Microfabricated Torsional Actuators Using
Self-Aligned Plastic Deformation of Silicon
Jongbaeg Kim, Hyuck Choo, Liwei Lin
, Member, IEEE, Fellow, ASME
, and
Richard S. Muller
, Life Fellow, IEEE, Member, ASME
In this paper, we describe angular vertical-comb-
drive torsional microactuators made in a new process that induces
residual plastic deformation of single-crystal-silicon torsion bars.
Critical dimensions of the vertically interdigitated moving-and
fixed-comb actuators are self-aligned in the fabrication process
and processed devices operate stably over a range of actuation
voltages. We demonstrate MEMS scanning mirrors that resonate
at 2.95 kHz and achieve optical scan angles up to 19.2 degrees
with driving voltages of
. After continuous
testing of five billion cycles at the maximum scanning angle, we do
not observe any signs of degradation in the plastically deformed
silicon torsion bars.
Index Terms—
Electrostatic actuators, plastic deformation, self-
alignment, scanning micromirrors, torsional actuators, vertically
interdigitated combs.
I. I
ESEARCHERS have used electrostatic comb-drive ac-
tuators for many diverse MEMS applications. Measured
performance of these actuators has proven their capabilities for
achieving extended ranges-of-movement stably and reliably
over a wide range of resonant frequencies, and they have been
especially useful for optical scanners and switches. For ex-
ample, lateral comb-drives with mechanical hinges or linkages
made of polycrystalline- or single-crystalline silicon have been
used to drive torsional actuators [1], [2]. Experiments with
these devices revealed reliability problems and limitations on
maximum operational frequencies. In one design for torsional
actuators Hah and co-workers interleaved vertically aligned
comb-finger sets with planarized polysilicon structures [3]
using a process employing chemical–mechanical polishing
(CMP) to achieve both higher frequencies and larger scan
angles than those obtained in earlier designs built with lateral
comb-drives. Other vertically aligned comb-drive designs have
been fabricated using polysilicon-on-SOI [4] or single-crystal
silicon coupled with a wafer-bonding technique [5]. Krisna-
murthy and Solgaard demonstrated a self-aligned vertical comb
[6] made using wafer-bonding, grinding, and polishing, in
addition to an anisotropic-etch step of single-crystal silicon.
Manuscript received March 18, 2005; revised November 10, 2005. This paper
was presented in part at the 12th International Conference on Solid-State Sen-
sors, Actuators and Microsystems (Transducers ’03, Boston, MA, June 9–12,
2003). Subject Editor H. Zappe.
J. Kim is with the School of Mechanical Engineering, Yonsei University,
Seoul, Korea (e-mail:
H. Choo, L. Lin, and R. S. Muller are with Berkeley Sensor and Actu-
ator Center, University of California, Berkeley, CA 94720 USA (e-mail:
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/JMEMS.2006.876789
Collectively, the vertical-comb-drive actuators described above
can be described as staggered vertical comb-drive (SVC) actu-
ators [5]. SVCs commonly face a severe fabrication challenge
posed by their need for precise alignment between the two
comb-finger layers.
Recent research has demonstrated that when the mate-
rial forming the two vertical combs is not co-planar, but rather
angled relative to one another, the achievable torsional displace-
ment is significantly increased. When the comb geometries are
similar, for example, these angular vertical comb-drive (AVC)
actuators have been driven with maximum 50% more torsional
displacement than the nonangled SVC types [7], [8]. The
fabrication processes for AVCs start by defining stationary and
movable comb structures in the same silicon layer. Next, either
the stationary comb structure or the movable comb structure
is deflected into an offset position. The deflection process has,
in previous work, been induced either through residual stress
by adding a metal overlayer [7] or through the surface-tension
forces that result from reflowing a patterned-photoresist layer
[8]. For the metal overlayer method to be effective, the structure
to be deformed must be sufficiently flexible for the applied
force to induce a useful offset value. This requirement directly
affects the resonant frequencies of the deformed structures,
limiting them in practice to a few hundreds of Hz. In addition,
for the polymer hinges, precisely controlling the reflow of the
hinge material and consistently achieving good mechanical re-
liability have proven to be the challenging tasks. More recently,
AVCs were fabricated using intentionally induced stiction on
the designated plates giving quite limited offset angle between
stator and rotor combs [9], [10]. These methods are simple to
get AVC, but the achievable initial tilt angle is quite limited
since they are using limited thickness of buried oxide layer
m) for the stiction plates to be displaced for
angular tilting of the mirror.
Our research demonstrates a new way to build AVC torsional
actuators that show higher resonant frequencies as well as
other performance advantages. We use single-crystal silicon
and achieve the angled orientation between comb fingers by
deforming one of the pair plastically in an anneal step [11].
MEMS researchers have, in recent years, demonstrated several
applications for plastic deformation in silicon including the
fabrication of domes [12] and deformed membranes [13] in
polycrystalline and single-crystal silicon under the pressure
of heated gases. Plastically deformed polysilicon structures
have also been used in a self-assembled MEMS process [14].
On a larger scale, silicon-chip-mounting using plastically
deformed single-crystal-silicon cantilever beams has been
1057-7157/$20.00 © 2006 IEEE
Fig. 1. Batch-processed plastic deformation of microactuator torsion bars
(before and after plastic deformation of torsion bars).
Fig. 2.
Higher aspect ratio of vertical comb
ngers by new fabrication
approach; taller comb
ngers (and larger actuation angle) are achieved with
plastic deformation process than with conventional SVC fabrication.
demonstrated [15]. In our paper, self-aligned vertically inter-
digitated comb-sets are fabricated in a precisely controlled,
repeatable batch process.
We describe both the fabrication process and the dynamic
performance of the actuators, using them to drive scanning mi-
cromirrors. The scanners have resonant frequencies that are an
order-of-magnitude higher than those reported in earlier AVCs
based upon residual stress process. Measurements on scanning
mirrors made with these AVCs have con
rmed their repeatable
and stable operation.
A torsional scanning-mirror actuator is composed of four
components to generate mirror motions out of the substrate
plane; the mirror plate, the torsion bars, the moving comb
set, and the
xed comb set. An ideal scanning-mirror actuator
should have smooth and
at mirror surface for optical quality
and precisely aligned moving- and
xed-comb sets for stable
operation. Our design for AVC scanning mirrors provides both
of these requirements. Fig. 1 shows schematically how, in
our process, the torsion bars are permanently deformed and
actuated. Initially, both the moving- and
xed-combs, formed
in the same device layer of an SOI wafer, are coplanar. In the
coplanar con
guration, voltages applied between the comb
ngers cannot cause vertical displacement, and therefore in
the following step, the combs attached to mirror structures are
depressed from their original orientations by pushing on them
with a separately prepared silicon substrate. This substrate is
processed separately so that it has a precisely spaced array of
pillar structures. The pillars are spaced such that each of them
Fig. 3.
The permanent plastic deformation and elastic recovery explained
in a stress-strain curve of silicon where
is maximum yield stress,
ow stress, the stress needed to continue plastic deformation, at an elevated
temperature. (From [11].)
Fig. 4. Stress distribution in the torsion bars; stress induced in the mirror is
negligibly small
the maximum stress on the mirror is less than 10 Mpa except
the boundary between the mirror and torsion bars (unit of the scale bar: Mpa).
deforms one pair of torsion bars by pushing the associated
mirror edge downward from its original position (parallel to
its comb partner). A subsequent high-temperature (900
annealing step converts the initially elastic deformations of the
torsion bars that connect the two comb
nger sets into perma-
nent plastic deformations [Fig. 1(b)]. With the comb pairs in
this angled con
guration, voltages applied between them will
induce torque in the torsion-bar supports that connect them.
Our new AVC, shown in Fig. 1, has several advantages over
previous SVC actuators. Fig. 2(a) and (b) shows typical fab-
rication processes for SVCs and AVCs, respectively, to pro-
duce self-aligned comb
ngers. In these structures, a high aspect
ratio for the comb
ngers is desired to produce a large actua-
tion range, and the achievable aspect ratio is essentially limited
to that which can be obtained using deep-reactive-ion-etching
(DRIE). In our fabrication process, we can displace one comb
et al.
Fig. 5.
Two base designs of scanning mirror actuators.
nger set through its entire thickness and thereby achieve the
nger aspect ratio twice as large as those in SVCs. There-
fore, the range of actuation can be also larger under the similar
conditions such as torsion bar dimension, location of comb
gers and operation voltage.
Fig. 3 shows a typical stress-strain curve measured in single-
crystal silicon at high temperature [13]. At room temperature,
silicon is a brittle material with a yield stress of GPa order.
At elevated temperatures, its mechanical properties change; for
example, its maximum yield stress
decreases due to the
increased mobility of dislocations in the crystal. At tempera-
ture exceeding roughly 600
C, silicon structures begin to de-
form plastically and the
ow stress
(the stress needed to
continue plastic deformation) decreases with rising tempera-
ture. For our AVC-process, we have designed the pillar struc-
tures such that the torsion bars are stressed above
at the
annealing temperature, causing them to yield plastically. Fig. 4
shows the room-temperature stress distribution in the torsion bar
supporting a mirror when the mirror comb-
nger is angled at 4
to its mate. The distribution is calculated using
analysis on the torsion bars that measure 16
m and support a mirror of 800
m. Fixed boundary
condition was set at the ends of torsion bars that are connected
to anchors and a point load is applied at the edge of the mirror
to simulate the real case loading where a mirror is pushed down
by a pillar. The deformation process also induces stresses in the
mirror plate; however, their magnitudes are much smaller than
and negligible compared to the stresses in the torsion
bars. The maximum stress in the mirror plate was calculated to
be smaller than 10 Mpa even at the positions close to the tor-
sion bars, while the stresses in the torsion bars are well above
200 MPa. During the high-temperature anneal, the stresses
in the torsion bars are relieved by plastic deformation, but the
mirror plates are unaffected.
Two scanning-mirror designs that we fabricated and studied
are shown in Fig. 5 where they are designated as type I and II.
For type I AVCs, a torsion bar connects the mirror to comb
gers at the middle of the mirrors while in type II, the torsion bars
are off-centered from the mirror and all the comb
ngers are on
the other side of the torsion bar to balance the mass moment of
inertia with respect to the axis of rotation. The bigger size and
symmetry with respect to the rotation axis of the mirror in type I
design allows slight misalignment of incident light on the mirror
while the resonant frequency is lower due to the larger mass mo-
ment of inertia. In type II, more comb
ngers were involved for
larger actuation forces and faster scanning is expected compared
to type I. Table I provides design data for the type I and II de-
Fig. 6 shows all steps in our AVC fabrication process. We
start the fabrication process by de
ning the moving- and
ngers in the same device layer of an SOI substrate
[Fig. 6(a)
(c)]. During the DRIE step, not only the comb-drive
actuators, but also the key-slots, shown in Fig. 6(b) are formed.
A backside-etching step carried out underneath the mirrors and
combs removes suf
cient silicon to provide clearance for the
mirror motion. Alignment for this backside-etch step is not
critical; misalignments are tolerable as long as the backside
etch area is designed to provide enough clearance for the mirror
motion. In the next processing step, we make use of a second
chip processed by single step of DRIE that has been con
with pillars to displace the comb structures to the desired tilt
angles. On this chip are protrusions (keys) that align to key-slots
in the comb-actuator chip when the two are brought together,
sandwich style, and placed into a furnace. The temperature
of the furnace is linearly increased by 15
C/min rate up to
C, and this temperature is maintained for 30 min inducing
plastic deformation of the torque-loaded torsion bars. The
furnace is then cooled down to room temperature in 1 h. The
whole annealing process is performed at nitrogen environment
to prevent unnecessary oxidation of the silicon surface. After
separation from the processing substrate, the comb pairs are
angled one to another as shown in Fig. 6(f). No critical align-
Fig. 6. Process
ow for plastically deformed vertical actuators. (a) Pattern
thermal-oxide layers on top and bottom surfaces of SOI wafer. (b) Etch device
and handle layers of SOI wafer using DRIE. (c) Remover thermal-oxide layers
and exposed buried oxide layer. (d) Create pillar structures on the lid wafer using
DRIE. (e) Place lid wafer on the device wafer and heat the stacked wafers to
in furnace. (f) Cool down and remove the lid wafer.
Fig. 7. SEM picture of AVC with scanning mirrors made using new process.
ment steps are necessary to carry out the process that we have
described. The comb-
nger pairs are self-aligned because they
are de
ned in a single masking step, and the device and lid
chips are precisely assembled by the lithographically de
keys and key-slots. No damage in the pillars or processing
chips is observed indicating that these processing chips could
be used repeatedly.
Fig. 7 is an SEM microphotograph of batch-fabricated
micromirrors produced by our plastic-deformation process.
A close-up view of tilted comb
ngers is presented in Fig. 8,
showing the precisely aligned vertical-comb sets. Fig. 9 is a
close-up view of a plastically deformed torsion bar showing
Fig. 8.
Plastically tilted mirror and precisely aligned vertical combs. The
upper-left photo shows the top view of comb
ngers and the upper-right photo
is the close-up oblique view of the angular vertical combs.
Fig. 9.
Close-up view of plastically deformed torsion bar.
that the deformation appears to be uniform along the torsion
bar. We did not observe cracking in any of the torsion bars.
Fig. 10 shows pillars formed on the processing chip used to
deform the microactuators in Fig. 7.
The maximum initial tilt angle that can be formed by the
method of plastic deformation that we have described above
is limited by the fracture strength of the single-crystal silicon
at room temperature. For example, the torsion bar dimensions
presented in Table I easily allows 20
of elastic deformation
without fracture, and more than 90% of the angles can be turned
into plastically deformed initial tilt angle. These elastically de-
formed angles are determined both by the height of the pillars
on the processing chip and by the locations at which the pillars
push on the mirror (Fig. 11). Clearly, a given tilt angle can be
induced either by using a taller pillar and applying the force at
point P or by using a shorter pillar and applying the force at
point Q. Although the tilt angles are the same in these two cases
(as, therefore, are the torque values in the torsion bar), the forces
(and, hence, the stresses) in the torsion bars are not equal.
For the two cases described earlier, the corresponding forces
vary inversely with their moment arm distances
. These vertical forces are balanced by equal
forces in the torsion bar causing it to de
ect downward (as a
doubly supported beam loaded at its midpoint) which leads to
et al.
Fig. 10. Micropillar structures fabricated on the lid wafer; the right side inset shows the close-up of a pillar.
Fig. 11.
Different forces applied on the mirror surface depending on the position and height of the pillar structure.
unwanted bending of the torsion bar or distortion in mirror sur-
faces. To reduce this undesirable effect, the pillars should load
the mirrors at the longest moment arm or, therefore, at the mirror
tips. In our type II design with 5.22
initial-angle de
ection, the
measured vertical de
ections of torsion bars after plastic defor-
mation using 50
m pillars were smaller than 0.3
Fig. 12(a) presents the three-dimensional (3-D) image gen-
erated by white light interferometric measurement (WYKO
NT3300). The measured radii-of-curvature of the mirrors using
WYKO were in the order of meters, which indicate there can
be only very little deformation or warpage induced in the
mirror plate after high temperature plastic deformation process.
Another concern is the probable scratches on the mirror sur-
faces when the pillar structures push down the mirrors. It was
impossible to point out the points-of-contact on the mirror
exactly since there were no observable scratches or damages
found under WYKO or SEM inspection. The surface roughness
of the mirror was also measured on the presumptive contact
positions of the pillar using an atomic force microscope (AFM)
as shown in Fig. 12(b). The average roughness was less than
4 nm for the measured positions, which is a typical value for
polished SOI wafer surface.
As depicted in Fig. 3, silicon has a
nite modulus of elasticity
even at an elevated temperature at which the yield strength is
reduced. This means that plastic deformation does not com-
pletely relax the strain in the torsion bar and, therefore, there is
some elastic recovery upon removal of the load after cooldown.
results in the mirror initial angular de
tions being smaller than the values set by the pillars on the
processing chips. We investigated springback by fabricating a
series of identically sized mirrors having different torsion-bar
Fig. 12.
Structure and surface inspection using white light interferometer and AFM. (a) 3-D image generated from WYKO measurement. (b) The surface ro
measurements of mirror surface on the presumptive contact positions of the pillar using AFM. The scanned area is 5
and the average surface roughness
is 2.7 nm.
dimensions on the 50-
m-thick single-crystal-silicon (100)
SOI device layer. An SEM photograph of this chip is shown
in Fig. 13. The dimensions of all the test mirrors were 50
m, and each mirror was supported
by two identical torsion bars attached symmetrically on the
longer sides. The dimensions of torsion bars were picked from
stress calculation such that the test structure arrays include
different torsion bar groups with the elastically induced stresses
slightly smaller than
, slightly larger than
and well above
. After loading with the processing chips, the sandwiched
chips were heated above room temperature using the same
annealing schedule used for device chips and described earlier.
The test results in Fig. 14 show that elastic recovery depends
both on the torsion bar dimension and the amount of initial
elastic deformation. Each plotted data point is an averaged value
of eight measurements of identical test structures from four dif-
ferent batches of plastic deformation processes. The applied
elastic deformation is calculated from the pillar height and lo-
cation, and the plastically deformed angle was measured using
white light interferometer. In the
rst plot (a), the location of
m-height pillar to give elastic strain is varied from 100
to 350
m from the edge of the mirrors for the same dimen-
sion of 16
m torsion bars. As depicted
in Fig. 11, the farther position of pillar from the edge gives
larger elastic deformation on the torsion bars. The scale on the
Fig. 13.
Test structures used to characterize springback; the
rst and second
of three arrays contain varied width and length of beams with identical angle
deformed elastically. For the third array, varied elastically deformed angle is
applied on each mirror to induce different stresses in torsion bars.
left-hand side of the
axis shows the rotation angles of the mir-
rors while that on the right hand side shows the percentages of
the amount of springback with respect to the applied elastic tilt
angles. For an elastic tilt angle smaller than 10
, larger strain
et al.
Fig. 14.
Applied initial deformation angle set by the pillar and measured plastically deformed angle depending on the torsion bar dimension. The set a
ngle is
calculated from the pillar height and the location of the pillar, and the plastically deformed angle is measured using white light interferometer. (a
) Location of pillar
to give elastic strain is varied from 100 to 350
m from the edge of the mirrors. (b) Width of torsion bars is varied from 6 to 26
m for the same length of 1000
and elastically deformed tilt angle applied. (c) Lengths of the torsion bars are varied from 500 to 1000
m for the same width of 16
m and elastically deformed
tilt angle applied. (d) Springback percentage values with respect to the initial deformation angle set by the pillar versus the shear stress induced i
n torsion bars is
plotted based on the measurements in (a), (b), and (c). The stress values are calculated from the set angle and torsion bar dimensions.
gives smaller springback/strain ratio. However, for the test struc-
tures with larger than 10
of elastic torsion, we have found that
elastic recovery saturates or even increases slightly. This means
ow stress
in Fig. 3 in fact increases for a larger shear
strain from torsion, and other researchers observed similar test
results for a tensile test [11] and a bending test [16] of single
crystalline silicon. Similarly, Fig. 14(b) is plotted with respect
to the width change of torsion bars from 6
m for
the same length of 1000
m and elastically deformed tilt angle
applied. The elastic recovery for 6
m bar is larger than 95%
of applied elastic torsion since the largest stress induced on this
thin bar is just as large as the yield stress at high temperature.
As the width increases, the amount of elastic recovery decreases
and approaches to about 8% of given elastic deformation since
the maximum shear stress in the torsion bar also increases. We
also plotted applied elastic deformation, plastic deformation,
and percentages of springback against different lengths of the
bars in Fig. 14(c). Here the lengths of the torsion bars (width
of 16
m) vary from 500 to 1000
m, and as we expected, the
amount of springback is larger for longer bars on which smaller
stresses are induced.
To extend the usage of the measurement data to general cases,
springback percentages are plotted in Fig. 14(d) in terms of
maximum shear stresses induced in the torsion bars from the
Fig. 15.
Standard deviation of plastically formed tilting angles for the tested
mirrors in Fig. 14. The angles are measured using white light interferometer
with the vertical resolution of sub nanometer.
applied elastic deformation. The exact form of the torsion bar
stiffness and stress with uniform rectangular cross section are
represented as a summation of in
nite series of terms. How-
ever, good approximation of the torsional stiffness and max-
imum shear stress of a torsion bar can be written as [17]
Fig. 14(d) is generated from the data plotted in (a)
(c) using
(1) and (2). Again, it is obvious that the springback effect is
cant at lower stress level and converges to a
nite value.
gures provide design guidelines for the plastically
deformed AVC actuators, especially for achieving speci
plastically deformed tilt angles.
Standard deviations of the plastically deformed tilt angles
with respect to the average values are plotted in Fig. 15. The
angles were measured on the structures used for the plots
in Fig. 13. The typical standard deviation is in the range of
. There seems to be no correlation between the
tilt angle and the uniformity. Possible sources of deviation
are: particles entrapped between the device substrate and lid
substrate, or the tolerance for self-alignment between the
depressions on the device substrate and the protrusions on the
lid substrate. The maximum tolerance used in our process is
m, and the uniformity can be improved by mating the
lid and device substrates with more tight tolerances and in a
cleaner environment.
Fig. 16.
Frequency response of the type II microactuator.
The measured frequency response of the type II actuator with
the initial tilt angle of 5.22
is presented in Fig. 16. The mirror,
whose dimensions were 1000
m, was driven with
. The maximum scanning angle of 19.2
achieved at the resonant frequency of 2953 Hz. The quality
factor measured in air is 120. For the type I actuator with the
initial tilt angle of 3.75
, 24.8
of optical scanning angle was
measured at the resonant frequency of 2499 Hz and with the 45
and 20
driving voltage. For both designs, the moving
xed combs were 50
m thick.
The plastically deformed angular vertical comb actuator has
proven to operate very reliably and stably. Its design is simple,
and its fabrication is straightforward. To test long-term relia-
bility, we resonated type II scanner at full amplitude for 5.1 bil-
lion cycles, using the same driving voltages used to measure
the frequency response in Fig. 16. For this test, the mirror ac-
tuator was set to be operated at its resonance frequency with a
1-mW helium-neon laser beam directing at the mirror surface
and re
ected on a distal screen 135 cm away from the actu-
ator to measure the scanning angle constancy over the long pe-
riod of time. In Fig. 17 the changes in resonant frequency and
scanning angle were measured at every 255 million cycles that
corresponds to 24 h of operation. The maximum variations of
resonant frequency and scanning angle were 0.064% and 3.6%,
respectively. The error bars on the frequency curve are shown
because the change of the amplitude of the re
ected laser pat-
tern on the screen was undetectable to 0.2 Hz variation of the
operational frequency.
This experiment was performed with a mirror actuator un-
packaged and in the lab. It is not obvious if this variation is
from the degradation of the device or from other possible ef-
fects such as temperature variation, particle-contaminations or
variation in humidity. However, considering that the amount of
angle and frequency variation is very small and the actuator was
not packaged, the scanning mirror actuators made by plastic de-
formation method are robust and reliable.
et al.
Fig. 17.
Measured scanning angle and resonant frequency of the microactuator
over 5 billion cycles; the gap between each data point is 255 million cycles (1 d).
V. C
We have presented a straightforward batch process to fabri-
cate angular vertical comb-drive actuators in single-crystal sil-
icon using SOI chips. A separately processed chip is used to
apply torque to the torsion bars which are plastically deformed
at an anneal temperature of 900
C. We have studied actua-
tors formed by this method using scanning mirrors. The fabri-
cation and characterization of angular vertical combs for scan-
ning-mirror applications have been accomplished and the mea-
sured dynamic performance of the actuator was comparable to
or superior to that reported in earlier vertical-comb actuators.
Elastic recovery of the torsion bars that follows plastic defor-
mation process was quantitatively characterized for a variety of
torsion bar dimensions. We believe this can be guidelines for
the design of plastically deformed AVC actuators, especially for
achieving speci
c plastically deformed tilt angles.
A reliability test on an unpackaged mirror actuated through
more than
ve billion cycles of operation showed less than
0.064% decrease in the resonant frequency. The actuators have
many other potential applications where vertically driven linear
or torsional motions are required as well as the MEMS scanning
mirrors presented in this paper.
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Jongbaeg Kim
received the B.S. degree in me-
chanical engineering from Yonsei University, Seoul,
Korea, in 1997, the M.S. degree in mechanical
engineering from the University of Texas, Austin,
TX, in 1999, and the Ph.D. degree in mechanical
engineering from the University of California,
Berkeley, in 2004.
He was with DiCon Fiberoptics, Inc., Richmond,
CA, from 2004 to 2005, where he designed and devel-
oped high-performance microactuators for telecom-
munication applications. He then joined the Yonsei
University, where he is currently an Assistant Professor with the School of Me-
chanical Engineering. His research interests are mechatronic system dynamics,
modeling, design and fabrication of MEMS, and nanotechnology.
Hyuck Choo
received the B.S. and M. Eng. degrees
in 1996 and 1997, respectively, in electrical engi-
neering from Cornell University, Ithaca, NY.
He is currently pursuing the Ph.D. degree in elec-
trical engineering and computer sciences at the Uni-
versity of California, Berkeley (UC Berkeley), under
Prof. R. S. Muller
s supervision. Before joining UC
Berkeley, he was with Kionix, Inc., Ithaca, NY, as a
MEMS test engineer. His current research interests
are microlens and microscanner systems and their ap-
plications to ocular refractive surgeries, biomedical
imaging systems, high-de
nition displays, and next-generation wavefront sen-
sors. He has two nonprovisional U.S. and international patents (in application)
on his microlens and microscanner systems. He
Mr. Choo won the UC Berkeley EECS Lim Prize in 2001 (Best Performance
on the Pre-Doctoral Exam) and is the two-time winner of the Berkeley Sensor
and Actuator Center presentation award.