Supporting Information:
Figure S1.
A schematic of the experimental setup used for 1,2-DCB and 1,2- DBB.
We control the partial pressures of 1,2-DCB and 1,2- DBB via a leak valve between the
molecule container and growth chamber.
A schematic of the experimental setup
used for 1,8-DBN. The precursor was heated from 60 °C to 100 °C to introduce different
precursor partial pressures.
The vapor pressure of 1,2-dichlorobenzene (1,2-DCB) at room temperature is 1.36
mmHg, and 1,2-dibromobenzene (1,2-DBB) is predicted to have a vapor pressure of
0.101 mmHg
. Since the vapor pressure of 1,2-DBB is one order of magnitude smaller
than that of 1,2-DCB, the size of the GNS
Ps grown by 1,2-DBB tends to decrease due
to less amounts of precursor available to form GNSPs.
1,8-dibromonapthalene (1,8-DBN) is in a solid form in room temperature. It was placed
in a quartz boat and was heated up in a furnace. The temperature of the furnace ranged
from 60 °C to 100 °C, which corresponded to a range of different precursor partial
Figure S2.
(a) SEM image (top) and Raman spectrum (bottom) of GNSPs on Cu foil
grown by 1,2-DBB for 10 minutes. (b) SEM image (top) and Raman spectrum (bottom)
of GNSPs on Cu foil grown by 1,2-DBN for 10 minutes. 1,2-DBN was heated up to
80°C to produce enough vapor pressure.
Figure S3. (a)
SEM image (top) and Raman spectrum (bottom) of GNSPs on Ni foam
grown by 1,2-DCB for 10 minutes.
SEM image (top) and Raman spectrum (bottom)
of GNSPs on Ni foil grown by 1,2-DCB for 10 minutes.
Figure S4. (a)
SEM top view and
tilted view of GNSPs on Cu foil fabricated by
PECVD with toluene as the seeding molecules for 20 minutes at 40 W plasma power.
Raman spectrum of the same GNSPs samples as shown (a) and (b).
Figure S5.
Optical emission spectroscopy (OES) of PECVD-grown GNSPs under
different 1,2-DCB/CH
partial pressure ratios, showing decreasing intensities of all
hydrogen related peaks with increasing1,2-DCB
partial pressure. On the other hand, the
intensity of C
radicals, critically important for graphene growth, is enhanced upon the
introduction of 1,2-DCB precursor molecules, although no further increase appears
with increasing 1,2-DCB partial pressure.
Figure S6.
Evidences of strong optical absorption by GNSPs: The main panel shows
the optical transmission spectrum of GNSPs for wavelengths from 400 nm to 800 nm,
revealing transmission < 0.1% for the entir
e range of wavelengths. The inset shows
micrographs of a copper substrate
before and
after the growth of GNSPs. The
growth parameters for the micrograph in (b) are given in the last row of Table 1. Here
we note that the transmission spectrum was obtained by using a Cary 5000 absorption
spectrometer with an integrating sphere, and the GNSPs were transferred from the Cu
substrate onto a quartz substrate for the op
tical measurement. The incident light was
sent through the entire GNSP sheet and the underlying quartz substrate and then was
collected by a detector. The baseline signal of
the spectrum was obtained by subtracting
the transmission signals from a blank quartz substrate as the reference.
Figure S7. (a)
(Left) Setup of the dielectrophoresis method
to align GNSPs on the
Au electrodes. The procedure for aligning the GNSPs is as follows: We immersed the
copper foils covered by GNSPs in dichlorobenzene solvent for 20 hours to lift GNSPs
off the copper foils, and then sonicated the suspension for 3 minutes to break down big
chunks of GNSPs. Then we used a micropipette to drop the suspension onto a set of Au
electrodes where an AC field of a frequency 500 kHz was applied while the voltage
steadily increased up to 60 volts and kept on until the dichlorobenzene evaporated
completely at room temperature. (Right) A SEM image of a GNSP on four Au
AFM cross-section of the image along the blue line in the SEM image
of (a). From our TEM studies, we found that the interlayer distances of the multilayer,
turbostratic GNSPs ranged from 0.355 nm to 0.394 nm, larger than the interlayer
spacing (0.335 nm) of pristine graphite. Thus, from the resistivity and thickness
measurements of aligned GNSPs using the di
electrophoresis method, we obtained the
sheet resistance of a single layer GNSPs to be ranging from ~ 7.0 k