Repression of the transcriptional activity of ERR
sequence-specific DNA-binding polyamides
Chien-yu Chen
Yang Li
Tiezheng Jia
Lina He
Alissa A. Hare
John Gallagher
Thomas F. Martinez
Joseph W. Stiles
Peter B. Dervan
Bangyan L. Stiles
Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences, School of Pharmacy, University of Southern
California, Los Angeles, CA 90033, USA
Division of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena,
CA 91125, USA
Present address: Amgen Inc., One Amgen Center Drive, Thousand Oaks, CA 91320-1799, USA
Present address: SUSTECH, 1088 Xueyuan Avenue, Shenzhen, Guangdong Province 518055,
P. R. China
Present address: Vanderbilt, Nashville, TN 37240, USA
Present address: Westmont College, 955 La Paz Rd, Santa Barbara, CA 93108, USA
Present address: Salk Institute, 10010 N Torrey Pines Rd, La Jolla, CA 92037, USA
Present address: Princeton University, Princeton, NJ 08544, USA
Present address: PRISM, 505 Coast Blvd. S., Suite 206, La Jolla, CA 92037, USA
The orphan nuclear receptors estrogen-related receptors (ERRs) bind to the estrogen-related
receptor response element (ERRE) to regulate transcriptional programs in cellular metabolism
and cancer cell growth. In this study, we evaluated the potential for a pyrrole-imidazole polyamide
to block ERR
binding to ERREs to inhibit gene expression. We demonstrated that the ERRE
targeted polyamide 1 blocked the binding of ERR
to the consensus ERRE and reduced
the transcriptional activity of ERR
in cell culture. We further showed that inhibiting ERR
transcriptional activity with polyamide 1 led to reduced mitochondrial oxygen consumption, a
primary biological effect regulated by ERR
. Finally, our data demonstrated that polyamide 1 is
an inhibitor for cancer cell growth.
; Pyrrole-imidazole polyamide; Mitochondria
Bangyan L. Stiles,
Conflict of interest The authors declare that they have no conflict of interest.
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HHS Public Access
Author manuscript
Med Chem Res
. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2021 September 21.
Published in final edited form as:
Med Chem Res
. 2020 April ; 29(4): 607–616. doi:10.1007/s00044-019-02493-4.
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The estrogen-related receptors (ERR), also known as nuclear receptor 3B (NR3B), are
orphan nuclear receptors that play crucial roles in metabolic homeostasis. The orphan
nuclear receptor subfamily comprises three members referred to as NR3B1 (ERR
), and NR3B3 (ERR
). The ERRs display constitutive transcriptional activity
independent of natural estrogen ligands and do not directly take part in classic estrogen
signaling pathways (
Zhang et al. 2015
). ERR
is abundantly expressed in organs with
high oxidative activity and is recognized as a key regulator of adaptive energy metabolism
in response to environmental stimuli and energy demands (
Villena and Kralli 2008
has a vital role in cell fate determination and pluripotency by interacting with
OCT4-SOX2 complex and NANOG (
van den Berg et al. 2008
). ERR
works to switch
bioenergetic responses to hypertrophic stress primarily in the heart (
Kwon et al. 2013
Both ERR
and ERR
orchestrate mitochondrial functions with the coactivator peroxisome
proliferator-activated receptor gamma coactivator 1-alpha (PGC1-
), either by directly
activating genes encoding proteins needed to maintain the mitochondrial components, or
by indirectly activating major transcription factors governing mitochondrial biogenesis
Kamei et al. 2003
Gleyzer et al. 2005
Gaillard et al. 2007
Takacs et al. 2013
). In
addition, ERR
directly regulates the transcription of genes encoding proteins involved in
the citric acid cycle, mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation (OXPHOS) and respiratory
chain, such as the citrate synthase, succinate dehydrogenase, cytochrome
(CytC), and
NADH dehydrogenases (
Giguere 2008
ERR contain two highly conserved zinc finger motifs that preferentially bind to the
consensus estrogen-related response element (ERRE) sequence 5
1) (
Sladek et al. 1997
). This signature motif is also found within the regulatory regions
of genes encoding for carnitine/acylcarnitine translocase (SLC25A29), medium chain acyl
CoA dehydrogenase and fatty acid binding protein 3 (
Dufour et al. 2007
). All three genes
are involved in fatty acid
-oxidation (
Shekhawat et al. 2005
Gutierrez-Aguilar and Baines
) and their expression is reduced when ERR
is absent in adipocytes, intestinal
epithelia and hepatocytes (
Sladek et al. 1997
Carrier et al. 2004
Alaynick et al. 2007
Genetic studies in mice also suggest a role for ERRs in lipid metabolism. Mice lacking
were reported to be resistant to high fat diet-induced obesity (
Luo et al. 2003
Published ChIP-on-chip data (
Charest-Marcotte et al. 2010
) show that ERR
bound to the
regulatory domain of lipogenic genes and positively regulated their expression. In agreement
with its putative function in lipogenesis, ERR
along with its coactivator PGC1-
found to be essential for adipogenic differentiation induced by glucocorticoid, cAMP and
insulin (
Ijichi et al. 2007
). Furthermore, ERR
was positively regulated by insulin-mediated
PI3K/AKT signaling in hepatocytes (
Li et al. 2013
). Taken together, these results support a
role of ERR
in promoting lipogenesis.
Given the diverse role of ERRs in the regulation of mitochondria and lipid metabolism, it is
proposed that ERRs may play a role in tumor metabolism (
Conzen 2008
Bernatchez et al.
Fradet et al. 2016
Ye et al. 2019
). Transformed cells are known to reprogram their
energy homeostasis and metabolism with various strategies to meet energetic and anabolic
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demands (
Zheng 2012
Cheng et al. 2018
). Recent studies have highlighted the role of
dysfunctional lipid metabolism in promoting tumor cell transformation and growth (
Liu et
al. 2018
Long et al. 2018
Nakagawa et al. 2018
). In order to understand the function
of ERR
in metabolic regulation and explore the potential therapeutic benefit of targeting
, we designed a pyrrole–imidazole (Py-Im) polyamide inhibitor to disrupt ERR
DNA binding. Py-Im polyamides are a class of synthetic DNA minor groove-binding ligands
with programmable sequence selectivity, and have been shown to modulate gene expression
by inhibiting transcription factor-DNA binding (
Dervan and Edelson 2003
Olenyuk et al.
Nickols and Dervan 2007
Nickols et al. 2013
Taniguchi et al. 2017
Wei et al.
). Here, we report the design and validation of an ERRE-targeting Py-Im polyamide
that inhibits ERR
-mediated cellular functions.
Materials and methods
Cell culture
Mouse hepatocytes were isolated from mouse livers as previously described (
Zeng et al.
). Mouse and human hepatocytes (SNU398 and Huh7 cells purchased from ATCC)
were cultured in Dulbecco’s Modified Eagle’s Medium (Mediatech) supplemented with 10%
FBS (Atlas Biologicals), 5 μg/ml insulin (Sigma-Aldrich), and 10 ng/ml epidermal growth
factor (Invitrogen). The C4–2b human prostate cancer cell line was cultured in RPMI-1640
medium (Mediatech) supplemented with 10% FBS. All cell culture was supplemented with
1% of penicillin–streptomycin and incubated at 37 °C with 85% relative humidity/5% CO
Py-Im polyamide synthesis
Py-Im polyamides 1 and 2 were provided by the Dervan Group (California Institute of
Technology) and were synthesized on Oxime resin as described (
Puckett et al. 2012
Electromobility shift assay (EMSA)
Oligonucleotide containing the 5
consensus sequence
corresponding to the ERRE binding site was synthesized by and purchased from Integrated
DNA technologies. NE-PER Nuclear and Cytoplasmic Extraction Reagents, Biotin 3
DNA Labeling and LightShift Chemiluminescent EMSA kits were purchased from Thermo
Fisher Scientific. In brief, two complementary oligonucleotides were labeled separately
with biotin according to manufacturer’s instruction and allowed to reanneal. For binding
and competition reactions, 20 fmole biotin-labeled ERRE dsDNA was incubated with 10
μg nuclear protein extract from ERR
overexpressing mouse hepatocytes with or without
unlabeled ERRE dsDNA, ERR
antibody (ab76228, Abcam), and indicated concentrations
of two different polyamides (final concentration: 1 nM of biotin-labeled ERRE dsDNA, 0.5
μg/μl of protein extract and 10 pM to 1 μM polyamides). The mixture was then separated
on polyacrylamide gel following incubation and DNA transferred into membrane. Biotin
labeled DNA-protein complexes were detected using X-ray film following the instructions of
the EMSA kit.
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Luciferase reporter assay
For the luciferase reporter plasmid, the −686 to +55 human genomic sequences relative
to the transcription initiation site of CytC, containing ERRE (
Schreiber et al. 2004
), was
amplified and cloned upstream of the luciferase coding sequences of pGL4 (Promega).
Subsequently, the pGL4-CytC (−686/+55) reporter plasmid was introduced to mouse
hepatocytes using Lipofectamine 2000 (Invitrogen) and selected with puromycin. Prior to
polyamide treatment, the mouse hepatocytes stably expressing pGL4-CytC luciferase were
seeded in six-well plates (1 × 10
cells per well) and allowed to attach for 24 h. These
cells were then treated with the indicated concentration of polyamides for another 24 h. All
experiments were repeated at least three times. Cell lysate preparation and luminescence
detection was performed according to manufacturer’s instructions (Dual-Luciferase Reporter
Assay System, Promega).
RNA interference, RNA isolation and quantitative PCR (qPCR)
siRNAs for ERR
were purchased from Santa Cruz Bio-technology (sc-44707, siERR
and OriGene (SR414015, siERR
−2). Control siRNA was from Santa Cruz Bio-technology
(sc-37007). Plasmids and siRNA were delivered using Lipofectamine 2000 according
to the manufacturer’s instruction. Overall, 4 μg of DNA or 100 pmol siRNA and
10 μl of Lipofectamine 2000 were added to cells growing at 70–90% confluence
in six-well plates in triplicate and incubated for 24 h. Total RNA was isolated
using TRIzol reagent (Invitrogen) following manufacturer’s instruction. cDNA was
produced by reverse transcription from RNA samples using the Reverse Transcription
System (Promega). Quantitative PCR was performed using SYBR green qPCR mix
(Thermo) and 7900 HT fast real-time PCR system (Applied Biosystems). Gene-specific
primers used for qPCR: mouse CytC forward 5
and reverse 5
. Mouse GAPDH: forward 5
and reverse 5
Human CytC forward 5
reverse 5
. Human GAPDH 5
and reverse 5
Western blot
Cell lysates were prepared in lysis buffer (50 mM Tris-HCl pH 7.4, 1 mM EDTA, 150 mM
NaCl, 1% NP40, 5 mM NaF, 0.25% sodium deoxycholate and 2 mM NaVO3) supplemented
with phosphatase inhibitors and protease inhibitors (Roche). Protein electrophoresis and
Western blotting were performed using Mini Trans-Bolt Cell system (Bio-Rad). Blots
were probed with anti-ERR
(ab76228, Abcam) and anti-
-actin (a2228, Sigma-Aldrich)
antibodies. The protein blot membranes were visualized with ECL Western Blotting
Substrate (Thermo Fisher Scientific) and images were taken with X-ray film or ChemiDoc
Imaging System (Bio-Rad).
Seahorse oxygen consumption rate (OCR) assay
Cells treated with polyamides or transfected with siERR
were harvested and replated (2
× 10
and 4 × 10
cells per well for mouse hepatocytes and human hepatocytes Huh7,
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respectively) on XF24 cell assay plates (Agilent technologies). After being allowed to
attach for 16 h, cells were washed twice with Mito Assay Medium and preincubated in a
incubator for 1 h before the assay. During the Seahorse OCR assay, four baseline
respiration rates were recorded for each condition followed by sequential injections of the
four mitochondrial inhibitors, oligomycin (1 μM), FCCP (1 μM), and rotenone/antimycin A
(1 μM) to measure OCR.
Cell proliferation assay
Cells were seeded (1 × 10
cells per dish) onto 60 mm dishes with complete medium
supplemented with polyamides. Medium and polyamides were replaced daily. To measure
cell proliferation rate, the cells were completely trypsinized and counted using a
hemocytometer for five consecutive days. Each experiment was repeated at least three times.
Statistical analysis
Data in this study are presented as mean ± standard error of the mean. For multiple
group comparisons, multivariance ANOVA was used to determine if there were intergroup
differences. This was followed by the post hoc Tukey’s test. For two-group comparison,
data were analyzed by the two-tailed Student’s
values < 0.05 and
p <
0.01 were
considered statistically significant and denoted by * and **, respectively.
Results and discussion
Inhibition of ERR
DNA-binding activity by a Py-Im polyamide
To inhibit transcription activation by ERR
, we sought to inhibit the binding of ERR
ERREs. We used a Py-Im polyamide that was previously shown to inhibit the binding of the
estrogen receptor to the estrogen-response element, which comprises two half-sites that bear
resemblance to the ERRE sequence of 5
(Fig. 1) (
Nickols et al. 2013
). In
addition to Py-Im polyamide 1, which targets the ERRE, we also included Py-Im polyamide
2, which targets the sequence 5
, as a mismatch control (Fig. 2).
To evaluate the ability of the two Py-Im polyamides to inhibit ERR
binding to DNA
oligos containing the consensus ERRE, we employed the EMSA assay (Fig. 3). In this
assay, the biotin-labeled DNA probe containing ERRE (ERRE dsDNA) was incubated alone
(lane 1) or with nuclear extract from cultured hepatocytes that over-expressed ERR
(lane 2). As expected, a band migrating at higher molecular weight than the probe alone
(lane 1) was observed when nuclear extract was incubated with the free probe (lane 2),
indicating the complex of ERRE dsDNA with ERR
+ ERRE). When unlabeled
competitor (cold probe) was added in lane 3, the cold probe displaced the biotin-labeled
probe and diminished the observed ERR
+ ERRE complex band, suggesting that the upper
band observed in lane 2 was indeed complexed with the ERRE dsDNA probe. When the
monoclonal antibody for ERR
was added (lane 4), the antibody bound to the complex of
+ ERRE and caused further upwards shift of the complex due to increased overall
molecular weight, suggesting that the complex indeed contained the ERR
protein. For
lanes 5 to 10, increasing dose of polyamide 1 (10 pM to 1 μM in log scale) was added to
the lysate and probe mixture. The data showed that incubation with polyamide 1 at 0.1 μM
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concentration and beyond completely blocked the binding of ERR
to ERRE dsDNA as
demonstrated by the diminishing band of ERR
+ ERRE in lanes 9 and 10. In contrast, a
tenfold higher dose of polyamide 2 (1 μM) was needed before any loss of complex formation
was observed (lane 16). This result suggested that polyamide 1 was able to disrupt the
–ERRE complex and establishes a dose range for subsequent evaluations.
Polyamide 1 inhibits ERR
transcriptional activity
To evaluate the ability of polyamide 1 to inhibit ERR
-mediated transcriptional activity,
we utilized a dual-luciferase reporter assay where the transcription of firefly luciferase
was controlled by ERR
. CytC is a component in mitochondrial OXPHOS, and the CytC
promoter contains an ERRE under the transcriptional regulation of ERR
Schreiber et
al. 2004
). A pGL4-CytC construct containing a promoter of CytC from codon −686 to
+55 was introduced to and stably expressed in mouse hepatocytes (
Li et al. 2013
). In the
CytC-driven luciferase expressing hepatocytes, treatment with 1 μM polyamide 1 reduced
the ERR
-dependent luciferase expression by 55%. Comparatively, cells treated with 0.1
and 1 μM polyamide 2 showed no significant reductions (Fig. 4).
Next, we tested the endogenous expression of CytC in response to polyamide 1 treatment
in human and mouse hepatocytes. In human hepatocellular carcinoma SNU398 cells and
mouse hepatocytes (
Li et al. 2013
) where high ERR
expression was found, we showed that
polyamide 1 significantly reduced the expression of CytC (Fig. 5a). This observation was
consistent with the effects of ERR
knockdown using the siRNA approach (Fig. 5b). Taken
together, these results demonstrate the ability of polyamide 1 to modulate ERR
expression of CytC.
-targeting reduces OCR
In mammalian cells, ATP is generated through mitochondrial OXPHOS. ERR
initially characterized as a transcriptional activator that promoted mitochondria biogenesis
and respiration in collaboration with PGC1-
Luo et al. 2017
). Thus, inhibiting
function in cells is expected to decrease mitochondrial respiration, hence oxygen
consumption of the cells. We used the Seahorse XF24 analyzer to measure OCR in cultured
cells in order to assess polyamide 1 as an ERR
inhibitor in real time. Mitochondrial
respiration was monitored as basal, ATP production-linked, maximal, and proton leak-linked
OCR with the use of four mitochondrial inhibitors. Oligomycin blocked ATP synthase,
thus allowing measurement of ATP production-linked OCR (
Plitzko et al. 2017
). The
mitochondrial OXPHOS uncoupler, FCCP, permeabilized the inner mitochondrial membrane
for protons and allowed maximum electron flux through the electron transport chain (
et al. 2011
). Thus, the OCR measured after FCCP treatment represented the maximal
mitochondrial respiratory capacity of the cells. Antimycin A and rotenone together inhibited
complexes I and III, respectively (
Chen et al. 2003
). Any OCR measured after treatment
with rotenone and antimycin A are nonmitochondrial based oxygen consumption.
To assess the effect of polyamide 1 on ERR
-regulated mitochondrial respiration, cells were
pretreated with polyamide 1 or siRNA against ERR
for 24 h followed by 16 h incubation
before the OCR assay run (Fig. 6a). In mouse hepatocytes, the introduction of siERR
1 and
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2 that target different sequences of ERR
gene led to 70 and 60% reduction of basal and
maximal respiration, respectively (Fig. 6b). In the dose-dependency experiment, polyamide
1 treatment at 0.2 μM led to 52 and 54% reduction in basal and maximal respirations,
respectively; treatment of poly-amide 1 at 1 μM led to 70 and 72% reduction in basal and
maximal respiration, respectively (Fig. 6c). This effect of polyamide 1 on the mitochondrial
respiration was comparable with that induced by siRNA treatment targeting ERR
. On the
other hand, the same concentration of the mismatched polyamide control (polyamide 2, 1
μM) only caused 9 and 10% reduction on the basal and maximal respiration, respectively
(Fig. 7a). Polyamide 2 at 1 μM also has little impact on the protein levels of ERR
7b) or endogenous expression of CytC expression (Fig. 7c). Furthermore, the effect of
polyamide 1 is more potent than that of XCT-790, an inverse agonist for ERR
Willy et al.
Eskiocak et al. 2014
), on reducing the mitochondrial OCR.
Polyamide 1 inhibits cell proliferation
Recent clinical oncology studies show that elevated ERR
expression is significantly
associated with unfavorable clinical outcome and increases the risk of recurrence in human
cancers including prostate and liver cancer, and ERR
may serve as a potent predictive
biomarker of cancer therapy (
Fujimura et al. 2007
Xia et al. 2019
). We determined cell
growth rate in mouse and two cancer cell lines by counting cell numbers for five consecutive
days with sustained polyamide treatment (Fig. 8). In both mouse and human hepatocytes,
polyamide 1 treatment led to a dose dependent reduction in cell number as compared to
vehicle and polyamide 2 control (Fig. 8 top and middle). The observed inhibition was
sustained throughout the entire duration of the experiment. In addition to hepatocytes,
incubation with polyamide 1 in the high ERR
expression human prostate cancer lines
C4–2b (
Cheung et al. 2005
) resulted in similar growth repression after 5 days of treatment
(Fig. 8 bottom). These findings were consistent with the observation that XCT-790 treatment
in HepG2 hepato-carcinoma cells and its multidrug resistant subline led to apoptosis (
Wu et
al. 2009
is a pivotal transcriptional factor that coordinates mitochondrial and lipid homeostasis
by mediating the expression of genes vital for maintaining mitochondrial function and lipid
metabolism (
Vega and Kelly 1997
Eichner and Giguere 2011
). Here, we evaluated a Py-Im
polyamide as a potential inhibitor of ERR
. Our data indicated that polyamide 1 blocked
the ERR
binding to the consensus ERRE sequence that is necessary for transcriptional
activation (
Sladek et al. 1997
). We demonstrated that polyamide 1 treatment is comparable
with siRNA knockdown at downregulating ERR
-mediated transcription, and at inhibiting
the primary biological effects governed by ERR
, i.e., mitochondrial function. Finally, we
showed that polyamide 1 inhibits cell growth/survival. Whether this effect was dependent on
its function on mitochondria and lipid metabolism remains to be further explored.
BLS was supported by R01CA154986. This work is partially supported by a technology development grant from
the University of Southern California.
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Fig. 1.
DNA-binding motif sequence for nuclear receptor ERR
. Sequence logos of consensus
DNA-binding sites, designated as estrogen-related receptor response element (ERRE). The
consensus sequence of ERR
is variable with a number of possible bases at certain
positions in the motif, whereas other positions have a fixed base. The height of the letter
represents how frequently that nucleotide is observed in that position. AAGGTCA is the
most commonly occurring ERRE, for ERR
. The logos were generated from information
obtained from the MEME database (
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Fig. 2.
Structure of the two polyamides that target the ERRE site. Polyamide 1 and 2 are consisted
of two polyamide strands covalently linked by a
-aminobutyric acid (
-turn) linker. Within
this structure design, the Py/Im pair target C/G; Im/Py pair target G/C; Py/Py target A/T
or T/A. The
-turn linker has demonstrated selectivity for A, T over G, C. For each panel:
top, chemical structure of the polyamides; bottom, the ball-and-stick models with the target
sequence of polyamides shown together. Solid circle, imidazole; Open circle, pyrrole. IPA
isophthalic acid
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Fig. 3.
Polyamide 1 reduces ERR
binding to the ERRE motif. Electromobility shift assay
performed with the polyamide 1 and polyamide2. From left, lane 1, biotin-labeled
ERRE dsDNA only; lane 2, labeled ERRE dsDNA (10 nM) + nuclear extract containing
overexpressed ERR
; lane 3, unlabeled competitor added; lane 4, antibody for ERR
-Ab) added; lanes 5–10, increasing dose (10 pM to 1 μM in log scale) of polyamide
1; lanes 11–15, increasing dose (10 pM to 1 μM in log scale) of polyamide 2. Arrows point
to the complex of ERR
+ ERRE + antibody used for ERR
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Fig. 4.
Polyamide 1 suppresses the ERR
-dependent luciferase expression. Mouse hepatocytes
stably expression cytochrome
-driven luciferase were treated with polyamide 1 or 2 for
24 h at indicated dose. The cells were then lysed and used to determine the luciferase
activity using a luminometer. Polyamide 1 treatment at 1 μM reduced the luciferase activity
whereas polyamide 2 did not. Neg con, the mouse hepatocyte without luciferase expression
vector; Naive, untreated cells expressing the luciferase reporter; Veh con, cells expressing
the luciferase reporter treated with vehicle.
= 3. ** statistically significant at
< 0.01 when
compared to vehicle control group
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Fig. 5.
Polyamide 1 suppresses the ERR
downstream gene expression.
Polyamide 1 treatment
reduced the ERR
downstream target cytochrome
(CytC) gene expression. Mouse and
human (SNU398) hepatocytes were treated with polyamide 1 for 24 h at 0.2 and 1 μM.
Cells were then lysed and mRNA prepared for qPCR analysis of CytC expression.
introduction reduced expression of CytC. siR NAs designed for ERR
was introduced to
mouse and human hepatocytes. After 24 h, cells were lysed, mRNA was prepared and used
for qPCR analysis to measure relative CytC expression. Top, mRNA expression of CytC;
bottom, immunoblotting analysis shows protein expression of ERR
was inhibited with the
introduction of siERR
= 3; *
< 0.05; **
< 0.01 difference between experimental
and control groups. SNU398, a human hepatocyte cells line. Actin was detected as loading
control for immunoblotting analysis
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Fig. 6.
Polyamide 1 dose-dependently suppresses the ERR
-regulated mitochondrial respiration
similar to siERR
Treatment protocol. Polyamide or siRNA was introduced to mouse
hepatocytes and human hepatocytes Huh7 to inhibit ERR
activity. After 24 h of the
treatment, cells were harvested and plated into Seahorse oxygen consumption rate (OCR)
assay plates and allowed for growth for 16 h. The cellular OCR date was then recorded in
real-time for a duration of ~2 h.
robustly inhibited OCR in mouse hepatocytes.
Two independent siRNAs for ERR
were used to inhibit the expression of ERR
. Both
−1 and siERR
−2 led to decreased OCR in mouse hepatocytes. siScr, scrambled
siRNA as control.
Mouse hepatocytes were treated with indicated dose of polyamide 1
for 24 h before assaying for OCR. Polyamide 1 treatment dose-dependently inhibited OCR
in mouse hepatocytes. Con, vehicle-treated cells.
Top, real-time plots for OCR levels,
each data point was replication of four readings for each sample with three samples each
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group for each experiment; bottom left, the basal respiration was calculated by averaging
the baseline OCR minus the nonmitochondrial OCR; bottom right, the maximal respiratory
capacity was calculated by averaging the maximal OCR minus the nonmitochondrial OCR.
Oligomycin, an ATPase inhibitor; FCCP, a mitochondrial uncoupler; antimycin A and
rotenone, inhibitors of complexes I and III respectively of the electron transport chain.
Arrows indicate time points when these chemicals were added.
= 3. **
< 0.01 difference
between experimental and control groups
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Fig. 7.
Specificity for Polyamide 1 at reducing mitochondrial respiration.
The effect of polyamide
1 (1 μM) was compared with that of the mismatch polyamide 2 (1 μM) and an ERR
inverse agonist, XCT-790 (2 μM). Con, vehicle-treated cells. Arrows indicated time points
when these chemicals were added.
= 3. Top, real-time plots for OCR levels, each data
point was replication of four readings for each sample with three samples each group for
each experiment. Bottom left, the basal respiration was calculated by averaging the baseline
OCR minus the nonmitochondrial OCR; bottom right, the maximal respiratory capacity was
calculated by averaging the maximal OCR minus the nonmitochondrial OCR.
of ERR
levels in Huh7 cells treated with polyamide 1 vs. polyamide 2 and controls. **
< 0.01 difference between experimental and control groups.
Comparison of cytochrome
(CytC) gene expression in Huh7 cells treated with polyamide 1 vs. polyamide 2 and controls
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