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Open Access
Human microbiome science: vision for the future,
Bethesda, MD, July 24 to 26, 2013
Jacques Ravel
, Martin J Blaser
, Jonathan Braun
, Eric Brown
, Frederic D Bushman
, Eugene B Chang
Julian Davies
, Kathryn G Dewey
, Timothy Dinan
, Maria Dominguez-Bello
, Susan E Erdman
, B Brett Finlay
Wendy S Garrett
, Gary B Huffnagle
, Curtis Huttenhower
, Janet Jansson
, Ian B Jeffery
, Christian Jobin
Alexander Khoruts
, Heidi H Kong
, Johanna W Lampe
, Ruth E Ley
, Dan R Littman
, Sarkis K Mazmanian
David A Mills
, Andrew S Neish
, Elaine Petrof
, David A Relman
, Rosamond Rhodes
Peter J Turnbaugh
, Vincent B Young
, Rob Knight
and Owen White
A conference entitled
Human microbiome science: Vision for the future
was organized in Bethesda, MD from
July 24 to 26, 2013. The event brought together experts in the field of human microbiome research and aimed at
providing a comprehensive overview of the state of microbiome research, but more importantly to identify and discuss
gaps, challenges and opportunities in this nascent field. This report summarizes the presentations but also describes
what is needed for human microbiome research to move forward and deliver medical translational applications.
Each of us consists of about 40 trillion human cells [1]
and about 22,000 human genes [2], but as many as 100
trillion microbial cells [3] (the microbiota) and 2 million
microbial genes [4] (the metagenome). Understanding
the microbial side of ourselves may therefore be critic-
ally important for understanding human biology, includ-
ing drug responses [5-8], susceptibility to infectious [9]
and chronic [10] disease, and perhaps even behavior
[11]. Since the inception of the Human Microbiome Pro-
ject (HMP) in 2007 [4,12], the fundamental understand-
ing of the human microbiome has grown at an ever
accelerating pace [13]. Together, the HMP healthy co-
hort study [14,15], and the many associated studies,
which provide more details on methodology, bioinfor-
matics analyses, and additional cohorts, have led to over
350 publications (http://www.ploscollections.org/hmp).
This work has set the stage for rapid advances, some
with high potential for translational studies, in under-
standing the mechanisms governing the similarities and
differences in the microbes we share, their association
with diseases, but more importantly, the functional roles
microbiota play in health and disease.
Meeting goals and objectives
To understand the current state of human microbiome
research, and to identify key areas for progress going for-
ward, we held a conference in Bethesda, MD from July
24 to 26, 2013, entitled
Human Microbiome Science:
Vision for the Future
. This conference, which was sup-
ported in part from a grant by NIH to the University of
Maryland School of Medicine, together with corporate
sponsors including Roche, Qiagen, Illumina, Life Tech-
nologies, MoBio, Metabolon, and the BioMed Central
, sought to provide an overview of
cutting-edge work in NIH-supported microbiome re-
search, and to identify obstacles as well as opportunities
for progress in this challenging field of research. The
meeting was organized by a trans-NIH working group,
including 28 participants (programme staff) from 14 (of
the 27) NIH Institutes, Centers and Offices, together
with four scientific advisory members funded by the Hu-
man Microbiome Project. The meeting was attended by
269 participants (and an additional 250 with webcast)
from academia, national labs, a range of government agen-
cies including NIH, Environmental Protection Agency
(EPA), US Department of Agriculture (USDA), Food and
* Correspondence:
Institute for Genome Sciences, Department of Microbiology and
Immunology, University of Maryland School of Medicine, 801 W. Baltimore
Street, Baltimore, MD 21201, USA
Full list of author information is available at the end of the article
© 2014 Ravel et al.; licensee BioMed Central Ltd. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative
Commons Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and
reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly credited. The Creative Commons Public Domain
Dedication waiver (http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/) applies to the data made available in this article,
unless otherwise stated.
et al. Microbiome
Drug Administration (FDA), US Agency for International
Development (USAID), Office of Science and Technology
Policy (OSTP), US Army, National Science Foundation
(NSF), and National Aeronautics and Space Administra-
tion (NASA), and involved 37 speakers from a broad
range of disciplines including microbiology, immunology,
medicine, infectious disease, ecology, and computer sci-
ence. The broad expertise of the organizing committee
and the participants underscores the way in which mi-
crobes pervade the human body and our environment,
and microbiome research may soon pervade the biomed-
ical research enterprise.
Over the course of this 3-day meeting, there were pre-
sentations and discussions aimed towards:
Recognizing that the study of the human
microbiome, in disease and in health, is of relevance
to the missions of all NIH Institutes and Centers;
Increasing awareness across all NIH Institutes and
Centers of gaps, needs, and challenges faced by the
broad microbiome research community to drive
future research and investments;
Facilitating coordination between the NIH Institutes
and Centers to promote coherent oversight for
policies and approaches that will maximally benefit
microbiome-related biomedical research;
Identifying areas where common resources or
partnerships would benefit microbiome-related bio-
medical research;
Exploring how NIH and other government funding
agencies could collaborate to integrate the
microbiome into studies of human health and more
broadly into studies of human interactions with
their physical and microbial environment;
Fostering understanding of the current state of
microbiome research, and shaping an overall vision
for future directions of the field over the next 10
Overview: the human microbiome project
In the first session Dr. Owen White (University of
Maryland School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD, USA)
(Figure 1A) set the stage for the conference, noting that
the meeting was a unique opportunity for microbiome re-
searchers both to reflect on past successes and to define the
direction that the field could take going forward. His intro-
duction was followed by a presentation by Dr. Francis
Collins (Director of the National Institutes of Health,
Bethesda MD, USA) (Figure 1B), who opened with a his-
torical perspective of the Human Microbiome Project
(HMP). He presented an overview of how the microbiome
is uniquely positioned to enhance the mission of the NIH
because of the many associations between the state of
gastrointestinal diseases and conditions, to cancer and even
mental illnesses. Dr. Eric Green (Director of National Hu-
man Genome Research Institute, NHGRI) (Figure 1C)
followed with a report on the state and the many accom-
plishments of the HMP. The HMP aimed to survey the
microbiome in humans through taxonomic and metage-
nomic analyses. He highlighted
the central healthy cohort
of volunteers who were intensively sampled, and several
demonstration projects that focused on diseases at sites
such as the GI track, the skin or the urogenital track. These
projects generated over 3.5 Tbp of data and 8 million
unique microbial genes were catalogued. These datasets
(sequence data, strains, clini
cal phenotypes, nucleic acid ex-
tracts, and even cell lines) are publicly available through re-
positories and coordinated through a Data Analysis and
Coordination Center (DACC) hosted at the Institute for
Genome Sciences at the University of Maryland School of
Medicine [13]. Overall, the HMP has led to over 350 peer-
reviewed scientific publications. The HMP has supported
the development of new bioinformatics and technological
tools, which altogether facilitate the study of the human
microbiome for the scientific community. Human micro-
biome studies
ethical, legal and social implications (ELSI)
were also evaluated, mirroring the Human Genome Project.
Dr. David Relman (Stanford University) (Figure 2A) gave
Diversity, Stability
and Resilience of the Human Microbiome
, highlighting the
larger role the human microbiome plays in both health and
disease. He presented recent work from his laboratory on
the profound effects of antibiotics in reshaping the human
microbiome, and on the value of applying (and perhaps de-
veloping) ecological theory for understanding these com-
plex ecosystems and their contributions to human biology
[16]. In particular, he raised the issue of resilience, an
ecological concept that refers to the amount of disturb-
ance that a system can withstand without changing its
self-organizing processes or services [17]. He empha-
sized the need for better tools to define resilience and
evaluate the stability of, and harm to human-associated
microbial communities.
Dr. Rosamond Rhodes (Icahn School of Medicine at
Mount Sinai, New York) discussed the ethical, legal, and
social implications surrounding the study of the human
microbiome. In particular, she spoke on issues related to
subject identification from knowledge of microbiome se-
quence data - issues that are in so many ways analogous
to those faced by scientists studying the human genome
sequence. These issues impact the way microbiome sci-
ence is and will be performed in the future, especially
biobanking. Importantly, they highlight the need to bet-
ter protect the privacy of subjects involved in micro-
biome research.
The session was closed by Dr. Robbie Barbero, Office of
Science and Technology Policy, (OSTP), who described
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the role of OSTP in supporting cross-agency collaboration
to meet
Grand Challenges
that address important societal
needs with a combination of research, technology, and
policy inputs. He described several successful Grand Chal-
lenges to date, and asked the microbiome community to
consider whether a microbiome-focused Grand Challenge
might be appropriate at this point in time, especially given
the pervasive impact of microbes in the environment and
in our bodies.
Basic biology of the microbiome
This session consisted of three exciting talks describing
what we know about how the microbiome develops and
changes over time, elaborating on the theme developed
earlier by Dr. David Relman. Dr. Ruth Ley (Cornell Uni-
versity) described the changes in the gut microbiota
throughout pregnancy, as well as those experienced by
newborns in the first few years of life [18]. She presented
exciting new work that aims at linking host genetic vari-
ations and the composition of the human microbiome.
For example, in a cohort of more than 1,000 twin adults,
Understanding the contributi
on of human genetic varibility
in shaping the composition of the human microbiome
will govern the way we will be able to manipulate these
microbial communities to maintain or restore health
and cure diseases.
Dr. Jacques Ravel (Institute for Genome Sciences, Uni-
versity of Maryland School of Medicine) discussed the
ecological principles that govern the dynamics of the hu-
man microbiome (resilience, resistance and persistence)
and how one can gain better understanding of these dy-
namic systems using descriptive microbial community
compositional surveys [19], gene composition and whole
community gene expression or even metabolite analysis.
Each of these analyses often reveals different intrinsic
Figure 2
Keynote speakers.
Dr. Jonathan Braun, University of California Los Angeles,
highlighted the challenges in translating microbiome
sciences. Dr. David Relman, Stanford University,
discussed the larger role the human microbiome plays in both health and disease. Dr. Maria
Dominguez-Bello, New York University,
discussed aspects of the modern versus ancestral microbiome.
Figure 1
Dr. Owen White (A), one of the organizers of the meeting introduced Dr. Francis Collins (B), Director of the National Institutes
of Health, who gave an historical perspective on the Human Microbiome Project.
Dr. Eric Green
, Director of the National Human
Genome Research Institute discussed the many successes of the Human Microbiome Project. Dr. Jesse Goodman
, Chief Scientist at the US
Food and Drug Administration discussed the regulatory aspects concerning the microbiome, including the challenges associated with
fecal transplants.
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dynamic patterns when applied to the same community.
His presentation stressed the pitfalls that could result
a priori
application of principles that might govern
microbial community at a given body site to another
site. Discussing the vaginal microbiota he introduced a
new concept that the intensity of dynamic changes (that
is, frequency and duration of change in microbiota com-
position) could represent an increased risk for acquisi-
tion and transmission of sexually transmitted infections.
Dr. Frederic Bushman (University of Pennsylvania) then
spoke about his work on understanding the dynamics of
the human gut virome (the set of viruses that targets
bacteria and humans). Although immense progress has
been made in understanding the bacteria that inhabit
the human body, especially through 16S rRNA gene se-
quencing and reference genome approaches, studies of
the human virome have lagged behind. Analysis of the
composition of the gut virome shows that, at least over
2.5 years, the dynamics of the virome is subject-specific
and may be important for predicting health, and that the
vast majority of viral diversity in the human gut is still
uncharacterized and rapidly evolving [20,21]. These
studies suggest that a targeted effort to understand viral
diversity may be needed given their likely importance for
the gut ecosystem as a whole.
State of the art microbiome tool
s, technologies, approaches
Microbiome studies rely on the development of novel
and robust technologies, approaches and analytical tools.
Dr. Janet Jansson (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
described cutting-edge research that combines multi-omics
approaches for in-depth char
acterization of gut community
function in health and disease. Taking examples from her
own work and those of environmental scientists, she
demonstrated the limitations of 16S rRNA gene-based
community survey which often shows high variation be-
tween subjects, while functionally the communities are
more similar. She advocated for applying metaproteomics
combined with metabolomics to gain more accurate in-
sights into the function of the community and often the
host as well [22,23]. The addition of these multiple layers of
omics data provides substantially greater insight into pos-
sible mechanisms, and when joined with time-series data
can be critical for understanding which differences are
causes and which are effects of processes at other levels.
However, she stressed that computational tools for func-
tional assignment and for omics
data integration are still
in their infancy and desperately needed. Dr. Dan Littman
(New York University) spoke about approaches for study-
ing the interaction of the host immune system and the
microbiome, noting the importance of specific commensals
in inducing inflammatory T cell responses [24]. He specific-
ally highlighted an association of
Prevotella copri
nization with the autoimmune response in rheumatoid
arthritis [25,26]. Dr. Curtis Huttenhower (Harvard School
of Public Health) described novel bioinformatics tools for
reconstructing the biomolecular networks driving emer-
gent phenotypes in the microbiome and their influences
on human health [27]. These
computational methods
provide the initial steps to integrate multi-omic data,
generate mechanistic hypotheses, and identify action-
able molecular targets for therapy. He also discussed the
need for improved study designs to effectively scale
microbiome investigations to epidemiological popula-
tions, which along with principled methods for meta-
analysis will aid in ensuring reproducible translational
Dr. Rob Knight (University of Colorado at Boulder) de-
scribed the challenges in moving from associative studies
that link microbes to disease towards studies of causality
using either germ-free mice models or epidemiological
criteria for causation. He also discussed the challenges of
integrating human microbiome datasets that use different
methodologies and different subject populations. He dis-
cussed the critical aspect of the effect size of each meta-
data element. For example, because age and body site can
have large effects even in studies that use very different
methods, it is essential to control for technical variability
when examining serial samples from the same patient or
sub-site analysis (for example, stool
lumen). He also
showed the utility of the HMP dataset [14,15] as a data
frame for integrating dynamics of time series datasets such
as during infant development and for understanding re-
mission of
Clostridium difficile-
associated disease after
fecal microbiota transplantation (FMT). Dr. Owen White
(University of Maryland School of Medicine) closed the
session by discussing integration of large datasets such as
those from Human Microbiome Project into accessible re-
sources such as the HMP DACC, which he leads [13]. He
emphasized the need for adoption of standards such as
those developed by the Genomic Standards Consortium
to enable systematic analysis of these integrated datasets
[28]. At present, privacy concerns make it difficult to ob-
tain and harmonize data from different projects, especially
because a considerable amount of data resides in dbGAP
(the access-controlled Database of Genotypes and Pheno-
types). He stressed that open resources will go a long way
towards making the controlled-access data more re-
usable. Finally, he described OSDF (the Open Science
Data Framework); an open-source project that provides
methods for accessing large volumes of data on distri-
buted file systems, including cloud computing resources,
which are increasingly gaining importance as the volume
of data expands.
The first day concluded with an open discussion facili-
tated by Ed Young, a science writer and blogger, between
the day
s speakers and the conference participants. A wide
range of topics was covered including: the potential of
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microbiome data to impact health; the need for improved
reusability of the resources generated through investment
by NIH and other agencies; and the importance of expand-
ing microbiome studies to understand the functional role
of the microbiome in disease. To date, most microbiome
studies have mostly been associative (associate one or more
organisms with a disease state), and the need for studies
that are designed to address causality was also discussed.
Many audience members were interested in issues of sub-
ject identifiability via the
microbiome and how a micro-
biome can be changed in a specific desired direction; both
of these topics are areas of intense scientific interest, how-
ever, at present a clearer picture is still emerging.
The modern
the ancestral microbiome
In the second keynote, Dr. Maria Gloria Dominguez-Bello
(New York University) (Figure 2B) spoke about the mo-
dern versus ancestral microbiome [29,30]. She described
how modern practices including hygiene, antibiotics, and
limited exposure to livestock have likely affected the com-
position of the human microbiome. She showed that
people living more ancestral lifestyles, without antibiotics
and vaccines, such as a previously uncontacted group of
the Yanomamö Amerindian tribe in Venezuela, have a
profoundly different microbiome as compared to western
peoples. Their microbiomes exhibit high diversity not just
in the gut, but at all body sites surveyed. She concluded
her presentation with a description of a fascinating project
that aims to collect not just biological samples, but envir-
onmental samples including household surfaces, water,
soil, air, domestic pets and livestock along gradients of
Westernization in both South America and Africa. Such
studies may be critical for understanding the role of mi-
crobes, or their loss, in several so-called
Western diseases
which are a high cost burden on the US health system.
Host immune system/microbiome interactions
Dr. Sarkis Mazmanian (Caltech) discussed how specific
bacterial genes control how some gut bacteria colonize the
intestinal tract [31]. Focusing on
species in
mice, he presented data demon
strating that a unique class
of microbial polysaccharide utilization loci is responsible
for species-specific saturable colonization of the crypt chan-
nels in the gut. These commensal colonization factors (ccf)
loci in
Bacteroides fragilis
Bacteroides vulgatus
species-specific physical inte
ractions with the host that me-
diate stable and resilient gut colonization; ccf mutants are
defective in horizontal transmission. These studies stress
the importance of species-specific genes that, if absent,
could affect the establishment of a healthy microbiome. Dr.
Eugene Chang (University of Chicago) discussed the effects
of the gut microbiome on host epithelial functions and re-
sponses [32,33], focusing on the pouchitis model that has
been extremely informative in his HMP demonstration
project. Dr. Susan Erdman (Massachusetts Institute of
ing that specific microbial exposures affect host hormones,
including oxytocin [34], interrelated with host immune
cell functioning. She showed that prior exposures to gut
microbes alter the immune system and potency of T
regulatory (Treg) lymphocytes, lowering risk for sys-
temic diseases including cancer later in life. These stu-
dies highlighted microbe-endocrine-immune linkages
and possible mechanisms for transmitting the effects of
maternal microbial exposures to offspring, including be-
havioral benefits such as improved social interactions.
Microbiome and disease associations
Dr. Heidi H Kong (NIH, NCI, Dermatology Branch) dis-
cussed how skin microbiota can influence host skin im-
munity and vice versa. For example, Yasmine Belkaid
and co-workers [35] showed that applying the skin com-
S. epidermidis
on germ-free mice can restore the
ability to control skin infections by the parasite
mania major
. These findings have potential implications
for the development of rational tissue-specific adjuvant
and vaccine approaches. In addition to highlighting the
importance of studying fungal communities as well as
bacterial communities, she discussed work demonstrat-
ing the alterations of the skin microbiome in patients
with atopic dermatitis (AD) and primary immunodefi-
ciencies [36]. The notable differences in the skin micro-
biomes of these patient populations may reflect how the
host can modulate its skin microbiome and potentially
elicit episodes of skin disease. Since AD is often linked
with asthma and hay fever, understanding the triggers of
AD may allow scientists to develop strategies to prevent
and treat these other diso
rders. Dr. Gary Huffnagle
(University of Michigan) described the major challenges
associated with sampling the lungs, a body site previ-
ously believed to be sterile [37,38]. It is now known that
a low-abundance microbiota exists in the lung and that
when diseased, the microbial load increases, comprising
numerous taxa not found in the mouth or throat. This
indicates that there are sele
ctive pressures in the lungs
for bacterial persistence, colonization and growth that
uniquely shape the bacterial community of this body
site. Dr. Vincent Young (University of Michigan)
reviewed Koch
s Postulates and their implications for
moving beyond a
infectious disease model and
towards an understanding of the role of both com-
mensal and pathogenic microbes in the development
of inflammatory bowel disease. In particular, unders-
tanding the interactions of normal gut bacteria with the
host mucosa is critical to understanding how dysre-
gulation of these normal interactions can trigger the ab-
normal host response that characterizes inflammatory
bowel disease [32].
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Functional interactions between host and microbiome
Microbes are important modulators of host phenotypes. It
is critical to better understand the mechanisms governing
this modulation. Dr. Andrew Ne
ish (Emory University) dis-
cussed how the microbiome controls epithelial cell prolife-
ration, focusing on the role of microbes in stimulating
reactive oxygen species (ROS) production in the gut epi-
thelium [39,40]. In Nox1 and Frp1 null mice, and dNox
the dynamics of crypt cell prolif-
eration are substantially altered, suggesting that signal-
ing to host cells via reactive oxygen species stimulated
by commensal bacteria is important. Dr. Peter Turnbaugh
(Harvard University) spoke about the impact of gut mi-
crobes on drug metabolism; for example, how certain
strains of the gut bacterium
Eggertella lenta
carry a cyto-
chrome operon that causes in
activation of the cardiac drug
digoxin [7]. These and other st
udies highlight the important
role of the microbiome in altering the outcome of thera-
peutics. A better understanding of these interactions may
someday allow us to devise strategies to improve drug effi-
cacy and reduce side effects. Dr. Wendy Garrett (Harvard
School of Public Health) discussed how microbial me-
tabolites, in particular short-chain fatty acids which are
the major end products of bacterial fermentation of
dietary polysaccharides, regulate the size and function of
the colonic Treg pool, and can protect mice against colitis
[41,42]. Thus, short-chain fatty acids may act as a trans-
ducer of the gut microbiome into a reliable signal that can
regulate immune homeostasis and function in the colon.
Diet and the microbiome
Dr. Ian Jeffery (University Co
llege Cork, Ireland) presented
the ElderMet project that studie
s diet-gut microbiota inter-
actions as it relates to the health of the elderly [43]. In this
project, comparisons of elderly subjects living in the com-
munity, residential-care or hos
pital settings were performed
using a combination of dietary assessment, gut microbial
characterization using 16S rRNA gene surveys, and NMR-
based metabolomic analyses. Differences in diet and living
situation were highly correlated with differences in the gut
microbiota composition and function. Within these popula-
tions the microbiota was asso
ciated with health outcomes
in the individuals such as fra
ilty and inflammatory markers.
Over the long term, diet was associated with changes in gut
microbiota and therefore dietary modulation of the micro-
biota may have an impact on health of the elderly. This
work could lead to carefully desi
gned dietary interventions
to promote healthier aging. Dr. Kathryn Dewey (University
of California, Davis) reviewed what is known about the
influence of diet in early life on the microbiome. She
discussed the key role of breastfeeding, noting that the
microbial composition of breast milk may be influenced
by the mother
s weight and mode of delivery, and that
prebiotics in human milk promote the growth of beneficial
gut bacteria. Although many studies have compared breast-
fed to formula-fed children, it is still unclear which spe-
cific aspects of breastfeeding have an effect on the gut
microbiome. Introduction of solid foods, the types of solid
foods consumed, and certain nutrients such as iron and
fatty acids influence the diversity and composition of gut
bacteria. However, there is little information on how
dietary composition or nutrient intake affects the
microbiome of children and the health consequences of
differences in the gut microbiome. A new project enti-
tled the Breast Milk, Gut Microbiome, and Immunity
(BMMI) Project aims to discover new ways to promote
healthy growth in infants and children, and will address
some of these important questions. Dr. Johanna Lampe
(Fred Hutchinson Research Center and University of
Washington) discussed how a range of dietary compo-
nents are metabolized by bacter
ia, potentially impacting
human health [44]. For example, bacterial metabolites
can act as nutrients for host cells (for example, short-
chain fatty acids), act as signaling molecules, or be gen-
otoxic (as in the case of nitrites and hydrogen sulfide)
or beneficial to host cells (for example, isothiocyanates
and flavonoids). Of particular interest in studies of car-
diovascular disease is the bacterial conversion of choline
to trimethylamine, which is subsequently converted to
trimethylamine N-oxide (TMAO) in the liver.
Translational research and the microbiome
The third day was dedicated to strategies for moving be-
yond basic association between microbiome and disease
by exploiting the microbiome to improve human
health. The third keynote was given by Dr. Jonathan
Braun (UCLA) (Figure 2C) who noted that the key to
translating microbiome science was to identify plaus-
ible mechanisms to explain how bacteria might affect
the host, as well as therapeutic targets for modulating
bacterial activity. He highlighted a number of diseases
that were either caused by pathogenic microbes or by a
microbial ecosystem, including
-associated colitis, inflammatory bowel disease,
Type 1 diabetes, lymphoma, atherosclerosis, and elements
of behavior and cognition. The main challenges are to un-
tangle the relationships among the complex networks of
microbial species, their functions and products and how
they mediate effects on the host (and vice versa) [45]. Un-
derstanding the properties that drive these networks is key
to designing reliable interventions. This presentation was
followed by Dr. Jesse Goodman (FDA, Chief Scientist)
(Figure 1D) who covered regulatory aspects concerning
the microbiome, in particular the FDA
s decision to re-
quire an IND (Investigational New Drug) application ap-
proval for all FMT other than those for treating
C. difficile
infections. In his presentation he also reviewed the regu-
latory issues surrounding probiotics not covered by the
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GRAS (Generally Recognized as Safe) guidelines, for ex-
ample, microbial strains isolated from traditionally con-
sumed fermented foodstuffs. He stressed that the FDA
mission was to get effective therapies and diagnostics
into the hands of consumers as rapidly as possible, how-
ever, within the microbiome space methods for demon-
strating safety and efficacy are still in their infancy and
very much evolving.
Body/microbiome axis
Dr. Ted Dinan (University College Cork, Ireland) discussed
his work on the microbiome-gut-brain axis where he uses
germ-free mice to demonstrate that the lack of gut mi-
crobes affects sociability, decreases memory, and increases
stress responses. He discussed the role that bacteria play
in producing neurotransmitters, such as norepinephrine,
serotonin, or dopamine, as well as how certain probiotic
bacteria can actually modulate the effects of neurotrans-
mitters. In particular, he presented data showing how spe-
cific strains of
Lactobacillus rhamnosus
modulate stress
and this effect appears to be mediated through the vagus
nerve in mice [46]. He cautioned that identifying psycho-
biotics (a live organism that, when ingested in adequate
amounts, produces a health benefit in patients suffering
from psychiatric illness) should involve rationally designed
screening strategies of very large numbers of putative mi-
crobial strains, and that, just as is the case with chemical
drugs, most strains are expected to have no effect on most
disorders. Dr. Martin Blaser (New York University) spoke
about both epidemiological evidence linking antibiotic use
and the risk for obesity [47]. He presented experimental
evidence in mice that sub-therapeutic antibiotic treatment
as well as pulsed full-dose antibiotic treatment modifies
body composition, growth, and immune status, leading to
increased adiposity. These results, together with the use of
antibiotics as growth promoters in livestock, suggest that
the obesity epidemic in humans may be in part attribut-
able to modifications of the gut microbiota by antibiotics,
especially in early in life. Dr. Stanley Hazen (Cleveland
Clinic) discussed links between microbes and cardiovas-
cular disease, and in particular the role of bacteria in
converting choline to TMAO, which in turn promotes
atherosclerosis [48]. This model, supported by careful
work in mice and in human subjects, suggests a direct
and specific mechanistic link between gut microbes and
cardiovascular disease. Dr. Christian Jobin (University
of Florida School of Medicine) presented his work on
gut microbiome and colorectal cancer [49], stressing the
importance of mechanistic studies identifying specific
bacterial genes involved in the causal pathway to cancer.
Using IL10-/- germ-free mice which develop colitis-
associated colorectal cancer after exposure to microbes,
he identified the polyketide colibactin, produced by
, which appears to play a substantial inflammation-
dependent role in colorectal cancer development in
mice and humans. These studies have started to un-
tangle the role of inflammation, gut microbiota, and
specific bacterial genes in the development of cancer.
Dr. Julian Davies (University of British Columbia, Canada)
ended the session with a discussion of the wealth of che-
mical products that microbes produce, and of the im-
portance of mining this wealth using rational genomic
approaches for identifying microbial secondary meta-
bolites with therapeutic activities. He noted that the
microbiome itself represents a great source of novel and
potentially bioactive natural products [50].
Probiotics, microbiome vaccines, and fecal transplants
The final session turned to methods for directly manipulat-
ing the microbiome. Dr. Alexander Khoruts (University of
Minnesota) covered the remarkable efficacy (approximately
90% remission rates) of fecal mi
crobiota transplantation
(FMT) in curing recurrent
Clostridium difficile
(CDI). The potential mechanisms of action are starting to
be elucidated and involve ec
ological, immunological, and
metabolic (bile acids) components - all are proposed to
lead to
C. difficile
colonization resistance. He noted that
many challenges remain before widespread implementa-
tion of FMT can become a reality in routine clinical
practice. Dr. Elaine Petrof (Queen
s University, Canada)
provided a complementary approach for FMT using
synthetic stool made of defined communities of bacteria
cultured from human feces but grown in the laboratory,
rather than samples from don
ors. She described the suc-
cessful treatment of two CDI patients using a defined
synthetic stool comprising 33 bacterial isolates [51].
This approach holds substantial promise for improving
patient and physician acceptability of FMT. Dr. David
Mills (University of California, Davis) discussed the role
of milk-oriented prebiotics and probiotics in identifying
compounds and bacteria that could form the next gen-
eration of rationally-designed prebiotics and probiotics
to improve and support infant health. He described the
rich diversity in oligosaccharides found in human breast
milk and noted that the typ
es of glycans found in breast
milk help to shape the composition of the infant gut
microbiota, specifically different species of
[52]. This information could be used to design syn-
biotic formulations comprised of specific human milk
oligosaccharides and bacteria to drive a healthy infant
gut. Ultimately, understanding the co-evolution of milk
glycans, the immune system, and gut bacteria in infancy
may be critical in improving human health in infants
and may be among the first translational models for
modulation of the gut microbiota. Finally, Eric Brown
(representing the Brett Finlay Lab, University of British
Columbia, Vancouver, Canada) spoke about gut micro-
biota and vaccine efficacy. In developing countries vaccine
et al. Microbiome
Page 7 of 11
efficacy is lower and the gut microbiota is different from
that in developed countries. He suggested a link between
the impact of diet and malnutrition on the composition of
the gut microbiota and vaccine efficacy. He highlighted a
need for studies to explore ways to manipulate the gut
microbiota to improve vaccine response, including pro-
biotics and/or prebiotics. Understanding the basis for
vaccine failure in developing countries is a key issue
in global public health. Further, developing tests for
the maturation of the infant microbiota and immune
system, which could be used to improve public health
strategies and vaccine efficacy could have a large bene-
ficial effect.
The meeting closed with another floor discussion mod-
erated by Ed Yong, which gave participants a final chance
to share their thoughts about the workshop and about the
future of human microbiome research. He led discussions
on the impact of antibiotics on the gut microbiota and
long-term health, as well as on ways to better understand
mechanisms of action driving the benefit associated with
manipulation of the microbiota.
Gaps, needs, and challenges: a framework for the future
of human microbiome studies
A key objective of this meeting was to identify gaps,
needs and challenges specific to each individual re-
search project presented, and the field as a whole.
In addition, the meeting organizers aimed to expand
microbiome research by incl
uding specialists in other
disciplines who could benefit from a microbiome
focus. Not surprisingly, speaker responses to the ques-
tions of gaps, needs, and challenges varied, neverthe-
less, some themes emerged:
Causation and the need for prospective longitudinal studies
A challenge in microbiome
research is to move beyond
identification of microbiota
community structures that
correlate with disease stat
es to establishing a causal
link between structural changes and the functions of
microbiota in disease. Prospective longitudinal studies
in humans were recommended to help better under-
stand the drivers of microbiome dynamics with respect
disease risk and to develop predictive models of sus-
ceptibility that could sugge
st better health practices
(Relman, Ravel). Prospective long-term follow up of
intervention trials are also needed to identify the con-
sequences of differences in microbiome structure and
function in early life (Blaser, Dewey, Knight). In mice,
multi-generational studies that monitor transfer of
microbiota to offspring ove
r generations with changes
in diet, antibiotics, or environment are important for
testing cause/effects relationships between allergic,
autoimmune, and behavioral disorders and the micro-
biome (Mazmanian). Impro
ved clinical phenotyping
and clean study design are essential to successful micro-
biome studies (Chang). Understanding links between host
genetics and the microbiome may also require a longitu-
dinal component, as some phenotypes develop only at
specific ages (Ley).
Improved understanding of microbial ecosystems of the
human body
We need more robust knowledge of ecological networks
within microbial ecosystems and their stability over time
within individuals (Braun). Characterization of microbial
succession and colonization, and of the natural history
of microbes and the disorders they cause, was noted as a
potential means to correct dysbiosis or influence meta-
bolism of drugs (Mazmanian, Ley, Turnbaugh, Chang).
Relman raised several key qu
estions, including: which
aspects of diversity matter most, and do these aspects
mainly occur at the level of organisms, genes, or path-
ways, or between communities? He argued that under-
standing the fitness lands
cape of an individual would
improve our knowledge of resilience and contribute to
strategies for maintenance and restoration of important
ecosystem services. Mazmanian and Knight also noted
that understanding specific and successful colonization
processes would be critical to improve disease outcomes.
Host-microbiome signals and interactions
Presenters noted our poor understanding of the signal-
ing and communication processes between microbiomes
and the host. Improved methods and models systems
are needed. While recognizing the limitations of animal
models, they nevertheless have provided a wealth of in-
formation that have led to our current understanding of
the role of the microbiome in health and disease and
continue to generate novel hypotheses that can be tested
in well-designed human studies. Continued support for
the development of better animal models is critical to
the future of this field. Studies that investigate the mecha-
nisms by which the microbiota influences and is influenced
by the immune system (Littman, Garrett, Chang), or how
hormones, such as estrogen impact the vaginal ecosystems
(Ravel), are desperately needed. Exhaustive identifica-
tion of small molecule, bioactive metabolites, secreted
and cell surface peptides that can influence microbe-to-
host interactions, would be highly desirable (Hutten-
hower, Mills, Jobin).
Analysis approaches and tools
Many concerns regarding the lack of tools for the analysis
omic datasets being generated by the microbiome com-
munity were expressed during the meeting. Researchers
need improved methods to perform quantitative measure-
ments of transcripts, proteins, and metabolites (Braun,
Ravel). There is also a lack of consensus as to how much
et al. Microbiome
Page 8 of 11
data is needed for robust scientific in-
terpretation (Knight). The need for better methods to
integrate large and diverse
datasets was fre-
quently mentioned (Young, Jeffrey, Lampe, Jansson,
Huttenhower, Knight) and the sheer volume of infor-
mation should be considered to be
big data
(Jansson). The lack of procedures to integrate multiple
omics data types in longitud
inal studies was also iden-
tified (Knight). The overall need for increased interdis-
ciplinary collaboration to generate and interpret data
was noted (Mills, Lampe, Jansson), mainly because of the
different expertise needed to analyze such datasets ex-
ceeds what any individual lab can do. Presenters pointed
out that tools for the analysis, visualization, and manipu-
lation of these large datasets are also needed. Users
would like, for example, to
make meta
omics analysis
as easy as microarray analysis
(Huttenhower). Specific
systems for analysis of metabolomic, genetic, glycomic
datasets (Mills), or sequences from low-biomass sam-
ples (Kong), and mass spectrometry data (Davies) are
also lacking. Many presentations at the meeting thus
revolved around the generation of diverse
sets, and the challenges assoc
iated with integrating that
Several presenters expressed that more standards are
needed in microbiome research. Standardized protocols
improve reproducibility of microbiome experiments and
ensure translation of results from independent expe-
riments (Braun, Huttenhower, White, Knight). White sug-
gested that software could be developed to improve the
uniformity of data submissions to the NCBI Short Read
Archive and dbGaP. Further, uniform clinical and la-
boratory procedures such
as sampling methods at
different body sites, PCR protocols, and DNA/RNA ex-
traction methods would also improve our ability to
compare data from different research projects (Kong).
It was also noted that non-standardized diets for model
organisms could account for phenotypic differences
between experiments (Mazmanian). Presenters also
cited the challenges associated with non-standard meta-
data associated with micr
obiome work. Most sample
information is not in a standardized format (Knight),
and standardized clinical description of phenotypes is
lacking (Kong). A solution to these metadata issues
would be to utilize softwa
re systems similar to the
PhenX toolkit for describin
g common clinical data ele-
ments [53], in combination with standardized meta-
data deposition practices being enforced by scientific
journals (White). There was a clear need expressed for
collection of data and tools in a single accessible site,
much as the HMP DACC provided for the Human
Microbiome Project.
The meeting was clearly a succes
s, in that it highlighted the
amazing progress in microbiome research funded across a
range of NIH Institute and Centers, focusing on a wide
array of diseases. Additionally, while the speakers re-
sponses to the needs, gaps, and challenges varied, themes
focusing on a few key areas emerged: studies of causality
(mechanistic studies in model organisms and prospective
longitudinal studies), need to integrate more complex
omics and phenotype data, and better standardization of
methods and data. Overall, the diversity and excellence of
talks underscored how much has been done in this field,
in just the past 6 years, and the potential for microbiome
science to produce a revolution in human health.
Atopic Dermatitis; DACC: Data Analysis and Coordination Center;
dbGaP: The Database of Genotypes and Phenotypes; ELSI: Ethical, Legal and
Social Implications; EPA: Environmental Protection Agency; FDA: Food and
Drug Administration; FMT: Fecal Microbiota Transplantation; GRAS: Generally
Recognized as Safe; HMP: Human Microbiome Project; NASA: National
Aeronautics and Space Administration; NHGRI: National Human Genome
Research Institute; NIH: National Institutes of Health; NSF: National Science
Foundation; OSTP: Office of Science and Technology Policy; USAID: US
Agency for International Development; USDA: US Department of Agriculture.
Competing interests
The authors declare that they have no competing interests.
OW, JR, and RK wrote the paper. All authors read, edited and approved the
final manuscript.
The authors would like to thank Lita Proctor (NHGRI/NIH), for conceiving this
idea to evaluate the status of microbiome research across the NIH, as well as
Christopher Wellington, Nicholas Digiacomo, Sue Dilli, and Michele Giglio for
their invaluable contributions to the organization of the scientific program
and the logistics of the meeting. The conference was supported in part by
grant U01HG004866 from the National Human Genomics Research Institute,
National Institutes of Health. The conference organizers are grateful to
Roche, Qiagen, Illumina, Life Technologies, MoBio, Metabolon, and the
BioMed Central journal
for their financial support of the meeting.
Author details
Institute for Genome Sciences, Department of Microbiology and
Immunology, University of Maryland School of Medicine, 801 W. Baltimore
Street, Baltimore, MD 21201, USA.
Department of Microbiology, Human
Microbiome Program, New York University Langone Medical Center, 550 First
Avenue, Bellevue CD 689, New York, NY 10016, USA.
Department of
Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, David Geffen School of Medicine at
UCLA, Los Angeles, CA 90095, USA.
The Michael Smith Laboratories and
Department of Microbiology and Immunology, University of British
Columbia, Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z4, Canada.
Department of Microbiology,
Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia,
PA 19104, USA.
Knapp Center for Biomedical Discovery, University of
Chicago, 900 E. 57th Street, Chicago IL 60637, USA.
Department of
Microbiology and Immunology, University of British Columbia, 2350 Health
Sciences Mall, Life Sciences Centre, Vancouver BC V6T 1Z3, Canada.
Department of Nutrition, University of California, One Shields Avenue, Davis,
CA 95616, USA.
Department of Psychiatry, GF Unity, Cork University Hospital,
Cork, Wilton, Ireland.
Division of Comparative Medicine, Massachusetts
Institute of Technology, One Massachusetts Avenue, Cambridge, MA 02139,
Department of Immunology and Infectious Diseases, Harvard School
of Public Health, 677 Huntington Avenue, Boston, MA 02115, USA.
Department of Internal Medicine/Infectious Diseases, Immunology
University of Michigan Medical School, 1500 W. Medical Center Drive, Ann
et al. Microbiome
Page 9 of 11
Arbor, MI 48109, USA.
Department of Microbiology, Immunology University
of Michigan Medical School, 1500 W. Medical Center Drive, Ann Arbor, MI
48109, USA.
Department of Biostatistics, Harvard School of Public Health,
655 Huntington Avenue, Boston MA 02115, USA.
Earth Sciences Division,
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, 1 Cyclotron Road, Berkeley, CA
94720, USA.
Department of Microbiology, The Alimentary Pharmabiotic
Centre, University College Cork, Cork, Ireland.
Department of Infectious
Diseases & Pathology, College of Medicine, University of Florida, 2015 SW
16th Avenue, PO Box 110880, Gainesville, FL 32611, USA.
Department of
Medicine, Division of Gastroenterology, Hepatology & Nutrition, University of
Florida, 2015 SW 16th Avenue, PO Box 110880, Gainesville, FL 32611, USA.
Department of Medicine, Center for Immunology, Room 3-184, Medical
Biosciences Building, 2101 6th S. E, Minneapolis, MN 55416, USA.
Dermatology Branch, Center for Cancer Research, National Cancer Institute,
National Institutes of Health, 10 Center Dr, Bethesda, MD 20814, USA.
Cancer Prevention Program, Public Health Sciences Division, Fred
Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, 1100 Fairview Ave N, PO Box 19024,
Seattle, WA 98109, USA.
Department of Microbiology, Cornell University,
123 Wing Drive, Ithaca, NY 14853, USA.
Department of Pathology,
Molecular Pathogenesis, 540 First Avenue, Skirball Institute, New York, NY
10016, USA.
Department of Microbiology, Molecular Pathogenesis, 540 First
Avenue, Skirball Institute, New York, NY 10016, USA.
Division of Biology &
Biological Engineering, California Institute of Technology, 1200 E. California
Bl, Pasadena, CA 91125, USA.
Department of Food Science and Technology,
University of California, One Shields Avenue, Davis, CA 95616, USA.
Department of Viticulture and Enology, University of California, One Shields
Avenue, Davis, CA 95616, USA.
Department of pathology, Emory University
School of Medicine, 105H whitehead bldg., 615 Francis Street, Atlanta, GA
30322, USA.
Department of Medicine/Infectious Diseases, Gastrointestinal
Diseases Research Unit, Queens University and Kingston General Hospital, 76
Stuart Street, GIDRU wing, Kingston ON K7L 2V7, Canada.
Department of
Microbiology & Immunology, Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305, USA.
Department of Medicine, Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305, USA.
Department of Medical Education, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount
Sinai, One Gustave Levy Place, Box 1076, Annenberg 12-42, New York, NY
10029, USA.
FAS Center for Systems Biology, Harvard University, 52 Oxford
St, Cambridge, MA 02138, USA.
Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry,
Howard Hughes Medical Institute, University of Colorado, 215 UCB, Boulder,
CO 80309, USA.
Institute for Genome Sciences, Department of
Epidemiology and Public Health, University of Maryland School of Medicine,
660 W. Redwood Street, Baltimore, MD 21201, USA.
Received: 30 January 2014 Accepted: 12 March 2014
Published: 18 July 2014
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Cite this article as:
et al.
Human microbiome science: vision for
the future, Bethesda, MD, July 24 to 26, 2013.
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