A genetically tractable jellyfish model for systems and
evolutionary neuroscience
Brandon Weissbourd
Tsuyoshi Momose
Aditya Nair
Ann Kennedy
David J. Anderson
Division of Biology and Biological Engineering
Howard Hughes Medical Institute
Tianqiao and Chrissy Chen Institute for Neuroscience, California Institute of Technology,
Pasadena, CA 91125, USA
Sorbonne Université, CNRS, Laboratoire de Biologie du Développement de Villefranche-sur-mer
(LBDV), 06230 Villefranche-sur-mer, France
Current address: Department of Neuroscience, Feinberg School of Medicine Northwestern
University, Chicago, IL 60611, USA
Lead contact.
Jellyfish are radially symmetric organisms without a brain that arose more than 500 million years
ago. They achieve organismal behaviors through coordinated interactions between autonomously
functioning body parts. Jellyfish neurons have been studied electrophysiologically, but not at the
systems level. We introduce
Clytia hemisphaerica
as a transparent, genetically tractable jellyfish
model for systems neuroscience. We generate stable F
transgenic lines for cell type-specific
conditional ablation and whole-organism GCaMP imaging. Using these tools and computational
analyses, we find that a diffuse network of RFamide-expressing neurons is functionally subdivided
into a series of anatomically cryptic, spatially localized subassemblies whose selective activation
controls directional food transfer from the tentacles to the mouth, revealing an unanticipated
degree of structured neural organization in this species.
affords a platform for systems-level
studies of neural function, behavior, and evolution within a clade of marine organisms with
growing ecological and economic importance.
Correspondence: bweissb@gmail.com (B.W.), wuwei@caltech.edu (D.J.A).
Author contributions
B.W and D.J.A. conceived of the project and wrote the manuscript, with input from T.M., A.N., A.K., and B.H. B.W., D.J.A, and
B.H. designed and performed histology, behavior, and imaging experiments, and B.W., D.J.A, and T.M. designed and performed
experiments establishing transgenesis. B.W., A.N., and A.K. analyzed the data; A.N. performed NMF/ICA, subspace, and GLM
analyses, A.K. generated the neural network models.
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HHS Public Access
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Published in final edited form as:
. 2021 November 24; 184(24): 5854–5868.e20. doi:10.1016/j.cell.2021.10.021.
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Graphical Abstract
In Brief
A jellyfish species is developed as a genetically tractable neuroscience model, in which the
application of GCaMP imaging and cell type-specific ablation has revealed spatially restricted
neuronal subnetworks controlling feeding behaviors.
Jellyfish offer insights into the structure, function, and evolution of nervous systems: they
are apparent “living fossils,” whose last common ancestor with bilaterians emerged just
after the appearance of neurons (Figure 1A;
Arendt et al., 2016
Cartwright et al., 2007
Jellyfish use neurons homologous to our own (
Arendt et al., 2016
Bosch et al., 2017
), but
lack centralization, i.e., “brains”. How such organisms are able to feed themselves, navigate,
escape from predators, and even sleep (
Mackie, 2004
Nath et al., 2017
Lewis and Long,
Meech, 2019
) in the absence of a central brain poses an important problem in the
field of evolutionary neurobiology, with implications for autonomous systems engineering
Nawroth et al., 2012
). Jellyfish are also attracting growing interest as critical components
of ocean ecosystems, in part due to jellyfish blooms and their negative economic impact
Condon et al., 2013
Graham et al., 2014
Hays et al., 2018
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Despite the importance of jellyfish to evolution, ecology, and economics, remarkably little
is known about the neural control of their behavior. Jellyfish neurons have been studied
extensively using single-unit electrophysiological recordings (
Meech, 2019
Satterlie, 2002
but systems-level analysis has been absent due to the lack of a genetically tractable model.
Attractive features of jellyfish for systems neuroscience include their small size, relative
planarity, and transparency, facilitating optical approaches (
Katsuki and Greenspan, 2013
Meech, 2019
Bosch et al., 2017
). Existing cnidarian genetic neuroscience models, such
Dupre and Yuste, 2017
Tzouanas et al., 2021
Badhiwala et al., 2021
), lack a
jellyfish life cycle stage (
Künzel et al., 2010
Renfer et al., 2010
Wittlieb et al., 2006
Here we introduce the hydrozoan jellyfish
Clytia hemisphaerica
, originally established
to study early development and evolution (
Houliston et al., 2010
), as a genetic model
for systems neuroscience. The
genome has been sequenced (
Leclère et al., 2019
and an atlas of its cell types generated using single-cell RNA sequencing (
Chari et al.,
). CRISPR/Cas9-mediated gene knockout has been reported (
Momose et al., 2018
) but
transgenesis has not yet been established.
In this inaugural study, we describe the generation of stable
transgenic lines
for population neural imaging and neuronal cell type-specific ablation. Using these tools,
we have investigated the neural control of feeding, in which captured food is vectorially
transferred from the margin of the umbrella to the central mouth. We find that directional
infolding of the umbrella is controlled by anatomically cryptic neural subassemblies that tile
the umbrella, uncovering a surprising degree of structural organization within a superficially
diffuse neural net. This work introduces
as a genetically tractable model for systems
neuroscience, affording a platform for understanding the neural control of its decentralized
behavior and internal states, and for comparative studies across phylogeny.
Jellyfish (medusae) are a free swimming life stage within the phylum
(Figure 1A–D;
Leclère et al., 2019
medusae are small
(~1mm–1.5 cm), optically transparent, and have approximately 10,000 neurons in a 1cm
adult (Figure 1C;
Chari et al., 2021
). Their anatomy exhibits the hallmarks of the hydrozoan
medusa body plan (Figure 1E): nerve rings (Figure 1F), circular and radial muscle
(Figure 1G), and a subumbrellar nerve net (Figure 1H). Importantly, the tri-phasic sexual
reproductive cycle (Figure 1D) can be recapitulated in the laboratory (Methods;
et al., 2010
Lechable et al., 2020
). Following controlled fertilization, zygotes develop into
a planula (larval) stage. Planulae attach to a substrate (microscope slide) where they form
clonal polyp colonies that release free-swimming medusae. The entire life cycle takes ~6–8
Identification and genetic targeting of a neuronal subpopulation marked by RFamide
Neurons immunoreactive for an RFamide (RFa) peptide have previously been identified in
Mackie et al., 1985
), and have been suggested to play a role in medusa defensive
and feeding behaviors (
Mackie, 2003
Satterlie, 2008
Weber, 1989
). We confirmed
RFa immunoreactivity in the nerve net, mouth, nerve rings, and tentacles (Figure 2A–C and
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Figure S1A–G). RFa
neurons comprised a large subpopulation (~80%) of nerve net neurons
identified using tyrosinated tubulin, a generic neuronal marker (
Gröger and Schmid, 2000
Figure 2A; Figure S1A–B). They were radially oriented, with varicosities apposed to radial
muscle fibers (Figure 2B; Figure S1C–D). In contrast, RFa-negative neurons in the nerve
net were generally smaller and lacked a clear radial orientation (Figure 2A, arrow; Figure
S1A–B). RFa
neurons in other body parts were less abundant than in the nerve net (~10%
of total neurons in
by scRNA-seq;
Chari et al., 2021
To gain genetic access to RFa
neurons, we established transgenesis in
Plasmid and Tol2 transposase were co-injected into
eggs (Figure S1H;
Koga et al.,
Ni et al., 2016
) and polyp colonies screened for expression of an mCherry reporter.
Strongly expressing colonies were cultured until they produced F
medusae, which were
backcrossed to parental strains. ~100% of these backcrosses yielded germline transmission.
Stable F
progeny were maintained and expanded vegetatively as clonal polyp colonies
which released non-mosaic transgenic medusae that could be collected daily (Figure 1D;
Figure S1H).
We first ablated the RFa
neurons to determine the effect on the organism’s behavior. To
this end, we cloned 6.6kb of 5’ flanking DNA from the
Clytia RFamide
precursor gene and
inserted it upstream of a bi-cistronic construct encoding nitroreductase (
Curado et al.,
Tabor et al., 2014
) and mCherry, separated by a 2A peptide (Figure 2D;
Daniels et
al., 2014
). Addition of the drug Metronidazole (MTZ) causes autonomous ablation of cells
expressing NTR, which converts MTZ to its toxic form (Figure 2E;
White and Mumm,
5’ genomic fragment successfully drove strong and specific mCherry
expression in the umbrellar RFa
network (~92% of RFa
neurons targeted, 100% of
targeted neurons were RFa
, Figure 2D). A 24-hr incubation in MTZ efficiently eliminated
neurons in the TG
line (Figure 2D, F). Other neuronal populations
were intact, demonstrating that ablation of RFa
neurons was specific (Figure 2G). No
ablation was observed in controls with either MTZ or the NTR transgene omitted (Figure
RFamide neurons are required for feeding
The umbrella is involved in several behaviors, including swimming, feeding, and
defensive crumpling (
Hyman, 1940
Romanes, 1885
). While swimming and crumpling
utilize symmetrical umbrellar contractions, feeding employs asymmetric contractions that
vectorially transfer captured food (brine shrimp,
) from contracted tentacles at the
umbrella margin to the elongated feeding organ (“mouth”), which extends from the center of
the umbrella (Figure 1C, E and Supplemental Video 1). Swimming stops (Figure S2F), and
the mouth bends (“points”) towards the infolding portion of the margin to receive the food
(Figure 3A–B; “pointing”). Food transfer is robust: 96% of first transfer attempts occurred
within one minute of prey capture, of which 88% were successful (Figure S2G–H). 96.3%
(52/54) of caught prey were eventually eaten.
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Remarkably, RFa
neuron ablation completely eliminated asymmetric inward folding and
hence the transfer of shrimp captured by the tentacles (Figure 2H). Ablation also prevented
folding induced by chemosensory stimulation using shrimp extract (Figure 2I). Thus, RFa
neurons are required for both food- and chemically-induced margin folding. In contrast,
swimming and crumpling were unperturbed (Figure 2J–K; Figure S2A–C), suggesting that
other neural cell types control these behaviors (
King and Spencer, 1981
Bath application of synthetic RFa peptide to transgenic medusae following RFa
ablation caused radial muscle contraction, confirming that the muscle was functionally
intact (Figure S2D). Local infusion of RFa but not control peptide into the subumbrella
caused local muscle contraction and margin infolding (Figure S2E). These data suggest that
local release of peptide from RFa
neurons activates the muscle, either directly or via an
intermediate cell population, to determine the site of margin folding.
Margin folding requires coordination between autonomously functioning body parts and is
influenced by internal state
These results prompted us to investigate margin folding behavior in more detail. First, we
tested the necessity and sufficiency of different body parts using surgical manipulations.
Mouth pointing towards the infolding margin was blocked if the umbrella was cut between
the mouth and the margin, while margin folding was not (Figure 3C). Following excision of
the mouth, the body swims, captures prey, and tries to pass prey to the hole where the mouth
formerly was (Supplemental Video 3). The mouth-less umbrella also performed margin
folding in response to shrimp extract (Figure 3J), which can trigger directional folding when
locally applied (Figure 3D; S2J; Supplemental video 2). Shrimp extract could also trigger
margin folding when tentacles and tentacle bulbs were removed (Figure 3K; S2K). Removal
of other body parts revealed a similar theme of modular functional organization, confirming
earlier studies (
Romanes, 1885
Passano, 1973
Quiroga Artigas et al., 2018
also performed margin folding in the absence of any added stimuli (13.7±15% of time
observed, mean±SD), which was visually indistinguishable from evoked folding behavior
(Figure 3E, Figure S2I and Supplemental Video 1). To quantify margin folding and compare
spontaneous to prey-evoked behavior, we trained an automated classifier to discriminate
margin folding from swimming with high accuracy, using the major and minor axes of the
umbrella as features (Figure 3F–I). When trained on spontaneous folding alone, the same
classifier could identify episodes of induced folding evoked by live shrimp or shrimp extract,
with similar accuracy (Figure 3I).
To investigate whether margin folding behavior was a fixed-action stimulus-response reflex
or was modulated by internal state (
Anderson and Adolphs, 2014
), we examined the effect
of food deprivation. Animals starved for 24 hrs performed food passing significantly faster
ad libitum
fed controls, following prey capture (Figure 3L). In addition, spontaneous
folding behavior failed to occur when the animals were spawning (Figure 3M). Lastly,
when multiple shrimp were captured simultaneously they were transferred to the mouth
sequentially rather than coordinately, at a rate higher than chance (Figure S2L–M). Margin
folding is therefore modulated by at least two internal states (metabolic and reproductive)
and involves coordination across different sectors of the umbrella.
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RFamide neurons are active during margin folding behavior in multiple contexts
To determine how RFa
neuronal activity correlates with margin folding behavior, we
generated a transgenic F
line bi-cistronically expressing the calcium indicator GCaMP6s
and mCherry (TG
; Figure 4A;
Chen et al., 2013
). This transgenic
line also had a high efficiency and specificity of targeting RFa
neurons (~94% of RFa
neurons targeted, 100% of targeted neurons were RFa
). Because GCaMP imaging was
partially obscured by umbrellar expression of the endogenous
gene (
Fourrage et
al., 2014
), we knocked out this gene using CRISPR/Cas9 (
Momose et al., 2018
) in the
genetic background (Figure S3A).
We performed wide-field, two-color,
in vivo
imaging in
transgenic jellyfish, using either restrained or unrestrained preparations to balance
GCaMP signal extraction and naturalistic behavior (Figure 4B–C; Figure S3B–D). In
the unrestrained preparation, animals could behave freely in the small imaging chamber,
allowing identification and localization of active neurons within the subumbrellar nerve
net. However extraction of GCaMP traces from individual cells was not possible due to
movement (“Naturalistically behaving”, Figure 4H–J; Supplemental video 3). Preparations
in which the jellyfish were relatively motionless (“restrained”) using agarose embedding
allowed extraction of high-quality GCaMP traces from single neurons (Figure 5A–C; Figure
S4B; Supplemental video 5). Due to variation in the agarose-embedded preparations (see
Methods), in some animals there was both sufficient restraint to extract single-cell traces
and sufficient freedom of movement to identify apparent attempts at swimming or folding
(“Loosely restrained”, Figure 4D–G).
Movements interpreted as attempted “swimming” comprised high frequency, circumferential
contractions, while those interpreted as attempted “folding” comprised low frequency, radial
movements (Figure 4D; Figure S3E; Figure 3G–H). To quantify these behaviors in such
loosely restrained preparations, we extracted optic flow vectors across frames from the
imaging videos. Classifiers trained on these features could distinguish behaviors in held-out
test frames with high accuracy (swimming, accuracy = 0.85±0.04; folding, accuracy =
0.81±0.03, mean±SEM; Figure S3E). We used the mCherry channel to segment neurons and
exclude that GCaMP signals reflected motion artifacts (Figure 4E; Figure S3H–I; Figure
In loosely restrained preparations in which both attempted margin folding and swimming
movements occurred, behavioral epochs and neural activity could be aligned to examine
their temporal relationship (Figure 4E–G). Patches of RFa
neurons in both the nerve rings
and net were strongly activated at the onset of folding, but not swimming (Figure 4E–F).
Neural activity in the patches was relatively synchronous (Figure 4E). Using population
neural activity, we trained a 3-way classifier to predict quiescence, swimming, or folding
and found that folding episodes could be predicted with high accuracy, while swimming
could not be distinguished from quiescence (Figure 4G). Principal component analysis
(PCA) confirmed that the largest source of variance in neural activity occurred during
folding (Figure S3F). These data indicate that RFa
neuronal activity is temporally and
specifically associated with margin folding behavior. The NTR ablation data (Figure 2H, I)
indicate, moreover, that this activity is likely a cause and not a consequence of this behavior.
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To examine the pattern of RFa
neuronal activation more broadly across the nerve net
under conditions where complete margin folding could be performed, we imaged GCaMP
in the unrestrained preparation (Figure 4H) in three contexts: (1) spontaneously, i.e., no
stimuli given (Figure S2I; Figure 3E), (2) with shrimp extract uniformly present, or (3) with
intact shrimp presented to the tentacles. We manually extracted body shape and identified
the location of active neurons during individual folding events. In both the spontaneous
and evoked contexts, RFa
neurons in the nerve net were activated in radially oriented,
wedge-shaped patches located at the epicenter of margin infolding (Figure 4I–J; Figure
S3H–K; Supplemental Video 4). Thus, RFa
neuronal activity is temporally correlated with
both evoked and spontaneous margin folding, and is spatially localized at the site of each
folding event (Figure 4K).
The observation of local ensembles of synchronously active RFa
neurons raised the
question of whether these neurons activate each other, as well as the radial muscle, via
release of RFamide peptide. To address this question, we perfused RFamide during GCaMP
imaging. RFamide addition did not detectably activate RFa
neurons (Figure S3G). This
suggests that the peptide may not be used for excitatory, inter-RFa
but does not exclude the possibility that these neurons communicate via an unidentified
co-transmitter or peptide.
Functional subdivisions within the umbrellar RFamide network
To further examine the pattern of ensemble activity in the RFa
system (Figure 4J–K),
we performed whole umbrella imaging in animals that were well restrained in agarose
(Figure 5A; Figure S4A–B). These preparations revealed spatially localized ensembles of
neurons that exhibited repeated events of spontaneous, synchronous activity (Figure
5B–C; Figure S4B–C). These ensembles appeared as radially oriented, wedge-shaped
populations that stretched between the margin and the mouth (Figure 5B; Supplemental
Video 5), similar to the pattern observed in naturalistically behaving animals (Figure 4).
The radial organization of ensembles was obvious along the diagonal of a neuronal activity
correlation matrix in which neurons were sorted by their relative angular position (Figure
5D). However, the correlation pattern was not a series of sharply defined blocks, but rather
patches of variable size with diffuse borders, indicating variability in ensemble membership
across individual events.
Closer inspection of the correlation matrix revealed structure on multiple spatial scales, with
very high correlations between neighboring neurons, as well as weaker, distance-dependent
correlations (Figure 5D; Figure S4D–E). To identify core groups of highly correlated
neurons active during repeated events of spontaneous activity, we used k-means clustering.
This revealed striking spatial groupings that roughly tiled the animal (Figure 5E). However,
ensemble membership between individual events was flexible, and many events were not
restricted to single k-means clusters (Figure 5F). This variability suggests that active
ensembles are not defined exclusively by deterministic connectivity rules (see below).
We next asked whether inter-episodic variability in ensemble membership reflected the
flexible recruitment of cells from neighboring clusters. We first plotted the activity of
individual neurons across multiple spontaneous events, grouping neurons by k-means cluster
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membership and sorting clusters by their relative radial positions (Figure 5G). We then
simplified the results by graphing which
were active during each event, not which
were active (compare Figure 5G to 5H). Next, we asked how much of the observed
activity could be explained by ensembles comprising single vs. multiple clusters.
Restricting ensembles to members of single k-means clusters explained much, but not
all, of the observed activity over time (F1 score: ~0.66, Figure 5I, violet bar). However,
allowing ensembles to flexibly incorporate multiple clusters better explained the observed
activity (F1 score: ~0.82, Figure 5H–I). Spontaneous events restricted to single clusters
were only slightly more frequent than those incorporating an additional cluster(s) (Figure
5J). Neighboring clusters were most often co-active (Figure 5K), although not all members
of such clusters participated in each event (Figure 5F–G). Thus, inter-episodic variation in
ensemble membership (Figure 5L) is best explained by a flexible incorporation of neurons
from adjacent clusters into ensembles initiated by a “core” k-means cluster.
Because k-means forces neurons into single clusters, as an alternative way to
capture flexibility in inter-episodic ensemble membership, we used Non-negative Matrix
Factorization (NMF) followed by Independent Components Analysis (ICA) (
Santos et al., 2013
See et al., 2018
) to cluster active cells. In this method, individual
neurons can be members of more than one cluster. Among neurons assigned to NMF-ICA
clusters, the majority participated in only a single cluster (~89%), with fewer participating in
2 (~10%) or 3 clusters (<1%; n=489 neurons from 4 animals; Figure S4F–G). Thus, whether
cluster membership is defined rigidly (k-means) or more flexibly (NMF/ICA), clusters
emerge as principle units of spontaneous RFa
network activity, with episodic variability in
ensemble membership reflecting fluctuations in nearest-neighbor recruitment (Figure 5F).
A close examination of umbrellar anatomy did not any reveal identifiable structural
correlates on the scale of these subassemblies (Figure S4H–J), and no obvious structure
was evident in the mCherry channel (Figure S4K). Therefore, the spontaneously active
ensembles within the RFa
nerve net appear to be anatomically cryptic, at least at the level
of light microscopy.
Ring neurons act upstream of subjacent net neurons
Spontaneous activity in the nerve rings encircling the umbrella also showed spatial
clustering. Ring clusters were highly correlated with subjacent nerve net clusters (Figure
5M–N; Figure S4L–N). These observations suggested a possible flow of information
between the RFa
neurons in the nerve rings and net. We therefore examined the
directionality of this flow. Nerve net activation always had a nerve ring correlate, but
ring activity did not always coincide with a net event (Figure S5B). Correlated ring
activity was initiated prior to net activity during spontaneous events (Figure 5O; Figure
S5C). Furthermore, neurons in excised fragments of the ring responded to shrimp extract,
but neurons in net fragments only responded if the margin was attached (Figure S5D),
suggesting a dependence of net neurons on ring neurons for evoked activity. Consistent
with this, excising the margin (containing the rings, Figure 1E) eliminated evoked folding
behavior in the remaining umbrellar tissue (Figure S5A). Histology suggested that processes
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from ring and net neurons were intermingled at the margin (Figure S5E). Attempts to map
process origin by focal dye labeling were unsuccessful.
We further examined information flow by generating transverse incisions in the subumbrella
and monitoring whether spontaneous nerve net activity could be observed on the ring
(peripheral) side of the wound, the mouth (central) side, or both (Figure 5P). We observed
spontaneous activity peripheral but not central to the incisions (Figure 5P, Supplemental
Video 6). Thus, information flows from the rings into the nerve net, where it continues
centripetally towards the mouth (Figure 5Q).
The foregoing data suggested that radial umbrellar fragments containing tentacles, the mouth
and RFa
neurons in both the nerve rings and the net might perform food-passing behavior
autonomously. Indeed, such isolated wedge-shaped sectors were able to pass shrimp from
the margin to the mouth (Figure S5F; Supplemental Video 7).
Spontaneous and stimulus-evoked RFa
ensemble activity exhibits similar patterns
The foregoing analysis raised the question of whether stimulus-evoked ensembles can
emerge at arbitrary locations in the RFa
subnetwork, or whether they are spatially
constrained by the clusters revealed in our analysis of spontaneous events. To distinguish
these alternatives, we quantitatively compared spontaneous to evoked ensemble activity in
the same animal (Figure 6A–C; S5G–H), using the subspace alignment metric (
Elsayed et
al., 2016
Yoo and Hayden, 2020
). This metric tests the variance in evoked activity epochs
explained by the principal components of spontaneous epochs.
We observed high subspace alignment between spontaneous and evoked epochs (85 ±
1.21%, mean ± SEM, Figure 6D), which was similar to the alignment between two sets
of spontaneous epochs (83 ± 4%, mean+/−SEM) and was significantly different from
the alignment between randomly generated subspaces (Figure 6E; p=0.0079). These high
alignment indices suggest that evoked ensemble structure may be constrained by an intrinsic
pre-pattern exhibited during spontaneous episodes.
As an independent method for comparing spontaneous to evoked ensembles, we trained
generalized linear models (GLMs) to predict the activity of each imaged neuron using the
weighted activity of all other imaged neurons (
Efron et al., 2004
Mishchenko et al., 2011
Pillow et al., 2008
). GLMs trained and tested on spontaneous activity recapitulated the
activity of a given cell with high accuracy (83 ± 1.3% mean ± SEM; Figure 6F). More
importantly, GLMs trained on spontaneous activity and tested on stimulus-evoked neural
activity exhibited similarly high accuracy (80 ± 1.4% mean ± SEM, Figure 6F; Figure S5I).
These results further argue that spontaneous and evoked RFa
ensembles share common
structural constraints.
Modeling supports a partially structured nerve net organization
To examine possible circuit implementations of observed ensemble activity, we undertook
a modeling approach. We constructed a series of spiking neural network models, each of
which incorporated different assumptions about underlying connectivity (Figure 7A–D).
At one extreme, we assumed that connectivity strength between a given RFa
neuron and
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its neighbors declined continuously as a function of their angular distance (“continuous”;
Figure 7B). At the opposite extreme, we assumed all neurons were hard-wired into non
interacting subnetworks, with each neuron connected to all other members of its subnetwork
with equal strength (“structured”; Figure 7C). Finally, we generated hybrid models using
weighted combinations of “continuous” vs. “structured” connectivity (Figure 7D). For each
type of model, we tuned both the strength, and angular extent of, network connectivity to
best fit two observed statistics: the circumferential width of each spontaneous event, and the
percent of neurons recruited per event (see Methods; Figure S6A–E).
The best fit to the data was achieved using hybrid models combining both continuous
and structured connectivity (Figure 7D; Figure S6C–D). A model using only discontinuous
structures had the lowest performance (Figure 7C); some degree of continuous connectivity
was essential for the model to exhibit inter-episodic flexibility in event boundaries, as
observed experimentally. The relative contribution of structured vs. continuous connectivity
did not strongly effect performance, as long as structured connectivity was present (Figure
S6C–D). In all best-fit models, continuous connectivity was sparse and local, with each
neuron only forming synapses with a small number of its nearest neighbors (Figure S6C–E).
These findings support a model in which flexible ensembles are generated by combining
“core” networks with continuously graded, local connectivity.
The foregoing model assumes that local connectivity between net neurons, as well as input
from ring neurons, accounts for the synchronous activity of ensemble members. To evaluate
the relative contributions of ring
net vs net
net connectivity to this synchronicity, we first
trained GLMs using recordings that included both ring and net neurons (Figure 5). These
GLMs performed with high accuracy (76 ± 1.2% mean ± SEM; Figure S7A). Matrices
of fitted GLM weights between RFa
neurons, i.e. inferences of connection strengths
Mishchenko et al., 2011
), revealed that the GLMs used only sparse, local weights (Figure
7E–F), which was not due to GLM regularization (Figure S7B). This pattern of sparse
connectivity was similar to our best fit network models (Figure S6C
To determine whether synchronous firing in the umbrellar net ensembles could be explained
purely by coordinated ring
net input, we digitally “ablated” intra-umbrellar network
connectivity from our GLMs, either after or before training but prior to testing (Figure
S7C–F). These “ablated” GLMs performed significantly less well than the “intact” GLMs
(Ablated, 54 ± 2%; Intact, 82 ± 0.6%; Figure S7G–J). These results strengthen the idea that
sparse local net
net connectivity contributes to the synchronicity of ensemble activity.
Finally, we examined the relationship between GLM weights (connection strength), and
the angle of connections relative to the mouth. Interestingly, both ring
net and net
connectivity was primarily oriented radially, whereas ring
ring connectivity was primarily
horizontally/circumferentially (Figure 7G; net-net vs ring-ring, p = 3.5e–70; ring-net vs
ring-ring, p = 5.7e–15; net-net vs ring-net, p = 0.8). This suggests that the radial and
circumferential extent of ensembles may reflect intrinsic synaptic biases within the net and
ring RFa
subnetworks, respectively.
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Here we introduce the jellyfish
Clytia hemisph
aerica as a model for systems neuroscience.
combines optical accessibility and genetic tractability with a varied behavioral
repertoire. We report germline transgenesis in this organism and a systems-level
interrogation of neural activity.
offers opportunities to study neural development,
function, evolution, and behavior in an organism that provides a window into the first
nervous systems on the planet.
A jellyfish model for neuroscience
Among cnidarian genetic models,
is complementary in several respects. First and
has a medusa stage, while the others (e.g
are polyps (
Bosch et
al., 2017
). Understanding the particulars of jellyfish behavioral control is relevant to their
growing ecological and economic importance. Second, the medusa stage offers a relatively
rich behavioral repertoire in comparison to polyps (e.g.
Costello et al., 2021
). Finally,
affords several advantages over
as a genetically tractable model. It allows
routine generation of F
lines, whereas in
only F
transgenics have been used for
neural imaging (
Dupre and Yuste, 2017
). Furthermore,
husbandry permits inter-strain
genetic crosses, which are currently difficult to achieve in
Klimovich et al., 2019
Finally, transgenesis is more easily scaled up in
, where thousands of unfertilized eggs
can be generated for injection daily. In contrast, the
lifecycle limits the availability of
embryos (Figure S1H;
Klimovich et al., 2019
Imaging results in
provide an interesting contrast to those obtained in
Dupre and Yuste, 2017
). The
neural net is divided into several functionally
distinct subnetworks, whose activity is correlated with different types of polyp movement
(contraction, extension, bending) (
Dupre and Yuste 2017
). These subnetworks are not
spatially separated, but overlapping. As in
, the
umbrellar neural net comprises
multiple subnetworks, including the RFa
subnetwork. In contrast to
, however, this
subnetwork is further parcellated into functional subassemblies (Figure 7H). These spatially
distinct subassemblies therefore indicate a higher order of neural structural organization in
than in
(Figure 7J). Further comparisons between
, and other
cnidarian model organisms should provide important insights into neural network evolution
Bosch et al., 2017
Decentralized, modular neural control of organismal behavior
A striking feature of
behavior is its extreme functional modularity: for example, an
isolated mouth can ingest food, and margin folding can occur in a “mouth-less” umbrella.
Nevertheless, in intact jellyfish the mouth points towards the infolding margin during food
transfer, revealing coordination between these modules. Such coordination is also observed
during food-passing in wedge-shaped strips of
umbrella containing the mouth (Figure
S5F). These data suggest that functionally autonomous behavioral modules (e.g., mouth,
umbrella) are combined to form coordinated “super-modules,” copies of which are arrayed
circumferentially around the umbrella. Such a mechanism accommodates the continuous
growth that jellyfish exhibit.
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If this hierarchical view is correct, coordinated behaviors in organisms lacking a central
brain may have emerged by duplication and modification of smaller autonomous modules to
form functionally interacting super-modules. How these interactions are achieved remains to
be determined. Over time, modification of super-modules might give rise to new structures
and organism-level behaviors. Such a nested modular organization could therefore be an
important substrate for the evolution of complex behaviors.
have a remarkable ability to regenerate and recover behaviorally following injury
Kamran et al., 2017
Sinigaglia et al., 2020
). They also continuously integrate new stem
cell-derived neurons into their nervous system as they grow, without disrupting organismal
behavior (
Chari et al., 2021
). The local network interactions and modular organization
that we have described may facilitate such continuous growth and repair.
affords a
genetically tractable model to investigate the dynamics of such regeneration in real time, a
process at the interface of neural development and systems-level function.
Limitations of the study
Our conclusions are largely based on analysis of spontaneous episodes of neural activity
in immobilized animals. These episodes likely correspond to spontaneous activity with
margin folding events observed in freely moving animals, since spontaneous activity without
folding was not seen. We cannot exclude that such “spontaneous” events are triggered by
microscopic exogenous stimuli, rather than endogenously generated. Furthermore, activity
in immobilized animals may exhibit subtle differences from that in freely moving jellyfish.
Our analyses relied on a finite number of spontaneous ensemble events (~100/animal);
significantly more events could change the observed correlation structure. Lastly, imaging
was performed in juvenile jellyfish: the functional organization described here may change
as the animal grows.
STAR Methods
Resource Availability
Lead Contact—
Requests for resources and reagents should be addressed to lead contact,
David J. Anderson (wuwei@caltech.edu).
Materials availability—
The plasmids and transgenic jellyfish generated in this study are
available upon request. Plasmids will also be deposited to Addgene.
Data and code availability
Source data reported in this paper will be shared by the lead contact upon
Code used for analyses in this paper will be shared by the lead contact upon
Any additional information required to reanalyze the data reported in this paper
is available from the lead contact upon request.
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Experimental model and subject details
Culture of the
life cycle was carried out in accordance with published protocols
Lechable et al., 2020
), with the exception of the culture tank design. Circulating systems
used here had the same overall flow design as in
Lechable et al., 2020
, but used
modifications of zebrafish tanks (Pentair) for animal housing. Polyp slides were held in
glass slide racks (Fisher, cat#02-912-615) in small tanks with high water flow. Jellyfish
were cultured in large-sized tanks with a curved plastic insert placed at the back of the tank
with a nylon mesh outlet at the bottom. A slow drip from the circulating system into these
tanks allowed for water turnover without risking sweeping the jellyfish through the outlet.
A constant speed 5rpm DC motor (Uxcell) attached to the lid of a multi-well tissue culture
plate was then used to create a constant circular current. A dimmer switch was used to tune
the rotation speed of the motor, with reduced speeds as the jellyfish grew. Jellyfish used
for transgenesis, and all polyps, were maintained in these circulating systems, while smaller
jellyfish were maintained in beakers. In beakers, current was generated using stirring with a
DC motor, as above. All artificial sea water for culture and experiments was made using Red
Sea Salts (Bulk Reef Supply, cat# 207077) diluted into building deionized water to 36ppt.
Unless otherwise indicated, behavior experiments were performed using sexually mature
animals of the Z4B strain of
, which are female. Transgenesis was performed by
crossing Z4B females to Z13 males. For generating experimental F
lines, NTR and GCaMP
lines were backcrossed to Z4B. A single F
polyp colony was then chosen to maintain
for each strain to control for genetic background. Clonal experimental animals were then
collected from these polyp colonies. Experiments and culture were performed at room
Method Details
For antibody staining,
were fixed for 2h at room temperature in 4% PFA
in 0.2um filtered artificial sea water (Red Sea Salts, Bulk Reef Supply, cat# 207077, diluted
into building deionized water to 36ppt). They were then washed 3x in PBS followed by
blocking for 1h in PBS with 0.1% Triton (PBST) and 10% normal donkey serum (NDS).
Animals were then incubated for 1–3 nights in primary antibody with 5% NDS in PBST at
4°. Primary antibodies used in this study were: anti-FMRF (Immunostar, cat# 20091), anti
Tyrosine Tubulin (Sigma cat# T9028–100UL), 647-conjugated anti-
Tubulin, clone DM1a
(Millipore Sigma cat# 05–829-AF647), and anti-
Tubulin (YL1/2; Thermofisher cat# MA1–
80017, Figure S5E). Following primary antibody incubation, one short (~5min) and then
3–4 long (~30min+) washes were performed in PBST, and then animals were transferred
into secondary antibodies and/or Phalloidin-488 (Thermo Fisher, cat# A12379) for 2h at
room temperature or overnight at 4°. Secondary antibodies: donkey anti-rabbit conjugated
to Alexa Fluor 647 or 488 (Jackson ImmunoResearch cat# 711-605-152 and Thermofisher
cat# A-21206), or donkey anti-mouse conjugated to Alexa Fluor 647 (Thermofisher cat#
A-31571). Animals were stained with DAPI (BD cat#564907) and mounted onto glass
slides for imaging. For staining shown in Figure 1F, animals were dehydrated stepwise
into methanol and then rehydrated prior to the blocking step. Quantification of overlap
related to images in Figure 2 was from at least 3 separate locations/each from at least 3
In situ
hybridization was carried out as described in (
Chari et al., 2021
), including
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the RFamide (pp5) probe, which was the same as the one used in that study. Imaging of
histological specimens was carried out using an Olympus FV3000 confocal. Multicolor
micrographs shown throughout are pseudocolored composites, with brightness and contrast
adjusted individually for clarity and aesthetics using ImageJ (NIH;
Schneider et al., 2012
To generate the Actin::mCherry plasmid used to establish transgenesis, codon
optimized mCherry cDNA was designed using COOL (
Yu et al., 2017
). The ACT2 promoter
was cloned from upstream of a non-muscle actin gene (XLOC_011689) using primers:
3’UTR used in all constructs was from a different actin gene (XLOC_021750)
and was amplified using primers: CCAACAGATGTGGATCTCCAAACA and
ACTGGAAGCCTGAGTTCCATCAAA. This was assembled into the pT2AL200R150G
backbone (
Urasaki et al., 2006
; licensed under MTA - N° K2010–008).
transgenesis constructs were based on the miniTol2 backbone,
a gift from Dr. Stephen Ekker (Addgene plasmid # 31829). To generate
RFamide::NTR-2A-mCherry, the RFamide (XLOC_019434) fragment was amplified
genomic DNA using the following primers, ATCCCCATCCGCCATCTTTG,
GTTGTGTTCTTTCTTGATTTGATGG, and inserted into the miniTol2 backbone using
In-Fusion Cloning (Takara). This miniTol2-RFamide backbone was then used to insert
different effectors, always using In-Fusion Cloning, following digestion with Spe1. To
generate RFamide
NTR-2A-mCherry and RFamide
GCaMP6s-2A-mCherry: epNTR was
amplified from the pCS2-epNTR plasmid, a gift from Dr. Harold Burgess (Addgene plasmid
# 62213); both GCaMP6s and the 2A peptide used in this paper was derived from AAV
hSyn1-GCaMP6s-P2A-nls-dTomato, a gift from Jonathan Ting (Addgene plasmid # 51084).
In order to establish and optimize transgenesis, we first used the actin
promoter (see Cloning), which we found to drive strong, widespread expression in planula
and in polyp tentacles. This enabled accurate estimates of efficiency during the critical early
life stages following injection (Figure S1H). Using Actin-mCherry to test strategies, we
established a protocol that now enables routine, efficient transgenesis, using microinjection
of Tol2 transposase protein together with circular plasmid DNA into unfertilized eggs.
Collection of eggs and sperm, and microinjection, was carried out as previously described
Momose et al., 2018
). Briefly,
medusa spawn ~2 hours after the onset of light.
In order to collect eggs and sperm, animals were transferred into either dishes (for the
females) or 6-well plates (for the males) within the first hour of light onset. After spawning,
eggs were immediately collected and injected with a mixture of 6.25ng/ul Tol2 transposase
protein and 10ng/ul plasmid DNA using a Femtojet (Eppendorf). Pulled glass capillaries
were used for microinjection (WPI, TW100F-4). Rather than use the ‘inject’ function on
the Femtojet, injections were carried out by puncturing eggs and allowing the backpressure
in the capillary to fill to the desired volume (~1/4–1/3 egg diameter). Tol2 protein was
produced by Creative Biomart using a plasmid generously provided by Dr. Stephen Ekker
Ni et al., 2016
). Protein was then stored at −80 as 5ul aliquots and thawed directly prior to
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Immediately following injection – and within an hour of spawning (i.e. 3h after light
onset) – eggs were fertilized and allowed to develop overnight into planula larvae. They
were then transferred into a 12-well plate of artificial sea water containing penicillin/
streptomycin, which prevents early metamorphosis of the planulae into polyps. On the
second day following injection, we checked the expression of plasmids in the planulae under
a fluorescent microscope to ensure that they were capable of driving sufficient expression.
Importantly, at this stage expression is not dependent on integration. Planulae were then
induced to metamorphose into primary polyps onto glass slides (Ted Pella, cat #260439)
using a synthetic GLWamide neuropeptide (produced by Genscript; see
Lechable et al., 2020
for details on culturing across the life cycle).
Primary polyps were hand-fed mashed shrimp until they began to grow into a colony.
Mashed shrimp were generated by drawing brine shrimp into a 10ml syringe with a blunt
tipped needle attached and then expelling them while pressing the end of the needle against
the bottom of a small dish or beaker. Once colonies had 3 or more polyps, they were
screened for transgenic expression, with all but the most highly and broadly expressing
polyp colonies removed. These colonies were then allowed to grow until they began
releasing jellyfish. Jellyfish were then collected, raised to maturity, and backcrossed to
parental strains in order to generate stable F
colonies (see “Experimental Model...” section,
above). F
s were seeded sparsely on slides, and were screened for several criteria: strong
expression of the transgene, strong polyp colony growth and health, and the ability to release
healthy jellyfish that were able to reach maturity. F
colonies were maintained as single
clonal colonies per slide, and once the best colony was identified, the rest were thrown away
and that colony was expanded. This allows for the same genetic background to be used
across experiments, as these colonies then release clonal experimental jellyfish as needed.
Behavioral analysis and NTR ablations
Most behavioral analysis was carried out on videos acquired through an
Olympus stereoscope (SZX2). Videos were manually annotated using the BENTO analysis
suite (
Segalin et al., 2020
). The exceptions are videos
for tracking the major and minor axis (Figure 3F–I), and for NTR swimming controls
(Figure S2A–C), both of which used a white LED tracing pad as a backlight rather than
the stereoscope (Amazon ASIN# B01M26S3VY) and used automated rather than manual
tracking (see below). All videos were acquired using Flea3 or Grasshopper USB3 cameras
from FLIR, and the manufacturer’s acquisition software (FlyCapture).
Mouth pointing:
Mouth pointing shown in Figure 3B–C was assayed by pinning animals
to sylgard-coated plates (Dow Corning) using stainless steel minutien pins (Fine Science
Tools). This prevented the margin from getting close to the mouth during a folding event,
which would have the potential confound of causing directional mouth pointing by direct
sensory stimulation of the mouth. The subumbrella was then wounded only on the right side
of the animal to compare pointing in the intact (Figure 3B) versus the wounded (Figure 3C)
direction. Having the internal control of the wounded direction ruled out the possibility that
the mouth and margin were responding to a shared, directional sensory stimulus, or that
the folding of the margin itself was a directional sensory stimulus for the mouth (e.g. by
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creating fluid flow). Videos were acquired at 15fps, and mouth pointing events 30s before
and after a margin folding event were manually annotated using these videos. If the mouth
was leaning in one direction at the start of the epoch, that lean was treated as a baseline for
further pointing. All margin folding events were spontaneous (i.e. no stimuli were delivered)
to avoid possible shared, directional sensory stimulation of the margin and mouth.
Sensory stimuli.:
Shrimp extract used in all stimulation experiments was generated by
homogenizing brine shrimp using a syringe with a blunt tipped needle followed by filtration
through a 40μm cell strainer. Experiments used either this 40μm filtered extract, or extract
that was passed through an additional 0.2μm filter. Mechanical stimuli in Figure S2J was
delivered by gently touching the tentacles and margin using a glass Pasteur pipette. For
experiments in which shrimp extract was used to trigger behavior in freely moving animals,
animals were transferred into 6-well plates and 20ul of 40μm filtered shrimp extract was
added to the well.
Directional folding and ablation experiments:
Directional folding and ablation
experiments shown in Figure 3: animals were pinned to sylgard plates, as described above
for mouth pointing experiments. ~5ul of 0.2μm filtered shrimp extract was then pipetted
directly onto either the top, bottom, left, or right portion of the margin. The timing of
margin folding events from all quadrants, and the locations of sensory stimulation, were
then manually annotated and compared. For physical ablation experiments, body parts were
cut off using spring scissors (Fine Science Tools) or, to remove the mouth, by creating
hole-punches using a blunt-tipped needle.
Automated behavior tracking:
Automated behavior tracking of the major and minor axes,
shown in Figure 3, was performed using custom Matlab (Mathworks) software. Briefly,
following background subtraction, a convex hull was found around the dark pixels using
the “regionprops” function, and the major and minor axes of the hull were extracted. To
achieve high quality tracking, tentacles were trimmed and jellyfish were pinned to sylgard
coated plates (Dow Corning) using a single stainless steel minutien pin (Fine Science Tools)
through the mouth. This maintained their orientation relative to the camera. To behaviorally
distinguish swimming from spontaneous margin-folding, we created binary classifiers
using the length of the major and minor axes of jellyfish and the ratio between these
measurements. Support vector machines (SVMs) with linear kernels were trained using
these three features on equal samples of video frames where animals were either swimming
or performing spontaneous margin-folding behavior, using cross-validation from data across
animals. Classifier performance is reported as the average model accuracy across validation
folds. Chance level performance was obtained by shuffling the identities of swimming and
margin-folding behavioral frames before forming the same analysis. To assess the similarity
between different forms of margin-folding, we tested the performance of SVMs trained to
distinguish swimming vs. spontaneous margin-folding on margin-folding triggered by either
shrimp extract or live shrimp (vs. swimming), using the same features of tracking data.
Comparison of fed to starved and spawning animals:
Comparison of fed to starved and
spawning animals shown in Figure 3. Jellyfish were split into two cohorts in the morning
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and one cohort was fed
ad libitum
during the day while the other was not (~24h starvation).
Animals were then split into the wells of 6 well plates and passing times individually tested
by manually placing shrimp in their tentacles. For comparison of animals during versus after
spawning, jellyfish spawn ~2h after the onset of light. Mature medusa were recorded from
~1h50min-2h after light onset, and the number of spontaneous folding events was manually
quantified. Egg release could be observed in each of the experimental animals.
Passing of multiple shrimp,:
Passing of multiple shrimp, shown in Figure S2L: animals
were fed many shrimp simultaneously such that most tentacles captured a shrimp nearly
simultaneously. The time and direction of folding onset was then manually recorded for
each, distinct shrimp passing event until most shrimp had been passed. A behavior-triggered
average was then performed for each folding direction versus folding from any other region.
These comparisons were then combined across folding directions.
NTR ablations:
animals were incubated overnight in 10mM Metronidazole (Fisher, cat#
Curado et al., 2008
). The following morning, animals were washed several
times in clean artificial sea water and behavioral testing was performed on the same day. For
crumpling behavior, the subumbrella was gently poked with a glass pipette and crumpling
duration was manually quantified. For control experiments shown in Figure S2, automated
behavior tracking was performed as above, with the centroid of the convex hull used to
calculate location, velocity, and turning angle.
The RFamide peptide:
The RFamide peptide (QWLNGRF-amide) and scrambled-sequence
control (FRGNLWQ-amide) used in Figure S2 and S3 were synthesized by Genscript and
bath applied to a final concentration of 100um, or injected at 100um.
GCaMP imaging acquisition, processing, and data analysis—
For highly
restrained imaging experiments, ~4mm
medusa were embedded in agarose, as
follows. 3–4%, Type VII-A, low-melting point agarose (Sigma cat# A0701–25G) was
first made in artificial sea water, with particular care to avoid evaporation. Agarose was
then aliquoted and kept in a heat block set at 50-degrees until ready to use in screw-top
tubes. Single tubes were then removed from the heat block and vortexed occasionally until
reaching nearly room temperature. Medusa were then added into the tube, gently mixed,
and rapidly transferred to a glass-bottomed dish (Ted Pella, 14036–20). They were then
quickly spread out to make them as planar as possible before being briefly touched to a cold
object to rapidly cool and harden the agarose. Agarose was then covered with a thin layer of
mineral oil (Sigma M5310–1L) to avoid evaporation during imaging experiments. Following
agarose embedding we observed a spectrum of animal restraint. This could be controlled,
to a degree, by the extent of mixing of the jellyfish in the agarose prior to transferring
to a glass bottom dish. The most well restrained animals were chosen for the analyses
shown in Figure 5. Experiments in which both behavior and GCaMP traces could be
analyzed, shown in Figure 4, were from animals in which agarose embedding was performed
but significant freedom of movement was still visible. Having acquired videos, we then
retrospectively chose animals that had the highest possible movement while still allowing
extraction of traces by circling ROIs (see below). There was consistently a relatively small
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portion of the animal in the field of view in these experiments. For imaging experiments in
naturalistically behaving jellyfish, animals were placed into a glass depression slide, and a
coverslip was gently placed on top, using small amounts of Vaseline applied to each corner
of the coverslip as a spacer. The coverslip was then gently pressed down to create a small
chamber in which the jellyfish could still perform behaviors. Since the curvature of the
jellyfish in the preparation prevented the entire animal from being in focus, the nerve net
nearest to the mouth was focused on (rings and ring-adjacent net were out of focus and not
measured). Chambers of this type were also used for peptide application during GCaMP
imaging (Figure S3) and for application of shrimp extract to pieces of the ring or net (Figure
S5D). In those experiments, flow-through was achieved using a Kimwipe (Kimberly-Clark
Professional) applied to the edge of the coverslip.
Video acquisition and calcium trace extraction.:
GCaMP imaging experiments always
had synchronous acquisition of the red and green channels. This was achieved using an
Olympus BX51WI microscope with two Photometrics Prime95B cameras connected using
a W-View Gemini-2 Optical Splitter from Hamamatsu. Acquisition was controlled with
Olympus Cellsens software. Images were acquired with downsampling during acquisition
(to 600×600 pixels) and then further processed using ImageJ software, as follows (NIH;
Schneider et al., 2012
). First, images were re-sized to 400×400 pixels. An average Z
projection was then performed, and each frame in the video stack was divided by this
projection to generate a normalized intensity over time for each pixel. If needed, a spatial
filter was applied using ImageJ’s Bandpass Filter function to remove spatial light artifacts,
e.g., from movement of the mouth, with custom parameters tuned to each video. Regions
of Interest (ROIs) were then circled using the ImageJ ROI Manager, and the average pixel
intensity within, and location of, these ROIs was then exported for further processing
using Matlab (Mathworks). Signal from both the red and green channels were acquired
simultaneously using two cameras in all experiments. We then could use the same ROIs as
were used to extract GCaMP traces to extract fluorescence over time from the red channel
to ensure that our downstream analyses are not the result of imaging or motion artifacts.
Running the same analysis pipeline on traces extracted from the red channel did not result in
correlated activity structure, shown in Supplemental Figure 4K. Red channel traces were not
directly used for normalization of the GCaMP traces.
Spike inference and population activity metrics.:
The raw traces, behavior-triggered
averages, and behavior classifiers shown in Figure 4, and the relationship between ring and
net neurons shown in Figure 5O, were computed using smoothed and z-scored GCaMP
traces. For event-based analyses in Figures 5–6, and for computing correlation between
neurons (where long-timescale GCaMP fluorescence changes affect results), we instead
inferred peak times of neuronal events, and performed analyses on these inferred peaks to
remove the effects of underlying noise or drift in the raw trace. Peaks were detected in one
of two ways: either using Matlab’s “findpeaks” function or using spike inference from the
CNMF_E software package (
Zhou et al., 2018
) with parameters manually adjusted for each
trace, and inferred events manually validated. Following spike detection, the first spike in
a bout of inferred spikes was used as the timing of the activity. For computing correlation
between neurons, events were smoothed by sequential convolution with box filters of width
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3-seconds and 1.5-seconds. A value of “1” was then added back in at the time of the inferred
Detecting swimming events using optical flow.:
Optical flow analysis shown in Figure S3
was performed using the Horn-Schunck method (Matlab function opticalFlowHS, default
parameters) applied to cropped video frames of the nerve ring in the red channel. For Figure
S3, we trained a classifier to distinguish video frames of manually annotated behaviors
from all other frames in a trial, where input to the classifier was the mean orientation and
magnitude of the optic flow vectors for each frame. We used a binary boosted decision
tree classifier, trained using the LogitBoost algorithm with cross-validation. Classifier
performance is reported as the average model accuracy across validation folds for each
Predicting behavioral events from population activity.:
Classifier analysis comparing
GCaMP to behavior was performed in Matlab. Given a set of GCaMP traces, we used the
first 1500 frames for training and held the remaining frames out for testing; this ranged
from 15%–36% of the data in the training set, depending on the length of the recording. We
trained a 3-way, Random Forest classifier with 60 bags, and used out-of-bag prediction to
distinguish between epochs of margin folding, swimming, and quiescence.
Analysis of margin folding events.:
For the loosely-restrained experiments in Figure 4,
and imaging-with-stimulation experiments shown in Figure S5, neurons that responded to
the stimulus and body shape were manually annotated using the ImageJ ROI Manager, and
Adobe Illustrator, by comparing the fluorescence intensity of neurons on a frame before
initiation of a folding event to a frame during the folding event (Figure 4I; Figure S3H). To
generate a polar histogram of margin folding directions (Figure 4), we defined the folding
axis as the line between the mouth and the center of the inward fold, and calculated the
angular position of active neurons relative to this axis.
Reconstructing population events using k-means clusters.:
In Figure 5, we asked what
fraction of variance in spontaneous neural activity could be explained by activation of a
small, fixed number of neural ensembles. First, we defined a population event as more
than 2 neurons being active (using the single frame of peak detection, described above)
within a 2-second window, and generated a matrix of neuronal participation in all observed
ensembles for each animal. To identify a set of fixed neural ensembles, we performed
k-means clustering on this matrix; we tested a range of values of k, and used the silhouette
metric to pick the value of k that best captured the observed data. For each animal, we
then generated a set of all possible combinations of up to 4 ensembles being coactive.
For each observed event from that animal, we found the generated pattern of k-means
cluster activation that minimized the Hamming distance between the observed activation and
the cluster-based activation. This yielded a new matrix of events recreated using k-means
clusters (shown in Figure 5H), which was compared to the observed events matrix to
generate the F1 scores in Figure 5I.
NMF/ICA detection of cell ensembles.:
While k-means clustering requires each cell to
only be counted as a member of a single ensemble, we also wanted to visualize predicted
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