of 12
A Fully-Integrated Quad-Band GSM/GPRS
CMOS Power Amplifier
Ichiro Aoki
, Member, IEEE
, Scott Kee
, Member, IEEE
, Rahul Magoon
, Member, IEEE
Roberto Aparicio
, Member, IEEE
, Florian Bohn
, Student Member, IEEE
, Jeff Zachan
, Member, IEEE
Geoff Hatcher, Donald McClymont, and Ali Hajimiri
, Member, IEEE
Concentric distributed active transformers (DAT) are
used to implement a fully-integrated quad-band power amplifier
(PA) in a standard 130 nm CMOS process. The DAT enables the
power amplifier to integrate the input and output matching net-
works on the same silicon die. The PA integrates on-chip closed-
loop power control and operates under supply voltages from 2.9 V
to 5.5 V in a standard micro-lead-frame package. It shows no os-
cillations, degradation, or failures for over 2000 hours of opera-
tion with a supply of 6 V at 135
C under a VSWR of 15:1 at
all phase angles and has also been tested for more than 2 mil-
lion device-hours (with ongoing reliability monitoring) without a
single failure under nominal operation conditions. It produces up
35 dBm of RF power with power-added efficiency of 51%.
Index Terms—
CMOSFET power amplifiers, CMOS RF, dis-
tributed active transformer (DAT), global system for mobile
communications (GSM), power control, reliability.
I. I
HERE is a strong drive toward handheld communica-
tion devices with fully integrated CMOS components.
Although there are obvious cost, size, and repeatability advan-
tages, implementing fully integrated power amplifiers with no
external matching in standard CMOS is particularly challenging
due to the large supply variations and harsh load mismatches
present in handheld devices. Such integration enables many
new opportunities for low-cost wireless solutions for a broad
range of applications with no need for individual fine tuning of
the blocks.
The power amplifier (PA) has been one of the last bastions
of exotic technologies in wireless systems. The perceived need
for exotic technologies fundamentally arises from the require-
ment of delivering RF power in excess of
30 dBm to a 50
load at a high operation frequency. This bottleneck requires a
peak-to-peak voltage swing in excess of 20 V at the nominal
load; potentially higher voltages can occur under certain
VSWR conditions. This usually leads the designer to using a de-
vice technology capable of handling such voltage swings and/or
providing impedance transformation means to lower the 50
nominal impedance to a lower value that requires a less severe
voltage swing.
Manuscript received April 12, 2008; revised June 19, 2008. Current version
published December 10, 2008.
I. Aoki and S. Kee are with AyDeeKay LLC, San Clemente, CA 92673 USA.
R. Magoon, R. Aparicio, J. Zachan, G. Hatcher, and D. McClymont are with
Axiom Microdevices Inc., Irvine, CA 92618 USA.
F. Bohn and A. Hajimiri are with the California Institute of Technology,
Pasadena, CA 91125 USA (e-mail: hajimiri@caltech.edu).
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/JSSC.2008.2004870
Process technologies providing fast, high-breakdown voltage
transistors for power amplifiers include GaAs HBT processes
[1]–[5], LDMOS processes [6], [7], SiGe HBT processes [8],
[9] or other customized processes [10], [11]. Despite superior
breakdown voltages compared to Si CMOS technologies for
similar RF performance, these approaches often also require
off-chip passive components (e.g., inductors and couplers). To
streamline the usage by hand-set manufacturers, these compo-
nents are typically included with the core amplifier IC on a
module, where the die is mounted on an organic or ceramic
substrate that typically contains the output matching network as
well, as depicted in Fig. 1(a). Despite the cost disadvantage and
diminished prospects for integration with the rest of the radio,
off-chip passive components and compound semiconductors are
used in the absence of any other viable alternative.
CMOS technology, on the other hand, has been recognized as
a desirable alternative [12]–[15], offering cost advantages and
prospects for integration with the rest of the radio. However,
the challenge of fully integrating the required output impedance
matching network is greatest in CMOS technologies as required
impedance transformation ratios are highest due to the lower de-
vice breakdown voltage resulting in comparably higher losses as
reactive currents in energy storing elements increase. This situa-
tion is exacerbated in CMOS by inductors of lower quality com-
pared with other technologies due to the increasingly highly-
doped, conductive substrates. Although watt-level CMOS PAs
have been reported in earlier works [12]–[14] dating back to the
late 1990s, those PAs as well as more recent research imple-
mentations (with the exception of the DAT concept [16]–[20])
require off-chip baluns [21], [22] to meet output power require-
ment alone or require bonding-wire inductors and large voltage
stresses across the transistors [23]. Therefore, fully integrated,
transformer-based CMOS PAs typically target standards with
lower output power requirements [24]. Other CMOS PA with
integrated output matching circuitry show much lower output
power levels [25], [26].
This paper will show how one can overcome the challenges
associated with the realization of a fully integrated commer-
cially viable CMOS PA at RF and microwave frequencies by
moving away from standard approaches without having to use
module technologies or exotic substrates. The techniques de-
veloped make it possible to have a fully-integrated CMOS PA
in a standard lead-frame package, as shown schematically in
Fig. 1(b). In Section II, we will review some of the dominant
breakdown mechanisms in CMOS. In Section III, we will elab-
orate on two main challenges posed by the low breakdown volt-
ages in MOS transistors. Section IV demonstrates how concen-
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Fig. 1. The module-based compound semiconductor PA versus fully-integrated CMOS PA.
tric DATs can be used to overcome both problems at the same
time. We will talk about power control and the input drive cir-
cuitry in VI and Section VII, respectively. Finally, we discuss
the final product and the measurement results in Section VIII.
Scaling of MOS transistors has been the primary enabling
technology behind the self-fulfilling prophecy of Moore’s law
[27]. Transistor scaling is ideally done by maintaining the same
electric field strength and profile inside the transistor, while the
physical dimensions of the MOSFET are scaled down [28], [29].
This results in an inevitable reduction in the maximum allow-
able voltages on the transistor [30]–[32], which is achieved by
migrating to smaller power supply voltages to avoid breakdown
and performance degradation.
Although digital circuits have coped well with this voltage
scaling, analog designers have faced additional hurdles in
dealing with scaling. As we will see in Section III, this poses
major challenges to use of conventional PA architectures in
CMOS, particularly in battery operated handheld units. In order
to devise reliable solutions to this problem we must gain a
better understanding of the nature of various breakdown and
stress-related degradation mechanisms in MOS transistors, as
discussed next:
A. Gate Oxide Breakdown
Gate oxide breakdown leads to a catastrophic failure in a
MOSFET, resulting in permanent damage to the gate oxide.
This failure is caused by tunneling current due to electric field
across the gate oxide, which can result in defects within the
oxide or at the silicon/oxide interface. The presence of these
defects typically results in increased current in the affected re-
gion, potentially leading to destructive runaway. Once this oc-
curs, the ruptured oxide can result in an ohmic connection be-
tween the gate and the underlying silicon. Considering that the
gate oxide is only a few atomic layers thick (e.g., 2 nm in 130 nm
CMOS process), it takes a relatively small voltage for such a cat-
astrophic gate oxide breakdown to occur.
Although it is often assumed due to the sudden onset of de-
struction that this breakdown occurs instantly at a predetermined
“breakdown voltage,” in fact the failure is a probabilistic event,
with increasing probability as voltage, stress time, or oxide area
are increased. Even ignoring any areal manufacturing variation
in oxide thickness/quality, each unit area of oxide has an in-
dependent probability of failure in a given stress level and du-
ration. Even so, due to the particularly strong dependence on
voltage (which affects both the number of damage-causing car-
riers and the energy of each carrier), there is only a narrow range
of voltage where the variation due to time and device area has
any practical impact, and designers can to first order assume that
the design is robust if the oxide voltage is kept sufficiently low.
The allowable gate-oxide voltage becomes smaller as the gate
oxide thickness is reduced in each process generation. The intro-
duction of other dielectric materials in the gate can alleviate this
problem, but the underlying trade-off between transconductance
(which increases with areal gate capacitance) and gate break-
down voltage remains a major challenge to non-digital circuits.
As can be seen in Fig. 2, the voltage at the bottom of the gate
oxide varies between the source and drain. As a result, the oxide
stress is a function of position. The highest stress areas occur at
the source and drain oxide edges and so from a design stand-
point, we must ensure that the gate-source and the gate-drain
voltages (
) never exceed pre-specified values,
B. Hot Carrier Degradation
Hot carrier degradation occurs when the carriers in
the channel accelerate in the electric field caused by the
drain-source voltage. In short channel devices, this field can be
extremely high, and so carriers can achieve a very large energy
before losing momentum to a collision with the crystal lattice.
Some of these “hot” charge carriers collide with the lattice
before arriving at the drain
with sufficient energy to result in
impact ionization, as illustrated in Fig. 3. This, in addition to
potential avalanche multiplication, can result in surface defects,
resulting in a reduced carrier mobility in the channel. This can
also result in trapped charge in the gate oxide or oxide/silicon in-
terface, shifting the local threshold voltage. Usually this damage
is occurring in the drain region where the electric field is very
high, causing the damage to manifest itself as an increase in
All these hot carriers eventually decelerate when they get to the drain, be-
cause the mean-free path is much smaller in the highly doped drain.
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et al.
Fig. 2. Gate oxide breakdown in a MOS transistor.
Fig. 3. Hot carrier degradation in a MOS transistor.
on-resistance and knee voltage, reducing the power amplifier
Unlike the gate oxide breakdown, the hot carrier degradation
is not intrinsically catastrophic. Instead, it can cause a gradual
degradation in the device performance over a period of time.
Although, the hot carrier degradation is caused by a different
mechanism than gate-oxide breakdown, the damage due to hot
carriers can result in increased rate of gate oxide damage.
For the hot carrier degradation to be noticeable, it is neces-
sary to have high drain-source voltage,
, and substantial
drain current,
, at the same time. Thus, from a circuit de-
sign perspective, the hot carrier degradation can be prevented
by avoiding channel current when drain voltage is high. This
happens ordinarily in a switching amplifier, where the high ef-
ficiency is achieved by having a small transistor voltage while
the transistor conducts current and vice versa, making switching
power amplifiers less prone to hot carrier degradation. However,
this can be a serious issue in a linear power amplifier.
C. Punch-Through
Under normal circumstances the drain-source current of a
MOS transistor flows close to the surface when a large enough
gate bias is applied to create a channel by inversion. In the
absence of a gate bias, very little current flows because the
drain-bulk and the source-bulk diodes are effectively connected
back-to-back with opposite polarities. As larger voltages are ap-
plied to the drain, the drain-bulk depletion region extends far-
ther to accommodate the electric potential drop. This depletion
region will eventually extend all the way to meet the depletion
region of the source-bulk junction, thereby diminishing the po-
tential barrier that stops the direct flow of current between the
drain and the source, as depicted in Fig. 4(a). This punch-though
process results in a current flow that can occur even in the ab-
sence of any significant gate bias (Fig. 4(b)).
In practice there is no need for the depletion regions to touch.
Even when they approach each other, the potential barrier height
drops, increasing current from one side to the other. Punch-
though is exacerbated by smaller channel length,
, and larger
. The significance of punch-through reduces rapidly with
Punch-through is not intrinsically destructive, although the
simultaneous occupance of high voltage and high current can
easily result in thermal failure if sustained. However, the process
can generate its own hot carriers, potentially causing similar
reliability issues as previously discussed. From a design per-
spective, punch-through can be dealt with by making sure that
of a single transistor remains at all times below a certain
pre-specified value for any given channel length.
D. Drain-Bulk Breakdown
In a standard CMOS process the bulk is connected to a fixed
electrical potential and the drain-bulk diode experiences a re-
verse bias directly proportional to the absolute drain voltage,
. This diode has a reverse breakdown voltage primarily de-
termined by the doping of the bulk (the lightly doped side).
Therefore, it is important to make sure that
does not reach
this breakdown voltage in addition to maintaining
than its critical level. Fortunately, this breakdown voltage is rel-
atively high in today’s CMOS processes (e.g., greater than 10 V
in 130 nm CMOS).
As mentioned in the beginning of this section, it is essential
to be aware of these breakdown mechanisms and deal with them
through design to be able to implement a robust fully-integrated
PA in CMOS. Next we will talk about the circuit challenges and
Low breakdown voltages of MOS transistors pose two cat-
egories of challenges for PAs used in handset cellular applica-
tions. The first one is due to the high output power requirement
of many wireless applications. The second challenge is caused
by the battery technology where the unit cell voltage is fixed and
does not scale. We will address these challenges and how they
can be overcome in this and Section IV.
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Fig. 4. (a) Punchthrough in a MOS transistor. (b) The effect on the
Fig. 5. Passive efficiency versus PER.
A. High Power Generation Using Low Voltage Transistors
For many applications the PA has to generate several watts of
RF power. For example, considering the losses in the diplexer
following the PA in a 900 MHz GSM transmitter, the PA
must produce up to
35 dBm (
3.1 W at its output). This
corresponds to a peak-to-peak voltage swing of approximately
across a 50
On the other hand, assuming that we are not willing to let
the drain-source and drain-gate of a 130 nm CMOS transistor
to experience a peak voltage greater than 1.5 V, the drain RF
voltage amplitude cannot exceed 750 mV, assuming a sinusoidal
voltage waveform. If this voltage directly appears across a 50
resistor, it delivers only 5.6 mW of power to the load. This major
disparity can be captured by the very large power enhancement
ratio (PER) defined as the ratio of the required power into the
(e.g., 3.1 W for GSM) to the maximum power di-
rectly deliverable to the load by the transistor assuming the same
voltage swing,
(e.g., 5.6 mW for a single 130 nm drive
NMOS), i.e., [18]
This necessitates the use of an impedance matching network
that can present a smaller impedance to the transistor, so it can
deliver a larger power by driving a lower impedance load at a
lower voltage and higher current swing.
The impedance transformation can be achieved several
different ways. LC matching networks are common ways of
achieving this. The challenge in this case is that for a given
inductor quality factor (assuming lossless capacitor), the
efficiency of the matching network drops with increasing
required PER. The optimum number of LC sections depends
on the unloaded inductor
and the PER. The maximum
achievable passive efficiency,
, with the optimum number of
stages for a given PER and unloaded inductor
is shown in
Fig. 5 [18].
As can be seen from Fig. 5, for large values of PER and
typical on-chip
’s, the passive efficiency alone drops to pro-
hibitively low values, even in the absence of
energy loss
in the active device. (In our earlier numerical example with
5.6 mW and
3.1 W, the PER is in excess of 500.)
The LC-matching approach may be suitable in applications with
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et al.
Fig. 6. (a) Resonant LC match. (b) Transformer match.
lower output power specifications (e.g., wireless LAN) due to
their lower required PER. However, the large required PER for a
fully-integrated watt-level CMOS power amplifier that includes
an on-chip output matching circuit poses a serious challenge to
Transformers have an advantage over LC matching section
because they store less energy in the inductance for a given
transformation ratio [18]. To demonstrate this point let us com-
pare the single-section LC resonant matching circuit shown in
Fig. 6(a), where the load resistance
is match to the output
of the transistor, using an LC section. Assuming that the voltage
across the load resistor is
and the current through
and that the input voltage amplitude is
and the input current
amplitude is
, the total energy stored in the inductor is
and the impedance transformation ratio is
. On the contrary if
the same impedance transformation ratio is to be achieved using
a transformer, as depicted in Fig. 6(b), the total energy stored in
the transformer will be
which is
-fold smaller than the
case of the LC match. The lower stored energy in a transformer
results in a smaller power loss for a given
, thus the advantage
of the transformer matching over LC matching.
A direct implementation of an on-chip transformer may be
an acceptable option for applications with lower required power
levels and PERs, where the primary and secondary inductors are
comparable (small impedance transformation ratio). However,
in watt-level CMOS PAs, due to the large required impedance
transformation ratios (and PERs), there is a large disparity be-
tween the inductance and the physical sizes of the primary and
the secondary inductors. A large ratio between the primary and
secondary inductance results in a lower effective quality factor
and degrades the efficiency.
In Section IV, we will see how this challenge can be over-
come using a distributed active transformer (DAT) which uses
several 1:1 transformers to combine impedance transformation
and power combining in the same structure, while always main-
taining a low voltage swing across the transistors.
B. The Battery Voltage Challenge
The battery cell voltage depends on its chemistry and does
not scale. This poses a challenge for mobile handsets that run
off of a battery (today it is most commonly Li-ion batteries with
a cell voltage of 3.6 V). Unlike many other circuits, the PA is
usually run directly off the battery with no external regulation
to preserve the system efficiency. This is further exacerbated
by the fact that the phone has to be operational on the charger,
which can apply voltages higher than that of the battery when
charging. This means that the PA has to operate reliably from a
high power supply under various conditions, such as load mis-
match, elevated temperature, etc.
In a PA, the drain of a drive transistor can experience an AC
signal greater than two-times the DC supply voltage applied
to its drain. Unfortunately, submicron standard MOS transistor
capable of operating at cellular frequencies cannot withstand
such voltages, generally speaking. Using a cascode stage and
dividing the voltage between those transistors can relax this re-
quirement by a factor of two, but by itself cannot solve such a
large disparity. In Section IV, we will see how this problem can
be solved by using stacked concentric DATs.
DATs have been shown as the way to solve the first break-
down problem in a fully integrated fashion [16]–[20]. It makes
it possible to make fully-integrated watt-level power amplfiers
using low-breakdown voltage transistors. The DAT also allows
alleviating the effect of the low quality factor passive elements
used to integrate the output matching network.
A. Basic DAT
A single-concentric quad-core DAT is shown in Fig. 7. It
consists of four differential cores that drive the four corners of
the structure differentially. Thus, each primary slab inductor is
driven differentially creating a virtual ground in the middle of
the slab where the power supply is applied. The resonant capac-
itors for each inductor can be applied between the drains of two
adjacent transistors being driven differentially, instead of being
across the slab inductor itself. This can be done because the sym-
metry of the structure guarantees that it sees the same voltage
as when it was place in parallel with the inductor. This makes it
possible to create an alternating RF signal in the primary con-
sisting of the slab inductors, capacitors, and transistors.
The RF power is then magnetically coupled to the secondary
loop that consists of the secondaries of four 1:1 transformers in
series. This allows the secondary voltages to add up in-phase in
the voltage domain to achieve the high voltage levels necessary
for a watt level output into the load (e.g., 36
35 dBm
into a 50
load). The large voltage swing on the secondary loop
does not pose a reliability issue since no transistor is connected
electrically to the output to experience it. More discussion on
the detailed operation of DAT can be found in [16]–[20].
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Fig. 7. Single quad-core distributed active transformer.
In Fig. 7, the DC power supply voltage is provided to the am-
plifier via the mid-point of the primary slab inductors (a virtual
ground). Since this DC voltage appears directly at the drain of
the drive transistors, its maximum value is limited by transistor
breakdown voltage. A cascode structure can be used to increase
the supply voltages that can be tolerated by the transistors. Al-
though the cascode helps by allowing a larger voltage to appear
on the drain of the top transistor without degrading the device
performance, it is not sufficient for a power amplifier that must
withstand a peak voltage in excess of twice the
with a
high-cell voltage battery (e.g., Li-ion) on the charger under sig-
nificant load mismatch (large VSWR) without any long-term
performance degradation. Next we will see how a concentric
DAT can be used to overcome this challenge.
B. Concentric DAT
Although the DAT can be used to produce watt-level output
powers at low gigahertz frequency range with good efficiency,
its original implementation is more conducive to low supply
voltages. This is very useful for a low-battery-voltage solution
that may become more commonplace in the future. However,
it is not compatible with the higher voltages presented by the
Li-ion batteries, which under charging situations can present
supply voltages in excess of 3.6 V to the PA.
This problem can be solved by noticing that the mid-points
of the slab inductors are at virtual grounds and as such can also
serve as the ground connection of another DAT, concentric with
the original one. This way, we can form the double-concentric
DAT, as shown in double-concentric quad-core DAT example of
Fig. 8. This arrangement allows for the same DC current to be
shared by the inner and the outer DATs. This way, each DAT
experiences roughly half of the supply voltage while each con-
tributes to the total output RF power magnetically coupled to
the secondary loop. It is noteworthy that this procedure can be
repeated multiple times if necessary.
Another challenge for a fully integrated commercial
GSM/GPRS CMOS power amplifier is the potential load
mismatch presented to the output of the PA mainly due to
Fig. 8. Double-concentric quad-core DAT with cascode drivers.
the changes in the relative position of conductive objects
with respect to the antenna. The PA has to keep meeting its
specifications for relatively large voltage standing-wave ratios
(VSWRs) (8:1 at the PA output) for all potential phase angles.
It also has to remain operational and should not be permanently
damaged or degraded under an even greater VSWR (15:1
at the PA output). Additionally, it must not oscillate and its
supply current has to be kept below a predetermined maximum
under any of these conditions, with the output power tightly
controlled over a broad range of power levels. The distributed
nature of the PA combined with its concentric design improves
its robustness, as each transistor experiences smaller stress even
under severe load mismatch conditions. This allows the PA to
maintain performance and avoid damage under severe VSWR
and other adverse effects.
V. E
In order to achieve a robust design, it is very important to ac-
curately model all on-chip passive structures, in particular the
DAT as it carries large AC and DC currents when the power
amplifier is operating at full output power. The modeling chal-
lenges are further exacerbated as the DAT in each band occupies
a large physical area and creates strong AC magnetic fluxes in
its vicinity. As a result, other passive structures such as the har-
monic filter inductor, the transformers, and even the bonding
wires can pick up strong, potentially undesirable or even de-
structive interference. Furthermore, the large AC currents drawn
create strong common-mode voltages wherever even a small
amount of inductance is present. As these voltages could also
negatively impact performance or even cause breakdown condi-
tions, it is important to accurately simulate all passive circuitry.
The DAT and the amplifier output network are simulated in
commercial, 2.5-D electromagnetic field-solver software (e.g.,
[33]). The S-parameter output data at the frequencies of interest
is used in large-signal, nonlinear harmonic balance simulations
to predict amplifier performance as well as to find design values
of tuning elements. Both electric and magnetic coupling mech-
anisms from the DAT to DC supply lines and signal feed struc-
tures can also be identified and their impact on the overall circuit
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et al.
Fig. 9. The distributed power control system.
performance evaluated. In this way, a robust design can be ar-
rived at, in which the coupling mechanisms are reduced to an ac-
ceptable minimum. Where necessary, the full-chip electromag-
netic simulations were complemented by more accurate, finer
grid-size EM simulations of partial structures to evaluate some
of the more particular interactions such as between the DAT and
the transformers.
The electromagnetic S-parameter simulation results are also
used to derive a lumped-element approximation of the passive
structures, enabling time-transient simulations including the
passive structures to evaluate start-up transients as well as
transmit mask requirements.
The impact of tuning capacitor and packaging variations was
also evaluated and compared to RF circuit simulations. This also
allows an assessment of circuit performance sensitivity to pro-
cessing and packaging variations, which could negatively im-
pact overall product yield.
Each wireless communication standard imposes stringent re-
quirements on the transmitter under real world operating condi-
tions. The GSM standard, requires accurate control of the power
transmitted by the PA as well as the timing of each power burst
in addition to placing restrictions on spectral emissions allowed
within and outside the intended transmit frequency channel.
These collective specifications must be met under varying
combined conditions of operating supply, temperature, fre-
quency band, and output load mismatch experienced by the PA.
Also, in order to minimize individual tuning of phone handsets
in volume production, it is important that the part-to-part
variation on many of these performances be minimal. With the
exception of noise and RF isolation, most of these specifications
require closed-loop control of the PA.
Typically, closed-loop power control is employed in a PA for
such an application. A power detector, which is used to sense
Fig. 10. Functional block diagram of the fully integrated quad-band CMOS.
the output of the PA, generates a signal that is then compared to
an externally supplied reference in order to generate the signal
that controls the PA. The closed loop power control accuracy
is limited fundamentally by the precision of the sensor and by
the loop gain that corrects the error. A typical closed-loop power
control circuit thus needs to maintain its loop gain and employ a
feedback block whose transfer function is as insensitive as pos-
sible to the changing operating conditions. The bandwidth of
the power control loop is constrained on the one hand by tran-
sient requirements, which tend to require higher bandwidths,
and on the other hand, by noise emission constraints which tend
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Fig. 11. The output switching transient.
Fig. 12. The power-up and power-down time masks.
to require lower bandwidths. To the extent that the power con-
trol loop’s open loop gain is kept constant over power level, the
bandwidth remains constant.
The implementation of power control specifically for a DAT-
based PA presents a number of unique challenges. Firstly, the
controlled forward path is distributed, but drives a single output.
Secondly, given that the DAT-based PA consists of two dis-
tributed concentric primaries which are connected in series in
DC through the virtual grounds, half of the forward control ele-
ments are different from the other half. Finally, as is discussed
in detail in the previous section, the presence of the DAT on the
same die as input drive and control circuits dictates that partic-
ular attention must be paid to any trace on the die that has to
cover any significant routing distance as it may pick up several
volts of RF. This is particularly concerning given that the power
control has a distributed function to perform as well.
The power control loop topology chosen employs current
mode routing throughout the die in order to control the dis-
tributed forward elements, as shown in Fig. 9. The forward
control paths are matched to each other. A single feedback
detector is employed for each band in order to sense the output
of the PA and its output is fed back to a single control loop error
amplifier, again in current mode.
The power control loop operates under a voltage regulator
whose output voltage is maintained constant under all supply
conditions. This ensures that the loop dynamics are, to the
first order, unaffected by changes in the battery voltage. Since
the power control loop has to maintain spectral purity under a
range of output load mismatch conditions, the feedback sensor
used ensures that the control loop stays closed at all times. This
allows the output of the PA to faithfully follow the reference
ramping signal in both the time and modulation frequency
domains under all conditions and meet the GSM output radio
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et al.
Fig. 13. Power control accuracy for different supply voltages.
frequency spectrum (ORFS) requirements, as demonstrated in
Section VI.
One of the major challenges in the design of a PA is a good
input stage to drive the gates of the power transistors. Two of
the common problems faced by a poor input circuit design are
namely potential for oscillation created by parasitic coupling
from the output to the input and input signal degradation due
to poor grounding of the output power stage.
The oscillation challenge due to output coupling, is exacer-
bated if the input connections need to be routed through in-
side of the DAT in order to save die area. The DAT generates a
strong magnetic field inside its loop, hence any metal connection
within its perimeter will have a high voltage signal induced on
it that can be up to several volts. This unwanted voltage induced
in the input connection will add to the input signal becoming a
direct RF feedback from PA output, potentially causing insta-
bility. A second coupling mechanism, albeit of lesser strength
than the first, is capacitive coupling from the DAT through the
Coupling problems can be more easily addressed if the input
signal is made differential and common mode coupling and dif-
ferential mode coupling from the output are treated indepen-
dently. An input active balun is used for each of the bands. The
balun simultaneously transforms the single-ended input signal
to four differential signals for the low-band and three differen-
tial signals for the high band.
In order to avoid the differential signal from coupling mag-
netically to the input through the long connections between
these input active baluns and the power transistor gate driver
circuits in the DAT, these connections were implemented using
a twisted pair configuration, where magnetic coupling in the
adjacent lobes is of opposite polarity and gets canceled out.
Transformers were used in the drive path to isolate any common
mode signal from the inputs to the outputs. The isolated out-
puts from these transformers further provides common mode
isolation among each one of the power transistors pairs in the
distributed PA.
In summary, a combination of transformer isolation,
shielding and twisted pair transmission line allow main-
taining the integrity of the input signal to each one of the
power transistor pairs in AX502 avoiding a serious input signal
degradation and possible oscillation.
Fig. 10 shows the block diagram of the presented quad-band
fully integrated CMOS PA. It comprises two separate PAs on
the same die, one for the two lower frequency bands (GSM at
850 MHz and E-GSM at 900 MHz) and another for the high
bands (DCS at 1.75 GHz and PCS at 1.9 GHz). Both the low-
and the high-band PAs are matched to 50
on-chip at their
single-ended input and output terminals. The low-band (LB)
PA, which must be able to deliver a peak power of at least
34.5 dBm is implemented using a double-concentric quad-
core DAT. The high-band (HB) PA, which must have a peak
power in excess of
32.5 dBm can achieve this peak power with
a triple core as opposed to the LB quad-core and is thus real-
ized as a double-concentric triple-core DAT. An on-chip power
control monitors the supply current and output power of the PA
using on-chip sensors and adjusts its operating point to a tight
control of the output power level and supply current.
The fully integrated quad-band CMOS PA is implemented
in a standard 130 nm CMOS process and runs off a nominal
supply of 3.5 V. It is housed in a 5 mm
0.9 mm
MLF package. In the E-GSM band it produces a maximum RF
power of
35 dBm (3.2 W) with a PAE of 51% that includes
all the on-chip losses of the PA, the power control, and other
supporting circuitry and package losses. It operates reliably with
input power levels ranging from 0.2 dBm to
8 dBm . The HB
Authorized licensed use limited to: CALIFORNIA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY. Downloaded on January 9, 2009 at 13:24 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
Fig. 14. Transmit noise in the receive band (20 MHz offset) versus Pout.
Fig. 15. Transmit noise in the receive band (20 MHz offset) versus Pin.
power amplifier in the PCS band (1850 to 1910 MHz) produces
up to 33 dBm (2 W) of power at an overall efficiency of 45%.
The PA is fully compliant with the FCC and GSM re-
quirements, has passed GSM/GPRS full-type-approval (FTA)
certification for use in phones, and is in high volume production.
The measured output switching transient spectrum is shown
in Fig. 11. The power-up and power-down time masks are
shown in Fig. 12. The power control accuracy and performance
under supply voltage variations is shown in Fig. 13. Its transmit
noise in the receive band (at 20 MHz offset) varies between
102 dBm to
84 dBm for output power levels ranging from
0 dBm to
35 dBm, which meets the GSM requirements with
a margin, as seen in Fig. 14. The transmit noise in the receive
band (20 MHz offset) versus Pin is shown in Fig. 15. The
control characteristics are shown in Fig. 16, which provides
a very easy way of controlling the power in the system. This
characteristic is very repeatable across PVT variations.
Fig. 16.
control characteristics.
Fig. 17. Output power and the battery current under 4:1 VSWR load mismatch
6:1 at the antenna).
Fig. 18. Die photograph of quad-band fully integrated CMOS PA.
The PA operates for any supply voltage between 2.9 V and
5.5 V, and can withstand a supply of up to 6 V indefinitely under
VSWR of greater than 15:1 for all phase angles with no oscil-
lation, breakdown, or degradation. Fig. 17 shows the variations
of the output power and battery current with different VSWR
angles. This has been demonstrated by more than 2000 hours
of failure free operation for hundreds of units at 87.5% duty-
cycle under these conditions. The PA has also been tested for
more than 2 million device-hours (with ongoing reliability mon-
itoring) without a single failure under nominal operation con-
ditions. Its instantaneous supply breakdown voltage is greater
than 9 V. A die micrograph of the chip is shown in Fig. 18.
The presented PA proves the viability of CMOS technology for
Authorized licensed use limited to: CALIFORNIA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY. Downloaded on January 9, 2009 at 13:24 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
et al.
watt-level fully integrated power generation for wireless appli-
cations and serves as an important step toward a single-chip
The authors would like to thank M. Johnson, V. Boyapati,
C. Huynh, J. Kim, F. Carr, F. Jarrar, A. Kral, A. Mellati,
J. Mehta, S. Martin, H. Wu, T. Wisler, S. Mezouari, D. Kang,
T. Trinh, K. Kong, J. Huynh, D. Qiao, D. Hartman, I. Vitomirov,
R. Chen, F. Roux, and M. Damgaard.
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Ichiro Aoki
(S’98–M’01) was born in Kyoto, Japan,
in 1965. He received the B.S.E.E. degree from Uni-
versidade Estadual de Campinas, SP, Brazil, in 1987,
and the M.S.E.E. and Ph.D. degrees from the Cali-
fornia Institute of Technology (Caltech), Pasadena,
in 1999 and 2001, respectively.
He is currently with AyDeeKay LLC, a fabless
semiconductor startup, which he co-founded in
2007. He co-founded Axiom Microdevices, Inc., a
fabless semiconductor startup with over 40 million
fully integrated CMOS power amplifiers shipped to
GSM/GPRS cell phone market to date, and from 2002 to 2007 worked in its
engineering and management positions including acting CEO. He cofounded
and managed as co-CEO PST Eletrônica S/A, Brazil, a car electronic compo-
nents manufacturing company from 1988 to 1998. At the time of his departure,
PST had 300 employees and has since grown to over 1200 employees and
over US$200 million revenue. His current research interests include high-fre-
quency silicon RF analog integrated circuits for wireless communications and
low-power mixed-signal circuits.
Mr. Aoki received the Schlumberger Fellowship from 1998 to 1999 and the
Walker von Brimer Foundation Award in 2000 at Caltech. He currently serves
on the Board of the Directors of Axiom Microdevices, Inc.
Scott Kee
(M’03) received the B.E.E. degree in elec-
trical engineering from the University of Delaware,
Newark, in 1998, and the M.S.E.E. and Ph.D. degrees
in electrical engineering from the California Institute
of Technology (Caltech), Pasadena, in 2002.
He was a founding member of Axiom Microde-
vices, a fabless semiconductor startup producing
CMOS cellular power amplifiers, where he worked
from 2002 to 2007 as CTO. He is currently with
AyDeeKay, a fabless semiconductor startup, which
he co-founded in 2007.
Authorized licensed use limited to: CALIFORNIA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY. Downloaded on January 9, 2009 at 13:24 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
Rahul Magoon
(M’97) received the B.Tech. degree
in electrical engineering from the Indian Institute of
Technology, Bombay, in 1995, and the M.S. degree
in electrical engineering from the University of Cali-
fornia, Santa Barbara, in 1997.
From 1997 to 2002, he was with Rockwell
Semiconductor Systems, Conexant Systems, and
Skyworks Solutions where he was responsible for
the GSM RF transceiver design team. He is currently
Director of Engineering at Axiom Microdevices,
Irvine, CA, and has been with the venture-backed
start-up company since its inception in 2002 as one of the initial founding team.
At Axiom, his focus has been on the development of monolithic watt level
power amplifier and integrated radio products in commercial CMOS processes
for the cellular market.
Mr. Magoon holds a number of U.S. patents and has given invited presenta-
tions at various academic and industrial forums, in addition to having published
several well-received IEEE journal and conference papers.
Roberto Aparicio
(S’01–M’04) was born in Puebla,
Mexico, in 1975. He received the B.S. degree with
honors (
cum laude
) in electronics from Universidad
Autonoma de Puebla, Mexico, in 1999, and the M.S.
and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering from the
California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, in 2001
and 2004, respectively.
He was an Integrated Circuit Design Engineer with
Centro Tecnologico para Informatica (CTI), Camp-
inas, Brazil, where he worked on the design of very
large CMOS gate arrays in 1998. In 2002, he was a
member of the Technical Staff of the Mixed-Signal Communications IC Design
group at the IBM T. J. Watson Research Center, Yorktown Heights, NY, where
he investigated PLL architectures for optical communications. Since 2004, he
has been with Axiom Microdevices Inc., Irvine, CA, where he is Principal PA
Dr. Aparicio ranked first at the Universidad Autonoma de Puebla class ’98
and earned the Phoenix Medal for outstanding academic achievements. He was
a Fulbright Scholarship and an IBM Research Fellowship recipient at the Cali-
fornia Institute of Technology from 1999 to 2001 and 2002 to 2003, respectively,
and received the Walker von Brimer Foundation Outstanding Accomplishment
Award and the Analog Devices Inc. Outstanding Student Designer Award, both
in 2001.
Florian Bohn
(S’07) received the B.S. degree with
honors in electrical engineering from the California
Institute of Technology, Pasadena, and the M.S. de-
gree in electrical and computer engineering from the
University of California, Santa Barbara, in 2001 and
2003, respectively.
From 2003 to 2005, he worked as an RF IC de-
sign engineer with Axiom Microdevices Inc., Irvine,
CA. At Axiom, he focused on the design and testing
of active and passive circuits for GSM/GPRS CMOS
power amplifiers. He is currently pursuing the Ph.D.
degree in electrical engineering at the California Institute of Technology, where
he has worked on frequency synthesizers. His research interests lie in the area
of integrated micro- and millimeter wave transceiver circuits and systems.
Mr. Bohn has received a Conexant Scholarship and an Analog Devices Out-
standing Student Designer Award.
Jeff Zachan
(S’98–M’01) received the B.S. and
M.S. degrees in electrical engineering from the
University of California, Santa Barbara, in 1998 and
1999, respectively.
From 2000 to 2004, he was with Skyworks
Solutions (formerly Conexant Systems), Newport
Beach, CA, where he was a Senior Staff Engineer
focused on frequency synthesis and VCO design
for integrated GSM transceivers. Since 2004, he
has been with Axiom Microdevices where he is a
Principal Design Engineer leading the development
of transmit architectures and frequency synthesizers for fully integrated CMOS
transceivers, including fully integrated power amplifiers, for cellular standards.
Geoff Hatcher
received the B.S. and M.S. degrees
in electrical engineering from the University of Cali-
fornia at Los Angeles in 1999 and 2001, respectively.
From 2000 to 2004, he was with Skyworks So-
lutions Inc. (formerly Conexant Systems), Newport
Beach, CA, where he was a Senior Staff Design
Engineer in the RFIC Design Group. He worked on
direct conversion transceivers for the GSM/EDGE
standard. Since 2004, he has been with Axiom
Microdevices, Irvine, CA. He is a Principal Staff
Engineer working on transceivers for cellular stan-
dards. His interests are in fully integrated CMOS solutions of transceivers and
power amplifiers.
Donald McClymont
received the Masters degree in
engineering from the University of Glasgow, Scot-
land, U.K.
He is Vice President of Marketing for Axiom
Microdevices, responsible for architecting the com-
pany’s product roadmap. He brings more than 15
years of experience in marketing and engineering
for the semiconductor industry to his position. Prior
to joining Axiom, he served as Product Line Di-
rector for Skyworks Solutions, Inc. and at Conexant
Systems, Inc., managing the company’s GSM direct
conversion transceiver business. During his career, he also has held marketing
and engineering positions at Fujitsu Microelectronics GmbH, Thesys GmbH,
and Wolfson Microelectronics plc.
Ali Hajimiri
(M’99) received the B.S. degree in
electronics engineering from the Sharif University
of Technology, Tehran, Iran, and the M.S. and
Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering from Stan-
ford University, Stanford, CA, in 1996 and 1998,
He was a Design Engineer with Philips Semicon-
ductors, where he worked on a BiCMOS chipset for
GSM and cellular units from 1993 to 1994. In 1995,
he was with Sun Microsystems, where he worked on
the UltraSPARC microprocessor’s cache RAM de-
sign methodology. During the summer of 1997, he was with Lucent Technolo-
gies (Bell Labs), Murray Hill, NJ, where he investigated low-phase-noise inte-
grated oscillators. In 1998, he joined the Faculty of the California Institute of
Technology, Pasadena, where he is a Professor of electrical engineering and the
Director of Microelectronics Laboratory. His research interests are high-speed
and RF integrated circuits.
Dr. Hajimiri is the author of
The Design of Low Noise Oscillators
1999) and has authored and coauthored more than 100 refereed journal and con-
ference technical articles. He holds more than 30 U.S. and European patents.
He is a member of the Technical Program Committee of the IEEE International
Solid-State Circuits Conference (ISSCC). He has also served as an Associate
Editor of the IEEE J
, an Associate Editor
II, a member of
the Technical Program Committees of the International Conference on Com-
puter Aided Design (ICCAD), Guest Editor of the IEEE T
, and the Guest Editorial Board of
actions of Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers
of Japan (IEICE)
Dr. Hajimiri was selected to the top 100 innovators (TR100) list in 2004 and
is a Fellow of Okawa Foundation. He is a Distinguished Lecturer of the IEEE
Solid-State and Microwave Societies. He is the recipient of Caltech’s Graduate
Students Council Teaching and Mentoring award as well as Associated Stu-
dents of Caltech Undergraduate Excellence in Teaching Award. He was the Gold
medal winner of the National Physics Competition and the Bronze Medal winner
of the 21st International Physics Olympiad, Groningen, Netherlands. He was a
co-recipient of the IEEE J
Best Paper Award
of 2004, the ISSCC Jack Kilby Outstanding Paper Award, two times co-recip-
ient of CICC’s best paper awards, and a three times winner of the IBM faculty
partnership award as well as National Science Foundation CAREER award. He
is a cofounder of Axiom Microdevices Inc.
Authorized licensed use limited to: CALIFORNIA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY. Downloaded on January 9, 2009 at 13:24 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.