Recognition of Abasic Sites and Single Base Bulges in DNA by a
Brian M. Zeglis
Jennifer A. Boland
, and
Jacqueline K. Barton
Division of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA
Abasic sites and single base bulges are thermodynamically destabilizing DNA defects that can lead
to cancerous transformations if left unrepaired by the cell. Here we discuss the binding properties
with abasic sites and single base bulges of Rh(bpy)
, a complex previously shown to bind
thermodynamically destabilized mismatch sites via metalloinsertion. Photocleavage experiments
show that Rh(bpy)
selectively binds abasic sites with affinities of 1-4 × 10
; specific
binding is independent of unpaired base identity but is somewhat contingent on sequence context.
Single base bulges are also selectively bound and cleaved, but in this case, the association constants
are significantly lower (~10
), and the binding is dependent both on unpaired base identity and
bulge sequence context. A wide variety of evidence, including strand scission asymmetry, binding
enantiospecificity, and MALDI-TOF cleavage fragment analysis, suggests that Rh(bpy)
binds abasic sites, like mismatches, through insertion of the bulky chrysi ligand into the base pair
stack from the minor groove side and ejection of the unpaired base. At single base bulge sites, a
similar, though not identical, metalloinsertion mode is suggested. The recognition of abasic sites and
single base bulges with bulky metalloinsertors holds promise for diagnostic and therapeutic
Genomic integrity is of paramount importance to cellular survival and replication. However,
a wide variety of agents, ranging from genotoxic chemicals to error-prone cellular processes,
render DNA dangerously susceptible to damage and mutation.
The types of DNA defects are
as varied as their causative agents, yet the most common forms are single base mismatches,
abasic sites, single base bulges, and oxidized bases. Left unrepaired, all of these defects can
lead to deleterious mutations, often in the form of single nucleotide polymorphisms. To counter
these threats, the cell has evolved complex DNA repair machineries, most notably the mismatch
repair (MMR) and base excision repair (BER) pathways.
Under normal conditions, the
MMR (mismatches and single base bulges) and BER (abasic sites and oxidized bases)
machineries will quickly and efficiently repair their target defects, thereby preventing any
lasting damage to the cell or its genome. However, the suppression or disabling of these
pathways is often met with dire consequences: mismatch repair deficiency, for example, has
been implicated in 80% of hereditary non-polyposis colon cancers in addition to significant
percentages of breast, ovarian, and skin cancers.
It thus becomes clear that the synthesis and
study of molecules able to specifically target these defects may aid in the development of new
cancer diagnostics and therapeutics.
The design and application of metal complexes capable of specifically targeting one such
defect, single base mismatches, have been focuses of our laboratory for over a decade.
Financial support for this work from the National Institutes of Health (GM33309 to J.K.B.) is gratefully acknowledged.
*To whom correspondence should be addressed. Email: Telephone: (626) 395-6075. Fax: (626) 577-4976.
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. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2010 February 10.
Published in final edited form as:
. 2009 February 10; 48(5): 839–849. doi:10.1021/bi801885w.
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metal complexes, most notably Rh(bpy)
(chrysi = chrysene-5,6-quinone diimine)
and Rh(bpy)
(phzi = benzo[a]phenazine-5,6-quinone diimine) (Figure 1), bear
sterically bulky ligands that are too wide to fit between matched base pairs and thus instead
preferentially target thermodynamically destabilized mismatched sites.
The compounds are
highly specific (
1000-fold) for mispaired sites over matched base pairs and recognize over
80% of mismatches in all possible sequence contexts, with only thermodynamically stable, G-
containing mismatches escaping binding altogether.
Furthermore, the complexes can, upon
irradiation with ultraviolet light, promote direct cleavage of the DNA backbone at the binding
site. More recently, crystallography and NMR studies have revealed that these complexes do
not bind via classical intercalation, in which the complex binds from the major groove and
increases the base pair rise by stacking an aromatic ligand between intact base pairs. Rather,
they employ a unique binding mode that we have termed metalloinsertion: the complex binds
the DNA from the minor groove, ejecting the mismatched bases into the major groove and
replacing them in the base stack with the sterically expansive aromatic ligand.
structural data make quite clear the origin of the correlation between recognition and
thermodynamic destabilization: the less stable the mismatch, the easier the ejection of the
mismatched bases.
Yet mismatches are not the only destabilizing DNA defect. Indeed, the relationship between
thermodynamic instability and specific metalloinsertor binding has led our laboratory to
investigate the recognition of two different DNA defects: abasic sites and single base bulges.
Abasic sites arise from the cleavage of the glycosidic bond between the ribose and the
nucleobase; this can occur spontaneously, as a result of exogenous agents, or as an intermediate
in the BER pathway (Figure 2).
In the cell, abasic sites exist primarily in equilibrium between
two hemiacetal anomers; just as important to the structure of the site, however, is the unpaired
base complementary to the abasic site. Numerous structural studies have shown that the
conformation of this unpaired base can be extra- or intrahelical depending upon its identity and
the surrounding bases.
Unpaired purines are almost always intrahelical, whereas unpaired
pyrimidines likely exist in equilibrium between extrahelical and intrahelical forms, with the
extrahelical form favored when the base is flanked by other pyrimidines. Relative to intact
duplex DNA, abasic sites are thermodynamically destabilized by 3-11 kcal/mol.
Both the
sequence context and the identity of the unpaired base play roles in the magnitude of the
destabilization: sites in which the abasic ribose is flanked by purines are more stable than those
flanked by pyrimidines, and, to a lesser degree, sites with unpaired purines are more stable
than those with unpaired pyrimidines.
Single base bulges are defects in which a base is inserted in one strand of an otherwise well
matched duplex. Caused by errors in recombination and replication, these sites are more
thermodynamically stable than abasic sites, with destabilizations ranging from 0-3 kcal/mol.
Recent computational and spectroscopic studies have shown that while bulged base identity
and sequence context certainly influence the destabilization of the site, reliable patterns such
as those for abasic sites do not exist.
Several structural studies have shown that the unpaired
base may be intra- or extrahelical.
Similar to the case for abasic sites, unpaired purines
are almost always intrahelical, whereas an equilibrium between intra- and extrahelical
conformations is likely for unpaired pyrimidines. Unpaired bases flanked by purines are more
likely to remain intrahelical than those surrounded by pyrimidines. Regardless of unpaired base
helicity, all duplexes with single base bulges are bent relative to well-matched DNA.
Under normal conditions, abasic sites and single base bulges are repaired through the BER and
MMR pathways, respectively. However, if left unrepaired, both lesions represent significant
threats to cell viability: abasic sites can lead to single nucleotide polymorphisms, block
transcription and replication, and act as a potent topoisomerase poison,
while single base
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bulges are a common source of frame-shift mutations.
Indeed, deficiency in the repair of
both types of lesions has been associated with several different cancers.
Given the links to cancer, it is not surprising that agents that recognize these lesions have
already been designed and studied. Methodologies for the targeting of abasic sites include
organic bis-intercalators
and nucleophilic amines
that react with the minor aldehylic form
of the natural abasic site. Organic agents have also been designed for single base bulge
Other recognition agents resemble metalloinsertors; dinuclear ruthenium
and octahedral cobalt
compounds have been shown to bind multiple base bulges along with
DNA hairpins. Yet despite some successes, almost all of these recognition agents exhibit
affinities, specificities, or reactivities that are less than ideal for diagnostic or therapeutic
Our investigation of metalloinsertors for abasic site and single base bulge recognition is thus
motivated both by the desire to augment our understanding of DNA lesion recognition by metal
complexes and by the opportunity to create a useful diagnostic reagent for the detection of
these deleterious defects. We have previously communicated our initial finding that bulky
metalloinsertors specifically bind and photocleave abasic sites and single base bulges.
we present a more comprehensive study geared at elucidating the scope and means of
recognition at both types of defects.
Reagents, instrumentation, and general methods
All reagents were the highest purity commercially available and, unless otherwise noted, were
used as obtained without further purification. Rh(bpy)
and Rh(bpy)
synthesized and purified as previously reported.
The enantiomers of Rh(bpy)
likewise resolved as described earlier. Standard oligonucleotides were synthesized from
phosphoramidites on an ABI 3400 DNA synthesizer (reagents from Glen Research). Given the
instability of the natural hemiacetal abasic lesion, the often employed tetrahydrofuranyl abasic
site analogue was used instead.
In all text, the symbol
denotes the abasic site. Abasic site-
containing oligonucleotides were ordered from Integrated DNA Technologies. Following
synthesis or delivery, the oligonucleotides were purified both with and without dimethoxytrityl
(DMT) protecting groups via reverse phase HPLC [HP1100 HPLC system with Varian
DynaMax™ C18 semi-preparative column, gradient of 5:95 to 45:55 MeCN:50 mM NH
(aq) over 30 min for DMT-on purification and 2:98 to 17:83 MeCN:50 mM NH
OAc (aq) over
30 min for DMT-off purification]. UV-Vis absorption spectra were taken on a Beckman DU
7400 spectrophotometer.
Metal complex concentrations were determined using UV-visible spectrophotometry with
extinction coefficients of
= 57,000 cm
= 52,200 cm
for Rh
= 65,800 cm
= 67,300 cm
for Rh
. DNA strand concentrations were also determined spectrophotometrically using
base extinction coefficients of
= 15,400 cm
= 7,400 cm
11,500 cm
(G), and
= 8,700 cm
(T). DNA concentrations are presented per
strand. Duplex melting temperatures were determined by following hypochromicity at 260 nm
for 1
M duplex in a buffer of 50 mM NaCl, 10 mM NaPi, pH 7.1, via variable temperature
All oligonucleotid es were 5’-radioactively labeled with
P using [
Biomedicals) and polynucleotide kinase (Roche) employing standard methodologies and
purified via 20% polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (National Diagnostics).
photocleavage experiments were performed using end-labeled DNA with identical sequence,
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unlabeled carrier DNA in a buffer of 50 mM NaCl, 10 mM NaPi, pH 7.1. Duplexes were
annealed by incubation at 90 °C for 15 min followed by slow cooling to room temperature.
Recognition and photocleavage experiments
Solutions of Rh(bpy)
or Rh(bpy)
were incubated with 5’-
oligonucleotides either containing or lacking a central DNA lesion (see
section for
sequence details). Unless otherwise noted, final solutions were prepared 20 minutes prior to
irradiation, contained 1
M duplex and 1
M metalloinsertor, and were 20
L in volume. Dark
and light control samples, of course, lacked the appropriate solution components. Because
metalloinsertor photocleavage is single-stranded, each duplex was interrogated twice, once
with each of the two strands radioactively labeled. Samples were irradiated with an Oriel
Instruments 1000 W solar simulator (320-440 nm). Irradiations were performed in open,
horizontally oriented 1.7 mL microcentrifuge tubes. After irradiation, samples were incubated
at 60 °C for 30 min and then dried under vacuum. Dried samples were redissolved in denaturing
formamide loading dye and electrophoresed on 20% denaturing polyacrylamide gels. Images
of the gels were obtained via phosphorimagery (Molecular Dynamics) and quantified using
ImageQuant software.
Determination of defect-specific binding constants
Photocleavage titrations were performed to determine the thermodynamic binding constants
for Rh(bpy)
with lesion sites of interest. Solutions of DNA (1
M) were incubated
with variable concentrations of Rh(bpy)
M) and subsequently irradiated on
an Oriel Instruments solar simulator for 10 min. After irradiation, the samples were incubated
at 60 °C for 30 min and then dried under vacuum. Dried samples were redissolved in denaturing
formamide loading dye and electrophoresed on 20% denaturing polyacrylamide gels. Images
of the gels were obtained via phosphorimagery (Molecular Dynamics). The fraction cleaved
at the lesion site was quantitated using ImageQuant software, expressed as a fraction of the
total parent DNA, and fit to a single site, one parameter binding model.
MALDI-TOF cleavage product analysis
For mass spectrometry analysis of photocleavage products, 2
M solutions of duplex were
incubated with 2
M Rh(bpy)
and irradiated as described above. After irradiation
and incubation, the samples were dried under vacuum, resuspended in 10
L water, and
desalted using 10
L OMIX C18 tips (Varian). Light and dark controls were also prepared.
Mass spectrometry was performed using a Voyager DE-PRO MALDI-TOF instrument with a
337 nm nitrogen laser source (Applied Biosystems). A 4-hydroxypicolinic acid matrix was
employed. All mass spectra were internally calibrated using the mass of the parent
Sequence design and melting temperature analysis
A series of oligonucleotides was synthesized and purified to allow for the interrogation of
abasic sites and single base bulges in variable sequence contexts and with all possible unpaired
bases. The 27-mer single strands are identical except for a central six base region in which the
sequence variation occurs. Four different oligonucleotides containing abasic sites were
designed, each placing the abasic site in a different sequence context: 5’-G
T-3’ (AB1), 5’-
A-3’ (AB2), 5’-A
G-3’ (AB3), and 5’-T
C-3’ (AB4) (Table 1). For each abasic strand,
four complements were prepared. Each positions a different base complementary to the abasic
site: for example, 3’-C
A-5’ (AB1-A), 3’-C
T-5’ (AB2-C), 3’-T
C-5’ (AB3-G), and 3’-
G-5’ (AB4-T). These oligonucleotides, taken together, allow us to examine the recognition
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of abasic sites in the three major sequence context types (Pur/Pur, Pyr/Pur, Pyr/Pyr) with all
possible opposing unpaired bases. For purposes of comparison, matched and mismatched
strands were also created for each sequence context; complementary in each case to the AB#-
C strand, these oligonucleotides create either a fully matched duplex or one containing a central
CC mismatch.
Four additional oligonucleotides were synthesized to facilitate the study of single base bulges
(Table 2). These, termed B1-B4, are identical to the AB# strands in all respects except that
they lack the tetrahydrofuranyl abasic site. Thus, when these 26mers are annealed to the
complements of the abasic oligonucleotides, duplexes with single base bulges are formed. In
each case, the nucleotide formerly complementary to the abasic site is now the bulged base:
for example, 3’-C
A-5’ (B1-T), 3’-C
T-5’ (B2-A), 3’-T
C-5’ (B3-C), and 3’-A
G-5’ (B4-
G). The same sets of matched and mismatched duplexes were employed as controls. In all, 32
oligonucleotides forming 28 unique duplexes were created.
Melting temperature analysis of the DNA allows us to determine the relative thermodynamic
destabilization created by the lesions. All four matched duplexes have melting temperatures
around 64 °C. Relative to these, the mismatched duplexes are destabilized by 7-8 °C. Duplexes
containing single base bulges are similarly destabilized, if not slightly more stable, with melting
temperatures 6-8 °C lower than that of the corresponding matched duplex. In contrast, abasic
site duplexes are even less stable than their mismatched counterparts with melting temperatures
reduced by 8-11 °C. Taken together, these
values are in agreement with the published
It is somewhat surprising, however, that in the family of abasic duplexes we do
not see significant variation in
based upon sequence context or unpaired base identity.
This result is more likely a product of instrument sensitivity rather than the absence of such
influences on site stability. Nonetheless, these measurements plainly illustrate the relative
stabilities of the duplexes at hand: abasic site < mismatched base pair < single base bulge
matched base pair.
Recognition and photocleavage of abasic sites by Rh(bpy)
Polyacrylamide gel assays clearly indicate that Rh(bpy)
specifically recognizes and
photocleaves abasic sites in DNA (Figure 3). Indeed, the metalloinsertor binds and promotes
strand scission at lesion sites in all sequence context types (5’-Pur
Pur-3’, 5’-Pur
Pyr-3’, and
Pyr-3’) and with all possible unpaired bases. No photocleavage is observed in the
absence of metalloinsertor or with well matched DNA. In total, twelve of the sixteen abasic
sites are bound and cleaved. Specifically, duplexes AB1, AB2, and AB4 are recognized and
cleaved regardless of unpaired base identity; surprisingly, however, no photocleavage is
observed for the AB3 duplexes. This pattern corresponds precisely to that observed for the
strands bearing a central CC mismatch: AB1-MM, AB2-MM and AB4-MM are all recognized
and cleaved, while AB3-MM escapes binding and scission. That the AB3 duplexes are not
bound and cleaved is certainly not a consequence of the sequence context type, for AB2, like
AB3, places the abasic site in a 5’-Pur
Pur-3’ sequence context and is, in fact, cleaved quite
readily. The answer likely lies in the sensitivity of metalloinsertor mismatch recognition to
specific sequence contexts. Similar effects of sequence context have been seen previously for
the family of mismatched duplexes.
Indeed, experiments employing higher rhodium
concentrations and longer irradiation times suggest that Rh(bpy)
does bind and
cleave the AB3 abasic sites, just not nearly as strongly or efficiently as those in the other
sequence contexts.
Photocleavage experiments also reveal interesting patterns in the strand asymmetry of scission.
Regardless of unpaired base identity, duplexes AB1 and AB2 are cleaved on the strand
containing the unpaired nucleotide. Interestingly, however, duplex AB4 is cleaved instead on
the strand containing the tetrahydrofuranyl abasic site, again irrespective of unpaired base. This
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behavior exactly mirrors mismatch photocleavage. While, of course, the mismatched duplexes
contain no unpaired bases or abasic sites, the AB1-MM and AB2-MM assemblies are cleaved
on the strand corresponding to that containing an unpaired base in the abasic duplexes, and the
AB4-MM assembly is cleaved on the strand corresponding to that containing the abasic site in
the abasic duplex. This observation must reflect the binding architecture of the complex in the
abasic site (see
Another important similarity between mismatch and abasic photocleavage is the length of the
scission products. Regardless of unpaired base identity, AB1 cleavage fragments are 14 base
pairs long, AB2 fragments 15 base pairs long, and AB4 fragments 13 base pairs long. These
fragments correspond to cleavage at the ribose 3’ to the unpaired base in duplexes AB1 and
AB2 and at the ribose 3’ to the abasic site in the AB4 duplexes. Importantly, photocleavage at
the CC mismatch in each duplex produces fragments of identical length.
Recognition and photocleavage of abasic sites by Rh(bpy)
In order to probe the generality of metalloinsertor recognition of abasic sites, photocleavage
experiments were also performed using Rh(bpy)
, a second generation complex with
a heterocyclic bulky ligand (Figure 4).
is clearly able both to recognize and,
upon irradiation, to cleave the representative abasic sites. Again, no recognition or
photocleavage is observed in the absence of metalloinsertor or DNA lesion. Significantly,
photocleavage with Rh(bpy)
is observed at much lower concentrations (100 nM) than
with Rh(bpy)
, a characteristic also observed for mismatch photocleavage and
attributed to the added
-stacking capabilities of the heterocyclic inserting ligand.
Binding affinities of Rh(bpy)
for abasic sites
Photocleavage titration experiments were employed to determine site-specific binding
constants for the twelve abasic sites and three mismatches for which photocleavage was
observed (Figure 5 shows a representative titration, Table 1). The binding constants for the
mismatched sites, 2.2(2) × 10
(AB1-MM), 1.7(2) × 10
(AB2-MM), 2.5(3) × 10
(AB4-MM), are comparable to those previously reported for CC mismatches.
metalloinsertor binding affinity correlates directly to site destabilization, it is not surprising
that the binding constants of Rh(bpy)
for abasic sites are similar to if not somewhat
greater than those for the most destabilizing (e.g., CC) mismatches.
Despite likely differences in site destabilization, little variation is observed between the values
for the three different sequence contexts, a result that suggests a threshold behavior in the
relationship between destabilization and binding affinity. Such behavior has previously been
suggested for mismatch binding.
Small differences, however, do appear based on unpaired
base identity within a single sequence context. For example, the values for AB2 are 1.4(5) ×
(G), 2.1(1) × 10
(A), 2.6(5) × 10
(C), and 3.5(3) × 10
(T). The
metalloinsertor seems to bind abasic sites with unpaired pyrimidines slightly tighter than sites
with unpaired purines. These differences are admittedly minor; however, the trend is consistent
among the three sequence contexts. An explanation based on the kinetics and helicity of the
unpaired base in each case is perhaps most likely.
Enantiospecificity of Rh(bpy)
for abasic sites
Photocleavage assays employing
indicate that abasic recognition is enantiospecific for the right-handed isomer of the
metalloinsertor (Figure 6). PAGE experiments reveal that concentrations of 1
bind and cleave all abasic sites interrogated while incubation and irradiation
with 1
produce no photocleavage bands. This chiral specificity has
been well-documented for metalloinsertor recognition of mismatched sites.
Recent structural
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studies of Rh(bpy)
bound to a CA mismatch have shed light on the question; because
the metalloinsertor binds the mismatch site from the narrow, sterically constrictive minor
groove, the chirality of complex must match that of the helix to prevent steric clash between
the ancillary ligands and the DNA backbone. In short, the right-handed helix can only
accommodate the right-handed enantiomer. The observation that metalloinsertor recognition
of abasic sites is also enantiospecific argues strongly for site binding via the minor groove.
MALDI-TOF analysis of abasic site photocleavage products
While we have predominantly employed gel electrophoresis in our study of abasic site
recognition, MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry affords a unique opportunity to investigate not
only the site specificity of recognition but also the identity of the individual photocleavage
products. A similar investigation has been previously reported for metalloinsertor mismatch
Here the photocleavage of all 12 cleaved abasic duplexes and their mismatched
analogues was investigated. The MALDI-TOF analysis of AB1-C photocleavage provides a
suitable example (Figure 7). In light (no Rh, with irradiation) and dark (Rh, no irradiation)
controls, only peaks corresponding to the singly (DNA
) and doubly (DNA
) charged parent
single strands are observed, m/z = 8198.7 and 4100.3 for AB1 and 8213.2 and 4106.9 for AB1-
C (Supp. Info.). Photocleavage samples reveal three new masses in addition to the parent
strands at m/z = 3733.7, 4286.8, and 4475.9. These fragments are consistent with the DNA
only being cleaved on the AB1-C strand. We assign the cleavage fragment at m/z = 3733.7 as
a 12-mer with a 5’-phosphate group and the product at m/z = 4286.8 as a 14-mer with a 3’-
phosphate group. These fragments correspond to common DNA oxidation products and clearly
indicate scission on the 3’-side of the unpaired base. The final cleavage fragment, appearing
at m/z = 4475.9, corresponds to the above 14-mer with a 3’-2,3-dehydronucleotide rather than
a phosphate. Upon sample incubation for 24 h at 20 °C, however, complete conversion of the
dehydronucleotide product to the 3’-phosphate fragment is observed, suggesting that the
former is a metastable intermediate.
Analogous results are obtained for all abasic sites that are cleaved on the strand containing the
unpaired base. The situation changes only slightly for the AB4 sequence context, in which
scission occurs on the strand containing the abasic site; for these duplexes, all of the same
cleavage products are observed, but strand scission occurs on the 3’ side of the abasic site.
Importantly, analogous products are also seen for photocleavage of the mismatched strands.
Indeed, exactly the same products are seen for AB1-C and AB1-MM: strand scission occurs
on the 3’-sides of the unpaired cytosine in AB1-C and the corresponding mispaired cytosine
in AB1-MM, resulting in identical fragments (Supp. Info.).
Taken together, these mass spectrometry experiments provide a number of key insights. First,
the data confirm observations made via gel electrophoresis regarding site specificity, strand
asymmetry of scission, and cleavage product length. More important, however, is light shed
on the relationship between abasic site and mismatch recognition and photocleavage. As stated
above, analogous, and in some cases indistinguishable, products are observed for mismatch
and abasic site photocleavage. This result strongly suggests a similar, if not identical, binding
mode for metalloinsertors at abasic sites. Furthermore, based on cleavage product analysis and
structural information, it has been posited that mismatch photocleavage proceeds via an H1-
abstraction mechanism;
based on these results, it is almost certain that abasic site strand
scission occurs via the same pathway.
Recognition and photocleavage of single base bulges by Rh(bpy)
Compared to abasic sites, single base bulges are recognized less effectively and, when bound,
cleaved less efficiently. In fact, out of the sixteen possible single base bulges in this
investigation, only seven were recognized and cleaved: B1-C, B1-G, B1-T, B2-A, B2-C, B2-
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G, and B2-T (Figure 8). Furthermore, in some cases, even faint bulge photocleavage bands
required longer irradiation times (20-30 min, compared to 10 min for substantial abasic site
cleavage). Based on comparison to shorter labeled oligonucleotides, the bulge photocleavage
fragments appear to be 14 bases long for the B1 duplexes and 15 bases long for the B2 duplexes,
indicating strand scission on the 3’-side of the bulged base. However, the low photocleavage
efficiency at single base bulges precludes the accurate determination of binding affinities.
Based on photocleavage titrations and qualitative observations, however, it is evident that in
each case the metalloinsertor binding affinity is ~10
Both sequence context and bulged base identity appear to play a role in recognition. Single
base bulges in the B3 and B4 sequence contexts escape binding and photocleavage
in toto
whereas all of the bulges in the B2 sequence context are recognized and cleaved to some extent.
The recognition of single base bulges in the B1 sequence context seems to be dependent upon
bulged base identity; the bulged cytosine, guanine, and thymine are cleaved, whereas the bulged
adenine is not. Proffering an explanation for this behavior proves difficult, especially without
the aid of simple bulge site destabilization trends (see
Despite the lack of generality in single base bulge recognition, the initial photocleavage assay
and subsequent experimentation do provide some insight into how the metalloinsertor may
bind single base bulges. First, the strand asymmetry and cleavage product length of single base
bulge scission match those of mismatch photocleavage. Second, photocleavage assays
- and
clearly indicate that bulge recognition is
enantiospecific for the right-handed isomer of the metalloinsertors. Third, MALDI-TOF
analysis of bulge photocleavage products reveal fragments analogous to those produced in
mismatch and abasic site recognition and scission (Supp. Info.).
For example, Rh
photocleavage of the B2 -A duplex produces fragments of m/z = 7999.9,
8251.1, 3442.7, 4614.8, and 4802.3. The first two values correspond to the parent single strands
of the duplex. The peak at m/z = 3442.7 corresponds to an 11-mer fragment with a 5’-phosphate,
that fragment at m/z = 4614.8 to a 15-mer with a 3’-phosphate, and that at m/z = 4798.7 to the
same 15-mer fragment but with a 3’-2,3-dehydronucleotide instead of a 3’-phosphate. These
products are, in fact, almost identical to those produced via cleavage of the AB2-A abasic site.
Thus the data clearly suggest that even though Rh(bpy)
only recognizes single base
bulges in a minority of cases, lesion binding, when it does happen, likely occurs in a mode
analogous to that of the metalloinsertor at mismatches and abasic sites.
Based upon the data described, Rh(bpy)
recognizes abasic sites with high affinity
and specificity with little regard for sequence context or the opposing unpaired base. The
targeting of single base bulges, however, appears to be more complicated, with only seven of
sixteen possible abasic sites bound and cleaved by the metal complex. Yet, now that we have
shown that Rh(bpy)
can, indeed, bind both lesions, two simple questions follow:
(1) how does the complex bind each lesion and (2) what are the constraints upon the recognition
of these defects?
binds abasic sites in DNA via metalloinsertion
NMR and X-ray crystallographic evidence has revealed that Rh(bpy)
mismatched sites not by classical major groove intercalation but rather via a previously unseen
binding mode: insertion. The complex approaches the DNA from the minor groove, ejects the
mismatched bases into the major groove, and replaces the extruded bases in the
-stack with
its own aromatic ligand.
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In the absence of concrete structural information for the abasic site binding, we must rely on
comparisons to mismatch recognition when considering how Rh(bpy)
targets abasic
sites. The similarities are striking. First, mismatch and abasic site photocleavage exhibit
identical strand asymmetry. In the AB1 and AB2 duplexes, the metal complex cleaves the
strand containing the unpaired bases; in the AB4 duplexes, the strand containing the abasic site
is cut. Mismatch photocleavage mirrors this behavior, with the corresponding strands of the
mismatched duplexes being photocleaved. Second, the enantiospecificity of recognition is
revealing. While bis(bpy) complexes intercalate into B-DNA with very little enantioselectivity,
- Rh(bpy)
is able to target and cleave mismatched sites enantiospecifically, a
consequence of metalloinsertion occurring from the sterically constrictive minor groove. The
same high specificity is observed for abasic site recognition: only the right-handed enantiomer
targets and cleaves the abasic lesion. This clearly argues strongly for involvement of the minor
groove. Third, mass spectrometry photocleavage product analysis provides still more evidence
for similarity. This technique reveals that both abasic sites and mismatches are cleaved on the
3’-side of the lesions, producing three products: (1) a fragment containing a 5’-phosphate, (2)
a fragment containing a 3’-phosphate, and (3) a metastable fragment identical to (2) but with
a 3’-2,3-dehydronucleotide. Indeed, when the unpaired base in the abasic assembly is a cytosine
and thus contains the same sequence as the mismatched assembly, identical photocleavage
fragments are formed. These products are consistent with H1’-hydrogen abstraction by the
photoactivated ligand, a mechanistic pathway accessible only via the minor groove. Finally, a
variety of other, more minor similarities between abasic site and mismatch recognition exist,
including the failure of Rh(bpy)
to target either defect in the AB3 sequence context
and the similarity of metalloinsertor binding affinity for both types of lesion, and these
observations also argue for similar binding modes. In sum, this study clearly indicates that
abasic site recognition and photocleavage by metalloinsertors occur in a manner almost, if not
precisely, identical to mismatch targeting. Thus, these data are fully consistent with Rh
targeting abasic sites via metalloinsertion from the minor groove. It should
be noted that this conclusion fits well with an intuitive, and teleological, approach to the system:
to a metalloinsertor, an abasic site looks like a mismatch with half the extrusion work already
likely binds single base bulges in DNA via metalloinsertion
Single base bulge recognition presents a somewhat more difficult task for the metalloinsertor.
Of the sixteen different single base bulge sites interrogated in the study, only seven were bound
and cleaved by Rh(bpy)
. Again, a comparison to mismatch recognition is useful in
exploring the recognition of single base bulges.
Several observations point to a binding mode for single base bulges similar to that for
mismatches and abasic sites. First, photocleavage strand asymmetry for single base bulges
mirrors that for both other defects. Furthermore, bulge recognition, like that of mismatches and
abasic sites, is enantiospecific for the
-isomer of the metalloinsertor. Lastly, the DNA
fragments produced by bulge photocleavage are analogous to those produced by scission
neighboring the other two lesions. Yet two significant differences indicate that the binding
mode must be at least somewhat different. Both the binding affinity and photocleavage
efficiency at single base bulges are substantially reduced compared to that at the corresponding
mismatches and abasic sites. While this certainly does not preclude minor groove insertion, it
does suggest that the orientation of the complex within the binding site differs somewhat from
that at the other two lesions.
Intuitively, this is not surprising. Like binding at an abasic site, metalloinsertion at a single
base bulge requires only the ejection of a single base. However, a key structural difference
exists between single base bulges and the other two lesions: in a bulged duplex, the ribose of
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the abasic site or the second mismatched base is not there. It is thus not possible for Rh
to target a bulged site in the same manner it does a mismatch or an abasic site.
One half of the ligand may bind in a manner similar to insertion, extruding the bulged base and
replacing it in the DNA base stack, but the other half of the ligand, without an abasic ribose or
a mismatched base to eject, must bind stacked between adjacent bases in a mode far closer to
metallointercalation than metalloinsertion.
Factors affecting metalloinsertor recognition of abasic sites and single base bulges
Certainly the most puzzling aspect of the abasic site recognition investigation is the absence
of photocleavage for the abasic AB3 duplexes. Neither sequence context nor thermodynamic
stabilization provide explanations; the AB2 duplexes, which also house the abasic site in a 5’-
Pur-3’ sequence context, are cleaved, and melting temperature measurements suggest that
the AB3 duplexes are as destabilized as the other abasic assemblies. The failure of Rh
to cleave the AB3 duplex containing a central CC mismatch is equally, if not
more, surprising. Cytosine-cytosine mismatches are among the most destabilizing mispairs
and are readily recognized and cleaved by metalloinsertors in almost any sequence context. It
follows that the most likely, if slightly unsatisfying, explanation is purely based on sequence:
the particular 5’-A
G-3’ sequence context in the AB3 duplexes simply does not allow for
efficient lesion binding and photocleavage. Such anomalies, though poorly understood at
present, have been reported for mismatch targeting and constitute only a very small percentage
of cases.
The somewhat sporadic single base bulge cleavage of Rh(bpy)
also merits some
attention. As we have noted, only seven of sixteen possible bulges were recognized and cleaved.
A thermodynamic rationale is not available, principally due to the lack of reliable, reported
patterns between bulge sequence and destabilization. Sequence context surely plays a role, but
it cannot be the sole determining factor; both the B2 and B3 assemblies place the bulged base
in a 5’-PyrXPyr-3’ context, but one set of duplexes (B2) exhibits cleavage regardless of bulged
base identity while the other (B3) escapes recognition entirely. The selective cleavage of three
bulged bases in the B1 assemblies suggests bulged base identity as a determining factor, but
the recognition of the B2 sequence bulges regardless of base identity suggests a slightly more
complicated rationale.
One possible explanation may be found in the likely conformation of the bulged base. In the
B2 duplexes, all of which are photocleaved by Rh(bpy)
, each bulged base is in a 5’-
PyrXPyr-3’ sequence context and is therefore likely to spend at least some time in a extrahelical
conformation. In contrast, the B4 duplexes house the bulged base in a 5’-PurXPur-3’
conformation, with the better stacking purines shifting the likely position of the bulged base
from extra- to intrahelical; in this case, none of the single base bulges is bound and cleaved.
The B1 duplexes provide an intermediate case. Here, the bulged bases are in a 5’-PyrXPur-3’
sequence context. In this case, the bulged bases, likely in an extrahelical conformation, the
pyrimidines C and T, are bound and cleaved, while one of those more likely to prefer an
intrahelical orientation, the purine A, escapes recognition. In sum, the data suggest that the
more likely a base is to exist in an extrahelical conformation, the more easily it will be targeted
by our metalloinsertors. It should be noted, however, that this hypothesis fails to explain the
targeting of the bulged guanine in the B1-G assembly.
This investigation clearly illustrates that both abasic sites and single base bulges are targeted
by Rh(bpy)
, a sterically bulky metalloinsertor. Abasic sites are targeted with high
specificity and affinity in all sequence contexts and with all unpaired bases, and a wide variety
of evidence points to minor groove metalloinsertion as the binding mode of the complex at
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