To evaluate the output of the artificial neural network (ANN) used in the CMS search for Supersymmetry using lepton + jets + missing transverse momentum, one must use the accompanying C scripts. These are to be used within the CERN ROOT framework, which may be installed by following the instructions at

Two C scripts are required.  The first, annApplication.C, is the "main" script that computes the ANN output (annOut) based on the values of four input variables; it in turn invokes annWeightFile.C. 

The input variables for annApplication.C, in the order in which they should be supplied, are:

 - nJet, the number of jets with transverse momentum > 40 GeV,

 - HT, the scalar sum of the transverse momenta of jets with transverse momentum > 40 GeV, expressed in GeV,

 - jet1jet2dPhi, the angle between the two jets with the highest transverse momentum, as measured in the transverse plane, expressed in radians, and

 -leptonicTransverseMass, the invariant mass of the transverse components of the lepton momentum and ETmiss, expressed in GeV, where ETmiss is negative of the vector sum of the transverse momenta of all reconstructed particles in the event.

Additional details about the variables are available in the body of the paper.  Candidate "signal" events should satisfy the preselection requirements, which are HT>400 GeV and ETmiss>100 GeV, as well as the requirements on annOut and ETmiss that define the signal regions described in the text.  The annApplication.C script should be applied only to events satisfying the preselection requirements on HT and ETmiss.  

Additional information is available from Avishek Chatterjee at .