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Description of Additional Supplementary Files
File name:
Supplementary Movie 1
Simulation of resid
ual pulse formation in iDFG. The full width at half maximum (FWHM) of the EO
comb is swept from 10 ps to 1 ps. All other conditions are ideal: enough phase matching bandwidth, no walk
off between the two near
IR pulses and no initial time delay between two
IR pulses at the PPLN input.
Residual pulses in the mid
IR can be observed, and result from modulations in the `tail' of the sincfunction.
File name:
Supplementary Movie 2: Simulation of r
esidual pulse formation in iDFG.
The relative temporal walk
off between s
oliton and EO comb pulses is swept from 7 ps to 1 ps.
Assuming a limited phase matching bandwidth, the pulse width of the EO
comb is 2 ps and there is no initial
delay between two near
IR pulses.
File name:
Supplementary Movie 3
Simulation of residual pulse formatio
n in iDFG. The initial delay between soliton and EO
pulses is swept from 5 ps to
5 ps. Assuming sufficient phase matching bandwidth, the pulse width of the EO
comb is 2 ps and the walk
off between two near
IR pulses is 4 ps.
File name:
Supplementary Movie 4
mulation of residual pulse formation in iDFG. The initial delay between the soliton and EO
pulses is swept from 5 ps to
5 ps. Assuming limited phase matching bandwidth, the walk
off between the two
IR signals is 4 ps, the EO
comb is not compress
ed and is phase chirped. This case is close to actual
experimental conditions, because, as noted in the main text, we lacked dispersion compensation units to
properly compress both of the EO