Table 3. Cloud Base and the Calculated Lifting Condensation Levela

RF Number	Cloud Base (m)	LCL (Iteration [Seinfeld and Pandis, 2006]) (m)	LCL (Approximate Formula [Bolton, 1980]) (m)
2		630		687						671
5_1		974		957						953
5_2		1280		1314						1273
9_1		778		809						838
9_2		1200		1076						1208
12		1424		1602						1588
15		1774		1674						1615
16_1		1615		1562						1615
16_2		1530		1465						1442
17		1478		1404						1432
18		794		923						931
19_1		1288		1381						1268
19_2		1227		1243						1268
22		976		947						947

aLCL, lifting condensation level.