Structure-guided SCHEMA recombination generates
diverse chimeric channelrhodopsins
Claire N. Bedbrook
, Austin J. Rice
, Kevin K. Yang
, Xiaozhe Ding
, Siyuan Chen
, Emily M. LeProust
Viviana Gradinaru
, and Frances H. Arnold
Division of Biology and Biological Engineering, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA 91125;
Division of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering,
California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA 91125; and
Twist Bioscience, San Francisco, CA 94158
Contributed by Frances H. Arnold, February 13, 2017 (sent for review January 6, 2017; reviewed by Hagan Bayley and David Drew)
Integral membrane proteins (MPs) are key engineering targets due
to their critical roles in regulating cell function. In engineering MPs,
it can be extremely challenging to retain membrane localization
capability while changing other desired properties. We have used
structure-guided SCHEMA recombination to create a large set of
functionally diverse chimeras from three sequence-diverse chan-
nelrhodopsins (ChRs). We chose 218 ChR chimeras from two
SCHEMA libraries and assayed them for expression and plasma
membrane localization in human embryonic kidney cells. The
majority of the chimeras express, with 89% of the tested chimeras
outperforming the lowest-expressing parent; 12% of the tested
chimeras express at even higher levels than any of the parents. A
significant fraction (23%) also localize to the membrane better
than the lowest-performing parent ChR. Most (93%) of these well-
localizing chimeras are also functional light-gated channels. Many
chimeras have stronger light-activated inward currents than the
three parents, and some have unique off-kinetics and spectral
properties relative to the parents. An effective method for
generating protein sequence and functional diversity, SCHEMA
recombination can be used to gain insights into sequence
tion relationships in MPs.
membrane proteins
structure-guided recombination
ntegral membrane proteins (MPs) serve diverse and critical
roles in controlling cell function. Their receptor, channel, and
transporter functions make MPs common targets for pharma-
ceutical discovery and important tools for studying complex bi-
ological processes (1
4). Biochemical studies of MPs and their
engineering for biotechnological applications are often limited by
poor expression and membrane localization in heterologous sys-
tems (5, 6). Unlike soluble proteins, MPs must go through the
additional steps of membrane targeting and insertion as well as
rigorous posttranslational quality control (7, 8). Functional di-
versity depends on sequence diversity, but it is challenging to de-
sign highly diverse variants that retain membrane localization
while at the same time revealing other useful functionality (9). To
address this challenge, we demonstrate that structure-guided
SCHEMA recombination (10) can create functional MP chi-
meras from related yet sequence-diverse channelrhodopsins
(ChRs). The resulting chimeric ChRs retain their ability to localize
to the plasma membrane of mammalian cells but exhibit diverse,
potentially useful functional properties.
ChRs are light-gated ion channels with seven transmembrane
-helices. They were first identified in photosynthetic algae, where
they serve as light sensors in phototaxic and photophobic responses
(11, 12). ChR
s light sensitivity is imparted by a covalently linked
retinal chromophore (13). With light activation, ChRs open and
allow a flux of ions across the membrane and down the electro-
chemical gradient (14). When ChRs are expressed in neurons,
their light-dependent activity can stimulate action potentials,
allowing cell-specific control ove
r neuronal activity (15, 16). This
has led to extensive application of these proteins as tools in neu-
roscience (3). The functional limitations of available ChRs have led
to efforts to engineer and/or discover unique ChRs, for example,
ChRs activated by far-red light, ChRs with altered ion specificity,
or ChRs with increased photocurrents with low light intensity (14).
The utility of any ChR, however, depends on its ability to express in
eukaryotic cells of interest and localize to the plasma membrane.
Our goal is to generate sequence-diverse ChRs whose functional
features are useful for neuroscience applications and have not
been found in natural environments.
MP engineering is still in its infancy compared with soluble
protein engineering. Significant progress in increasing microbial
expression and stability of MPs has been made using high-
throughput screening methods to identify variants with improved
expression from large mutant libraries (6, 17
19). The main mo-
tivation was to generate MP mutants that are stable and produced
in sufficient quantities for crystallographic and biochemical char-
acterization. This pioneering work demonstrated that MP ex-
pression in
Escherichia coli
and yeast can be enhanced by directed
evolution. Because there is not a good method for high-
throughput screening of ChR function, however, we chose to fo-
cus on introduction of sequence diversity using structure-guided
SCHEMA recombination.
SCHEMA recombination offers a systematic method for mod-
ular, rational diversity generation that conserves the protein
native structure and function but allows for large changes in se-
quence (20
22). SCHEMA divides structurally similar parent
proteins into blocks that, when recombined, minimize the library-
average disruption of tertiary protein structure (10). Two different
Critical for regulating cell function, integral membrane proteins
(MPs) are key engineering targets. MP engineering is limited
because these proteins are difficult to express with proper
plasma membrane localization in heterologous systems. We
investigate the expression, localization, and light-induced be-
havior of the light-gated MP channel, channelrhodopsin (ChR),
because of its utility in studying neuronal circuitry. We used
structure-guided SCHEMA recombination to generate libraries
of chimeric ChRs that are diverse in sequence yet still capable
of efficient expression, localization, and useful light-induced
functionality. The conservative nature of recombination gen-
erates unique protein sequences that tend to fold and function.
Recombination is also innovative: chimeric ChRs can out-
perform their parents or even exhibit properties not known in
natural ChRs.
Author contributions: C.N.B., A.J.R., V.G., and F.H.A. designed research; C.N.B., A.J.R., and
X.D. performed research; S.C. and E.M.L. contributed synthesized ChR genes; C.N.B. and
A.J.R. analyzed data; and C.N.B., A.J.R., K.K.Y., and F.H.A. wrote the paper.
Reviewers: H.B., University of Oxford; and D.D., Stockholm University.
The authors declare no conflict of interest.
C.N.B. and A.J.R. contributed equally to this work.
To whom correspondence should be addressed. Email:
This article contains supporting information online at
Published online March 10, 2017
structure-guided recombination methods have been developed
one restricts blocks to be contiguous in the polypeptide sequence
(10, 23), whereas the other allows for design of structural blocks
that are noncontiguous in the polypeptide sequence but are con-
tiguous in 3D space (24). SCHEMA has enabled successful re-
combination of parental sequences with as low as 34% identity
(25), which is not possible using random DNA recombination
methods such as DNA shuffling (26). SCHEMA recombination
has been used to create a variety of functionally diverse soluble
proteins (25, 27
30), but it has not yet been applied to MP engi-
neering. Our goals in this study were to (
) test whether structure-
guided recombination produces chimeric MPs that express and
localize; (
) measure the fraction of chimeric sequences in a
SCHEMA library that express and localize; and (
functional diversity of the MPs that successfully localize to
the membrane.
We used SCHEMA to design two libraries of chimeric ChRs,
using three parental ChRs having 45
55% amino acid sequence
identity. The parent ChRs show different levels of expression and
localization in mammalian cells, differences in channel current
strength, and differences in the optimal wavelength for channel
activation. The SCHEMA recombination libraries, one contiguous
and the other noncontiguous, were designed with 10 blocks,
yielding an overall library size of 2
, or more than
118,000 possible sequences. On ave
rage, chimeras are 73 mutations
from the closest parent. We chose and synthesized a set of
218 chimeric genes from these libraries and assayed the proteins
for expression and membrane localization in mammalian cells. Our
results offer insight into the sequence dependence of ChR ex-
pression and localization, and reveal unique functional variation in
diverse, well-localizing ChR chimeras. We show that SCHEMA
recombination can rapidly and e
fficiently generate functionally
diverse MPs.
Parents for ChR Chimera Library.
Since the initial discovery and
characterization of channelrhodopsins ChR1 (31) and ChR2 (32)
from the alga
Chlamydomonas reinhardtii
, a number of ChRs
have been isolated and characterized, for example, VChR1 (33),
VChR2 (34, 35), MvChR1 (36), CaChR1 (37), DChR (4), and
PsChR (38). De novo transcriptome sequencing of 127 species
of algae led to the discovery of 14 ChRs that express and func-
tion in mammalian neurons (39). To create unique ChRs by
SCHEMA recombination, we chose CsChrimsonR (39), C1C2
(40), and CheRiff (41) as parents. These three ChRs are rep-
resentative of the available sequence diversity and share 45
amino acid identity (Fig. 1
). CsChrimsonR (CsChrimR) is a
fusion between the N terminus of CsChR from
and the C terminus of CnChR1 from
and contains a single mutation (K176R) that improves
localization efficiency
Tc C h R
Ts C h R
Tree scale: 0.1
mKate fluorescence [a.u.]
GFP fluorescence [a.u.]
localization efficiency:
GFP / mKate
Fig. 1.
Parental ChRs and their properties. (
) Phylogenetic tree of published ChR sequences. Sequences with an alias (e.g., NsChR) have been characterized
for expression and functionality in HEK cells and/or mammalian neurons. The three parental sequences (C1C2, CsChrimsonR, and CheRiff) are highligh
) HEK cells were transfected with a parental ChR. Membrane-localized ChR was labeled using SpyCatcher-GFP assay, and ChR expression was measured usi
mKate. HEK cell populations were imaged and processed to measure expression [mean mKate fluorescence (in arbitrary units)], plasma membrane locali
zation [mean GFP fluorescence (in arbitrary units)], and localization efficiency (mean GFP fluorescence/mean mKate fluorescence). Example image
s show
population expression (
), localization (
), and localization efficiency (
) for each parental construct. For both CsChrimR and C1C2, there are cells with very
high levels of mKate signal that do not perfectly colocalize with the GFP localization label. These cells express at high levels, much of which is not tr
afficked to
the plasma membrane. (Scale bar: 100
show confocal images for a few representative cells expressing each parental construct. HEK cell population
images were segmented, and the ChR expression, localization, and localization efficiency were measured for each cell. The distribution of these pro
perties for
the population of transfected cells is plotted for each parent using kernel density estimation for smoothing.
Bedbrook et al.
Published online March 10, 2017
the off-kinetics (the time it takes the channel to close after it
is exposed to light) (39). C1C2 is a fusion between ChR1
(N-terminal) and ChR2 (C-terminal), both from
(40). C1C2 is the only ChR with a solved crystal
structure, making it a useful parent for structure-guided re-
combination. CheRiff is SdChR, from
Scherffelia dubia
with a
single mutation (E154A) that speeds up the off-kinetics and
provides a blue-shifted peak in the action spectrum (the current
strength achieved by different wavelengths of light) (41). These
three parental sequences are fully functional in mammalian cells
and have distinct spectral properties. The peak activation
wavelengths for CsChrimR, C1C2, and CheRiff are 590, 480, and
460 nm, respectively.
Quantifying ChR Expression and Localization.
Fluorescent protein
fusions have been used extensively as markers for ChR expression
(42). To quantify ChR expression, we fused the red fluorescent
protein, mKate2.5 (mKate) (43), to the C termini of the ChRs. To
quantify membrane insertion and plasma membrane localization,
we used the SpyTag/SpyCatcher labeling method (44). Briefly,
SpyTag is a 13-aa tag that forms a covalent bond with its in-
teraction partner, SpyCatcher (45). For each ChR, SpyTag was
cloned after the native N-terminal signal sequence. This tag is
displayed on the extracellular surface of the cell if the ChR is
correctly localized to the plasma membrane. Surface-exposed
SpyTag can be quantified using exogenously added SpyCatcher
protein fused to GFP, which specifically and covalently binds to
the SpyTag of correctly localized SpyTag-ChR. Using these
methods, we assayed ChR expression (mKate fluorescence: Fig.
) and localization (GFP fluorescence: Fig. 1
) in human em-
bryonic kidney (HEK) cells and measured the localization effi-
ciency, or fraction of total protein localized, using the ratio of GFP
fluorescence signal to mKate fluorescence signal (Fig. 1
HEK cells were transfected in a 96-well plate format, labeled
with SpyCatcher-GFP, and imaged for mKate and GFP fluores-
cence as described in
Materials and Methods
. For the three pa-
rental ChRs, images have been processed by cell segmentation to
show the distribution of protein expression and localization levels
across the population of expressing cells. Alternative image pro-
cessing, measuring the whole population intensity, was used to
quantify the expression (mean mKate intensity), plasma mem-
brane localization (mean GFP intensity), and localization effi-
ciency (mean mKate intensity/mean GFP intensity) of each ChR
construct (
Materials and Methods
). The whole-population intensity
measurements provide a single intensity measurement for each
property for a given population of expressing cells. There is sig-
nificant cell-to-cell variability in transient transfections. To ac-
count for this, we measured the properties of each ChR in
quadruplicate and calculated the deviation of single intensity
measurements between these replicates.
Expression, Localization, and Localization Efficiency of the Three
Parent ChRs.
Fig. 1
shows the expression, localization, and
localization efficiency of each parent protein in HEK cells. Each
parent ChR has an easily distinguishable signature expression
and localization profile that can be seen in example images and
in the distributions of expression, localization, and localization
efficiency for the three parents (Fig. 1
). Both CsChrimR
and C1C2 have very high expression levels with large cell-to-cell
variation, whereas CheRiff expresses at a significantly lower yet
consistent level (Fig. 1
). CsChrimR has the highest level of
localization, whereas CheRiff and C1C2 have lower localization
levels (Fig. 1
). Localization efficiency shows a different ranking
among the parent proteins: CheRiff has the highest localization
efficiency and C1C2 has the lowest (Fig. 1
). The wide range in
parent ChR mean expression, localization, and localization ef-
ficiency should facilitate generation of chimeras with different
levels of these properties.
SCHEMA Recombination Library Design.
Using the three ChR par-
ents, the known structure of C1C2, and the SCHEMA algorithm
(10, 23), we designed two 10-block recombination libraries.
SCHEMA is a scoring function that predicts block divisions that
minimize the disruption of protein structure when swapping ho-
mologous sequence elements among parental proteins. SCHEMA
works by defining pairs of residues that are in
identifying a block design (size and location of sequence blocks)
that minimizes the average number of broken amino acid contacts
in the resulting library. Two residues are defined to be in contact if
they contain nonhydrogen atoms that are within 4.5 Å of each
other. If a chimera inherits a contacting pair that is not present in
a parent sequence, that contact is said to be broken. Contacts can
only be identified in regions of the ChR protein with reliable
structural information. The C1C2 structure provides such in-
formation for part of the N-terminal extracellular domain (resi-
dues 49
84), the seven-helix integral membrane domain (residues
312), and the intracellular C-terminal
-turn (residues 313
342) (40). A parental alignment was made for the structurally
modeled residues of C1C2 (49
342) and homologous regions of
CheRiff (23
313) and CsChrimR (48
340) (
Fig. S1
). The full
contact map calculated from the C1C2 structure is shown in Fig.
. Only contacts between nonconserved residues are relevant for
the library design (Fig. 2
), because only these can be broken
upon recombination. Although contacts are distributed through-
out the ChR structure, the nonconserved contacts are far denser at
the termini and on the outer surface of the protein; these are the
areas of the protein with most sequence diversity (Fig. 2).
Two SCHEMA libraries were designed: contiguous (10, 23) and
noncontiguous (24). Contiguous libraries are designed so that
blocks are contiguous in the amino acid sequence, whereas non-
contiguous libraries swap blocks in the 3D structure that are not
necessarily contiguous in the primary structure. Using the parental
alignment and the contact map, SCHEMA generates a list of
possible library designs with a minimized library-average disrup-
tion score, the E value, that is, the average number of broken
parental contacts per chimera in the library. A 10-block contigu-
ous library was selected (Fig. 2
) with roughly even-length blocks
43 residues), a relatively low average E value (E = 25), and
whose sequences have an average of 73 mutations from the
nearest parent. The selected 10-block noncontiguous library has a
low average E value (E = 23), block sizes comparable to the
contiguous library, and an average of 71 mutations from the
nearest parent (Fig. 2
). The noncontiguous library design also
maintains the presumptive dimer interface. For these libraries, the
introduced into any one parent are limited to the
nonconserved residues of the other two parents. Each of the 10-
block, three-parent libraries gives 59,049 possible chimeras (3
for a total of 118,098 possible chimeras.
The two library designs both place block boundaries in positions
that may not be obvious in the protein structure. For example, that
several boundaries appear in the middle of
-helices indicates that
naive chimeragenesis by simply swapping elements of secondary
structure would be more disruptive than design based on conser-
vation of native contacting residue pairs. To test this, we calcu-
lated the average E value for libraries with block boundaries
within the loops between transmembrane
-helices such that the
N-terminal domain, the C-terminal domain, and each helix form
separate blocks for a total of nine blocks. Within the loops, there
are multiple possible locations for block boundaries. We built
128 different designs with block boundaries within loops and
calculated library average E values that range from 36 to 43. These
values are significantly higher than those for the SCHEMA de-
signs and indicate that naive helix swapping is more disruptive
than SCHEMA recombination.
Production of Chimeras for Characterization.
We chose a set of
223 sequences from the recombination libraries for gene synthesis
Bedbrook et al.
and characterization of expression and localization properties of
the ChRs in mammalian cells. This set included all 120 proteins
with single-block swaps from both libraries. These chimeras con-
sist of nine blocks of one parent and a single block from one of the
other two parents. An additional 103 sequences were designed to
maximize mutual information (46) between chosen chimeras and
the remainder of the chimeric library, using the rationale de-
scribed by Romero et al. (29). Seventeen of these sequences were
designed with a constraint on the number of mutations from the
nearest parent (
40 mutations). This set, referenced as the
maximally informative with mutation cap,
provided chimeras
composed of, on average, six blocks of one dominant parent and
four blocks of a mix of the other two parents. The remaining
86 of the
maximally informative
sequences are highly diverse,
consisting of blocks from all three parents and containing, on
average, 84 mutations compared with the most sequence-related
parent. This set of 223 genes was synthesized and cloned in a
mammalian expression vector at Twist Bioscience. Two hundred
and fifteen of the designed sequences were synthesized suc-
cessfully and cloned into the expression vector; with the three
parent sequences, this gave a total of 218 sequences for the li-
brary characterization studies.
Localization and Expression of ChR Chimeras.
HEK cell expression
and localization were measured for each chimera using at least
150 and up to 100,000 transfected cells from at least four repli-
cate HEK cell transfections (
Dataset S1
). Chimeras were
benchmarked to the lowest performing parent. CheRiff is the
lowest performing parent for expression and localization, and
C1C2 is the lowest performing parent for localization efficiency.
The majority (89%) of the chimeras have higher expression
levels than the lowest parent (Fig. 3
) whereas a lower number,
amounting to 23%, have higher localization levels than the
lowest parent (Fig. 3
). Forty-four percent of the chimeras have
better localization efficiency than the lowest parent (Fig. 3
The difference between the number of chimeras that express well
and the number of chimeras that localize well suggests that the
sequence demands for localization are more stringent.
Measurements show no clear correlation between chimera ex-
pression and localization (
Fig. S2
), and chimeras localize more
frequently if they are only a single-block swap away from the
nearest parent (
40 mutations) (
Fig. S2
). On the other hand,
most chimeras express, even with as many as 108 mutations from
the nearest parent (
Fig. S2
). Only 9% of the sequences in the
maximally informative set localize as well as the lowest localizing
parent, whereas 24% of the maximally informative mutation cap
set localize as well as the lowest localizing parent, and 33% of the
sequences with a single-block swap localize as well as the lowest
parent (Fig. 4
). Thus, sequences from the maximally informative
set are less likely to localize than the sequences with single-block
swaps or sequences with a mutation cap. These results highlight
the difficulty of finding highly mutated ChR sequences
40 mutations from the nearest parent) that localize well.
Nonetheless, we found 51 ChRs in this test set of 218 that lo-
calize to the plasma membrane at least as well as the worst
parent, and 8 of those are more than 40 mutations away from the
closest parent. Although less diverse than the maximally in-
formative chimeras, the single-block swap chimeras still contain
on average 15 mutations compared with the closest parent. This
is a significant amount of diversity to introduce while still
maintaining localization, given that even a single mutation can
destroy a protein
s ability to fold or function (22).
Performance ranking of chimera sequences for each property of
interest (expression, localization, and localization efficiency)
shows that sequences dominated by CheRiff generally rank low in
expression but have the highest rankings for localization efficiency
(Fig. 3
), whereas sequences dominated by CsChrimR
have the highest ranking for localization (Fig. 3
). These trends
are seen for both the contiguous and noncontiguous libraries (
). No clear patterns or specific blocks of sequence emerge from
the data that determine chimera performance, suggesting that
each sequence/structural block behaves differently in different
contexts. However, the single-block
swapped chimeras offer in-
sight into the sequence dependence of properties in the context of
the parental ChRs.
We also wanted to compare the two library design strategies.
Both the contiguous and noncontiguous SCHEMA recombination
libraries have the same number of blocks, similar average dis-
ruption scores (E values) (25 and 23, respectively), similar average
number of mutations (73 and 71, respectively), but different design
strategies. We found that chimeras show similar ranges in mea-
sured properties whether they were designed to be contiguous in
the primary or tertiary structure (
Fig. S4
). These results suggest
that, for ChRs, library design is less important than the average
disruption score and average number of mutations per chimera.
For soluble proteins, the average disruption score and average
number of mutations of SCHEMA libraries have been shown to
correlate with the fraction of the recombination library that does
not fold and function (25).
contiguous library
non-contiguous library
all contacts
non-conserved contacts
Fig. 2.
Structure-guided recombination library design. (
) Contact map highlighting all amino acids within 4.5 Å of each other (orange lines) in the ChR
structure. (
) For library design, we only considered those contacts that can be broken when a different parent block is inserted. Contiguous and non-
contiguous libraries were built using the three parental ChRs. The structural cartoon representation of the two libraries is shown for both the conti
library (
) and noncontiguous library (
). Residues conserved among the parents are shown in gray, and the different sequence blocks are color coded. All-
trans-retinal (ATR) is shown covalently linked to the protein by the conserved lysine residue using a teal-colored stick representation.
Bedbrook et al.
Published online March 10, 2017
Comparison of Chimeras with Good Localization.
Chimeras with
single-block swaps indicate which individual blocks increase local-
ization (Fig. 4
), expression (
Fig. S5
), and localization efficiency
Fig. S5
). For both the CheRiff and C1C2 parents, there is a
single-block swap from CsChrimR that results in a chimera with
large improvements in localization (Fig. 4
). Interestingly, the
block from CsChrimR that boosts CheRiff
s localization is different
from the CsChrimR block that improves C1C2
s localization: the
former contains the CsChrimR N
tracellular loop and the latter cont
ains the first and (structurally
adjacent) seventh CsChrimR helices. In fact, the CsChrimR block
that causes a nearly twofold increase in C1C2
s localization causes
a twofold decrease in CheRiff localization when chimeras are
compared with their respective dominant parent. This result
stresses again the importance of context when assessing the se-
quence dependence of a property as complex as localization.
There are also single blocks from both the CheRiff and
C1C2 parents that significantly increase localization of CsChrimR
(Fig. 4
). This is interesting because both the CheRiff and
C1C2 parents have lower localization levels than the CsChrimR
parent. This result illustrates recombination
s ability to produce
progeny that outperform all of the parental sequences. The three
single-block swaps that produce chimeras that outperform
CsChrimR are at the N terminus, first helix, and second helix (Fig.
). It is expected that swapping the N terminus of the protein
could influence localization (47), but it is not clear why the first
and second helix swaps are important for localization. Finally,
there are two maximally informative mutation cap sequences that
also outperform the top parent, CsChrimR (Fig. 4
). These chi-
meras have blocks from all three parents spread across the protein
sequence (Fig. 4
Functional Characteristics of Chimeras That Localize.
chimeras with localization levels above or within 1 SD of the
CheRiff parent or localization efficiency above or within 1 SD of
the C1C2 parent were analyzed for other functional characteristics
Fig. 3.
Chimera expression, localization, and localization efficiency.
show the measured expression [mean mKate fluorescence (in arbitrary units)] (
localization [mean GFP fluorescence (in arbitrary units)] (
), and localization efficiency (mean mKate/GFP fluorescence) (
), respectively, of all 218 chimeras
with the properties of the three parental constructs highlighted in color. Error bars represent the SD of measurements from, at least, quadruplicate
with each replicate representing
150 transfected cells. Each chimera is ranked according to its performance for each property (expression, localization, and
localization efficiency) in ascending order.
shows the contiguous (contig) and noncontiguous (noncontig) 10-block library designs with each block in a
different color aligned with a schematic of the ChR secondary structure. The block coloring of the contig and noncontig block designs match Fig. 2 and
Fig. S1
although, for clarity, the conserved locations are not shown in gray. Block boundaries (white lines) for the combined contiguous and noncontiguous l
designs are shown on the three parents below the individual library designs.
show the block identity of the chimeras ranked according to their per-
formance for each given property with the best-ranking chimera at the top of the list. Each row represents a chimera. The colors represent the parental
of the block (red, CsChrimR; green, C1C2; and blue, CheRiff).
Bedbrook et al.
Dataset S2
). Each chimera was expressed in HEK cells and its
light-inducible currents were measured using patch-clamp elec-
trophysiology in voltage-clamp mode upon sequential exposure to
three different wavelengths of light (473, 560, and 650 nm). ChRs
have a characteristic light-activated current trace with an initial
peak in inward current occurring immediately after light exposure
followed by a decay of inward current to a constant, or steady-
state, current (Fig. 5,
). The majority of tested chimeras were
functional, with only 5 of the 75 tested chimeras having light-
activated steady-state inward currents less than 20 pA (Fig. 5).
Different chimeras are optimally activated by different wave-
lengths. All 70 of the active chimeras are activated by 473-nm
light, whereas only 18 chimeras show robust activation with
650-nm light (Fig. 5). When activated with 473-nm light, 10 chimeras
have stronger peak and steady-state photocurrents than the pa-
rental protein with the strongest photocurrents (CsChrimR) (Fig.
), demonstrating again that recombination can generate MPs
that outperform any of the parents.
Although localization is a prerequisite for channel function, a
chimera that localizes well does not necessarily provide stronger
currents than a chimera that localizes less well. In addition to the
amount of protein in the membrane, the channel
s conductance
properties also affect current strength. The mutations in these
ChR sequences could cause a change in channel conductance. To
test whether changes in current strength are due to differences in
localization or conductance, we compared the measured locali-
zation and peak current strength for each chimera (
Fig. S6
). That
we did not find a strong positive correlation between these two
measurements suggests that differences in chimera currents are
dominated by changes in their conductance. That is, as long as an
adequate fraction of a ChR is able to localize to the plasma
membrane, the major factor determining current strength is the
s specific conductance properties, which is sequence de-
pendent and can be tuned by mutation.
ChR Chimeras with Altered Photocurrent Properties.
Analysis of the
photocurrent properties of single-block swap chimeras activated
with 473-nm light show that there are many single-block changes
to both the CheRiff and C1C2 parent that cause large increases
in current strength (Fig. 6
). The CheRiff parent shows large
increases in current strength with single blocks from either
C1C2 or CsChrimR, whereas C1C2 performs best with single
blocks from CheRiff, even though CheRiff has the weakest
currents of the three parents. Comparison of the sequences of
these highly functional chimeras shows that single blocks swapped
at many different positions in the ChR sequence can have a
positive effect on current strength an
d that no single-block position
alone accounts for the improved currents (Fig. 6
Significant effort has been taken to find ChR sequences with
red-shifted properties (activation by
650-nm light), because red
light has enhanced tissue penetration and decreased phototoxicity
compared with higher energy blue light (33, 39). Three natural
ChRs have been shown to be activated with red light: CsChR/
Chrimson (39), VChR1 (33), and MChR1 (36). Here, we show
Fig. 4.
Comparison of membrane localization for different chimeras. (
) Swarm plots of measured localization [mean GFP fluorescence (in arbitrary units)]
for the parent constructs and each chimera set: single-block swaps, maximally informative with mutation cap, and maximally informative. Chimera da
ta are
plotted as gray points; parental data are highlighted in color (red, CsChrimR; green, C1C2; and blue, CheRiff). (
) Comparison of measured localization [mean
GFP fluorescence (in arbitrary units)] of single-block swap chimeras relative to their dominant parent. Each single-block swap chimera is grouped b
ased on the
dominant parent with data points colored according to the identity of the single block being swapped into the dominant parent (red, CsChrimR block; gr
C1C2 block; and blue, CheRiff block). The large point in each group shows the performance of the dominant parent. (
) Shown is the block identity of selected
single-block swap and multiblock swap chimeras aligned with the ChR secondary structure. The top two single-block swap chimeras are the top-perform
chimeras for the CheRiff- and C1C2-dominant parents. The bottom three single-block swap chimeras are the top-performing single-block swaps in the
CsChrimR-dominant parent. For the noncontiguous design, a single (structural) block may be disconnected along the primary sequence. Thus, single-
swap chimeras from the noncontiguous library may have swapped sequence elements in more than one location along the primary sequence. The two
multiblock swap chimeras are the top two-performing chimeras in the maximally informative with mutation cap chimera set. Each row represents a chime
The three different colors represent blocks from the three different parents (red, CsChrimR; green, C1C2; and blue, CheRiff).
Bedbrook et al.
Published online March 10, 2017
that recombination generates many chimeras that are activated
with 650-nm light and that have significant sequence diversity
compared with their red-light
as many as 70 mutations) (Figs. 5
and 6
). All of the single-block
swap chimeras capable of producing photocurrents with 650-nm
light have CsChrimR as the dominant parent (Fig. 6
). The
CsChrimR parent can tolerate single-block swaps from either
C1C2 or CheRiff at many positions in the ChR sequence and still
retain strong currents activated by 650-nm light (
50-pA peak
current) (Fig. 6
), showing that none of its single-block positions
is necessary for CsChrimR
activated current.
Some chimeras have unique spectral properties, exhibited by
none of the three parent ChRs. One multiblock swap chimera
from the maximally informative set, for example, shows strong
activation with 560-nm light but atypical properties once the light
is turned off (Fig. 6
). This chimera shows a gradual increase in
inward current once the green light is turned off, followed by a
very slow decrease in current. This inward current can be turned
off with 473-nm light, causing a brief depolarization, then a de-
crease in inward current while the 473-nm light is on. Once the
473-nm light is turned off, there is a brief depolarization fol-
lowed by a decrease in current to baseline levels. When activated
by 473-nm light without preexposure to 560-nm light, this chi-
mera produces inward currents with unusual light-off behavior
Fig. S7
). Sequential 1-s exposures to 560-nm light causes
continued depolarization (
Fig. S7
). This type of bistable
excitation, step function opsin (SFO), has been reported pre-
viously, in ChRs generated with site-directed mutagenesis at a
single position (C128) in ChR2 (48). However, this SFO is ac-
tivated by blue (470-nm) light and terminated by green (542-nm)
light (48). The unusual light-off behavior, with inward currents
that continue to increase
0.5 s after the light has been turned
off, suggests an altered photocycle (48).
SCHEMA uses structural information to guide the choice of
block boundaries for creating libraries of chimeric proteins
from homologous parents. Both conservative and innovative,
recombination generates larg
e changes in sequence without
destroying the features required for proper folding, localization,
and function. Recombination is conservative because the sequence
diversity source has passed the bar set by natural selection for fold
and function. Recombination thus introduces limited diversity and
at positions that are tolerant to mutation, for example, at the
protein termini or the surface interacting with the lipid bilayer. In
contrast, conserved functional residues and those in the structural
core experience little or no change upon recombination. The se-
quence changes that are made can nonetheless lead to functional
properties that may not be selected for in nature.
In the largest screen of ChR sequences and properties to date,
we found that a high proportion of chimeras made by recombining
three parent integral membrane ChRs retain the ability to localize
to the plasma membrane and exhibit high photocurrents despite
having an average of 43 mutations with respect to the closest
parent. In HEK cells, 89% of the 218 tested chimeras expressed at
least as well as the lowest performing parent, and 23% localized
better than the lowest performing parent. Moreover, 70 out of
75 well-localizing chimeras show light-activated inward currents.
The innovative nature of SCHEMA recombination was observed
in ChR expression, localization, and photocurrents under activa-
tion by 473-nm light, for which 5
15% of the tested chimeras
outperformed the best-performing parent. In particular, six single-
block swap chimeras showed between a 1.5- and 2-fold increase in
photocurrent relative to the parent with the strongest photocur-
rents (CsChrimR) when activated by 473-nm light. From one of
the heavily mutated chimeras, we also discovered that the pho-
tophysical properties of a ChR can be modified dramatically and
unexpectedly. Recombination can create sequences with proper-
ties that may not be selected in nature. For example, red wave-
lengths do not penetrate to the water depths typically occupied by
algae, and thus red-light
activated ChRs are rare in nature, with
only three natural such ChRs discovered to date (33, 36, 39). We
purposefully biased our recombination libraries by choosing a
activated parent, CsChrimR, and found a number of
sequence-diverse progeny that were also red-light activated. Al-
though the retinal binding pockets of the two blue-shifted par-
Fig. 5.
Chimera photocurrents with 650-, 560-, and 473-nm light. Peak and steady-state photocurrents induced by a 1-s exposure to 650-nm (
, red shading),
560-nm (
, green shading), and 473-nm (
, blue shading) wavelength light for each chimera measured.
shows the canonical ChR peak vs. steady-state
(SS) inward current observed when the channel is exposed to light. All chimera data are plotted as gray bars, and parental data are highlighted in color
CsChrimR; green, C1C2; and blue, CheRiff). Peak and SS current are measured for
10 cells for each chimera. Bars show the mean, and error bars
represent SD of measured cells for both peak and SS current.
Bedbrook et al.