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The [4Fe4S] Cluster of Human DNA Primase functions as a
Redox Switch using DNA Charge Transport
Elizabeth O’Brien
Marilyn E. Holt
Matthew K. Thompson
Lauren E. Salay
Aaron C.
Walter J. Chazin
, and
Jacqueline K. Barton
Division of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena,
CA 91125
Departments of Biochemistry and Chemistry, Center for Structural Biology, Vanderbilt University,
Nashville, TN 37235
DNA charge transport chemistry offers a means of long range, rapid redox signaling. Here we
demonstrate that the [4Fe4S] cluster in human DNA primase can utilize this chemistry to
coordinate the first steps of replication. Through DNA electrochemistry, we find that a change in
oxidation state of the [4Fe4S] cluster acts as a switch for DNA binding. Single-atom mutations
that inhibit this charge transfer, moreover, hinder primase initiation without affecting primase
structure or polymerization. Generating a single base mismatch in the growing primer duplex,
which attenuates DNA charge transport, inhibits primer truncation. Thus redox signaling by
[4Fe4S] clusters using DNA charge transport regulates primase binding to DNA and illustrates
chemistry that may efficiently drive substrate handoff between polymerases during DNA
One Sentence Summary
The [4Fe4S] cluster in DNA primase is a redox switch for DNA binding, using DNA charge
transport to initiate primer synthesis and facilitate primer handoff.
The ability of DNA to transport charge over long range represents an intriguing potential
regulatory mechanism in biology. DNA charge transport (DNA CT) provides a rapid means
of signaling among redox moieties coupled into the DNA duplex, as well as a mechanism to
sense the integrity of DNA (
). Remarkably, [4Fe4S] clusters, inorganic cofactors often
associated with biological redox chemistry (
), are now being identified in proteins
involved in DNA replication (
). The eukaryotic DNA primase enzyme responsible for
initiation of replication on single-stranded DNA, for example, is a [4Fe4S] cluster enzyme.
The [4Fe4S] cluster in primase has been shown to be essential for activity (
), but the
role of this cofactor was unclear.
Rapid and accurate copying of genomic DNA in humans and other higher eukaryotes is the
product of high fidelity, processive, replicative DNA polymerases (
). While efficient,
Correspondence to: jkbarton@caltech.edu and walter.j.chazin@vanderbilt.edu.
HHS Public Access
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. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2017 March 06.
Published in final edited form as:
. 2017 February 24; 355(6327): . doi:10.1126/science.aag1789.
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these enzymes are unable to initiate synthesis of the new complementary strand without a
short primer on the single-stranded DNA (ssDNA) template. The task of initiating synthesis
of the new DNA strand is the responsibility of a heterotetrameric complex of two specialized
polymerases: DNA primase and DNA polymerase
), both of which were discovered
to contain [4Fe4S] clusters (
). Primase, a DNA-dependent RNA polymerase,
generates an initial 8–12 nucleotide RNA primer on ssDNA before handing the nascent
primer-template off to pol
, which extends the primer by ~20 DNA bases before handoff to
the more processive polymerases (™ and
). X-ray crystal structures have been determined
for all globular domains of primase and pol
as well as for the primase heterodimer and the
heterotetrameric pol-
-primase (pol-prim) complex (
). However, limited
structural data have been obtained about catalytically active conformations and architectural
changes in the pol-prim tetramer as the primer is initiated, elongated first by primase then by
, and subsequently handed off to a processive polymerase. In particular, although the
mechanism and structure of the catalytic subunit of primase have been extensively studied
), the chemistry behind primase transferring a nascent primer to pol
is poorly
Eukaryotic primases are heterodimeric, composed of a catalytic subunit (p48) and a
regulatory subunit (p58) (
). The regulatory subunit contains a C-terminal domain
(p58C) that is unique to eukaryotes and contains the [4Fe4S] cluster cofactor required for
efficient priming (
). The biochemical evidence of the role for the [4Fe4S] cluster in
primase, in addition to the high energetic cost (
) paid by cells to assemble and load this
cofactor into an enzyme, argues for a functional rather than structural role for the cofactor
DNA-Mediated Electrochemistry
To study the DNA-bound redox properties of enzymes with [4Fe4S] clusters, we employ
DNA-mediated electrochemistry, a robust method for directly measuring DNA CT in the
ground state (
) (Figure 1A, 1B). An alkanethiol-terminated, annealed duplex DNA
(dsDNA) substrate is deposited on a gold surface, facilitating covalent linkage of the DNA to
the gold through the thiol moiety. The gold is passivated using
-mercaptohexanol and
becomes the working electrode in a three-electrode cell, with an external Ag/AgCl reference
electrode and a platinum counter electrode (
). Charge transport through the stacked
bases of dsDNA between the gold surface and a redox-active species bound at the distal end
of the DNA can be measured using this platform under solution conditions. Cyclic
voltammetry (CV) is employed to measure changes in current over a range of applied
potentials. Earlier electrochemical studies of the base excision repair glycosylase
Endonuclease III (EndoIII) using CV have shown that binding of the protein to the DNA
polyanion shifts the redox potential of the [4Fe4S] cluster 200 mV negative to ~80 mV vs.
NHE, into the physiological range of cellular potentials, activating the cluster for redox
chemistry (
). Importantly, this potential shift corresponds thermodynamically to a 1000-
fold increase in DNA binding affinity for the oxidized [4Fe4S]
state of EndoIII relative to
the reduced [4Fe4S]
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Oxidized and Reduced p58C Electrochemistry
The p58C domain of human DNA primase, independently of the rest of the enzyme, binds a
primed template DNA (Table S1) with modest affinity (K
= 5.5 ± 0.5μM) when initially
present as isolated in the reduced, EPR-silent [4Fe4S]
state (
) (Figure S1). To
investigate whether the p58C [4Fe4S] cluster oxidation state affects DNA binding, as
observed in Endonuclease III (
), we used DNA electrochemistry. Experiments are carried
out using a sixteen-electrode multiplexed chip, which allows for robust, reproducible, and
internally consistent measurements of various conditions on a single surface (Figure 1A)
). Bulk electrolysis is used to convert a sample to a uniform redox state in this
setup, and it is performed by passage of current through the DNA at a constant applied
potential. This technique facilitates the oxidation or reduction of the DNA-bound protein
with a direct transfer of electrons through the DNA, eliminating the need for exogenous
chemical oxidants or reductants that could damage the protein.
For DNA electrochemistry on p58C, an alkane-thiol modified primed template DNA
substrate (Table S1) was used. All experiments are performed in an anaerobic environment
with deoxygenated reagents to prevent atmospheric cluster oxidation (
) and to ensure
control of the redox state of the p58C samples on the electrode. As in earlier studies (
), we
confirmed that p58C electrochemistry is DNA-mediated by observing a reversible p58C CV
signal in the presence of ATP, which is attenuated when an intervening abasic site perturbs
the base stacking of the duplex DNA substrate (Figure S2). The reversible redox signal
observed when p58C is bound to both DNA and ATP is likely a result of the p58C [4Fe4S]
cluster being better coupled into the DNA duplex for CT when bound to DNA and a
nucleotide triphosphate (NTP), both necessary substrates for primase activity; the improved
coupling likely is the result of a conformational change. Increased coupling of the [4Fe4S]
cluster to duplex DNA was previously observed for the [4Fe4S] helicase XPD (
) upon binding ATP, a substrate necessary for XPD activity. (
To electrochemically assay p58C in the presence of DNA only, oxidized and reduced
samples are generated and subsequently compared on a single surface using bulk electrolysis
followed by CV scanning. By passing sufficient current through the DNA-modified
electrode at an oxidizing (412 mV vs. NHE) or reducing (−188 mV vs. NHE) potential,
p58C is converted to the desired redox state (Figure 1B, Figure S3). We observe no redox
signal by CV for electrochemically unaltered p58C, indicating that the EPR-silent,
protein obtained upon isolation (
) is not electrochemically active on DNA
(Figure S4). After oxidation by bulk electrolysis, however, a large cathodic peak between
−130 and −140 mV vs. NHE appears in CV (100 mV/s scan rate) during the initial scan to
negative potentials (Figure 1C). Importantly, the electrochemical signal through DNA is lost
after scanning to reducing potentials. The signal observed in the CV scan to negative
potential for the oxidized p58C sample corresponds to a reduction event, which we assign to
the electron transfer reaction in which the tightly bound, electrochemically active [4Fe4S]
p58C is converted to a more weakly associated, electrochemically inactive [4Fe4S]
Consistent with this observation, CV after reduction displays no redox signal (Figure 1D), as
observed initially for the native protein, which we attribute to the lower affinity for DNA of
the [4Fe4S]
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To confirm assignment of the p58C redox signal, we employed iterative cycles of p58C
electrochemical oxidation on a single electrode surface, followed each time by CV scanning
(Figure 2A). If scanning to negative potentials reduces the tightly bound [4Fe4S]
coupled to the DNA duplex for CT, to the weakly bound, uncoupled [4Fe4S]
state, a
second oxidation of the same sample should convert p58C again to the [4Fe4S]
state and
regenerate the CV signal as the protein rebinds tightly to the DNA. We performed five
sequential bulk electrolysis reactions on a single electrode surface, followed each time by
CV scanning (100 mV/s). We found each time that the p58C redox signal was not present
after reduction during CV. However, upon conversion from the reduced to the oxidized state,
the CV signal was regenerated. During the initial scan after oxidation, a cathodic peak
between −130 and −140mV vs. NHE (100mV/s scan rate) consistently appears (Figure 2B).
This reversible behavior suggests that the oxidation state of the [4Fe4S] cluster alters DNA
binding by p58C; tighter DNA binding is associated with oxidation.
Progressively larger CV signals appear with each iterative oxidation performed under
identical electrolysis conditions. The change in CV signal under constant oxidation
conditions suggests that oxidation brings more molecules of p58C to the DNA substrate on
the electrode each time that electrolysis is performed (Figure S5). Previously oxidized p58C
molecules, together with newly oxidized p58C generated during each electrolysis at 412 mV
vs. NHE, appear in the CV signal obtained after each oxidation. Moreover, it is not feasible
on our experimental timescale that two serial protein diffusion events, diffusion of
previously oxidized p58C molecules away from the DNA, followed by diffusion of a new
sample to the DNA replacing them, can occur. This evidence therefore strongly suggests that
the redox switch in the oxidation state of the [4Fe4S] cluster modulates DNA binding and
coupling of the [4Fe4S] cluster into the DNA duplex for CT. The molecular basis for how
oxidation controls this increase in DNA affinity is not known; progress to define this
mechanism has been inhibited by the inability to produce sufficient quantities of uniformly
oxidized, [4Fe4S]
p58C. Part of the increase in DNA affinity is likely electrostatic in
origin, associated with the oxidized protein being bound to the DNA polyanion. It is also
likely, however, that a conformational change is associated with oxidation.
Charge Transfer Pathway through p58C
Iterative, electrochemically controlled oxidation and reduction cycles demonstrate the ability
of p58C to switch between weak and tight DNA binding upon a change in the oxidation state
of the [4Fe4S] cluster under the control of DNA-mediated CT through the DNA electrode.
For this DNA-mediated redox switch reaction to occur, however, a tunneling pathway (
through p58C is necessary to move charge the ~25 Å distance between the primed template
DNA binding site and the [4Fe4S] cluster cofactor (
). Residues within p58C must
therefore shuttle charge through the insulating protein matrix to mediate the DNA binding
switch reaction. In order for the protein-mediated redox reactions to occur on a feasible
timetable over these distances, it is critical that residues with a low ionization potential are
present in the electron transfer pathway (
). Tyrosine residues, whose aromatic rings
can stabilize protein radicals, serve as redox mediators in a variety of proteins (
Moreover, conservation of tyrosine residues across p58C domains of eukaryotic primases
suggests potential participants in such a CT pathway through the protein to the DNA
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interface. In all structures of human p58C, three conserved tyrosine residues (Y309, Y345,
Y347) form a pathway from the cluster to the putative DNA binding surface (Figures 3A,
S6B). Given its low ionization energy of 8.5 eV in solution relative to 9.4 eV for
phenylalanine (
) and an average of ~9.6 eV (
) for aliphatic residues, tyrosine is able to
mediate electron/hole transfer through proteins; the phenol side chain of tyrosine can more
easily hold a radical than aliphatic residue side chains. Tyrosine residues have additionally
been shown to mediate hopping reactions through other proteins to facilitate biological
redox chemistry. (
) The chain of tyrosines in p58C is additionally within a feasible range
for tunneling (
) between bound DNA and the [4Fe4S] cluster. For these reasons, the three
conserved tyrosines in p58C were viewed as a likely conduit to facilitate electron transfer
from the cluster to the DNA.
To test the proposed CT pathway, we designed and isolated three human p58C Y-F variants
(Y309F, Y345F, Y347F), which were characterized in the same manner as the wild type
protein. All three mutants are loaded with [4Fe4S] cluster to a similar degree as WT, as
reflected in the UV-Visible absorbance 280 nm/410 nm ratio. To validate proper folding of
the Y-F variants, circular dichroism was used to establish that the distribution of secondary
structure is essentially identical to wild type (Figure S7). We also determined an X-ray
crystal structure of p58C Y345F (Table S2, Figure S8). The presence of the cluster in the
mutant and the RMSD from the wild type protein of only 0.22 Å for the Y345F variant
confirms that the structure is not perturbed. Critically, the crystal structure reveals that the
F345 aromatic ring in the mutant adopts the same orientation as the Y345 ring in wild type
p58C (Figure 3B). We also determined the X-ray crystal structure of the Y347F variant, with
a similarly low RMSD (0.33Å) relative to wild type p58C (Figure S8). DNA binding
measurements using
in vitro
fluorescence anisotropy (Figure S1) under aerobic conditions
demonstrate that the mutations do not significantly affect the binding of p58C to a range of
DNA substrates. Since the structures and biochemical properties of the mutants are the same
as WT p58C, but the electron/hole transfer properties of tyrosine and phenylalanine are
different, these single-atom mutations provide a powerful means to investigate the
importance of the CT pathway through p58C and its effect on the DNAmediated redox
switch in primase.
Anaerobic electrochemical characterization was performed on all three Y-F variants (Figure
S9). Oxidation and reduction using bulk electrolysis, followed by redox cycling during CV
scanning (Figure S10), were performed on an identical multiplex chip surface as for wild
type p58C (Figure 3C). Though the general DNA-mediated electrochemical behavior of the
mutants is the same as for the WT protein, it was observed that all three mutants are charge
transfer-deficient compared to WT p58C. As a control that the phenomena we observed are
not unique to Y-F substitution, we also assayed p58C Y345C, a somatic mutation discovered
in a gastric tumor (
). Oxidation of each mutant produces a cathodic peak at potentials
similar to wild type in CV scanning after electrolysis, with a much smaller signal height
(Figure S9, S10) and a slightly positive shift in average cathodic peak potential (Figure S11),
both of which suggest that the charge transfer pathway facilitating conversion from the
native reduced, [4Fe4S]
state to the oxidized, [4Fe4S]
state is attenuated with mutation.
Although perturbation of the CT pathway in p58C can be observed on DNA-modified
electrodes, the rate-limiting step, tunneling of charge through the alkanethiol linker (
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appending the DNA to the gold surface, obscures a measurable difference in rate between
wild type and mutant p58C redox switch pathways. Moreover, the scan rate dependence of
the reductive peak potential is the same for WT p58C and p58C Y345L, a previously
assayed tyrosine mutant, demonstrating that charge transfer through the 6-carbon alkanethiol
linker is still rate limiting on this platform (Figure S12). Nonetheless, redox proficiency of
WT and mutant p58C may be compared using charge transfer values over a fixed time in
bulk electrolysis and CV.
Conversion of the reduced [4Fe4S]
p58C to the oxidized [4Fe4S]
p58C in bulk
electrolysis, and subsequent conversion of the oxidized [4Fe4S]
p58C to the reduced
p58C in CV,
require electron transfer through the protein, between bound
duplex DNA and the [4Fe4S] cluster. If a pathway through conserved tyrosines mediates the
redox switch, then less charge transfer in bulk electrolysis and CV should occur for the
mutants. Diminished charge transfer through p58C during bulk electrolysis necessarily
results in less oxidized mutant p58C being tightly bound to the DNA before CV scanning.
This alone could produce the smaller CV signals observed. These signals, however, could
also be diminished by the perturbed pathway impeding cluster oxidation in bulk electrolysis
as well as reduction in CV. To assess whether charge transfer deficiency is additive for the
mutants over both electrolysis and CV, we compare the percent of initial electrolysis charge
observed in the CV signal for WT and mutant p58C. Wild type p58C recovers an average
63±4% of electrolysis charge in the CV peak, whereas the mutants recover an average of
24±11% (Y345C), 19±10% (Y309F), 9±4% (Y347F), and 3±2% (Y345F) of this charge
under the same conditions (Figure 3D). The larger recovery percentage measured for p58C
Y345C may be due to transiently formed cysteine-thiyl radicals participating in a CT
pathway through the protein with neighboring tyrosine residues (
), partially retaining
redox switching capability. These attenuations are on the order of magnitude expected from
the positive shift in cathodic peak potential (
). The p58C Y345L mutant was, additionally,
electrochemically assayed in the presence of both DNA and ATP. A reversible signal was
observed, as with WT p58C, though the mutant displayed decreased charge transfer relative
to WT. The mutants of p58C are thus CT-deficient, demonstrating that all three conserved
tyrosine residues aid in shuttling charge between the [4Fe4S] cluster and bound DNA.
Redox Switch Required for Initiation but not Elongation
In order to investigate the connection between the DNA-dependent redox switch in p58C
and priming activity, we assayed
in vitro
initiation and elongation activity of the full-length
primase heterodimer and variants containing p58Y345F and p58Y345C mutations (Figure
4A, 4B). Anaerobic nucleotide incorporation assays were performed to test primase activity,
measuring incorporation of
P labeled ATP on ssDNA for initiation and 2’-OMe RNA-
primed DNA for elongation. Anaerobic conditions for these assays are necessary when
measuring the effect of the redox switch on priming because atmospheric oxygen can
oxidize the cluster when the protein is not bound to DNA. In the absence of oxygen, the
switch mediated by a pathway of conserved tyrosine residues is thus the sole means through
which to convert the enzyme from its native [4Fe4S]
state to its tightly bound, CT-active
state. We additionally note that in our assays, primase cannot truncate its products
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by handing them off to pol
; instead, we observe a mixture of short primers and fully
elongated ‘primer-multimer’ length products (Figure 4A, 4B, 5A, 5B) (
To characterize initiation, we used a 50-nt ssDNA substrate (Table S1) containing exactly
one complementary base for the radiolabeled nucleotide triphosphate,
P ATP. We found
that WT primase has much higher overall initiation activity than both mutants tested,
including the single-atom p48/p58Y345F variant (Figure 4A, 4B). CT-deficient primase
mutants are significantly less active on ssDNA, synthesizing only 15–35% of the WT
initiation products over multiple trials. Compared to WT primase, a larger portion of the
products synthesized by the mutants is < 10 nucleotides in length, suggesting that the rate-
determining initiation step in product synthesis is inhibited for mutants deficient in the redox
switch. The significant difference in initiation activity for the WT and CT-deficient mutant
primase enzymes suggests that a redox switch changing the oxidation state of the [4Fe4S]
cluster in p58C is crucial for the reaction to begin primer synthesis. Additionally, the
difference in activity on ssDNA caused by a very subtle mutation in the CT pathway
suggests that charge migration from bound DNA to the [4Fe4S] cofactor, through the
insulating protein matrix of p58C, plays a significant role in mediating the rate-determining
primase activation step on genomic template DNA, prior to the presence of duplex RNA/
We next tested the effect of a perturbation in the CT pathway through p58C on primase
elongation. Primase can perform
de novo
primer synthesis on ssDNA, as well as elongation
of an exogenous RNA primer on a duplex RNA/DNA substrate,
in vitro
). The
enzyme binds ssDNA more tightly than duplex segments (
), and this substrate preference
leads to a mixture of products from both elongation of the exogenous primer and initiation
on the ssDNA segment of the primed substrate. We designed a primed substrate for
anaerobic elongation assays with WT and CT-deficient primase (Table S1); a 31-nt 2’-OMe
RNA/DNA primer was annealed to a 60-nt DNA complement strand so that the primed
substrate would contain a 31-nt RNA/DNA duplex sequence and a 29-nt 5’-ssDNA
overhang. As expected, we observe a mixture of
de novo
initiation and primer elongation on
these substrates with WT and mutant primase. We find that WT primase synthesizes more
short, primer-length products through initiation on the ssDNA overhang and more truncated
exogenous primers (Figure S14), slightly larger than 30-nt in length, while the CT-deficient
mutant primase enzymes fully elongate the primer to 60-nt (Figure S15).
To examine the effect of additional copies of primase on the proportion of truncated versus
fully elongated products formed, we repeated the experiment over a range of enzyme
concentrations (200–800 nM). We had previously documented redox signaling using DNA
CT between DNA repair proteins with [4Fe4S] clusters by atomic force microscopy (
even using repair protein partners from different organisms. Hence, we hypothesized here
that redox signaling between primases through DNA CT could lead to the product truncation
we observe. Since DNA CT can occur through RNA/DNA duplexes (
), a redox-
proficient partner for primase
in vitro
i.e. another primase molecule), provides a means for
the enzyme to change redox state, thus truncate synthesis and hand off the primer-template.
Within the cell, the partner for primase handoff would presumably be DNA polymerase
which also contains a [4Fe4S] cluster, rather than a second copy of primase. For these
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elongation assays, the products isolated were all at least 20 bp long, which is easily large
enough for two copies of primase to bind simultaneously on the duplex, based on modeling
from structural data (
), and be coupled into the duplex segment electronically.
Quantification of products reveals that CT-proficient WT primase truncates products to a
greater degree than the mutants, but the differences are small, especially between the WT
and Y345F variants (Figure S15). This effect is not as striking as the difference seen
between WT and mutant primase initiation activity, but the assay does underscore that CT
proficiency is not critical to nucleotide polymerization in primase. Fully elongated, 60-nt
products are synthesized by WT and mutant primase (Figure S16) to the same degree, within
the margin of error.
DNA Charge Transport Regulates Truncation and Handoff
We next examined whether primase product truncation could be gated by DNA CT through
the growing product duplex. This experiment provides a means to model substrate handoff
by primase to pol
; the product duplex can mediate CT for the redox switch in protein
binding and enable primer handoff, in this case between primase molecules (Figure 5C). We
designed and prepared an exogenously primed substrate nearly identical to the substrate used
in the WT/mutant comparison assay; the only difference was a single cytosine base
engineered into the 5’-ssDNA overhang. The new elongation substrate (Table S1), under
conditions promoting synthesis of a primer containing a destabilizing C:C mismatch, should
abrogate the CT signaling pathway through the RNA/DNA duplex and thus inhibit
truncation of products by primase if DNA CT mediates the handoff. As anticipated, we
observe that WT primase truncates significantly more products (Figure 5A, 5B) when the
synthesized primer is well-matched than when the primer contains a single-base mismatch.
This effect persists in anaerobic well-matched and mismatched primer elongation assays
over a course of 30 to 120 minutes; we observe this effect over all concentrations of primase
assayed (200 nM-800 nM) (Figure 5B, Figure S17). The striking difference in average
percentage of truncated products (29–39% with a well-matched primer, 9–12% with a
mismatched primer at t= 60 minutes) demonstrates that primase uses DNA CT as a means to
modulate DNA binding through changing the redox state of its [4Fe4S] cluster.
Implications for Primase Function in Replication
Our initiation and elongation assays together suggest that DNA primase initiation and
product truncation are both dependent on a redox switch changing the oxidation state of the
[4Fe4S] cluster in p58C. The redox switch first activates primase to tightly bind DNA,
initiating primer synthesis. DNA CT through the nascent RNA/DNA primer then mediates
primase truncation. On the basis of the available structural and biochemical data (
), we propose a model for priming that incorporates this redox switch (Figure
6). As DNA primase elongates the RNA primer to 8–12 nt length, a second [4Fe4S] enzyme,
DNA polymerase
, comes into contact with the exposed nascent RNA/DNA helix (
) and
associates with the primer-template so that its cluster is able to serve as a redox donor/
acceptor through primed DNA. A DNA-mediated redox event can then occur, promoting
p58C dissociation from the duplex and pol
binding. Since most polymerases bind to their
duplex DNA substrates with modest affinity, as we show is the case for primase, pol
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unlikely to effectively
the primed substrate from primase. DNA-mediated signaling,
which modulates polymerase binding affinity through a change in the redox state of the
[4Fe4S] cluster, would thus provide the key driver for efficient primer handoff.
We propose that DNA-mediated CT drives signaling between the [4Fe4S] cluster cofactors
in DNA primase and DNA polymerase
, facilitating rapid handoff of the RNA/DNA
primer. Synthesis of a short primer to initiate replication must occur repeatedly on the
lagging strand of the replication fork. DNA CT occurs on a timescale (
) that could
plausibly mediate this handoff; electron hopping through the protein matrix conversely
occurs approximately 6 orders of magnitude more slowly (
) and would not likely be the
sole mediator of primase/polymerase
redox signaling between [4Fe4S] centers. A major
and likely rate-limiting conformational change for DNA polymerase
binding to DNA has
been modeled on a timescale of 100–150 ns using molecular dynamics (
). DNA-mediated
redox signaling between primase and pol
to promote primase dissociation and primer-
template transfer is thus a feasible redox mechanism for the proposed critical step for the
transfer of the primer-template.
Our results support the proposal that the [4Fe4S] cluster in p58C serves as a redox switch
governing binding, and therefore initiation and primer length counting, in the first step of
replication. We show that oxidation of the [4Fe4S]
cluster in human DNA primase to the
state facilitates DNA binding by the p58C domain. We demonstrate an
electrochemically controlled redox signal for p58C on DNA, dependent on the effective
concentration of p58C at the DNA/solution interface, establishing a reversible redox switch.
Conserved tyrosine residues in p58C on a pathway between the cluster and DNA mediate
the redox reaction, affecting the [4Fe4S] cluster oxidation state and, consequently, DNA
association of p58C. Moreover, primase initiation and termination activity, but notably not
elongation activity or DNA binding, are compromised in these CT-deficient tyrosine
mutants. The p58C domain has been proposed to contact ssDNA in the rate-determining
primer initiation step (
), and to play a role in the ability of the enzyme to count the
length of the primer and signal for the arrest of further synthesis coupled with hand-off of
the initial primed substrate to pol
The recent discovery of [4Fe4S] cluster cofactors in each of the B-family
replicationassociated polymerases
, and
) is intriguing; combined with our
results, this discovery suggests that redox reactions could be driving the DNA-binding
switches generally necessary for polymerase handoffs. Moreover, studies similar to the work
of Liu and Huang (
) investigating primase [4Fe4S] cluster sensitivity to oxidative stress
may further illuminate how this chemistry relates to eukaryotic replication activity in
different cellular redox environments. Could the redox switch for primase binding to DNA
be part of a larger, DNA-mediated electron transfer relay coordinating the association,
transfer, and dissociation steps of replication? Our results illustrate a chemical role for the
[4Fe4S] cluster as a DNA-binding redox switch and point towards a new mechanism for
coordinating activity within the dynamic replication fork.
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Materials and Methods
Protein Expression and Purification
Recombinant WT and mutant p58C were expressed and purified as previously described
). For crystallization of the proteins, an extra affinity purification step was added before
size exclusion chromatography. Both WT and mutant p58C were buffer exchanged into 20
mM HEPES (pH 7.2), 2 mM DTT and 200 mM NaCl. Each protein sample was then loaded
onto a HiTrap® Heparin column and eluted with a gradient of 20 mM HEPES (pH 7.2), 2
mM DTT and 1 M NaCl. To express primase, full-length p48 and p58 in the PBG100 and
multiple cloning site 2 of the pETDuet vectors, respectively, were cotransformed into BL21
(RIL) D3
E. coli
. The culture was grown in Terrific Broth at 37° C until it reached an O.D.
of 0.5–0.8, at which point the growth was transferred to an 18° C incubator. This was
allowed to continue growing until it reached an OD of 1–1.5, at which point protein
expression was induced with 0.5 mM IPTG. The cells were harvested after expressing at 18°
C for 20 hours. To purify primase, cells were lysed using a sonicator and spun at 50,000 rcf.
Supernatant loaded onto a nickel column equilibrated in Buffer A (20 mM Tris, 300 mM
NaCl, and 20 mM imidazole (pH 8.0). After washing with five column volumes of Buffer A,
the primase was eluted with Buffer B (20 mM Tris, 300 mM NaCl, and 300 mM imidazole
(pH 8.0). H3C protease was added to primase-containing fractions, and these were dialyzed
in to Buffer A at 4° C overnight. Primase was separated from the cleaved 6xHis tag (and
uncleaved protein) by repassing over the nickel column. This sample was further purified by
carefully diluting to 150 mM NaCl, loading onto a HiTrap® Heparin column, and eluting
with a gradient of 20 mM HEPES (pH 7.2), 3% glycerol, and 1 M NaCl. This was followed
by size exclusion chromatography with a Superdex S200 column from GE Healthcare.
Primase was eluted into a final storage buffer containing 20 mM HEPES, 150 mM NaCl, 3%
glycerol, pH 7.2.
Site Directed Mutagenesis
The Y309F, Y345F, and Y347F p58C mutants were created using a Q5 site directed
mutagenesis kit from New England Biolabs. The following primers were supplied by Sigma
Genosys to generate the mutant DNA plasmids. For Y309F, the forward primer was 5’-
CCGAATGCAGTTTGGCCTATTTC-3’ and reverse primers was 5’-
CCTCCATGACGAAGATGG-3’. For Y345F, the forward primer was 5’-
TGATAAAGGTTTCTCTTACAACATCC-3’ and reverse primers was 5’-
AACTTGTCTGGATCCATC-3’. For Y347F, the forward primer was 5’-
AGGTTACTCTTTCAACATCCGTC-3’ and reverse primers was 5’-
Oligonucleotide preparation
All standard or modified phosphoramidites and DNA synthesis reagents were purchased
from Glen Research. Unmodified DNA and 2’-OMe RNA substrates used in electrochemical
experiments or primase activity assays were purchased from Integrated DNA Technologies,
Inc. DNA sequences for electrochemistry and primase activity assays are shown in Table S1.
Thiol-modified DNA strands for electrochemistry were made on an Applied Biosystems
3400 DNA synthesizer, with a C6 S-S phosphoramidite incorporated at the 5’-terminus.
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Single-stranded DNA was purified using standard procedures as described previously. (
High pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC) using a reverse-phase PLRP-S column
(Agilent) was used, and oligonucleotide mass confirmed using MALDI-TOF Mass
Spectrometry. Thiol-modified strands were reduced after the initial HPLC purification with
100mM dithiothreitol (Sigma) for 2–3 h in 50 mM Tris-HCl, pH 8.4, 50 mM NaCl. Reduced
thiol-modified DNA was purified by size exclusion chromatography (Nap5 Sephadex G-25,
GE Healthcare) and subsequent reverse-phase HPLC. Single-stranded oligonucleotides were
then desalted using ethanol precipitation and stored in low salt buffer (5 mM Phosphate, pH
7.0, 50 mM NaCl). Duplex DNA for electrochemistry and duplex 2’-OMe RNA/DNA was
prepared by quantification of the complementary single-stranded oligonucleotides by UV-
Visible spectroscopy, followed by annealing at 90 °C. A mixture of equimolar
complementary single-stranded DNA/2’-OMe RNA (50 μM) was prepared in low salt buffer.
Thiol-modified duplex DNA substrates were then deoxygenated by bubbling argon gas
through the solution for 90 s. Duplex DNA was annealed on a thermocycler (Beckman
Instruments) by initial heating to 90 °C, followed by slow cooling to 4 °C over 90 minutes.
DNA was quantified using absorbance at 260 nm, with extinction coefficients at 260 nm for
DNA or 2’-OMe RNA obtained using Integrated DNA Technologies online OligoAnalyzer
tool. Single-stranded DNA substrates were quantified using UV-Visible spectroscopy and
stored in low salt buffer at a stock concentration for activity assays.
Multiplexed Chip Fabrication
Multiplexed electrode platforms were prepared using standard photolithography techniques,
adapted from established protocols (
). Nine 1 in. by 1 in. chips were patterned on 525
μm thick silicon wafers (SiliconQuest). A thermal oxide layer roughly 4000 Å thick was
grown on the silicon wafers using a Tytan tube furnace (Tystar). S1813 photoresist (2 μm
layer) was deposited onto the wafers for patterning of the chips before metal deposition.
Electron beam evaporation (CHA Industries) was then used to deposit a 3nm titanium
adhesion layer followed by a 100nm gold layer, without breaking vacuum between
depositions. Metal lift-off using Remover PG (MicroChem) was performed overnight (10–
12 h) at room temperature. Wafers were subsequently dried with a nitrogen gun and
dehydrated at 140 °C for 10 minutes. A 3 μm layer of insulating SU-8 photoresist was
deposited and patterned onto the wafer as described previously, (
) with connective
wires between contact pads on the edges of the chips and working electrodes in the center
were covered but the contact pads and working electrodes left exposed. This ensured a fixed
working electrode surface area of 2 mm
. SU-8 photoresist was cured (150 °C, 15 minutes)
and wafers cleaved into individual chips using a Dynatex Scriber/Breaker.
DNA Modified Electrode Assembly/Preparation
Multiplexed chips were cleaned using sonication in acetone and isopropyl alcohol as
described previously (
). Chips were then dried using argon gas and ozone-cleaned for 15–
20 minutes at 20 mW using a Uvo brand ozone cleaner. Clean chips were assembled onto
polycarbonate holders with acrylic clamp and Buna-N rubber gasket according to previous
protocols, with four quadrants in the chip separated by fastened gasket and clamp (
Duplex DNA substrates, with a thiol modifier at the 5’- end, (25 μM) were deposited in a 20
uL volume onto each quadrant of the multiplex chip. Substrates incubated for 18–24 hours
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on the gold surface to allow formation of self-assembled DNA monolayer. DNA monolayers
were washed with phosphate buffer (5mM phosphate, pH 7.0, 50mM NaCl, 5% glycerol)
and subsequently backfilled with 1mM 6-mercaptohexanol (Sigma) in phosphate buffer for
45 minutes. Monolayers are then washed 10 times per quadrant with phosphate buffer and
twice per quadrant with TBP buffer (5 mM phosphate, pH 7.0, 50 mM NaCl, 4 mM MgCl
mM spermidine) to aid in formation of a monolayer with termini accessible for p58C
binding. Assembled chips were transported into an anaerobic glove bag chamber (Coy
Products) and washed 5 times per quadrant with p58C storage buffer (20 mM Tris-HCl, pH
7.2, 75 mM NaCl), which was previously deoxygenated by argon bubbling (approx. 1 hour
per mL of buffer solution) and allowed to incubate at least 1–2 days in the chamber prior to
the experiment. Initial cyclic voltammetry scans of the monolayers in p58C storage buffer
were performed to ensure monolayer formation on each electrode. All washes were
performed with 20 μL buffer volumes on each quadrant. Before scanning, a 200 μL volume
was deposited over the chip surface, a bulk solution well for completion of a three-electrode
circuit with an external reference and counter electrode.
Mutant Selection and Design
Mutations in the p58C domain of human DNA primase were designed based on previously
determined structural data (
) and bioinformatics (
) compiled for conserved residues in
this domain. PYMOL software was used to model the mutations in a 1.7 Å resolution
structure of human p58C (
) (PDB 3L9Q). Mutagenesis and measurement tools were used
to model possible point mutations and approximate distances between residues/cofactors.
The COSMIC database (
) was used to search for somatic mutations of the primase large
subunit (PRIM2 gene) in cancer. The point mutation Y345C was found and selected for
charge transfer and activity assays.
Circular Dichroism
The WT and mutants of p58C were concentrated to 2 mg/mL and buffer exchanged into 10
mM potassium phosphate (pH 7.2). The far-UV CD spectrum over the range 190–260 nm
was acquired at room temperature using a Jasco J-810 spectrophotometer. Each spectrum is
the average of three scans acquired with a scanning rate of 0.5 nm/s.
Fluorescence anisotropy
The binding of DNA to wild-type and mutant p58C and primase was measured by
monitoring the change (increase) in fluorescence anisotropy as protein was added to a
solution containing 5’-FITC labeled DNA (see Table S1 for substrates). The p58C DNA
substrate was annealed using a buffer containing 20 mM MES (pH 6.5) and 75 mM NaCl. In
each case, an increasing concentration of protein was added to a solution containing DNA
substrate at a concentration of 50 nM (p58C) or 20 nM (primase). Polarized fluorescence
intensities were measured using excitation and emission wavelengths of 485 nm and 520 nm
using a SpectraMax M5 microplate reader (Molecular Devices).
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X-ray crystallography
Crystals of Y347F p58C were grown by hanging drop vapor diffusion at 21 °C from a drop
composed of equal volumes of 75 mg/ml protein in 20 mM TRIS (pH 7.2) and 75 mM NaCl
and reservoir solution containing 100 mM Tris (pH 8.5), 300 mM Li
and 20% PEG
3350. Crystals of Y345F p58C were grown in 20 mM MES (pH 6.5) and 50 mM NaCl and
reservoir solution containing 100 mM Tris (pH 8.5) 150 mM Li
and 18% PEG 3350.
Crystal growth was stimulated by streak seeding with WT. Prior to data collection, crystals
were soaked in mother liquor containing 20% glycerol and flash frozen in liquid nitrogen.
X-ray data were collected at Sector 21 (Life Sciences Collaborative Access Team) of the
Advanced Photon Source at Argonne National Laboratory. All data were processed by
HKL2000. The Y347F crystals belong to the P3 space group and were twinned. The Y345F
crystals were not twinned and belonged to the C2 space group. Prior to phasing, the twinned
data set was de-twinned using the Detwin program of the CCP4 program suite
(Collaborative Computational Project, 1994) by applying the twin law, h,-h-k,-l. Phasing of
the diffraction data was done by molecular replacement using PHASER and PDB entry
3L9Q as the search model. Manual model building for the structure was performed using
model building software, and waters were placed with the
routine, Find Waters.
The final model was obtained by iterative cycles of model building in
and structure
refinement using Refmac5 in the CCP4 suite of programs. The final model of Y347F was a
dimer of dimers with four Y347F p58C subunits in the asymmetric unit. The final model of
Y345F was a dimer with two Y345F subunits in the asymmetric unit. All protein figures
were prepared with Chimera. Data collection and refinement statistics are given in Table S2.
Sample Preparation for Electrochemistry
Wild type and mutant p58C samples were stored prior to experiments in p58C storage
buffer. Concentrations of [4Fe4S] cluster-containing p58C or mutants were measured using
UV-Visible spectroscopy, by absorbance of the [4Fe4S] cluster at 410 nm (extinction
coefficient = 17000 M
) (
). Aliquots of stock samples (45–90 μL) were
deoxygenated using argon bubbling for 4–5 minutes. Samples were then transferred into the
anaerobic chamber. Before deposition onto the gold electrode surface, p58C/mutant samples
were diluted to a molar concentration of 16 μM [4Fe4S] p58C variant with previously
deoxygenated p58C storage buffer. Samples were deposited onto multiplex chip quadrants in
20 μL volumes initially, with the remaining sample deposited in a well of bulk solution
above the chip surface.
Wild Type/Mutant p58C Electrochemistry
All electrochemistry was performed using a CHI620D potentiostat and 16-channel
multiplexer (CH Instruments), in an anaerobic glove chamber. Multiplex gold electrodes
were part of a three electrode system with an external Ag/AgCl reference electrode
(Bioanalytical Systems) and platinum counter electrode. Cyclic voltammetry scans were
performed at 100 mV/s scan rates, over a potential range of +0.412 V to −0.288 V vs. NHE.
Bulk electrolysis on DNA was performed at an applied potential of +0.412 V vs. NHE for all
electrochemical oxidation reactions and −0.188 V vs. NHE for all electrochemical reduction
reactions. The oxidizing potential was applied for 8.33 minutes for single oxidation
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reactions on a surface, and 5.83 minutes or 6.67 minutes for the iterative oxidation cycles of
p58C variants. The reducing potential was applied for 8.33 minutes in all electrochemical
reduction reactions. All bulk electrolysis and cyclic voltammetry was performed in
previously deoxygenated p58C storage buffer (20 mM Tris, pH 7.2, 75 mM NaCl). Charge
transfer (nC) in the cathodic peak of oxidized samples’ CV scans was assessed using the
area under the current wave of the reduction signal. All p58C variants were compared over
three trials of oxidation at +0.412 V vs. NHE (two oxidation reactions after 500 s of applied
potential, one reaction after 400 s of applied potential). The charge transfer in the bulk
electrolysis curves was calculated as the area under the current curve plotted versus time for
the bulk electrolysis reaction, as the current decays to a constant value. The percent recovery
of bulk electrolysis charge in the CV peak after oxidation was averaged over three trials for
each variant; error bars represent the standard deviation of the average fraction of charge
Full-Length Wild Type/Mutant Primase Initiation and Elongation Assays
All activity assays were performed in an anaerobic glove chamber (Coy Products) using
previously deoxygenated buffer, protein, DNA substrates, and nucleotide triphosphates. All
reagents were deoxygenated by argon gas bubbling after thawing from storage temperature
immediately prior to assay. Buffer was deoxygenated by bubbling argon gas for several
hours (approx. 1 hour per mL buffer) and subsequent incubation in the glove chamber
atmosphere for at least 1–2 days prior to the assay. Initiation assays were performed using
the 50-nt Initiation Substrate listed in Table S1. Elongation assays were performed with the
Elongation Substrate in Table S1, in which a 2’-OMe RNA/DNA primer is annealed to a 60-
nt ssDNA complement strand. Initiation assays (18 μL total volume) contained 250 nM
ssDNA Initiation Substrate, 1 μM [
P ATP] (Perkin Elmer), 112 μM [CTP] (Sigma), 188
μM [UTP] (Sigma), and 400 nM primase or primase variant, in 50 mM Tris-HCl, pH 8.0, 3
mM MgCl
. Reactions were initiated by the addition of primase or primase variant enzyme
and incubated anaerobically at 37°C. Aliquots (5.5 μL) were removed from the primase
reactions after 5 minutes, 10 minutes, and 30 minutes of incubation for wild type/mutant
comparison assays and after 30 minutes, 60 minutes, and 120 minutes for wild type primase
well-matched and mismatched primer comparison assays. All samples were quenched by
addition of an equal volume of 1% SDS (Sigma), 25 mM EDTA (Sigma) solution. Samples
were then removed from the glove chamber after quenching and heat denatured at 70°C.
Products were then purified by size exclusion, using mini Quick Spin Oligo columns (Roche
Diagnostics) for wild type/mutant comparison assays and Micro-Bio Spin™ P-6 columns
(BioRad Laboratories) for wild type well-matched/mismatched primer comparison assays.
Radioactivity counts for products were measured using a LS5000TD scintillation counter
(Beckman Instruments). Products were dried in vacuo, resuspended in 2 μL loading dye
(Xylene cyanol, bromophenol blue), and further annealed for 1 minute at 90°C before gel
separation. Primase/mutant comparison elongation assays were performed under identical
conditions, in the presence of 500nM Well-Matched Elongation Substrate, 120μM CTP
(Sigma), 180μM UTP (Sigma), and 1μM
P ATP (Perkin Elmer). The primase/variant
concentrations used in elongation assays were 200nM, 400nM, 600nM, or 800nM. Primase
assays for elongation in the presence of a mismatch were performed with 500μM Well-
Matched Elongation Substrate or Mismatched Elongation Substrate, 200μM CTP (Sigma),
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100μM UTP (Sigma), and 1μM
P ATP (Perkin Elmer). Assays were performed
anaerobically and quenched/purified in a manner identical to initiation assays.
Primase Assay Product Separation/Analysis
All primase/primase variant assay products were separated by denaturing polyacrylamide gel
electrophoresis (20% polyacrylamide). Separated products were visualized using
phosphorimagery on a Typhoon FLA 9000 imager (GE Healthcare) and quantified using
ImageQuant TL software. Products synthesized by different primase variants were directly
compared using measured
P counts detected by software. Initiation and Elongation
Substrates (Table S1) were designed to contain a single base complementary to the
radiolabeled NTP,
P ATP. Quantification could thus have a basis 1:1 product:
radioactivity ratio, as the sole purine NTP and would be the strongly preferred site of
initiation and an optimal 5’- elongation site (
). Product sizes were assigned by
comparison with a 10/60 Oligo Length Standard (Integrated DNA Technologies). Single-
stranded oligonucleotides in standard were labeled by incubation for 1 hour at 37°C with
P ATP (Perkin Elmer) and T4 polynucleotide kinase enzyme (Roche Diagnostics).
Labeled standard was purified using size exclusion chromatography with mini Quick Spin
Oligo columns (Roche Diagnostics). All product quantifications were averaged over three
trials for p48/p58Y345F and p48/p58Y345C and six trials for p48/p58. Error bars represent
the standard deviation of average values obtained over these trials.
Supplementary Material
Refer to Web version on PubMed Central for supplementary material.
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Figure 1. Oxidized [4Fe4S]
and reduced [4Fe4S]
p58C display different behavior on DNA-
modified electrodes
Multiplex chip with 16 DNA-modified Au electrodes (circles, center.) This platform
facilitates direct comparison of oxidized, reduced, unaltered, and iteratively oxidized
samples, on four separate quadrants of a single surface.
The cartoon depicts the effects of
electrochemical oxidation and reduction on p58C DNA binding and redox activity.
CV of
electrochemically oxidized p58C. After electrochemical conversion (E
= 412mV vs.
NHE) of the sample at the electrode/solution interface to the [4Fe4S]
state, CV scans
display a large cathodic peak only in the initial scan to negative, reducing potentials.
of electrochemically reduced p58C. After electrochemical conversion (E
= −188 mV
vs. NHE) of the sample to the [4Fe4S]
state, CV scans show no electrochemical signal on
DNA. Electrochemistry was performed on 16μM p58C in 20 mM Tris, pH 7.2, 75 mM
NaCl, 100mV/s for CV scans, using a Ag/AgCl reference electrode.
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