Table A3. NOAA Twin Otter Flights

Flight Number	Flight Description	Date 2006	Takeoff-Landing LST
1	Transit from Boulder to Houston with refueling stop in Wichita Falls, Texas; measured ozone south of Dallas and north of Houston	1 Aug	0815-1600
2	Houston/ship channel plume with clean southerly flow	3 Aug	1145-1615
3	Houston/ship channel plume with easterly flow; overflight of Ronald H. Brown	4 Aug	1110-1600
4	Potential stagnation and sea breeze front	5 Aug	0940-1320
5	Sea surface calibration measurements, Ronald H. Brown overflight	8 Aug	1330-1740
6	Ship channel plume; significant interference from convection	10 Aug	1250-1600
7	CALIPSO underflight with Ronald H. Brown; Houston/ship channel plume north of Houston	12 Aug	1130-1720
8	Houston/ship channel plume with clean southerly flow	14 Aug	1220-1830
9	High ozone in Houston area, elevated mixed layer depths, sea breeze incursion	15 Aug	1315-1855
10	Weak ESE winds, high ozone levels in plume N of Houston	16 Aug	1305-1930
11	High ozone level under northeasterly flow, multilayered aerosol structure S and SW of Houston	17 Aug	1150-1750
12	Sampling in Dallas area: instrument and convection problems limited data	21 Aug	0900-1800
13	Instrument test, Ronald H. Brown overflight	22 Aug	0950-1410
14	Instrument test, Houston heat island, Galveston Bay	24 Aug	1435-1820
15	Coordinated mission with King Air and CIRPAS Twin Otter, Ronald H. Brown overpass	28 Aug	1130-1620
16	Ozone plume south of Houston under northerly flow	30 Aug	1220-1845
17	Houston plume under easterly flow, high-ozone day	31 Aug	1105-1710
18	Sea breeze recirculation, high ozone	1 Sep	1310-1820
19	Ozone transport into Texas from the east, high ozone west of Houston	4 Sep	1055-1505
20	MISR overflight, ozonesonde comparison, measurements upwind and downwind of Houston under easterly flow	7 Sep	0920-1620
21	Ozone transported into Texas along Texas-Louisiana border	8 Sep	0910-1510
22	Ozone downwind of Dallas, P-3 and King Air intercomparisons	13 Sep	1120-1750