of 22
An HRE-binding Py-Im polyamide impairs hypoxic signaling in
Jerzy O. Szablowski
Jevgenij A. Raskatov
, and
Peter B. Dervan
Division of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena,
CA 91125
Hypoxic gene expression contributes to the pathogenesis of many diseases, including organ
fibrosis, age-related macular degeneration and cancer. HIF-1, a transcription factor central to the
hypoxic gene expression, mediates multiple processes including neovascularization, cancer
metastasis and cell survival. Py-Im polyamide 1 has been shown to inhibit HIF-1-mediated gene
expression in cell culture but its activity
in vivo
was unknown. This study reports activity of
polyamide 1 in subcutaneous tumors capable of mounting a hypoxic response and showing
neovascularization. We show that 1 distributes into subcutaneous tumor xenografts and normal
tissues, reduces the expression of proangiogenic and prometastatic factors, inhibits the formation
of new tumor blood vessels and suppresses tumor growth. Tumors treated with 1 show no increase
in HIF-1a and have reduced ability to adapt to the hypoxic conditions, as evidenced by increased
apoptosis in HIF-1a positive regions and the increased proximity of necrotic regions to
vasculature. Overall, these results show that a molecule designed to block the transcriptional
activity of HIF-1 has potent anti-tumor activity
in vivo
, consistent with partial inhibition of the
tumor hypoxic response.
hypoxic signaling; angiogenesis; Py-Im polyamide; phenotypic mechanism; gene expression
Oxygen sensing is involved in a range of natural physiological processes such as embryonal
development, wound healing and immune response (
). However, its dysregulation can
contribute to pathogenesis of multiple diseases including fibrosis, erythrocythemia, heart
disease and cancer - a group of diseases leading to nearly 600,000 deaths every year, in the
United States alone (
). While new cancer treatments are being developed, many of the
cancer therapies are hampered by presence of low levels of oxygen in tumors (
), known as
tumor hypoxia, regulated mainly by Hypoxia Inducible Factors (HIFs) (
). Among them -
To whom correspondence should be addressed: ; Email: dervan@caltech.edu, California Institute of Technology, Division of
Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, MC 164-30, Pasadena, California 91125.
Current address: Jevgenij A. Raskatov, Dept. of Chemistry and Biochemistry, 1156 High St., University of California Santa Cruz, CA
Conflicts of interest
: The authors have no conflicts of interest to declare.
HHS Public Access
Author manuscript
Mol Cancer Ther
. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2017 April 01.
Published in final edited form as:
Mol Cancer Ther
. 2016 April ; 15(4): 608–617. doi:10.1158/1535-7163.MCT-15-0719.
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HIF-1 (
) - is a transcription factor that is often is associated with poorer patient survival (
HIF-1 orchestrates numerous aspects of cancer progression - tumor angiogenesis, cell
survival in hypoxia and metastasis (
). Most inhibitors affect HIF-1 signaling indirectly,
by targeting other proteins, including Topoisomerase I, mammalian target of rapamycin
(mTOR) or microtubules (
). Established therapeutic strategies focus on modulating
HIF-1 signaling by altering the HIF-1 protein levels (
), its dimerization and protein
interactions (
), or its DNA binding and transcriptional activity (
One method to inhibit transcriptional activity of HIF-1 is to displace it from its DNA-
binding site – HIF-1 responsive elements (HREs), for example by a molecule shown in this
report (compound
. Fig. 1A) (
). Compound
is a member of a class of DNA-binding
small molecules – Pyrrole-Imidazole (Py-Im) polyamides - which can be programmed to
recognize a broad repertoire of sequences with affinities and specificities comparable to
those of transcription factors (
). We reported that polyamides can modulate gene
expression driven by many transcription factors in tissue culture (
Experiments focused on HIF-1-DNA binding inhibition demonstrated the ability of
displace the HIF-1 complex from DNA
in vitro
), and by reducing HIF-1a occupancy at
selected HREs in a common tissue culture model of hypoxic response - U251 cells as
represented in Fig. 1B (
). When U251 cells were treated with Deferoxamine, an iron
chelator and HIF-1 activator (
was capable of inhibiting 23% of the induced genes,
establishing polyamide
as a partial inhibitor of HIF-1 transcriptional activity (
). The
concentration used was 1 μM, well below what was measured in the tumor tissues
investigated in this study (2–3.5 μM). The overall gene expression changes included many
important proangiogenic factors, such as
, but also other
factors. In light of the recent developments in cancer systems biology (
) the broad
effects of Py-Im polyamides on gene expression
) led us to posit that their
effects may arise due to affecting multiple targets. Recent discoveries show that drugs
commonly act upon multiple molecular entities (
) and this feature could be beneficial
in cancer treatment thanks to decreased likelihood of developing drug resistance (
However the potential for toxicity due to off target effects is a point of concern. Our
mechanistic investigations expanded beyond the transcription factor:DNA interface and
found that Py-Im polyamides can induce degradation of the large subunit of RNA
polymerase II, activation of the P53 stress response without concurrent DNA damage (
and induction of DNA replication stress (
We decided to establish whether the pattern of gene expression caused by administration of a
Py-Im polyamide binding DNA sequence found in HREs (5
) could result in
measurable and useful anti-tumor effects
in vivo
. Our experiments focused on suppression of
the phenotypes typical for tumor hypoxia, such as tumor vascularization, hypoxic gene
expression or cancer cell survival (
). We chose a subcutaneous tumor model, due to its
hypoxic nature (
) and reliability of these measurements. The cell lines chosen for
engraftment have been evaluated extensively in xenograft models of cancer (
) and
hypoxic gene expression in one of them (U251) can be regulated by
), making it a good
choice for evaluating
in vivo
mechanism of action of
. The second cell line, GBM39 (
was derived from the same site as U251 cells (brain), but was maintained as subcutaneous
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xenografts and expanded in serum-free conditions as spheroids. The serum-free treatment
maintains genetic and histologic variability of human tumors and was thus our choice to test
generality of mechanism of action of polyamide
). Our previous
in vivo
demonstrated the bioavailability of various Py-Im polyamides upon intravenous (
intraperitoneal and subcutaneous administration (
). Subsequent
in vivo
xenograft studies
established that polyamides could accumulate in subcutaneously grafted tumors (
modulate tumor gene expression (
) and inhibit growth of prostate cancer xenografts
). The distinct profile of gene expression modulation, favorable pharmacokinetics and
ability to modulate all of the tested aspects of hypoxic response by
, could establish it as an
interesting candidate for treatment of cancer and other hypoxia-related diseases. In the
current study we established the ability of Py-Im polyamide 1 to interfere with hypoxic
response, regulate gene expression in tumors and to inhibit tumor growth and angiogenesis.
Materials and methods
Cell Maintenance
U251 cell line was a kind gift of Dr. Giovanni Mellilo (NCI) in 2005. GBM39 cells were a
gift of Dr. David Akhavan (UCLA) in 2013, originally obtained from Prof. David James
(UCSF). The cell lines were authenticated using StemElite ID assay (Laragen). U251 cells
were maintained in RPMI-1640 medium supplemented with 10% FBS. GBM39 cells were
cultured in suspension in
F12/DMEM medium supplemented with b27, EGF (20 ng/ml) ,
FGF2 (20ng/ml), and Glutamax, heparin (50 μg/ml),
with growth factors replaced every two
days. After 25 passages GBM39 were reestablished as subcutaneous xenografts (NSG mice).
The tumor was disintegrated, digested in 10% accutase (3 h), cells resuspended by pipetting
and then cultured as described above. Human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs)
were cultured in 200 PRF medium (Gibco) supplemented with Low Serum Growth
Supplement (LSGS, Invitrogen). Media was exchanged every 48 h and cells passaged
Tube formation assay
HUVECs were plated at 2×10
cells (75cm flask). After 36 hours, compound
(5 μM) was
added for 72 h. Twelve-well plates were coated with 100 μl/well Geltrex (Invitrogen) and
allowed to solidify at 37°C for 60 min. Cells were trypsinized and resuspended in 200 PRF
medium at 2×10
, and plated in the 12-well plates at 400 μL per well. After 6–12
hours the wells were imaged on an inverted microscope by selecting 4 random fields of
Pharmacokinetic and toxicity experiments
Animal experiments were carried out according to approved Institutional Animal Care and
Use Committee protocols at the California Institute of Technology (Pasadena, CA). PK
studies were done as previously described (
). Serum for analysis of toxicity markers
(IDEXX) was obtained by RO collection and centrifugation (2000g, 15 min) in Serum
Separator Tubes (BD Biosciences). The radioquantitation of
was performed as described
elsewhere (
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Immunohistochemistry and histologic analysis
Tissue processing was conducted at the Tissue Processing Core Laboratory (TPCL) at
UCLA, using 5 μm paraffin sections. Tumor microvessels were visualized using anti-mouse
CD31 staining using SC-1506 antibody (SCBT), apoptosis was assayed for using anti-
human Cleaved-Caspase-3 (CC3) antibody (9664, CellSignal) and HIF-1a using CME 349A
(Biocare Medical). At least two tissue sections per slide were used for each experiment.
Slides were scanned using an Aperio ScanScope AT (Aperio) and positive pixel
measurements were done using Imagescope software.
Perinecrotic area was defined as a field of view at 20× magnification that contained 50%
necrosis and 50% adjacent, non-necrotic area, with edge of necrosis in the middle of the
screen. Number of histologic measurements for each tissue section were chosen to limit
variability of the final average value to <10%, per tumor, or until all available data in the
section was counted. Ki-67 measurements were done using Immunoratio software at 20×
magnification, with n=24 per tumor section. Nuclear density (and by proxy – necrosis) was
assessed by automatic nuclei counting using Image-based Tool for Counting Nuclei (ITCN),
16 fields of view were analyzed per tumor section.
At least 6 (CC3), 9 (CD31), or 3 (TUNEL, GBM39), 5 (TUNEL, U251), or 8 (HIF) fields of
view per tumor chosen randomly prior to analysis, at either 20× (CC3 staining, CD31
staining for U251, GBM39, Schedules A and B, TUNEL, HIF) or 40× magnification (CD31
staining for GBM39,
Schedule C
, due to higher CD31 positive vessel counts). For analysis
of frequency of apoptotic blood vessels (CC3/CD31 double staining), we counted enough
high power fields (20x) containing CD31 positive vessels, to assess at least 600 microvessels
per condition.
Perinecrotic MVD was measured by first delineating nuclei on the edge of necrosis, and then
offsetting the obtained path by an equivalent of 50 μm-350 μm in Illustrator CS5 (Adobe).
The MVD was then counted manually for each 50 μm-zone and area integrated in Photoshop
CS5 (Adobe). At least 40 measurements per tumor were obtained. Measurements of the
nearest blood vessel-necrosis distance were done manually using Imagescope at 40×
Xenograft experiments
Experiments were carried out in 8–12 week old male NSG mice (NOD.Cg-Prkdcscid
Il2rgtm1Wjl/SzJ, JAX). Cells were injected s.c. into a flank area (2.5×10
of U251 and
of GBM39 cells). U251 cells were administered in RPMI-1640 medium and
GBM39 cells in 50% matrigel/culture medium. Before treatment, each vehicle-treated
control xenograft was paired with a xenograft of the same initial volume to be treated with
Compound was administered s.c. interscapularly in 20% DMSO/PBS. Mice were weighted
weekly and euthanized if 15% weight loss, or more was observed.
Quantitative Real Time-Reverse Transcription-PCR assay
Primers (Supplementary Table 1) were designed using Harvard Primer bank (
). The total
mRNA in tumors was processed as in our previous studies (
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RNA-sequencing analysis
Cells for gene expression analysis were plated in 6-well plates at 5–10 × 10
cells per well
and incubated in RPMI-1640 medium with 10% FBS until ~50% confluence (24–48 h).
Afterward, medium was exchanged with the growth medium supplemented with
(1 μM).
After 48 hours, either 300 μM of DFO, or PBS was supplemented, cells were incubated for
an additional 16 hours. The RNA was then harvested using an RNEasy Kit (Qiagen) and
treated with a Riboguard RNAse inhibitor and TurboDNA Free DNAse (Ambion), according
to manufacturers' instructions. RNA-Seq libraries were prepared using standard Illumina
reagents and protocols. Single read sequencing with the read length of 50 nucleotides was
conducted on the Illumina HiSeq2000 sequencer, producing 35 to 40 million reads per
library, with a total of three biological replicates per sample. Sequencing data were mapped
against the combined human (hg19) transcriptome, using the Tophat2 program package
2.0.13 (
) and the GRCh37 annotation. Differential gene expression was calculated with
the DEseq2 module (
). Clustering analysis was performed using Cluster 3.0 software (
Statistical analysis
Each sample was analyzed using a two-tailed, student’s t-test, assuming normality and
unequal variance. P-value of 0.05 or less was considered statistically significant.
Activity of Py-Im polyamide 1 depends on the HIF-1a activation
Our previous results showed that
can act as an inhibitor of HIF-1-driven gene expression
) in U251 cells. However, we did not determine activity of
in cells without HIF-1a
induction. Tumors contain both hypoxic and normoxic regions and thus it is important to
establish how
acts in cells with and without induced HIF-1a. To address this question,
U251 cells were first treated with
(1 μM, 48 h) or PBS (vehicle). Half of the samples were
then dosed with a HIF-1a inducer Deferoxamine (DFO, 300 μM, 16 h), while the other half
with PBS (Supplementary Figure 1A). Their mRNA was then analyzed by RNA-sequencing.
Gene expression differences for each sample were obtained by normalizing a polyamide-
treated sample with the appropriate non-treated control – cells treated with PBS and
normalized to cells treated with PBS only (PBS vs
), and cells treated with both
and DFO
to cells treated with DFO (DFO vs DFO+
). When
was dosed into cells treated with DFO,
we observed it downregulated 744 genes. When
was dosed into cells dosed with PBS, a
different set of genes was regulated. In fact only 101 out of 723 regulated genes were
identical for both conditions (14%, Fig. 1C, D). The upregulated genes also varied between
the two groups. Cells treated with
and DFO showed upregulation of 316 genes, while the
same cells treated with
and PBS – 1514 genes. Few genes were in common between the
two groups (6% for DFO, 1.3% for PBS, Fig. 1C, D). Overall, 17% DFO-induced genes
were downregulated by
at least 2-fold (p < 0.05). Gene clustering analysis suggested
acted to reverse effects of DFO (Supplementary Figure 1B–C). Fewer genes were affected
by compound
at the same dose (Supplementary Figure 1D). Interestingly, we found that
among the genes that were changed significantly both by
(in DFO-induced cells) and by
DFO, the Py-Im polyamide
inhibited DFO-induced gene expression in 96% of the genes
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(2557 out of 2661 genes, Supplementary Figure 1E). This indicates that gene expression
changes caused by DFO, are either unaffected, or reversed by
, but rarely, if ever,
exacerbated by treatment with
Py-Im polyamide 1 shows favorable preliminary pharmacokinetics and tissue distribution
at tolerable doses
In order to evaluate bioavailability of
in vivo
, we injected it subcutaneously (s.c.) at 6.8
mg/kg into C57BL6 mice. Compound
reached a serum concentration of 11.3±1.6 μM
within 1.5 h and 7.8±0.4 μM at 4 h post-injection (n=4, Fig. 2A). The radiolabeled analogue
, Py-Im polyamide
, was injected intraperitoneally (IP) to quantitate whole-organ
compound concentrations (n=6, Supplementary Figure 2A, B) into immunocompromised
NSG mice bearing GBM39 tumors. After 24 h, concentrations of
were measured in
GBM39 xenografts (2.0 μM), host’s kidney (6.3 μM), liver (4.2 μM) and lung (3.1 μM;
Supplementary Figure 2A). Following 3 injections (6.8 mg/kg s.c., every other day × 3,
harvest 24h post last injection), all tested tissues showed compound accumulation
(Supplementary Figure 2B). The same administration of
(FITC-conjugate of
) in NSG
mice resulted in readily detectable nuclear staining in tumor cells and tested tissue sections
(Supplementary Figure 2C–E). The nuclear staining was also present when tested in unfixed
cells in tissue culture setting (Fig. 2B). A single-injection toxicity test showed that
did not
affect animal weight, or levels of serum toxicity markers (ALT, AST, TBIL, BUN,
Creatinine) at concentrations up to 10 mg/kg (Supplementary Figure 3A, B). Taken together,
these results supported evaluation of anti-tumor effects of
in vivo
Polyamide 1 suppresses tumor growth in subcutaneous xenografts
To test whether previously established partial inhibition of HIF-1-driven gene expression by
) would result in decrease in tumor growth, we engrafted U251 and GBM39 cells s.c.
into NOD/SCID-
(NSG) mice. We established three dosing regiments (Supplementary
Figure 4A) for
Schedule A
, consisting of three s.c. injections every other day at
maximum tolerated dose (6.8 mg/kg, 8 days) and
Schedules B and C
, with lower dose
(4.5mg/kg, 3 inj./week) designed for prolonged treatment with low weight loss (<10%) over
4 weeks (U251 tumors) or 6 weeks (GBM39 tumors). The S
chedule A
was designed to elicit
maximum response over a short period of time at a dose tolerable to animals. The
were introduced to assess if the compound
could retain its activity at a dose that
could be tolerated over longer periods of time. In all cases, the tumors were harvested 72 h
after last injection, due to our previous research, indicating that Py-Im polyamide-induced
apoptosis occurs between 48–72 hours after compound administration in tissue culture
studies (
Mice bearing U251 tumors were subjected to treatment with
Schedule A
) which resulted
in a reduction in median tumor mass (1.8-fold, p<0.013; n=7, 8 for vehicle and treated
groups; Fig. 2C) compared to vehicle. Similarly, prolonged treatment (
Schedule B
) resulted
in 1.9-fold lower median U251 tumor mass (p<0.0125; n=10 per condition; Fig. 2D).
Consistent results were obtained with a primary glioma cell line (GBM39) xenograft.
Treatment according to
Schedule A
resulted in 1.8-fold lower median mass (p<0.016; n=11
per condition; Supplementary Figure 4B) and prolonged treatment (
Schedule C
) in 1.6-fold
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reduction (p<0.041; n=6 per condition; Supplementary Figure 4C). The treatments resulted
in minor mouse weight loss; the effects were less severe (<5% average w.l. throughout the
experiment) for schedules
(Supplementary Figure 5).
Polyamide 1 reduces microvessels density in xenografts, without inducing endothelial
Hypoxic signaling is a major driver for angiogenesis and its inhibition leads to decrease in
microvessel density (MVD) (
). We measured MVD using anti-mouse CD31
immunostaining of tumor sections. We observed a significant reduction of MVD in all tested
scenarios. For U251 tumors, with mice subjected to
Schedule A,
we observed a 1.4-fold
median reduction of MVD (p<0.014; n=7, 8 for vehicle and treated groups; Fig. 2E) and 1.7-
fold median decrease for
Schedule B
(p<0.05; n=10 per condition; Fig. 2F). For GBM39
tumors, both treatment schedules (
) led to 1.4-fold reduction in MVD (p <0.01;
n=11 and n=6 for Schedules
; Supplementary Figure 6A–B).
The decrease in MVD could be caused by direct effect of
on the endothelium, for example,
rendering it either apoptotic, or unable to form blood vessels. We evaluated endothelial
apoptosis by double-staining of mouse-specific CD31 and Cleaved Caspase-3 (CC3) in
GBM39 tumors (
Schedule C
; n=5 tumors, approximately 600 microvessels per condition;
Fig. 2G). We found no significant endothelial apoptosis in either of the treatment groups. To
measure angiogenic functionality of endothelium we used
in vitro
matrigel tube formation
assay with Human Umbilical Cord Endothelial Cells (HUVEC), revealing
(5 μM, 48 h)
had no effect on tube formation (n=3, Fig. 2H).
Antiangiogenic effects of 1 are associated with inhibition of hypoxic response
Decrease in MVD, without endothelial apoptosis or dysfunction, suggests
could interfere
with the hypoxic response (
). To further test this hypothesis we evaluated other aspects
affected by hypoxic response, such as tumor cell proliferation (
), apoptosis in HIF-1
positive, perinecrotic areas (
), nuclear HIF-1a protein accumulation and cell survival in
areas distant from blood vessels (
). To analyze this, we divided the tumor sections into
three areas: necrotic, non-necrotic and perinecrotic (Fig. 3A). The non-necrotic areas contain
nucleated cells with intact cell membranes, while necrotic areas are show loss of nuclei and
fragmentation of cells. The perinecrotic area represents field of view (20× magnification)
that contains 50% of cells containing nuclei and 50% of necrotic areas.
Antiangiogenic therapy increases hypoxia in tumors and often leads to decreased
proliferation (
). Upon treatment with
Schedule B
), we observed a 1.2-fold decrease
(P<0.05; n=10 per condition; Fig. 3B) in proliferation marker (Ki-67) in non-necrotic areas
of the U251 tumors.
Another effect of induction of hypoxic response is accumulation of HIF-1a (
). However,
treatment with
did not lead to increase in levels of HIF-1a in either U251 (Fig. 3C, D) or
GBM39 (Supplementary Figure 7A, B) tumors. Lack of HIF-1a accumulation is unlikely to
be caused by its increased degradation, as
does not affect HIF-1a levels in tissue culture
(Supplementary Figure 7C). Overall, we observed a spatial distribution of HIF-1a in U251
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tumor sections – perinecrotic areas showed higher HIF-1a levels compared to non-necrotic
areas (1.8-fold average increase for
, p<0.001; n=10 per condition; Fig. 3C, D).
Induction of hypoxic signaling can lead to apoptosis resistance in cancer cells (
However, treatment with
increased apoptosis significantly in perinecrotic, HIF-1a positive,
areas (CC3 staining, 1.8-fold, p<0.0012; n=10 per condition; Fig. 3E;). The apoptosis was
absent in non-necrotic regions of U251 tumors regardless of the treatment (Fig. 3F),
is toxic specifically to hypoxic cells. Similarly, TUNEL staining revealed
convergent results – no increase in apoptotic cells in non-necrotic regions, and 1.7-fold
(p<0.009, n=10 per condition) increase in apoptosis in perinecrotic tumor regions upon
treatment with
(Supplementary Figure 7D–E). The GBM39 tumors harvested before they
developed necrosis also revealed no induction of apoptosis by
(Supplementary Figure 7F).
Hypoxic signaling mediates cell survival in areas with low oxygen pressures. With
increasing distance to blood vessels, tumor necrosis appears as a result of the death of cells
with inadequate oxygen supply (
). The oxygen pressure decreases as the function of
distance from blood vessels, and typically does not reach beyond approximately 200 μm.
Cells adapt to low oxygen pressures by activating hypoxic signaling, and once oxygen
pressures drop below a critical value, cell necrosis occurs (
). The cells that succeed to
survive at distances comparable to 200 μm from blood vessels, can thus be deemed as having
a functional hypoxic response. Impairment of hypoxic signaling will result in necrosis
occurring at higher oxygen pressures – at shorter distances from blood vessels. Therefore to
measure if
decreases ability of cells to adapt to low oxygen pressures, we measured MVD
as a function of distance from the edge of necrotic areas. We found the expected lack of
microvessels near necrotic edges (<100 μm). In tumors derived from animals treated with
Schedule B
) necrotic edge appeared closer to the blood vessels. The median
distances between the edge of necrosis and the nearest blood vessels, were significantly
shorter for both U251 and GBM39 tumors treated with
, as compared to vehicle-treated
controls (p<0.01, Supplementary Figure 7G). Similarly, at short distances around necrosis
the mean MVD appeared higher for tumors treated with
suggesting treated tumor cells
require higher level of nutrients and oxygen for survival (3.3-fold at 150 μm and 2.3-fold for
200 μm distance from the necrotic edge, p<0.02 and p<0.01; Fig. 4A, B).
Lower MVD and lower cell survival at a distance from blood vessels, should lead to an
increase in necrotic area. However, the complex pattern of necrosis (micronecroses) in U251
tumors made it difficult to quantify it by a simple delineation. Instead, we decided to
automatically count nuclei in the whole tumor section and found lower nuclear density in
tumors treated with
, (10% fewer nuclei, p<0.03, Supplementary Figure 8A). The further
evidence of necrosis induction by
, was present after short-term treatment with
GBM39 tumors (
Schedule A
) where transient accumulation of HIF-1a (Supplementary
Figure 8B–D) led to presence of necrosis (Supplementary Figure 8E), specifically localized
to HIF-1a positive areas that were distant from microvessels (Supplementary Figure 8E, F).
Overall, compound
decreases proliferation and nuclear density, selectively induces
apoptosis in perinecrotic, HIF-1a positive areas, and causes necrotic areas to appear in
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proximity of blood vessels despite the presence of a blood supply, but treatment does not
result in long-term HIF-1a accumulation.
Py-Im polyamide 1 reduces expression of proangiogenic and prometastatic factors
in vivo
A common adverse effect of antiangiogenic treatment is upregulation of proangiogenic and
prometastatic gene expression which renders the antiangiogenic therapies less effective and
is often a result of hypoxic signaling (
). We decided to test if
affected mRNA expression
of such factors
in vivo
. NSG mice bearing U251 tumors were treated with
according to
Schedule D
(6.8 mg/kg, 2 inj., on days 1 and 3; tumors harvested on day 5; SI
Supplementary Figure 4A). Out of 10 tested proangiogenic factors, four transcripts had
lower relative expression after treatment with
(Fig. 5A), and one (
) was
upregulated (1.4-fold) in both mRNA (Fig. 5B) and serum protein levels (Fig. 5C).
Downregulation of mRNA expression was also apparent in the panel of prometastatic genes.
Overall, 5 out of 6 tested transcripts were downregulated in the group treated with
5D). The factors significantly affected by
, included:
. Interestingly, the mouse receptor of Angiopoietin,
was also
downregulated. Results for all tested genes can be found in Supplementary Table 2.
Regulation of hypoxic signaling is central to maintaining balance between health and
disease. Its principal regulator - HIF-1 - is essential for tumor initiation and progression,
vascularization, cell survival and metastasis (
). Inhibition of HIF-1 activity has
suppressed tumor progression and reduced cancer resistance to available therapies (reviewed
in (
)). Our group has previously reported on the function of an HRE-binding Py-Im
as a partial inhibitor of HIF-1 dependent transcription in tissue culture (
However, the
in vivo
activity and mechanism of
remained to be explored. We used Py-Im
(Fig. 1) to show its activity is dependent on HIF-1a activation (Fig. 1), that it
inhibits tumor growth, angiogenesis (Fig. 2) and the tested aspects of hypoxic response
(Figs. 3 and 4), including inhibition of tumor-derived mRNA expression of
proangiogenic and prometastatic factors that are often upregulated in hypoxic conditions
(Fig. 5). We found that the effects of
are consistent with what would be expected in case of
a partial inhibition of hypoxic response (Fig. 6).
Polyamide tissue distribution and preliminary pharmacokinetics
Subcutaneous administration revealed
distributes into serum within 1.5 h post-injection,
with 31% drop in concentration 2.5 h later, indicating multi-hour long half-life. Even though
had favorable pharmacokinetics, its activity
in vivo
is likely dependent on the target tissue
concentration. After three intraperitoneal injections (Schedule
), the radioactive analog
reached a concentration of 3.5 μM in GBM39 tumor and higher levels in other tissues.
Concentrations attained for
in all tested tissues were thus higher than used in our tissue
culture studies (
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Effects on tumor growth and vascularization
In the present study, inhibition of tumor growth and reduction in MVD was observed in two
different cell types in response to treatment with
. The extent of these effects was
comparable to ones exerted by Bevacizumab (
) in xenografts derived from U251 (
) and
GBM39 cells (
). Investigation of possible mechanisms of antiangiogenic action showed
lack of apoptosis in blood vessel lining, and no measurable influence on tube formation on
matrigel. Lack of direct effects of
on endothelial cells suggests blood vessel recruitment
might be impaired. One possible explanation is inhibition of expression of tumor-associated
proangiogenic factors by
. However, systemic concentration of those proteins could also be
Effects on apoptosis, proliferation and HIF-1a levels
induces apoptosis selectively, in HIF-1a-positive, perinecrotic areas. This
sensitizes cancer cells to hypoxia, which could occur by hypoxic response
inhibition (
). Our RNA-sequencing data shows that activity of 1 depends on activation of
HIF-1a, which provides a possible explanation why activity of
was restricted to cells in
HIF-1a positive areas. Further support of this hypothesis is the lack of increase of HIF-1a
positive cells in the tumors treated according to
Schedule B
. Since
did not affect
HIF-1a levels in U251 cells in tissue culture, it is likely that numbers of HIF-1a positive
cells were reduced as they went through apoptosis. Finally, increased reliance of cancer cells
on proximity to vasculature once again suggests their hindered ability to adapt to low partial
oxygen pressures, which is the main function of the hypoxic response. It is worth noting
that, despite the fact that more blood vessels exist in proximity of necrosis, the perinecrotic
areas are not representative of the whole tumor. These areas contain only a small fraction of
tumor area and inherently contain few blood vessels, which leads to necrosis. The transient
induction of HIF-1a levels in briefly-treated GBM39 tumors indicates a likely increase in
tumor hypoxia, or a change in HIF-1a protein levels by direct action of
. The latter
possibility is unlikely as
had no effect on HIF-1a levels in tissue culture. The apparent
disparity in HIF-1a levels between the GBM39 tumors treated according to
Schedule A
, and
other regimens, could be due to two factors: concentration of
was insufficient to induce
apoptosis of tumor cells in
Schedule A
, or overall level of hypoxia in these smaller tumors
(Supplementary Figure 8C) was too low to induce sensitivity to
. The latter hypothesis is
supported by comparable HIF-1a levels in non-necrotic regions of GBM39 tumors from a
group treated according to
Schedule C
(Supplementary Figure 7A) and by tendency of
smaller tumors to be less hypoxic (
). Reduced proliferation upon treatment with
is likely
a combination of both reduced MVD and a direct effect of 1 on cancer cells. The former
hypothesis is supported by the dependence of proliferation on distance from necrosis, while
the latter – by a reduction in Ki-67 in non-necrotic areas that are presumably sufficiently
vascularized for unrestricted cell division.
Effects on gene expression
reduced mRNA expression of a panel of genes involved in angiogenesis and
metastasis. Many of the affected genes carry important functions in tumor adaptation to
hypoxia – for example Platelet-derived growth factor subunit B (
) and
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Angiopoietin-1 (
) are involved in blood vessel maturation (
), whereas Lysyl
Oxidase (
) or
were involved in metastasis (
). Other factors significantly
affected by
, included:
, and a
mouse Angiopoietin receptor,
. We also observed a slight elevation (1.4-fold) in both
mRNA expression and serum concentration of VEGFA, despite a visible downregulation in
tissue culture (
). Reduction in microvessel density typically leads to decreased oxygen
pressure and increased expression of proangiogenic factors, including VEGFA (
Interestingly, recent studies show that regulation of VEGFA activity can be HIF-1-
independent (
). However, it is also possible that VEGFA expression would be higher
had it not been for treatment with
. Importantly, elevated expression of VEGFA did not
from exerting antiangiogenic effect, suggesting its mechanism of action could be
In summary, this study demonstrates that Py-Im polyamide
interferes with the tested
endpoints of hypoxic response in tumors: it inhibits prometastatic and proangiogenic gene
expression, induces tumor cell apoptosis selectively in HIF-1a positive areas and decreases
nuclear density, proliferative index and microvessel density of tumors. The RNA-sequencing
data revealed that
regulates genes differentially in cells with induced and basal levels of
HIF-1a, providing a potential explanation for selective induction of apoptosis in HIF-1a
positive cells. This compound could be useful in treatment of hypoxia-related disease as it
distributes to tissues, has favorable pharmacokinetics, and antitumor and antiangiogenic
activity in two different xenografts.
Supplementary Material
Refer to Web version on PubMed Central for supplementary material.
The authors thank Caltech OLAR for technical assistance with animal experiments and TPCL (UCLA) for assisting
with IHC. The authors thank Dr. Nora Rozengurt (UCLA) for helpful suggestions, discussion and preliminary
pathological evaluation of tumor sections. We thank Drs. Nicholas Nickols and Bogdan Olenyuk for helpful
discussions and suggestions.
Financial support
: This work was supported by the NIH Grant GM-51747. J.O.Szablowski. was supported by NIH
GM-51747. J.A.Raskatov received postdoctoral support from the Alexander von Humboldt foundation.
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Figure 1. Chemical structure and biological activity of Py-Im polyamides binding HRE sequence
A) Chemical structures and ball-and-stick representation of the Py-Im polyamides
. N-
methyl-pyrrole, N-methyl-imidazole and chlorothiophene are represented as open circles,
filled circles and squares, respectively. B) Our previous studies (
) indicated that compound
can bind to HRE-containing sequence with sub-nanomolar (k
> 10
) affinity and displace
HIF-1 complex from VEGFA and CA9 promoters in U251 cells in Chromatin Immuno-
Precipitation assay (ChIP). C) Gene expression regulation by
(1 μM) in U251 cells with
elevated levels of HIF-1a (treatment with 300 μM Deferoxamine (DFO)) or native levels of
HIF-1a (PBS treatment). Cells were treated either with PBS or
for 48 hours, and then with
either PBS or DFO for 16 hours. Gene expression changes for each sample were obtained by
normalizing a polyamide-treated sample with the appropriate non-treated control – cells
treated with PBS and
were normalized to cells treated with PBS only, and cells treated
with both
and DFO were normalized to cells treated with DFO. Overall,
expression of a distinct set of genes when cells are co-treated with DFO and
. D)
Hierarchical clustering (Euclidian distance, complete linkage) of genes changed at least
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three-fold as compared to the state untreated with
. Gene expression changes expressed as
values. Three biological replicates were analyzed.
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Figure 2. Polyamide 1 inhibits tumor growth and vascularization after systemic administration
A) Serum concentration of
after subcutaneous injection. The C57BL6 mice were injected
subcutaneously into interscapular area, after which we drew blood via retroorbital
collection (n=4 per time point). B) Nuclear uptake of
in U251 cells, counterstained with a
DNA-binding Hoechst 33342 fluorophore. C) Final masses and growth curve of s.c. U251
xenografts derived from animals subjected to
Schedule A
(n=7,8, for vehicle and treated
groups; for volumes, measurements at the 3rd an 5th day contain 5 data points.) D) Final
masses and growth curve of U251 xenografts (
Schedule B
, n=10 per condition). E) Mice
harboring xenografts were treated with
according to
Schedule A
and their MVD score was
measured using anti-mouse CD31 immunostaining of tumor sections (For U251 n=7,8 for
vehicle, and treated groups). F) Prolonged treatments, according to
Schedule B
in U251
xenografts led to comparable decrease in MVD. G) Apoptosis in blood vessels was
determined by double-staining of Cleaved Caspase-3 (CC3) and mouse CD31 of GBM39
tumor sections treated according to
Schedule C
. Both vehicle and polyamide-
samples exhibited low levels of blood vessel apoptosis and the differences between the
groups were not significant (p=0.37, n=5 per condition). H) An in vitro angiogenesis assay -
matrigel tube formation assay using HUVECs - shows treatment with
(5 μM) over 48h has
no effect on endothelial tube formation. Arrows denote injections. Error bars are 95% CI for
growth curves and minimum-maximum for other graphs.
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