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cMyc regulates the size of the premigratory neural crest stem
cell pool
Laura Kerosuo
Marianne E. Bronner
Division of Biology and Biological Engineering, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena CA
The neural crest is a transient embryonic population that originates within the central nervous
system, then migrates into the periphery and differentiates into multiple cell types. The
mechanisms that govern neural crest stem-like characteristics and self-renewal ability are poorly
understood. Here, we show that the proto-oncogene cMyc is a critical factor in the chick dorsal
neural tube, where it regulates the size of the premigratory neural crest stem cell pool. Loss of
cMyc dramatically decreases the number of emigrating neural crest cells due to reduced self-
renewal capacity, increased cell death and shorter duration of the emigration process. Interestingly,
rather than via E-Box binding, cMyc acts in the dorsal neural tube by interacting with another
transcription factor, Miz1, to promote self-renewal. The finding that cMyc operates in a non-
canonical manner in the premigratory neural crest highlights the importance of examining its role
at specific timepoints and in an
in vivo
cMyc is a key regulator of the size of the neural crest stem cell pool
Our data suggest that cMyc binds to Miz1 to form a repressive complex that keeps factors such as
Cyclin Dependent Kinase Inhibitors (CDKI) sufficiently low for adequate cell cycle progression
and cell survival to take place in the self-renewing cells. The production of neural crest is
regulated by: 1) the numbers of the neural crest cells generated in the dorsal neural tube and 2) the
length of the emigration period as the newly produced neural crest cells delaminate and initiate
migration towards multiple destinations in the developing embryo.
Corresponding and Lead Contact author: Marianne Bronner, mbronner@caltech.edu.
Author contributions
L.K. and M.E.B conceived and designed the experimental approach. L.K. performed the experiments and analyzed the data. L.K. and
M.E.B. wrote the manuscript.
HHS Public Access
Author manuscript
Cell Rep
. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2017 December 12.
Published in final edited form as:
Cell Rep
. 2016 December 06; 17(10): 2648–2659. doi:10.1016/j.celrep.2016.11.025.
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Neural crest cells are multipotent cells that give rise to tens of different cell types in
vertebrate embryos, ranging from craniofacial cartilage and bone to peripheral ganglia and
melanocytes of the skin (
Dupin and Coelho-Aguiar, 2013
). Premigratory neural crest cells
start as neuroepithelial cells in the dorsal neural tube that subsequently undergo an epithelial
to mesenchymal transition (EMT), migrating from their site of origin in the central nervous
system to diverse destinations within the developing embryo (
Kerosuo and Bronner-Fraser,
). The premigratory phase lasts about 24 hours in the bird embryo. Due to its transient
nature, the process of neural crest production must be tightly regulated. However, little is
known about what regulates the size of the neural crest stem cell pool and/or whether it is
comparable to other stem cell niches. Therefore, despite the high clinical relevance and need
to understand how neural crest ‘stemness’ is maintained, the
in vivo
mechanisms that control
the numbers of neural crest precursors and duration of their emigration process are poorly
The transcription factor and proto-oncogene cMyc has been implicated in a broad range of
cellular functions (
Eilers and Eisenman, 2008
), including cell proliferation and apoptosis. It
has been estimated to regulate 15% of the genome, and has an established role in stem cell
maintenance in both embryonic stem cells and tissue specific stem cell niches in adults and
in the embryo (
Chappell and Dalton, 2013
Dong et al., 2011
Kerosuo et al., 2008
Kwan et
al., 2015
Varlakhanova et al., 2010
Wilson et al., 2004
). Myc is often dysregulated in
cancer cells, correlating with poor prognosis in many neural crest derived tumors such as
neuroblastoma (
Fredlund et al., 2008
) and melanoma (
Bosserhoff, 2006
). In the chick, the
Myc paralogs,
, exhibit complementary expression patterns during neural
crest development with
expressed early in the neural plate and its border and later in
the middle and ventral neural tube (
Khudyakov and Bronner-Fraser, 2009
); in contrast,
is expressed in premigratory neural crest cells within the dorsal neural tube. In the
frog, the expression of these paralogs is switched such that
is expressed early in the
neural plate border, where it is required for induction of neural crest fate; loss of cMyc
reverts cells to a neural fate, without affecting proliferation or cell death of the stem cell pool
Bellmeyer et al., 2003
). In zebrafish,
which is genetically closer to
is expressed in the neural plate during neural crest specification and its knockdown affects
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both neural induction and proper development of neural crest derived tissues such as the
pharyngeal arches (
Hong et al., 2008
). Similarly, conditional knockdown of
in mice
using Wnt1-Cre results in defects in formation of pigment, skull and ear (
Wei et al., 2007
Reprogramming of murine radial glial cells with
induces characteristics of
early neural crest cells (
Bung et al., 2015
). Finally, overexpression of avian
after EMT
in migratory neural crest cells results in differentiation of neurons at the expense of other
neural crest derivatives (
Wakamatsu et al., 1997
). However, the relative roles of
in the early neural crest remain unclear.
Here, we tackle the role of the multifunctional protein cMyc (
Eilers and Eisenman, 2008
) in
the premigratory neural crest of avian embryos. Initiation of
expression begins
concomitant with the onset of EMT, consistent with its proposed role as a late neural crest
specifier gene (
Sauka-Spengler and Bronner-Fraser, 2008
). Moreover, we find that cMyc
plays a critical role in regulating the size of the premigratory neural crest cell pool by
promoting self-renewal and survival. This role is different than its canonical role in
activating transcription together with its binding partner Max via E-Box binding. Instead,
our results show that in the premigratory neural crest, cMyc/Max function depends upon
interaction with another transcription factor Miz-1 to form a repressive complex. Our results
suggest that the Myc/Miz1 complex transcriptionally regulates levels of factors including
cyclin dependent kinase inhibitors, thus enabling cell cycle progression required for self-
renewal. Although cMyc is well-known for its ability to induce proliferation, this does not
appear to be the case in the neural crest, highlighting its tissue-specific roles. These results
provide novel insights into the mechanisms that regulate self-renewal ability in the
premigratory neural crest stem cell pool.
Given the existence of notable species specific differences in expression of
in the early
ectoderm, we performed a careful analysis of the expression pattern in the chick embryo by
in situ
hybridization (Figs 1 and S1). The results show that, unlike in the frog (
Bellmeyer et
al. 2003
expression is absent from the neural plate and neural plate border (Figs 1A–
B, S1A–D) but is first detected in the cranial dorsal neural folds during neural tube closure
at the 5–6 somite stage (Hamburger Hamilton, HH, stage 8+, Fig 1C). The expression
overlaps with Pax7-immunopositive premigratory neural crest cells (Fig 1C
). Intense
expression is maintained in neural crest cells throughout emigration and migratory stages
(HH stages 9–12, Figs 1E–F S1E–F).
We next examined the effects of cMyc loss of function in the neural crest by electroporating
a translation blocking morpholino onto one side of the embryo at gastrula stages. As an
internal control, a control morpholino was electroporated on the contralateral side of the
same embryo, which was cultured and analyzed the following day (Fig 2A). 1.2mM
morpholino had no effect on the induction of neural crest cells at the neural plate border
prior to the time of initiation of cMyc expression in the neural folds, which also
demonstrates that the morpholino treatment did not cause any non-specific effects (Figs
S2A–C). In contrast, at premigratory stages (HH8+/9−), cMyc knockdown reduced the
numbers of
and Pax7 expressing neural crest cells compared to control embryos. As
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a result, the neural crest cell domain in the tip of the dorsal neural tube was significantly
smaller on the cMyc-morphant side (Fig 2B–D). However, expression of the neural marker
Sox2 was not affected (Fig 2D). The same phenotype persisted throughout the emigration
and migration period (Figs 2E–H) with on average 85% (for stage 8–10 combined) of the
embryos resulting in a decrease in size of the neural crest population on the cMyc
morpholino-treated side compared with 10% in control embryos (Fig 2G). During migratory
stages (stage 9), this resulted in fewer
positive neural crest cells on the cMycMO
treated side. In addition, emigration was delayed, such that none of the cMyc morpholino
electroporated cells had delaminated at the time when the first neural crest cells on the
control morpholino side already were migrating (Figs 2E–F). As emigration continued,
neural crest cells migrated further laterally on the control side as viewed in whole embryos.
In contrast, a
-negative area was visible adjacent to the midline in cMyc morpholino-
treated embryos. Transverse sections revealed that emigration had ended on the cMyc
morpholino-treated side such that no more neural crest cells were emerging from the dorsal
neural tube. In contrast, production of
positive cells was still observed on the control
side (Figs 2H, h and hh). Higher dosage of the cMycMO (1.5mM and up) resulted in almost
a complete loss in expression of neural crest markers
, FoxD3
, and caused severe
degradation of the dorsal neural tube (Fig. S2D–G). Because
have non-
overlapping patterns in the neural tube, we analyzed whether cMyc knockdown caused a
compensatory increase in
levels in the neural crest cells. However, no changes in
expression were observed after loss of cMyc (Fig S2H).
The apparent decrease in size of the neural crest cell pool prompted us to test whether loss of
cMyc affects the ability of the cells to self-renew. To this end, we performed a colony
forming assay using chick crestospheres that we previously showed could be kept
in vitro
primary epithelial neural crest stem cells (
Kerosuo et al., 2015
) and thus maintained high
expression levels of
similar to that of premigratory neural crest cells (Figs 3A,B).
knockdown achieved by using two different siRNAs, we found that the self-
renewal capacity was reduced by half (Fig. 3C) after a ~ 30–40% decrease in
expression levels assayed by QPCR (Fig. 3D). In addition, many of the newly formed cMyc
deficient spheres were smaller in size (~15 cells/sphere as compared to ~30–50 cells on
average in untreated spheres). The capacity of secondary sphere formation was also reduced
knockdown, further demonstrating an effect on self-renewal rather than
proliferation (Fig. 3E).
We also examined the differentiation capacity of cMyc morpholino-treated neural tube
explants. After a week of
in vitro
differentiation, we detected several types of neural crest
derivatives similar to those seen in control cultures (not shown, n=12 embryos), as indicated
by staining of neurons with Tuj1 antibody, melanoblasts by Mitf protein expression, smooth
muscle cells by SMA antibody and glial cells with BLBP antibody (Figs 3F–G).
Since cMyc is known for its role in cell proliferation and survival (
Eilers and Eisenman,
), we examined whether cell proliferation and/or survival were affected after cMyc
morpholino knockdown. The results show that the proliferation rate in the neural crest was
not changed in a statistically significant manner, though we did detect a slight decrease in
the numbers of proliferating cells by using Phospho-Histone 3 staining (Figs 4A,S3A).
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Instead, we consistently detected fewer cells in the dorsal neural tube (Fig 4B). The tip of
the neural tube also appeared thinner and improperly folded on the cMyc morpholino-treated
side (Figs 4D,F). Since proliferation was not noticeably affected and higher cMycMO
concentrations caused degradation of the dorsal neural tube (Fig S2), we next examined
whether lack of cMyc caused apoptosis in late stage 8 neural folds examined by Caspase3
immunostaining. As compared to the control morpholino injected side, cMycMO increased
apoptosis 4 fold (Figs 4C,E).
To gain insight into possible downstream effectors of cMyc, we performed QPCR to
examine changes in expression of known cMyc targets associated with proliferation and cell
survival (Fig 4G). Surprisingly, neither the cell cycle activator
or the anti-apoptotic
were affected by the loss of cMyc as compared to the contralateral side treated
with control morpholino. Expression values were similar to control embryos treated with
control morpholino on both sides. However, in the same embryos, neural crest markers
were significantly decreased on the cMyc morpholino treated side,
consistent with loss of neural crest cells whereas control embryos had no phenotype.
Interestingly, we also noted upregulation of
on the cMycMO treated side (Fig 4G), a
Cyclin Dependent Kinase Inhibitor (CDKI) associated with cMyc activity (
Yang et al.,
). In light of this, we analyzed the expression of
in wild type embryos. The results
transcripts throughout the neural tube, albeit with much reduced expression in the
premigratory and early migrating neural crest cells (Fig S3B).
To gain mechanistic insight, we repeated these experiments in the crestospheres. Similar to
the embryo, the results show that proliferation was unaffected in crestospheres by loss of
cMyc (Fig. 4H–I). However, unlike the situation in the embryo, cMyc knockdown in
crestospheres did not trigger apoptosis, suggesting that the cell death in the embryo may be a
secondary consequence of loss of self-renewal ability in vivo. Despite the rather low
transfection efficiency in crestospheres (~30%), we also detected a significant increase in the
levels of p27 transcript expression (Fig. 4K).
The QPCR results raised the possibility that, in the neural crest, cMyc did not affect known
“canonical” downstream targets whereby cMyc with its binding partner Max activates
transcription via E-Box binding. In search of an alternative mechanism for the role of cMyc
in cell self-renewal and survival, we investigated the possible involvement of Miz1, a
transcription factor that works as a transcriptional repressor when bound to cMyc/Max.
Miz1/Myc targets include CDKIs (
Adhikary and Eilers, 2005
). Moreover, we previously
found that
is required for proper induction of neural crest cells at the neural plate
border (Fig. 5A;
Kerosuo and Bronner, 2014
Based on the elevated levels of p27 after loss of cMyc, we hypothesized that cMyc may bind
to Miz1 in the premigratory neural crest to form a repressive complex. To test this
possibility, we performed co-immunoprecipitation
in vivo
of neural tubes at the HH stage 8–
9. The results show that an antibody to a flag-tagged chicken Miz1 expressed in moderate
levels (1μg/μl) precipitates endogenous cMyc, demonstrating that the two transcription
factors indeed form a complex in the neural crest cells at the correct stage (Fig 5B).
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To examine the importance of the Miz1/cMyc interaction, we tested the ability of either full
length cMyc (FL cMyc) or cMyc with a single point mutation that renders it incapable of
binding to Miz1 (V394DMyc,
Herold et al.; 2002
) to rescue the loss of cMyc phenotype. To
this end, we simultaneously knocked down cMyc in the premigratory neural crest cells
and added back either full length human cMyc or the mutated V394D version that is
unable to bind to Miz1 (Fig 5C). Using the human version of the protein has the additional
advantage of being unaffected by the morpholino. Moreover, there is high conservation of
the Myc binding domains (
Peukert et al., 1997
) between human and chicken Miz1 proteins
(Fig S3C). We used Western Blots (WB) to verify efficient expression of the human
constructs in the HH stage 9 embryos after electroporation at gastrula stages (Fig 5D). As
confirmation of the specificity of the morpholino, FL cMyc was able to rescue the
morpholino knock-down phenotype and restore normal levels of
expression by QPCR
in situ
hybridization (Figs 5E,F). In contrast, the mutated V394DMyc that is unable to
bind to Miz1 was unable to rescue the cMyc loss-of-function phenotype (Figs 5E,G).
Furthermore, we used a Fucci construct to analyze possible differences in the cell cycle
phases and indeed detected more cells arrested in G1 phase on the cMyc morphant side, thus
further supporting the involvement of Myc/Miz1 in cell cycle progression and self-renewal
(Figs. 5H–I).
Next, we asked whether overexpression of cMyc in the premigratory/early migrating neural
crest cells affects neural crest development. We found that overexpression (2 μg/μl) of FL
cMyc caused an increase in neural crest cell production, yielding more premigratory neural
crest cells and a prolonged emigration time (Figs. 6A,C–E). The cells emigrated prematurely
in ~60% of the embryos (Figs 6A,C), and in roughly half of them, the formation of
positive cells also continued in the dorsal neural tube on the cMyc over-expressing side at a
time when
positive cells were no longer observed on the control side (Figs. 6D black
arrow and S3D). While this phenotype was predominant, a minority of embryos lacked
neural crest cells (Fig. 6C), perhaps due to variability in levels of expression, as high
expression levels also caused degradation and failure of neural tube closure in the majority
of embryos (Fig S3E). At lower levels (0.5 μg/μl), neural crest cells also emigrated from the
neural tube earlier than on the control side (Fig S3F), similar to effects observed with higher
levels. In contrast to FL cMyc, embryos over-expressing the V394DMyc mutant (2μg/μl)
had no phenotype and only a small percentage (11%) had neural tube closure defects (Figs
6B,C,F and S3D,E). These results suggest that the ability to bind to Miz1 is required for the
effect of cMyc on premigratory neural crest cells.
Finally, we investigated whether overexpression of either FL cMyc or V394DMyc mutant
had an impact on self-renewal, cell proliferation or cell survival in crestospheres. Similar to
observations in the embryo, overexpression of FL cMyc clearly showed a significant
increase in self-renewal capacity with the FL but not V394D Myc. Neither proliferation, as
assayed by PH3 staining, or cell survival were affected. These results suggest that self-
renewal and proliferation may be regulated via different mechanisms.
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Neural crest cells are a population of multipotent cells with broad developmental potential
, exceeded only by the inner cell mass cells of the blastocyst in their ability to contribute
to multiple cell types characteristic of “all three germ layers”. Understanding neural crest
cell function is highly clinically relevant given the large spectrum of neural crest derived
disorders, including craniofacial, cardiovascular, peripheral nervous system and enteric
syndromes. Aggressive cancers like neuroblastoma and melanoma also originate from this
cell population (
Takahashi et al., 2013
). Furthermore, due to its broad range of derivatives,
neural crest stem cells hold great promise for regenerative medicine. Multiple
in vitro
approaches have been used to understand cues required for their development and stem cell
maintenance (
Kerosuo et al., 2015
Lee et al., 2010
Lee et al., 2007
). Neural crest cells can
be derived from human embryonic stem (ES) cells or postnatal fibroblast cells
in vitro
however, these do not resemble premigratory neural crest cells within the neural tube.
Rather, these cultures exhibit various features of late, committed neural crest cells
intermixed with multipotent cells (
Kim YJ, 2014
). Despite the importance of understanding
these initial regulatory events, the regulation of the premigratory neural crest stem cell pool
is poorly understood. To address this question, we have used an
in vivo
approach in the
chick embryo combined with
in vitro
premigratory ‘crestospheres’ (
Kerosuo et al., 2015
Here, we show that cMyc is involved in regulating the size of the premigratory neural crest
stem cell pool as well as the duration of the neural crest cell emigration period. Our results
thus provide new
in vivo
insight into the timing and maintenance of neural crest production.
We show that cMyc is expressed in neural crest cells in the dorsal neural tube at stages
correlating with initiation of EMT (Figs 1 and S1). This contrasts with observations in the
frog where there appears to have been a paralog switch between cMyc and nMyc compared
with the chick. In Xenopus embryos, cMyc is expressed much earlier at the neural plate
border where it appears to play a role in neural crest induction, but not in later in
maintenance of the stem cell pool (
Bellmeyer et al., 2003
). In chick, we find that knockdown
of cMyc using a translation blocking morpholino (cMycMO) results in fewer neural crest
cells and a reduction in neural crest markers,
Sox10, FoxD3
and Pax7. While the expression
levels of these markers in individual cells was unchanged (Fig 2), indicating that neural crest
induction occurred normally, the numbers of neural crest cells appeared decreased.
Importantly, cMyc knockdown resulted in premature cessation of the neural crest cell
production by the dorsal neural tube (Fig 2), likely reflecting a reduced self-renewal
capacity. Conversely, we observed prolonged neural crest production and emigration after
cMyc overexpression (Fig 6). Using a complementary
in vitro
approach of crestospheres
Kerosuo et al., 2015
), we noted a reduction in the self-renewal ability of premigratory
neural crest cells due to cMyc knockdown (Fig 3). Reciprocally, self-renewal was increased
upon over-expression of cMyc (Fig 6). This is consistent with the strong connection
previously noted between cMyc and maintenance of self-renewal in several other types of
stem cells (
Chappell and Dalton, 2013
Kerosuo et al., 2008
Murphy et al., 2005
and Yamanaka, 2006
). Loss of cMyc seemed to affect the numbers of the multipotent stem
cells, rather than affecting capacity to maintain a certain lineage, as shown by the fact that
cMyc deficient neural crest cells are still able to form all major types of neural crest
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derivatives (Fig 3). Previous studies point to cMyc’s pivotal role in adhesion related changes
during exit from the hematopoietic and epidermal stem cell niches (
Frye et al., 2003
Varlakhanova et al., 2010
Waikel et al., 2001
Wilson et al., 2004
). Consistent with this, the
timing of cMyc expression correlates with onset of neural crest EMT that is accompanied by
adhesion changes in which Miz1 has been implicated (
Kerosuo and Bronner, 2014
Moreover, in keratinocytes, Miz1 binding is required for these changes (
Gebhardt et al.,
) in line with the results shown here. However, a direct link between cMyc-regulated
self-renewal and cell adhesion changes during neural crest EMT has yet to be established.
We detected an increase in apoptotic cells on the cMyc morpholino-electroporated side,
resulting in a thinner dorsal neural tube. On the other hand, cell proliferation, perhaps
representing the most commonly known function of cMyc, was not significantly altered.
Moreover, levels of known cMyc downstream targets that promote proliferation or cell
survival were unaffected (Fig 4). Therefore, we investigated alternative mechanisms
whereby cMyc might affect target gene expression by interacting with Miz1 or RAREs
Adhikary and Eilers, 2005
Uribesalgo et al., 2012
). Indeed, we detected upregulated levels
of p27, a cyclin dependent kinase inhibitor that suggested a possible connection with Miz1.
Down-regulation of p27 has been associated previously with cMyc albeit not been linked to
Miz1 (
Yang et al., 2001
Zindy et al., 2006
), and highlights the possibility that additional
CDKIs may be involved in maintenance of the neural crest stem cell pool. To test a possible
interaction between cMyc and Miz1, we performed rescue experiments by co-
electroporating cMyc morpholino with either wild type or a mutated version of cMyc
incapable of binding to Miz1. Whereas the former gave efficient rescue, demonstrating the
specificity of the phenotype, the latter was unable to rescue the cMyc deficient phenotype
(Fig 5), consistent with cMyc binding to Miz1 and repressing its activating function.
Moreover, co-immunoprecipitation showed that cMyc and Miz1 indeed bind to one another
in the chick neural tube during premigratory neural crest stages. We also detected an
increase of neural crest cells in G1 cell cycle arrest after loss of cMyc (Fig 5), which we
speculate triggers apoptosis of these cells as shown in Figure 4. Although a similar increase
in apoptosis was not observed in crestospheres (Fig. 4), this may be due to the relatively low
transfection efficiency
in vitro
compared with much higher penetration of morpholino in the
embryo. In addition to being important for maintenance of the stem cell pool shown here,
Miz1 also plays an earlier role in neural crest specification that is independent of cMyc and
occurs prior to expression of the latter (
Kerosuo and Bronner, 2014
). Consistent with these
results, Miz1 is known to form repressive complexes with transcription factors other than
cMyc (
Basu et al., 2009
Phan et al., 2005
). Interestingly, overexpression of the mutated
cMycV394D form that is incapable of binding to Miz1 had no effect on neural crest
development or self-renewal (Figs 5 and 6), further strengthening the hypothesis that the
action of cMyc in the premigratory neural crest cells is specific to its interaction with Miz1.
It has been shown that heterogeneous endogenous levels of cMyc expression are key for
creating cell competition for fitness in mouse epiblast cells, resulting in apoptotic
elimination of those cells with lowest cMyc levels (
Claveria et al., 2013
). This phenomenon
also is seen in the
wing after ectopic expression (
Johnston, 2009
) suggesting a
widely utilized mechanism for stem cell niche homeostasis during development. Similarly,
we show that transient knockdown or overexpression of cMyc via electroporation, which
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produces unequal levels of cMyc in neighboring cells, alters the size of the neural crest
precursor pool. Our results implicate cMyc in regulating the overall amount of neural crest
production in the embryo. We show that cMyc acts in the neural crest via binding to Miz1,
thus changing it from an activator to a repressor.
In summary, our results reveal a novel mechanism of self-renewal regulation in the neural
crest population at premigratory stages. This involves a non-canonical function for the proto-
oncoprotein cMyc: despite the fact that cMyc plays a variety of roles in development and
cancer, its primary and perhaps sole function in the premigratory neural crest seems to be in
maintenance of self-renewal. This is distinct from its role at later stages, for example where
cMyc has been show to promote neuronal differentiation in the neural tube
in vivo
Zinin et
al., 2014
). The neural crest is often characterized as a transient cell population that emigrates
from the neural tube and differentiates into multiple derivatives. Despite its ephemeral
nature, our results reveal the importance of the self-renewal capability of premigratory cells,
regulated by cMyc/Miz, in determining the size of the neural crest stem cell pool.
Experimental Procedures
In situ hybridization
Embryos were fixed with 4% paraformaldehyde, washed with PBS/0.1% Tween, dehydrated
in MeOH, and stored at −20°C. The avian
probe was made by using cEST191o11
) and the
probes were made by
cloning respective genes to DNA vectors from RT-PCR products made by using chicken
whole embryo cDNA as template. Whole-mount
in situ
hybridization was performed as
described (
Acloque et al., 2008
). The digoxigenin-conjugated RNA probes were visualized
by using anti dig-AP antibody (11093274910, Roche Diagnostics GmbH in 1/2000) and
NCB/BCIP (11383213001 and 11383221001, Roche Diagnostics GmbH). Embryos were
sectioned at 12– 18 μm.
Morpholino knockdown and HH4 electroporation of the chicken embryos
FITC-conjugated morpholinos were purchased from Gene Tools LLC (
(AACTGGGACAGCTGCTGCAAGCCAC) translation blocking morpholinos were targeted
to the respective 5’ UTR in close proximity of the ATG and a control morpholino was
designed to assure lack of non-specific effects from electroporation
(CTGCGATGAAAAACACGGGAGCACA). The MOs were diluted to a 1–2mM
concentration and electroporated together with an empty pGAG vector as carrier DNA (1
l). The morpholino was injected as two-sided injections with control morpholino on the
contralateral side. The electroporation was carried out as previously described (
Spengler T, 2008
). Briefly, the chicken embryos were collected on Whatman filter papers
and electroporated at Hamburger and Hamilton (HH) stage 4 by using 5.3V and 5 pulses
(50mA/100mA) and incubated on individual petri dishes (Falcon 1008 35×10mm) in thin
albumin until they reached the desired stage.
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mRNA was isolated from stage 8–9 embryos by using the Ambion® RNAqueous-Micro Kit
by individually collecting neural tube halves from the cMycMo treated and the contralateral
CoMo treated sides, respectively. The control embryos were treated with CoMo on both
sides. The results are shown as the relative expression fold of the treated side versus the
control side, or treated crestospheres versus respective controls, and were analyzed using the
ΔΔCT method (
Livak and Schmittgen, 2001
). Results from 3–8 individual embryos were
pooled and are shown as average values. The error bars represent the standard error of mean
(SEM). Primers were designed to target an exon-exon boundary and their amplification rate
was verified as linear within the margin of a +/− 10% amplification rate change between
points in the logarithmically diluted cDNA standard curve. The following primers were
Immunostaining, Western Blot and Immunoprecipitation
The following primary antibodies were used for immunofluorescence: Caspase 3 (1/200,
AF835 R&D Systems) and Pax7 (1/10; Developmental Studies Hybridoma Bank, University
of Iowa), Sox2 (rb), Mitf (1/500, Abcam ab122982), Tuj-1 (1/400, Covance MMS-435P),
SMA (1/1000, Sigma A5228), BLBP (1/200, Millipore ABN14), Cherry (1/150, Clontech
Living colors 632543), Histone H3 Phospho S10 (1/2000, Abcam 14955). Antibodies were
incubated in PBS/0.2% tween, 1% DMSO and 10% goat serum with whole mount embryos
for 2 days in +4°C, or alternatively on 12μm cryosections over night, and by using the
respective secondary antibodies by Alexa (1/1000;
). The cells were
imaged using fluorescence microscopy (Zeiss Axioscope 2 and Zeiss ApoTome.2)
For Western blot, SDS-PAGE was performed by using Bolt
4–12% or 8%, respectively,
Bis-Tris Plus gels (NW04120Box, NW0080Box, Invitrogen) with the Novex electrophoresis
chamber system (Life Technologies) followed by a transfer onto the nitrocellulose filter by
using the Criterion Blotter (Bio-Rad). The filters were blocked with 4% milk/PBS-0.2%
Tween for 1h RT and stained with primary Ab O/N +4*C, washed 5x with PBS-0.2% Tween
RT and incubated with the secondary Ab in block 1.5h RT, washed 5x and illuminated by
using ECL
(RPN2232 Amersham). The following primary antibodies were used for
Western Blot: Flag (1/4000; M2 F1804 Sigma), cMyc (c-8, 1/50, Santa Cruz SC-41), cMyc
(N262, 1/3000 Santa Cruz SC-764),
-Tubulin (1/10000 Sigma T5168) ribosomal S6
(1/5000 cell Signalling 5G10). The following secondary antibodies were used for Western
Blot: peroxidase labeled Gt anti-Rb IgG (KPL 074-1806, 1/20 000), Gt anti-Ms IgG
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(KPL074-1506; 1/20 000). For the IP, Pre-swollen protein G-agarose beads (Sigma P7700)
were coated with 20 μg of Flag antibody (M2 F1804 Sigma) or Ms IgG1 (Santa Cruz
SC-3877) o/n +4*C, washed and added onto lysed stage 8–9 (5–7 som) chick embryo neural
tubes (from anterior tip up to somite 2-level in 900 μl lysis buffer consisting of 50mM Tris-
HCL pH7.4, 150mM NaCl, 1% NP-40 with Protease Inhibitor Cocktail (Complete EDTA-
free, Roche 11873580001)) and incubated RT*C for 3h. The beads were then washed 6x
with lysis buffer and beads were detached by using 50 μl 8M Urea/2.5% SDS (30min 65*C),
and the supernatant was run on a SDS-Page gel as described above and blotted with the anti-
Myc ab.
Cell survival and proliferation
Cell survival and proliferation were measured by counting the percentage of Caspase3 and
PH3 immunopositive cells on cryosections or z-stack images on whole crestospheres,
respectively, from all Dapi-stained nuclei in the dorsal neural tube at premigratory neural
crest stage. MycMo electroporated side was compared to CoMo side. The results from 10–
20 sections from each embryo were pooled to represent each embryo (n). For the
crestosphere experiments, 2–4 z-stack slices per sphere (at least 5μm apart from each other)
were counted.
Expression constructs
The coding sequence of the human
as well as the mutated
Herold et al.,
), a kind gift from Martin Eilers, were subcloned, and the chicken
gene was
cloned into the pCIG-RFP chicken expression vector. For
, the 5
end was tagged with
a 1x Flag sequence that was inserted into the PCR primers and chicken cDNA was used as a
template (Miz1gallusFwd with Flag/Bstb1
ccagcacag, Miz1gallusRev with NheI TTTT GCTAGC ttttacaccgtttccaagca). The G1 cell
cycle arrest was monitored by expression of pRetroX-G1-red (Clontech 631463) by
electroporation (1 μg/μl) together with either cMycMO or CoMO, respectively, the
expression was enhanced by using an anti-Cherry antibody, and the percentage of positive
cells was measured as compared to Dapi-staining on sections as described above.
Self-renewal assay, siRNA transfection and DNA transfection into crestospheres
Self-renewal was measured in crestospheres by counting the ability of single cells to form
new spheres after a week in crestosphere stem cell culture as described in figure 3A
Kerosuo et al., 2015
). Accumax (innovative cell technologies) was used (15min RT*C
accompanied with trituration with a p1000 pipette) to dissociate the crestospheres into single
cells. The custom designed siRNA for avian
(Ambion, designed to target the
following sequences #1 GCAUCAGAGGAGCACUGUA and #2
GCAGGGUCCUCAAACAGAU) as well as the control (Silencer Select Negative Control
#1, Ambion 4390843) was transfected by using either the HiPerfect (Quiagen 301704) or
Lipofectamine 3000 (L3000008 Invitrogen) kit, respectively, by using 750ng siRNA/200
000 cells incubated for 3 days before performing the colony forming self-renewal assay.
DNA was transfected according to instructions by using the Lipofectamine 3000 (L3000008
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Invitrogen) kit with 1.5μl Lipofectamine and 500ng of DNA per each 24-well plate well, and
the self-renewal assay was performed on day 3 after the transfection.
Explant cultures
Embryos were electroporated at gastrula (HH4) stage with either cMycMo or CoMo on one
side of the embryo and grown on filter papers until they reached premigratory (4–5 som)
stage. Halves of cranial neural tubes were dissected out and placed on fibronectin coated
(5μg/ml in PBS 2h RT) cover glasses and cultured in a DMEM with 1% FBS for 1 week (for
smooth muscle and melanocyte differentiation); or alternatively laminin coated (50μg/ml
30min 37°C), cover glasses with DMEM complemented with N2 supplement (for neural and
glial differentiation), fixed 20min in 4% PFA at RT and immunostained.
Statistical methods
All averages represent the data pooled from at least 3 biological samples (n), either
individual embryos or individually prepared batches of crestospheres. Error bars represent
the standard mean of error (SEM) and the p-values were calculated by using student’s ttest;
* represents <0.05 and **<0.01.
Supplementary Material
Refer to Web version on PubMed Central for supplementary material.
This work was funded by NIH grants HD037105 and DE024157 (to M.E.B.) and by fellowships from The Sigrid
Juselius Foundation, Finnish Cultural Foundation, Jane and Aatos Erkko Foundation, Väre Foundation, and Ella
and Georg Ehrnrooth Foundation (to L.K.). We thank Drs. Crystal Rogers, Stephen Green and Michael Piacentino
and the entire Bronner lab members for technical advice.
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Figure 1. Onset Of
Expression In The Premigratory Neural Crest
In situ
hybridization shows that
expression initiates in the premigratory cranial
neural crest within the dorsal neural tube at Hamburger Hamilton (HH) stage 8 prior to EMT
and remains on during emigration from the neural tube at stage 9.
overlaps with that of the neural crest marker Pax7, observed in a transverse section by
(E–F, E
expression persists in neural crest cells throughout
migration. Scale bar for whole embryos 150 μm; sections 20μm. See also figure S1.
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Figure 2. cMyc Regulates The Size Of The Neural Crest Stem Cell Pool
Translation blocking cMyc morpholino was electroporated into gastrula stage (HH stage
4) embryos on one side, while the contralateral side was injected with control morpholino as
an internal control and analyzed the next day.
cMyc knockdown reduces the numbers
of premigratory neural crest cells in the dorsal neural tube as shown by
in situ
whereas control embryos show similar levels of
expression on both sides.
The size of the neural crest cell domain is smaller as shown by Pax7 immunostaining but
Sox2 protein levels are similar on both sides (n=9/9 for Sox2/Pax7 immunos).
stage 9, fewer
-positive neural crest cells (black arrow) are noted on the cMyc
morphant side and their emigration has not yet started whereas neural crest cells have
emigrated on the control side (blue arrow);
control embryos are similar on both sides.
85% of embryos have a reduced number of neural crest cells and thus a smaller neural
crest stem cell pool on the cMyc morphant side compared with only 10% of control embryos
(n=58 for stage 8–10 combined, n=20 for control embryos).
The phenotype persists
during the migration phase: emigration starts later and ends sooner on the cMyc morphant
side leaving a
-negative region next to the midline (magnified in
and marked by
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black arrow in
) whereas new
-positive cells are still produced in the dorsal neural
tube on the contralateral side (phenotype seen in 83% of embryos, n=30). Overall, this leads
to a smaller size of the neural crest cell pool as visualized by the brackets with different
length. * marks the treated side. Scale bar 20μm. See also figure S2.
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Figure 3. cMyc Regulates Self-Renewal But Not Multipotency Of Neural Crest Cells
Self-renewal was measured
in vitro
by using the colony forming assay on crestospheres
that express high levels of
mRNA as shown by
in situ
knockdown of cMyc significantly reduces neural crest cell self-renewal capacity (siRNA1:
average=0.41 fold, SEM= 0.076; n=6; siRNA2: average= 0.54 fold, SEM 0.13, n=6;
CosiRNA average = 1 fold, SEM=0.152, n=12, ttest siRNA1/Co p=0.00358; siRNA2/Co
expression levels after siRNA knockdown (average for
siRNA1 = 0.577, SEM 0.121, n=3; siRNA2= 0.748, SEM 0.022: n=3).
knockdown also reduces secondary sphere formation capacity (cMyc siRNA = 0.456208929,
sem 0.092996221 n=6; control siRNA = 1, sem= 0.237695836 n=6; p=0.04310364).
Differentiation of neural tube explants electroporated with cMycMO. cMyc deficient neural
crest cells were able to differentiate into all major types of neural crest derivatives:
melanoblasts (Mitf), Smooth muscle (SMA), neurons (TUJ1) and glial cells (BLBP) as a
proof of multipotency (n=24 embryos). Scale bar 50 μm.
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Figure 4. Neural Crest Cell Survival Requires cMyc
cMyc deficiency does not affect proliferation in a statistically significant way (cMycMO
average= 0.702, SEM 0.12; n=7 embryos; coMO=1, SEM 0.105; n=7 embryos),
(B, D)
although the dorsal neural tube has fewer cells on the Myc deficient side (on average 47 cells
in the tip of the dorsal neural tube, SEM 1.499, as compared to 55 cells on the tips on the
coMo side, SEM 1.51; n= 26 slides in 6 embryos, ttest p= 0.00020924);
(C, E–F)
likely due
to a massive decrease in cell survival as shown by Caspase 3 immunostaining (average =
4.13, SEM cMycMo 0.2039, n=6 embryos and CoMo 0.1700912, ttest p= 4.534E-07, n=6
embryos) and
(D, D
incorrect folding of the dorsal neural folds.
QPCR data shows no
change in known targets of cMyc involved in cell proliferation (
average 0.997, SEM 0.098, n=8; CoMo/CoMo average 1.1, SEM 0.22, n=4; ttest cMycMo/
CoMo p=0.63) or survival (
cMycMo/CoMo average 0.977, SEM 0.082, n=8; CoMo/
CoMo average 1.09, SEM 0.26, n=4; ttest cMycMo/CoMo p=0.62), even though neural crest
genes (
FoxD3, Sox10)
are downregulated (
cMycMo/CoMo average 0.41, SEM0.07,
cMycMo/CoMo average 0.50, SEM 0.08, n=6,
CoMo/CoMo average =
1.13, SEM 0.13, n=7;
CoMo/CoMo average 1.03, SEM0.06, n=7; ttest cMycMO/
p= 0.00036). Instead, the CDKI p27 is increased in cMyc
morphants (cMycMO/CoMo average 1.39, SEM 0.148, n=7; CoMo/CoMo average 0.93,
SEM 0.082, n=4; ttest p=0.0215). This suggests an alternative mechanism for cMyc function
other than E-Box binding.
Immunostaining for proliferation (PH3) and apoptosis
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(Caspase 3) in crestospheres transfected with cMycSiRNA.
Knockdown of cMyc does
not alter proliferation or cell survival in crestospheres (PH3 cMycSiRNA average=1.13,
SEM 0.17, n= 10; CosiRNA = 1, SEM 0.17; ttest p= 0.672; Caspase (cMycSiRNA average=
1.05, SEM= 0.11, n=10; control = 1, SEM 0.23, n=7, ttest p= 0.68).
Knockdown of
cMyc increses p27 mRNA levels in crestospheres (cMycsiRNA average=1.21; SEM= 0.06;
n=5; CoSiRNA=1, n=6, p=0.025). * marks the treated side. Scale bar 50 μm. See also figure
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