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Microbiota regulate social behaviour via stress response
neurons in the brain
Wei-Li Wu
Mark D. Adame
Chia-Wei Liou
Jacob T. Barlow
Tzu-Ting Lai
Catherine E. Schretter
Brittany D. Needham
Madelyn I. Wang
Weiyi Tang
James Ousey
Yuan-Yuan Lin
Tzu-Hsuan Yao
Reem Abdel-Haq
Keith Beadle
Rustem F. Ismagilov
Sarkis K. Mazmanian
Division of Biology and Biological Engineering, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA,
Department of Physiology, College of Medicine, National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan.
Institute of Basic Medical Sciences, College of Medicine, National Cheng Kung University,
Tainan, Taiwan.
Division of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena,
Social interactions among animals mediate essential behaviours, including mating, nurturing, and
. The gut microbiota contribute to social activity in mice
, but the gut–brain
connections that regulate this complex behaviour and its underlying neural basis are unclear
Here we show that the microbiome modulates neuronal activity in specific brain regions of male
mice to regulate canonical stress responses and social behaviours. Social deviation in germ-free
and antibiotic-treated mice is associated with elevated levels of the stress hormone corticosterone,
The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer Nature Limited 2021
wlwu@ncku.edu.tw .
Author contributions
W.-L.W., M.D.A., C.-W.L., J.T.B., T.-T.L., G.S., C.E.S., M.I.W., W.T., J.O., Y.-Y.L., T.-H.Y. and R.A.-H.
performed the experiments and/or analysed data. J.T.B., G.S., B.D.N. and R.F.I. provided consultations regarding microbiome
analysis. K.B. and V.G. provided novel viral vectors. W.-L.W. and S.K.M. designed the research. S.K.M. supervised the research. W.-
L.W. and S.K.M. integrated the data, interpreted the results, and wrote the manuscript. All authors discussed the results and
commented on the manuscript.
Online content
Any methods, additional references, Nature Research reporting summaries, source data, extended data, supplementary information,
acknowledgements, peer review information; details of author contributions and competing interests; and statements of data and code
availability are available at
Reporting summary
Further information on research design is available in the Nature Research Reporting Summary linked to this paper.
Competing interests
W-L.W., M.D.A., B.D.N., and S.K.M. have filed a provisional patent on this work. All other authors declare no
competing interests.
Additional information
Supplementary information
The online version contains supplementary material available at
Correspondence and requests for materials
should be addressed to W.-L.W.
Peer review information
thanks Ioana Carcea and the other, anonymous, reviewer(s) for their contribution to the peer review
of this work.
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Author manuscript
. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2021 August 07.
Published in final edited form as:
. 2021 July ; 595(7867): 409–414. doi:10.1038/s41586-021-03669-y.
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which is primarily produced by activation of the hypothalamus–pituitary–adrenal (HPA) axis.
Adrenalectomy, antagonism of glucocorticoid receptors, or pharmacological inhibition of
corticosterone synthesis effectively corrects social deficits following microbiome depletion.
Genetic ablation of glucocorticoid receptors in specific brain regions or chemogenetic inactivation
of neurons in the paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus that produce corticotrophin-
releasing hormone (CRH) reverse social impairments in antibiotic-treated mice. Conversely,
specific activation of CRH-expressing neurons in the paraventricular nucleus induces social
deficits in mice with a normal microbiome. Via microbiome profiling and in vivo selection, we
identify a bacterial species,
Enterococcus faecalis
, that promotes social activity and reduces
corticosterone levels in mice following social stress. These studies suggest that specific gut
bacteria can restrain the activation of the HPA axis, and show that the microbiome can affect social
behaviours through discrete neuronal circuits that mediate stress responses in the brain.
Bidirectional communication between the gut and the brain affects health and disease
Various environmental and/or peripheral factors influence gut–brain interactions, including
the intestinal microbiota. Changes in stress responses, anxiety, locomotion, and social
behaviour have shown that the microbiota contribute to brain development and function and
to behaviour
. Specific gut bacterial species contribute to each of these behavioural
domains in mice
. The influence of host–microorganism interactions on complex
behaviours may extend beyond preclinical studies, as the human microbiome is altered in
several neuropsychiatric disorders that are associated with changes in sociability
Sensory processing, internal states, and decision-making are crucial for the control of social
. An animal perceives visual, olfactory, pheromonal, auditory, and/or tactile cues
from another animal, which may modulate the internal state of the first animal towards a
decision that will guide a specific response. In addition, past experiences, emotions,
motivation, and physiological inputs shape the internal state and influence the final outcome
of a social response
. Activation or inhibition of specific brain regions or circuits can
determine the type of response towards another animal, such as a decision to mate, nurture,
fight, surrender, flee, or investigate
In addition to outcomes determined by the brain, the regulation of social behaviour may be
influenced by the gastrointestinal tract
. Diet choice affects social aggression
. Most, but
not all
, studies show that rodents lacking gut bacteria display decreased social behaviour
compared to animals with a complex microbiome
. Mouse models of autism spectrum
disorder display changes in gut microbiome composition, and probiotic treatment corrects
certain social outcomes
. In humans, gastrointestinal symptoms have been observed
in several psychiatric disorders with a social component
, and individuals with these
disorders also have altered microbiomes compared to healthy individuals
. Despite the
emerging appreciation of the effects of gut bacteria on complex behaviour, the neural
circuits that are influenced by the microbiome to modulate social activity remain unknown.
Gut microbiota affect social activity
Consistent with previous studies
, germ-free (GF) mice showed reduced social activity
towards novel stranger mice, regardless of microbial status (Fig. 1a–c, Extended Data Fig.
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1a–c). Notably, non-social activity was indistinguishable between GF and specific-pathogen-
free (SPF) mice, which harbour complex microbiota (Extended Data Fig. 1f, g). Adult SPF
mice treated orally with a broad-spectrum antibiotic cocktail (ABX) to deplete their
microbiota also showed decreased social activity (Fig. 1a, d, Extended Data Fig. 1d). Social
activity was not altered by presentation of a novel ABX mouse (Extended Data Fig. 1e).
Non-social activity was not changed by antibiotic treatment (Extended Data Fig. 1f).
Culture-dependent and culture-independent analysis showed that the microbiota were fully
depleted in GF and ABX mice (Extended Data Fig. 2). Neither administration of antibiotics
directly into the brain nor chronic systemic injection of antibiotics altered social behaviour
(Extended Data Fig. 1h–j), which suggests that antibiotics are not neurotoxic. Depletion of
the microbiome reduced social activity regardless of animal sex, social isolation time, and
age (Extended Data Fig. 1k–m) but did not cause altered behaviour in the three-chamber
social test (Extended Data Fig. 1n–q).
Anxiety-like behaviour was lower in GF mice than in their SPF counterparts, as previously
, although there was no change in this behaviour in ABX mice (Extended Data Fig.
3a–h). Overall locomotor activity was not affected in the GF or ABX groups (Extended Data
Fig. 3a, e, i). GF status did not alter water intake (Extended Data Fig. 3j), and the heightened
olfactory investigatory behaviour seen in GF mice exposed to soiled bedding from SPF mice
is probably due to novelty (Extended Data Fig. 3k). Habituation and dishabituation to an
equally novel social odour were similar in GF and SPF mice (Extended Data Fig. 3l).
Responses to microbial scents may influence olfactory communication
. As volatile odours
from GF rats in oestrus induce similar sexual responses in male rats to odours from control
, moderate effects on olfaction in GF mice are unlikely to explain the stark contrast in
social behaviour compared to SPF mice. Collectively, these data show that the absence of
gut microbiota impairs social activity in mice, and that social deviations are not likely to be a
consequence of olfactory dysfunction, anxiety, or altered locomotion.
Microbiota affect brain region activity
We investigated brain activation patterns in GF and ABX mice. Expression of c-Fos, a
measure of neuronal activation, was increased after a social encounter in brain regions
associated with stress responses, including the paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus
(PVN), bed nucleus of stria terminalis (BNST) and hippocampal dentate gyrus (DG) (Fig.
1e–l). We observed a trend towards increased c-Fos staining in the basolateral amygdala
(BLA) of GF and ABX mice (Extended Data Fig. 1r, s). GF mice only showed increased
brain activation in response to social interaction (Extended Data Fig. 1t). Several immediate-
early genes in the hippocampus and hypothalamus of GF mice were elevated following
exposure to stranger animals (Extended Data Fig. 4a–d). The effects of gut bacteria on the
social behaviour studied are not likely to be mediated through vasopressin, whereas an
oxytocin-dependent pathway cannot be completely ruled out
(Extended Data Fig. 5a–e,
Supplementary Information 1). We conclude that depletion of the microbiota activates or de-
represses activity in distinct brain regions in response to a social interaction.
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Gut bacteria regulate corticosterone
Gut bacteria modulate the HPA stress response in mice
and affect corticosterone production
by the HPA axis
. Accordingly, serum corticosterone levels were more robustly
increased after a transient social encounter in GF and ABX mice than in SPF controls (Fig.
1m–o). Corticosterone concentrations trended upward immediately after a social encounter
and lasted at least one hour in ABX mice (Extended Data Fig. 1u). Corticosterone levels
were increased in GF mice, but not ABX mice, exposed to a novel cage (Extended Data Fig.
1v). Changes in corticosterone levels were not subject to circadian rhythms (Extended Data
Fig. 1w, x). Transplantation of gut bacteria from SPF donors into GF mice corrected social
activity and lowered corticosterone (Extended Data Fig. 1y, z), showing that the effects of
microbiota alterations are reversible. The increases in corticosterone levels in GF and ABX
mice following social interaction were not due to differences in PVN neuronal density
(Extended Data Fig. 5f–k, Supplementary Information 1). We therefore investigated the
hypothesis that the HPA axis mediates the observed behavioural outcomes in GF and ABX
We inhibited corticosterone production using both pharmacological and surgical approaches
(Fig. 2a). In GF mice, injection of the corticosterone synthesis blocker metyrapone (MET)
reduced serum corticosterone levels and significantly increased social activity compared to
injection of the vehicle control, carboxymethylcellulose (CMC) (Fig. 2b, c). The adrenal
gland is a major source of corticosterone, and adrenalectomy (ADX) blocked corticosterone
increases in ABX mice compared to sham controls (ABX-sham versus ABX-ADX) (Fig.
2d). Notably, ABX-ADX mice showed normal social activity (vehicle-sham versus ABX-
ADX; Fig. 2e, CMC
and CMC
), whereas ABX-sham mice showed reduced social
activity compared to controls (vehicle-sham versus ABX-sham; Fig. 2e, CMC
). Administration of RU-486 to antagonize glucocorticoid receptors led to similar
social activity in vehicle-sham and ABX-sham mice, whereas MET treatment to inhibit
corticosterone synthesis increased social behaviour in ABX-sham mice compared to vehicle-
sham mice (Fig. 2e). ABX-ADX mice showed increased social activity following treatment
with either RU-486 or MET (Fig. 2e). By contrast, acute injection of corticosterone impaired
social behaviour in all groups (Extended Data Fig. 6a). We observed minimal effects on non-
social activity following surgery or drug treatment (Extended Data Fig. 6b–d).
The vagus nerve is a key pathway for gut–brain communication
. However, social
behaviour and corticosterone levels were not changed by subdiaphragmatic vagotomy (SDV)
in ABX mice (ABX-sham versus ABX-SDV) (Fig. 2f, Extended Data Fig. 6e–g), which
suggests that the vagus nerve does not participate in social impairment resulting from
microbiota depletion.
Next, we deleted the gene encoding the glucocorticoid receptor (
) in specific brain
regions by stereotaxic injection of AAV-hSyn-Cre-GFP bilaterally into
mice (Fig.
2g, Extended Data Fig. 7a, d, g). In ABX-treated
mice, knockout of
in the
DG (
) or BNST (
) resulted in an increase in social activity compared
to ABX-treated wild-type mice injected with AAV-hSyn-Cre-GFP (control) (Fig. 2h, j).
Global blockade of glucocorticoid receptor signalling by RU-486 enhanced social activity
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only in ABX control mice, but not ABX
mice (Fig. 2h, j).
Accordingly, serum corticosterone levels (Fig. 2i, k) and c-Fos expression (Extended Data
Fig. 7c, f, j) in the PVN and BNST were reduced in ABX
after social interaction. Increased social behaviour and decreased corticosterone were
observed in
mice only after antibiotic treatment, but not in mice
with an intact microbiome (Extended Data Fig. 7k, m, p), with the exception of decreased
social activity in SPF
mice (Extended Data Fig. 7n).
Bilateral stereotaxic delivery of AAV-hSyn-Cre-GFP into the hypothalamic region
(including the PVN) of
mice (
) decreased social behaviour compared
to non-ablated control mice following ABX treatment, with or without administration of
RU-486 (Fig. 2l). Serum corticosterone (Fig. 2m) and c-Fos expression in the DG (Extended
Data Fig. 7i, j) were significantly increased in ABX-treated
mice, supporting
the notion that the glucocorticoid receptor in the hypothalamus serves as a negative regulator
of the HPA axis. Non-social activity was not affected in
mice, but
was reduced in ABX-treated
mice (Extended Data Fig. 7b, e, h, l, o, r).
Decreased social behaviour and increased corticosterone in
mice were
observed only following antibiotic treatment (Fig. 2l, m, Extended Data Fig. 7q, s). These
results indicate that glucocorticoid receptors have distinct functions in different brain
regions, and that they affect the levels of corticosterone and social behaviours that are
regulated by the microbiota.
CRH neurons modulate social behaviour
Although global changes in stress-related genes were not observed in the DG, Ammon’s
horn, or hypothalamus (Extended Data Fig. 4e–l), the
gene was selectively upregulated
in the hypothalamus of ABX mice after social interaction (but not following novel cage
exposure) (Fig. 3a). We used a chemogenetic approach with designer receptors exclusively
activated by designer drugs (DREADDs) to deliver a mutated human M4 muscarinic
receptor, hM4Di
, via AAV to inactivate CRH-expressing neurons. Specifically, AAV-
hSyn-DIO-hM4Di-mCherry (hM4Di) was bilaterally injected into the PVN of
mice, with AAV-hSyn-DIO-mCherry (mCherry) used as a control (Fig. 3b, Extended Data
Fig. 8a). Treatment with clozapine
-oxide (CNO), a designer drug for DREADDs,
markedly increased social behaviour in ABX mice in an acute fashion (Fig. 3c), and
decreased corticosterone in ABX hM4Di mice, but not in ABX mCherry mice (Fig. 3d).
Inactivation of CRH neurons in the PVN also decreased c-Fos staining after social
interaction (Fig. 3e–g), but did not alter c-Fos expression in the BNST or DG (Extended
Data Fig. 8c–f). We were unable to determine whether c-Fos staining was specific to CRH
neurons. Delivery of AAV-hSyn-DIO-hM4Di-mCherry bilaterally into the BNST, another
region with high expression of CRH, did not alter social behaviour, corticosterone levels, or
brain c-Fos expression (Extended Data Fig. 8g–m). Non-social activity was unchanged
following inactivation of CRH neurons in the PVN or BNST (Extended Data Fig. 8b, i).
Unilateral injection of the retrograde neural tracer cholera toxin B subunit (CTB) into the
PVN of SPF and GF mice (Extended Data Fig. 9a) showed a trend towards a reduction in
labelled neuronal projections from the PVN in the BNST, lateral septum (LS), and medial
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amygdala (MeA) in the ipsilateral hemisphere of SPF mice compared with GF mice
(Extended Data Fig. 9b, c). We next co-injected CTB into the PVN and Fluorogold into the
reporter mice (Extended Data Fig. 9d). The PVN
receives similar projections from the BNST, LS, and MeA in both ABX and control mice
(Extended Data Fig. 9e, g). Labelling alternative projections showed that the PVN and
BNST are bidirectionally connected to each other and receive neuronal projections from the
LS and MeA (Extended Data Fig. 9f, g). Notably, retrograde labelling from the PVN and
BNST was similar in both ABX and vehicle-treated mice (Extended Data Fig. 9e–g).
Therefore, decreased social behaviour in GF and ABX mice is probably due to changes in
neural activity rather than neural circuitry, with the PVN being the major region, although
we cannot rule out other circuits.
Stress pathways promote social deficits
To test whether activation of CRH neurons in the PVN is sufficient to induce social
impairment under more ‘natural’ conditions (rather than in GF or ABX mice), we bilaterally
injected AAV-hSyn-DIO-hM3Dq-mCherry (hM3Dq) into the PVN of SPF
mice, using mice injected with AAV-hSyn-DIO-mCherry (mCherry) as controls (Fig. 3h,
Extended Data Fig. 8n). hM3Dq is a mutated human M3 muscarinic receptor that induces
neuronal firing when activated
. Injection of CNO increased corticosterone in SPF hM3Dq
mice, but not in SPF mCherry mice (Fig. 3i). Chemogenetic activation of CRH neurons in
the PVN following intraperitoneal injection of CNO significantly decreased social behaviour
in SPF hM3Dq mice (Supplementary Video 1), but not in SPF mCherry mice (Fig. 3j) or
SPF hM3Dq mice injected with vehicle (Supplementary Video 2). Activation of CRH
neurons in the PVN also increased non-social activity in SPF hM3Dq mice (Extended Data
Fig. 8o, Supplementary Video 1), which was also observed in mice under stress
Administration of synthetic corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF) directly into the PVN of
SPF mice reduced social activity towards a novel mouse (Fig. 3k–m, Extended Data Fig.
8p). Notably, CRF levels affected non-social activity: low levels of CRF increased non-
social activity and high levels had no effect (Extended Data Fig. 8q). Injection of
corticosterone or the glucocorticoid receptor agonist dexamethasone into the DG and BNST
of SPF mice also decreased social activity (Fig. 3n, o, p, Extended Data Fig. 8r, s).
Therefore, activation of CRH
neurons in the PVN and of glucocorticoid receptor-
expressing neurons in the DG and BNST induce social alterations, revealing a neural
pathway that regulates social behaviour. We speculate that this circuit may also mediate
social activity in response to non-microbial cues.
Enterococcus faecalis
restores social behaviour
We next sought to identify gut bacterial species that affect social activity in mice. Treatment
of SPF mice with different combinations of antibiotics (ampicillin (A), vancomycin (V),
neomycin (N), and metronidazole (M)) showed that a microorganism(s) that is exclusively
sensitive to neomycin appeared to be responsible for modulating social activity and c-Fos
expression in the PVN (Fig. 4a, b, Extended Data Fig. 10a). After social interaction,
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corticosterone levels were lower in AVM-treated mice than in AVNM-treated mice (Fig. 4c).
Notably, transplantation of microbiota from antibiotic-treated donor mice into untreated GF
recipients transferred the associated social activity phenotypes (Fig. 4d) and decreased
serum corticosterone levels (Fig. 4e), suggesting that specific (neomycin-sensitive) bacterial
species mediate social behaviour.
Standard bacterial 16S rRNA gene sequencing did not profile the microbiome because of
low biomass in faecal samples following antibiotic depletion (Extended Data Fig. 2e–k).
Using a recently developed quantitative microbiome sequencing framework
, we identified
a taxon in the
genus that was present in AVM-treated and AVM-microbiota
recipient mice, and absent in mice that received faecal samples from AVNM donors (Fig. 4f,
g, Extended Data Fig. 10b–d). The predominant bacterial species from the AVM microbiota
E. faecalis
.) (Fig. 4g, Extended Data Fig. 10d).
Adult SPF mice were treated for three weeks with ABX as above, and then switched to
regular water and colonized with
E. faecalis
(ABX +
.) or treated with sodium
bicarbonate control (ABX + control) by gavage (Fig. 4h). Matched vehicle mice (no
antibiotics) were gavaged with bicarbonate. Mice were first behaviour tested before gavage
(first trial) to confirm that antibiotics reduced social activity in this paradigm (Extended Data
Fig. 10e). Notably, after three weeks of colonization with
E. faecalis
(Extended Data Fig.
10f), ABX +
. mice showed an increase in social activity compared to their first trial (Fig.
4i) or ABX + control mice (Extended Data Fig. 10g). Corticosterone levels were reduced in
. mice compared to ABX + control mice, to levels similar to vehicle-treated mice
(Fig. 4j). These data reveal that
E. faecalis
increases social activity in mice with ABX-
depleted microbiota, but they do not exclude the possibility that other bacteria have similar
or synergistic effects. GF mice mono-colonized with
E. faecalis
(GF +
.) also showed an
increase in social activity and decreased c-Fos expression in the brain compared to GF mice
(Extended Data Fig. 10h–k), with corticosterone levels unaffected (Extended Data Fig. 10l),
potentially as a result of developmental issues in GF mice or the lack of other
microorganisms. We conclude that specific members of the gut microbiota, such as
, can affect social behaviour in mice.
We have provided evidence that a complex microbiome suppresses an overactive stress
response during encounters with a novel mouse by dampening the HPA-axis-mediated
production of corticosterone; we confirmed this result by restoring sociability upon removal
of the adrenal gland, antagonism of the glucocorticoid receptor, or pharmacological
inhibition of corticosterone synthesis in mice devoid of gut bacteria. Antibiotic depletion of
the microbiota in adult mice, used here as research tool and not suggested clinically,
recapitulated many of the findings with GF mice. It is tempting to speculate that symbiotic
bacteria have evolved properties that promote social behaviours among animals under stress
to disseminate microorganisms within a population
, create social groups among animals to
preserve microbial communities
, and/or influence animal mating to expand host–
microbiome symbiosis across generations
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The gut microbiome is altered in several neuropsychiatric conditions that involve social
deficits, such as autism spectrum disorder
, and findings in rodents and humans have
implicated changes in gut bacteria as a contributing factor to brain morphology, activity,
transcriptional patterns, neurogenesis, expression of neurotransmitters, and many complex
. The discovery of a specific neuronal pathway that responds to signals from the
gut may enable interventions to modulate social behaviours through safe, natural, and non-
invasive approaches. Future research will aim to uncover the microbial molecules that are
responsible for modulating social activity and to identify host receptors and cell types that
receive microbial signals and translate them into specific behavioural outputs.
Wild-type C57BL/6J (00064),
(021021; B6.Cg-
(012704; B6(Cg)-
/J), and Ai14D (007914; B6.Cg-
/J) mice were obtained through Jackson Laboratory.
C57BL/6J germ-free (GF) mice were bred in the Gnotobiotic Animal Facility at Caltech. In
addition, wild-type C57BL/6JNarl mice used in SDV, brain cannulation, chronic antibiotic
intraperitoneal injection, partial colonization, and anxiety-like behaviour experiments were
obtained through National Laboratory Animal Center, Taiwan. All experiments were
performed with male mice except for Extended Data Fig. 1k. All mice were group housed
(2–5 mice per cage) unless specified with a 13-h light/11-h dark cycle (lights on at 06:00) at
21–23 °C and 45–55% relative humidity within a range of 30–70% in ventilated cages
(Super Mouse 750, Lab Products). Unless specified, SPF mice were fed 5053 PicoLab
Rodent Diet (LadDiet) and the SPF breeders were fed a mix of half 5053 and half 5058
PicoLab Rodent Diet. SPF C57BL/6J mice obtained from Jackson Laboratory were yielded
from multiple litters (at least 6–8 litters) and randomly assigned to subject groups (SPF,
vehicle, or ABX) or novel mice (SPF or ABX) to eliminate the maternal effect. GF mice
used in this study were yielded from multiple litters (at least 6 litters) and randomly assigned
to testing groups to eliminate the maternal effect. No statistical methods were used to
predetermine sample size. The investigators were not blinded to allocation during
experiments and outcome assessment.
For experimental mice, SPF, GF, vehicle and ABX mice were transferred and maintained in
sterilized cages and fed autoclaved 5010 PicoLab Rodent Diet (LadDiet) and provided with
autoclaved drinking water. GF mice were housed outside the GF isolator for no more than a
week. GF mice used in this study were tested for behaviour at 11–15 weeks of age. The SPF
mice used for comparison with GF mice were all age-matched. All GF mice completed the
behaviour test once and were processed with tissue collections 30–60 min after behaviour
testing. Faecal samples from GF mice were freshly collected at the endpoint of each
experiment. The faeces were plated onto Brucella agar plates with 5% sheep’s blood
(B0150; Teknova) and cultured aerobically and anaerobically to screen for contamination in
the sterile housing. All SPF mice were handled with the same procedures as GF mice. All
experiments were performed with approval of the Caltech and NCKU Institutional Animal
Care and Use Committee (IACUC).
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Antibiotic cocktail (ABX) treatment
Gut microbiota were depleted in adult mice (8–12 weeks) by treatment with a cocktail of
antibiotics for 3–4 weeks. The recipe included drinking water with ampicillin (1 g/l),
vancomycin (0.5 g/l), neomycin (1 g/l), and metronidazole (0.5 g/l), and was sweetened with
1% w/v of sucrose and filtered with a 0.22-μm filter. To avoid confounding effects from
chronic stress induced by oral gavage, antibiotics were administered in the drinking water ad
libitum. Untreated (vehicle control) mice received 1% w/v of sucrose in filtered drinking
water. The length of ABX treatment was adapted based on the recovery of body weight after
ABX treatment. All antibiotics were United States Pharmacopeia (USP) grade, or at
minimum cell culture grade. Drinking water was prepared and changed weekly. All vehicle-
treated mice went through the same handling procedures as ABX mice. Faecal samples were
freshly collected at the endpoint of each experiment and plated onto Brucella agar plates
with 5% sheep’s blood (B0150; Teknova) and cultured aerobically and anaerobically to test
whether gut bacteria were successfully depleted following ABX treatment.
Corticosterone measurement
Whole blood was collected by either cardiac puncture or retro-orbital bleeding and placed
into Micro tube Z gel (41.1378.005; Sarstedt). Serum was separated by centrifuge at 10,000
for five minutes and stored at −80 °C until use. Corticosterone levels were detected using the
Corticosterone EIA Kit (K014-H5; Arbor Assays) according to the manufacturer’s protocol.
Owing to the effects of the circadian rhythm on corticosterone levels, we collected blood
samples only between 13:00 and 17:00 on each day of the experiment.
Mice were anaesthetized with 5% isoflurane in an induction box followed by maintenance
on a nose cone with 1–2% isoflurane during surgery. A single dose of sustained-release
buprenorphine (1 mg/kg) was subcutaneously injected before surgery. The surgical fields
were covered with a sterile drape and sterile gloves were worn. A 1.5-cm dorsal midline
incision was made with its midpoint centred over the 13th rib. All of the underlying muscle
on either side of the spinal column was incised. The adrenal glands are located in the fat pad
that covers the cranial portion of the kidney. The adrenal glands were isolated and removed
using a small curved forcep and a micro scissor. Bupivacaine (1 mg/kg) was applied
subcutaneously along the incision just before wound closure. The peritoneal opening was
closed with a 5–0 subcutaneous suture (Vicryl) and 7-mm wound clips (Roboz) were applied
to close the dermis. For postoperative care, mice were monitored for signs of pain or distress
at least three times a day for three days, and were supplied with drinking water containing
30 mg/kg ibuprofen for seven days with 0.9% sodium chloride ad libitum. The clips were
removed two weeks after surgery under isoflurane anaesthesia. Sham-operated control mice
underwent the same procedure as described above without removal of the adrenal glands.
Drug administration
To systemically inhibit corticosterone synthesis, mice were intraperitoneally injected with 50
mg/kg metyrapone (3292; R&D) and returned to their home cage. To block glucocorticoid
receptors, mice were intraperitoneally injected with 40 mg/kg RU-486 (also known as
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mifepristone; M8046; Sigma-Aldrich) and returned to their home cage. Metyrapone and
RU-486 were freshly dissolved in 0.5% carboxymethylcellulose sodium (CMC; C9481;
Sigma) on the day of the reciprocal social interaction test. Injection with 0.5% CMC was
used as a baseline control. Behaviour testing was performed 40 min after injection.
For acute corticosterone exposure, mice were intraperitoneally injected on two consecutive
days with 10 mg/kg corticosterone 2-hydroxypropyl-
-cyclodextrin complex (C174; Sigma-
Aldrich) and returned to their home cage. The corticosterone 2-hydroxypropyl-
cyclodextrin complex was used to facilitate solubility of the steroid. The reciprocal social
interaction test was performed 40 min after the second corticosterone injection.
For DREADD-based chemogenetic activation or inactivation, mice expressing hM3Dq,
hM3Di or mCherry were intraperitoneally injected with 2–3 mg/kg CNO (Enzo Life
Sciences) and returned to their home cage. The reciprocal social interaction test was
performed 32–40 min after the second CNO injection.
Viral vectors
AAV-hSyn-DIO-hM4Di-mCherry (44362-AAV5); AAV-hSyn-DIO-hM3Dq-mCherry
(44361-AAV5); AAV-hSyn-DIO-mCherry (50459-AAV5); AAV-hSyn-EGFP (50465-AAV5)
viruses were purchased through Addgene. AAV-hSyn-Cre-GFP (AAV5) was produced at the
Vector core at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
Stereotaxic surgery
Adult (7–8 weeks old) mice were deeply anaesthetized with 5% isoflurane in oxygen and
kept at 1–2% isoflurane during surgery. In addition, 5 mg/kg ketoprofen was subcutaneously
given once before surgery. Surgery was performed with a stereotaxic frame (Model 1900;
David Kopf Instruments). The bregma was located by using a centring scope (Model 1915;
David Kopf Instruments) and aligned using a stereotaxic alignment indicator (Model 1905;
David Kopf Instruments). The skull was exposed, and holes were produced using a
stereotaxic drill (Model 1911; David Kopf Instruments) with a no. 79 micro drill bit (Drill
Bit City). Viruses were injected into the brain in both hemispheres using a pulled glass
capillary (1B120F-4; World Precision Instruments) with a nanolitre injector (Nanoliter2010;
World Precision Instruments) at a flow rate of 23 nl/minute controlled by a micro controller
(Micro4; World Precision Instruments). The glass capillaries were left in place for five
minutes to prevent backflow. Stereotaxic injection coordinates (in millimetres) were based
on the Paxinos and Franklin atlas
: PVN (AP: –0.80, ML: ±0.25; DV: −4.75), BNST (AP:
0.26, ML: ±0.90; DV: −4.30), DG (AP: −1.50, ML: ±0.40; DV: −2.25). The diagrams of
brain injection were based on the Paxinos and Franklin atlas
(Extended Data Figs. 7a, d, g,
8a, g, n). Volumes delivered were 207 nl for most regions, and 299 nl for the DG.
Bupivacaine (1 mg/kg) was applied subcutaneously along the incision before wound closure.
The incision on the scalp was closed with tissue adhesive (Gluture topical adhesive; Abbott
Laboratories). For postoperative care, mice were monitored daily for signs of pain or distress
for at least three days and were supplied for seven days with drinking water containing 30
mg/kg ibuprofen ad libitum. Behavioural experiments were performed at least three weeks
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after virus injection. All surgically manipulated animals underwent histological examination
after death to ensure viruses were correctly injected.
Guide canula implantation surgery
Mice were anaesthetized with 5% isoflurane in oxygen in a Plexiglas cage. After
anaesthesia, mice were placed in a digital stereotaxic device (Stoelting) delivering isoflurane
to maintain anaesthesia throughout the surgery and injected subcutaneously with 5 mg/kg
ketoprofen. The custom guide cannula was implanted in the following regions at the
following coordinates based on the Paxinos and Franklin atlas
: lateral ventricle (LV), AP:
−0.1 mm; ML: 1.0 mm; DV: −2.0 mm; PVN, AP: −0.8, ML: ±0.25, DV: −4.75; DG, AP:
−1.5, ML: ±0.4, DV: −2.25; BNST: AP: 0.26, ML: .., DV: −4.3. The diagrams of brain
cannulation were based on the Paxinos and Franklin atlas
(Extended Data Fig. 8p, r, s).
Two to four small stainless-steel screws were installed into the skull to anchor the acrylic
maintaining the guide cannula. Then, a dummy stainless-steel plug was implanted in the
cannula to prevent clogging with blood or cerebrospinal fluid at the cannula opening. For
postoperative care, mice were monitored daily for signs of pain or distress for at least three
days and were supplied for seven days with drinking water containing 30 mg/kg ibuprofen
ad libitum.
The customized cannulization set includes a guide cannula, injector, dummy, and cap
(Extended Data Fig. 8t). The guide cannula was implanted 0.5 mm above the PVN, DG, and
BNST. The tip of the guide cannula track can be visualized in each implanted mouse. The
injector was designed to reach 0.5 mm below the tip of guide cannula. As the injector was
made of 33G fine needle, the needle tracks produced by the injector were not visible in brain
slices. The cannulization set for the PVN, DG, and BNST was customized (RWD Life
Science) with the following specification: PVN (guide cannula: double_OD 0.41 mm-27G/
C.C0.5/B7.8/M3.5/C = 4.25 mm, dummy cannula: double_OD 0.20 mm-27G/C. C0.5/Mates
with M3.5/G = 0.5 mm, Injector: double_OD0.21 mm-33G/C. C0.5/Mates with M3.5/C =
4.25 mm/G = 0.5 mm), DG (guide cannula: double_OD 0.41 mm-27G/C.C0.8/B7.8/M3.5/C
= 1.75 mm, dummy cannula: double_OD 0.20 mm-27G/C.C0.8/Mates with M3.5/G = 0.5
mm, Injector: double_OD0.21 mm-33G/C.C0.8/Mates with M3.5/C = 1.75 mm/G = 0.5
mm), BNST (guide cannula: double_OD 0.41 mm-27G/C.C1.8/ B7.8/M3.5/C = 3.8 mm,
dummy cannula: double_OD 0.20 mm-27G/C. C1.8/Mates with M3.5/G = 0.5 mm, Injector:
double_OD0.21 mm-33G/C. C1.8/Mates with M3.5/C = 3.8 mm/G = 0.5 mm).
Intracerebroventricular (ICV) antibiotics injection
Ampicillin (1 mg/l) and metronidazole (0.5 mg/l) were dissolved in artificial cerebrospinal
fluid (ACSF: 7.46 g/l NaCl, 0.19 g/l KCL, 0.14 g/l CaCl
, 0.19g/l MgCl
, 1.76 g/l NaHCO
0.18 g/l NaH
, 0.61 g/l glucose in ddH
O) and adjusted to pH 7.4. The dissolved
antibiotics were filtered through a 0.22-μm filter. Mice were infused with antibiotics during
social behaviour tests with an infusion rate of 7 nl/s for 3 min.
CRF infusion in PVN
CRF was dissolved in saline (high-dose: 210 μM; low-dose: 42 μM) and injected into each
hemisphere of PVN during anaesthesia with an infusion rate of 4.5 nl/s for a total infusion
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volume of 450 nl. Once complete, the injection syringe remained in tissue for 2 min to
prevent backflow. After 2 min, the injection syringe was placed in the other hemisphere of
PVN and the same volume of CRF was infused at the same flow rate. The mice were then
placed in a novel cage to recover from anaesthesia until social behaviour testing.
Corticosterone and dexamethasone infusion in DG and BNST
Corticosterone (65 μM) or dexamethasone (20 mM) was dissolved in DMSO, diluted in
saline, and injected bilaterally into DG and BNST of anaesthetized mice at an infusion rate
of 4.5 nl/s up to 450 nl. The injection syringe remained in tissue for 2 min to prevent
backflow. After 2 min, the injection syringe was placed in the other hemisphere of PVN and
the same volume of corticosterone or dexamethasone was infused at the same flow rate. The
mice were then placed in a novel cage to recover from anaesthesia until social behaviour
Subdiaphragmatic vagotomy (SDV)
Mice were habituated to a liquid diet (Research Diets; AIN-76A) for two days and were
fasted overnight before surgery. The abdominal surgery site was shaved and wiped with the
skin disinfectant chlorhexidine three times before incision. Mice were then anaesthetized
using 1–5% isoflurane and injected subcutaneously with 5 mg/kg ketoprofen. An incision
was made along the abdominal midline and the muscle and skin were separated using blunt
scissors. The liver was then gently moved using a sterile cotton swab to expose the stomach
and oesophagus. The ventral and dorsal trunks of the vagus nerve were resected using sharp
forceps. In the sham operation, the stomach and oesophagus were exposed but the vagal
trunks were not resected. The organs were then placed back to their anatomical position. The
incision along the muscular layer was closed with absorbable suture and treated with topical
lidocaine (0.25%) and the skin incision was closed with non-absorbable suture and treated
-butyl cyanoacrylate adhesive (3M Vetbond) to prevent infection. After surgery, the
mice were placed into a clean cage placed on a heat pad. During the recovery time, mice
were given a hydrating, nutritious gel pack (DietGel 76A 2oz, Clear H
O) for two days
before receiving a normal chow diet. Mice were supplied with drinking water containing
ibuprofen (20 mg/dl) ad libitum.
After behaviour testing, SDV was validated by intraperitoneal injection of cholecystokinin
(CCK-8) following fasting-induced food consumption. Each mouse was fasted for 20 h,
placed into a single cage, and injected i.p. with CCK-8 (8μg/kg, Sigma-Aldrich). After 2 h
ad libitum feeding post-injection, food intake was recorded. The anorexia signal by CCK-8
is transmitted through the vagus nerve to acutely decrease satiety.
Hippocampal dentate gyrus (DG) and Ammon’s horn microdissection
Microdissection of the DG and Ammon’s horn was performed as described
. In brief,
brains were sampled from deeply anaesthetized mice and placed in cold PBS for five
minutes. The midbrain, brainstem, and cerebellum were removed so that only the cerebrum
remained. The cerebrum was sagittally sliced along the midline of the brain. The cerebral
hemisphere was placed in ice-cold PBS in a Petri dish and the thalamus and hypothalamus
were removed under a dissection microscope. Once the medial side of the hippocampus was
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exposed, the DG could be readily visualized. A 27-gauge needle was inserted into the edge
of DG and moved along the septo-temporal axis of the hippocampus to retrieve the DG. The
rest of the hippocampus (Ammon’s horn) was collected with sharp forceps. The tissues were
pooled from both hemispheres and placed in RNAlater (Qiagen) for storage. The samples
were stored at −80 °C until RNA extraction. The diagrams of brain microdissection were
based on the Paxinos and Franklin atlas
(Extended Data Fig. 4e).
Brain sampling for IEG expression
GF mice were transferred out of isolators and temporarily co-housed with stranger GF mice
from multiple cages. The brains of GF mice were immediately collected and dissected into
hippocampus, hypothalamus, midbrain, and brainstem regions. Brains of SPF mice were
sampled and handled following the same procedure. The primers for IEGs were adapted
from a previous publication.
RNA extraction and quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction (qRT–PCR)
RNA extraction of brain samples was based on the manufacturer’s protocol (Rneasy Mini
Kit; Qiagen). RNA concentration and quality was measured by NanoDrop (Thermo
Scientific). RNA (1 μg) from each sample was reverse transcribed using the iScript cDNA
synthesis kit (Bio-Rad).
Gene expression in brain subregions was measured using Power SYBR Green PCR master
mix (ThermoFisher Scientific) and analysed using ABI Prism 7900HT system (Life
Technologies). Gene expression was normalized to
mRNA. Data are
presented as fold-change in gene expression in each group relative to the control group. The
primer sequences were adapted from the Harvard PrimerBank database
Fluorogold labelling
To label neurons in the PVN in a retrograde manner, mice were given a single intraperitoneal
injection of 100 μl Fluorogold (2% w/v; Fluorochrome). The mice were perfused six days
after injection
. Brains were sampled and stained using the standard protocols described
Retrograde tracing
Stereotaxic injection was performed as described above. SPF, GF, vehicle-treated and ABX-
treated mice were stereotaxically injected into the PVN with 46 μl CTB-488 (0.5% w/v;
C22841; ThermoFisher). Vehicle-treated and ABX-treated mice were stereotaxically
injected into the BNST with 46 μl Fluorogold (2% w/v; Fluorochrome). Stereotaxic injection
coordinates (in millimetres) and diagrams (Extended Data Fig. 9a, d) were based on the
Paxinos and Franklin atlas
: PVN (AP: −0.80, ML: ±0.25; DV: −4.75), BNST (AP: 0.26,
ML: ±0.90; DV: −4.30). Mice were perfused one week after injection. GF mice were
maintained under ABX treatment as described above to limit microbial contamination. All
surgically injected animals underwent histological examination to ensure the tracers were
correctly injected.
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Brain sample collection for c-Fos staining
All brain samples for c-Fos expression were collected one hour after the reciprocal social
interaction test. Mice were anaesthetized by intraperitoneal injection with a mixture of 100
mg/kg ketamine and 10 mg/kg xylazine. The mice were then perfused via the cardiovascular
system with PBS followed by 4% paraformaldehyde (Electron Microscopy Sciences). Brains
were removed and post-fixed in 4% paraformaldehyde for 3–5 days at 4 °C. The brains were
kept in PBS with 0.02% sodium azide at 4 °C until sectioning.
Brain sectioning and immunohistochemistry
The brains were embedded in 4% UltraPure low melting point agarose (ThermoFisher) and
were coronally sectioned by vibratome (VT1000S; Leica) at a thickness of 50 μm, with the
exception of the brain sections for Fig. 1, which were sectioned at a thickness of 100 μm.
Brain sections of 50 μm were collected and stained every 0.15 mm. Brain sections of 100 μm
were collected sequentially and stained entirely. The brain sections were stored free-floating
in PBS with 0.02% sodium azide at 4 °C until staining.
Free-floating sections were incubated with primary antibody in blocking solution (10%
horse serum, 0.1% triton X-100, and 0.02% sodium azide in PBS) overnight at room
temperature. The next day, sections were incubated with fluorescence-conjugated secondary
antibody for 1.5–2 h at room temperature. Between each step and after secondary antibody
staining, sections were thoroughly washed with PBS or PBS with 0.1% triton-X-100 at least
three times for 5 min each. The stained free-floating sections were then mounted onto
Superfrost Plus microscope slides (Fisher Scientific) in PBS. Excess PBS from adhered
sections was carefully removed. Slides were dried at room temperature for 2–5 min.
ProLong Diamond anti-fade mountant with DAPI (150–200 μl; ThermoFisher Scientific)
was applied to the slides before placing the coverslip. The slides were immersed in mountant
overnight before imaging.
Primary antibodies and their dilutions were: goat anti-c-Fos (1:250; SC-52; Santa Cruz),
mouse anti-NeuN (1:1,000; MAB377; Millpore Sigma), rabbit anti-oxytocin (1:10,000;
20068; Immunostar), rabbit anti-vasopressin (1:2,000; 20069; Immunostar), and rabbit anti-
fluorescent gold (1:1,000; AB153-I; EMD Millpore Sigma). The fluorescence-conjugated
secondary antibodies were donkey anti-goat (1:1,000), donkey anti-rabbit (1:1,000), and
donkey anti-mouse (1:1,000) (ThermoFisher Scientific).
Microscopic imaging and image analysis
Imaging was performed using a Zeiss LSM 800 inverted confocal laser scanning microscope
(Carl Zeiss) with Zen software (Carl Zeiss). For Fig. 1e, i, and the DG in Extended Data
Figs. 7, 8, confocal images were obtained by
-stacks covering the entire
-axis range of the
sections. The interval for each focal plane was 2 μm. The images were then projected in the
visualization plane with maximum intensity voxels by maximum intensity projection using
Zen software. In addition, the DG and PVN for Fig. 1e, i were imaged in tiled images
covering the entire brain area using Zen software. For other images shown in this study,
confocal images were captured in single plane with the highest intensity of DAPI. A 20×
objective lens was used for all images, except those in Fig. 1, which were taken using a 10×
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