Atmos. Chem. Phys., 16, 9349–9359, 2016
© Author(s) 2016. CC Attribution 3.0 License.
Speciation of OH reactivity above the canopy of an
isoprene-dominated forest
J. Kaiser
, K. M. Skog
, K. Baumann
, S. B. Bertman
, S. B. Brown
, W. H. Brune
, J. D. Crounse
J. A. de Gouw
, E. S. Edgerton
, P. A. Feiner
, A. H. Goldstein
, A. Koss
, P. K. Misztal
, T. B. Nguyen
K. F. Olson
, J. M. St. Clair
, A. P. Teng
, S. Toma
, P. O. Wennberg
, R. J. Wild
, L. Zhang
, and
F. N. Keutsch
Department of Chemistry, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI, USA
Atmospheric Research & Analysis Inc, Cary, NC, USA
Department of Chemistry, Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, MI, USA
Chemical Sciences Division, NOAA Earth System Research Laboratory, Boulder, CO, USA
Department of Chemistry, University of Colorado, Boulder, CO, USA
Department of Meteorology, Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA, USA
Division of Geological and Planetary Sciences, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA, USA
Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences, University of Colorado Boulder, Boulder, CO, USA
Department of Environmental Science, Policy, and Management, University of California, Berkeley, CA, USA
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of California, Berkeley, CA, USA
Division of Engineering and Applied Science, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA, USA
School of Engineering and Applied Sciences and Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology, Harvard University,
Cambridge, MA, USA
now at: School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, USA
now at: Joint Center for Earth Systems Technology, University of Maryland Baltimore County, Baltimore, MD, USA
now at: Atmospheric Chemistry and Dynamics Laboratory, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD, USA
Correspondence to:
J. Kaiser (
Received: 11 December 2015 – Published in Atmos. Chem. Phys. Discuss.: 18 January 2016
Revised: 12 July 2016 – Accepted: 12 July 2016 – Published: 28 July 2016
Measurements of OH reactivity, the inverse life-
time of the OH radical, can provide a top–down estimate
of the total amount of reactive carbon in an air mass. Us-
ing a comprehensive measurement suite, we examine the
measured and modeled OH reactivity above an isoprene-
dominated forest in the southeast United States during the
2013 Southern Oxidant and Aerosol Study (SOAS) field
campaign. Measured and modeled species account for the
vast majority of average daytime reactivity (80–95 %) and
a smaller portion of nighttime and early morning reactivity
(68–80 %). The largest contribution to total reactivity con-
sistently comes from primary biogenic emissions, with iso-
prene contributing
60 % in the afternoon, and
30–40 %
at night and monoterpenes contributing
15–25 % at night.
By comparing total reactivity to the reactivity stemming from
isoprene alone, we find that
20 % of the discrepancy is
temporally related to isoprene reactivity, and an additional
1 s
offset accounts for the remaining portion.
The model typically overestimates measured OVOC concen-
trations, indicating that unmeasured oxidation products are
unlikely to influence measured OH reactivity. Instead, we
suggest that unmeasured primary emissions may influence
the OH reactivity at this site.
1 Introduction
Biogenic emissions of volatile organic compounds (VOCs)
constitute the largest source of reactive carbon in the atmo-
sphere (Guenther et al., 2012). During the daytime, oxida-
Published by Copernicus Publications on behalf of the European Geosciences Union.
J. Kaiser et al.: Speciation of OH reactivity above the canopy
tion of VOCs by the OH radical can drive the formation of
secondary pollutants. Under high NO
tions, peroxy radicals (RO
generated from VOC oxidation
convert NO to NO
, which ultimately photolyzes to form
ozone. Additionally, oxidized VOCs (OVOCs) are typically
less volatile than their precursors and can contribute to the
formation of secondary organic aerosol (SOA). Therefore, it
is important to understand the total VOC
OH reaction rate
and the fate of the resultant OVOC to understand the forma-
tion of tropospheric ozone and SOA.
While measuring every VOC and oxidation product is not
feasible, measurement of OH reactivity (the loss rate of the
OH radical divided by the OH concentration) provides an al-
ternative to the bottom–up molecular approach (Kovacs and
Brune, 2001). The absolute value of OH reactivity can be
used to estimate the total amount of reactive carbon in an air
mass or the RO
production rate. The speciation of the reac-
tivity carries air-quality-relevant implications as SOA yield
is directly tied to molecular properties such as volatility, hy-
groscopicity, viscosity, and condensed-phase reactivity.
One half of the annual non-methane VOC emissions is in
the form of isoprene (C
, making it the dominant bio-
genic VOC globally (Guenther et al., 2012). Due to iso-
prene’s abundance and high reactivity, the chemistry of iso-
prene and its resulting oxidation products have been the focus
of numerous field studies. OH reactivity has been examined
in four isoprene-dominated forests, with some studies sug-
gesting missing primary emissions or missing OVOCs and
others finding good agreement between measurements and
In a deciduous forest in Northern Michigan, DiCarlo et
al. (2004) could account for only 50 % of the OH reactiv-
ity measured above the canopy in the summer of 2000. As
OVOCs calculated by a model did not significantly increase
calculated OH reactivity and as the missing reactivity fit a
terpenoid-like emission profile, unmeasured terpene emis-
sions were cited as a large source of reactive carbon in this
environment. However, later measurements of monoterpenes
and sesquiterpenes at this site suggested that only
20 % of
the missing reactivity could be attributed to these primary
VOCs (Kim et al., 2009). Additionally, Kim et al. (2011)
found that measurements and calculations of OH reactivity in
branch enclosures of isoprene-emitting trees at the same site
were in good agreement. Using measurements taken at this
site during 2009, Hansen et al. (2014) found that isoprene ac-
counted for 60–70 % of afternoon OH reactivity both within
and above the forest canopy. Because in-canopy OH reac-
tivity calculations and measurements were in good agree-
ment, the authors concluded that there are unlikely to be un-
measured primary VOCs at this site. However, above-canopy
comparisons show a large missing fraction of reactivity, sug-
gesting that unmeasured oxidation products may contribute
at longer processing times.
In a downy oaks forest in the Mediterranean southeast of
France, Zannoni et al. (2016) examined OH reactivity both
within and above the canopy. Measured and calculated OH
reactivity were in good agreement at both heights during the
daytime, with isoprene contributing 83 % within the canopy
and 74 % above the canopy. However, more than 50 % of
nighttime reactivity was missing on a subset of days. The au-
thors conclude that unmeasured, higher-generation isoprene
oxidation products account for part of the nighttime dis-
crepancy, alongside unmeasured OVOCs produced from the
ozonolysis of large, non-isoprene biogenic VOCs.
In a tropical rainforest in Borneo, unmeasured isoprene-
derived OVOCs were a more dominant contribution to the
observed reactivity than isoprene itself, at nearly 50 % (Ed-
wards et al., 2013). OH reactivity measured from a clearing
atop a hill surrounded by forest was significantly underesti-
mated by a model (
60 % at noon). The authors concluded
missing that primary emissions were unlikely to contribute
significantly to OH reactivity, and an underrepresentation of
secondary multifunctional OVOCs is a likely source of dis-
Finally, in the tropical rainforest of Suriname, in-canopy
OH reactivity measured could not be reached by summing
the contributions from measured isoprene, methyl-vinyl ke-
tone, methacrolein, acetone, and acetaldehyde. The authors
called for a more comprehensive measurement suite to in-
vestigate the large discrepancy (65%) (Sinha et al., 2008).
Each forest examined in these studies is composed of a
unique mixture of tree species, potentially leading to differ-
ent relative contributions of non-isoprene primary emissions.
Furthermore, different meteorological conditions and canopy
structures may lead to different processing times and resul-
tant contributions of isoprene-derived OVOCs. While these
differences may make the above studies difficult to gener-
alize, they all address an underlying question: are isoprene-
derived OVOCs a substantial source of missing reactive car-
bon? If so, after what degree of processing?
To assess the contribution of unmeasured oxidation prod-
ucts, ideally, one would explicitly model all isoprene OVOCs
and include modeled species in the summation. Additionally,
several OVOC measurements would be available to test the
reliability of model concentrations. This sort of analysis has
been performed in a chamber study of the oxidation of iso-
prene (Nölscher et al., 2014), but as initial concentrations of
reactants were orders of magnitude greater than those found
in the atmosphere, and as physical processes such as depo-
sition onto plant surfaces are not captured in chamber stud-
ies, chamber experiments may not capture the behavior of
OH reactivity observed in a forest. Of the above field studies,
several rely only on the concentration of measured species in
the calculation of OH reactivity (Sinha et al., 2008; Hansen
et al., 2014 (part 2 will include a modeling study); Zannoni
et al., 2016). While studies that employ model OVOC con-
centrations have a more complete representation of oxidation
products (DiCarlo et al., 2004; Edwards et al., 2013), neither
of these studies compare measured and modeled OVOC mix-
ing ratios. Additionally, as isoprene hydroxyl hydroperox-
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 16, 9349–9359, 2016
J. Kaiser et al.: Speciation of OH reactivity above the canopy
ide (ISOPOOH) and isoprene hydroxy nitrate (ISOPN) stan-
dards have only recently become available (Rivera-Rios et
al., 2014; Lee et al., 2014), first-generation oxidation prod-
uct measurements are often incomplete.
With high isoprene emissions, the southeast United States
is an ideal location to reassess questions of missing OH re-
activity and speciation of observed reactivity. In addition
to measurements of OH reactivity, the 2013 Southern Oxi-
dant and Aerosol Study (SOAS) field campaign provides a
comprehensive suite of VOC and OVOC measurements, en-
abling a more constrained analysis of the contribution from
isoprene-derived OVOCs than previously available. This in-
cludes first-generation isoprene oxidation products for both
low-NO and high-NO oxidation, such as ISOPOOH, ISOPN,
isoprene hydroperoxy aldehydes (HPALD), and the sum of
methyl-vinyl ketone (MVK) and methacrolein (MACR), as
well as several smaller oxidation products. Furthermore, dry-
deposition rates of isoprene’s OVOCs are measured and pa-
rameterized for this site (Nguyen et al., 2015), enabling us
to reduce some of the uncertainty related to physical losses
of carbon. Speciated and total monoterpene measurements
provide additional insight into reactive carbon not stemming
from isoprene.
Using a 0-D box model, we investigate the sources of
reactive carbon and compare the summation of calculated
species with measured OH reactivity. We then discuss our
findings in the context of previous studies and briefly dis-
cuss the air-quality-relevant implications. Further discussion
on the isoprene oxidation mechanism and product formation
can be found in Su et al. (2016) and Xiong et al. (2015), and
modeled OH and HO
are discussed more fully in Feiner et
al. (2016).
2 Methods
2.1 SOAS measurements
Measurements were performed from 1 June to 15 July at
the SouthEastern Aerosol Research and CHaracterization
(SEARCH) Centreville (CTR) site near Brent, Alabama,
as part of the 2013 SOAS field campaign (http://soas2013. CTR is a rural site surrounded by mixed
deciduous-evergreen forests, at times experiencing urban in-
fluence from Birmingham, Montgomery, or Tuscaloosa, AL.
The long-term and regional chemical tends observed at this
site have been discussed in detail elsewhere (Blanchard et
al., 2013; Hidy et al., 2014). We restrict our analysis to
the time frame of good instrumental overlap (11 June to
16 July 2013). All observations shown here are binned to
30 min time intervals. A discussion of missing data interpo-
lation can be found in the Supplement.
Table 1 summarizes the chemical measurements used in
this analysis and their related uncertainties. Most chemi-
cal measurements and solar radiation were acquired from a
walk-up tower with a height of
20 m, approximately 10 m
above the forest canopy. CO, gas chromatograph–electron
capture detector (GC-ECD) measurements, and meteorologi-
cal parameters (relative humidity, temperature, pressure, and
boundary layer height) were acquired from a nearby trailer.
Key measurements to this analysis are OH reactivity,
VOCs, and OVOCs. OH reactivity was measured by adding
OH to an airstream using a moveable wand and monitoring
the decay of the OH radical by laser-induced fluorescence
(Mao et al., 2009). The instrument zero (4.3 s
is deter-
mined by measuring the wall loss of the OH radical while us-
ing a clean carrier gas. The uncertainty in the zero is 0.5 s
with 2
confidence. The recycling of OH from HO
was corrected by taking into account measured HO
The accuracy of the instrument was verified using gasses
with well-known reaction rate coefficients (C
in the field,
and CO, propane, propene, and isoprene in the lab). Further
details about the operating procedures for the OH reactivity
instrument are described in Mao et al. (2009).
Most VOCs were measured by gas chromatography-mass
spectrometry (GC-MS), which provided 5 min samples ev-
ery 30 min (Gilman et al., 2010). Due to possible line losses
for oxygenated species in GC-MS measurements, proton-
transfer reaction time-of-flight mass spectrometry (PTR-
TOFMS, Ionicon Analytik model PTR-TOF 8000) measure-
ments are used for the sum of MVK and MACR (Jordan et
al., 2009). The PTR-TOFMS also provided measurements of
the total monoterpene mixing ratio. Unspeciated monoter-
penes are defined as the difference between the PTR-TOFMS
measurement of total monoterpenes and the sum of individ-
ual species measured by the GC-MS (
limonene, myrcene, and camphene).
Glycolaldehyde, ISOPOOH, and isoprene dihydroxy
epoxides (IEPOX) were measured by CF
quadrupole chemical ionization mass spectrometry (Paulot et
al., 2009; St. Clair et al., 2010, 2014). ISOPN, HPALD, the
sum of MVK and MACR nitrates (MACNO
hydroxyacetone, and peroxyacetic acid were measured
by chemical ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry
(Crounse et al., 2006; Lee et al., 2014). Formaldehyde
(HCHO) was measured by fiber-laser-induced fluorescence
(Hottle et al., 2008; DiGangi et al., 2011), and glyoxal was
measured by laser-induced phosphorescence (Huisman et al.,
2008). Additional speciated organic nitrates were measured
by a gas chromatography–electron-capture detector (Roberts
et al., 2002).
2.2 Model simulations
A 0-D box model analysis was performed using the Univer-
sity of Washington Chemical Box Model (UWCM) (Wolfe
and Thornton, 2011), incorporating the Master Chemical
Mechanism, MCM v3.2 (Jenkin et al., 1997; Saunders et
al., 2003; website:, updated
to include the isoprene alkyl radical-O
adduct equilibria
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 16, 9349–9359, 2016
J. Kaiser et al.: Speciation of OH reactivity above the canopy
Table 1.
SOAS measurements used in this study.
Reference or model number
OH laser-induced fluorescence
16 % (30 min)
Mao et al. (2009)
OH reactivity
10 % (30 s)
Tropospheric Airborne Chromato-
graph for Oxy-hydrocarbons
20 % (30 min)
Gilman et al. (2010)
Proton-transfer-reaction time-of
flight mass spectrometer
Total monoterpenes
20 % (1 min)
Jordan et al. (2009)
40 % (1 min)
triple quadrupole chemical
ionization mass spectrometry
100 ppt
70 %
(0.5 s)
St. Clair et al. (2010)
Fiber-laser-induced fluorescence
15 % (1 s)
Hottle et al. (2008); DiGangi et
al. (2011)
Madison laser-induced-
9 % (1 s)
Huisman et al. (2008)
Gas chromatograph–electron cap-
ture detector
20 % (20 min)
Roberts et al. (2002)
mass spectrometer
, H
ISOPN, Hydroxyacetone,
Peroxyacetic acid, HPALD,
100 ppt
30–50 %
(5 s)
Crounse et al. (2006)
Absorption of IR with gas filter cor-
7.4 % (5 min)
Thermo Scientific Model 48i-
Nitrogen oxides by cavity ring
3 % (1 min)
Fuchs et al. (2009); Wild et al.
8 % (1 min)
3 % (1 min)
All species listed are constrained when calculating OH reactivity.
Denotes species constrained when calculating both OH reactivity and OVOC mixing ratios.
Peroxyacetyl nitrate.
Peroxypropionyl nitrate.
Methacryloyl peroxynitrate.
(Peeters and Müller, 2010), isoprene peroxy radical isomer-
izations (Crounse et al., 2011; da Silva et al., 2010), re-
OH rate constant (St. Clair et al., 2015),
and HPALD photolysis and OH reaction rates (Wolfe et al.,
2012). Monoterpene reactions for species not included in the
MCM (i.e., myrcene, camphene, and unspeciated monoter-
penes) are described in Wolfe et al. (2011). At each time step,
photolysis rates are scaled according to the ratio of measured
radiation and the maximum observed radiation at that time of
Dry deposition is included for H
, organic hydroper-
oxides, nitrates, and the isoprene-derived epoxides (IEPOX).
Measured deposition velocities are used for H
and ISOPN. For other hydroperoxides and organic nitrates,
noontime deposition velocities are calculated according to
the relationship with mass shown by Nguyen et al. (2015).
Diurnal variability of deposition velocities are scaled ac-
cording to the measured variation for representative species
(ISOPOOH for peroxides, methacrolein nitrate for nitrates).
Dilution is assumed to occur with air with a concentration
of zero for all species. This dilution represents entrainment
with free tropospheric air and any decrease in concentrations
related to unrepresented deposition or advection processes.
A constant, empirically determined rate of 4 day
is used
in all analysis presented here, giving a 6 h lifetime with re-
spect to dilution. A sensitivity analysis of this dilution rate
is provided in Sect. 3.2. The model is initiated with a 2-day
spin-up period using diurnal averages of measured species to
account for the buildup of unmeasured intermediate species.
Two separate model configurations are used to examine
OH reactivity and OVOC concentrations. In all discussions
of modeled OH reactivity, OVOC concentrations are con-
strained to their measurements to ensure the most com-
plete representation of measured OH reaction partners. This
includes constraining ISOPN, ISOPOOH, MVK
, HPALD, and IEPOX by apply-
ing modeled isomeric distributions to measured concen-
trations. Due to the partial conversion of ISOPOOH to
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 16, 9349–9359, 2016
J. Kaiser et al.: Speciation of OH reactivity above the canopy
Figure 1.
Comparison of measured and modeled OH reactivity col-
ored by measured
-pinene concentrations. The solid line repre-
sents 1 : 1 agreement, and the dashed line (
36) rep-
resents the linear least squares fit weighted by uncertainty (York et
al., 2004; Thirumalai et al., 2011). The gray shaded area represents
the region with 28 % uncertainty of 1 : 1 agreement.
MACR in the PTR-TOFMS inlet (Rivera et al.,
2014), this represents an upper limit on MVK and MACR
measurements. However, because daytime ISOPOOH con-
centrations are a factor of
5 lower than MVK
and because the sensitivity to ISOPOOH is only
30 %
of that of MVK
MACR, the effect of ISOPOOH on
the MVK
MACR signal is expected to be negligible. It
should be noted that all species that react with OH are
included in the calculated reactivity, whereas species that
immediately regenerate OH as a reaction product (such as
OH) would not contribute to
measured OH reactivity. The average total contribution from
such species to calculated reactivity is small (0.6
0.3 s
The scenario for comparing modeled and measured OVOCs
is identical, except that OVOCs are not constrained. Because
OVOC concentrations are calculated in a separate model
scenario, any discrepancy between measured and modeled
OVOC concentrations does not translate to a discrepancy in
calculated reactivity.
In both model configurations, OH, NO, NO
, CO, O
, and all primary VOCs are constrained to their
measurements. Primary VOCs are defined as any species that
are likely to have a significant contribution from direct emis-
sions. This includes alkanes, alkenes, aromatic compounds,
and some oxygenated species (methanol, ethanol, acetone,
methyl-ethyl-ketone, acetaldehyde, biacetyl, propanal, hy-
droxyacetone, and formic acid). Table 1 provides a listing
of constraints for each model scenario.
Figure S5 in the Supplement provides model results for
OH), OH reactivity, and two first-generation
OVOCs given a variety of possible constraints on HO
OVOCs. The result essential to this analysis is that model
is in good agreement with measurements and has a min-
imal impact on calculated OH reactivity and model OVOC
concentrations. Our results are in agreement with Feiner et
Figure 2.
Diurnal profile of the discrepancy between measured and
modeled OH reactivity. Error bars represent 1
standard deviation
of diurnal variability. Points in the gray shaded area are within the
range of agreement considering combined measurement and model
uncertainty (
28 %).
al. (2016), which also employs a 0-D box model and the
MCM isoprene oxidation mechanism. Feiner et al. (2016)
provide a detailed discussion of the observed and modeled
radical budget, which is beyond the scope of this manuscript.
3 Results
3.1 Measured and modeled OH reactivity
Figure 1 shows a comparison between measured and mod-
eled OH reactivity for the constrained-OVOC scenario. Mod-
eled and measured values are well correlated (
with a slope of 0.80
0.02. The average missing reactiv-
ity for all measurement points is 16
18 %. An uncertainty
of 20 % is assigned to model reactivity based on the uncer-
tainty in isoprene, which comprises the majority of modeled
reactivity. Propagating measurement uncertainty (20 %) and
model uncertainty (20 %) yields at least 28 % uncertainty in
the missing fraction of OH reactivity. As both the slope and
average discrepancy agree with measurement within 28 %,
on average, we find no significant discrepancy between mod-
eled and measured OH reactivity. A subset of points that cor-
respond to high
-pinene concentrations fall outside of this
range. Most of these points occur early in the measurement
period, from 11 to 17 June. To investigate the sources of these
discrepancies, we examine both the diurnal variability and
composition of OH reactivity.
Figure 2 shows the diurnal variability of the missing por-
tion of reactivity. In the afternoon, the model typically cap-
90 % of OH reactivity. At night, the model typically
80 % of measured reactivity. Early morning dis-
crepancies show the largest average discrepancies, reaching
an average of 32 % missing reactivity at 07:00 LT.
The average diurnal speciation of observed reactivity is
shown in Fig. 3. Primary biogenic VOCs make up the largest
fraction of modeled OH reactivity throughout the entire day,
with isoprene contributing
60% in the afternoon and
40 % at night and monoterpenes contributing
15–25 % at
night. Oxygen-containing VOCs contribute less significantly
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 16, 9349–9359, 2016
J. Kaiser et al.: Speciation of OH reactivity above the canopy
Figure 3.
Diurnal profile of measured and modeled OH reactivity.
Error bars represent 1
standard deviation of diurnal variability.
at all time points (
20–28 %), and the largest individual con-
tributors are measured species such as HCHO (
3–4 %),
MVK, and MACR (
2–4 %). Unmeasured oxidation prod-
ucts contribute
6–10 % of total modeled reactivity and are
most prominent at night.
As discussed in Edwards et al. (2013), the increase in to-
tal reactivity with increase in isoprene is another useful pa-
rameter when considering OH reactivity speciation. In a plot
of total OH reactivity plotted against the contribution from
isoprene alone, the slope is related to the contribution from
short-lived isoprene-derived OVOCs and VOCs co-emitted
with isoprene. Figure 4 shows this relationship for measured
and modeled OH reactivity, still referring to the OVOC-
constrained scenario. Both observed and modeled OH reac-
tivity are tightly correlated with OH reactivity from isoprene
81). The difference between model (1.22
0.02) and
observed (1.44
0.02) slope is small but significant. This
amounts to 15 % of reactivity correlated with isoprene re-
activity not captured by measured species or modeled un-
measured oxidation products. The
intercept from measure-
ments (6.4
0.1 s
and model (5.4
0.1) also shows a
small but significant difference. This indicates a missing re-
activity of
1 s
that is temporally distinct from isoprene
3.2 Measured and modeled OVOCs
By investigating the model’s ability to capture measured
OVOC concentrations, we can assess the likely accuracy of
model predictions of unmeasured species. As the model is
constrained to measured OVOC concentrations when calcu-
lating model OH reactivity, the contribution of unmeasured
species to total reactivity will be different in these two sce-
narios. However, the evaluation of model performance can
be extended to the constrained-OVOC scenario.
Figure 5 shows the model’s prediction of several mea-
sured OVOC concentrations. Isoprene’s first-generation ox-
idation products MVK
HPALD are overpredicted in the afternoon. Though the un-
certainties in each of these measurements is large (40–70 %),
all model concentrations are much higher than measure-
ments. The model overestimates daytime HPALD observa-
tions by a factor of
6, ISOPOOH by a factor of
Figure 4.
Total measured and modeled OH reactivity as a function
of the OH reactivity calculated from isoprene alone. Lines repre-
sent least square linear fits weighted by uncertainty (York et al.,
2004; Thirumalai et al., 2011) for measured (solid) and model (red
dashed) OH reactivity.
and ISOPN by a factor of
3. This translates to an over-
prediction of IEPOX and MACNO
, which are
formed in the oxidation of ISOPOOH and ISOPN, respec-
tively. For MVK
MACR, the daytime overprediction is ap-
proximately a factor of 2. Daytime agreement for MPAN,
which is formed from MACR, is comparatively good. In
general, smaller oxidation products (i.e., glyoxal, glycolalde-
hyde, and HCHO) are less susceptible to overprediction.
In an investigation of isoprene photochemistry and turbu-
lent mixing during this campaign, the mixed layer chem-
ical model (MXLCH) predicts similarly high values for
ISOPOOH (1.5 ppb), MVK
MACR (3.0 ppb), and ISOPN
(80 ppt) in the convective mixed boundary layer (Su et al.,
2016). The MXLCH MVK
MACR mixing ratios are sub-
stantially higher than ground-based measurements but com-
parable to measurements from the Long-EZ research plane
flying at altitudes of 100–1000 m a.g.l.
Model OVOC concentrations are highly sensitive to the
assumed dilution scheme. This sensitivity is examined us-
ing three dilution scenarios: (1) applying an entrainment rate
calculated from measurements of boundary layer height
(BLH), (2) applying a dilution constant that scales accord-
ing to the ratio of observed BLH and maximum BLH, and
(3) using a constant dilution rate of either 2, 4, or 40 day
Calculated dilution rates are derived in the supplement and
shown in Fig. S1, and model results are shown in Figs. S2–
S3. As in the base scenario, measured VOCs are constrained
when calculating OH reactivity. The dilution rate of 4 day
used in the base scenarios is chosen based on the resultant
agreement with several measured species including HCHO,
glyoxal, glycolaldehyde, and PAN (Fig. S3). Further support
of this is the good agreement between measured and model
IEPOX when ISOPOOH is constrained using this rate con-
stant (Fig. S4).
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 16, 9349–9359, 2016
J. Kaiser et al.: Speciation of OH reactivity above the canopy
Figure 5.
Average measured and modeled diurnal profiles of isoprene,
-pinene, and several measured oxidation products. Error bars and
shaded area represent 1
standard deviation of diurnal variability. For each species, model results are not included for points where measure-
ments are missing.
In order for dilution alone to account for the low con-
centrations of first-generation oxidation products, extremely
high dilution rates would need to be incorporated. For
ISOPOOH, a constant rate of 40 day
, (roughly 5 times the
photochemical loss rate) would be needed. Most importantly,
when OVOCs are constrained, the assumed dilution scheme
has very little effect on the model OH reactivity (Fig. S2), as
measured species dominate total reactivity.
4 Discussion
While on average the model largely captures the absolute
value of OH reactivity at SOAS (Fig. 1), there are small but
significant differences (15 %) in the increase in total reac-
tivity and reactivity from isoprene alone (slope of Fig. 4).
While most measured species have uncertainties
15 %, it
is unlikely that all measured species are systematically low,
suggesting this discrepancy is likely the result of unmeasured
species. When given a constrained precursor, the model ei-
ther reproduces or overpredicts the resulting oxidation prod-
ucts (Figs. 5, S4). As isoprene and its oxidation products are
heavily constrained, we conclude that unmeasured primary
species co-emitted with isoprene (and those species’ oxida-
tion products) are the likely source of this small discrepancy.
As observed daytime isoprene concentrations increase
with temperature, the difference in slope also represents a
temperature-dependent daytime missing reactivity. The tem-
perature dependence observed at SOAS is greater than that
observed by DiCarlo et al. (2004) and the dependence of
monoterpene emissions, though it is important to note the
different range of temperatures included in each set of ob-
servations (Fig. 6). Emissions which depend both on tem-
perature and light are likely to have stronger net temperature
dependence, as temperature increases with increasing solar
radiation. Therefore, a portion of the total missing emissions
could likely be characterized by both a light and temperature
Furthermore, the model is missing
1 s
reactivity that
is temporally unrelated to the oxidation of isoprene and co-
emitted species (intercept of Fig. 4). This is consistent with
the diurnal variability of missing reactivity, with larger por-
tions occurring at night and in the early morning (Fig. 2).
Likely, missing nighttime reactivity is composed of a mix-
ture of unmeasured primary emissions, unmeasured oxida-
tion products, and long-lived unmeasured species mixed in
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 16, 9349–9359, 2016
J. Kaiser et al.: Speciation of OH reactivity above the canopy
Figure 6.
Daytime (10:00–16:00 LT) missing reactivity as a func-
tion of temperature and isoprene. Black squares represent 2
ages and standard deviations. All daytime points are fit according to
the function
. The temperature dependence
observed at SOAS (
30) is greater than that observed by Di-
Carlo et al. (2004) and the dependence of monoterpene emissions
from the residual layer. Xiong et al. (2015) show that 27 %
of the early morning increase in ISOPN results from down-
ward mixing from the residual layer during this campaign.
Similarly, there may be unmeasured OH reaction partners
stored in the nocturnal boundary layer that lead to an in-
crease in OH reactivity upon breakup of the inversion. Like
-pinene, anthropogenic VOCs such as toluene and benzene
are highest at night. However, these species were not unusu-
ally high during the 11–16 June period, which demonstrated
the highest missing reactivity, and therefore unmeasured an-
thropogenic VOCs are unlikely the major source of discrep-
ancy. Sesquiterpenes (C
are another class of VOC
which typically follow the emission patterns of monoter-
penes. The total sesquiterpene emission rate from broadleaf
trees is estimated to be
67 % of the emission rate of to-
tal monoterpenes in terms of total mass (Sakulyanontvit-
taya et al., 2008). Assuming a reaction rate with OH of
200 ppt of sesquiterpenes would provide
the 1 s
offset in reactivity temporally separated from iso-
Much like the previous work of Zannoni et al. (2016), we
find good daytime agreement between measured and mod-
eled reactivity above the forest canopy and that the majority
of reactivity can be attributed to primary emissions. Using
measurements of first- and later-generation OVOCs as a con-
straint on the amount of total unmeasured oxidation prod-
ucts, we find no evidence of substantial contributions of un-
measured OVOCs to above-canopy OH reactivity. This is in
contrast to studies of Edwards et al. (2013) and Hansen et
al. (2014), who showed that these species may contribute sig-
nificantly to OH reactivity directly above the forest canopy.
Varying amounts of intra-canopy oxidation are likely to re-
sult in these different conclusions, as secondary compounds
will quickly become more important than the primary iso-
prene emissions at higher altitudes or farther downwind of
the forest.
Based on measured OH concentrations, the measured con-
centrations of OVOCs suggest surprisingly little intra-canopy
oxidation of primary VOCs at this site. Furthermore, advec-
tion does not appear to bring in processed isoprene emis-
sions. Despite measuring
10 m above the forest canopy
in a relatively homogeneous area, OH reactivity is primarily
composed of measured primary species. Our model overpre-
dicts concentrations of isoprene’s first-generation oxidation
products by at least a factor of 2. If these species and other
OVOCs were not constrained by measurements, these over-
predictions would lead to problematic conclusions about the
speciation of reactivity. In the relationship of reactivity from
isoprene to total reactivity, the modeled slope (1.22
and measured slope (1.44
0.02) would show no discrep-
ancy. While the true observed missing contribution is small,
it highlights the contribution from primary species whose ox-
idation may be important downwind.
5 Conclusions
In summary, when VOCs and their oxidation products are
constrained to measured values, the discrepancies in the ab-
solute value of measured and modeled OH reactivity are
rarely significant at this site. Assuming that the RO
duction rate can be represented by the VOC portion of OH
reactivity (i.e., VOC
, this suggests that the
production rate from VOC oxidation is well captured by
both measured OH reactivity and measured OVOCs/VOCs.
Therefore, together with measurements of NO, both OH re-
activity measurements and speciated OVOC/VOC measure-
ments are well suited to characterize O
production rates at
this site.
Small but significant discrepancies in the observed and
calculated trend in OH reactivity with increasing isoprene
suggest missing sources of reactive carbon. The model fails
to capture a portion of reactivity that is temporally related
to isoprene, as well as a portion unrelated to local iso-
prene oxidation. As isoprene oxidation products are heav-
ily constrained and the model does not typically underesti-
mate OVOCs, we propose that missing primary emissions
and their oxidation products are likely candidates for both
sources of reactive carbon. While these missing emissions do
not lead to significant inconsistencies between measured and
modeled OH reactivity, at larger total emissions, the trend-
ing discrepancy may lead to larger missing fractions of OH
The speciation of this missing carbon source has air-
quality-relevant implications. For example, though monoter-
penes are much less abundant than isoprene, they can sub-
stantially effect SOA formation. Ayres et al. (2015) found
that organic nitrate aerosol from NO
monoterpenes is
a substantial contribution to observed particulate matter at
Atmos. Chem. Phys., 16, 9349–9359, 2016
J. Kaiser et al.: Speciation of OH reactivity above the canopy
this site, with an SOA molar yield of 23–44 %. In con-
trast, the comparable isoprene nitrate is primarily a gas-phase
product. Through positive matrix factorization analysis of
aerosol mass spectrometer measurements, Xu et al. (2015)
found that monoterpene
chemistry contributes 50 %
to total nighttime organic aerosol formation at this site,
whereas IEPOX-derived SOA constitutes 19–34 % total or-
ganic aerosol. Additionally, Su et al. (2016) cite aerosol up-
take and condensed-phase reactivity as a possible explana-
tion for the large discrepancy between observed and mod-
eled ISOPOOH at this site, which implies a large loss of
total carbon to the aerosol phase. While the magnitude of
OH reactivity is well captured, continued efforts in speciated
OVOC and VOC measurements are vital to fully understand
the SOA contribution from various primary emissions.
6 Data availability
The SOAS research data used in this publication are avail-
able at (2013, Southeast
Nexus, SOAS Centreville Site).
The Supplement related to this article is available online
at doi:10.5194/acp-16-9349-2016-supplement.
The authors would like to acknowledge
contribution from all members of the SOAS science team. Funding
was provided by US EPA “Science to Achieve Results (STAR)
program” Grant 83540601. A. H. Goldstein and P. K. Misztal
acknowledge support from EPA STAR Grant R835407. This
research has not been subjected to any EPA review and therefore
does not necessarily reflect the views of the Agency, and no official
endorsement should be inferred. Additional funding was provided
by NSF-grant AGS-1247421 and 1628530. J. Kaiser acknowledges
support from NASA Headquarters under the NASA Earth and
Space Science Fellowship Program – Grant NNX14AK97H.
Edited by: N. L. Ng
Reviewed by: two anonymous referees
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