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Asymptotically Optimal Load Balancing in Large-scale
Heterogeneous Systems with Multiple Dispatchers
Xingyu Zhou
Department of ECE
The Ohio State University
Columbus, USA
Ness Shroff
Department of ECE and CSE
The Ohio State University
Columbus, USA
Adam Wierman
Department of CMS
Pasadena, USA
We consider the load balancing problem in large-scale het-
erogeneous systems with multiple dispatchers. We introduce
a general framework called Local-Estimation-Driven (LED).
Under this framework, each dispatcher keeps local (possibly
outdated) estimates of the queue lengths for all the servers,
and the dispatching decision is made purely based on these
local estimates. The local estimates are updated via in-
frequent communications between dispatchers and servers.
We derive su

cient conditions for LED policies to achieve
throughput optimality and delay optimality in heavy-tra

respectively. These conditions directly imply delay optimal-
ity for many previous local-memory based policies in heavy

c. Moreover, the results enable us to design new delay
optimal policies for heterogeneous systems with multiple dis-
patchers. Finally, the heavy-tra

c delay optimality of the
LED framework also sheds light on a recent open question
on how to design optimal load balancing schemes using de-
layed information.
Asymptotically optimal; Load balancing; Heterogeneous sys-
tems, Multiple dispatchers, Delayed information
Load balancing, which is responsible for dispatching jobs
on parallel servers, has attracted significant interest in re-
cent years. This is motivated by the challenges associated
with e

ciently dispatching jobs in large-scale data centers
and cloud applications, which are rapidly increasing in size.
A good load balancing policy not only ensures high through-
put by maximizing server utilization, but improves the user
experience by minimizing delay. There have been numerous
load balancing policies proposed in the literature. The most
straightforward one is Join-Shortest-Queue (JSQ), which has
been shown to enjoy optimal delay in both non-asymptotic
(for homogeneous servers) and asymptotic regimes [12, 1].
However, it is di

cult to implement in today’s large-scale
data centers due to the large message overhead between the
dispatcher and servers. As a result, alternative load bal-
This project has been funded in part through NSF grants:
CNS-2007231, CNS-1719371, and CNS-1717060 and NSF
grants AitF-1637598 and CNS-1518941.
IFIP WG 7.3 Performance 2020
Milan, Italy
Copyright is held by author/owner(s).
ancing policies with low message overhead have been pro-
posed. For example, the Power-of-
policy [6] has been
shown to achieve optimal average delay in heavy tra

c with
only 2
messages per arrival [5]. Another common load bal-
ancing policy is the pull-based Join-Idle-Queue (JIQ) [4, 9],
which has been shown to outperform the Power-of-
icy using less overhead. However, both Power-of-
and JIQ
mainly achieve good performance for systems with homo-
geneous servers. Recently, some works consider heteroge-
neous servers and propose flexible and low message over-
head policies that achieve optimal delay in heavy tra

c [15,
14]. However, only a single dispatcher is considered in these
works. Theoretical analysis of load balancing with multiple
dispatchers has mainly focused on the JIQ policy so far [7,
10], which has a poor performance in heavy tra

c and is
even generally unstable for heterogeneous systems [15].
Note that heterogeneous systems with multiple dispatch-
ers are now almost the default scenarios in today’s cloud
infrastructures. On one hand, the heterogeneity comes from
the usage of multiple generations of CPUs and various types
of devices [2]. On the other hand, with the massive amount
of data, a scalable cloud infrastructure needs multiple dis-
patchers to increase both throughput and robustness [8].
Motivated by this, a recent work [11] proposes a new
framework named Local Shortest Queue (LSQ) for design-
ing load balancing policies for heterogeneous systems with
multiple dispatchers. In particular, under this framework,
each dispatcher keeps its own, local, and possibly outdated
view of each server’s queue length. Upon arrival, each dis-
patcher routes to the server with shortest local view. A small
amount of message overhead is used to update the local view.
The authors successfully establish su

cient conditions on
the update scheme for the system to be stable. Moreover,
extensive simulations were conducted to show that LSQ poli-
cies significantly outperform well-known low-communication
policies while using similar communication overhead in both
heterogeneous and homogeneous cases. However, no theo-
retical guarantee on the delay performance is provided and
the authors mention it as an important future research di-
rection. It is worth noting that the key challenge for estab-
lishing a delay performance guarantee for this framework is
that it only uses possibly outdated local information to dis-
patch jobs. In fact, the problem of designing delay optimal
load balancing schemes that only have access to delayed in-
formation has recently been listed as an open problem in [3].
Inspired by this, in this paper, we are particularly inter-
ested in the following questions:
Is is possible to establish
delay performance guarantees for load balancing in hetero-
3, December
geneous systems with multiple dispatchers? If so, can these
guarantees be achieved using only delayed information?
To answer the questions above, we pro-
pose a general framework of load balancing for heteroge-
neous systems with multiple dispatchers that uses only de-
layed (out-of-date) information about the system state. We
call this framework Local-Estimation-Driven (LED) and it
generalizes the LSQ framework. Our main results provide
cient conditions for LED policies to be both through-
put optimal and delay optimal in heavy-tra
c. Our key
contributions can be summarized as follows.
First, we introduce the LED framework for designing load
balancing policies for heterogeneous systems with multiple
dispatchers. In this framework, each dispatcher keeps its
own local estimates of queue lengths for all the servers, and
makes its dispatching decision based purely on its own lo-
cal estimates according to a certain dispatching strategy.
The local estimates are updated infrequently via an update
strategy that is based on communications between dispatch-
ers and servers.
Second, we derive su
cient conditions for LED policies to
be throughput optimal and delay optimal in heavy-tra
The importance of the su
cient conditions is three-fold: (i)
It can be shown that previous local-memory based policies
(e.g., LSQ) satisfy our su
cient conditions. As a result, we
are able to show that they are not only throughput optimal
(in a stronger sense) but also delay optimal in heavy-tra
(ii) The conditions allow us to design new delay optimal
load balancing policies with zero dispatching delay and low
message overhead that work for heterogeneous servers and
multiple dispatchers. (iii) These conditions also provide us
with a systematic approach for generalizing previous opti-
mal policies to the case of multiple dispatchers and exploring
the trade-o
between memory (i.e., local estimations) and
message overhead. For instance, we are able to show that
the Power-of-
policy can achieve delay optimality in heavy
c, even in heterogeneous systems, as long as the imbal-
ance among the service rates is not too large.
Third, the LED framework also sheds light on the open
problem posed in [3], which asks how to design heavy-tra
delay optimal policies that only use delayed information.
Our main results for LED policies not only demonstrate
that it is possible to achieve optimal delay in heavy-tra
via only delayed information, but highlight conditions on
the extent to which old information is useful. Moreover,
they provide methods for using the delayed information to
achieve optimality in heavy tra
c. Interestingly, the LED
framework also shows that, in the case of multiple dispatch-
ers, inaccurate information can actually lead to improved
To establish the main results, we need to address the fol-
lowing two technical challenges. First, each dispatcher in
our model only has access to delayed and outdated system
information. Second, we consider a large class of dispatch-
ing strategies specified by a general condition. To handle the
general condition, we have to apply a refined drift analysis
to obtain the necessary negative drifts required for through-
put optimality and delay optimality. In order to handle the
outdated queue length information, we have to transfer the
drift on local estimates to the corresponding drift on the ac-
tual queue lengths. To this end, we develop a new Lyapunov
function, and combine this with sample-path analysis, and
couplings arguments to obtain tight bounds.
The full paper is available at [13].
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