of 6
RoomTemperature Pressure Synthesis of
Layered Black PhosphorusGraphene
Composite for SodiumIon Battery Anodes
Yihang Liu,
Qingzhou Liu,
Anyi Zhang,
Jiansong Cai,
Xuan Cao,
Zhen Li,
Paul D. Asimow,
and Chongwu Zhou
Department of Electrical Engineering,
Department of Materials Science and
Department of Physics, University of Southern Calif
ornia, Los Angeles,
CA 90089, USA
Division of Geological and Planetary Sciences, Cali
fornia Institute of Technology,
Pasadena, CA 91125, USA
Y. Liu and Q. Liu contributed equally to this work.
* To whom correspondence should be addressed. Emai
l chongwuz@usc.edu
Graphene oxide (GO) preparation
: Graphene oxide (GO) water suspension was
purchased from Graphene Supermarket (Graphene Labor
atories Inc.), then was
further treated according to a modified Hummers met
hod to create more void space
between the GO layers through exfoliation.
and H
were mixed with a
volume ratio of 9:1, then 1% wt. GO water suspensio
n was added into the mixed acid
solution. The mixture was heated to 50°C and stirre
d for 10 hours, and then cooled
with ice and an appropriate amount of added H
. After standing for onehour, the
supernatant liquid was removed and the rest of the
mixture was diluted with water,
repeating the procedure several times. The remainin
g solid material was then washed
with water, HCl and ethanol several times, and then
filtered and dried at 60°C in air
RP/rGO flash-heat-treatment synthesis:
RP fine powder with 99% purity (Spectrum
Chemical Mfg. Corp.) was dried at 90°C to remove mo
isture and sieved to pass
through a 30 μm mesh. The RP and GO powder precurso
rs were placed in a ceramic
boat with a RP/GO/RP threelayer structure with a c
eramic cover on the boat. The
mass ratio between RP and GO is 5:1. The boat with
chemicals was loaded into a tube
furnace under argon flow with a mixture of 5% hydro
gen (Ar/H
). The boat was first
placed in the location outside the hot zone. After
heating the furnace to 500°C, the
boat was moved into the hot zone. Once P condensati
on on the inner surface of the
quartz tube downstream of the hot zone was seen (~
1 minute), the boat was moved
back to the original position to cool down. The tem
perature of the boat was
maintained at 290°C overnight to convert potential
white P to red P. The resulted
RP/rGO composite was transferred into an Arfilled
glovebox, washed with methanol
and dried accordingly.
RP/rGO film preparation:
the film was prepared through vacuum filtration. A
amount of RP/rGO powder was first added to the filt
ration equipment to obtain a thin
layer of rGO network at the bottom. The RP/rGO comp
osite was mixed with ethanol,
and the mixture was added to form the main part of
the film. In order to obtain a
smooth film with excellent mechanical properties, t
he power of the vacuum pump and
the material loading rate during the filtration pro
cess were carefully adjusted. The
obtained film was pressed to increase the mechanica
l stability. The mass of the film
electrodes was around 2 mg each. Then the film was
transferred onto aluminum foil
for the pressure synthesis.
The RP/rGO film and GO powder was also analyzed by
Xray photoelectron
spectroscopy (XPS) to study the chemical bonding be
tween phosphorus and rGO
sheets at the surface of the composite, as shown in
Supplementary Figure S2. In
Figure S2a, the spectrum of the pristine GO sample
can be fitted with three Gaussian–
Lorentzian peaks at 284.6, 286.3, and 287.2 eV, cor
responding to C=C/C–C, C–O,
and O–C=O bonds, respectively. The spectrum of the
RP/rGO composite shows peaks
at 284.5, 285.5 and 286.5 eV, corresponding to C=C/
C–C, C–O and C=O bonds,
respectively. Compared with the GO sample, the inte
nsity of the C–O peak of the
RP/rGO composite is markedly reduced and the O–C=O
peak vanishes, indicating
that GO was thermally reduced during the heattreat
ment in an Ar/H
atmosphere. In
Figure S2b, the O 1s highresolution spectra of the
two samples also confirm the
thermal reduction of GO, as the 531.7 eV signal cor
responding to the O=C bond of
the GO sample disappeared after the heat treatment,
and only the peak of the O–C
bond at 533.1 eV was observed for the RP/rGO compos
Figure S1. Thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) data of
synthesized RP/rGO and thermally reduced rGO with t
he same heat treatment
Figure S2. XRD pattern of the commercial red phosph
Figure S3. Highresolution (a) C 1s and (b) O 1s XP
S spectrum of the
flashheattreatment synthesized RP/rGO composite a
nd the GO sample.
Figure S4. TEM images of postcycling BP/rGO anode.
1. Marcano, D. C.; Kosynkin, D. V.; Berlin, J. M.;
Sinitskii, A.; Sun, Z.; Slesarev, A.;
Alemany, L. B.; Lu, W.; Tour, J. M. Improved Synthe
sis of Graphene Oxide.
ACS Nano
, 4806