of 1
Supplementary Files
File Name: Supplementary Movie 1
An evolutionarily conserved mechan
ism of interaction between Gle1 and Nup42.
Rotating views of the crystal structures of (left) S. cerevisiae, (middle) H. sapiens, and (right) C.
thermophilum Gle1CTD•Nup42GBM complexes reveal highly conserved protein folds and
interaction interfaces.
File Name: Suppl
ementary Movie 2
Conformational changes in DDX19 induced by Gle1CTD binding in the human system. A
morph animation demonstrating the range of conformational changes in DDX19 observed before
and after Gle1 binding. The starting state is derived from the cr
ystal structure of DDX19∆N53(ADP)
(PDB ID 3EWS). The final state is derived from the crystal structure of
File Name:
Supplementary Movie 3
Proposed series of conformational changes in DDX19 induced by Gle1CTD
-binding to
facilitate RN
A-loading in the human system. A morph movie cycling from the 2 DDX19 inhibited state
to the late and early Gle1
-bound states to the RNA
-bound state. The starting state is derived from
the crystal structure of DDX19∆N53(ADP) (PDB ID 3EWS). The early Gle1
-bound state is derived from
the crystal structure of Gle1CTD•Nup42GBM•DDX19∆N53(ADP). The late Gle1
-bound state was
derived by superposing the human structure onto the structure of Gle1CTD•IP6•Dbp5∆N90(ADP)
(PDB ID 3RRN)10. The RNA
-bound state is derived fr
om the crystal structure of DDX19∆N53(AMP
PNP•Mg2+)•U10 RNA (PDB ID 3G0H).