a convincing cases of the
representative of these stimuli, e.g., Fig 2, Supp Fig 1b).
On the other hand, I find the methodological rigor of the current work impressive and the
conclusion fair. (1) The authors carefully set each step of analysis, not leaving anything to
guess work. They addressed multiple technical issues that were left not considered in prior
work, which might have changed the resulting dimensions and the number of the
dimensions, albeit potentially to a small degree. I am talking about careful sampling of
representative stimuli, preregistrations, confirmatory analyses, robustness and
generalizability testing etc. in the present work. Each of these components add to the current
paper's value. (2) The figures are helpful and pleasant to look at. (3) Then there are main
analyses that are genuinely novel upon a more careful read, e.g., the calculation of each
observer's dimensionality and the assessment of cross-observer reproducibility (Study 2).
When everything is taken into consideration, I believe this is a strong piece of work that adds
to the field. I commend the authors.
1. "By analogy, we can perceive (and have words for) many different shades of colors, but
they are all the result of a three-dimensional color space. In the case of color, the answer is
easier because we know that there are only three kinds of cones in the retina; in the case of
trait judgments of faces, we must infer the psychological space from behavioural data
(human subjects’ ratings of faces on different trait words)" (p.3)
While this is a compelling analogy, the essential difference between the two systems should
be made clear; the cones on the retina have a concrete physical basis, while a n-
dimensional trait space does not. The existence of 3 different types of cones explicitly
provides the "mechanism" of color perception. On the other hand, n-dimensional trait space
(let n be 2, 3, or 4) is simply a statistical summary of behaviour. In other words, the n-d face
space is a "description" of a phenomenon (=social facial perception). Based on this, one
might even argue that the number of dimensions is unimportant.
2. "true dimensionality" (p.4)
What even is the "true" dimensionality? This is related to my point in MINOR ISSUE No. 1
(the cone and color perception analogy). Personally I am generally uncomfortable with the
notion that there are the correct, definite set of underlying dimensions. The dimensions are
only a statistical summary of the way we form impressions from faces, influenced by the
norm of the time (although according to the paper they seem pretty stable within-observer
and cross-culture). I would suggest a rephrase because this like of language ("true") can
lead to an essentialist idea and as a result a unfruitful discussion about whether the number
of "basic emotion/al expressions" is 4, 5, or 6.
3. "Prior work has reported both common3 and discrepant dimensions in different
cultures13,14,24,35,37" (p.15)
The citations should be corrected. For example Ref. no. 13 and 37 only used a English
speaking participants in the US and the UK, respectively. As far as I know they did not
recruit participants from multiple cultures, and there was no contrast between cultures, which
to me seems like a reason you need to remove 13 and 37 from the second list of citations.
4. "but, as expected, reproducibility was attenuated by the data quality available (as
assessed by within-subject consistency" (p.16) "as well as in individual participants (although
this was more difficult to assess, due to data quality" (p.20) and many other places (e.g.,
Here it seems it is assumed that (1) all regions have relatively same level of within-subject
consistency and (2) thus a low within-subject consistency reflects data quality of the sample,
NOT a genuine evaluation tendency of the sample. While these are reasonable
assumptions, there is no way you can confirm these assumptions given the current data –
you do not know the true reason of the low within-subject consistency. Thus the mention of
data quality seems inappropriate.
RESPONSE SUMMARY: We thank both reviewers for the helpful and expert critique of
our paper. We are grateful for the opportunity to respond to the points raised below.
Reviewer #1 (Remarks to the Author):
Human's cognitive system computes high-level attributes from objects, including faces.
These attributes are usually assumed to be dimensions of a cognitive or computational
space in psychology and neuroscience. Two much-debated dimensions are valence
and arousal. While there seems to be quite strong evidence in favor of some valence-
line dimension (but see Martinez, 2019, 2018), there's little evidence for the latter. Are
there other more appropriate high-level dimensions that define our perception of faces
in a social context? The present paper answers this question in the affirmative. Using an
innovative approach, the authors examined over 100 different possible attributes and
identified four as possible dimensions of the computational space of faces. These
results will for sure restart a much-needed debate of the major role of attributes to
interpret people's faces.
RESPONSE: We thank the reviewer for the positive assessment, and for pointing us to
two highly relevant papers. We have added those papers as citations in our revised
manuscript (lines 14-20, page 21).
My only concern with the approach is that the ~100 attributes studied in this paper are
selected by the authors, which may lead to bias and a less-than-perfect interpretation of
the underlying dimensions of human's cognitive space. For example, we know that
languages other than English include affect words not available to English speakers.
Thus, using a limited number of dictionary entries limits the results of the paper. A
second limitation is in the face datasets used for this study which are highly biased to
caucasian/white individuals. I do not see these are disqualifying limitations and believe
that the results are important enough to justify publication in a top journal such as this
one. However, I'd like to see these limitations noted in the paper. For one this will serve
as a cautionary note to readers. And, second, it will hopefully encourage others to
extend on this research. Another minor limitation I think the authors should mention is
that the word embedding computed with deep neural networks is dependent on the
criteria used by that algorithm (e.g., loss function). Again, this is not a major issue, but it
should be noted that changing the loss function, architecture, or others, may lead to
different outcomes. This one is less important than the other two limitations listed
above, mainly because I think the authors have taken good care of this and done the
appropriate studies and analyses. Yet, a sentence or two with a cautionary note would
go a long way.
RESPONSE: These are very well-taken and important points. We have acknowledged
these limitations now in various places in our revised paper (see below), first and
foremost right up-front as the last sentence in the Abstract (page 2, lines 15-17).
In response to the reviewer’s first concern, we agree with the reviewer that an unbiased
selection of trait attributes is essential for understanding the psychological space of trait
judgments from faces. This is in fact an important motivation of our work: how could one
sample trait attributes from more comprehensive sources and select them using more
systematic methods than existing approaches? Here we began with trait attributes from
English dictionaries—the more than 400 dictionary entries included in our initial trait list
were in fact fruitful results from the personality literature, where prior research extracted
more than seventeen thousand person attributes from the dictionary and trimmed down
the list by excluding non-stable-trait, difficult, unfamiliar, redundant, ambiguous, slang,
and inappropriate terms. We also included in our initial trait list attributes that are
specific for describing faces via literature search. We applied a data-driven approach to
select a subset from the initial list to minimize subjective bias in the selection process
Figure 1b-c
). We showed that our final selected 100 trait attributes were representative
of the words English speaking participants used to describe faces spontaneously
Figure 2a-b
). However, we totally agree with the reviewer that the 100 trait attributes
we studied here might not be representative of the terms non-English speakers use to
describe trait impressions from faces. We have noted this important limitation and
clarified our trait selection method in the revised manuscript (lines 3-9, page 4; lines 4-7,
page 21; line 3, page 26).
In response to the reviewer’s second concern, we acknowledge that using only
Caucasian/white faces is an important limitation of our study, and we agree that we
should note this even more explicitly in the paper. This limitation might challenge the
generalizability of our findings in two ways. First, faces from other races might possess
facial features that are not available in Caucasian/white faces (e.g., the wider noses in
the Black population, the flatter faces in the Eastern Asian population), which might
produce a bottom-up modification to the psychological space of face judgments.
Similarly, our stimuli might have left out many facial features that are unique to other
populations that we did not consider, such as unhealthy individuals (e.g., the distinct
facial appearance in people with Down syndrome) and very young or very old
individuals (e.g., the high and protruding forehead of infants). Second, race as a social
construct might also modify the psychological space of face judgments in a top-down
manner. We have added emphases on these limitations of our face stimuli in our
revised manuscript (line 11, page 4; lines 9-16, page 21).
We also thank the reviewer for pointing out the third limitation in the word embedding
computed with deep neural networks. We have noted this limitation in our revised
manuscript (lines 7-9, page 21).
In summary, this is a much needed, impressive, highly innovative study with far-
reaching results. The paper is well-written. The studies are well designed, and the
results are highly relevant to psychologists, neuroscientists, and engineers. I am in
strong support for publication.
RESPONSE: Thank you very much.
Some related papers to be considered for additional discussion: Sutherland et al. PNAS
2020, Fan et al., eLife 2020, Srinivasan et al. IEEE TAC 2018, Brooks et al. PNAS
2019, Franklin et al. Emotion 2018.
RESONSE: We thank the reviewer for recommending these highly relevant works. We
have cited them in our revised manuscript (line 8, page 3; line 2, page 21; lines 14-20,
page 21).
Reviewer #2 (Remarks to the Author):
Prior work on social facial perception found that a smaller number dimensions underlie
the perception (famously, 2 or 3). Similar to this line of work, the authors determined the
number of summary dimensions; they selected face images and trait words that are
more representative than those used in the prior work, sampling each of them from a
more comprehensive set of items evenly from the respective space (face space and
trait-word space). Then they determined the number of summery dimensions using
multiple methods. In sum, this is a strong piece of work that adds to the field. I only have
minor issues with the current versions of the manuscript.
RESPONSE: We thank the reviewer for the positive assessment.
My initial reaction to the paper was mixed. On one hand, I did not find the results
presented not too surprising. Sure, employing a bigger, comprehensive set of words
and faces will lead to a larger number of underlying dimensions, explaining a bigger
variance in data. It seems to me at first this fact makes this work appear incremental in
nature. Relatedly, the selection of 100 words and 100 faces seem arbitrary – why not
200, 400, or 1000 face/words? Following the same logic in the introduction, a larger
number of stimuli might have led to a larger number of dimensions (although the
authors make a convincing cases of the representative of these stimuli, e.g., Fig 2,
Supp Fig 1b).
RESPONSE: The reviewer raises an important point here. We agree with the reviewer
that with a more comprehensive set of trait judgments, it is not too surprising to find a
larger number of underlying dimensions. However, we find it unlikely that additional
dimensions would keep being added if we keep increasing the number of words. Of
course, the number of dimensions depends on how much variance one wishes to
account for, so if one wants to account for 100% of the variance in the data, the number
of dimensions will be the number of words, and so more words will add more
dimensions. However, when we decimated our words, we retained our original four
dimensions fairly stably, suggesting that indeed these four dimensions are fundamental
in some sense.
We also find it very interesting that the actual dimensions themselves (or at least their
reasonable interpretation) revealed here are distinct from those proposed in prior work.
For example, the warmth dimension we found here and the previously proposed
valence dimension each describes different subsets of trait judgments, and the two
were only moderately correlated; the competence dimension we found here and the
previously proposed dominance dimension each describes different subsets of trait
judgments, and the two were not significantly correlated. The discovery of this distinct
dimensional space provides a new perspective on how we might understand the relation
between the dimensions people use to judge faces and the dimensions people use to
judge other people and groups found in previous research outside the field of face
perception (e.g., the stereotype content model).
The reviewer raised a good question about the number of selected traits. Ideally, to
comprehensively investigate the psychological space of face judgments, one would
include as many and various trait words as possible; on the other hand, if different trait
words describe very similar trait judgments from faces (e.g., the trait words are very
similar semantically), it would be redundant to include them all, and if some trait words
are unclear or unfamiliar, obtaining ratings on them would just add noise. Following this
logic, we tried to first gather an inclusive trait list from multiple sources, and then applied
a data-driven approach to select a subset of traits based on their semantic similarity,
clarity, and familiarity. As mentioned, our analyses showed that it is in fact not
necessary to include all the 100 trait judgments to yield the four-dimensional space
Figure 5a
Supplementary Table 2b
), and including more words are likely to be
redundant and would not alter the dimensions found as also noted by the reviewer (e.g.,
Figure 2
On the other hand, I find the methodological rigor of the current work impressive and the
conclusion fair. (1) The authors carefully set each step of analysis, not leaving anything
to guess work. They addressed multiple technical issues that were left not considered in
prior work, which might have changed the resulting dimensions and the number of the
dimensions, albeit potentially to a small degree. I am talking about careful sampling of
representative stimuli, preregistrations, confirmatory analyses, robustness and
generalizability testing etc. in the present work. Each of these components add to the
current paper's value. (2) The figures are helpful and pleasant to look at. (3) Then there
are main analyses that are genuinely novel upon a more careful read, e.g., the
calculation of each observer's dimensionality and the assessment of cross-observer
reproducibility (Study 2).
When everything is taken into consideration, I believe this is a strong piece of work that
adds to the field. I commend the authors.
RESPONSE: Thank you very much for this positive assessment.
1. "By analogy, we can perceive (and have words for) many different shades of colors,
but they are all the result of a three-dimensional color space. In the case of color, the
answer is easier because we know that there are only three kinds of cones in the retina;
in the case of trait judgments of faces, we must infer the psychological space from
behavioural data (human subjects’ ratings of faces on different trait words)" (p.3)
While this is a compelling analogy, the essential difference between the two systems
should be made clear; the cones on the retina have a concrete physical basis, while a
n-dimensional trait space does not. The existence of 3 different types of cones explicitly
provides the "mechanism" of color perception. On the other hand, n-dimensional trait
space (let n be 2, 3, or 4) is simply a statistical summary of behaviour. In other words,
the n-d face space is a "description" of a phenomenon (=social facial perception). Based
on this, one might even argue that the number of dimensions is unimportant.
RESPONSE: The reviewer raised a very good point. We have clarified the distinction
between the two systems in the revised manuscript (lines 15-19, page 3).
2. "true dimensionality" (p.4)
What even is the "true" dimensionality? This is related to my point in MINOR ISSUE No.
1 (the cone and color perception analogy). Personally I am generally uncomfortable with
the notion that there are the correct, definite set of underlying dimensions. The
dimensions are only a statistical summary of the way we form impressions from faces,
influenced by the norm of the time (although according to the paper they seem pretty
stable within-observer and cross-culture). I would suggest a rephrase because this like
of language ("true") can lead to an essentialist idea and as a result a unfruitful
discussion about whether the number of "basic emotion/al expressions" is 4, 5, or 6.
RESPONSE: We thank the reviewer for this cautionary note. We absolutely agree and
we have replaced “true” with “comprehensive” (line 1, page 4).
3. "Prior work has reported both common3 and discrepant dimensions in different
cultures13,14,24,35,37" (p.15)
The citations should be corrected. For example Ref. no. 13 and 37 only used a English
speaking participants in the US and the UK, respectively. As far as I know they did not
recruit participants from multiple cultures, and there was no contrast between cultures,
which to me seems like a reason you need to remove 13 and 37 from the second list of
RESPONSE: We agree with the reviewer and have removed citation 13 and 37 in the
revised manuscript (line 12, page 15).
4. "but, as expected, reproducibility was attenuated by the data quality available (as
assessed by within-subject consistency" (p.16) "as well as in individual participants
(although this was more difficult to assess, due to data quality" (p.20) and many other
places (e.g., p.18)
Here it seems it is assumed that (1) all regions have relatively same level of within-
subject consistency and (2) thus a low within-subject consistency reflects data quality of
the sample, NOT a genuine evaluation tendency of the sample. While these are
reasonable assumptions, there is no way you can confirm these assumptions given the
current data – you do not know the true reason of the low within-subject consistency.
Thus the mention of data quality seems inappropriate.
RESPONSE: We thank the reviewer for noting this important distinction. We agree that
a low within-subject consistency is not equivalent to low data quality, and as pointed out
by the reviewer, it is plausible to be a genuine evaluation tendency of the sample. We
have removed the claim of data quality throughout the revised manuscript (lines 16-17,
page 16; lines 6, 17, 20, page 18; lines 18-19, page 20; line 8, page 34).
Reviewer #1 (Remarks to the Author):
The authors have addressed all of my comments. I see the authors have also addressed the
comments of the second reviewer. Both, my comments and those of the second reviewer,
were relatively minor. We both agreed this is highly significant, pressing work. I think the
edits made the manuscript much stronger -- especially by citing the limitations of the study
so others can pursue follow-ups. All the pieces of this work have been carefully described
and evaluated. The results are compelling. No doubt, this will be a very influential paper. The
paper is ready for publication.
Aleix M Martinez
Reviewer #2 (Remarks to the Author):
I have no remaining issues. I thank the authors for addressing my previous issues.
Reviewer #3 (Remarks to the Author):
I advise ‘revise and resubmit’. The article sheds new light on a fascinating and potentially
important research question: How do humans attribute traits to another person based on
simply looking at their face? The study innovates on previous research by increasing the
scale of the measures and introducing new methods with machine learning. However, there
are some issues that need to be addressed before it would be ready for publication.
Most importantly, the authors need to clarify the status of the study with respect to two
methodological limitations: the reliance on English and the reliance on ‘white’ faces. Second,
they need to clarify more clearly what the relevance and implications of the findings are for
potential applications.
Below find some specific comments on the paper that elaborate on the issues that I suggest
should be addressed. (Note: My comments do not address matters relating to the statistical
or computational methods as they are not in my area of expertise.)
The article claims to have discovered ‘four dimensions characterizing comprehensive trait
judgments of faces’, as reflected in the article title. I see two issues with this claim, both of
which stem from the implication that the findings are of universal relevance; i.e., that the
discoveries—(a) about faces and (b) about trait judgements—are about humans rather than
some subset of humans. The experiment correlates words with faces. The language of the
article implies universal relevance of the findings: eg the abstract opens, ‘People readily
attribute many traits to faces’. The generic use of ‘people’ and ‘faces’ suggests ‘all/any
people’ and ‘all/any faces’. This immediately raises the question: How can conclusions about
human behavior in general be derived from research limited to inputs and measures that are
representative of only a small subset of humanity?
The experiment’s sample of words is not representative of human languages in general.
What reason is there to think that English provides appropriate categories for pan-human
distinctions? English is just one of the 6000 or so languages spoken on Earth today. There is
some acknowledgement of this in the manuscript but it is too buried. Line 324: ‘We note that
our sampling of trait words was limited to English words’. Why the limitation to English?
Languages have thousands of adjectives and there are thousands of languages in the world.
Why is English regarded as an appropriate measure for a pan-human propensity? Or is this
intended to be a study of English? If so, this should be made clear. A straightforward solution
would be to state that this is a study of English-language attribution (eg by putting ‘English’ in
the title). But this raises another problem: Spanish was used in the Peru data. If the
researchers considered it tolerable to use translations of English into other languages, why
wasn’t this done with many more languages? EG Why no translation to Hindi in India etc.
(However, I emphasize that it is well established that languages do not have many
translational equivalents in their vocabularies at all, let alone in their sets of adjectives
labeling personality traits.)
Again on the matter of language, and the reliance on English, there is a real concern about
the validity of English as a measure across the populations tested. The judgments in Latvia,
Peru, the Philippines, India, Gaza, were done in English by non-native speakers. How
comparable are these judgments across the various countries? How comparable are they to
the native English speaker judgments? Methods section (line 565) says subjects had to be
‘proficient in English’ (up to high school level). Exactly how ‘proficient’ did somebody have to
be? Even with someone who is truly ‘proficient’, can we be confident that they understand
the 100 words, even the four main trait words, in the same ways that English native
speakers do? An additional criterion was that they must ‘have never visited or lived in
Western-culture countries’, line 567); this almost guarantees that their English proficiency
would be far from native-speaker level.
The Peru participants had the words translated into Spanish. There is no question that few if
any of the words in the list have direct translational equivalents in Spanish. How do the
authors respond to this?
The experiment’s sample of faces is not representative of human faces in general; they were
all ‘white, neutral, adult’ faces. Line 399: ‘Our goal was to derive a representative set of
neutral, frontal, white faces’. Lines 406-7: ‘We further restricted ourselves to images of
Caucasian adults and neutral expression.’ What is the reason for this restriction to ‘white’
faces? The choice exposes the paper to the obvious critique that the study assumes ‘white’
people to be representative of humans more generally. The authors need to give good
reasons why ‘white’-only faces were deemed appropriate for this study, or they should
explicitly frame the study as being a study of judgements about ‘white’ faces, not about
human faces. To be clear, either you are saying that ‘white’ faces are representative of
human faces, and so we are justified in making claims from these data about people’s
judgements of ‘faces’ in general, or the study is about ‘white’ faces (not ‘faces’) and this
should be studiously noted in the paper title and through the paper, in order to avoid
misunderstanding and misrepresentation of the study. (But then this raises the serious
question: Why conduct a study of ‘white’ faces in particular?)
Also note that the status of a ‘white’ face will be different for respondents in the US as
opposed to Peru, the Philippines, and India, for the simple reason that ‘white’ faces are
‘marked’ (e.g., because they are less frequent) for members of those populations n a way
that they are not ‘marked’, say, for US populations. This raises another issue of
comparability in the data.
It must be made crystal clear that this study is about people’s JUDGMENTS OF faces, and
not a claim about the true qualities of individuals with certain faces. The study’s findings
concern human judgments of the traits of people with certain faces, and they do NOT
concern the true traits of people with certain faces. Of course this is clear to the authors but
it must be emphasized at the highest level, because it can be almost guaranteed that media
and social media attention to this article will misconstrue this point. While this paper makes
claims about people’s evaluations of faces, it will be erroneously described as making claims
about a link between faces and personality traits, which in turn would imply, for example, that
AI applications should be able to use facial recognition to scan faces in a group and
determine who is ‘artistic’, who is ‘innovative’, who is ‘competent’, who is ‘warm’, etc. I am
not saying that this is not a possible claim, nor that it should not be made if there were
evidence for it, but that the authors should be very clear what they are and are not saying. I
acknowledge that the authors are consistent in referring to ‘trait judgments of faces’ rather
than ‘traits of faces’, but still I would recommend flagging this issue explicitly at the beginning
of the abstract and certainly in any media release with a statement along the following lines:
‘It is impossible to discern someone’s personality traits from their face, yet people
nevertheless confidently make trait judgements of people based on their face alone. Here,
we want to understand the principles behind those judgments...’
To give the authors a sense of what they are likely to confront, it would not be surprising to
see a reaction such as the following (though I emphasize that this study clearly does not
claim to be able to predict traits from faces, rather I am pointing to likely interpretations from
lazy readers):
Paper here:
An example that is closer to this article is in the recent paper in Nature Communications on
faces and trustworthiness in historical paintings:
Safra, L., Chevallier, C., Grèzes, J. et al. Tracking historical changes in trustworthiness using
machine learning analyses of facial cues in paintings. Nat Commun 11, 4728 (2020). DOI:
A social media response claimed that this study was ‘racist’ and ‘phrenology-adjacent’:
As the mistaken responses to the Safra et al 2020 paper reveal, the authors of this article
will need to take extraordinary care to show that they are investigating people’s perception of
traits based on a face and not the actual traits of a person with that face. (I note that this can
readily be famed as an important step in addressing problems of discrimination based on
appearance.) The mismatch between these two things, and the danger of confusing them,
should be foregrounded in the discussion not only in order to avoid the accusation of doing
‘phrenology-adjacent’ or ‘racist AI’ research but also to point to an important value of this
study. In other words, don’t avoid the discussion of human difference and pernicious bias in
judgement, instead embrace those things and articulate how the study can help. The fact
that people judge others by their faces arguably contributes to enormous social problems
and lack of fairness. These findings could be framed as taking us a step closer to
understanding how to better understand the problem, and, potentially, remedy it. It could
also be framed as a positive feature that the faces are ‘white’ because this is an attempt to
control the study for factors of racial discrimination.
I note that the faces themselves do not all look obviously ‘white’—I counted at least eight
that could fit the description ‘person of color’ of one kind or another.
Clarify that the four factors correspond to the actual words used in judgments, they are not
the authors’ glosses of four abstract factors drawn from the model. I note with interest that
the four factors all seem positively-valenced. Will the authors explain or speculate why these
four traits seem important as discriminating factors? And are they implying that we only need
these four words in order to most efficiently discriminate among face-trait judgements? What
does it imply about how people distinguish or judge faces in real life?
Note that in evolutionary terms, this study tests an unusual task, because in the ancestral
environment we would not have been confronted by unfamiliar faces very often; would the
authors argue that these judgement tendencies would be adaptive in the ancestral human
The discussion falls flat, by merely gesturing toward future work that would address
shortcomings of this study. But there are interesting implications and they should be
addressed. For example: what is the relation between people’s trait judgements and the real
traits of people? There is a mismatch in social discourse around human traits: on the one
hand, people appear to consistently judge certain faces as appearing ‘competent’, but on the
other hand people want to say that it is impossible to tell from somebody’s face whether they
are actually a competent person. How can this research help counteract the human
propensity to judge people by their faces? The study should finish with some straightforward
questions to be asked next, not a request that subsequent studies should address
shortcomings of this one.
The discussion should address explanations: WHY would people have strong and consistent
judgments about whether a stranger is ‘abusive’ or ‘conscientious’ based on their face? Are
these judgments hardwired? Are the judgments quickly overwritten when we get to know the
person? Or is it just that we are wired with a drive to classify faces in terms of traits and the
actual mapping of faces to traits is a result of historical contingencies, eg, tropes based on
movies (look at Bond villains, horror films, etc. over the decades)? Are the mappings
learned? These are crucial questions and the study doesn’t address them.
Line 326: ‘additional research will be needed to elucidate how language might modify the
psychological space of face judgments’. A relevant reference to note is the finding that
describing a face in words causes the speaker to be worse at remembering and later
identifying the face (by a process of ‘verbal overshadowing’):
Schooler, Jonathan W, and Tonya Y Engstler-Schooler. 1990. “Verbal Overshadowing of
Visual Memories: Some Things Are Better Left Unsaid.” Cognitive Psychology 22 (1): 36–71.
Alogna, V. K., M. K. Attaya, P. Aucoin,
. Bahník, S. Birch, A. R. Birt, B. H. Bornstein, et al.
2014. “Registered Replication Report: Schooler and Engstler-Schooler (1990).” Perspectives
on Psychological Science 9 (5): 556–78.
Reviewer #4 (Remarks to the Author):
The authors have an ambitious and highly interesting research aim which uses word
reduction techniques to generate a small set of non-redundant trait words, approaching the
issue of impression formation from a different angle than previous work, which has focused
on spontaneously attributed impressions of faces. In many ways, the work is reminiscent of a
modern take on Allport’s original, classic studies into trait impressions in the 30s (Allport &
Odbert, 1936), albeit with up-to-date statistical analyses and tools which were not available
in Allport’s day. To be clear, I am in favour of publication and think the aims and
methodological rigour of the work alone makes it worth publication. My comments are largely
aimed at addressing the theoretical contribution, and in particular I would like the authors to
acknowledge existing theory in more depth.
First, are the dimensions of warmth and competence really that different from valence and
dominance? I wasn’t convinced that the differences were as large as stated and the authors
risk overextending their interpretation here. The Stereotype Content Model also shares
theoretical similarities with Alex Todorov's model which go beyond the specific labels of
warmth etc; i.e. both suggest that at the core, trait judgements are based on approach/avoid
orientation. Particularly, I would urge the authors to consult previous studies which have also
investigated the question how warmth and competence relate to trustworthiness and
dominance and/or across populations of faces; Walker et al 2017, JPSP, Sutherland et al
2016, Cognition, 2018, PSPB Collova et al 2019, JPSP. Some of these studies find greater
similarity than others, and particularly, dominance and competence appear to diverge more
for populations other than White males (i.e. dominance appears to be less important for
characterising female faces, Asian faces, and children’s faces). The authors did a good job
of acknowledging the limitations of their face stimuli in the abstract/discussion, but I would
like to see greater discussion of this point which includes this previous literature. The authors
could also consider the question of whether trait space is actually more flexible than
previously recognised (Stolier et al, 2018, TICS).
Similarly, it looked like the “youth” factor in the 4D solution appeared to replicate the
“youthful-attractiveness” factor found by Sutherland et al. (2013), but the authors could
clarify here. Presumably there is a strong conceptual similarity if both rely on age, but where
does attractiveness sit in the four dimensions? Attractiveness looked to cross-load in the
three dimensional replication, perhaps an indication that age is the more robust or distinctive
aspect of this dimension? (also perhaps why this third dimension appeared in our 2013 study
with more variable ambient images that differed on age, but not in Alex Todorov's original
work, where age was not varied).
Second, I am very reassured that the authors replicate their work with multiple modelling
methods, including EFA with oblimin and PCA, as well as a new nonlinear technique. This
paper will have an important contribution to make given the current debate over the best
approach for dimensionality reduction across culture (e.g. Jones et al Nature Human
Behaviour, in press, Oh and Todorov, in press). We have followed a similar logic to
assessing whether models are robust and similarly did not find large differences between
analyses. I also appreciated the replication with reference to previous published models, as
this approach was very helpful in outlining similarities and differences across studies.
Finally, it is also reassuring that the authors broadly replicated their models across culture.
The cross-cultural work speaks to a current question in the literature as to how universal
these trait impressions are (Jones et al Nature Human Behaviour, in press, Walker et al
2011, SPPS, Sutherland et al 2018, PSPB, Zebrowitz et al J Cross Cultural Psychology,
2012). The work of Mirella Walker and her colleagues should again be noted here; her team
was arguably the first to test face trait models across culture. Leslie Zebrowitz also carried
out outstanding work into impressions from faces made by non-Western cultures, a research
effort which I would also like the field to acknowledge more clearly when culture is
Clare Sutherland
Minor issues: The authors are to be commended for investigating this question at the
individual participant level, as it involves many hours of testing to get a full set of data from
one participant; moreover, they managed to get samples across culture here too. We
(Sutherland et al 2020, BJP) also managed to reproduce a particular (3D) model at the
individual level in a handful of participants with a smaller set of traits, but the current paper
goes far beyond what we attempted. Really nice work.
Could the focus on sampling words (as is typically carried out in social cognition research),
rather than faces (as is typically carried out in face perception studies), have led to potential
differences across trait and face models i.e. warmth v trust? I think not, given the
supplementary analyses, but the authors may wish to specify, as this question was
previously unclear e.g. Sutherland et al 2016, Cognition.
Carryover effects (Rhodes et al 2006). Participants rated multiple traits, so I did wonder if
this procedure could affect the results. Is it possible to examine the trait space with just the
first rating given by participants? Does it change anything?
Line 622 - Hehman et al (2017, JPSP) also showed that traits relating to physical aspects
showed higher between-subjects consistency than more abstract traits.
I thought it was a service to the field that the authors recommend a subset of 18 words which
could be used as a shorthand, but it would also be useful to know which words absolutely
had the best measurement invariance (i.e. what if studies can only recruit ten words, or even
only four words?)
I’m not sure I followed Fig 7. Which dimensions are which in this figure? Is dimension 3,
“femininity”, and dimension 4, “youth”? Or are they different across cultures?
Line 103 ICCs (and in the methods) - which ICCs specifically? The authors could give more
justification and relate to a specific case model from McGraw and Wong (1996). I would
prefer a two-way random model - subjects in columns should also be random for example
(see p37). i.e. a two-way random model (C, 1), is the closest approximation to alpha at the
individual level. See also p38. The authors may indeed have used this ICC so it may just be
a case of clarification.
Reviewer #1 (Remarks to the Author):
The authors have addressed all of my comments. I see the authors have also
addressed the comments of the second reviewer. Both, my comments and those of the
second reviewer, were relatively minor. We both agreed this is highly significant,
pressing work. I think the edits made the manuscript much stronger -- especially by
citing the limitations of the study so others can pursue follow-ups. All the pieces of this
work have been carefully described and evaluated. The results are compelling. No
doubt, this will be a very influential paper. The paper is ready for publication.
Aleix M Martinez
RESPONSE: We thank the reviewer for the positive assessment.
Reviewer #2 (Remarks to the Author):
I have no remaining issues. I thank the authors for addressing my previous issues.
RESPONSE: We thank the reviewer for the positive assessment.
Reviewer #3 (Remarks to the Author):
I advise ‘revise and resubmit’. The article sheds new light on a fascinating and
potentially important research question: How do humans attribute traits to another
person based on simply looking at their face? The study innovates on previous research
by increasing the scale of the measures and introducing new methods with machine
learning. However, there are some issues that need to be addressed before it would be
ready for publication.
Most importantly, the authors need to clarify the status of the study with respect to two
methodological limitations: the reliance on English and the reliance on ‘white’ faces.
Second, they need to clarify more clearly what the relevance and implications of the
findings are for potential applications.
RESPONSE: We thank the reviewer for the expert critique. We have now emphasized
our limitations on the reliance on English and white faces in the Abstract, Introduction,
and Discussion. We have also expanded our statements of other limitations and
clarified the implications of our findings in the revised Discussion, and in the new Impact
Statement requested by the editorial team. We respond to the reviewer’s comments
raised below in detail.
Below find some specific comments on the paper that elaborate on the issues that I
suggest should be addressed. (Note: My comments do not address matters relating to
the statistical or computational methods as they are not in my area of expertise.)
The article claims to have discovered ‘four dimensions characterizing comprehensive
trait judgments of faces’, as reflected in the article title. I see two issues with this claim,
both of which stem from the implication that the findings are of universal relevance; i.e.,
that the discoveries—(a) about faces and (b) about trait judgements—are about humans
rather than some subset of humans. The experiment correlates words with faces. The
language of the article implies universal relevance of the findings: eg the abstract
opens, ‘People readily attribute many traits to faces’. The generic use of ‘people’ and
‘faces’ suggests ‘all/any people’ and ‘all/any faces’. This immediately raises the
question: How can conclusions about human behavior in general be derived from
research limited to inputs and measures that are representative of only a small subset
of humanity?
RESPONSE: The reviewer’s points are very well-taken. We previously acknowledged
these limitations in the last sentence of our Abstract, but we fully agree with the
reviewer that more is needed. We have made changes to Title, Abstract, Introduction,
Discussion, and added a new “Impact Statement” in the supplementary materials.
Briefly, here is a summary of the changes we have made.
Title: We feel that the title should be as simple as possible without giving any wrong
ideas – in particular, we have removed the word “comprehensive” from the title, and
used “attributions” to emphasize that the study is about people’s opinions about others’
traits instead of others’ actual traits, but otherwise continue to leave the other parts
without explicitly listing limitations of the study in the title.
Impact statement: As requested by the editor, we now include a lengthy “impact
statement” where we elaborate on the limitations of our study, which are in fact even
more severe than what the reviewer suggests. In brief, it is theoretically and practically
challenging to define the domain of representative face stimuli: we do not know what
faces our participants see in everyday life, even less what faces they saw when growing
up, and even less what faces their ancestors might have seen that led to the evolution
of the psychological dimensions we describe (related to the point raised by the reviewer
below). Similar challenges are posed for the words and concepts that describe traits.
Like the reviewer, we feel that a full framing our findings will be an important reminder
for the field, and the new “impact statement” now gives us the space to elaborate on
Abstract: We have revised our Abstract substantially. In particular, we added a second
sentence that immediately modifies the introduction of the first sentence, noting the
limitations the reviewer raises,
“...the details of attributions depend on the language
available to describe social traits, and on the faces...”.
The first sentence itself, the
statement that “people readily attribute traits to faces,” we take to be uncontentious
because it does not make any claims about specific people, traits, or kinds of faces – in
the absence of evidence that there are cultures that fail to make social attributions from
faces, we take this to be a reasonable opening to introduce the topic of our paper. We
now have included a phrase stating that those attributions are often inaccurate in that
opening sentence. We have also clarified that only English trait words and white faces
were sampled in our study. We note that the Abstract’s 150-word limit puts constraints
on how comprehensively we can list the limitations of our study, regarding which we
provided more detailed treatment of this topic in the revised Introduction and
Introduction: we have added a number of cautionary statements to the Introduction. The
first paragraph notes that, “
Although trait attributions from faces may not reflect people’s
actual traits and reveal more about our own biases and stereotypes
...” (page 3, lines
7-8); the third paragraph mentions repeatedly that we used English words and white
faces, and provides brief explanation on such limitations, “
We focus on English words
because English is the most-spoken language (native and learned) around the world,
which makes replicating the study in other parts of the world more feasible (Study 2).
We limit ourselves to frontal, neutral faces of white, working-age individuals in an
attempt to control for factors such as racial and age discrimination, which are known to
bias face perception
. Relatedly, this restriction of the variance in our face stimuli
served to increase statistical power, by eliminating factors that our study did not intend
to investigate, such as facial expressions (see Methods).”
(page 4, lines 11-17), which
we elaborated more in the revised Discussion.
Discussion: we have further elaborated the limitations of our study in the revised
Discussion, citing additional work from linguistics. For instance, we have added two
paragraphs that emphasize that no implications about people’s actually traits should be
drawn from our study, which is about people’s opinions about others’ traits (page 21,
lines 16-23; page 22, lines 1-7), and that our study is “
biased with respect to the
participants, the trait words, and the faces...
our study does not, and cannot, make any
claims about Human Nature or universality”
(page 22, lines 8-21). We further expanded
on the effects of language, citing work from linguistics recommended by the reviewer
(page 22, lines 22-23; page 23, lines 1-10), and on the various factors that might shape
face perception (page 23, lines 11-21).
Throughout the paper, we have gone through everywhere and tried to remove any
misleading statements that might suggest generalizability inappropriately. For instance,
the entire section for Study 2, which used to have the subheading “Generalizability
across countries and regions”, now has the more neutral subheading, “Results from
other countries” (page 15, line 16), and we have tried throughout not to give any false
suggestions of generalizability or universality.
The experiment’s sample of words is not representative of human languages in general.
What reason is there to think that English provides appropriate categories for pan-
human distinctions? English is just one of the 6000 or so languages spoken on Earth
today. There is some acknowledgement of this in the manuscript but it is too buried.
Line 324: ‘We note that our sampling of trait words was limited to English words’. Why
the limitation to English? Languages have thousands of adjectives and there are
thousands of languages in the world. Why is English regarded as an appropriate
measure for a pan-human propensity? Or is this intended to be a study of English? If so,
this should be made clear. A straightforward solution would be to state that this is a
study of English-language attribution (eg by putting ‘English’ in the title). But this raises
another problem: Spanish was used in the Peru data. If the researchers considered it
tolerable to use translations of English into other languages, why wasn’t this done with
many more languages? EG Why no translation to Hindi in India etc. (However, I
emphasize that it is well established that languages do not have many translational
equivalents in their vocabularies at all, let alone in their sets of adjectives labeling
personality traits.)
RESPONSE: We agree with the reviewer that our study’s sample of words is not
representative of human languages in general. The reason for limiting ourselves to
English is twofold: (1) that English is the most commonly spoken language (including
native and learned) around different parts of the world, making it feasible to replicate our
study using the exact same experimental procedure in as many different samples
around the world as possible (Study 2); (2) the comprehensive list of attribute words
from which sampled was available only in English-based psychology studies, and
similarly the machine learning approaches for sampling the words depended on deep
neural networks that were trained on the corpus of English words. As well, the common
language of the investigators and our colleagues was English and it was simply not our
intent to conduct a study of other languages than English. We have now clarified this in
the revised Introduction (page 4, lines 11-13), and expanded more on our limitations
regarding language in the Discussion (page 22, lines 22-23; page 23, lines 1-10).
Our original intent of recruiting different samples around the world, as we clarify in the
paper (page 16, lines 1-3), was not to provide a cross-cultural or cross-linguistic study in
our Study 2, but mere to help expand the reliability of our findings by reproducing them
in samples additional to American subjects tested over the internet (our Study 1), which
has been the modal approach taken by all studies in this field. To that end, we tested
subjects in 7 different countries in person in very dense sampling. Thus, Study 2 was
not and is not intended to be a cross-cultural study, and we don’t make any claims
about cultural or linguistic universality, and instead note the limitations (Abstract; page
3, lines 13-14; page 4, lines 11-13; page 22, lines 10-13; page 23, lines 1-10).
In Study 2, we intended to recruit primarily participants who speak English precisely for
the reasons noted by the Reviewer: so that we could avoid the issue of translation. We
had to switch to Spanish for participants in Peru because we were not able to recruit the
target sample size of participants who speak English there, and we felt that collecting
and presenting the data from Spanish-speaking participants would still be useful to
include in our paper.
To alleviate the issues with translational equivalents and potential different
interpretations of the trait words by participants who speak different (native) languages
(and even within participants who are native English speakers), we did not simply give
subjects a single trait word in isolation. Instead, for each trait word, we provided a brief
definition of what the word means in the context of trait attributions from faces
(Supplementary Table 1). This is also an improvement over much prior work and
important to note: participants were not merely given words to rate, but definitions of
their meaning.
Importantly, our study is not merely about the trait words we used. The words are one
way of getting at the psychological concepts people use to make attributions of faces. In
principle, one could imagine a study such as ours, with the same conclusions, that is
based not on using words at all (e.g., using pairwise similarity judgments about the
faces or other approaches). We tested the possibility that the psychological dimensions
we found based on the trait ratings from faces are equivalent to or constrained by the
semantic relations between the words. That turned out not to be the case:
dimensionality reduction based merely on the semantic similarity among the words
(without any attributions from the faces) suggests a much higher number and a different
set of dimensions than the four dimensions we found with faces (see Methods,
subsection “Sampling of trait words”, page 26, lines 21-22 and page 27, lines 1-13).
Relatedly, our findings showed that, even with the limitations on language, the same
four psychological dimensions were found in samples that speak different native
languages (e.g., the Latvia sample) and the Peru sample that used Spanish to complete
the experiments, suggesting that there is similarity in the psychological dimensions
people across different regions use to represent the faces. As noted above, a stronger
test of such a claim might be obtained in future studies using experiment paradigms that
do not involve words at all (e.g., have participants rate the pairwise similarity of all faces
or sort the faces into piles based on what type of person they look like). We have noted
this in the revised Discussion,
“These findings suggest that while languages likely shape
the words and concepts available to describe individual trait attribution, the
psychological dimensions (which capture the relationship between groups of trait
attributions) that people use to represent face attributes are to some extent similar
across different countries. This could be tested further in future studies that use no
words at all, and instead use measures such as pairwise similarity judgments or pile
sorting of the faces
(page 21, lines 1-5).
Again on the matter of language, and the reliance on English, there is a real concern
about the validity of English as a measure across the populations tested. The judgments
in Latvia, Peru, the Philippines, India, Gaza, were done in English by non-native
speakers. How comparable are these judgments across the various countries? How
comparable are they to the native English speaker judgments? Methods section (line
565) says subjects had to be ‘proficient in English’ (up to high school level). Exactly how
‘proficient’ did somebody have to be? Even with someone who is truly ‘proficient’, can
we be confident that they understand the 100 words, even the four main trait words, in
the same ways that English native speakers do? An additional criterion was that they
must ‘have never visited or lived in Western-culture countries’, line 567); this almost