The microbiota modulates gut physiology and behavioral
abnormalities associated with autism
Elaine Y. Hsiao
Sara W. McBride
Sophia Hsien
Gil Sharon
Embriette R. Hyde
Tyler McCue
Julian A. Codelli
Janet Chow
Sarah E. Reisman
Joseph F. Petrosino
Paul H. Patterson
, and
Sarkis K. Mazmanian
Division of Biology & Biological Engineering, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA
91125, USA
Division of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena,
CA 91125, USA
Alkek Center for Metagenomics and Microbiome Research, Baylor College of Medicine,
Houston, TX 77030, USA
Although autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is defined by core behavioral impairments,
gastrointestinal (GI) symptoms are commonly reported. Subsets of ASD individuals display
dysbiosis of the gut microbiota, and some exhibit increased intestinal permeability. Here we
demonstrate GI barrier defects and microbiota alterations in a mouse model displaying features of
ASD, maternal immune activation (MIA). Oral treatment of MIA offspring with the human
Bacteroides fragilis
corrects gut permeability, alters microbial composition and
ameliorates ASD-related defects in communicative, stereotypic, anxiety-like and sensorimotor
behaviors. MIA offspring display an altered serum metabolomic profile, and
B. fragilis
levels of several metabolites. Treating naïve mice with a metabolite that is increased by MIA and
restored by
B. fragilis
causes behavioral abnormalities, suggesting that gut bacterial effects on the
host metabolome impact behavior. Taken together, these findings support a gut-microbiome-brain
connection in ASD and identify a potential probiotic therapy for GI and behavioral symptoms of
Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a serious neurodevelopmental condition characterized
by stereotypic behavior and deficits in language and social interaction. The reported
incidence of ASD has rapidly increased to 1 in 88 births in the United States as of 2008
(CDC, 2012), representing a significant medical and social problem. However, therapies for
treating core symptoms of autism are limited. Much research on ASD has focused on
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Contributed equally
Additional Footnotes
EYH, PHP and SKM designed the study, EYH, SWM, SH, JAC and JC performed the experiments and analyzed the data, ERH, TM,
GS and JP conducted microbiota sequencing and analysis, SER contributed novel reagents, EYH, SWM, GS, JAC, PHP and SKM
wrote the manuscript. All authors discussed the results and commented on the manuscript.
Conflict of interests:
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Published in final edited form as:
. 2013 December 19; 155(7): 1451–1463. doi:10.1016/j.cell.2013.11.024.
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genetic, behavioral and neurological aspects of disease, though the contributions of
environmental risk factors (Hallmayer et al., 2011), immune dysregulation (Onore et al.,
2012) and additional peripheral disruptions (Kohane et al., 2012) in the pathogenesis of
ASD have gained significant attention.
Among several comorbidities in ASD, gastrointestinal (GI) distress is of particular interest,
given its reported prevalence and correlation with symptom severity (Buie et al., 2010;
Coury et al., 2012). While some issues remain regarding the standardized diagnosis of GI
symptoms in ASD, abnormalities such as altered GI motility and increased intestinal
permeability have been reported by several laboratories (Boukthir et al., 2010; D’Eufemia et
al., 1996; de Magistris et al., 2010). Moreover, a recent multicenter study of over 14,000
ASD individuals reveals a higher prevalence of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) and other
GI disorders in ASD patients compared to controls (Kohane et al., 2012). The causes of
autism-associated GI problems remain unclear, but may be linked to gut bacteria as a
number of studies report that ASD individuals exhibit altered composition of the intestinal
microbiota (Adams et al., 2011; Finegold et al., 2010; Finegold et al., 2012; Gondalia et al.,
2012; Kang et al., 2013; Parracho et al., 2005; Williams et al., 2011; Williams et al., 2012).
Though there is as yet no consistency in the specific species of microbes that are altered in
ASD versus controls, three studies employing different methodologies report significantly
elevated levels of
species in ASD individuals (Finegold et al., 2002; Parracho et
al., 2005; Song et al., 2004). Altogether, evidence of GI complications and microbiota
alterations in broadly defined ASD populations raises the intriguing question of whether
such abnormalities can contribute to the clinical manifestations of ASD.
Dysbiosis of the microbiota is implicated in the pathogenesis of several human disorders,
including IBD, obesity and cardiovascular disease (Blumberg and Powrie, 2012).
Commensal bacteria also affect a variety of complex behaviors, including social, emotional
and anxiety-like behaviors, and contribute to brain development and function in mice
(Collins et al., 2012; Cryan and Dinan, 2012) and humans (Tillisch et al., 2013). Long-range
interactions between the gut microbiota and brain underlie the ability of microbe-based
therapies to treat symptoms of multiple sclerosis and depression in mice (Bravo et al., 2011;
Ochoa-Reparaz et al., 2010) and the reported efficacy of probiotics in treating emotional
symptoms of chronic fatigue syndrome and psychological distress in humans (Messaoudi et
al., 2011; Rao et al., 2009).
Based on the emerging appreciation of a gut-microbiome-brain connection, we asked
whether modeling behavioral features of ASD in mice also causes GI abnormalities. Several
mouse models of genetic and/or environmental risk factors are used to study ASD. We
utilize the maternal immune activation (MIA) model, which is based on large
epidemiological studies linking maternal infection to increased autism risk in the offspring
(Atladottir et al., 2010; Gorrindo et al., 2012). This is further supported by many studies
linking increased ASD risk to familial autoimmune disease (Atladottir et al., 2009; Comi et
al., 1999) and elevated levels of inflammatory factors in the maternal blood, placenta and
amniotic fluid (Abdallah et al., 2013; Brown et al., 2013; Croen et al., 2008). Modeling MIA
in mice by injecting pregnant dams with the viral mimic poly (I:C) yields offspring that
exhibit core behavioral symptoms of ASD, as well as a common autism neuropathology
(Malkova et al., 2012; Shi et al., 2009). Furthermore, pregnant monkeys exposed to poly
(I:C) yield offspring with cardinal symptoms of ASD(Bauman et al., 2013). Although
several environmental and genetic risk factors for ASD have been investigated in animals,
GI abnormalities have not been reported in preclinical models of ASD. We show herein that
offspring of MIA mice, which display ASD-like behaviors, have defects in intestinal
integrity and alterations in the composition of the commensal microbiota that are analogous
to features reported in human ASD. To explore the potential contribution of GI
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complications to core ASD symptoms, we examine whether treatment with the gut
Bacteroides fragilis,
demonstrated to correct GI pathology in mouse models of
colitis (Mazmanian et al., 2008) and to protect against neuroinflammation in mouse models
of multiple sclerosis (Ochoa-Reparaz et al., 2010), impacts ASD-related GI and/or
behavioral abnormalities in MIA offspring. Our findings suggest that targeting the
microbiome may represent a novel approach for treating neurodevelopmental disorders such
as autism.
Offspring of Immune-Activated Mothers Exhibit GI Symptoms of Human ASD
Subsets of ASD children are reported to display GI abnormalities, including increased
intestinal permeability or “leaky gut” (D’Eufemia et al., 1996; de Magistris et al., 2010;
Ibrahim et al., 2009). We find that adult MIA offspring, which exhibit cardinal behavioral
and neuropathological symptoms of ASD (Malkova et al., 2012), also have a significant
deficit in intestinal barrier integrity, as reflected by increased translocation of FITC-dextran
across the intestinal epithelium, into the circulation (Figure 1A, left). This MIA-associated
increase in intestinal permeability is similar to that of mice treated with dextran sodium
sulfate (DSS), which induces experimental colitis (Figure 1A, left). Deficits in intestinal
integrity are detectable in 3-week-old MIA offspring (Figure 1A, right), indicating that the
abnormality is established during early life. Consistent with the leaky gut phenotype, colons
from adult MIA offspring contain decreased gene expression of
, and increased expression of
(Figure 1B). Deficient expression of
also observed in small intestines of adult MIA offspring (Figure S1A), demonstrating a
widespread defect in intestinal barrier integrity. Gut permeability is commonly associated
with an altered immune response (Turner, 2009). Accordingly, colons from adult MIA
offspring display increased levels of interleukin-6 (IL-6) mRNA and protein (Figures 1C
and 1D) and decreased levels of the cytokines/chemokines IL-12p40/p70, IP-10, MIG and
(Figure 1D). Small intestines from MIA offspring also exhibit altered cytokine/
chemokine profiles (Figure S1C). Changes in intestinal cytokines are not accompanied by
overt GI pathology, as assessed by histological examination of gross epithelial morphology
from hematoxylin- and eosin-stained sections (data not shown). Overall, we find that adult
offspring of immune-activated mothers exhibit increased gut permeability and abnormal
intestinal cytokine profiles, features similar to those found in subsets of ASD.
MIA Offspring Display Dysbiosis of the Gut Microbiota
Abnormalities related to the microbiota have been identified in ASD individuals, including
disrupted community composition (Adams et al., 2011; Finegold et al., 2010; Finegold et al.,
2012; Gondalia et al., 2012; Parracho et al., 2005; Williams et al., 2011; Williams et al.,
2012). although it is important to note that a well-defined ASD-associated microbial
signature is lacking thus far. To evaluate whether MIA induces microbiota alterations, we
surveyed the fecal bacterial population by 16S rRNA gene sequencing of samples isolated
from adult MIA or control offspring. Alpha diversity, i.e., species richness and evenness, did
not differ significantly between control and MIA offspring, as measured by several indices
(Figures S2A and S2B). In contrast, unweighted UniFrac analysis, which measures the
degree of phylogenetic similarity between microbial communities, reveals a strong effect of
MIA on the gut microbiota of adult offspring (Figure 2). MIA samples cluster distinctly
from controls by principal coordinate analysis (PCoA) and differ significantly in
composition (Table S3, with ANOSIM R=0.2829, p=0.0030), indicating robust differences
in the membership of gut bacteria between MIA offspring and controls (Figure 2A). The
effect of MIA on altering the gut microbiota is further evident when sequences from the
classes Clostridia and Bacteroidia, which account for approximately 90.1% of total reads,
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are exclusively examined by PCoA (R=0.2331, p=0.0070; Figure 2B), but not when
Clostridia and Bacteroidia sequences are specifically excluded from PCoA of all other
bacterial classes (R=0.1051, p=0.0700; Figure 2C). This indicates that changes in the
diversity of Clostridia and Bacteroidia operational taxonomic units (OTUs) are the primary
drivers of gut microbiota differences between MIA offspring and controls.
67 of the 1,474 OTUs detected across any of the samples discriminate between treatment
groups, including those assigned to the bacterial families
, and unclassified Bacteroidales (Figure 2D and Table S1).
Of these 67 discriminatory OTUs (relative abundance: 13.3±1.65% control, 15.93±0.62%
MIA), 19 are more abundant in the control samples and 48 are more abundant in MIA
samples. Consistent with the PCoA results (Figures 2A–C), the majority of OTUs that
discriminate MIA offspring from controls are assigned to the classes Bacteroidia (45/67
OTUs or67.2%; 12.02±1.62% control, 13.48±0.75% MIA) and Clostridia (14/67 OTUs
or20.9%; 1.00±0.25% control, 1.58±0.34% MIA). Interestingly,
, unclassified Bacteriodales (36/45 discriminatory Bacteroidial OTUs or 80%;
4.46±0.66% control, 11.58±0.86% MIA), and
(8/14 discriminatory
Clostridial OTUs or 57%; 0.28±0.06% control, 1.13±0.26% MIA) were more abundant in
MIA offspring. Conversely,
(2 OTUs),
(2 OTUs),
and the beta Proteobacteria family
(2 OTUs) were more abundant in control
offspring (Figure 2D and Table S1; 0.95±0.31% control, 0.05±0.01% MIA). This suggests
that specific
, along with other Bacteroidial species, may play a role in
MIA pathogenesis, while other taxa may be protective. Importantly, there is no significant
difference in the overall relative abundance of Clostridia (13.63 ± 2.54% vs 14.44 ± 2.84%;
p=0.8340) and Bacteroidia (76.25 ± 3.22% vs 76.22 ± 3.46%; p=0.9943) between MIA
offspring and controls (Figure 2E, left), indicating that alterations in the membership of
Clostridial and Bacteroidial OTUs drive major changes in the gut microbiota between
experimental groups.
Overall, we find that MIA leads to dysbiosis of the gut microbiota, driven primarily by
alterations in specific OTUs of the bacterial classes Clostridia and Bacteroidia. Changes in
OTUs classified as
of the order Clostridiales
parallel select reports of increased
species in the feces of subjects with ASD
(Finegold et al., 2012). Altogether, modeling MIA in mice induces not only behavioral and
neuropathological features of ASD, but also microbiome changes as described in subsets of
ASD individuals.
Bacteroides fragilis
Improves Gut Barrier Integrity in MIA Offspring
Gut microbes play an important role in the development, maintenance and repair of the
intestinal epithelium (Turner, 2009). To determine whether targeting the gut microbiota
could impact MIA-associated GI abnormalities, we treated mice with the human commensal
B. fragilis
at weaning, and tested for GI abnormalities at 8 weeks of age.
B. fragilis
previously been shown to ameliorate experimental colitis (Mazmanian et al., 2008; Round
and Mazmanian, 2010). Remarkably,
B. fragilis
treatment corrects intestinal permeability in
MIA offspring (Figure 3A). In addition,
B. fragilis
treatment ameliorates MIA-associated
changes in expression of
8 and 15 (Figure 3B). Similar changes are observed in
protein levels of CLDNs8 and 15 in the colon, with restoration by
B. fragilis
(Figures 3C and 3D). No effects of
B. fragilis
on tight junction expression are observed in
the small intestine (Figure S1B), consistent with the fact that
species are
predominantly found in the colon. Finally, the presence of GI defects prior to probiotic
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administration (Figure 1A, right) suggests that
B. fragilis
may treat, rather than prevent, this
ASD-related pathology in MIA offspring.
B. fragilis
treatment also restores MIA-associated increases in colon IL-6 mRNA and
protein levels (Figures 3E and 3F). Levels of other cytokines are altered in both colons and
small intestines of MIA offspring (Figures 1D and S1C), but these are not affected by
treatment, revealing specificity for IL-6. We further find that recombinant IL-6
treatment can modulate colon levels of both CLDN 8 and 15
in vivo
and in
in vitro
organ cultures (data not shown), suggesting that
B. fragilis
-mediated restoration of colonic
IL-6 levels could underlie its effects on gut permeability. Collectively, these findings
demonstrate that
B. fragilis
treatment of MIA offspring improves defects in GI barrier
integrity, and corrects alterations in tight junction and cytokine expression.
B. fragilis
Treatment Restores Specific Microbiota Changes in MIA
The finding that
B. fragilis
ameliorates GI defects in MIA offspring prompted us to examine
its effects on the intestinal microbiota. No significant differences are observed following
treatment of MIA offspring by PCoA (ANOSIM R=0.0060 p=0.4470; Table 3), in
microbiota richness (PD: p=0.2980, Observed Species: p=0.5440) and evenness (Gini:
p=0.6110, Simpson Evenness: p=0.5600; Figures 4A, S2A and S2B), or in relative
abundance at the class level (Figure S2C). However, evaluation of key OTUs that
discriminate adult MIA offspring from controls reveals that
B. fragilis
significantly alters levels of 35 OTUs (Table S2). Specifically, MIA offspring treated with
B. fragilis
display significant restoration in the relative abundance of 6 out of the 67 OTUs
found to discriminate MIA from control offspring (Figure 4B and Table S2), which are
taxonomically assigned as unclassified Bacteroidia and Clostridia of the family
(Figure 4B and Table S2). Notably, these alterations occur in the absence
of persistent colonization of
B. fragilis
, which remains undetectable in fecal and cecal
samples isolated from treated MIA offspring (Figures S2D and S2E). Phylogenetic
reconstruction of the OTUs that are altered by MIA and restored by
B. fragilis
reveals that the Bacteroidia OTUs cluster together into a monophyletic group and the
OTUs cluster into 2monophyletic groups (Figure 4C). This result suggests
that, although treatment of MIA offspring with
B. fragilis
may not lead to persistent
colonization, this probiotic corrects the relative abundance of specific groups of related
microbes of the
family as well as unclassified Bacteriodales. Altogether,
we demonstrate that treatment of MIA offspring with
B. fragilis
ameliorates MIA-associated
dysbiosis of the commensal microbiota.
B. fragilis
Treatment Corrects ASD-Related Behavioral Abnormalities
Studies suggest that GI issues in children with ASD can contribute to the development,
persistence, and/or severity of symptoms (Buie et al., 2010; Coury et al., 2012). To explore
the potential impact of GI dysfunction on core ASD behavioral abnormalities, we tested
B. fragilis
treatment impacts autism-related behaviors. We replicated previous
findings that adult MIA offspring display cardinal behavioral features of ASD (Malkova et
al., 2012). Open field exploration involves mapping an animal’s movement in an open arena
to measure locomotion and anxiety (Bourin et al., 2007). MIA offspring display decreased
entries and time spent in the center of the arena, which is indicative of anxiety-like behavior
(Figure 5A; compare saline (S) to poly (I:C) (P)). The pre-pulse inhibition (PPI) task
measures the ability of an animal to inhibit its startle in response to an acoustic tone
(“pulse”) when it is preceded by a lower-intensity stimulus (“pre-pulse”). Deficiencies in
PPI are a measure of impaired sensorimotor gating, and are observed in several
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neurodevelopmental disorders, including autism (Perry et al., 2007). MIA offspring exhibit
decreased PPI in response to 5 or 15 db pre-pulses (Figure 5B). The marble burying test
measures the propensity of mice to engage repetitively in a natural digging behavior that is
not confounded by anxiety (Thomas et al., 2009). MIA offspring display increased
stereotyped marble burying compared to controls (Figure 5C). Ultrasonic vocalizations are
used to measure communication by mice, wherein calls of varying types and motifs are
produced indifferent social paradigms (Grimsley et al., 2011). MIA offspring exhibit ASD-
related deficits in communication, as indicated by reduced number and duration of ultrasonic
vocalizations produced in response to a social encounter (Figure 5D). Finally, the three-
chamber social test is used to measure ASD-related impairments in social interaction
(Silverman et al., 2010). MIA offspring exhibit deficits in both sociability, or preference to
interact with a novel mouse over a novel object, and social preference (social novelty), or
preference to interact with an unfamiliar versus a familiar mouse (Figure 5E and 5F).
Altogether, these behavioral assays measure the cardinal diagnostic symptoms of ASD, in
addition to ASD-associated anxiety and deficient sensorimotor gating, and confirm that the
MIA model reflects behavioral features of autism.
Remarkably, oral treatment with
B. fragilis
ameliorates many of these ASD-related
B. fragilis
-treated MIA offspring do not exhibit anxiety-like behavior in the open
field (Figure 5A; compare poly(I:C) (P) to poly(I:C)+
B. fragilis
(P+BF)), as shown by
restoration in the number of center entries and duration of time spent in the center of the
B. fragilis
improves sensorimotor gating in MIA offspring, as indicated by increased
combined PPI in response to 5 and 15 db pre-pulses (Figure 5B), with no significant effect
on the intensity of startle to the acoustic stimulus (data not shown).
B. fragilis
-treated mice
also exhibit decreased levels of stereotyped marble burying and restored communicative
behavior(Figure 5C and 5D). Interestingly,
B. fragilis
raises the duration per call by MIA
offspring to levels exceeding those observed in saline controls (Figure 5D), suggesting that
despite normalization of the propensity to communicate (number of calls), there is a
qualitative difference in the types of calls generated with enrichment of longer syllables.
B. fragilis
-treated MIA offspring exhibit improved communicative, repetitive,
anxiety-like and sensorimotor behavior, they retain deficits in sociability and social
preference (Figure 5E). Interestingly, this parallels the inability to improve social behavior
by administration of risperidone to ASD individuals (Canitano and Scandurra, 2008) and to
CNTNAP2 knockout mice, a genetic mouse model for ASD (Penagarikano et al., 2011).
These data suggest that there may be differences in the circuitry or circuit plasticity
governing social behavior as compared to the other behaviors, and that
B. fragilis
may modulate specific circuits during amelioration of ASD-related behavioral defects.
Interestingly, behavioral improvement in response to
B. fragilis
treatment of MIA offspring
is not associated with changes in systemic immunity (Figure S3A–D) and is not dependent
on polysaccharide A (PSA), a molecule previously identified to confer immunomodulatory
effects by
B. fragilis
(Figure S3E) (Mazmanian et al., 2008; Ochoa-Reparaz et al., 2010;
Round and Mazmanian, 2010). Furthermore, amelioration of behavior is not specific to
, as similar treatment with
Bacteroides thetaiotaomicron
also significantly improves
anxiety-like, repetitive and communicative behavior in MIA offspring (Figure S4). This is
consistent with our finding that
B. fragilis
treatment improves ASD-related behavior in the
absence of evident colonization of
B. fragilis
in the GI tract (Figure S2D and S2E), and thus,
may be functioning through persistent shifts in the composition of resident microbiota
(Figure 4). There is, however, some degree of specificity to bacterial treatment, as
administration of
Enterococcus faecalis
has no effect on anxiety-like and repetitive behavior
in MIA offspring (data not shown).
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The Serum Metabolome is Modulated by MIA and
B. fragilis
Metabolomic studies have shown that gut microbial products are found in many extra-
intestinal tissues, and molecules derived from the microbiota may influence metabolic,
immunologic and behavioral phenotypes in mice and humans (Blumberg and Powrie, 2012;
Nicholson et al., 2012). Given that MIA offspring display increased gut permeability, tight
junction defects and dysbiosis, we hypothesized that gut bacteria may affect the metabolome
of mice. We utilized gas chromatography/liquid chromatography with mass spectrometry
(GC/LC-MS)-based metabolomic profiling to identify MIA-associated changes in serum
metabolites. 322 metabolites were detected in sera from adult mice (Table S5). Interestingly,
MIA leads to statistically significant alterations in 8% of all serum metabolites detected
(Table S4). Furthermore, postnatal
B. fragilis
treatment has a significant effect on the serum
metabolome, altering 34% of all metabolites detected (Table S5 and Figure S5).
B. fragilis
Treatment Corrects Levels of MIA-Induced Serum Metabolites
Consistent with the notion that increased intestinal permeability leads to leakage of gut-
derived metabolites into the bloodstream, we hypothesized that
B. fragilis
improvement of intestinal barrier integrity would restore serum levels of certain metabolites.
We therefore focused on serum metabolites that are significantly altered by MIA treatment
and restored to control levels by
B. fragilis
treatment. The most dramatically affected
metabolite is 4-ethylphenylsulfate (4EPS), displaying a striking 46-fold increase in serum
levels of MIA offspring that is completely restored by
B. fragilis
treatment (Figure 6A). This
metabolite is of particular interest because of the reported production of 4EPS by GI
microbes and proposed role for 4EPS in communication by mice (Lafaye et al., 2004).
Moreover, we find that compared to conventionally-colonized (SPF; specific pathogen free)
mice, germ-free (GF) mice display nearly undetectable levels of serum 4EPS, indicating that
serum 4EPS is derived from, or modulated by, the commensal microbiota (Figure 6B).
Interestingly, 4EPS is suggested to be a uremic toxin, as is
-cresol (4-methylphenol), a
chemically related metabolite reported to be a possible urinary biomarker for autism (Altieri
et al., 2011; Persico and Napolioni, 2013). MIA offspring also exhibit elevated levels of
-cresol, although the increase does not reach statistical significance (Table S5). The
fact that 4EPS shares close structural similarity to the toxic sulfated form of
cresol (4-
methylphenylsulfate; 4MPS) is intriguing as the two metabolites may exhibit functional
overlap (Figure S6A).
In addition to 4EPS, MIA offspring display significantly increased levels of serum
indolepyruvate, a key molecule of the tryptophan metabolism pathway, which is restored to
control levels by
B. fragilis
treatment (Figure 6A). Indolepyruvate is generated by
tryptophan catabolism and, like 4EPS, is believed to be produced by gut microbes (Smith
and Macfarlane, 1997) (Figure S6B). Moreover, the elevation in serum indolepyruvate
observed in MIA offspring is reminiscent of reported increases inindolyl-3-acryloylglycine
(IAG) in human ASD (Bull et al., 2003), which is involved in GI homeostasis and produced
by bacterial metabolism (Keszthelyi et al., 2009). MIA offspring also exhibit increased
levels of serum serotonin (0.05<
<0.10; Tables S3 and S4), reflecting another alternation in
tryptophan metabolism, analogous to the well-established hyperserotonemia endophenotype
of autism. MIA also leads to altered serum glycolate, imidazole propionate and N-
acetylserine levels (Figure 6A), which are corrected by
B. fragilis
treatment. How changes
in these metabolites may be relevant to ASD or GI dysfunction is currently unknown, but
may be an exciting area for future study. These findings demonstrate that specific
metabolites are altered in MIA offspring and normalized by
B. fragilis
treatment, with at
least two molecules (4EPS and indolepyruvate) having potential relevance to ASD.
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A Serum Metabolite Induces ASD-Related Behavior
MIA-dependent increases of specific metabolites, and their restoration by
B. fragilis
, suggest
that small molecules may play a role in ASD-related behaviors. To test this hypothesis, we
examined whether increasing serum 4EPS is sufficient to cause any ASD-related behavioral
abnormalities in naïve mice. Mice were treated with 4EPS potassium salt (Figures S7A–C)
or vehicle, daily from 3 weeks of age (when MIA offspring display gut permeability) to 6
weeks of age (when behavior testing begins). Remarkably, systemic administration of the
single metabolite, 4EPS, to naïve wild-type mice is sufficient to induce anxiety-like
behavior similar to that observed in MIA offspring (Figure 6C). Relative to vehicle-treated
controls, mice exposed to 4EPS travel comparable distances in the open field but spend less
time in the center arena (Figure 6C). Also, in the PPI test, 4EPS-treated mice exhibit
increased intensity of startle in response to the unconditioned primary stimulus, but no
significant alterations in PPI (Figure 6D), representing anxiety-associated potentiation of the
startle reflex (Bourin et al., 2007). Conversely, there are no significant differences between
4EPS-treated versus saline-treated mice in marble burying or USV behavior (Figures S7D
and S7E), suggesting that elevating serum 4EPS levels specifically promotes anxiety-like
behavior. While not a core diagnostic criterion, anxiety is a common co-morbidity that may
contribute to cardinal ASD symptoms. Furthermore, it is possible that complex behaviors
may be modulated by combinations of metabolites. In summary, these data reveal that
elevated systemic levels of a metabolite regulated by gut microbes causes an ASD-related
behavior, suggesting that molecular connections between the gut and the brain maybe
associated with autism.
ASD is a complex disorder with poorly defined etiologies and no effective or targeted cure.
Here we demonstrate that in addition to displaying cardinal behavioral and
neuropathological symptoms of ASD, offspring of immune-activated mothers exhibit
defective GI integrity, dysbiosis of the commensal microbiota and alterations in serum
metabolites that are similar to endophenotypes observed in ASD individuals. Collectively,
these findings reveal MIA as a model with face validity for co-morbid GI symptoms and
microbiome profiles found in ASD. We find that oral treatment with the human commensal
B. fragilis
corrects intestinal permeability defects, as well as altered levels of tight junction
proteins and cytokines. The ability of
B. fragilis
to selectively ameliorate MIA-associated
increases in colon IL-6 is interesting as this cytokineis required for the development of
behavioral deficits in MIA offspring (Smith et al., 2007). Many cytokines including IL-6
regulate tight junction expression and intestinal barrier integrity, and further, a variety of
enteric microbes are known to regulate intestinal tight junction and cytokine levels (Turner,
2009). Our study suggests that
B. fragilis
is able to ameliorate leaky gut by directly targeting
tight junction expression, cytokine production and/or microbiome composition. Intriguingly,
recent analysis in humans shows that among the
family, only a single
phylotype most closely related to
B. fragilis
is selectively depleted in ASD children
compared to matched controls, and most dramatically in those subjects with more severe GI
issues (Dae-Wook Kang and Rosa Krajmalnik-Brown, personal communication). Thus, the
correlation between
B. fragilis
and improved intestinal health is present in both mice and
Consistent with the role of GI microbes in regulating intestinal permeability and metabolic
homeostasis (Nicholson et al., 2012; Wikoff et al., 2009), we show that
B. fragilis
corrects MIA-associated changes in specific serum metabolites that appear to have a gut
origin, suggesting
B. fragilis
may prevent leakage of harmful molecules from the GI lumen.
In a proof-of-concept test of the this hypothesis, we reveal that the microbially-modulated
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metabolite 4EPS, which is elevated in the circulation by MIA and restored by
B. fragilis
treatment, is sufficient to induce anxiety-like behavior in naïve mice. These data indicate
that metabolomic changes contribute to the onset and/or persistence of autism-related
behavioral abnormalities. Notably, we show that commensal microbes are required for the
production of serum 4EPS in mice. Several species of
are believed to be
producers of the precursor 4-ethylphenol (Nicholson et al., 2012), consistent with our
findings that levels of the
family of Clostridia and serum 4EPS are
elevated in MIA offspring, and both are corrected by
B. fragilis
treatment. Moreover, the
structural similarity of 4EPS to
cresol, which also derives from
(Persico and Napolioni, 2013), suggests they may be produced through similar biosynthetic
pathways (see Figure S6A). Although not all autism-like behaviors are affected by 4EPS
alone, our results warrant the examination of several other serum metabolites, perhaps in
combination, for their potential to impact the spectrum of autism-related behaviors.
B. fragilis
treatment ameliorates abnormal communicative, stereotyped,
sensorimotor and anxiety-like behaviors in MIA offspring, supporting emerging evidence
for a gut-brain link in ASD. A role for commensal bacteria in modulating behavioris
supported by studies revealing differences between GF and SPF mice in anxiety-like (Heijtz
et al., 2011), locomotor and social behavior (Desbonnet et al., 2013). Treatment of SPF
animals with commensal microbes can ameliorate depressive (Bravo et al., 2011) and
anxiety-like behavior in mice (Bercik et al., 2011), and probiotic treatment has been
beneficial in treating psychological distress and chronic fatigue symptoms in humans
(Messaoudi et al., 2011; Rao et al., 2009). Our findings provide a novel mechanism by
which a human commensal bacterium can improve ASD-related GI deficits and behavioral
abnormalities in mice, possibly explaining the rapid increase in ASD prevalence by
identifying the microbiome as a critical environmental contributor to disease. We propose
the transformative concept that autism is, at least in part, a disease involving the gut that
impacts the immune, metabolic and nervous systems, and that microbiome-mediated
therapies may be a safe and effective treatment for ASD.
See supplemental information for additional details and references.
Animals and MIA
Pregnant C57BL/6N mice (Charles River; Wilmington, MA) were injected i.p. on E12.5
with saline or 20 mg/kg poly(I:C) according to methods described in ref. (Smith et al.,
2007). All animal experiments were approved by the Caltech IACUC.
B. fragilis
Mice were selected at random for treatment with
Bacteroides fragilis
(ATCC 9343) or
vehicle, every other day for 6 days at weaning. 1×10
CFU of freshly grown
B. fragilis
, or
vehicle, in 1.5% sodium bicarbonate was administered in sugar-free applesauce over
standard food pellets. The same procedure was used for mutant
B. fragilis
PSA and
Intestinal permeability assay
Mice were fasted for 4 hours before gavage with 0.6 g/kg 4 kDa FITC-dextran (Sigma
Aldrich). 4 hours later, serum samples were read for fluorescence intensity at 521 nm using
an xFluor4 spectrometer (Tecan). Mice were fed 3% dextran sulfate sodium salt (DSS; MP
Biomedicals) in drinking water for 7 days to induce colitis.
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Intestinal qRT-PCR, Western blots, and cytokine profiles
Gut tissue was flushed with HBSS and either a) homogenized in Trizol for RNA isolation
and reverse transcription according to ref. (Hsiao and Patterson, 2011) or b) homogenized in
Tissue Extraction Reagent I (Invitrogen) containing protease inhibitors (Roche) for protein
assays. For cytokine profiling, mouse 20-plex cytokine arrays (Invitrogen) were run on the
Luminex FLEXMAP 3D platform by the Clinical Immunobiology Correlative Studies
Laboratory at the City of Hope (Duarte, CA). Western blots were conducted according to
standard methods and probed with rabbit anti-claudin 8 or rabbit anti-claudin 15 (Invitrogen)
at 1:100 dilution.
Microbial DNA extraction, 16S rRNA gene amplification and pyrosequencing
Bacterial DNA was extracted from mouse fecal pellets using the MoBioPowerSoil Kit
following protocols benchmarked by the NIH Human Microbiome Project. The V3-V5
regions of the 16S rRNA gene were PCR amplified using individually barcoded universal
primers containing linker sequences for sequencing using a multiplexed 454-Titanium
16S rRNA gene sequence analysis
16S data was processed and its diversity was analyzed using QIIME 1.6 software package
(Caporaso et al., 2010b). OTUs were assigned taxonomic classification using the basic
BLAST classifier (Altschul et al, 1990). For tree-based alpha- and beta diversity analyses,
representative sequences for each OTU were aligned using PyNAST (Caporaso et al.,
2010a) and a phylogenetic tree was constructed based on this alignment using Fast Tree
(Price et al., 2009). Beta diversity was assessed from unweighted UniFrac, using the
Analysis of Similarity (ANOSIM; Fierer et al 2010), Permutational multivariate analysis of
variance (PERMANOVA;(Anderson, 2008)), Permutational analysis of multivariate
dispersions (PERMDISP;(Anderson et al., 2006)), and Moran’s I.
Identification of differences in specific OTUs
Key OTUs were identified using: (1) Metastats comparison (White et al., 2009) and (2)
Random Forests algorithm, under QIIME (Knights et al., 2011) or coupled with Boruta
feature selection, in the Genbore emicrobiome tool set (Riehle et al., 2012), and (3) Galaxy
platform-based LDA Effect Size analysis (LEfSe; (Segata et al., 2011)). Key OTUs were
than aligned using the SINA aligner (
; (Pruesse et al., 2012),
compared to the SILVA reference database release 111 (Quast et al., 2013) using Arb
(Ludwig et al., 2004) and visualized using Fig Tree (
). Heat maps of key OTUs were generated by extracting their relative abundance
from the OTU table and clustering data by correlation using Cluster 3.0 (de Hoon et al.,
2004). Abundance data was visualized using Java TreeView (Saldanha, 2004).
Behavioral testing
MIA and control offspring were behaviorally tested as in refs. (Hsiao et al., 2012) and
(Malkova et al., 2012). Mice were tested beginning at 6 weeks of age for pre-pulse
inhibition, open field exploration, marble burying, social interaction and adult ultrasonic
Metabolomics screening
Serum samples were extracted and analyzed on GC/MS, LC/MS and LC/MS/MS platforms
by Metabolon, Inc. For LC/MS and LC/MS/MS, samples were run on a Waters ACQUITY
UPLC and Thermo-Finnigan LTQ mass spectrometer. For GC/MS, samples were analyzed
on a Thermo-Finnigan Trace DSQ fast-scanning single-quadrupole mass spectrometer using
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electron impact ionization. Chemical entities were identified by comparison to metabolomic
library entries of purified standards.
4EPS sufficiency experiments
Wildtype mice were injected i.p. with saline or 30 mg/kg 4EPS potassium salt daily from 3
to 6 weeks of age. A dose-response curve was generated by measuring serum 4EPS levels at
various times after i.p. injection of 30 mg/kg 4EPS (Figure S7C). Mice were behaviorally
tested as described above from 6 to 9 weeks of age.
Statistical Analysis
Statistical analysis was performed using Prism software (Graphpad). Data are plotted in the
figures as mean ± SEM. Differences between two treatment groups were assessed using
two-tailed, unpaired Student
test with Welch’s correction. Differences among three or
more groups were assessed using one-way ANOVA with Bonferroni post hoc test. Two-way
repeated measures ANOVA with Bonferroni post hoc test was used for analysis of PPI and
CD4+ T-cell stimulation data. Two-way ANOVA with contrasts was used for analysis of the
metabolite data. Significant differences are indicated in the figures by *
<0.05, **
<0.001. Notable near-significant differences (0.5<
<0.1) are indicated in the figures.
Notable non-significant (and non-near significant) differences are indicated in the figures by
Supplementary Material
Refer to Web version on PubMed Central for supplementary material.
We acknowledge Reyna Sauza, Jaime Rodriguez and Taren Thron for caring for the animals, Dr. Michael
Fischbach (UCSF) for advising on pathways of 4EPS and indolepyruvate synthesis, Dr. NadimAjami (Baylor) for
providing helpful comments on the manuscript, Greg Donaldson (Caltech) for conducting experiments on microbial
viability, Dr. Kym Faull (UCLA) for conducting pilot GC/MS experiments, Dr. Alessio Fasano (Massachusetts
General) for conducting pilot microbiota sequencing experiments and Dr. Jerrold Turner (U Chicago) for providing
histological analysis of intestinal sections. This work was supported by a Caltech Innovation Fellowship (to EYH),
Autism Speaks Weatherstone Fellowship (to EYH), NIH/NRSA Pre-doctoral Fellowship (to EYH), Human
Frontiers Science Program Fellowship (to GS), DOD Graduate Fellowship (to JAC), NSF Graduate Research
Fellowship (to JAC), Autism Speaks Trailblazer Award (to PHP and SKM), Caltech Innovation grant (to PHP and
SKM), Congressionally Directed Medical Research Award (to PHP and SKM), Weston Havens Award (to PHP and
SKM), Callie D. McGrath Charitable Foundation awards (to PHP) and NIMH grant MH100556 (to PHP and SKM).
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