Hydrogel-Tissue Chemistry: Principles and Applications
Viviana Gradinaru
Jennifer Treweek
Kristin Overton
, and
Karl Deisseroth
Division of Biology and Biological Engineering, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena,
California 91125, USA; viviana@caltech.edu
Department of Bioengineering, Stanford University, Stanford, California 94305, USA;
Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Stanford University, Stanford, California
94305, USA
Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Stanford University, Stanford, California 94305, USA
Over the past five years, a rapidly developing experimental approach has enabled high-resolution
and high-content information retrieval from intact multicellular animal (metazoan) systems. New
chemical and physical forms are created in the hydrogel-tissue chemistry process, and the
retention and retrieval of crucial phenotypic information regarding constituent cells and molecules
(and their joint interrelationships) are thereby enabled. For example, rich data sets defining both
single-cell-resolution gene expression and single-cell-resolution activity during behavior can now
be collected while still preserving information on three-dimensional positioning and/or brain-wide
wiring of those very same neurons—even within vertebrate brains. This new approach and its
variants, as applied to neuroscience, are beginning to illuminate the fundamental cellular and
chemical representations of sensation, cognition, and action. More generally, reimagining
metazoans as metareactants—or positionally defined three-dimensional graphs of constituent
chemicals made available for ongoing functionalization, transformation, and readout—is
stimulating innovation across biology and medicine.
CLARITY; hydrogels; metareactant; HTC; hydrogel-tissue; clearing
In the study of complex biological systems, a powerful experimental approach is that of
analysis or disassembly (removing components, such as a particular type of cell or complex
All protocols, software, and other information regarding these methods is freely available from the authors and online, and
disseminated via free hands-on training courses (
). V.G. and K.D. have disclosed
intellectual property regarding HTC methods to Caltech and Stanford, some of which has been licensed to ClearLight Diagnostics,
which is exploring applications for cancer diagnostics, and with which there are consulting arrangements and equity; V.G. and K.D.
each also have grant support from the US federal government (National Institutes of Health and National Science Foundation) to
further develop, apply, and disseminate these methods.
Published as:
Annu Rev Biophys
. 2018 May 20; 47: 355–376.
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of molecules, from the native context for further study). For example, the current revolution
in cancer treatment was in part enabled by reductionist molecular and cellular-level analysis
of isolated cancer cells and of specific immune-system cells that play a role in suppressing
tumor growth. The success of this analytical paradigm has, in part, extended to neuroscience
as well; studies of isolated neurons and axons have facilitated elucidation of the fundamental
logic of single-neuron information processing.
However, for systems like the intact vertebrate brain (composed of 10
neurons and characterized by crucial emergent properties), studying constituent components
in isolation can provide little insight into many of the most significant mysteries.
Alternatively, converting the brain—or more broadly the entire metazoan (multicellular
animal) organism—into an assembly of reactants anchored onto a new and versatile three-
dimensional (3D) coordinate system has recently emerged as a complementary strategy (
). Coupling individual subsets of chemically defined biomolecules to functional groups,
covalently anchoring or entangling these in turn within a polymer lattice, and then working
with this structure (effectively a 3D assembly of spatially tagged molecular reactants) (
) has already opened the door to a diverse array of novel approaches and discoveries in
The technique builds in part from (among several other foundations in science and
engineering) the chemistry of hydrogels, which are 3D polymeric networks of connected
hydrophilic components. Gels and polymers have a long history of use in biology, including
for providing physical support of tissues during sectioning and imaging, as well as for a
number of important clinical applications in regenerative medicine and tissue engineering.
But in the basic science of hydrogel-tissue chemistry (
), specific classes of native
biomolecules in tissue are immobilized or covalently anchored (for example, through
individualized interface molecules to gel monomer molecules) and precisely timed
polymerization causing tissue-gel hybrid formation is triggered within all the cells across the
tissue in an ordered and controlled process (Figure 1) to ultimately create an optically and
chemically accessible biomolecular matrix. Indeed, when the biomolecules of interest are
thereby transferred to the polymer lattice, a robust new composite hydrogel-tissue material
results (
), which becomes the substrate for future chemical and optical interrogation
that can be probed and manipulated in new ways. This approach has been diversified (Figure
2) to address needs and opportunities in organisms and tissues across biology (including in
cancer diagnostics, bacterial and HIV infection of mammalian tissues, developmental
biology, parkinsonism, Alzheimer’s disease, multiple sclerosis, autism, drug abuse, and fear/
anxiety disorders). Here, we review the fundamentals of this approach, the rapidly
expanding scope of discoveries that have resulted, and emerging directions and opportunities
for the future.
Biomolecule functionalization and multistep linkage to a versatile tissue-hydrogel scaffold
(Figure 2) within the cells of vertebrates (mouse, fish, and human) (
) were
described in an initial version called CLARITY; this method was optimized for application
to the vertebrate nervous system (
). The hydrogel-tissue hybrid brains were
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transparent (i.e., clarified) and thus permissive of intact whole-organ imaging at high
resolution (
). It was noted that the resulting hydrogel-tissue hybrid “expanded” upon lipid
removal in aqueous solution but “did not cause net tissue deformation...[R]emaining
secured in place were fine structural details” (
, p. 334) since the expansion could be
reversed with a solution change. Other diverse strategies for reducing opacity of intact tissue
had been explored for years (though with varying degrees of efficacy and versatility) (Figure
3), but transparency was not the only experimental leverage achieved with the hydrogel-
tissue chemistry (HTC) approach; for example, the new hybrids were designed to be
macromolecule permeant—enabling multiple rounds of molecular interrogation of preserved
biomolecules (proteins and nucleic acids) that had been anchored into the new physical
structure (
Single-photon confocal microscopy was initially used to image many-millimeter-thick
blocks of the resulting clarified and fluorescently labeled human brain tissue, zebrafish
central nervous systems, and whole adult mouse brain hemispheres (
). Diverse lines of
work eventually emerged from this publication (
); as was noted therein, “infused elements
need not be exclusively hydrogel monomers or acrylamide-based, and the properties of
infused elements may be adjusted for varying degrees of clarity, rigidity, macromolecule-
permeability or other functionality” (
, pp. 336–37). Also in 2013, a broad diversity of
additional compositions, including those with acrylates or alginates, was described (
), and
indeed variations and innovations on the theme rapidly emerged (Figure 4) (reviewed in
Also introduced was an electrophoretic tissue clearing (ETC) technique to accelerate lipid
removal (
); lipid removal promotes tissue transparency and macromolecular interrogation,
and this process can be carried out nondestructively after hydrogel-tissue hybrid formation
(Figure 1). ETC employs electric field-forced clearance of lipid-containing ionic-detergent
sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) micelles (Figure 1). Although helpful, ETC is not absolutely
necessary to remove lipids, and the following year an ETC-independent approach was
reported—passive CLARITY. This variant was initially described by Zhang et al. (
) and
was found to be effective for adult central nervous systems and spinal cords. Passive
CLARITY was soon thereafter reported to apply also to brain slices (
), and when
combined with CLARITY-optimized light-sheet microscopy (COLM) this variant enabled
imaging of entire adult mouse brains at subcellular resolution within several hours (
). At
the same time, another CLARITY variant (PACT) was described (
), presenting
modifications to the CLARITY reagents to passively achieve fast clearing of thick samples.
After overnight tissue fixation in 4% paraformaldehyde (PFA), tissues were embedded in a
4% acrylamide hydrogel solution without the 4% PFA and 0.05% bisacrylamide of the
original hydrogel formulation to minimize cross-linking (
). In addition, a relatively
inexpensive refractive index-matching solution, termed RIMS, was introduced (
The data of both Yang et al. (
) and Tomer et al. (
) in 2014 showed a moderate degree
of tissue expansion associated with the HTC process, as had been described by Chung et al.
) and indeed also as had been seen with earlier tissue clearing approaches (Figure 5).
Although this effect had not been amplified to explore potential advantages, over the next
two years, several HTC papers {11 [expansion microscopy (ExM) in 2015], 131 [expansion
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passive CLARITY technique (ePACT) in 2015], and 62 [magnified analysis of the proteome
(MAP) in 2016]} soon enabled much-enhanced swelling of HTC hybrids to improve
resolution of densely packed features. In a method unique for preserving endogenous
fluorescence, ePACT (
) uses collagenase to enhance the magnitude of the size change.
Two of the other versions, ExM (
) and MAP (
), also embed tissue in a similar
hydrogel network (reviewed in
). In these formulations, which prescribe inclusion of
acrylates (R2 in Figure 2) alongside acrylamide to enhance swelling (Figures 2 and 4),
proteolysis can be carried out to facilitate this process but is not required. MAP additionally
allows reversible expansion of the tissue-hydrogel hybrid (Figure 5) and super-resolution
imaging of subcellular structures using high concentrations of acrylamide (30% acrylamide
with 10% acrylate) to promote protein attachment to the hydrogel and prevent intra- and
inter-protein cross-linking (
A large number of subsequent HTC studies put forward additional enhancements, including
modifications of the ETC process and device (
), of the hydrogel
monomer and cross-linker levels (
) and of other parameters while
maintaining the basic hydrogel-tissue chemistry (
). In addition to the acrylamide and/or acrylate-based PFA-coupled
hydrogels noted above (PACT/ePACT, ExM, MAP), other gelation mechanisms have also
been described. The SWITCH approach uses pH changes to synchronize formation of a
glutaraldehyde-crosslinked matrix within tissue before CLARITY-type lipid removal via
SDS, resulting in a heat- and chemical-resistant tissue-hydrogel hybrid that facilitates
multiple rounds of labeling, elution, and relabeling (
). Also described in the study
that introduced PACT was a strategy termed PARS (perfusion-assisted agent release in situ)
for whole-body clearing and labeling using perfusion through the vasculature to deliver
hydrogel, clearing, labeling, and imaging reagents (
). PACT and other passive
CLARITY-based HTC methods were further adapted to tissues otherwise difficult or
impossible to image intact, from the rigid and opaque bone [PACT-deCAL (
) and
)] to the soft and friable clinical samples and embryos (
In addition to small-molecule dyes, cellular stains, and protein labels (e.g., lectin) that can
directly target proteins, DNA, and other biomolecules, tissues cleared using HTC can be
stained using fluorescently tagged whole antibodies as well as smaller antibody formulations
such as FAB (fragment antigen-binding antibody) fragments (
). Nanobodies
were effective in staining PACT-cleared tissues (
); at 10% the size of full antibodies and
stable over a variety of pH and temperature conditions, nanobodies are particularly
appealing for labeling cleared thick tissues (
). The ETC process was accelerated using an
approach called stochastic electrotransport (
), and an electrophoretically driven approach
transported antibodies across a few millimeters of cleared tissue in less than an hour,
approximately 800 times faster than via passive diffusion (
). PRESTO (pressure-related
efficient and stable transfer of macromolecules into organs) conferred increased antibody
penetration depth and speed, particularly in cleared peripheral organs, by application of
either centrifugal force or convection flow using a syringe pump during sample incubation in
an antibody solution (
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To broaden the types of macromolecular information obtained, recent studies have
developed methods for visualizing lipids and RNA in HTC samples. Following earlier work
that demonstrated the detection of endogenous mRNA in CLARITY specimens via standard
in situ hybridization protocols (
), Yang et al. (
) showed that PACT hydrogels
supported the use of single-molecule fluorescence in situ hybridization (smFISH) to detect
individual mRNA transcripts at depth. In optimizing retention of RNA for labeling in cleared
hydrogel-tissue hybrids, a carbodiimide compound [1-ethyl-3–3-dimethyl-aminopropyl
carbodiimide (EDC)] was discovered to be useful for specifically linking RNA nucleotides
directly to the tissue hydrogel (
) (Figure 2), and application of the hairpin chain reaction
(HCR) amplification system facilitated multiplexed RNA labeling in these EDC-CLARITY
samples that could be at least 3 mm thick. A 1% acrylamide hydrogel exhibited improved
RNA labeling (for both total RNA and specifically mRNA) when compared to CLARITY
samples (with 4% acrylamide) (
). Multiplexed single-molecule HCR was also
demonstrated as an effective in situ hybridization technique in HTC brain slices embedded
and cleared with PACT or ExM (
). Other methods led to improved visualization
of fluorescent nanoparticles (polyethylene glycol-coated quantum dots) (
), creation
of nonfluorescent (dark) reaction products (horseradish peroxidase colorimetric labeling)
), and development of lipophilic dyes that were altered to be aldehyde fixable to
proteins to mark membranes even after HTC lipid removal (
HTC methods have proven powerful for neuroscience; only a few examples of resulting
discoveries are collected here to illustrate current capabilities and opportunities. First, a large
number of studies have used the HTC approach to identify local and global wiring patterns
of targeted neurons, beginning with the demonstration that a specific class of spinal cord
neuron (NECAB expressing) exhibits midline crossing (
), and subsequently with the
mapping of infection distribution for viral vectors microinjected into the lateral amygdala
(LA) to analyze the neural mechanism of cocaine-cue memory engram formation in mice
). Similarly, in a study analyzing the morphology of raphe-spinal fibers in the spinal cord,
passive CLARITY provided visualization of a unique branching pattern of serotonergic
fibers along the rostrocaudal axis as they extended toward the lateral motor neuron column
). Using rabies virus-based circuit mapping, passive CLARITY and COLM provided
unbiased global mapping of all the neurons in the brain that project to dopamine neurons in
the substantia nigra pars compacta, which in turn project to dorsolateral versus dorsomedial
striatum (
). Likewise, rabies virus-based methods were used to trace monosynaptic inputs
to projection-defined dopamine neurons via whole-brain CLARITY (in this case also with
ETC and light-sheet imaging) (
). Anterograde tracing followed by CLARITY (using both
ETC and passive clearing) provided visualization of synaptic targets of GABAergic
projections from the medial septum (
). And in a study analyzing top-down control of
anxiety and fear, passive CLARITY was used to track and map a distinct novel projection
from ventromedial prefrontal cortex to basomedial amygdala (
). Integrating passive
CLARITY with light-sheet microscopy and behavior, researchers implemented multiple-
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animal whole-brain activity mapping protocols for HTC alongside a strategy termed
) for quantifying numbers and projections of behaviorally activated neurons.
PACT was used to study the distribution and morphology of astroglia in thick tissue sections
) and the 3D distribution of multiple genetically defined neuron types in mouse brains
). Passive CLARITY on sections of medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) established the
presence of nonoverlapping corticotropin-releasing factor and corticotropin-releasing factor
receptor-1 circuits relevant to acute stress (
) and was used to map brain-wide viral
expression in mice inoculated with western equine encephalitis virus in the foot pad (
The distribution of microglia within the subventricular zone (a neurogenic region of the
adult central nervous system) was mapped using passive CLARITY (
), and in the
periventricular zone of the cerebellum, passive CLARITY was employed to analyze the
organization of astrocytes during development (
). Passive CLARITY was used to show
increased dendritic complexity in hippocampal pyramidal neurons of transgenic mice that
exhibit enhanced learning (
) and to observe the localization of cells expressing
neuromedin B, a bombesin-like neuropeptide that influences sighing behavior, around the
facial nucleus, including the retrotrapezoid nucleus (a control center for breathing) (
). In
transgenic mice using the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor
2 subunit (Chrna2) locus to mark
deep-layer V Martinotti cells, passive CLARITY was used to verify labeling, specificity, and
morphology of the targeted cells (
). For examining somatostatin-expressing interneurons
in the dentate gyrus, CLARITY allowed demonstration of the axonal projections of a
specific subset to the medial septum (
). Subcellular localization of a specific
transcription factor, ESRRA, was analyzed using CLARITY (1% acrylamide with ETC) in
brain sections (200 μm) to help elucidate the protein’s role in cell signaling (
). Using
viral vector tracing to label mPFC-projecting neurons in the basolateral amygdala (BLA),
CLARITY provided visualization of the target specificity of those neurons, which aided in
investigation of their role in manipulating fear associations (
). To analyze neuronal
organization in the hypothalamus, whole-brain mapping of tyrosine hydroxylase (TH)-
positive neurons and projections was performed with CLARITY followed by
immunostaining and COLM (
In addition to enabling these basic discoveries, HTC work has also stimulated technical and
engineering advances. Passive CLARITY of electrolytically lesioned slices was used to
correct electrode placement for fast-scan cyclic voltammetry (
) and to identify locations
of implanted optical fibers (
). Following penetrating brain injury, passive CLARITY
permitted brain-wide visualization of specific peptide accumulation in studies exploring
targeted delivery of diagnostic and therapeutic compounds (
). And more broadly, body-
wide biodistribution studies looking at chemicals or biologicals were found to benefit from
HTC; for example, Treweek and coworkers (
) and Deverman et al. (
) demonstrated
that whole-body PARS (
) could facilitate the generation of transduction maps of
systemically delivered genes by adeno-associated viruses, which in turn facilitated
characterization and discovery of new viral variants for targeting the central and peripheral
nervous systems (
). HTC-based clearing has also technically enabled quadruple
immunofluorescent staining as well as multiple rounds of labeling to reveal a variety of
richly defined subcellular domains and molecule types in single human cerebellar sections
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Several studies have combined magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) with CLARITY. In
probing the contribution of myelination to measurables from diffusion tensor imaging,
passive CLARITY revealed that myelination correlates strongly with fractional anisotropy
but only partially with radial diffusivity (
). The differential contributions of lipids and
proteins to MRI contrast were analyzed using passive CLARITY to remove lipids and
preserve proteins: Cleared tissues showed minimal contrast, increased relaxation times, and
diffusion rates similar to free water, and lipids were thus demonstrated to be the dominant
source of MRI contrast in brain tissue (
). In experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis
(a mouse model of multiple sclerosis), a direct relationship was defined between gray matter
atrophy visualized using MRI and the number of axonal end bulbs in spinal cord visualized
using passive CLARITY (
). This type of ground-truth work on clinical biomarkers is of
immense and rapidly increasing value, particularly given the epidemiology of
neurodegenerative diseases.
Disease model work in general has progressed rapidly with HTC. In a mouse model for
Parkinson’s disease, passive CLARITY revealed fragmented nigrostriatal axons (
). In
addition to related studies in rat models (
), direct human-disease HTC applications
have also advanced rapidly. The effectiveness of CLARITY on postmortem human brain
tissue was demonstrated using 500-μm thick tissue blocks from clinical autism samples that
had been stored in formalin for over six years, revealing 3D morphologies not readily
accessible using traditional sectioning (
). Similarly, passive CLARITY has been used to
examine the 3D architecture of amyloid and tau aggregates in 500-μm thick banked tissue
from Alzheimer’s disease patients (
), and passive CLARITY has been used on 3-mm thick
blocks of fresh or formalin-fixed tissue from Parkinson’s disease patients to reveal Lewy
body inclusions nearly 1 mm deep in the tissue (
Although originally conceived for studying the brain (
), the HTC approach can be
extended to a wide variety of other organs and tissue types, including spinal cord, lung,
heart, intestine, spleen, kidney, muscle, testis, pancreas, liver, skin, and bone (
). Its usefulness for imaging infection was demonstrated using PACT in mice
infected with fluorescent
Mycobacterium tuberculosis,
which enabled visualization of 3D
spatial distribution of bacteria throughout intact lungs (
). A modified PACT, MiPACT (for
microbial identification after PACT) was designed to label bacterial rRNA (via HCR) for
analysis of spatial organization and metabolic activity of bacteria in amorphous sputum
samples from cystic fibrosis patients (
). Also in lung, localization of nestin-expressing
cells was observed throughout the vasculature (not the airway system) of tissue cleared via
PACT, which motivated and guided investigation of the role of these cells in development of
pulmonary hypertension (
). In a mouse model of lung adenocarcinoma, applying
CLARITY to whole-lung tumors (clearing with two days of ETC) provided a comprehensive
demonstration of significant differences in the cellular density and morphology of tumor
cells with and without depletion of regulatory T cells (
). In pancreatic tissue, an evaluation
of p53 loss of heterozygosity in tumor progression was enabled by HTC (
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In liver, 3D positioning within the portal system (relative to the canals of Hering) was
demonstrated using passive CLARITY for periportal hepatocytes, which undergo
proliferation following injury (
). After application of passive CLARITY to rat kidneys,
superresolution-STED microscopy revealed 3D positioning information at the nanometer
scale (
). HTC on mouse and human gut tissue was achieved using passive CLARITY and
immunostaining to visualize structures in the enteric nervous system, vasculature, smooth
muscle layers, and epithelium, while also demonstrating compatibility with classical
pathological stains such as hematoxylin-eosin and Heidenhain’s Azan (
). Early systemic
viral spread of human immunodeficiency virus 1 (HIV-1) in humanized mice was analyzed
from gut-associated lymphoid tissues using PACT (
), and HTC (with ETC) was found
useful for studying even dense and fibrous mouse hind-limb skeletal muscle tissue (
). In
virgin and lactating mouse mammary glands, epithelial and tumor cells were made visible
using PACT (
), whereas with passive CLARITY on intact mouse ovaries, the architecture
and growth of ovarian follicles and their relationship to vasculature was analyzed throughout
the mouse reproductive life (
). Embryonic and neoplastic tissue analysis has been
similarly optimized (
), and fast clearing was achieved by HTC in liver tissue (
as well as in the growth plates of distal limbs (
In hatched chickens, adult
and adult zebrafish, the comparative organization of
HTC-stabilized cerebrospinal fluid-contacting cells revealed similarities pointing to a
common bony vertebrate ancestor (
). Legs from chicken embryos were analyzed using
passive CLARITY to reveal embryonic development of hallux positioning in the avian
grasping foot (
). Passive CLARITY was also applied to the mouse nasal septum to
visualize the morphology of horizontal basal cells in the olfactory epithelium following
lesion of the olfactory bulb (
). The effect of subcutaneous injection of poly(methacrylic
acid-co-methyl methacrylate) beads on vascularization was observed using passive
CLARITY in mouse skin tissue (
). A dual-illumination-side light-sheet microscope
optimized for imaging cardiac tissue over 1 cm
in volume, combined with HTC, enabled
researchers to measure ventricular dimensions, track the lineage of cardiac cells, and view
the spatial distribution of cardiac-specific proteins within intact hearts (
). CLARITY also
has been employed in intact mouse hearts as well as human heart tissue up to several
millimeters thick (
Host-pathogen interactions were studied using passive CLARITY and PACT to
comprehensively examine morphology of necrotic granulomas from adult zebrafish infected
Mycobacterium marinum
). PACT and CUBIC (
) were found well suited for
imaging the intact zebrafish testis at cellular resolution (
). Passive CLARITY was applied
to transgenic
tadpoles to locate and quantify thyroid hormone signaling disruption
by contaminants introduced during brain development (
). Applying passive CLARITY to
the intact liver of lamprey undergoing metamorphosis provided visualization of the process
of biliary degeneration, a process that occurs in human infants with biliary atresia via a
mechanism that is still unknown (
), and passive CLARITY/COLM imaging in the
lamprey was used to visualize the spatial organization of neuronal inputs and outputs in the
optic tectum with the Neurobiotin tracer (
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Addressing challenges beyond soft tissue, Bone CLARITY (
) was developed and applied
along with a CLARITY-optimized light-sheet microscope to quantify marrow cells from
cleared adult intact mouse bones, revealing differences in fluorescent stem cell count and
distribution after bone-forming agent administration (
). HTC approaches have been
applied to multicellular plants as well via plant-enzyme-assisted (PEA)-CLARITY, an
adaptation to perform optical clearing and antibody interrogation on plant tissues. Using cell
wall-degrading enzymes to increase permeability and starch-hydrolyzing enzymes to
improve transparency following passive clearing, PEA-CLARITY enabled visualization of
fluorescent signals from expressed proteins as well as antibody staining in whole, intact
tobacco and
leaves (
). The PEA-CLARITY protocol was later applied to
study the 3D architecture of the
Medicago truncatula
root nodules (
The proven application domain of HTC in biology and medicine is rapidly expanding and
has already resulted in numerous basic science discoveries and opportunities for clinical
medicine (e.g.,
). However, the novelty of the preparation and its resulting data
streams have created challenges. Here, we consider the current rate-limiting steps as well as
opportunities for the future.
Early on, one of the clearest applications of the HTC approach was enabling high-resolution
optical access to large intact tissues, organs, and organisms. Although this major goal was
achieved, collecting high-resolution volumetric image data from large samples created new
issues. For example, the transparency of the hydrogel-tissue hybrid allowed confocal or two-
photon imaging over large volumes, but these slow point-scanning techniques led to
bottlenecks in image acquisition (e.g., the collection of high-resolution structural data sets
for an adult mouse brain required several days of imaging). Data collection on this timescale
is associated with problems ranging from photobleaching to simple microscope
overoccupancy, but rapid development of advanced light-sheet imaging, which offers orders-
of-magnitude improvement in speed (
), addressed this
acquisition problem. Subsequent HTC-focused work included stochastic electrotransport
); super-resolution-STED microscopy (
); adaptive optics (
); HTC sample handling
chambers (
); custom ETC and staining chambers (
); and microfluidic
chip-based embedding, clearing, and labeling (
The initial expansion found associated with HTC methods (
) was counteracted
with size-normalization/contraction strategies during the refractive index-matching step to
allow high-resolution objectives with limited working distance to access more of the brain
). This strategy also had the effect of reducing the data set size, an important
consideration for tractability. However, these considerations have become progressively less
important with the advent of new hardware, including customized long-working-distance
and high-resolution CLARITY objectives (
) as well as distributed computing
Many studies have employed automated analysis pipelines for manipulating large CLARITY
data sets; commercial 3D rendering software programs, such as Imaris or Arivis, can
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automate manually intensive data processing steps such as cell counting. Automation
becomes even more valuable when analyzing thicker tissue sections or whole organs (
), but the utility of automated analysis extends beyond the domain of cell body
recognition and counting. To quantify neural projection patterns, an automated method has
been developed to compute 3D structure tensors from CLARITY images, and input of the
tensors into diffusion tractography software yielded reconstruction of calculated streamlines
mapped onto fibers from the CLARITY images (
). With this approach, connectivity
between a seed region and specific downstream targets could be visualized and
quantitatively evaluated by counting streamlines (
). In addition, alignment of
autofluorescence images from multiple sample organs can be used to create a common
reference space. When autofluorescence is combined with segmentation algorithms for
automated cell detection, a transformation of the acquired signal from each sample onto this
reference space can be used to compare the regional distribution of labeled cells across brain
samples and allow registration to public atlases, such as the Allen Brain Institute’s Mouse
Reference Atlas (
). Automatic annotation of CLARITY brain images (
) has
been enabled by registering CLARITY brain images to the Allen atlas using a method called
Mask-LDDMM. TeraFly is a free, open-source software tool designed specifically for 3D
integrated visualization and annotation of massive, terabyte-sized image data sets like those
acquired using the COLM system (
), and a manual segmentation tool (ManSegTool) for
segmenting 3D neuronal data sets was demonstrated to enable neuroscientists to extract
neurons from cerebellum slices cleared and imaged using passive CLARITY (
). For
automatic annotation and standardization of brainwide data sets, WholeBrain is a free, open-
source software that provides connectivity and activity-based mapping and quantification of
multidimensional data, using a scale-invariant anatomical mouse brain atlas, which allows
comparison of results across experiments and imaging platforms (
). Concurrently, an
interactive Web-based framework, Openbrainmap (
), was developed
for data visualization and sharing between laboratories (
Tissue clarification is only one of many application domains of HTC methods, although it is
arguably the most developed. Beyond tissue transparency, two studies have applied the
hydrogel tissue-embedding step of CLARITY to stabilize mouse embryos or adult mouse
brain tissue for micro-computed tomography (micro-CT) imaging using contrast agents that
typically shrink tissue (
). CLARITY was also used to reveal the 3D structure of
patterned microtissues (
). And in stem cell-derived organoids, passive CLARITY
followed by immunostaining was used to model and explore effects of cocaine exposure on
the human fetal brain (
A final emerging domain of substantial interest, and an initial motivation for HTC (
), is
the development of hydrogel-tissue hybrids with diverse types of functionalization, which
would enable experiments extending far beyond static structural and molecular analysis. For
example, creation of active constructs based on polymers with electrically conductive
properties could allow new forms of interrogation of biological systems, and diverse
additional forms of HTC and variants are in the process of emerging. Rooted in fundamental
chemistry, the broad concept of envisioning (and remaking) metazoan animals and tissues as
metareactants—that is, positionally intact and chemically versatile scaffolds of molecular
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reactants—may continue to open up new and unanticipated domains of investigation and
discovery across diverse fields of biology.
Supplementary Material
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We thank Prof. Kwanghun Chung, Prof. Zhenan Bao, Dr. Ritchie Chen, Dr. Xiao Wang, Dr. Emily Sylwestrak, and
members of our laboratories for helpful comments on the manuscript. K.D. is supported by the National Institutes
of Health (NIH) R01DA03537701, R01MH075957, and R01MH086373, as well as by the Defense Advanced
Research Projects Agency and Army Research Laboratory NeuroFAST program (Cooperative Agreement
W911NF-1420013). V.G. is supported by the NIH via the New Innovator Award DP2NS087949 and the
Presidential Early Career Award for Science and Engineers, OT2OD023848–01, and R01AG047664; V.G. is also a
Heritage Medical Research Institute Investigator and director of the Center for Molecular and Cellular
Neuroscience in the Chen Institute at Caltech.
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