of 22
An autonomous wearable biosensor powered by a perovskite
solar cell
Jihong Min
Stepan Demchyshyn
Juliane R. Sempionatto
Yu Song
Changhao Xu
Yiran Yang
Samuel Solomon
Christoph Putz
Julia Felicitas Schwarz
Clemens Schwarzinger
Markus Scharber
Shirzaei Sani
Martin Kaltenbrunner
Wei Gao
Andrew and Peggy Cherng Department of Medical Engineering, Division of Engineering and
Applied Science, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, California, 91125, USA.
Division of Soft Matter Physics, Institute of Experimental Physics, Johannes Kepler University
Linz, Altenbergerstrasse 69, 4040 Linz, Austria.
Soft Materials Lab, Linz Institute of Technology, Johannes Kepler University Linz,
Altenbergerstrasse 69, 4040 Linz, Austria.
Institute for Chemical Technology of Organic Materials, Johannes Kepler University Linz,
Altenbergerstrasse 69, 4040 Linz, Austria.
Linz Institute for Organic Solar Cells, Johannes Kepler University Linz, Altenbergerstrasse 69,
4040 Linz, Austria.
These authors contributed equally to this work.
Wearable sweat sensors can potentially be used to continuously and non-invasively monitor
physicochemical biomarkers that contain information related to disease diagnostics and fitness
tracking. However, the development of such autonomous sensors faces a number of challenges
including achieving steady sweat extraction for continuous and prolonged monitoring, and
addressing the high power demands of multifunctional and complex analysis. Here we
report an autonomous wearable biosensor that is powered by a perovskite solar cell and
can provide continuous and non-invasive metabolic monitoring. The device uses a flexible
quasi-two-dimensional perovskite solar cell module that provides ample power under outdoor
and indoor illumination conditions (power conversion efficiency exceeding 31% under indoor
light illumination). We show that the wearable device can continuously collect multimodal
weigao@caltech.edu; martin.kaltenbrunner@jku.at.
Author contributions
W.G., J.M., M.K., and S.D. initiated the concept and designed the studies; J.M. and S.D. led the experiments and collected the
overall data; J.R.S., Y.S., B.H., C.X., Y.Y., and S. S. contributed to wearable device characterization, validation, and sample analysis.
B.H., C.P., L.L., M.S., S.S. contributed to solar module development, fabrication, and characterization. S.D., B.H., J.F.S., and C. S.
contributed to experimental design and characterization of Pb leakage test for the solar cell module. E.S.S. contributed to cell viability
and metabolic activity characterization. J.M., S.D., W.G., and M.K. co-wrote the paper. All authors contributed to the data analysis and
provided the feedback on the manuscript.
Competing interests
The authors declare no competing interests.
HHS Public Access
Author manuscript
Nat Electron
. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2024 March 08.
Published in final edited form as:
Nat Electron
. 2023 August ; 6(8): 630–641. doi:10.1038/s41928-023-00996-y.
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physicochemical data — glucose, pH, sodium ions, sweat rate, and skin temperature — across
indoor and outdoor physical activities for over 12 hours.
The recent shift towards personalized and remote healthcare has accelerated the
development and adoption of wearable devices that can continuously monitor physical vital
signs as well as biochemical markers
. Wearable biosensors can potentially be used to
continuously and non-invasively analyze body fluids such as sweat, which contains a wealth
of information pertinent to disease diagnostics and fitness tracking
. A variety of
electrochemical sensing strategies, including amperometry, potentiometry, voltammetry, and
impedance spectroscopy, have been used to detect sweat biomarkers (such as electrolytes,
metabolites, nutrients, drugs, and hormones)
and sweat rate (which may have a
close link to secreted biomarker levels)
. For practical health monitoring beyond that
during vigorous exercise, wearable biosensors can also benefit from steady sweat extraction
via iontophoresis, a localized sedentary sweat stimulation technique
. However, due to
challenges related to multimodal system miniaturization and integration, the development of
a wearable system capable of autonomous sweat induction and sampling, real-time sweat
rate monitoring, and continuous multiplexed biomarker analysis remains limited.
High power demand also impedes the development of such multifunctional wearable sensing
systems. Wearable sensors typically rely on the use of batteries: a bulky and unsustainable
power source that requires an external source of electricity to recharge. Various energy
harvesting strategies — including biofuel cells and triboelectric nanogenerators — have
been explored for powering battery-free wearables
. However, biofuel cells typically
suffer from limited long-term stability due to biofouling in human sweat
, and triboelectric
nanogenerators require extensive physical activity to generate electricity
. Furthermore, the
power densities produced by biofuel cells and triboelectric nanogenerators from casual daily
activities are limited
Ambient light, including natural sunlight and artificial indoor light, is an abundant form
of energy that is readily available during daily activities. The commercially dominant
photovoltaics technologies, which are based on silicon, work well for large-scale solar
energy harvesting, but struggle to address the power needs of wearable devices. In particular,
silicon cells are often fragile, bulky and rigid. They also provide insufficient power
conversion efficiency (PCE) under low or indoor illumination, due to their narrow bandgap
and preferentially trap-assisted recombination, limiting their range of applications
. Light
harvesting technologies based on the III-V family of semiconductors can address some of
the limitations of silicon, but their fabrication often requires complex processing conditions,
which is reflected in their price/energy payback time and thus their potential areas of
Perovskite solar cells offer a number of favorable intrinsic properties including long
charge carrier diffusion lengths, high absorption coefficients, solution processability, small
exciton binding energies, high structural defect tolerance, tunable bandgap, and high
photoluminescence quantum yields
. Such solar cells have developed quickly in the
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last decade due to their evolving fabrication protocols and the adaptability of the material
. Perovskites also offer strong defect tolerance that leads to high parallel
resistance (Rp), which is the key parameter of solar cell performance under low light
conditions. This results in increased fill factor (FF) and reduced open circuit voltage (Voc)
losses at low light conditions, which in combination with the matching of perovskite solar
cell spectral response to common indoor lighting emission spectrum, yields high PCE under
indoor illumination
In this Article, we report an autonomous wearable biosensor that is powered by a flexible
perovskite solar cell (FPSC) and can provide continuous and non-invasive metabolic
monitoring (Fig. 1a). Our multifunctional wearable device offers autonomous sweat
extraction via iontophoresis, dynamic microfluidic sweat sampling, multiplexed monitoring
of sweat biomarkers using different electrochemical detection techniques, impedance-based
sweat rate analysis, and Bluetooth-based wireless data transmission. The wearable device
operates under a wide range of illumination conditions ranging from full sunlight to indoor
lighting. It is powered by an efficient 2 cm
active area lightweight quasi-2D FPSC energy
harvesting module with a PCE of 14% under air mass global 1.5 (AM1.5) illumination, and
29.64% under 600 lx indoor illumination with a white light LED light bulb. The sensing
platform can be used to continuously collect multimodal physicochemical data (glucose, pH,
, sweat rate, and temperature) across indoor and outdoor physical activities for over 12
hours, and without the need for batteries or vigorous exercise.
Wearable device design for autonomous biomarker analysis
The wearable device consists of disposable and reusable modules assembled in an origami-
like fashion (Fig. 1b and Supplementary Figs. 1,2). Among the reusable parts is the highly
efficient quasi-2D FPSC module that converts ambient light into electrical power and the
energy-efficient flexible printed circuit board (FPCB) for electrochemical instrumentation,
signal processing, and Bluetooth wireless communication. A daily disposable flexible patch
contains a pair of carbachol hydrogel (carbagel) coated iontophoresis electrodes for sweat
stimulation, a laser-engraved microfluidic module integrated with interdigitated electrodes
for sweat sampling and sweat rate monitoring, and a multiplexed electrochemical sweat
biosensor array for molecular analysis (Fig. 1c). Compared to traditionally used pilocarpine
gels, carbachol gels were selected for iontophoresis as they allow for efficient and long-
lasting sudomotor axon reflex sweat secretion from the surrounding sweat glands, ideally
suitable for microfluidic sweat sampling
. Inkjet printing was used to fabricate all flexible
biosensing electrodes and interconnects at a large scale and low cost. Considering that
chemical sensors usually suffer from signal drift during long-term use, their capacity
for mass-production allows disposable use on a daily or multi-day basis for reliable
wearable health monitoring. Potentiometric, amperometric, voltammetric, and impedimetric
techniques can all be performed using the wearable device to analyze a broad spectrum
of sweat biomarkers ranging from metabolites, electrolytes, nutrients, to substances and
drugs. The fully assembled wearable device is 20 mm × 27 mm × 4 mm in size and can
comfortably adhere to the skin (Fig. 1d,e). The custom embedded algorithm and mobile
application enable an energy-saving adaptive power consumption scheme such that the
wearable device can extract and analyze sweat across various activities and illumination
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conditions in a prolonged and efficient fashion. All calibrated biomarker information can be
wirelessly transmitted and displayed on a custom mobile app (Fig. 1e, Supplementary Fig. 3,
Supplementary Video 1).
FPSC design and characterization for wearable use
To effectively and sustainably power the wearable device, an FPSC module (Fig.
2a) is designed to have a high power density and PCE for energy harvesting under
diverse lighting conditions, flexibility to endure the mechanical stresses common for on-
body wear, and stable performance with reliable encapsulation against sweat exposure.
The FPSC device utilizes a p-i-n architecture and comprises of flexible polyethylene
terephthalate (PET) coated with indium tin oxide (ITO), Cr/Au busbars, a poly(3,4-
ethylenedioxythiophene)-poly(styrenesulfonate)(PEDOT:PSS) hole transport layer, quasi-2D
perovskite photoactive layer, [6,6]−phenyl-C61-butyric acid methyl-ester (PCBM) electron
transport layer, TiO
interlayer, Cr/Au contacts, and an epoxy/PVC/PCTFE encapsulation
(Fig. 2b). The perovskite absorber layer (ca. 450 nm thick) with an empirical formula of
is at the heart of the device (Fig. 2c). A large organic
-methylbenzylamine (MBA), facilitates the formation of a quasi-2D perovskite
structure with large grain size and improved defect passivation, resulting in an excellent
device performance (Supplementary Fig. 4). Under simulated solar illumination (AM1.5)
quasi-2D FPSC with a small active area (0.165 cm
) achieve PCE of up to 18.1 %,
which remains as high as 16.5 % for large area device (1 cm
), and 14.0% for modules
consisting of two large cells joined in series (total active area 2 cm
) (Supplementary Fig. 5,
Supplementary Table 1).
The main advantage of our quasi-2D FPSC energy harvesting module is its ability to operate
at high efficiency even under indoor and low light illumination conditions. Common indoor
lighting sources, like LEDs, have a narrower emission spectrum that closely matches the
external quantum efficiency (EQE) of our quasi-2D FPSC, and a lower photon flux density,
when compared to sunlight (Fig. 2d). This results in an increased PCE due to reduced
sub-bandgap relaxation and recombination losses, as well as passivation of trap states and
grain boundaries via MBA incorporation. Thus, quasi-2D FPSC practically double their
efficiency under 600 lx (215 μW cm
) LED indoor illumination, achieving a PCE as high
as 31.2 % in small area devices, scaling up efficiently to large area with a PCE of up to
29.9 %, and reaching 29.6 % in module configuration (Fig. 2e, Supplementary Table 2).
These are the highest reported PCE values among indoor flexible solar cells, outperforming
not only perovskite but also other PV technologies in this field (Supplementary Table
3). Furthermore, the power output of the quasi-2D FPSC module reliably extends over
a broad range of indoor illuminance ranging from very bright (10k lx), common for
special environments like surgery rooms, down to dimly lit surroundings (20 lx) (Fig. 2f,
Supplementary Figs. 6 and 7).
In order to acquire light-source-independent performance values, we also measured PCE
using a monochromatic light source (continuous laser,
= 637 nm) over a range of indoor
and low light irradiances (0.07 < P
< 18 mW cm
) (Supplementary Fig. 8). We achieved
a record breaking PCE of 41.4±0.1% measured at P
= 12.23 mW cm
for the small
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area devices, and a PCE of 30.4±0.2% at P
= 6.08 mW cm
for large area devices
(Supplementary Table 4, Supplementary Note 1).
The quasi-2D FPSC modules show steady power output with no loss in performance after
continuous 24 hours operation under both AM1.5 and indoor illumination conditions (Fig.
2g, Supplementary Fig. 9). Additionally, the module mechanical stability was confirmed
to withstand 2000 bending cycles (bending radius 5 cm) with only negligible reduction
in performance that can be attributed to decrease in ITO electrode resistance (Fig. 2h,
Supplementary Figs. 10 and 11).
Considering the concern of possible Pb leakage while using perovskite solar cells, a set
of Pb-release tests were performed in deionized water (Supplementary Fig. 12), as well as
in a standard synthetic sweat solution
on a fully-encapsulated quasi-2D FPSC module
(Fig. 2i). Continuous operation of the FPSC module under AM1.5 for 24 hours while fully
immersed in simulated sweat solution resulted in a Pb concentration that remained more
than one order of magnitude below the maximum allowable level in drinking water as
per the Joint Food and Agriculture Organization/World Health Organization (FAO/WHO)
Expert Committee on Food Additives (JECFA)
(Fig. 2i), indicating the encapsulation
robustness and module safety even under conditions that far exceed the expected operational
conditions of the wearable device. Furthermore, the encapsulated FPSC maintained high
biocompatibility even after vigorous mechanical bending tests as evidenced by low Pb-
leakage as well as high cell viability and metabolic activity of the cells seeded on the FPSCs
(Supplementary Figs. 13 and 14).
System-level integration and operation of wearable device
Composed of off-the-shelf electronic components, the judiciously designed wearable
electrochemical instrumentation system of the wearable device is more powerful in
functionality and power-efficient than any other reported wearable sweat analyzer. The
battery-free electronic system interfaces with the skin via an inkjet-printed disposable sweat
patch that contains two gel-loaded iontophoretic electrodes, three electrochemical sweat
biosensors, and one sweat rate sensor embedded in the microfluidics (Fig. 3a). The system
performs constant-current iontophoresis for sweat induction; amperometry, potentiometry,
and voltammetry for continuous analysis of a variety of sweat biomolecular markers;
impedance measurements for sweat rate monitoring; and Bluetooth data communication
with the user interface (Fig. 3b,c, Supplementary Figs. 15 and 16).
More specifically, the wearable device’s electronic system consist of: 1) an energy
harvesting power management integrated circuit (PMIC) that efficiently boost converts and
manages the output from the quasi-2D FPSC, 2) a compact programmable system-on-chip
(PSoC) Bluetooth low energy (BLE) module that integrates a microcontroller (MCU)
and BLE radio, 3) an electrochemical analog front-end (AFE) that integrates various
configurable blocks necessary for electrochemical detection, and 4) a high compliance-
voltage current source with an overcurrent protection switch for iontophoresis (Fig. 3b
and Supplementary Fig. 17a,b). Under illumination, the PMIC charges the 5 mF solar
energy storage capacitor up to ~5 V to continuously power the wearable device. Our
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custom-developed embedded algorithm ensures that each block of the system operates
at its lowest viable power mode, enabling ultra-low-power multiplexed electrochemical
measurements consuming below 60 μW (Supplementary Fig. 17c and Supplementary Fig.
17). During operation, the wearable device stays in deep-sleep (33 μW during standby)
or sleep (47 μW during potentiostat operations) modes and wakes up intermittently
to either wirelessly communicate with the host software, perform an electrochemical
measurement, or process measurement data (Supplementary Fig. 19). Depending on the
illumination conditions and the quasi-2D FPSC’s power output, the wearable device adapts
its operation mode (e.g., parameters such as BLE communication interval and sensor
data acquisition interval to mediate power consumption) (Supplementary Note 2). The
power consumption profiles for each electrochemical operation and the corresponding
capacitor charging/discharging curves of the solar energy storage capacitor when powered
by a quasi-2D FPSC module under various illumination conditions (2k–18k lx) are
highlighted in Fig. 3d as well as Supplementary Fig. 20 and Supplementary Table 5.
The electrochemical instrumentation performance of the wearable device was successfully
validated by comparing its potentiometric, amperometric, and voltammetric responses to
those of a commercial potentiostat (Supplementary Fig. 21).
Characterization of device for multimodal biosensing
An iontophoretic sweat induction microfluidic module was carefully designed and optimized
for minimal power consumption and prolonged use. Unlike standard pilocarpine gels that
can only stimulate local sweat glands directly beneath the agonist gel for a short duration
and lead to low sensing accuracy due to the mixing of sweat and gel fluid
, carbagels
stimulate local and neighboring sweat glands steadily for extended durations
. This
property enables the use of miniaturized carbagels for prolonged sweat induction and
microfluidic neighboring sweat collection on a single patch design. The dimensions and
layout of the carbagels with respect to the sweat accumulation reservoir were optimized for
minimal size, applied current, and maximal sweat extraction efficiency (Supplementary Note
3). The reusable carbagel, capable of stimulating sweat continuously throughout the day, is
a part of the mass-producible and disposable microfluidic sensor patch that can be replaced
for daily use. To demonstrate the device’s wearable use, the sweat processing system
was paired with a sensor array consisting of an amperometric enzymatic glucose sensor,
potentiometric ion-selective pH and Na
sensors, and an impedimetric sweat rate sensor.
The individual current, potential, and admittance responses of each sensor were recorded
by the wearable device under physiologically relevant target analyte concentrations and/or
sweat rates (Fig. 3e, Supplementary Fig. 22); linear responses were observed between the
measured electrochemical signals and target concentrations (for glucose sensor), logarithm
target concentrations (for pH and Na
sensors), and reciprocal flow rate (for sweat rate
sensor). While sweat Na
and pH levels can individually serve as a potent biomarker for
various health conditions, they could synergistically aid in calibrating the sweat rate and
glucose sensors, respectively (Supplementary Fig. 23). In addition, temperature information
recorded by the built-in temperature sensor in the AFE of the wearable device aids in
more accurate sensor calibrations during wearable use (Supplementary Fig. 24). Moreover,
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the sweat rate sensor can be reconfigured with different volumetric capacities for desired
operation duration (Supplementary Fig. 25).
When powered by the quasi-2D FPSC module, the wearable device performs multiplexed
on-body measurement sequences under a wide range of indoor illumination conditions.
With indoor LED illumination with a brightness as low as 1k lx, the wearable device
simultaneously monitors glucose, pH, Na
, and temperature, along with the periodic
impedimetric measurement of sweat rate; when less light as low as 400 lx is available,
the wearable device’s custom algorithm adapts to decrease the multiplexed measurement
frequency and transmits data over BLE advertisements (Fig. 3f). With a larger area
wearable solar cell (8.9 cm x 7.4 cm), the wearable device performs the same multiplexed
on-body measurement sequences under even darker illumination conditions (100–300 lx)
(Supplementary Fig. 26).
In vitro
multimodal analysis of glucose, pH, Na
, temperature, and flow rate through the
assembled microfluidic sensor patch was performed in a phosphate-buffered saline (PBS)
solution containing 100 μM glucose under varying flow rates (0.12–3 μL min
) and under
lab-light illumination (1200 lx) (Fig. 3g). The glucose, pH, and Na
biosensors maintained
stable and accurate responses even at a flow rate as low as 0.12 μL min
, while the
sweat rate sensor responded accurately according to the increasing volume. This indicates
that while the integrated biosensors will respond to physiologically-induced analyte level
changes during the on-body tests, their performance will not be substantially affected by
changes in sweat rates. The long-term stability of the wearable device for continuous energy
harvesting and multiplexed biosensing was further validated in a long-term study with a
constant flow rate of 1 μL min
for 100 min under varying indoor illumination conditions
(Supplementary Fig. 27).
On-body device evaluation for multimodal sweat monitoring
The compact design of the wearable device enables the comfortable and strong adhesion
of the device to different body parts with access to ambient light (Fig. 4a). When worn on
body under various outdoor and indoor illumination conditions, the wearable device harvests
energy sufficient to enable iontophoresis and multiplexed sweat biosensing sequences;
additionally, the light-powered iontophoresis results in efficient and prolonged sweat
extraction to allow dynamic sweat biomarker analysis (Fig. 4b, Supplementary Fig. 28, and
Supplementary Video 2). The accuracy of the device’s interdigitated electrode-enabled sweat
rate sensor during wearable use was successfully validated with image-based colorimetric
sweat rate analysis (enabled by filling a color dye in the microfluidic sweat inlet before
the on-body test) (Supplementary Fig. 29a). Autonomous periodical sweat induction allows
prolonged continuous sweat extraction: our pilot studies show that a single sweat induction
event was on average able to extract ~52 μL over a duration of 3 hours, while sustaining a
steady sweat rate over 0.1 μL min
(Supplementary Fig. 29b,c).
The wearable device’s efficient light energy harvesting capability and powerful sweat
processing system enable continuous and non-invasive physiochemical monitoring
under laboratory illumination conditions. The evaluation of the wearable device for
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cardiometabolic monitoring was performed by continuously monitoring sweat glucose,
pH, Na
, and sweat rate levels along with the skin temperature of human subjects in
both sedentary and exercise trials (Fig. 4c–f and Supplementary Figs. 30 and 31). In
the sedentary studies, light-powered iontophoretic sweat extraction was followed by the
continuous monitoring of key biomarkers. In the fasting studies, sweat glucose, pH, Na
and skin temperature remained stable while sweat rate rapidly increased in the first 30 min
and then gradually decreased (Fig. 4c). In the oral glucose intake studies, a substantial
increase in sweat glucose was observed through the first hour (Fig. 4d). Sedentary fasting
and glucose intake studies were repeated twice for two additional subjects (Supplementary
Figs. 30 and 31). From the sedentary oral glucose intake studies performed across 3
subjects, a high correlation was observed between blood glucose levels and sweat glucose
levels (Supplementary Fig. 32). Similarly, in the exercise studies, sweat glucose remained
relatively stable or slightly decreased during fasting, while clearly elevated glucose levels
were observed after oral glucose intake followed by a quick decrease after 30 min
(Fig. 4e,f). We also noticed a conspicuous discrepancy between pH levels of carbachol
iontophoresis-induced sweat (~pH 9) and exercise-induced sweat (~pH 5), indicating the
importance of sweat induction approaches and pH calibrations on personalized metabolic
monitoring (Supplementary Fig. 33). In all sedentary and exercise studies, positive
correlations between the real-time calibrated sweat glucose and blood glucose levels were
obtained, indicating the high potential of realizing non-invasive glucose monitoring using
the wearable device. Potential noise due to motion artifacts during on-body sensing was
mitigated by tightly packing and adhering the miniaturized wearable system onto the skin,
where electrochemical sensing was performed in a bound microfluidic reservoir to prevent
direct skin-sensor contact. Noise was further reduced by hardware filters integrated on-board
as well as smoothing algorithms implemented in the custom app.
Prolonged cross-activity multimodal monitoring of sweat biomarkers in real-life scenarios
was enabled by the wearable device as illustrated in Fig. 4g. Throughout the day, over
a 12-hour time span, the subject performed various physical activities under various
lighting environments. During this time, the wearable device performed iontophoresis
intermittently to ensure that a sufficient sweat rate could be maintained for sweat refreshing
and continuous sensor measurements throughout the day. Depending on the available
illumination, the wearable device switched its on-body measurement sequence to adjust
its power consumption while trading off for measurement intervals. While the multiplexed
data interval varied from 8 s to 60 s throughout the day, the wearable device was able to
collect, process, and calibrate sensor data continuously in all scenarios. The glucose trend
throughout the day shows that the larger meal during dinner results in a higher and longer
sweat glucose spike than the lighter lunch. In addition, the average sweat rate during outdoor
sedentary activities was higher than the average sweat rate during indoor sedentary activities
while vigorous exercise leads to a substantial increase in sweat rate. Considering that the
battery-free version of the wearable device requires access to light for long-term operation,
integrating a small battery into the wearable device could realize 24-hour operation (even
during sleep) (Supplementary Figs. 34 and 35).
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We have reported a wearable biosensor platform that is powered by a quasi-2D FPSC. The
wearable device can persistently extract sweat and simultaneously monitor physicochemical
markers (glucose, pH, Na
, sweat rate, and skin temperature) via a spectrum of
electrochemical techniques (potentiometry, amperometry, voltammetry, and impedimetry).
It can achieve this under various illumination conditions (strong outdoor sunlight to dim
indoor LED light) and across various activities (sleep to vigorous exercise).
Our quasi-2D FPSC is uniquely suitable for powering wearable technologies. The solar
harvesting technology offers high efficiency under indoor and low light illumination
conditions, maintains high power conversion efficiency and power output across a wide
range of illumination conditions, withstands mechanical stress common for on-body wear
during vigorous exercise, and remains safe through proper encapsulation. The wearable
solar cell is paired with a compact, wireless, and low-power wearable multichannel
electrochemical workstation that dynamically adjusts its power consumption to continuously
operate without a battery under varying illumination conditions. The modular design of the
wearable device is readily scalable; if required, additional energy harvesting modules can be
The microfluidic iontophoretic sweat processing module enables prolonged flow rate-
monitored sweat extraction. This allows sweat biosensing to be applied beyond situations
where vigorous exercise is required — that is, normal everyday activity — as well as use for
patients with mobility impairments. The rate-monitored persistent sweat flow continuously
refreshes the sensor reservoir for accurate biomarker measurements; the sensor responses are
calibrated in real-time by personalized factors such as skin temperature, sweat pH, and sweat
to further improve measurement accuracy.
Future work for the technology will involve improving the long-term stability of the sensor
patch and investigating the correlation between sweat/blood biomarker levels in large-scale
human trials. The wearable device can also be paired with different biosensors based
on a wide array of electrochemical detection mechanisms (potentiometry, amperometry,
voltammetry, and impedimetry) for the identification of an endless number of target
biomarkers. Potential fields of application including sport science and daily tracking, as
well care for people with health conditions or impairments.
Materials and reagents
All chemicals and solvents were purchased from commercial suppliers and used as received,
if not stated otherwise.
Agarose, carbachol, potassium chloride (KCl), nickel chloride (NiCl
), potassium (III)
ferricyanide (K
), potassium (IV) ferrocyanide (K
), glucose oxidase (GOx),
glutaraldehyde, bovine serum albumin (BSA), 10X phosphate buffered saline (PBS), 3,4-
ethylenedioxythiophene (EDOT), poly(sodium 4-styrenesulfonate) (PSS), sodium ionophore
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X, bis(2-ethylehexyl) sebacate (DOS), polyvinyl butyral resin BUTVAR B-98 (PVB),
polyvinyl chloride (PVC), sodium tetrakis[3,5-bis(trifluoromethyl)phenyl] borate (Na-
TFPB), aniline, iron (III) chloride (FeCl
), sodium hydroxide (NaOH), citric acid, ITO
covered 125 μm PET foil, lead iodide (PbI
), lead chloride (PbCl
), methylamine
), (R)-(+)-
-methylbenzylamine (C
), cesium iodide (CsI), hydroiodic
acid (HI), N,N-dimethylformamide (DMF), acetylacetone (CH
), titanium
(IV) isopropoxide (Ti[OCH(CH
), 2-methoxyethanol (CH
OH), sodium
chloride (NaCl), lactic acid (C
), urea (NH2CONH2), ammonia (NH
OH), and
ethanolamine (H
OH) were purchased from Sigma-Aldrich. Sodium chloride
(NaCl), methanol, ethanol, acetone, hydrogen peroxide (30% (w/v)), dextrose (D-glucose)
anhydrous, tetrahydrofuran (THF), hydrochloric acid (HCl), tetrachloroauric acid (HAuCl
and disodium phosphate (Na
) were purchased from Thermo Fisher Scientific. Diethyl
ether ((CH
O), chlorobenzene, hexane, dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO), PEDOT:PSS
aqueous dispersion (Clevios PH1000), and chloroform (CHCl
) were purchased from
VWR. [6,6]−phenyl-C61-butyric acid methyl ester (PCBM) was purchased from Solenne
BV. Hellmanex III detergent was purchased from Hellma Analytics. Zonyl
fluorosurfactant was purchased from Fluka. UV curable flexible epoxy (LP4115) was
purchased from DELO Photobond. Liveo Aclar DX 2000 encapsulating polymer (PVC/
PCTFE) was purchased from Liveo Research. PDMS (SYLGARD 184) was purchased from
Dow Corning. Medical adhesives were purchased from 3M. Polyimide films (12 ~ 75 μm
thick) were purchased from DuPont. PET films (12 ~ 250 μm thick) were purchased from
Solar cell fabrication and characterization
Glass substrates (1 × 1 inch, 1 mm thick) were cut and cleaned in an ultrasonic bath for 30
min each in 2 v/v% Hellmanex in DI water solution, 2 × DI water solution, acetone, and
isopropanol, and dried using N
stream. Flexible ITO-covered PET substrates were patterned
using insulating tape for masking and etched using concentrated HCl for 10 min. After that
they were also cut to 1 × 1 inch size and washed using the same procedure as for glass.
PDMS solution was spin-coated onto glass at 4000 rpm for 30 s and placed on a heat plate at
105 °C for 1 min. After that, flexible substrates were placed on to the PDMS-covered glass,
carefully avoiding any trapped air underneath. Finally, the whole substrate was annealed
for 15–20 min at 105 °C. Cr-Au bus bars were deposited via thermal evaporation using a
shadow mask (base pressure 3 × 10
The PEDOT:PSS solution was prepared by mixing Clevios PH1000 stock solution with
7 vol% DMSO and 0.7 vol% Zonyl FS-300. The PEDOT:PSS solution was stirred at
room temperature for an hour, then kept at 4 °C overnight. Right after filtering through
Minisart RC25 Syringe filter 0.45 μm regenerated cellulose, the PEDOT:PSS solution was
spin-coated on the substrates with busbars at 1500 rpm for 45 s (ramp 2 s) followed by 1000
rpm for 2 s (ramp 1 s) and annealed at 120 °C for 15 min. Then the film was washed by
spin-coating isopropanol at 1000 rpm for 4 s followed by 4000 rpm for 12 s and annealed
again at 120 °C for 15 min.
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Perovskite solution ((MBA)
) was prepared by mixing PbI
(322.4 mg,), PbCl
(83.5 mg,), (R)-(+)-
-methylbenzylamine iodide (MBAI) (74.7 mg,),
and Methylamonium iodide (MAI) (187.7 mg,) in DMF containing 10 vol% acetylacetone
and stirred for 1 h at 55 °C. MBAI was synthesized from (R)-(+)-
and hydroiodic acid and purified using diethylether (VWR) and absolute ethanol (Merck
Millipore) using a procedure previously described in the literature
. MAI was synthesized
using an analogous procedure. Afterwards, CsI (~0.12 mmol, from 1.5 M stock solution
in DMSO) was added to the mixture and stirred overnight. The solution was filtered using
polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) syringe filters (0.45 μm; Whatman) before spin-coating.
Perovskite solution was then deposited using an anti-solvent procedure inside of the nitrogen
) glovebox. The solution was spin-coated in two steps at 1000 rpm for 5 s with ramp 200
rpm s
followed by 4000 rpm for 25 s with ramp 2000 rpm s
. Approximately ~0.2 mL
of chlorobenzene (anti-solvent) was dropped at 15
second for about 3 s. Then the film was
annealed at 100 °C for 1 h.
After the film cooled down to room temperature PCBM solution was spin-coated onto the
sample at 1500 rpm for 16 s (ramp 2 s) followed by 2000 rpm for 15 s (ramp 2 s). PCBM
solution was prepared by dissolving 2 wt% PCBM in chlorobenzene and chloroform (1:1
volume ratio). TiOx solgel was prepared based on procedure reported by Heilgenaw et al
was spin-coated at 4000 rpm 30 s (ramp 2 s) and annealed at 110 °C for about 5
min in an ambient atmosphere. Cr/Au contacts were evaporated at rate of 0.01–0.5 nm
and base pressure 3 × 10
mbar. Finally, the devices were encapsulated using UV
curable flexible epoxy and PVC/PCTFE protective films. Absorbance spectra were recorded
using LAMBDA 1050 UV/Vis Spectrophotometer, Perkin Elmer, U.S.A. Photoluminescence
spectra were recorded on a photomultiplier tube–equipped double-grating input and output
fluorometer (Photon Technology International).
Current density-voltage (J-V) characteristics of solar cells under sunlight illumination were
recorded under simulated AM1.5 global spectrum irradiation from a 150 W xenon light
source using Keithley 2400 source meter and a custom Lab-View program. The intensity
of the solar simulator was adjusted using a commercial Si reference diode (Si-01TC,
Ingenieurburo Mencke & Tegtmeyer, Germany). The performance of the solar cells under
indoor lighting was tested using a set of commercial off-the-shelf warm light LED light
bulbs (Philips, 2700 K, 4.3 W, 470 lm; Philips, 2700 K, 7 W, 806 lm; Osram, 2700 K, 21
W, 2451 lm). The measurement was performed inside of a light-tight black cloth-covered
characterization chamber with the cell tightly wrapped with black tape, allowing only the
active area to be exposed to the light, thus reducing the influence of reflections or stray
light. A broad range of intermediate illuminance levels was achieved by utilizing a set of
neutral density filters placed directly on the device. The emission spectrum of the light bulbs
was measured using a fiber spectrometer (Avantes, AvaSpec-2048-USB2) (Supplementary
Fig. 6) Illuminance of the LED light sources was measured using ISO calibrated lux meter
(Voltcraft MS-1300). Spectral incident power intensity of the LED light bulbs was calculated
as reported in literature
. Additionally, reference PCE under low light conditions was
calculated from a JV curve measured under a monochromatic light source (637 nm laser,
Coherent OBIS 637 nm, 140 mW), with the incident power intensity calculated using a
calibrated Si diode (Hamamatsu S2281).
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Surface SEM measurements were made using the Zeiss 1540 XB CrossBeam SEM
(acceleration voltage 5 keV). A cross-section image was prepared by prepared using a
standard focus ion beam cutting approach. Images of the cross-section were performed
under the same conditions as surface SEM measurements.
Maximum Power Point (MPP) tracking was performed using an in-house written
Python script utilizing a common Perturb-and-Observe algorithm. Starting voltage for the
measurements was V
· FF, with a step size of 50 mV and 15 s waiting time between
voltage perturbations.
Lead release test was performed using standard artificial sweat solution (containing sodium
chloride 0.5 % w/w, lactic acid 0.1 % w/w, and urea 0.1 % w/w in deionized water)
as described in European Standard EN 1811:1998. Encapsulated solar cell modules were
immersed into 100 mL freshly prepared synthetic sweat buffer and placed at about 20 cm
under a xenon lamp solar simulator with AM1.5G spectrum (distance adjusted so to achieve
approximately 1 Sun illumination). The buffer was continuously stirred with a magnetic
stirrer and 1 mL extract samples were collected periodically and stored in the fridge at
4 °C until the next day when they were analyzed using inductively coupled plasma mass
spectrometry (ICP-MS). Alternatively the lead tests were also performed with just deionized
water, following the same procedure described above.
Each ICP-MS sample was extracted with 18.2 MOhm water. The extracts were measured
without further dilution on an XSeries 2, Thermo Scientific ICP-MS instrument equipped
with a MiraMist nebulizer. Calibration was performed with a Certipur multielement standard
In vitro cell studies
Normal Adult human dermal fibroblast cells (HDFs, Lonza) were cultured in manufacturer’s
recommended media (FGMTM-2 Growth Media) under 37 °C and 5% CO2. The cells
were then passaged at 80% confluency (passage number 5) and were used for all cell
studies. For in vitro cytocompatibility tests, two groups of FPSCs (before and after bending)
were placed in media during the course of study to release the possible undesired toxic
residuals. The HDF cells were seeded into 24 well plates (1 × 105 cells per well) and
were treated with appropriate media and incubated under 37 °C and 5% CO2 for up to 7
days. For the control, cells were treated with fresh media without contact with FPSCs. Cell
viability was evaluated by using a commercial calcein AM/ethidium homodimer-1 live/dead
kit (Invitrogen) on day 1 and 7 post culture. The samples were then visualized by using an
Axio Observer inverted microscope (ZEISS) and cell viability was calculated using ImageJ
software and reported as the ratio of live cells to total number of cells (live + dead). A
commercial PrestoBlue assay (Thermo Fisher) was also used to evaluate cell metabolic
activity according to manufacturer’s protocol.
Electronic system design and characterization
The electronic system consists of four main blocks for power management, data processing
and wireless communication, electrochemical instrumentation, and iontophoretic induction
(Supplementary Fig. 8). The power management block consists of an energy harvesting
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PMIC (BQ25504, Texas Instruments) and a voltage regulator (ADP162, Analog Devices).
The PMIC utilizes maximum point power tracking (MPPT) to efficiently boost charge
the solar cell output of 5 V and charge the 5mF energy storage capacitor. The threshold
control unit of the PMIC enables the capacitor to power the rest of the system while the
capacitor voltage stays within a threshold voltage between 3~5 V. The voltage regulator then
regulates the capacitor voltage to a stable 2.8 V to supply the data processing and wireless
communication, and electrochemical instrumentation blocks.
Data processing and wireless communication are performed by a compact programmable
system-on-chip (PSoC) BLE module (Cyble-222014, Cypress Semiconductor) that
integrates a microcontroller (MCU) and BLE radio, and electrochemical instrumentation is
performed by an electrochemical front-end (AD5941, Analog Devices) and voltage buffers
(MAX40018, Analog Devices) that integrate various configurable blocks necessary for
electrochemical detection. The PSoC BLE module communicates with the host software
via BLE and controls the Electrochemical AFE via serial peripheral interface (SPI). The
electrochemical AFE is the core of the platform. The electrochemical AFE’s configurable
amplifiers can be configured for various electrochemical measurements at multiple modes
of measurement ranges and resolutions. For high bandwidth impedance measurements,
the high speed loop can be configured, and for lower bandwidth measurements such as
potentiometry, amperometry, and voltammetry, the low-power loop can be configured.
The AFE contains multiple elements such as a sequencer, a memory block, a waveform
generator, and a DFT hardware accelerator that enables independent operation of complex
electrochemical procedures, minimizing the workload of the microcontroller and the overall
power consumption. Furthermore, a switch matrix and multiplexer flexibly connect the
sensors and analog signals to the appropriate channels.
The iontophoresis induction block generates a high compliance-voltage constant current
with current monitoring to safely deliver current across the skin through a gel. A boost
converter (TPS61096, Texas Instruments) boosts the energy storage capacitor voltage
from the PMIC to a high compliance-voltage, and a BJT array (BCV62C, Nexperia)
is configured as a current mirror to supply a steady current through the analog switch
(DG468, Vishay Intertechnology) while the iontophoresis block is actuated. Furthermore,
the electrochemical AFE’s switch matrix enables the iontophoresis block to flexibly connect
to the electrochemical AFE’s low-power current measurement channel for iontophoresis
current monitoring overcurrent protection during iontophoresis.
The wearable device was powered by a custom developed quasi-2D FPSC in most
experiments, The power consumption of the system was characterized using a power profiler
(PPK2, Nordic Semiconductor), and the energy storage capacitor charging-discharging
curves were collected using an electrochemical workstation (CHI 660E). For experiments
under bright to room-light illumination conditions (>400 lx), a custom developed quasi-2D
FPSC was used to power the wearable device; for experiments under dim-light illumination
conditions (<300 lx), a commercial flexible solar cell was used (LL200-2.4-75, PowerFilm
Inc.). To validate the performance of the wearable device for electrochemical measurements,
we compared the potentiometric, amperometric, and voltammetric responses collected by
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the wearable device under laboratory-light mode with those collected by an electrochemical
workstation (CHI 660E).
Microfluidic sensor patch fabrication and assembly
The PI substrates were cleaned prior to inkjet printing via O
plasma surface treatment
(Plasma Etch PE-25, 10–20 cm
, 100 W, 150–200 mTorr) to remove debris
and improve surface hydrophilicity. Next, an inkjet printer (DMP-2850, Fujifilm) was
used for the sequential printing of silver (interconnects and connection pads, interdigitated
sweat rate sensor, and reference electrode), carbon (iontophoresis, counter, and working
electrodes), and PI (encapsulation). The reference and working electrodes were further
modified via electrochemical deposition (CHI 660E) and drop-casting methods for selective
electrochemical sensing. Meanwhile, a 50 W CO
laser cutter (Universal Laser System)
was used to pattern M-tape (3M 468MP) and PET layers to be further assembled onto the
sensor patch for microfluidic sweat processing. Z-axis conductive tape (3M 9703) was used
to electrically connect the encapsulated PCBs, solar cells, and microfluidic sensor patch
through the connection pads and interconnects printed on the PI substrate.
Both anode and cathode carbagels were prepared by heating DI water containing 3% w/w
agarose to 250 °C under constant stirring until the mixture became homogenous. After
cooling down the mixture to 165 °C, 1% w/w carbachol was added to the anode mixture,
and 1% w/w KCl was added to the cathode mixture. Then, the mixtures were poured into the
assembled microfluidic sensor patches’ carbagel cutouts, where the hydrogels solidified.
Biosensor preparation and characterization
An electrochemical workstation (CHI 660E) was used for electrochemical deposition,
and both the electrochemical workstation and the wearable device were used for sensor
Reference electrode:
To form Ag/AgCl, 0.1 M FeCl
was drop-casted onto the inkjet-
printed Ag reference electrode for 30 s. A PVB reference cocktail was prepared by
dissolving 79.1 mg of PVB, 50 mg of NaCl, 1 mg of F127, and 0.2 mg of MWCNT into 1
ml of methanol. 1.66 μL of the PVB reference cocktail was drop-casted onto the Ag/AgCl
reference electrode and left to dry overnight such that the reference electrode can maintain a
steady potential regardless of the ionic strength of the solution.
Glucose sensor:
Au nano-dendrites were modified on a carbon working electrode by
applying a pulsed voltage from −0.9 V to 0.9 V at a frequency of 50 Hz in a solution
containing 50 mM HAuCl
and 50 mM HCl. A Prussian blue layer was electrochemically
deposited on the modified working electrode by performing cyclic voltammetry from −0.2
V to 0.6 V at a scan rate of 50 mV s
for 20 cycles in a solution containing 2mM FeCl
2.5 mM K
], 0.1 M KCl, and 0.1 M HCl. Then, the electrode was further modified
by performing cyclic voltammetry from 0 V to 0.8 V at a scan rate of 100 mV s
for 8
cycles in a solution containing 5 mM NiCl
, 2.5 mM K
], 0.1 M KCl, and 0.1
M HCl. A GOx enzyme cocktail was prepared by mixing 99 uL of 1% BSA, 1 uL of 2.5
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% glutaraldehyde, and 0.25 uL of 10 mg/mL GOx. 1.66 μL of the enzyme cocktail was
drop-casted onto the modified working electrode and left overnight to dry.
Sodium sensor:
A carbon working electrode was modified in a solution containing 30
mg K
O, 206.1 mg NaPSS, 10.7 μL EDOT in 10 mL DI water by applying a
constant potential of 0.865 V for 10 min. A Na
selective membrane cocktail was prepared
by dissolving 1 mg of Na ionophore X, 0.55 mg Na-TFPB, 33 mg PVC, and 65.45 mg DOS
into 660 μL THF. 1.66 μL of the Na
selective membrane cocktail was drop-casted onto the
modified carbon working electrode and left to dry overnight.
pH sensor:
Au was deposited on a carbon working electrode by applying a constant
potential of 0 V for 30 s in a solution containing 50 mM HAuCl
and 50 mM HCl. A PANI
layer was electropolymerized on the Au modified working electrode by performing cyclic
voltammetry from −0.2 V to 1 V at a scan rate of 50 mV s
for 50 cycles.
Biosensor characterization:
For in vitro characterizations for the Na
and sweat rate
sensors, NaCl solutions (12.5–200 mM) were prepared in DI water. For characterization of
the pH sensors, Mcllvaine’s buffers with pH values ranging from 4 to 8, and HCl-mediated
Mcllvaine’s buffer with a pH of 10 were used. For characterization of the glucose sensors,
glucose solutions (0–200 μM) were prepared in PBS buffers with pH ranging from 4 to 10.
For characterization of the sensors’ dependence on temperature, a ceramic hot plate (Thermo
Fisher Scientific) was used. For in vitro flow tests, a syringe pump (78-01001, Thermo
Fisher Scientific) was used to inject various fluids through the microfluidic sensor patch at
flow rates varying form (0.12–3 μL min
On-body evaluation of the wearable device
The validation and evaluation of the wearable device were performed using human subjects
in compliance with the ethical regulations under protocols (ID 19-0892 and 21-1079)
that were approved by the Institutional Review Board (IRB) at the California Institute of
Technology (Caltech). Participating subjects between the ages of 18 and 65 were recruited
from the Caltech campus and neighboring communities through advertisement by posted
notices, word of mouth, and email distribution. All subjects gave written informed consent
before participation in the study. For all human studies, subjects cleaned their skin with
water and alcohol swabs before applying the wearable device on the skin.
System evaluation conditions:
For chemical sweat induction, the subjects were
illuminated under bright-light conditions for 10 min to enable light-powered iontophoresis
(55 μA, 10 min). Following iontophoretic stimulation, the subjects were illuminated under
either bright-light (14k lx), laboratory-light (1200 lx), or room-light (600 lx) illumination
conditions to enable continuous biomarker detection for the remainder of the study. Sweat
rate was measured periodically either with the impedimetric sweat rate sensor, visually, or
by both ways.
System evaluation with sugar intake:
For fasting and intake studies, subjects reported
to the laboratory after fasting overnight. For the iontophoresis-based studies, the wearable
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device was applied to the ventral forearm region and the subject was illuminated under
bright-light (14k lx) conditions for the first 10 minutes to power iontophoresis. For the
remainder of the study, the subject was illuminated under lab-light (1200 lx) conditions
at rest, while the wearable device performed wireless multimodal monitoring of sweat
biomarkers with multiplexed glucose, pH, sodium, and temperature measurements occurring
at 8 s intervals, and sweat rate measurements occurring at 5 min intervals. The data
was wirelessly transmitted in real-time via BLE indications. For the iontophoresis intake
study, the subject was provided a soft drink containing 55 g of sugars. For the exercise-
based studies, the wearable device was applied to the forehead region, and the subject
was illuminated under lab-light (1200 lx) conditions throughout the entire study, wherein
subjects performed constant-load cycling (50 rpm) on a stationary exercise bike (Kettler
Axos Cycle M-LA) for 60 minutes. For the exercise intake study, the subject was provided a
soft drink containing 55 g of sugars.
System evaluation during daily activities:
For the full day study spanning from 9 AM
to 9 PM, the subject was iontophoretically stimulated
the wearable device for 10 min at 9
AM, 12 PM, 3 PM, and 6 PM. The microfluidics was reset before each iontophoresis section
to obtain continuous sweat rate reading. From 9 AM to 1 PM, the subject was outdoors
under the sun (100k lx); from 1 PM to 6 PM, the subject was under lab-light (1200 lx)
conditions; and from 6 PM to 9 PM, the subject was in room-light (600 lx) conditions.
From 9 AM to 6 PM, the wearable device performed multiplexed glucose, pH, Na
, and
temperature measurements occurring at 8 s intervals, and sweat rate measurements occurring
at 5 min intervals. The data was wirelessly transmitted
BLE indications. From 6 PM
to 9 PM, the wearable device performed multiplexed glucose, pH, sodium, and temperature
measurements occurring at 60 s intervals and transmitted the data wirelessly
advertisements, while sweat rate was evaluated optically every 10 min.
Supplementary Material
Refer to Web version on PubMed Central for supplementary material.
This project was supported by the National Institutes of Health grants R01HL155815 and R21DK13266, Office of
Naval Research grants N00014-21-1-2483 and N00014-21-1-2845, the Translational Research Institute for Space
Health through NASA NNX16AO69A, and National Science Foundation grant 2145802, (to W.G.) and by the
European Research Council Starting Grant ‘GEL-SYS’ under grant agreement no. 757931 (to M.K.). S.D. would
like to also acknowledge Marshall Plan Foundation that provided financial support for 3 months research visit to
California Institute of Technology that initiated this work.
Data availability
The main data supporting the results in this study are available within the paper and its
Supplementary Information. Source data for human studies in Figure 4 are provided with
this paper. All raw and analyzed datasets generated during the study are available from the
corresponding author on request.
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Figure 1 |. Schematics and images of the ambient light-powered battery-free lab on the skin.
, Illustration of the energy autonomous wearable device that is powered from both
outdoor and indoor illumination
a quasi-2D flexible perovskite solar cell (FPSC) and
perform multiplexed wireless biomolecular analysis across a wide range of activities.
Carbagel, carbachol hydrogel; M-tape, medical tape; PET, polyethylene terephthalate; PI,
, Exploded 3D model of the layer assembly of the wearable device.
, Photo
of an inkjet-printed disposable microfluidic sensor patch that contains an iontophoretic
module for autonomous sweat stimulation, microfluidics for sweat sampling, multiplexed
electrochemical biosensors for perspiration analysis, and an impedimetric sweat rate sensor.
Scale bar, 0.5 cm.
, Photo of the wearable device assembled in origami-style. Scale bar, 1
, Photo of the wearable device worn on the ventral forearm and wirelessly connected to
a custom developed mobile app over BLE. Scale bar, 2 cm.
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