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Bringing vibrational imaging to chemical biology with molecular
Jiajun Du
Haomin Wang
Lu Wei
Division of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena,
California 91125, USA
As an emerging optical imaging modality, stimulated Raman scattering (SRS) microscopy
provides invaluable opportunities for chemical biology studies using its rich chemical information.
Through rapid progress over the last decade, the development of Raman probes harnessing the
chemical biology toolbox has proven to play a key role in advancing SRS microscopy and
expanding biological SRS applications. In this perspective, we first discuss the development of
biorthogonal SRS imaging using small tagging of triple bonds or isotopes and highlight their
unique advantages for metabolic pathway analysis and microbiology investigations. The potential
opportunities for chemical biology studies by integrating small tagging with SRS imaging are
also proposed. We next summarize the current designs of highly sensitive and super-multiplexed
SRS probes, as well as provide future directions and considerations for next-generation functional
probe design. These rationally designed SRS probes are envisioned to bridge the gap between
SRS microscopy and chemical biology research and should benefit their mutual development and
Graphical Abstract
Corresponding : lwei@caltech.edu.
HHS Public Access
Author manuscript
ACS Chem Biol
. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2023 November 26.
Published in final edited form as:
ACS Chem Biol
. 2022 July 15; 17(7): 1621–1637. doi:10.1021/acschembio.2c00200.
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Vibrational spectroscopy, including infrared (IR) absorption and Raman scattering (Figure
1a), reveals molecular information through probing the inherent vibrations of chemical
bonds. It has been extensively used for characterizing molecules
, deciphering reaction
, and interpreting molecule-environment interactions
. Raman spectroscopy
was first discovered by the physicist Sir C.V. Raman in 1928, where the inelastic Raman
scattering shifts a very small portion of photons to lower frequency upon interacting with
. The changes of the photon energy reflect the vibrational energy levels of the
chemical bonds within the molecules and thus carry rich chemical information. Although
both IR and Raman spectroscopy contain vibrational information of the molecules, they have
different selection rules. For example, water has very high IR absorption but weak Raman
scattering. In addition, Raman typically utilizes UV to near-infrared light (200 – 1100
nm) while IR relies on mid-infrared light (2500 – 50000 nm), thus the spatial resolution
(scaling inversely with the light wavelength) is much higher for Raman (Figure 1a). Both the
subcellular spatial-resolution and the minimal water background make Raman scattering as a
better-suited technique for the biological Raman applications.
However, the utility of spontaneous Raman is largely limited by its feeble signals (~
smaller than fluorescence), which requires a long acquisition time and is easily
overwhelmed by the auto-fluorescence background from the biological samples. To address
both issues, the coherent anti-Stokes Raman Scattering (CARS) microscopy (Figure 1a)
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was invented. CARS microscopy significantly boosted the imaging sensitivity and speed
and pushed Raman spectro-microscopy to be more compatible with biological imaging
However, CARS signals suffer from severe nonresonant background and have non-linear
concentration dependence, which sacrifices imaging quality and adds complexity for
imaging annotation
. Around 2008, stimulated Raman scattering (SRS) microscopy was
introduced, providing even better sensitivity than CARS and tackling the above issues
present with CARS
. SRS utilizes two spatially and temporally overlapped laser pulse
trains (pump and Stokes, Figure 1b), which enhances the otherwise weak Raman transitions
by up to 10
-fold through stimulated emission quantum amplification. This two-photon
excitation feature also yields SRS intrinsic 3D optical sectioning capability for deep
tissue imaging. In addition, the technical implementation of the high-frequency modulation
transfer scheme also pushes the detection sensitivity of SRS close to the theoretical limit
and removes the potential fluorescence and other interfering background. The readers are
encouraged to check more technical details of SRS in other reviews
It is now widely recognized that SRS is the most suitable far-field Raman imaging
modality for live biological studies with provided image quality comparable to fluorescence
microscopy. Prominently, SRS also achieved a high imaging speed up to video-rate (110
and a spatial resolution within 100 nm with recent instrumentation and
sample-expansion strategies
. It would be informative to compare the key technical and
application features of SRS microscopy with the popular one- and two-photon fluorescence
microscopy. Below, we provide the energy diagram and a table summarizing key imaging
parameters for the three techniques (Figure 1b). Compared to fluorescence microscopy,
the absence of electronic excitation provides SRS with general imaging capability of all
types of molecules with minimum photobleaching or environmental quenching. In addition,
SRS typically uses near-infrared excitation lasers (800–1100 nm) and thus offers less
phototoxicity compared to one-photon fluorescence with visible laser excitation. This near-
infrared excitation together with the intrinsic 3D sectioning makes the penetration depth
of SRS into thick tissues similar to that obtained by two-photon fluorescence. Moreover,
the common utilization of pico-second lasers in SRS renders a much smaller laser peak
power compared to that from femto-second lasers for two-photon fluorescence, resulting in
less nonlinear photodamage. However, the μM-mM detection sensitivity is still the major
challenge in SRS that limits its application to detect molecules with low abundance in
live biological samples. Recent developments in probe engineering such as the creation of
highly sensitive MARS and polyynes dyes has largely improved the sensitivity down to nM
and broken the traditional color barrier in fluorescence microscopy with super-multiplexed
Label-free vibrational imaging
Since Raman signals originate from chemical bonds instead of conjugated fluorophores,
SRS offers general imaging applicability for versatile molecules. Since its inception, SRS
microscopy has established itself as a powerful label-free bioimaging modality. Targeting
the fingerprint region (500 – 1700 cm
) or high wavenumber carbon-hydrogen (C-H)
stretching region (2800 – 3100 cm
), nucleic acids, proteins, lipids, carbohydrates, neuron-
transmitters and other endogenous biomolecules carrying O-P-O, C=O, C=C, C-H
, C-H
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bonds are readily imaged with subcellular resolution (Figure 2a). Additionally, hyperspectral
adds another layer of information for subcellular spectral analysis. With these
capabilities, label-free SRS paves the way for various applications, including sensing
environmental cues
, studying lipid metabolism and identifying druggable targets
tracking drug delivery and distribution
, multicolor cell sorting
, fast diagnosis
of tumors
, and investigations of amyloid plaques in neurodegenerative diseases
The current imaging speed, throughput and detection sensitivity are still being continuously
improved with rapid instrumental innovations
. In parallel, emerging data processing
approaches, particularly the machine learning algorithms, further upgrade image quality and
enable data mining with rich chemical information
Despite the success of label-free SRS imaging, there are several fundamental limitations.
First, the specificity of targets is often compromised since endogenous biomolecules tend
to share multiple chemical bonds and therefore overlapping spectra. Second, the detection
limit of SRS is still relatively low compared with fluorescence - at the scale of millimolar
for most biomolecules. Thus, label-free SRS is more suited for investigating relatively
abundant molecules including proteins, lipids, nucleic acids and carbohydrates. Third, label-
free imaging is not capable of tracking many dynamic processes such as uptake, synthesis,
catabolism, and intracellular-to-extracellular interactions. These limitations largely restrict
the applications of SRS imaging but can be greatly diminished through the implementation
of Raman probes.
Labeling with bioorthogonal probes
Driven by the need of higher specificity, sensitivity, and functionality, which are
fundamentally limited in the label-free approaches, Raman labels have been introduced
to shift SRS imaging from the label-free to the labeling paradigm
. Fortunately, the cell-
silent spectral region (1800–2800 cm
), where there are no endogenous Raman signals
from cells, leaves spacious spectral room for background-free Raman labeling and imaging
(Figure 2a). Bioorthogonal chemical bonds, including alkynes (C
C), nitriles (C
N) and
carbon-deuterium bonds (C-D) are small, nontoxic and Raman active in this clean region,
making them well suitable for tagging with low perturbation to the biological systems
As such, biorthogonal SRS is especially beneficial for live-cell interrogations of small
molecules including metabolites and drugs whose label-free vibrational signatures are
overwhelmed by cellular background and whose physiological functions are perturbed by
conventional fluorophore labeling.
Furthermore, by harnessing the narrow linewidth of Raman peaks (50–100 times narrower
than fluorescence peaks), the development of highly sensitive Raman probe palettes
followed. The matching dye palettes enable super-multiplexed (more than 20 channels)
optical imaging for organelles or protein profiling with sensitivity down to 250 nM, bridging
the optical imaging’s subcellular spatial resolution with system biology’s high information
. Moreover, chemically activatable and photochromic SRS probes have also
been developed lately for intracellular sensing and multiplexed tracking, empowering the
functional SRS imaging
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All these recently established Raman probes have greatly expanded the application boundary
of vibrational imaging. Efforts in the past decade have proven that probe development plays
a central role in driving the next frontiers of SRS microscopy. The growing chemical biology
toolbox inspires the development of new SRS imaging functionalities. In turn, the SRS
platform also finds a unique niche for chemical biology studies. Exploring new opportunities
for merging SRS imaging with chemical biology is worth brainstorming. In this perspective,
we first review recent notable advances in the development of Raman probes and their
biological applications. On this basis, we further provide an outlook to further expand
multiplexing, enhance Raman signals and utilize SRS imaging to decipher new biology.
Small-molecule Raman tagging
Triple bonds (e.g. C
C, C
N) and stable-isotope-substituted chemical bonds (e.g. C-D,
N-D, O-D) vibrate in the cell-silent region (Figure 2a). Among these chemical bonds, C
has the highest Raman signals (Figure 2b). One representative molecule tagged by C
is 5-ethynyl-2
-deoxyuridine (EdU), the well-adopted thymidine analogue with an SRS
detection limit of 200 μM
, and is now frequently used as a benchmark for Raman intensity
quantification. Pioneered by the click chemistry field, chemists have developed a suite
of alkyne-tagged molecular handles for bio-labeling, many of which can now be directly
detected by Raman without the subsequent click reactions. With these available and newly
developed Raman-tailored alkyne probes (Figure 2c), the dynamic metabolic processes
including DNA synthesis, choline and glucose uptake can be readily visualized in live cells
and tissues (Figure 2d with the corresponding analog structures shown in Figure 2c)
Additionally, drugs bearing native alkynes (e.g. ponatinib) or nitriles (e.g. paxlovid) or upon
proper alkyne derivatization such as diyne-ferrostatin (Figure 2c&d) can be quantitatively
imaged for intracellular distribution with well-maintained pharmacokinetics
. Inspired
by the colorful fluorescent protein palette, alkyne “vibrational colors” are also tunable
through an isotope-editing strategy based on the dependence of Raman frequency on the
bond mass. A set of
Cedited probes were developed that enabled multicolor SRS imaging
of DNA, RNA and lipids in the same set of live cells
(Figure 2e).
Compared to C
C, C
N has lower (about 40%) Raman cross-sections (Figure 2b).
However, as the peak frequencies of C
N are sensitive to the physical environment
(particularly the electrostatic interactions
), they provide additional functions as
vibrational sensors. Additionally, the C
N vibration occupies the higher frequency region
(2200 – 2300 cm
), which separates well from that of C
C (2100 – 2200 cm
). Therefore,
nitriles with similar isotope-editing for frequency shifting could be combined with alkynes
for expanded imaging multiplexing.
As the stable isotope of hydrogen, deuterium-labeled chemical bonds (exemplified by the
C-D) have unmatched advantages. Most importantly, since stable isotopes have almost
the same physicochemical properties as their counterparts, the labeled molecules could be
processed by cells’ natural machineries with minimal perturbation to the native biological
functions. In addition, compared to the label-free imaging of C-H, C-D yields an improved
SRS detection limit due to the absence of interfering cellular background. Although the
Raman cross section of C-D is smaller than that of the triple bonds (Figure 2b), what is
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lacking in cross section could be compensated by the large labeling number. For example,
palmitic acid, the most common long-chain saturated fatty acid in mammalian cells, can
have up to 31 deuteriums per molecule as d
palmitic acid. Owing to these features,
deuterium plays a significant role in Raman labeling and has been applied to interrogating
a wide range of uptake and metabolic dynamics for targets including amino acids
, fatty acids
, choline
, cholesterol
, water
, solvents
and drugs
2f). For instance, the employment of deuterated amino acids allows imaging of complex
protein metabolism, including synthesis, degradation, and analysis of temporally defined
(Figure 2g). Similarly, d
palmitic acid enabled quantitative SRS visualization
of fatty acid uptake and their metabolic incorporation
; and the deuteration of propylene
glycol (PG) allowed the capture of real-time 3D penetration for this common pharmaceutical
cosolvent/excipient across the mice stratum corneum
(Figure 2g).
Deuterium labeling can also obtain protein-specific imaging in live cells for certain
targets. For example, the aggregation-prone mutant Huntington (mHtt) protein harboring
polyglutamine (polyQ) expansions has been shown to be specifically labeled by deuterated
glutamine for their enrichment in the polyglutamine expansions
(Figure 2h). This
approach enabled the first quantitative analysis of mHtt and non-mHtt proteins inside the
same protein aggregates in live cells without the need of any fluorescent labels. To expand
the library of labeled targets apart from proteins, similar selective labeling strategies may be
developed, such as the selective labeling of glycogen by deuterated glucose in live cancer
. The concept of harnessing such repeating units toward higher sensitivity is also
adopted for C-D and triple-bond containing polymers, which could amplify the Raman
signals by up to 10
(Figure 2i). The versatile applications of Raman-tagged
cellular imaging are still expanding, and would benefit from easy synthetic accessibility to
new vibrationally-tagged molecules. Toward this front, we envision that the recent synthetic
advances in late-stage functionalization
could provide convenient synthetic routes to
deuterium or triple-bond tagged molecular targets beyond currently available pools.
Metabolic pathway analysis with deuterium labeling: from cell metabolism to microbiology
Various small Raman labels offer a wide range of applicability especially for investigating
different aspects of cellular metabolism. To assay the uptake of metabolites (e.g. glucose),
triple bonds are usually the top choice for their higher detectability
. However, even
triple-bond tagged metabolic analogs usually stop at the early catabolic steps in the
metabolic pathway. In this case, stable isotope tagged metabolites are superior for tracing
transformations into the downstream metabolic products from live cells to organisms with
minimum toxicity
. For example, with deuterated fatty acid labeling, lipid synthesis and
mobilization could be non-invasively probed in live
Caenorhabditis elegans
C. elegans
) by
SRS with high throughput
(Figure 3a).
C. elegans
with daf-11 mutants were discovered
to have no changes in the rate of lipid synthesis, but have a significant reduction in the rate
of lipid catabolism
Comprehensive cellular metabolism beyond metabolite uptake or distribution can be
probed with suitable deuterium labeled probes. Glucose is the primary energy source
for mammalian cells as well as an important precursor of downstream metabolites
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including amino acids, lipids, nucleic acids, glycogen and adenine dinucleotide phosphate
. While 3-OPG (i.e. alkyne-tagged glucose, Fig. 2d) is able to capture the
glucose uptake in live cells and tissues, it stops at the phosphorylation step when going
into the glucose metabolism pathway
. Recently, with deuterated glucose (i.e. d
labeling, diverse downstream products, such as DNA/RNA, proteins, lipids and glycogen,
have been shown to be sparsely labeled with deuterium through each corresponding
metabolic pathway
(Figure 3b). these sparsely labeled downstream products are spectrally
separatable with varied features due to the different chemical environments surrounding
the deuterium (Figure 3b&c)
. A linear combination algorithm can then be utilized
to quantitatively retrieve the relative C-D enrichment maps in each identified species
(Figure 3d). Alternatively, site-specific deuterated glucose instead of d
-glucose allows for
tracing specific metabolic pathways. For example, 3-D-glucose ([3-D]Glc) was shown to
monitor NADPH-mediated lipid synthesis through oxidative pentose phosphate pathway
(oxPPP) by targeting lipid droplets
Metabolic reprogramming serves as a unique hallmark for cancer and neurodegenerative
diseases. This Raman-based imaging platform for complex glucose metabolism hence forms
a live-cell spatially resolved assay with subcellular resolution. Indeed, cancers cells have
been shown to exhibit different levels of glucose uptake rate versus metabolism rate
Subcellular glycogen accumulation through d
-glucose labeling was also discovered in
cancer cells as a potential indicator for their resistance to glucose deficiency
. A similar
spectral tracing strategy can be applied to cost-effective heavy water labeling (DO-SRS)
Since water is the most abundant molecule in biological systems, the incorporation of
deuterium from D
O to C-D in macromolecules is highly efficient even at low and
biologically-safe D
O concentrations (e.g. 20% D
O). The resulting distinct spectral
signatures of C-D enable visualizing both lipid and protein metabolism in animals with
long-term incubation (26 days)
Assaying microbial metabolism is another application field that can be empowered by
the metabolic Raman platform. The role of microbiota is increasingly recognized in
human health. One of the most important problems associated with microbes is antibiotic
resistance. Current standard antimicrobial susceptibility testing (AST) requires 16 – 24 h
for multiple cell cycle growth. By culturing the microbes in 70% D
O medium and tracing
the metabolic incorporation of deuterium into the biomass, varied metabolic responses to
antibiotics can be probed in as short as 10 min, the fastest method to date
. The C-D
signals indicated that
Pseudomonas aeruginosa
P. aeruginosa
), a common cause of hospital-
acquired infection, exhibits distinct metabolic rate under different common antibiotics
(gentamicin and cefotaxime) treatment (Figure 4a&b). As such, SRS imaging provides
a rapid and cost-effective AST assay. In a more clinical-relevant
P. aeruginosa
system, 3D metabolic activity deep inside the film was visualized by SRS with 50% D
medium labeling
. SRS’s inherent optical sectioning capability provides a convenient way
to visualize 3D metabolic activity without the need of traditional paraffin embedding and
sectioning (Figure 4c). The active metabolism in the hypoxic deep region was revealed
to be supported by the small redox metabolite phenazine (phz) in the optical sections
(Figure 4d top, WT vs Δphz, peak 2). This finding was validated by paraffin sections
((Figure 4d bottom, WT vs Δphz, peak 2). In different
Staphylococcus aureus
S. aureus
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biofilms, tagging antibiotic vancomycin with alkynes uncovered a non-uniform and limited
penetration of antibiotic into biofilm with preferential affinity of the antibiotic to the cells
instead of the extracellular polymeric matrix (EPM)
Proposition of SRS imaging with small tagging
The coupling of SRS with small vibrational tags has established itself as a powerful live-
cell imaging platform. Going beyond what has been achieved, below we discuss some
of our thoughts for further improvements of molecular probes and potential opportunities
of the platform in chemical biology. First, the wide cell-silent region remains spacious
with room for spectral multiplexing (Figure 2a). Other triple bonds (Figure 5a), including
metal-carbonyl (M-C
, isothiocyanate (-N=C=S), diazo (-N
N), isonitrile (-N
C) and
thiocyanate (-S-C
N), with strong vibrations in this region are worth in-depth investigations
and engineering for their biological utilities. If these additional tags are available,
the multiplexing of Raman-based profiling strategies could be largely expanded. New
applications, such as imaging-based glycans profiling of cells, could then be envisioned.
Glycans are oligosaccharides attached to biomacromolecules including proteins. They are
regarded as post-translational modifications for modulating cell functions, but are still
less understood due to the lack of studying methods
. A typical way to image glycan
directly from cells is through metabolic incorporation of unnatural monosaccharides with
small chemical reporters (e.g. azides or alkynes), which undergo sequential labeling
via biorthogonal chemistry
. However, vastly different kinetics, selectivity and the
scarce availability of the biorthogonal reactions limit the applicability of multiplexed
monosaccharide labeling. With SRS imaging, we envision that spatial glycan profiling of
monosaccharides covering N-acetylglucosamine (GlcNAc), mannose (Man), galactose (Gal),
sialic acid (Neu5Ac), fucose in live systems will be possible with proper isotope-edited
triple-bond tagging (Figure 5b) together with the expandable tag repertoire (Figure 5a).
In addition to metabolic labeling, site-specific labeling through genetic encoding, such as
utilizing unnatural amino acids (UAA) with genetic code expansion (Figure 5c), is another
direction that is worth exploring for protein-selective Raman imaging. Although numerous
UAAs carrying alkynes or nitriles have been developed (Figure 5c)
, SRS signals from
these single-UAA labeled proteins are not sufficient
. While technical innovations are in
urgent needs of sensitivity improvement
, new chemical or biological labeling strategies
to incorporate an increased number (> 10) of triple bonds in one protein would also be a
breakthrough for obtaining satisfying SRS signals for general protein imaging applications.
Towards higher sensitivity, aqueous Glaser-Hay bioconjugation
, which may extend the
terminal alkynes from UAAs into polyynes
in situ
, could be an alternative option to
reduce the required labeling number of UAA by serving as a sequential signal-amplification
Compared to fluorophores, the above-shown small and multiplexed triple-bond Raman
tags allow wider accessibility due to much smaller tag sizes and require no sequential
labeling (e.g. click reaction) for highly-multiplexed applications. We hence expect that SRS
imaging will contribute to solving certain important chemical biology questions, such as
spatially resolving the proteome reactivity in live cells, in which the signal level is not
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a problem. The side chain reactivity of canonical amino acids together with the local
protein microenvironment builds up “hotspots” in the proteome
. The electron-rich side
chains of various amino acids including cysteine, lysine, aspartate, glutamate, tyrosine, and
methionine are naturally the targets for electrophiles (Figure 5d). These functional amino
acids are always catalytic residues or sites of post-translational modifications, and thus they
are the keys in modulating cellular functions. The side-chain reactivity of the amino acids
can be quantitatively analyzed by isotopic tandem orthogonal proteolysis activity based
protein profiling (isoTOP-ABPP) platform
. This mass spectrometry method has high
throughput and unmatched protein resolvability, but it lacks spatial information and cannot
track dynamic processes with intra- and intercellular interaction in complex biological
Recently, researchers comprehensively profiled the proteome-wide reactivity for a library
of 54 alkyne-bearing electrophiles
. They identified highly selective probes specific to a
total of 9 amino acids plus the N-terminus with different reactivities (several representative
probes are listed in Figure 5e). These alkyne-tagged electrophiles provide an effective site-
selective labeling tool for proteins or peptides (Figure 5f). The alkyne handles across these
electrophile probes (Figure 5e) could be substituted with color-resolvable isotope-labeled
triple bonds from the Raman probe repertoire (Figure 5a&5b). With this design, it is possible
to generate maps for amino acid reactivities in a complex biological system such as cancer
immunology and microbe-host environment. By supplying the probes into the systems, the
subsequent multiplexed SRS imaging would allow single-cell profiling
en masse
5g). Enough signals should be expected with this strategy since similar proteome-wide new
protein synthesis using alkyne-tagged methionine (HPG, Figure 2c) labeling was already
demonstrated by SRS imaging in live cells
. This application would be highly challenging
for direct fluorescent labeling as the active amino acid residues are likely less accessible
to bulkier fluorophores without the sequential labeling step. Together with isoTOP-ABPP
and protein targeting labeling, proteome-wide SRS screening may contribute to annotating
specific proteins and elucidating their spatially-resolved dynamic activity changes.
Next-generation Raman probe palettes for highly sensitive and super-multiplexed imaging
Even with the signal amplification from SRS and the introduced Raman tags, there is still a
sensitivity gap between the SRS and the fluorescence microscopy. The SRS detection limit
of EdU is 200 μM in live cells while the most sensitive fluorophores offer single-molecule
sensitivity (< 10 nM). One central drive in SRS imaging is to narrow this sensitivity gap.
A promising solution that has been proven successful is the development of highly sensitive
Raman probes. As the Raman bands are inherently narrow (peak width about 10 cm
~ 50–100 times narrower than that for fluorescent peaks), these Raman probes would
enable high-throughput super-multiplexed (> 20 channels) imaging once the requirement for
sensitivity is met. Therefore, Raman imaging holds the promise of breaking the color barrier
of fluorescence imaging and should greatly benefit systematic biology investigations.
Two sets of highly sensitive and multiplexed Raman palettes have been developed for
SRS imaging over the past five years. The first is xanthene-based electronic pre-resonance
enhanced Manhattan Raman scattering (MARS) dyes
(Figure 6a). By carefully tuning
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the absorption of the dyes (650 – 760 nm) to moderately close to the laser wavelength (~
900 nm), SRS intensities of the nitrile vibration from these dyes could be pre-resonantly
enhanced by up to 10
(detection limit up to 250 nM) with a well-maintained high signal-
to-background ratio (Figure 6b&c). Taking advantage of the much narrower (78 times, 13
vs 1020 cm
of FWHM) SRS peak compared with the fluorescence absorption peak and
the multiplexing from isotope labeling as illustrated in the example of MARS2228 series
dyes (Figure 6c), MARS dyes have the inherent capability for super-multiplexed imaging.
With central atom (position 10) replacement, ring expansion and isotope editing, an SRS
dye palette with up to 24 plex was created for super-multiplexed imaging
(Figure 6d).
Through investigations in our lab, we later found that different scaffolds could present vastly
different pre-resonance SRS signals even with the same absorption wavelength, possibly
due to the complicated electronic–vibrational coupling strength. This indicates that finding
the right chemical scaffold is as important as physically modulating the absorption of the
electronic structures. To facilitate the development of new palettes, theoretical models and
computational tools are also urgently needed
. While the construction of near-infrared
chromophores is more challenging, the suitable electronic pre-resonance palettes could be
largely expanded with freely tunable laser sources into the visible range
The second established set of highly-sensitive Raman probes is the Carbow series, which is
a set of linear conjugated alkynes with aromatic capping
(Figure 6e). Different from the
electronic enhancement mechanism, the strong SRS signals of polyynes originate from the
amplified second-order hyperpolarizability (
) from conjugated alkynes. When the number
of conjugated alkynes increases from 2 to 6, the Raman intensity grows super-linearly with
an exponent of 2.77 (i.e.
, Figure 6f), offering a desirable detectability down to
630 nM for 4-yne. The increase of conjugation length is also accompanied by a desirable
Raman peak shift, offering more spectral resolvability for multiplexed applications. Further
combined with end-capping substitution and isotope editing, another 20-color CARBOW
palette was created (Figure 6g). Without the involvement of electronic excitation, polyynes
are free of photobleaching or environmental quenching. Although slightly smaller in Raman
cross section compared to the MARS palette, the Carbow palette has neutral scaffolds
and is more suitable for live-cell targeted imaging with lower non-specific background.
Theoretically, the longest conjugation length of polyynes could be over 6 with higher
sensitivity than MARS, but at the risk of decreased stability. Going beyond the polyyne
structures, other oligomers such as polytriacetylenes, oligo(1,4-phenyleneethynylene)s
have also shown exponential power-law relationship between the second-
order hyperpolarizability (
and repeating units (
) with slightly increased sizes (Figure 7a)
, thus are promising candidates for next-generation strong Raman probes.
The ultimate goal of improving the signals of Raman probes is to achieve single-molecule
SRS imaging, meaning that even for the most sensitive MARS probes, there still needs a
sensitivity improvement of ~ 30–50 folds. Towards this goal, a possible design direction
for Raman probes is to combine MARS and Carbow scaffolds in the same molecules for
cooperative enhancement from electronic pre-resonance and amplified
(Figure 7b). That is
to replace the single alkyne in the current alkyne-containing MARS probes to be conjugated
polyynes (Figure 7b). In the case that the pre-resonance effect remains, the Raman signal is
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also expected to undergo exponential increase with the number of conjugated alkynes, thus
the resulting MA(RS)CAR(B)OW palette might have another dozens of times enhancement
compared with the MARS palette to meet the desired single-molecule detectability.
Functional Raman Imaging Probes
Probing biological systems through chemical probes is a central topic for chemical biology
study. Leveraging the live-cell compatibility, strict linear-concentration dependence and
non-quenching nature of Raman signals, SRS probes are preferred for quantitative analysis.
Although small vibrational probes have been extensively utilized for spectroscopic analysis
of the targeted cellular environment, such as electrostatic interactions, electrical currents,
and temperature
, the development of highly sensitive Raman imaging probes for
environmental sensing is still in its infancy. Benefiting from the unique super-multiplexed
Raman features, functional SRS imaging probes should open the door for comprehensive
investigations to elucidate the intricate intracellular and cell-to-cell interactions. Over the
past four years, we witnessed the rapid growth of the development of such highly sensitive
SRS sensors. Based on their Raman spectroscopic features, we categorized these Raman
sensors into four classes: sensing by peak shifts, peaks enhancement, peak generation,
and peak switching. Through the following discussions, we aim to summarize systematic
guidelines for designing new probes with tailored functions.
Most current Raman sensors are designed for sensing the targeted chemical environment
through Raman peak shifts (Figure 8a). The chemical reactions triggered by environmental
stimuli are designed to change the chemical structures adjacent to the Raman reporters
(e.g. alkynes or nitriles), therefore resulting in distinct Raman peak shifts. For example,
in a 2-yne scaffold, when the electron-withdrawing azide group on the end-phenyl cap is
reduced to the electron donating amine in the presence of the reductive hydrogen sulfide
species (such as H
S and NaSH), the alkyne Raman peak shows a 9 cm
red shift
(Figure 8b), which is significant enough to be distinguished by SRS imaging (the typical
full-width-half-maximum (FWHM) for alkyne peak is 15 cm
and the typical spectral
width of SRS lasers is ~ 12–15 cm
). The demonstrated SRS ratiometric imaging indeed
showed a strong response to NaSH level changes in the mitochondria of live cells (Figure
8c). With similar targeted reactions, triple-bond Raman probes with the peak-shift principles
have also been rationally designed and developed for sensing pH
, fluoride
and metal
. Recently, the isotope exchange reactions (especially the H/D exchange) have been
harnessed on terminal alkynes for both two-color imaging and cellular environmental
sensing applications
, taking advantage of the dramatic alkyne Raman peak shift (>
130 cm
) due to both the large mass difference between D and H and the quantum
coupling between the alkyne and the adjacent C-D. In addition to chemical reactions, Raman
peak frequency can also be tuned by the surrounding physical environment. A well-known
example is that the hydrogen-bounding and electrostatics can shift the peak frequencies
of triple bonds especially nitriles, an effect known as vibrational solvatochromism. By
specifically mapping the peak frequency of nitrile-bearing MARS Raman dyes in live cells,
the bound-water percentage in cytoplasm was revealed to be around 60% while that in
nucleus was about 30%
. Recently, the SRS peak of voltage-sensitive rhodopsin has
also been shown to shift upon voltage changes
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Intensity enhancement represents another less explored category of design principle for
SRS sensors (Figure 8d). Recently, modulation of electronic pre-resonance SRS effect
was implemented for intracellular enzyme activity sensing. The nitrile xanthene scaffold,
once caged by amides structures (9CN-JCP probes), will absorb in the visible region (506
nm, electronic non-resonance) with almost invisible SRS signals. However, the enzymatic
conversion of amide structures to amine structures (9CN-JCPs) will dramatically boost
SRS signals by shifting the absorption to the near-infrared region (630 nm, electronic
pre-resonance) (Figure 8e). With isotope editing on the nitrile to generate multiple colors,
this elegant intensity-modulation principle was successfully exploited to create a 4-color
enzymatic sensing probe palette
(Figure 8e). In this case, simultaneously detecting the
activities of four distinct enzymes was demonstrated for effective profiling of different
cancer cell phenotypes (Figure 8f). With the super-multiplexed MARS dye palette, this
enzyme-activatable sensor design holds high promises for profiling more than ten enzymes
Peak generation allows background-free imaging and is highly beneficial for sensitive and
multiplexed detection (Figure 8g). The Raman intensity activation does not solely come
from the cellular or the chemical environment, but it can also originate from the photons.
In a recent design, the first photoactivatable SRS imaging probes were developed based
on the photocaged alkynes, the cyclopropenones (Figure 8h)
. Such rationally designed
cyclopropenone structures were optimized with live-cell compatibility and have been proven
to be well-suitable for multiplexed live-cell imaging and tracking
(Figure 8i). With the
high precision spatial-temporal control offered by photoactivation, this series of isotope
editing probes was demonstrated for multiplexed tracking from the subcellular to the
single-cell level. Upon further improvement of multiplexing, these new Raman sensors may
illuminate complex cell-to-cell interactions and facilitate massive-parallel cell profiling. For
example, combining photoactivatable SRS probes and single-cell RNA sequencing (scRNA-
seq) could likely enable spatially-resolved transcriptomics profiling
Raman peaks could also be reversibly switchable with light manipulations (Figure 8j).
Such features are crucial to a variety of biological investigations including tracking protein
dynamics, subcellular environment sensing and super-resolution imaging. In 2021, three
groups independently reported photophysical or photochemical approaches to achieve
photoswitchable SRS imaging
. To name one example, the alkyne-tagged diarylethene
showed impressive photo-switchable property in the cell-silent spectral window
8k). The UV induced photoisomerization converts diarylethene from the open-ring state to
the closed-ring state while visible light would induce the reverse conversion, accompanied
by the switching of SRS peak intensities. These alkynes-tagged diarylethenes were
demonstrated for photo-rewritable patterning and mitochondria tracking (Figure 8l). It is
noteworthy that the SRS readout lasers would induce the off-switch pathway, competing
with the UV induced photo-cyclization, underscoring the careful choice of molecular
absorption when designing the new probes.
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Through the past decade we have seen that the SRS microscopy has transited from the
initial technical demonstration into a powerful method with the potential to answer many
biological questions in a way no other methods can (Figure 9). Such transformation
is impossible without appropriate Raman probes. With small triple-bond or isotope
tagging, SRS microscopy enables the visualization and analysis of dynamic metabolism
pathways in live cells and animals. From chemistry innovations, the construction of
highly sensitive MARS and Carbow palettes realized the full potential of Raman for super-
multiplexed imaging. The recently developed functional Raman sensors further expanded
the applications for multiplexed cellular environment sensing and high precision spatial-
temporal tracking. We also envision the design with further improved multiplexing and
sensitivity of the Raman probes as a next step towards interrogating more complex biology.
As the development of Raman probes continue to be a central topic for the SRS community,
we also hope to invoke brainstorming to borrow the wisdom from the chemical biology field
and to promote vibrational imaging to solve biological questions. In retrospect, much of the
recent progress of SRS probes was inspired by other fields: deuterium and other isotope
labeling are prevalent in mass spectrometry; alkynes are the most important biorthogonal
chemical group handles; MARS dyes originate from the design of commercially available
fluorophores; diarylethene is a class of well-established photoswitchable chromophores, etc.
The knowledge across fields should accelerate the advances of SRS probes into higher
selectivity, sensitivity, photostability, biocompatibility, and multiplexing capability. Together
with the developments of instrumentation, biorthogonal chemistry, molecular delivery and
labeling methods, data analysis and more, SRS microscopy will further develop into an
indispensable tool for chemical biology studies.
L. Wei acknowledges the startup funds from California Institute of Technology and Grant No. DP2 GM140919
from National Institute of Health. We thank A.Colazo for helpful discussion.
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