of 23
Mechanism of molybdate insertion into pterin-based
molybdenum cofactors.
Corinna Probst
Jing Yang
Joern Krausze
Thomas W. Hercher
Casseday P.
Thomas Spatzal
KC Khadanand
Logan J. Giles
Douglas C. Rees
Ralf R.
Martin L. Kirk
Tobias Kruse
TU Braunschweig, Institute of Plant Biology, 38106 Braunschweig
Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology, The University of New Mexico, 1 University of
New Mexico, MSC03 2060, Albuquerque, NM 87131
Division of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering 114-96, Howard Hughes Medical Institute,
California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA 91125 USA
These authors contributed equally to this work.
The molybdenum cofactor (Moco) is found in the active site of numerous important enzymes that
are critical to biological processes. The bidentate ligand that chelates molybdenum (Mo) in Moco
is the pyranopterin dithiolene (molybdopterin, MPT); however, neither the mechanism of
molybdate insertion into MPT nor the structure of Moco prior to its insertion into pyranopterin
molybdenum enzymes is known. Here we report this final maturation step, where adenylated MPT
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To whom correspondence should be addressed: T. Kruse, TU Braunschweig, Institute of Plant Biology, Spielmannstrasse 7, 38106
Braunschweig, Germany. +49-531-3915873, Fax: +49-531-3918128; t.kruse@tu-bs.de; M. L. Kirk, Department of Chemistry and
Chemical Biology, The University of New Mexico, 1 University of New Mexico, MSC03 2060, Albuquerque, NM 87131, USA.
+1-505-277-5992; mkirk@unm.edu.
These authors share senior corresponding authorship
Corinna Probst:
Acquisition, analysis and interpretation of data
Jing Yang:
Acquisition, analysis and interpretation of XAS data; computed reaction coordinate
Joern Krausze:
Analysis and interpretation of data
Thomas W. Hercher:
Acquisition, analysis and interpretation of data
Casseday P. Richers:
Synthesized and characterized the trioxo- and dioxo- molybdenum model compounds (
, and
) and analyzed
spectroscopic data
Thomas Spatzal:
Acquisition, analysis and interpretation of data
Khadanand KC
: Assisted in the collection of XAS data
Logan J. Giles:
Assisted in the collection of XAS data
Douglas C. Rees:
Revision of the article
Ralf R. Mendel:
Revision of the article
Martin L. Kirk:
Conception and design analysis and interpretation of data, drafting the article
Tobias Kruse:
Conception and design, analysis and interpretation of data, drafting the article
C. P.
J. Y
., and
J. K.
contributed equally to this work. All authors discussed the results and commented on the manuscript.
The authors declare no competing interests.
Includes details of experimental data, procedural details, synthesis and characterization data, NMR spectra, the X-ray absorption
spectroscopy (XAS) experiment, XAS data analysis, and electronic structure computations. Supplementary figures and tables are
freely accessible on
HHS Public Access
Author manuscript
Nat Chem
. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2021 December 28.
Published in final edited form as:
Nat Chem
. 2021 August ; 13(8): 758–765. doi:10.1038/s41557-021-00714-1.
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(MPT-AMP) and molybdate are the substrates. X-ray crystallography of the Arabidopsis thaliana
Mo-insertase variant Cnx1E S269D D274S identified adenylated Moco (Moco-AMP) as an
unexpected intermediate in this reaction sequence. X-ray absorption spectroscopy revealed the first
coordination sphere geometry of Moco trapped in the Cnx1E active site. We have used this
structural information to deduce a mechanism for molybdate insertion into MPT-AMP. Given their
high degree of structural and sequence similarity, we suggest that this mechanism is employed by
all eukaryotic Mo-insertases.
Graphical Abstract
Molybdenum cofactor; Moco; Moco biosynthesis; Molybdenum insertion; X-ray crystallography;
X-ray absorption spectroscopy; EXAFS
Molybdenum cofactor (Moco) dependent enzymes (Mo-enzymes) are ubiquitous, and are
commonly found in archaea, bacteria, and eukaryota
. These enzymes are involved in
numerous redox reactions that contribute to the global sulfur, carbon and nitrogen cycles
and they are vitally important to a variety of life processes
. This last point is underscored
by the fact that specific Moco dependent enzymes are essential to human life. A lack of
sulfite oxidase (SOX) activity in humans results in the accumulation of highly toxic sulfite,
which subsequently leads to the onset of severe neurological disorders and eventual early
childhood death
. Regarding their global importance, the Moco dependent nitrate reductases
(NR) are essential enzymes in autotrophic organisms such as plants, and defects in the NR
structural gene, or within the Moco biosynthesis pathway, cause severe growth
. Moco biosynthesis is catalyzed by an evolutionarily old and highly
conserved multi-step pathway
. Consequently, this pathway is found in the last universal
common ancestor of all life forms (LUCA) where Moco-dependent enzymes likely
functioned to assimilate carbon, catalyze oxygen independent hydroxylation reactions, and
contribute to energy metabolism
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Moco biosynthesis is subdivided into four major steps (Figure 1)
. In the first step of the
pathway, GTP is converted to 3’,8-cH
, which is subsequently processed to yield
cyclic pyranopterin monophosphate (cPMP
). Work with the model plant
A. thaliana
) showed that cPMP synthesis takes place in the mitochondria, and an
ABC type exporter is required for cPMP export into the cytosol of the cell
. Given the high
degree of functional conservation, this is assumed to be valid for all eukaryotes
. In the
second step of the pathway, cPMP is converted into molybdopterin (MPT). This reaction is
characterized by the sequential introduction of the MPT dithiolene sulfurs
, where after
each reaction cycle the MPT-synthase (precisely its small subunits) have to be re-
. Work on the first and second steps of the Moco biosynthesis pathway were
primarily performed using
E. coli
enzymes, which serve as model enzymes here
Elucidation of the third and fourth steps in the pathway primarily involved the
A. thaliana
molybdenum insertase (Mo-insertase) Cnx1 serving as a model enzyme
. Early work with
fungal Mo-insertase mutants identified these to be functionally rescued when grown in the
presence of millimolar concentrations of sodium molybdate
, rendering molybdate
complexation by the MPT dithiolene to be independent from an enzyme catalyst under
conditions where excess molybdate is available. In the third step, MPT is adenylated by the
Mo-insertase G-domain to yield adenylated MPT (MPT-AMP). MPT-AMP is a substrate of
the Mo-insertase E-domain, which catalyzes the insertion of molybdate into the MPT
. Early
and more recent
work identified this reaction to depend on a
critical subset of steps that must occur prior to the actual molybdate insertion reaction. In
our more recent work, we identified Cnx1E to possess two mutually exclusive molybdate
binding sites, which we assigned as functioning in molybdate binding and insertion,
. These molybdate binding sites are in close proximity to what we previously
proposed to be the dithiolene chelate component of bound MPT-AMP
. However, a
critical question remains regarding the nature of the individual steps and the energetics that
define the reaction coordinate for molybdate insertion into MPT-AMP. Recently, a structural
analysis of the GephE ADP complex suggested that the active site residue Asp580 is
required for functionality, while earlier genetic work identified the homologous aspartate
residue in the fungal Mo-insertase CnxE (
A. nidulans
) to be vitally important.
Furthermore, the corresponding Cnx1 exchange variant (D274E) was consistently found to
be catalytically inactive
In this work, we describe the identification of an unexpected Moco precursor
molybdenum cofactor (Moco-AMP), which provides detailed insight into the underlying
mechanism of molybdate insertion into the MPT-AMP dithiolene. Remarkably, ATP does
not appear to be required as an energy transfer molecule for the actual molybdate insertion
process, but appears to be required for the positioning of MPT within the Cnx1E active site.
Although the Cnx1E co-structure has been solved here to high resolution (PDB: 6Q32), the
precise nature of the Moco-AMP molybdenum coordination environment could not be
determined. To address this critical structural issue and provide much-needed insight into the
insertion mechanism, we performed a detailed Mo K-edge X-ray absorption spectroscopic
(XAS) study of the Cnx1E Moco-AMP complex. The Cnx1E Moco-AMP X-ray absorption
near-edge structure (XANES) data have been analyzed in the context of XANES data from
small molecule structural analogs of the Moco-AMP Mo site. This comparative analysis
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yielded the discovery of a dioxo-Mo structure for Cnx1E bound Moco-AMP. This structure
is further revealed to be a Mo(VI) [(MPT)MoO
site by extended X-ray absorption
fine structure (EXAFS) experiments, and represents a unique structure observed for any
Moco-dependent pyranopterin Mo enzyme
. Defining the nature of the Mo coordination
geometry has finally allowed us to deduce the mechanism for molybdate insertion into MPT-
AMP; a process that underlies Moco formation. We have thus characterized the Mo-insertase
model enzyme Cnx1E from the plant
A. thaliana
and suggest our proposed mechanism to be
valid for all eukaryotic Mo-insertases, since they are both structurally and functionally
Results and Discussion
X-ray crystallography.
The Cnx1E active site loop
was targeted by structure-guided mutagenesis experiments to
yield the substrate accumulating Cnx1E variant S269D D274S (Supplementary Fig. 1 and
2), the structure of which has been determined by X-ray crystallography to 1.51 Å resolution
(PDB: 6Q32; R
=0.176; Supplementary Table 1) and is reported here. Within the enzyme-
substrate complex, MPT-AMP is bound in a shallow cavity that is located at the interface
between Cnx1E sub-domains III (SIII) and II
) (Fig. 2A, Supplementary Fig. 3 and 4).
Our earlier work identified Cnx1E MPT-AMP binding to correlate with the capability of
Cnx1E to form a dimeric enzyme
, a finding which is fully consistent with the identified
position of MPT-AMP at the interface of the dimeric enzyme as is shown here (Fig. 2A).
Previously, Cnx1E was characterized to bind Moco/MPT with a rather low affinity (
) in
the μM range
. We recently suggested that the low binding affinity for Moco/MPT may be
due to the lack of AMP, which when covalently linked to MPT (MPT-AMP) could function
to anchor MPT within the Cnx1E active site
. Adjacent to the bound MPT-AMP
molecule, we observe additional well-defined electron density that is located within bond-
length distance to the MPT-AMP dithiolene chelate (Fig. 2B, C). The nature of this electron
density is consistent with either a dioxo [(MPT)MoO
species or a trioxo
species with a distorted square-pyramidal coordination geometry. The
presence of a molybdenum atom at the center of this additional electron density is confirmed
by anomalous diffraction data (Fig. 2B, C). This finding was unexpected and led us to the
conclusion that Cnx1E variant S269D D274S accumulates the novel Moco precursor
adenylated Moco (Moco-AMP, Fig. 2D). Analysis of its coordination environment revealed
that the Moco-AMP pterin moiety almost exclusively interacts with subdomain II
(Supplementary Fig. 3 and 4), thus complementing the subdomain III AMP binding function
that was suggested to be essential for positioning of the otherwise loosely bound pterin
moiety within the E-domain active site
. Here, molybdate is initially bound in the
vicinity of a strictly conserved set of amino acids
, awaiting its relocation to the
catalytically productive site. In addition to molybdate, various other oxyanions can induce
cooperative MPT-AMP binding to Cnx1E. However, only molybdate is accepted as a
substrate for the insertion reaction
, thus rendering molybdate binding and insertion to be
distinctly separate processes
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Analogous to Moco-AMP, other molybdenum dinucleotide cofactors, including
molydopterin cytosine dinucleotide (MCD) and bis-molybdopterin guanosine dinucleotide
(bis-MGD), are commonly found in the active sites of numerous prokaryotic Mo enzymes
Both MCD and bis-MGD are synthesized in a reaction step that is subsequent to the release
of mature Moco from the bacterial Cnx1E homolog by dedicated enzymes that only exist in
. Consequently, Moco-AMP constitutes the first example of a Moco
dinucleotide found in eukaryotic organisms. The phosphoric acid anhydride
(phosphoanhydride) that connects the two nucleotides can be characterized by its two
dihedral angles,
, which differ among Moco-AMP, MCD, and bis-MGD but are
similar between Moco-AMP and MPT-AMP bound to Cnx1G
(Fig. 3A, Supplementary
Table 2). As a consequence of these phosphoric acid anhydride
values, the
nucleotide moieties in MPT-AMP and Moco-AMP are arranged in a “pseudo-
conformation relative to an imaginary axis that connects the two phosphorous atoms of the
anhydride bond, while the MCD and bis-MGD are in a “pseudo-
” conformation.
However, the orientation of the AMP moiety with respect to Moco in Cnx1E is different
from that between AMP and MPT in Cnx1G, which requires a rotation by approximately
=120° around the bond formed between the molybdopterin atom C-2 and the C-P carbon
atom connected to the phosphate group (Fig. 3B, Supplementary Fig. 12. This rotation must
occur during the transition of MPT-AMP from Cnx1G to Cnx1E because the conformation
present in Cnx1G cannot be accommodated by Cnx1E
. The nature of the Mo-dithiolene
bonding in Moco-AMP closely resembles that found in Moco-containing enzymes that
belong to the sulfite oxidase family
, and this is apparent by the fact that their chiral
volumes are of the same sign. However, the conformation of the pyranopterin backbone, as
characterized through the dihedral angles
(−26.0°) and
(98.6°), cannot be assigned
clearly to one of the two conformations that are typical for the Mo-enzyme families
3C). In contrast to MCD and bis-MGD, Moco-AMP is relevant only as a cofactor
biosynthesis intermediate. Therefore, the identification of Moco-AMP is in complete
agreement with the latest model of E-domain functionality
. Moco-AMP was found to
be bound by both monomers of the Cnx1E dimer, and this is consistent with the current
model of E-domain ancestry, which suggests that throughout evolution the Mo-insertase G-
domain encoding gene was duplicated
to form subdomain III, which is opposing
subdomain II
in the dimer (Fig. 2A). Subdomain III retained the ability to bind AMP but
lost a helical active site element that is part of the G-domain pterin binding site
(Supplementary Fig. 3). This Cnx1G element confines the range of orientations that the
MPT-AMP pterin moiety can adopt. The evolutionary loss of this element within the Cnx1E
subdomain III is expected to enable the pterin in Cnx1E bound MPT-AMP to adopt the
characteristic E-domain conformation, which we suggest is essential for facilitating the
catalyzed insertion reaction
X-ray absorption spectroscopy.
Mo K-edge XANES data have been collected in order to probe the nature of the Mo center
of Moco-AMP in Cnx1E S269D D274S at pH 6 and pH 8 (Fig. 4A). These data display an
intense pre-edge feature at ~20,006 eV built on the rising Mo K-edge at ~20,016 eV. The
intensity of these “oxo edge” pre-edge features has previously been correlated with the
number of oxo donor ligands that are coordinated to the Mo ion
, with a greater number
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of oxo ligands leading to a correspondingly greater pre-edge intensity. Thus, the XAS
intensity in the pre-edge region is expected to be a sensitive probe of the number of Mo-oxo
bonds in Cnx1E bound Moco-AMP, providing a competitive advantage over X-ray
crystallography in discerning terminal oxo ligands from hydroxide and aqua ligands. In
order to more accurately assess the oxidation state and the number of oxo ligands bound to
Mo in Cnx1E bound Moco-AMP, we have compared the enzyme XANES data with sodium
molybdate, Na
), and three synthetic Mo(VI)-dithiolene analog complexes:
, [(bdt)MoO
) (
, and [(bdt)MoO
) (
(bdt = benzene-1,2-dithiolate) (see Supplementary Fig. 6-9). The nearly
identical rising edge inflection point energies observed for Cnx1E bound Moco-AMP
proteins and molecules
clearly show that the Mo ion in Cnx1E Moco-AMP is in the
Mo(VI) oxidation state. The strong relationship between the number of oxo ligands bound to
Mo and the Mo K-edge “oxo edge” intensity is quantitatively represented in Fig. 4B, where
the integrated area for each individual pre-edge peak is plotted as a function of the number
of terminal oxo donors. The remarkable similarity between the pre-edge intensities and the
overall XANES structure of Cnx1E bound Moco-AMP,
, and
strongly support a Mo(VI)
dioxo coordination geometry for the Moco-AMP Mo site, which we can evaluate at
higher resolution using Mo K-edge EXAFS (Figure 4C-4E, and Supplementary Fig. 5). The
EXAFS analysis required the inclusion of a single non-oxo light atom scatter in order to
obtain a high-quality fit to the data. Inspection of the real part of the FT EXAFS in Figure
4E shows that this light atom scatterer contributes to the overall shape of this function in the
R + Δ = 2.00 Å – 2.25 Å range, providing opposite phase components with respect to the
Mo-oxo and Mo-S contributions. The 2.03 Å – 2.12 Å bond distance determined for the light
atom scatterer is most consistent with a coordinated hydroxyl ligand (Mo-OH)
since Mo-
aqua bonds are anticipated to be markedly longer (
2.35 Å)
. Although a weakly
coordinated aqua ligand cannot be completely ruled out, our DFT calculations on
and (MPT)MoO
) computational models for Moco yield Mo-
OH and Mo-OH
bond lengths of 1.96 Å and 2.42 Å, respectively, supporting our argument
for a coordinated hydroxide (Supplementary Fig. 10). The bond lengths (R) and the number
of scatterers of a given atom type (N) determined from the Moco-AMP EXAFS analysis are
compared with crystal structure values for trioxo model compound
, dioxo model
, and a dioxo computational model (listed in Supplementary Table 3). EXAFS
parameters for various values of N at pH 6 and pH 8 are presented in Supplementary Tables
4-5. Although there is precedence for a [(MPT)MoO
site in the C207S variant of human
sulfite oxidase
we could not obtain satisfactory fits to the EXAFS data for a trioxo
structure. Additionally, the trioxo structure is inconsistent with our analysis of the “oxo-
edge” intensity for Moco in Cnx1E bound Moco-AMP (Figure 4A-4B). In summary, the
combined computational, XANES, and EXAFS data strongly support a
structure for Moco-AMP, which bears close resemblance to the 5-
coordinate structures determined for model compounds
that were previously
characterized by X-ray crystallography
Molybdate insertion into Moco.
Identification of a [(MPT)MoO
structure in Cnx1E S269D D274S allows for a
mechanism to be posited regarding how molybdate is incorporated into Moco (Figure 5A).
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A key component of the mechanism is that molybdate (molybdic acid: pK
= 3.9; pK
=4.4 @ 30C)
must be protonated prior to, or concomitantly with its insertion into the
MPT dithiolene. The side chains of Arg (pK
= 12.5), Ser (pK
= 15.0), and Lys (pK
10.8), which are most proximal to a molybdate oxo in the binding site (3.0 – 4.7Å;
Supplementary Fig. 3 and Fig. 4), could function as proton donors. However, the relatively
high pK
values of these side chains would require that they are significantly lowered within
the Cnx1E active site in order to protonate molybdate. The diacid form of the MPT
dithiolene could also supply the necessary protons, with molybdate properly positioned in
the binding pocket through a combination of hydrogen bonding and electrostatic interactions
involving these amino acids. Although the pK
s for the MPT dithiolene protons are not
known, the corresponding dithiolene pK
values for 1,2-benzenedithiol (bdt) are known
= 6.5; pK
=10.9), with the dithiolene pK
being markedly lower than the amino
acids in the vicinity of the molybdate binding site. It is known from model chemistry that
dithiolene protons (
bdt) can labilize strong Mo-oxo bonds, resulting in the
elimination of water and insertion of Mo into the dithiolene.
As a result, we suggest that in
Cnx1E the MPT dithiolene supplies the two protons that are required to labilize one oxo
ligand from MoO
and eliminate a water molecule. This proposal is based on (1) the need
to deprotonate the dithiolene in order to coordinate Mo, (2) the immediate proximity of the
two dithiolene S-H protons to a single terminal oxo ligand of molybdate, and (3) the
relatively high acidity of the dithiolene protons compared to nearby amino acids. Thus, the
double-protonation of a single molybdate oxygen would function to trigger the release of a
water molecule from molybdate, resulting in Mo insertion and the formation of a trioxo
intermediate which, upon an additional protonation step, leads directly to
the formation of [(MPT)MoO
; a structure that is fully consistent with the results of
our X-ray crystallographic and XAS data. Remarkably, this biosynthetic structure-based
mechanistic proposal for molybdenum incorporation into MPT-AMP bound to Cnx1E is
related to the route by which trioxo-M and dioxo-M inorganic model compounds (M = Mo,
W; Supplementary Fig. 6-8) can be chemically synthesized (Figure 5B)
. For the small
molecule analog synthesis, silyl groups (-SiR
) function as proton analogs and the silylation
reactions used in the synthesis of
effectively mimic the double-protonation of molybdate
by the diprotic acid form of the MPT dithiolene to yield [(MPT)MoO
. However, an
important difference between the small molecule synthetic route and the Cnx1E catalyzed
insertion of molybdate is the markedly greater Si-O bond enthalpy in the model system
compared to the H-O bond enthalpy (
. the formation of (R
O (model) vs. H
(enzyme)). A lower thermodynamic driving force for the formation of a trioxo
species in Cnx1E likely contributes to the requirement for further
protonation, leading to the more thermodynamically stable [(MPT)MoO
that we observe experimentally.
The elegant chemical synthesis of trioxo and dioxo small molecule analogs of the Cnx1E
Mo site provides a direct chemical precedent for our proposed insertion mechanism
, and
we have evaluated this mechanism in Cnx1E by performing linear transit reaction coordinate
computations at the DFT level of theory. Specifically, these computations have used our new
XAS determined structural details to assess the energetics (total energy and Gibbs free
energy) of the individual steps involved in the insertion mechanism (Figure 5C). The initial
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protonation of molybdate by an MPT dithiolene proton to yield [MoO
is calculated
to be barrierless. This leads to the formation of IM1, which is stabilized by 57.0 kcal/mol
relative to E-S. The second protonation requires an activation barrier of 11.2 kcal/mol and
leads to the formation of the initial [(MPT)MoO
product (Mo-P) complex with
elimination of water, which is only stabilized relative to IM1 by 5.8 kcal/mol. The Gibbs
free energies computed along this coordinate display similar behavior with an activation
barrier of 20.7 kcal/mol and Mo-P being slightly destabilized relative to IM1 by 5.0 kcal/
mol. The fact that both IM1 and the trioxo Mo-product are nearly isoenergetic poses a
potential problem with respect to the thermodynamic stability of the trioxo form of Moco.
Therefore, we postulate that a final protonation step of the trioxo Mo-product, which results
in the formation of [(MPT)MoO
, must be critical for the overall catalytic efficiency
of the insertion reaction. This final protonation event will drive the equilibrium to the
product side, and effectively prevent a back reaction that leads to Mo-
P and the potential for dissociation of Mo from MPT (i.e. IM1). The Cnx1E amino acids
Ser328, Arg369, and Ser400 are located at distances of 2.7, 2.9, and 2.8 Å, respectively, with
respect to Mo-P (measured without regard for the hydrogen atoms). These distances are
within a range compatible with their potential role of protonating [(MPT)MoO
However, the lower pK
value for Arg renders Arg369 the most likely candidate to protonate
and form [(MPT)MoO
(Supplementary Fig. 11). We cannot
eliminate the possibility that protonation occurs through Ser328 or Ser400 since their actual
values could be lower than expected in the protein. However, our assessment of the
local protein environment does not provide any evidence that their pK
values are deviate
from literature reference values. We note that the Cnx1E amino acids Arg369, Ser328, and
Ser400 are all strictly conserved among various eukaryotic Mo-insertases
, providing
strong support for their proposed function in the Cnx1E active site.
Moco-AMP as an intermediate of the Moco biosynthesis pathway.
As earlier studies
suggested that MPT-AMP hydrolysis is a prerequisite for molybdate
insertion into the MPT dithiolene, we expected a hydrolysis-inactive Cnx1E variant (
Cnx1E S269D D274S) to accumulate both of its substrates: MPT-AMP and molybdate. To
our surprise these substrates were not observed, but rather Moco-AMP was found to be
bound in the active site. This observation proves that molybdate insertion into the MPT
dithiolene is independent of MPT-AMP hydrolysis, and therefore does not require the energy
stored within MPT-AMPs phosphor-anhydride bond. This finding is in line with fact that
premature MPT-AMP hydrolysis would negate AMP’s anchoring function and adversely
affect the efficiency of Cnx1E. However, although Moco-AMP is stable in Cnx1E S269D
D274S, we cannot rule out that MPT-AMP hydrolysis in wildtype Cnx1E occurs
immediately upon molybdate insertion, rendering Moco-AMP as transient intermediate that
quickly proceeds to form Moco. In this respect, Moco-AMP would resemble 3’,8-cH
the short-lived precursor of cPMP that was structurally characterized through co-
crystallization with accumulating active site variants
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A. thaliana
Mo-insertase Cnx1E functions as molecular scaffold, and is required to align
MPT-AMP and molybdate in a catalytically productive geometry. Within MPT-AMP, the
AMP moiety functions as an anchor to enable the enzyme to properly position MPT in the
active site. While simultaneously maintaining a low Moco/MPT binding affinity
, this
strategy would also allow for efficient release of the Moco product. Upon AMP directed
positioning of MPT within the Cnx1E active site, Mo insertion is initiated by protonation of
the molybdate ion and results in Mo binding to the MPT dithiolene leading to Moco
formation. This mechanistic sequence displays a remarkable similarity to the methods by
which di-oxo and tri-oxo small molecule analogs of Moco are chemically synthesized
indicating that the underlying principles of molybdate insertion into dithiolene ligands are
universal. Subsequent to Mo insertion into MPT-AMP, hydrolysis is required to liberate
Moco from the anchoring AMP molecule (Extended Data Fig. 1). Interestingly, when
molybdate is replaced by its tungstate congener neither the insertion into the MPT dithiolene
chelate nor the hydrolysis reaction occur
. Hence we conclude that Moco formation
affects a minor re-arrangement of the phosphoric acid anhydride bond, and this renders
Moco-AMP compatible with Mg
driven hydrolysis
. Upon hydrolysis of the
phosphoric acid anhydride bond, both AMP and Moco are released from Cnx1E
. When
Moco is biosynthesized under fully-defined
in vitro
conditions, it is physiologically active
and is accepted by various user enzymes. This leads to the conclusion that the Mo first
coordination sphere geometry present in Moco-AMP is also fully compatible with all
cellular downstream processes that Moco is subjected to, including Moco transfer, storage
and insertion into apo-enzymes
. Given the high degree of structural and functional
conservation amongst eukaryotic Mo-insertases
, we expect that the reaction mechanism
described in this work is valid for all eukaryotic Mo-insertases.
Cloning of cnx1e Variant s269d d274s –
s269d d274s
was generated by overlap extension PCR and following a
protocol published earlier
. Mutagenesis primers used were
Cnx1E_S269D_D274S_FusB_for (5
) and
Cnx1E_S269D_D274S_FusA_rev (5
Expression and Purification of Cnx1E –
Expression of Cnx1E wildtype and variant S269D D274S was carried out as described
. For
biochemical characterization Cnx1E was purified under aerobic conditions, following
established protocols
. For crystallization experiments cell lysis and subsequent purification
steps were performed under anaerobic conditions. To enhance the Moco-AMP occupancy,
preceding crystallization, for variant S269D D274S
in vitro
MPT-AMP loading was carried
out essentially as described earlier
Moco metabolite detection and quantification –
Moco metabolite detection and quantification were carried out as described previously
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Inductively coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (ICP-MS) –
The molybdenum content of wild type Cnx1E and Cnx1E variants was quantified using an
Agilent 7700 Series ICP-MS machine (Agilent Technologies) as described earlier
Crystallization, data collection and structure determination of Cnx1E variant S269D D274S
Prior to crystallization, protein preparations were anaerobically buffer exchanged to 50 mM
Tris-HCl pH 8.0, 150 mM NaCl, 2% (v/v) Glycerol. Cnx1E S269D D274S was crystallized
by sitting-drop vapor diffusion method at 294 K in an anaerobic chamber containing a 95%
Ar / 5% H
atmosphere. Crystals were obtained with a reservoir solution containing 0.1 M
MES pH 6.5, 24 %(v/v) PEG400. To all crystallization solutions 500 μM sodium dithionite
was added. Crystals were harvested and cryo-protection was accomplished by transferring
crystals into reservoir solution containing 10 % (v/v) MPD. Diffraction data were collected
at 12,400 eV (0.99987 Å) and 7,100 eV (1.74626 Å) at the Stanford Synchrotron Radiation
Lightsource (SSRL) and at the Advanced Light Source (ALS, Berkley). Obtained data sets
were indexed and integrated using iMosflm
and XDS
and scaled with StarAniso
into account the anisotropic diffraction. Phase information was derived and transplanted
from the structure of MPT-AMP-free Cnx1E wt (PDB 5G2R
). Structural refinement and
rebuilding were carried out using Buster
and COOT
. Electron density maps were
calculated using FFT (CCP4
). Images of protein structures were generated with PyMol
and UCSF Chimera
. The files containing the structure factors and the structural models
were deposited within the Protein Data Bank with accession number 6Q32 (Cnx1E S269D
D274S). The complete data collection and refinement statistics are summarized in Table S1.
X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy –
X-ray absorption spectroscopy of Mo K-edge (20,000 eV) for Cnx1E S269D D274S
samples were collected at beamline 7-3 of the Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Lightsource
(SSRL). Beamline 7-3 is equipped with a Si(220) double-crystal monochromator and a
rhodium-coated vertical collimating mirror upstream of the monochromator. X-ray
absorption data for the protein samples were collected under the Mo K
fluorescence mode,
while the reference absorption spectra of a Mo metal foil were collected simultaneously
under the transmittance mode. The intensity of the incident X-ray was monitored with an
argon-filled ion chamber and detuned ~20% away from its maximum to remove the adverse
order harmonic. The incident light passed a Sollar slit and a Zr-3 metal filter onto the
sample, and thereafter the florescence emitted from the sample was collected with a 30-
element germanium array detector. The protein samples were freshly prepared and filled into
the Delrin cells (~150 μL), which were subsequently sealed with thin sulfur-free Kapton
tape, and then kept frozen. The temperature for data acquisition was maintained around 10K
with an Oxford Instrument liquid helium flow cryostat. The energy of incident light was
calibrated to the first reflection point (20,000 eV) of the Mo foil reference spectrum. The
energy range for data collection starts from 19,692 eV to k = 18 Å above the Mo K-edge.
Each spectrum in the manuscript is an average of six data sweeps. The X-ray absorption data
were processed with the XAS analysis software DEMETER (version 0.9.25).
calibrations, averaging, and normalizations were performed using Athena to produce the X-
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ray absorption near edge spectra (XANES). The sample energy was calibrated with respect
to the second inflection point (20,010 eV) of the molybdenum foil spectrum, and the energy
threshold (E0) was set to the second inflection point of the sample (20,016 eV). The
extended X-ray absorption fine structure (EXAFS) analysis was carried out in Artemis, in
which IFEFF6 was imbedded to calculate the theoretical phase and amplitude functions, and
to model the scattering paths. All data sets were fit in k space using k
weighting, and the k-
and R-ranges for fitting models to the data were k = 2.5 - 12 and R = 1 - 3, respectively. S0
was defined as 0.97 and the phase correction was the Mo-oxo scattering path. All other
parameters were allowed to float. The resulting fit quality was judged by the R factor. No
data smoothing or further data manipulation was performed.
Computational Studies Addressing Mechanism –
All model structures were geometry optimized using Gaussian 09, (revision C.01)
at the
density functional theory (DFT) level utilizing the B3LYP hybrid exchange-correlation
functional. A 6-31g* basis set was used for all light atoms, and the LANL2DZ basis set with
a LANL2 effective core potential was used for Mo. Solvation effects were taken into account
using the polarizable continuum model (PCM) in the SCRF method with a modified
dielectric value of 4 to mimic the protein environment. Transition state searches using the
QST3 method and a single negative frequency was observed for the TS structure.
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Extended Data
Extended Data Fig. 1. The proposed mechanism of molybdate insertion into the MPT dithiolene
(A) Ground state of Cnx1E with a Mg
-water complex bound. Mg
constitutes the
cofactor for the Cnx1E catalyzed reaction
. (B) Conformation of MPT-AMP bound in
the active site of Cnx1G
. (C) First state of the catalysis with the substrate molybdate
bound to the entry site. The presence of molybdate in the entry site induces an unfavorable
(tense) backbone conformation in Cnx1E
. (D) The conformation of MPT-AMP found in
Cnx1G is not compatible with the Cnx1E active site
. Hence, the MPT-AMP pterin moiety
must re-orient upon transfer from Cnx1G to Cnx1E, mostly involving two bond rotations.
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(E) Second state of the catalytic cycle with molybdate bound to the entry site and active site
bound MPT-AMP. The orientation of the pterin moiety was derived from active site bound
Moco-AMP identified in this work. (F) The transfer of molybdate from the entry to the
insertion site is assisted by the relaxation of the tense backbone conformation
. According
to our model of molybdate insertion, one molybdate oxygen ligand is two-fold protonated by
the MPT dithiolene function and released as water. Simultaneously, the sulfur to
molybdenum bonds are formed: This mechanism begins with a proton transfer from the
diacid form of the MPT dithiolene side chain to a molybdate oxygen. A second, less
activated protonation on the same oxygen atom would then yield a [(MPT)MoO
transition state. This [(MPT)MoO
species is expected to possess a highly labile
aqua ligand, which would subsequently dissociate from Mo along the reaction coordinate to
yield a more stable trioxo [(MPT)MoO
intermediate. A final protonation of basic
by a suitable Cnx1E active site residue (most likely residue Arg369) yields
our XAS derived [(MPT)MoO
structure for Cnx1E Moco-AMP (for details see
Figure 5 and supplementary Figure 11). The protonated oxygen atom is marked by an
asterisk. (G) The Cnx1E active site with bound Moco-AMP.
Supplementary Material
Refer to Web version on PubMed Central for supplementary material.
Correspondence and requests for materials should be addressed to M.L.K and T.K. We thank Adelina Calean (TU
Braunschweig) for excellent support with ICP-MS analysis. M.L.K. gratefully acknowledges support of this
research by the National Institutes of Health (Grant No. GM-057378 to MLK). M.L.K. and J.Y. thank the UNM
Center for Advanced Research Computing, supported in part by the National Science Foundation, for providing
computing resources used in this work. Work at Caltech was supported by the National Institutes of Health (NIH)
grant GM045162. We acknowledge the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation and the Beckman Institute at Caltech
for their support of the Molecular Observatory at Caltech and the staff at Beamline 12-2 and 7-3. M.L.K. and J.Y.
acknowledge the Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Lightsource, which is supported by the US Department of Energy,
Office of Science, Office of Basic Energy Sciences under Contract No. DE-AC02-76SF00515. R.R.M. and T.K.
gratefully acknowledge the support of this research by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (GRK 2223/1).
The protein structure data that support the findings of this study are publicly available from
the Worldwide Protein Data Bank (
) with accession number 6Q32. We
deposited the protein structure along with the structure factor data file that allows for the re-
computing and re-evaluation of the structure. Figures 2, 3, S3, S4, and S12 are associated
with these raw data. Manuscript datasets are available as Supplementary Data files, which
are freely accessible on
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