ity*, figures 5, 6, 7.
WATMUFF, J.H., WITT, H.T., and JOUBERT, P.N. 1983 Effect
of spanwise rotation on two-dimensional zero pressure gradient turbulent
boundary layers. In
Structure of Complex Turbulent Shear Flow
(R. Du-
mas and L. Fulachier, eds.), Springer-Verlag, 67–77.
Geometry*, figure 1.
Velocity*, figure 2.
Chapter 5: The Shear Layer
Turbulent plane mixing layer
Major surveys and theory
BIRCH, S.F. and EGGERS, J.M. 1972 A critical review of the ex-
perimental data for developed free turbulent shear layers. In
Free Turbulent
Shear Flows
, NASA SP 321, Vol. I, 11–40.
DIMOTAKIS, P.E. 1991 Turbulent free shear layer mixing and com-
bustion. In
High Speed Propulsion Systems
(S.N.B. Murthy and E.T. Cur-
ran, eds.), Progress in Astronautics and Aeronautics
, 265–340.
FERZIGER, J.H. 1980 Energetics of vortex rollup and pairing. Phys.
, 1–4.
Change in energy of vortex array during rollup. Self-
similarity argument for pairing. Upper bound on pitch-to-diameter ratio.
HALLEEN, R.M. 1964 A literature review on subsonic free turbulent
shear flow. Dept. Mech. Eng., Stanford Univ., Rep. No. MD-11.
HO, C.-M. and HUERRE, P. 1984 Perturbed free shear layers. Ann.
Rev. Fluid Mech.
, 365–424.
KANGOVI, S. 1983 Effect of initial conditions on constant pressure
mixing between two turbulent streams. Aeron. Quart.
, 61–75.
analysis to account for initial boundary layers. Cites data of Lee, Ph. D.
thesis, Univ. Washington, 1966, which see.
KLEMP, J.B. and ACRIVOS, A. 1972 A note on the laminar mixing
of two uniform parallel semi-infinite streams. J. Fluid Mech.
, 25–30.
LESSEN, M. 1949 On the stability of the free laminar boundary layer
between parallel streams. NACA TN 1929.
LIOU, W.W. 1994 Linear instability of curved free shear layers. Phys.
, 541–549.
POTTER, O.E. 1957 Laminar boundary layers at the interface of co-
current parallel streams. Quart. J. Mech. Appl. Math.
, 302–311.
degree polynomial for profile.
RODI, W. 1975 A review of experimental data of uniform density free
turbulent boundary layers. In
Studies in Convection
(B.E. Launder, ed.),
Vol. 1, Academic Press, 79–165.
ROGERS, M.M. and MOSER, R.D. 1994 Direct simulation of a self-
similar turbulent mixing layer. Phys. Fluids
, No. 2, 903-923.
SQUIRE, H.B. 1948 Reconsideration of the theory of free turbulence.
Phil. Mag. (7)
, 1–20.
Various cases of similarity.
Experimental data
J.F. 1985 Entrainment region phenomena for a large plane shear layer.
Preprints, Fifth Symposium on Turbulent Shear Flows
, Ithaca, 3.7–3.12.
Mean velocity*, figure 3. Growth rate*, figure 4. Reynolds stress*, figure 5.
See thesis by DISIMILE.
ANDERSON, L.W. 1966 Two-dimensional free turbulent mixing be-
tween incompressible streams with initial boundary layers. Ph. D. thesis,
Dept. Mech. Eng., Univ. Washington.
Mean velocity, figures 9–12. Reynolds
stresses, figures 13–18. Mean pressure, figures 5–8. No tables.
1985 The nonequilibrium region of a mixing layer. AIAA J.
, 987–991.
Mean velocity*, figures 2, 5.
BAKER, R.L. and WEINSTEIN, H. 1968 Experimental investigation
of the mixing of two parallel streams of dissimilar fluids. NASA CR-957
(Illinois Inst. Tech.).
Mean velocity, pp 35, 38, 41, 43, 45, 49, 51, 53, 56,
63, 69-71, 76. Reynolds stresses, pp 37, 40, 42, 44, 46. Density profiles,
pp. 50, 52, 54, 57, 73-75, 77. No tables.
BATT, R.G. 1975 Some measurements on the effect of tripping the
two-dimensional shear layer. AIAA J.
, 245–247.
Mean velocity*, figure
3. Reynolds stresses*, figures 4, 5. Growth rate*, figure 6.
BATT, R.G. 1977 Turbulent mixing of passive and chemically react-
ing species in a low-speed shear layer. J. Fluid Mech.
, 53–95.
velocity*, figures 9, 11. Growth rate*, figure 10. Reynolds stresses*, figure
12. Also concentration.
BEGUIER, C., FULACHIER, L., and KEFFER, J.F. 1978 The tur-
bulent mixing layer with an asymmetrical distribution of temperature. J.
Fluid Mech.
, 561–587.
Heated plane jet, fluid at rest on one side and
moving at initial jet speed on other. Profiles of mean velocity, mean temper-
ature, intermittency, Reynolds stresses, temperature fluctuations; spectra.
See thesis by Beguier, Marseilles, 1971. Velocity*, figure 5. Temperature*,
figure 6. Intermittency*, figure 5. Reynolds stresses*, figures 9, 10, 12.
BELL, J.H. and MEHTA, R.D. 1990 Development of a two-stream
mixing layer from tripped and untripped boundary layers. AIAA Paper
BELL, J.H. and MEHTA, R.D. 1992 Measurements of the streamwise
vortical structures in a plane mixing layer. J. Fluid Mech.
, 213–248.
Three-dimensionality*, figure 8. Growth*, figure 9.
BELL, J.H. and MEHTA, R.D. 1993 Effects of imposed spanwise per-
turbations on plane mixing-layer structure. J. Fluid Mech.
, 33–63.
ometry*, figure 1. Growth rate*, figure 10. Reynolds stresses*, figure 14.
Note pegs used as trip.
BELL, J.H., PLESNIAK, M.W., and MEHTA, R.D. 1992 Spanwise
averaging of plane mixing layer properties. AIAA J.
, 835–837.
tion*, figure 2.
BERNAL, L.P. and ROSHKO, A. 1986 Streamwise vortex structure
in plane mixing layers. J. Fluid Mech.
, 499–525.
Mean concentration*,
figures 16, 23. Fluctuations, figures 17, 24.
BIRCH, S.F. 1977 On the developing region of a plane mixing layer.
Turbulence in Internal Flows
, (S.N.B. Murthy, ed.), Proc. SQUID Work-
shop, Hemisphere, 89–100.
Mean velocity*, figures 4, 6. Growth rate*,
figures 3, 5. Reynolds stresses*, figures 7, 8.
BROWAND, F.K. and LATIGO, B.O. 1979 Growth of the two-dimen-
sional mixing layer from a turbulent and non-turbulent boundary layer.
Phys. Fluids
, 1011–1019.
Mean velocity, figures 8, 15. Growth rate*,
figure 6. Reynolds stress, figures 9–14. Thesis by LATIGO?
BROWAND, F.K. and TROUTT, T.R. 1985 The turbulent mixing
layer: geometry of large vortices. J. Fluid Mech.
, 489–509.
rate*, figure 4. Data received through Browand
BROWN, G. and ROSHKO, A. 1971 The effect of density difference
on the turbulent mixing layer. In
Turbulent Shear Flows
, AGARD CP 93,
Paper 23.
Mean velocity, figure 5.
BROWN, G.L. and ROSHKO, A. 1974 On density effects and large
structure in turbulent mixing layers. J. Fluid Mech.
, 775–816.
velocity*, figures 8, 9, 13.
BROWN, J.L. 1978 Heterogeneous turbulent mixing layer investiga-
tions utilizing a 2-D 2-color laser Doppler anemometer and a concentration
probe. Ph.D. thesis, Univ. Missouri (Columbia).
Mean velocity, figures
4.1–4.6, 4.10, 4.11, 4.25. Mean concentration, figures 4.10, 4.11. Reynolds
stresses, figures 4.15–4.23. Growth rate, figure 4.9. No tables.
BRUNS, J.M., HAW, R.C., and FOSS, J.F. 1991 The velocity and
transverse vorticity field in a single stream shear layer. In
Preprints, Eighth
Symposium on Turbulent Shear Flows
, Vol. 1, Technical University of Mu-
nich, Paper 3-1.
Velocity*, figures 4, 5. Reynolds stresses*, figures 7, 8, 10,
11, 14.
CARSON, J.L. 1960 Two-dimensional turbulent jet mixing consider-
ing effects of initial boundary layer configuration. M.S. thesis, Dept. Mech.
Eng., Univ. Washington.
Velocity*, figures 9–13.
the two-dimensional mixing region. J. Fluid Mech.
, 209–250.
velocity*, figure 2. Reynolds stresses*, figures 4, 5, 6. Growth rate, figure
CHAPMAN, A.J. and KORST, H.H. 1954 Free jet boundary with
consideration of initial boundary layer. In
Proc. Second U.S. National
Congress of Applied Mechanics
, ASME, 723–731.
Mean velocity*, figures 2,
CHILDS, M.E. 1956 Two-dimensional turbulent mixing between par-
allel incompressible jets considering effects of initial boundary layer config-
uration. Ph. D. thesis, Dept. Mech. Eng., Univ. Illinois.
Mean velocity,
figures 28-37. No tables.
CHU, W.T. 1965 Velocity profile in the half-jet mixing region of tur-
bulent jets. AIAA J.
, 789–790.
Mean velocity*, figure 1.
CLARK, J.A. and KIT, L. 1980 Shear layer transition and the sharp-
edged orifice. ASME Paper 80-FE-1.
Model*, figure 3. Celerity*, figure 6.
CORDES, G. 1937 Untersuchungen zur statischen Druckmessung in
turbulenter Str ̈omung. Ing.-Archiv.
, 245–270.
Mean velocity*, figure 9.
Reynolds stress, figure 11.
DAVEY, R.F. and ROSHKO, A. 1972 The effect of a density differ-
ence on shear-layer instability. J. Fluid Mech.
, 523–543, 1 plate.
figure 4. Velocity*, figures 5, 10. Eigenfunction*, figures 6, 7. Flow viz*,
figure 1.
DELVILLE, J., GAREM, H., and BONNET, J. P. 1986 Evaluation
experimentale des modeles de turbulence sous-maille – correlations spatio-
temporelles dans une couche de melange. Centre d’Etudes Aerodynamiques
et Thermiques, Univ. Poitiers, Final Report, Contract No. 84/057.
velocity, figure 7. Growth rate, figures 8, 9. Reynolds stresses, figures 11,
DIMOTAKIS, P.E. and BROWN, G.L. 1976 The mixing layer at high
Reynolds number: large-structure dynamics and entrainment. J. Fluid
, 535–560. See also Large structure dynamics and entrainment
in the mixing layer at high Reynolds numbers. Project SQUID, Tech. Rep.
CIT-7-PU, 1975.
High Re. Flow viz with dye; also reaction of base, acid,
indicator. Long correlation times by LDV. Effect of initial conditions dies
out very slowly. Mean velocity*, figure 3.
DISIMILE, P.J. 1984 Transverse vorticity measurements in an ex-
cited two-dimensional mixing layer. Ph. D. thesis, Dept. Mech. Eng., Michi-
gan State Univ.
Student of Foss. Emphasis on vorticity.
DIXON, R.J. Jr. 1960 Two-dimensional turbulent mixing between
parallel incompressible jets considering effects of initial boundary layer con-
figuration. M.S. thesis, Dept. Mech. Eng., Univ. Washington.
figures 7–10.
DZIOMBA, B. and FIEDLER, H.E. 1985 Effect of initial conditions
on two-dimensional free shear layers. J. Fluid Mech.
, 419–442.
and trailing-edge bluntness speed up evolution toward similarity. Implied
profiles of mean velocity. Growth rate as function of mean velocity ratio.
Spectra, autocorrelations. See thesis by Dziomba, Berlin, 1981. Experiments
at Tel Aviv? Growth rate*, figures 4, 14, 21. Reynolds stresses*, figures 16,
ELLZEY, J.L. 1985 Experimental and numerical study of a two stream,
planar, turbulent mixing layer. Ph. D. thesis, Univ. California (Berkeley).
Several velocity ratios. Most data are faired.
FIEDLER, H.E. 1975 On turbulence structure and mixing mecha-
nism in free turbulent shear flows. In
Turbulent Mixing in Nonreactive and
Reactive Flows
(S.N.B. Murthy, ed.), Proc. SQUID Workshop, Plenum, 381–
407 (discussion, 407–409).
Mostly survey. Reynolds stresses*, figures 1, 3, 7.
Flatness factor*, figure 11. Mean temperature*, figure 13. Large structure*,
figures 19, 22.
FIEDLER, H. and THIES, H.-J. 1977 Some observations in a large
two dimensional shear layer. In
Structure and Mechanisms of Turbulence I
Lecture Notes in Physics No. 75, Springer-Verlag, 108–117 (see also thesis by
THIES, Experimentelle Untersuchung der freien Scherschicht mit gest ̈orten
Anfangsbedingungen, Diplomarbeit, Inst. f ̈ur Thermo- und Fluiddynamik,
Technischen Universit ̈at Berlin, 1977).
Mean velocity*, pp 41, 44, 46, 49,
52, 54, 57, 60, 61, 64, 66. No tables.
FIEDLER, H., KORSCHELT, D., and MENSING, P. 1977 On trans-
port mechanism and structure of scalar field in a heated plane shear layer.
Structure and Mechanisms of Turbulence II
, Lecture Notes in Physics
No. 76, Springer-Verlag, 58–72.
Temperature balance for unforced shear
layer shows acoustic contamination. Also conventional measurements for
one forced case; no conditional sampling. See thesis by Mensing.
FIEDLER, H.E., LUMMER, M., and NOTTMEYER, K. 1993 Plane
mixing layer between parallel streams of different velocities and different
densities. In
Advances in Turbulence Studies
(H. Branover and Y. Unger,
eds.), Progress in Astronautics and Aeronautics, Vol. 149, AIAA, 40–52.
Geometry*, figure 2. Velocity, density*, figure 4. Reynolds stresses*, figure
6. Intermittency*, figure 7.
FOSS, J.F. 1975 Preliminary results from an experimental investiga-
tion of the initial condition effects on a turbulent shear layer. Div. Eng.
Res., Michigan State Univ., NASA CR-142072, Final Report, NASA Lan-
gley Res. Center, NGR 23-004-089.
Mean velocity*, figures 4, 5. Reynolds
stress, figure 6. Tables
FOSS, J.F. 1977 The effects of the laminar/turbulent boundary layer
states on the development of a plane mixing layer. In
Preprints, Symposium
on Turbulent Shear Flows
, Pennsylvania State Univ., 11.33-11.42 (see also
Dept. Mech. Eng., Michigan State Univ., Contract Rep. NASA CR -149798,
Mean velocity*, figures 7, 12, 14. Reynolds stress*, figures 8, 10, 11,
13, 14. Data tabulated
FOSS, J.F. and HAW, R.C. 1990 Vorticity and velocity measure-
ments in a 2:1 mixing layer. In
Forum on Turbulent Flows – 1990
(W.M. Bower,
et al., eds.), ASME, 115–120.
Velocity*, figures 2, 3. Reynolds stresses*,
figures 4–6, 8.
FOSS, J.F., ALI, S.K., and HAW, R.C. 1987 A critical analysis of
transverse vorticity measurements in a large plane shear layer. In
in Turbulence
(G. Comte-Bellot and J. Mathieu, eds.), Springer-Verlag, 446–
Vorticity*, figure 5.
GASTER, M., KIT, E., and WYGNANSKI, I. 1985 Large-scale struc-
tures in a forced turbulent mixing layer. J. Fluid Mech.
, 23–39.
ity*, figure 2. Reynolds stresses*, figures 8, 10.
Turbulent temperature mixing layer: measurement and modelling. In
prints, Sixth Symposium on Turbulent Shear Flows
, Toulouse, Paper 9.5.
Temperature*, figure 3. Reynolds stresses*, figures 4, 5.
HACKETT, J.E. and COX, D.K. 1970 The three-dimensional mixing
layer between two grazing perpendicular streams. J. Fluid Mech.
, 77–96.
Geometry*, figure 1. Velocity*, figures 7, 8, 10, 11. Reynolds stresses*,
figure 13.
HAW, R.C. and FOSS, J.F. 1990 The effects of forcing on a single
stream shear layer and its parent boundary layer. Dept. Mech. Eng., Michi-
gan State Univ., Rep. MSU-ENGR-90-006.
Data are tabulated.
HILBERG, D. and FIEDLER, H.E. 1989 The spanwise confined one-
stream mixing layer. In
Advances in Turbulence 2
(H.-H. Fernholz and H.E.
Fiedler, eds.), Springer-Verlag, 443–448.
Geometry*, figure 2. Reynolds
stresses*, figure 4. Growth rate*, figure 5.
HUANG, L.-S. and HO, C.-M. 1990 Small-scale transition in a plane
mixing layer. J. Fluid Mech.
, 475–500.
Amplification*, figure 1. Veloc-
ity*, figure 18. Growth*, figure 19. Reynolds stresses*, figures 22–26.
HUSSAIN, A.K.M.F. 1977 Initial condition effect on free turbulent
shear flows. In
Structure and Mechanisms of Turbulence I
, Lecture Notes
in Physics No. 75, Springer-Verlag, 103–107.
Reynolds stresses, figure 5.
Velocity decay, figure 1. Growth rate, figures 2, 6a.
INOUE, O., SATO, S., and OGUCHI, H. 1983 Flow visualization and
LDV measurement of turbulent mixing layers. Institute of Space and As-
tronautical Science, Japan, Rep. No. 606.
Mean velocity, figures 9, 10, 14,
15. Reynolds stresses, figures 9–11, 14, 15.
JAYESH, Y.K. and WARHAFT, Z. 1994 Turbulent penetration of
a thermally stratified interfacial layer in a wind tunnel. J. Fluid Mech.
, 23–54.
Geometry*, figure 2. Mean temperature*, figure 4. Flow viz*,
figure 8.
spectrum of large scale structures in a mixing layer. In
Preprints, 2nd
Symposium on Turbulent Shear Flows
, Imperial College, London, 8.7–8.11.
Mean velocity, figure 4. Reynolds stresses*, figure 4.
Turbulent correlation measurements in a two-stream mixing layer. AIAA J.
, 1146–1150.
Spare-time correlations*, figures 3, 4, 8, 14.
KARASSO, P.S. and MUNGAL, M.G. 1990 An experimental study
of scalar mixing in curved shear layers. In
Annual Research Briefs 1989
Center for Turbulence Research, 27–35.
Geometry*, figure 2.
KARASSO, P.S. and MUNGAL, M.G. 1991 An experimental study
of curved mixing layers: flow visualization using volume rendering. In
nual Research Briefs 1990
, Center for Turbulence Research, 195–201.
viz*, figure 4.
KARASSO, P.S. and MUNGAL, M.G. 1992 LIF measurements of
scalar mixing in turbulent shear layers. In
Annual Research Briefs–1992
Center for Turbulence Research, NASA Ames Research Center and Stan-
ford Univ., 345–356.
KOBASHI, Y. 1953 An experiment on turbulent mixing. In
Third Japan National Congress for Applied Mechanics
, 261–264.
Mean ve-
locity*, figure 3. Reynolds stresses*, figures 4, 5.
KOOCHESFAHANI, M.M. and DIMOTAKIS, P.E. 1986 Mixing and
chemical reactions in a turbulent liquid mixing layer. J. Fluid Mech.
PDF*, figure 10. Flow viz*, figure 16.
LAZARO, B.J. and LASHERAS, J.C. 1989 Particle dispersion in tur-
bulent, free shear flows. In
Preprints, Seventh Symposium on Turbulent
Shear Flows
, Stanford Univ., Paper 15-3.
Velocity*, figures 4, 5. Reynolds
stresses*, figures 13, 14.
LAZARO, B.J. and LASHERAS, J.C. 1992 Particle dispersion in the
developing free shear layer. Part 1. Unforced flow. J. Fluid Mech.
Growth*, figure 7. Velocity, Reynolds stress*, figure 8.
LAZARO, B.J. and LASHERAS, J.C. 1992 Particle dispersion in the
developing free shear layer. Part 2. Forced flow. J. Fluid Mech.
, 179–
Velocity, Reynolds stress*, figure 3. Good use of laser.
LEE, S.C. 1966 A study of the two-dimensional free turbulent mixing
between converging streams with initial boundary layers. Ph. D. thesis,
Dept. Mech. Eng., Univ. Washington.
Mean velocity, figures 8, 9. Reynolds
stresses, figures 10–15. Static pressure, figures 6, 7. Includes flow with
pressure gradient. No tables.
LIEPMANN, H.W. and LAUFER, J. 1947 Investigations of free tur-
bulent mixing. NACA TN 1257.
Mean velocity, figures 12–15. Reynolds
stresses, figures 16–18.
UNCH, F. 1978 Strukturuntersuchungen in einer turbulenten Sch-
erschicht. Diplomarbeit, Institut f ̈ur Thermo- und Fluiddynamik, Technis-
che Universit ̈at Berlin.
Mean velocity, figures 13–16. Reynolds stresses,
figures 18–22, 24-28, 31–33. Growth rate, figures 7a, 8–11. No tables.
and HISHINUMA, Y. 1987 Plane mixing layers with streamwise pres-
sure gradient. In
Preprints, Sixth Symposium on Turbulent Shear Flows
Toulouse, Paper 10.2.
Velocity*, figures 4, 6. Reynolds stresses, figures 5.
McCORMICK, D.C. and BENNETT, J.C. Jr. 1994 Vortical and tur-
bulent structure of a lobed mixer free shear layer. AIAA J.
, 1852–1859.
Geometry*, figures 1, 2, 8. Flow viz*, figures 5, 7. Growth rate*, figure 11.
MEHTA, R.D. 1991 Effect of velocity ratio on plane mixing layer de-
velopment: Influence of the splitter plate wake. Exp. in Fluids
, 194–204.
Geometry*, figure 1. Velocity*, figure 2. Growth*, figures 4, 5. Reynolds
stresses*, figures 6–8.
MEHTA, R.D. and WESTPHAL, R.V. 1984 Near-field turbulence
properties of single- and two-stream plane mixing layers. AIAA Paper 84-
0426. Mean velocity*, figures 2, 5. Reynolds stresses*, figures 3, 5. Growth
rate*, figure 6.
MEHTA, R.D. and WESTPHAL, R.V. 1986 Near-field turbulence
properties of single- and two-stream mixing layers. Exp. Fluids
, 257–266.
Velocity*, figures 2, 6, 7. Reynolds stresses*, figures 3, 6, 7.
MEHTA, R.D. and WESTPHAL, R.V. 1989 Effect of velocity ra-
tio on plane mixing layer development. In
Preprints, Seventh Symposium
on Turbulent Shear Flows
, Stanford Univ., Paper 3-2.
Velocity*, figure 2.
Growth rate*, figures 4, 5. Reynolds stresses*, figure 6.
MEHTA, R.D., INOUE, O., KING, L.S., and BELL, J.H. 1986 Ex-
perimental and computational studies of plane mixing layers. In
Tenth Symposium on Turbulence
(X.B. Reed, Jr. et al., eds.), Dept. Chem.
Eng., Univ. Missouri (Rolla), Paper 38.
See other papers.
MENSING, P. 1981 Einfluss kontrollierter St ̈orungen auf eine ebene
turbulente Scherschicht. Dr.-Ing. dissertation, Technischen Universit ̈at
Velocity*, figure 26. Reynolds stresses*, figures 30, 31, 58. Am-
plification*, figure 54. Growth rate*, figure 32. Energy balance.
MIAU, J.-J. 1984 An experimental study on the instability of a mixing-
layer with laminar wake as the initial condition. Ph. D. thesis, Div. Eng.,
Brown Univ.
Mean velocity, Reynolds stresses, celerity.
MILES, J.B. and JOHNSON, D.A. 1972 Two-stream heterogeneous
mixing measurements using laser Doppler velocimeter. AIAA J.
, 1353–
1355, (see also Ph. D. thesis by JOHNSON, An investigation of the turbulent
mixing between two parallel gas streams of different composition and density
with a laser Doppler velocimeter, Univ. Missouri (Columbia), 1971).
velocity, figures 5.1, 5.2, 5.6, 5.7. Mean concentration, figures 5.8, 5.9. Also
Reynolds stress. No tables.
MILES, J.B. and SHIH, J.S. 1968 Similarity parameter for two-stream
turbulent jet-mixing region. AIAA J.
, 1429–1430.
Spreading rate. For
data, see MS thesis by Shih, U. Missouri, 1968. Growth rate, figure 2.
MILLS, R.D. 1968 Numerical and experimental investigations of the
shear layer between two parallel streams. J. Fluid Mech.
, 591–616.
velocity*, figures 6-8.
MOHAMMADIAN, S., SAIY, M., and PEERLESS, S.J. 1975 Fluid
mixing with unequal free-stream turbulence intensities. ASME Paper 75-
Mean velocity*, figure 2. Reynolds stresses, figures 2, 5, 6, 7.
Growth rate, figures 4, 8.
NYGAARD, K.J. and GLEZER, A. 1991 Evolution of streamwise
vortices and generation of small-scale motion in a plane mixing layer. J.
Fluid Mech.
, 257–301.
Velocity*, figure 4.
OSTER, D. 1980 The effect of an active disturbance on the develop-
ment of the two-dimensional turbulent mixing region. Ph. D. thesis, Tel-
Aviv Univ.
Growth rate*, figure 3.1. Velocity*, figure 3.4. Also data with
OSTER, D. and WYGNANSKI, I. 1982 The forced mixing layer be-
tween parallel streams. J. Fluid Mech.
, 91–130.
Mean velocity*, figures
6, 15, 16, 17, 35. Reynolds stress, figures 6, 7, 18–25, 36. Growth rate*,
figures 10–14.
OSTER, D., WYGNANSKI, I., and FIEDLER, H. 1977 Some pre-
liminary observations on the effect of initial conditions on the structure
of the two-dimensional turbulent mixing layer. In
Turbulence in Internal
,(S.N.B. Murthy, ed.), Proc. SQUID Workshop, Hemisphere, 67–84.
Mean velocity*, figures 2, 3.
On the effect of initial conditions on the two dimensional turbulent mix-
ing layer. In
Structure and Mechanisms of Turbulence I
, Lecture Notes in
Physics No. 75, Springer-Verlag, 48–64.
Oscillating flap at trailing edge of
splitter plate. Usually subharmonic frequency. Interactions inhibited. Fig.
10 shows topology. Important paper. See thesis by Oster.
PANIDES, E. and CHEVRAY, R. 1990 Vortex dynamics in a plane,
moderate-Reynolds-number shear layer. J. Fluid Mech.
, 411–435.
ticity*, figure 13. Autocorrelation*, figure 19.
UTTPELZ, M., and FIEDLER, H.E. 1989
The mixing layer between non-parallel walls. In
Advances in Turbulence 2
(H.-H. Fernholz and H.E. Fiedler, eds.), Springer-Verlag, 467–471.
try*, figure 1. Velocity, Reynolds stresses*, figures 2, 5.
PATEL, R.P. 1973 An experimental study of a plane mixing layer.
, 67–71 (see also Ph. D. thesis by PATEL, A study of two-
dimensional symmetric and asymmetric turbulent shear flows, Dept. Mech.
Eng., McGill Univ., 1970).
Mean velocity*, figure 2. Reynolds stresses*,
figures 4, 5, 6, 7. Growth rate*, figure 3.
PATEL, R.P. 1978 Effects of stream turbulence on free shear flows.
Aeron. Quart.
, 33–43.
Asymmetric jet/mixing layer. For mixing layer,
claims no effect of turbulence level (if less than 0.6 percent), initial boundary
layer, or nature of side plates. Profiles of mean velocity, Reynolds stresses.
Velocity*, figures 4, 5. Reynolds stresses*, figures 6–10, 12, 13.
PEERLESS, S.J. 1971 Turbulent mixing of gas streams. Ph. D. the-
sis, Dept. Mech. Eng., Imperial College.
Velocity*, Reynolds stresses, figures
PLESNIAK, W.M. and JOHNSTON, J.P. 1988 The effects of stabi-
lizing and destabilizing curvature on a turbulent mixing layer. In
Phenomena in Turbulent Flows
(M. Hirata and N. Kasagi, eds.), Hemi-
sphere, 377–390.
See thesis by Plesniak.
PLESNIAK, M.W., MEHTA, R.D., and JOHNSTON, J.P. 1994 Curv-
ed two-stream turbulent mixing layers: three-dimensional structure and
streamwise evolution. J. Fluid Mech.
, 1–50.
Geometry*, figure 1. Flow
uniformity*, figure 2. Growth rate*, figure 18. Mean velocity*, figure 22.
Reynolds stresses*, figures 23–26.
PUI, N.K. and GARTSHORE, I.S. 1979 Measurements of the growth
rate and structure in plane turbulent mixing layers. J. Fluid Mech.
, 111–
Mean velocity*, figure 3. Reynolds stresses*, figures 3, 4. Growth rate,
figures 3, 4, 7.
RAJAGOPALAN, S. and ANTONIA, R.A. 1980 Characteristics of a
mixing layer of a two-dimensional turbulent jet. AIAA J.
, 1052–1058.
Mean velocity*, figure 1. Growth rate*, figure 1. Reynolds stresses*, figures
1, 3. Mean temperature, figure 3. Intermittency, figure 4.
RAJAGOPALAN, S. and WONG, K.T. 1992 Development of the mix-
ing layer of a plane jet under acoustic excitation. In
Proc. 11th Australasian
Fluid Mechanics Conference
, Vol. 2, Univ. Tasmania, 981–983.
figure 1. Velocity*, figure 2. Reynolds stresses*, figures 3–5.
REICHARDT, H. 1942 Gesetzm ̈assigkeiten der freien Turbulenz. VDI-
Forschungsheft 414 (Forschung auf dem Gebiete des Ingenieurwesens
Ausgabe B).
Mean velocity*, figure 1. Growth rate*, figure 3.
RIEDIGER, S. 1989 Influence of drag-reducing additives on a plane
mixing layer. In
Drag Reduction in Fluid Flows: Techniques for Friction
(R.H.J. Sellin and R.T. Moses, eds.), Horwood, Chichester, 303–
Geometry*, figure 1. Velocity*, figure 2. Reynolds stresses*, figures
4–6. Flow viz*, figure 8.
SABIN, C.M. 1963 An analytical and experimental study of the plane,
incompressible, turbulent free shear layer with arbitrary velocity ratio and
pressure gradient. Dept. Mech. Eng., Stanford Univ., Rep. MD-9.
try*, figure 1. Velocity*, figures 5–6. Scales*, figure 7.
SABIN, C.M. 1965 An analytical and experimental study of the plane,
incompressible, turbulent free-shear layer with arbitrary velocity ratio and
pressure gradient. Trans. ASME (J. Basic Eng.)
, 421–428 (see also
Ph. D. thesis by SABIN, same title, Dept. Mech. Eng., Stanford Univ.; also
Rep. MD-9, 1963).
Mean velocity*, figure 5.
SAIY, M. and PEERLESS, S.J. 1978 Measurement of turbulence quan-
tities in a two-stream mixing layer. J. Fluid Mech.
, 709–722.
Mean ve-
locity*, figures 3, 4. Reynolds stresses*, figures 5, 7. Growth rate, figure 9.
See thesis by Peerless.
SATO, H. 1956 Experimental investigation on the transition of lam-
inar separated layer. J. Phys. Soc. Japan
, 702–709, 1128.
Profiles of
mean velocity and fluctuation intensity in transition region of plane lami-
nar mixing layer; non-linear effects. Velocity*, figures 2, 12. Fluctuations,
figures 15, 16.
SATO, H. 1959 Further investigation on the transition of two-dimen-
sional separated layer at subsonic speeds. J. Phys. Soc. Japan
, 1797–
Forced shear layer separating at corner. Good check of eigenvalue
calculations. Fluctuations*, figure 2. Eigenfunction*, figures 15, 17.
SHERIKAR, S.V. and CHEVRAY, R. 1984 Investigation of a plane
mixing layer. In
Preprints, 4th Symposium on Turbulent Shear Flows
, Karl-
sruhe, 8.1–8.5.
Mean velocity*, figure 3.
SHIH, J.-S. 1968 Similarity parameter for two-stream turbulent jet-
mixing region. M.S. thesis, Mech. Eng., Univ. Missouri.
Mixing layer be-
tween two uniform air streams with various combinations of velocity (bound-
ary layer on septum removed by suction); profiles of mean velocity. Growth
rate*, figure 2. Velocity*, figure 10.
SPENCER, B.W. and JONES, B.G. 1971 Statistical investigation of
pressure and velocity fields in the turbulent two-stream mixing layer. AIAA
Paper 71-613 (see also Ph. D. thesis by SPENCER, Statistical investigation
of turbulent velocity and pressure fields in a two-stream mixing layer, Dept.
Nuclear Eng., Univ. Illinois, 1970).
Mean velocity*, figures 7.1-1, 3, 4.
Reynolds stresses*, figures 7.2-3, 6. Intermittency*, figure 7.2-1. Growth
rate, figure 7.1-2. Energy balance, figures 7.3-1, 2. No tables.
1994 Mixing characteristics of countercurrent compressible turbulent shear
layers. In
Proc. Seventh ONR Propulsion Meeting
, Dept. Mech. and Aerosp.
Eng., S.U.N.Y. Buffalo, 204–215.
Supersonic but useful. Geometry*, fig-
ures 1, 4, 15. Growth rate*, figure 5.
SUNYACH, M. 1971 Contribution a l’ ́etude des fronti ́eres d’ ́ecoulements
turbulents libres. Thesis, Univ. Claude Bernard de Lyon.
Mean velocity,
figure 16. Reynolds stresses, figures 18, 23–25, 27. Static pressure, figure
20. Mean temperature, figure 21. Intermittency, figures 36, 38. Space-time
correlations. Also plane jet, boundary layer.
SUNYACH, M. and MATHIEU, J. 1969 Zone de m ́elange d’un jet
plan. Fluctuations induites dans le cone a potential-intermittence. Int. J.
Heat Mass Transf.
, 1679–1697.
Mean velocity*, figure 2. Growth rate*,
figure 4. Reynolds stresses*, figure 5, 7, 8. Static pressure*, figure 6. Mean
temperature*, figure 11. Temperature fluctuations*, figure 12. Space-time
correlation*, figure 16. Intermittency*, figures 19, 21, 22.
THORNTON, J.A. 1959 A study of two-dimensional jet mixing. M.S.
thesis, Dept. Mech. Eng., Univ. Washington.
Geometry*, figure 4. Veloc-
ity*, figures 18–21. Pressure*, figures 23–26.
TORDA, T.P. and STILLWELL, H.S. 1956 Analytical and experi-
mental investigations of incompressible and compressible mixing of streams
and jets. Univ. Illinois, Aero. Res. Lab., WADC Tech. Rep. 55-347 (Con-
tract AF 33(038)-21251).
Mean velocity, figures 71–73. Also symmetrical
wake of thin plate. Some data tabulated.
VANDSBURGER, U. and DING, C. 1995 Self-excited wire method
for the control of turbulent mixing layers. AIAA J.
, 1032-1037.
try*, figure 1. Growth rate*, figures 4, 5.
von MATHES, P. 1931
Uber Schwankungsmessungen in der Gren-
zschicht. Aachener Abhandl., Heft 10, 28–36.
Mean velocity*, figure 3.
WATT, W.E. 1967 The velocity-temperature mixing layer. Ph. D.
thesis, Dept. Mech. Eng., Univ. Toronto.
Mean velocity, figures 5–7. Reynolds
stresses, figures 8–15. Energy balance, figure 16. Mean temperature, figures
19, 25–27. Temperature fluctuations, figures 20, 28. No tables.
WEIR, A.D., WOOD, D.H., and BRADSHAW, P. 1981 Interacting
turbulent shear layers in a plane jet. J. Fluid Mech.
, 237–260.
try*, figure 1. Velocity*, figure 3. Intermittency*, figure 4. Growth*, figure
WEISBROT, I., EINAV, S., and WYGNANSKI, I. 1982 The non-
unique rate of spread of the two-dimensional mixing layer. Phys. Fluids
, 1691–1693.
Effect of initial conditions. Growth rate*, figure 2, implies
WOOD, D.H. 1980 A reattaching, turbulent, thin shear layer. Ph. D.
thesis, Dept. Aeronautics, Imperial College, Univ. London.
Geometry*, fig-
ure 2.1b. Growth*, figure 3.1. Velocity*, figures 3.2, 3.5. Reynolds stresses*,
figures 4.1–4.5.
WOOD, D.H. and BRADSHAW, P. 1982 A turbulent mixing layer
constrained by a solid surface. Part 1. Measurements before reaching the
surface. J. Fluid Mech.
, 57–89.
Geometry*, figure 1. Velocity*, figure
2. Intermittency*, figure 3. Reynolds stresses*, figures 4, 7. Energy balance.
WYGNANSKI, I. and FIEDLER, H.E. 1970 The two-dimensional mix-
ing region. J. Fluid Mech.
, 327–361 (also Boeing BSRL Rep. D1-82-0951,
Mean velocity*, figure 5. Growth rate*, figure 6. Reynolds stress*,
figures 10–12, 17. Intermittency*, figures 3, 4.
WYNGAARD, J.C. 1967 An experimental investigation of the small-
scale structure of turbulence in a curved mixing layer. Ph. D. thesis, Penn.
State Univ.
Reynolds stresses, figure 5. Energy balance.
YANG, Z. and KARLSSON, S.K.F. 1991 Evolution of coherent struc-
tures in a plane shear layer. Phys. Fluids
, 2207–2219.
Geometry*, figure
1. Velocity*, figures 6, 16.
YULE, A.J. 1972 Spreading of turbulent mixing layers. AIAA J.
See thesis, R&M 3683. Spreading rate*, figure 1.
YULE, A.J. 1972 Two-dimensional self-preserving turbulent mixing
layers at different free stream velocity ratios. ARC R&M 3683 (summarized
in ”Spreading of turbulent mixing layers,” AIAA J.
, 686–687, 1972).
Mean velocity*, figure 4. Reynolds stress*, figures 5–8. Growth rate*, figure
Turbulent cylindrical mixing layer
Major surveys and theory
Experimental data
BETZ, A. 1923 Versuche ̈uber die Ausbreitung eines freien Strahles.
In: Ergebnisse der Aerodynamischen Versuchsanstalt zu G ̈ottingen II, 69–
Pitot-tube data with chart recorder to
= 12
, showing turbulence in
mixing region and jet. Good technique for 1923.
BIRINGEN, S. 1975 An experimental study of a turbulent axisym-
metric jet issuing into a coflowing airstream. Von Karman Inst. Fluid Dyn.,
Rhode Saint Genese, Tech. Note 110.
Velocity*, figures 7, 8, 9. Growth
rate*, figures 11, 13. Reynolds stresses*, figures 14–22, 26–28.
BOUCHARD, E.E. Jr. and REYNOLDS, W.C. 1982 The structure
and growth of the mixing layer region of a round jet. Dept. Mech. Eng.,
Stanford Univ., Rep. No. TF-17.
Phase diagrams.
BRADSHAW, P. 1966 The effect of initial conditions on the develop-
ment of a free shear layer. J. Fluid Mech.
, 225–236 (also NPL Aero Rep.
1117, 1964).
Reynolds stress*, figure 1.
BROWAND, F.K. 1965 An experimental investigation of the insta-
bility of an incompressible, separated shear layer. Ph. D. thesis, MIT.
velocity, figures 6, 7. Growth rate, figure 8. Mostly transition.
The interaction region of a turbulent plane jet. J. Fluid Mech.
, 355–
Mean velocity, mean temperature*, figure 2. Reynolds stresses*, figures
BRUUN, H.H. 1977 A time-domain analysis of the large-scale flow
structure in a circular jet. Part 1. Moderate Reynolds numbers. J. Fluid
, 641–671, 1 plate.
Mixing layer at edge of jet. Spectra showing
dominant frequency decreasing downstream. Time-space correlations used
to educe large structure. Good beginning for case of no control. Flow viz*,
figure 6.
perimental investigation of an axisymmetric jet in a coflowing airstream.
, 1157–1158.
Mean velocity*, figure 1. Reynolds stresses*, figure
2. Intermittency*, figure 3.
CHOI, D.W. 1983 Investigation of axisymmetric confined turbulent
jet mixing in the near region with adverse pressure gradient. Ph. D. thesis,
Dept. Aeron. and Astron., Univ. Washington.
Mean velocity, figures 8.0-8.9,
9.0-9.9. Reynolds stresses, figures 10.0–10.9, 11.0–11.9, 12.0–12.9, 14.0–
14.9. Also mixing with variable area. No tables.
CHRISS, D.E. and HARSHA, P.T. 1974 Experimental and analyti-
cal investigation of near-field coaxial mixing. AIAA Paper 74-595.
velocity*, figures 4–12. Reynolds stresses*, figures 13–15.
CHRISS, D.E. and PAULK, R.A. 1972 Summary Report. An exper-
imental investigation of subsonic coaxial free turbulent mixing. AFOSR
TR-72-0237; AEDC TR-71-236.
Mean velocity*, figures 15, 16, 25–30, 42.
Mean concentration*, figures 25–28, 35, 36, 42. Decay*, figures 13, 14, 17,
18, 31–33, 43. Static pressure, figures 9-12. Reynolds stresses*, figures 19,
37. All data tabulated
CHU, W.T. 1966 Turbulence measurements relevant to jet noise. Univ.
Toronto, Inst. Aerosp. Studies, UTIAS Rep. No. 119.
Space-time correla-
tions, figures 13–18.
CLARK, A.R. III 1979 An experimental study of the coherent mo-
tions in an axisymmetric mixing layer. Ph. D. thesis, Dept. Mech. Eng.,
Univ. Houston.
Mean velocity, figures B1, B2, B9, B10, B21, B22. Reynolds
stresses, figures B3, B4, B11, B12, B18, B23, B24. Space-time correlation,
fiugres 4.15, 5.9. Initial boundary layer, figure A4. Growth rate, figures
B16, B19, table B1.
CRUSE, R.E. and TONTINI, R. 1962 Research on coaxial jet mixing.
General Dynamics/Convair, Contract Nonr 2854(00), Tech. Rep. GD/C 62-
Velocity*, figures 8, 10.
DAVIES, P.O.A.L. 1966 Turbulence structure in free shear layers.
, 1971–1978.
Reynolds stresses*, figures 9, 10. Space-time corre-
lation*, figure 7.
DAVIES, P.O.A.L., FISHER, M.J., and BARRATT, M.J. 1963 The
characteristics of the turbulence in the mixing region of a round jet. J. Fluid
, 337–367 (corrigendum, 559).
Cylindrical mixing layer in upstream
portion of round jet into air at rest; profiles of mean velocity; spectra; time-
space correlations; scales. Celerity*, figure 14. Velocity*, figure 4. Reynolds
stresses*, figures 16, 17, 18.
FISHER, M.J. and DAVIES, P.O.A.L. 1964 Correlation measurements
in a non-frozen pattern of turbulence. J. Fluid Mech.
, 97–116.
space correlation*, figures 1, 2, 3.
FLORENT, P. 1965 Sur une nouvelle repr ́esentation analytique du
profil des vitesses dans un jet subsonique turbulent ́a sym ́etrie de r ́evolution
d ́e bouchant dans use atmosph ́ere initialement immobile. J. de M ́ecanique
, 161–189.
Mean velocity*, pressure*, Reynolds stresses*, figures 2, 5–7,
9, 11–14. Growth rate*, figure 10.
FREYMUTH, P. 1966 On transition in a separated laminar boundary
layer. J. Fluid Mech.
, 683–704, 7 plates.
Amplification*, figure 10.
Eigenfunction*, figure 30. Growth rate*, figure 35.
GIBSON, C.H., FRIEHE, C.A., and McCONNELL, S.O. 1977 Struc-
ture of sheared turbulent fields. Phys. Fluids
, Suppl., S156–S167.
ness and ramp phenomenon for temperature. Ramp model*, figure 8.
HAMMERSLEY, R.J. 1974 An experimental investigation of the tur-
bulent characteristics of co-axial jet flows and their role in aerodynamic noise
generation. Ph. D. thesis, Dept. Nuclear Eng., Univ. Illinois.
Mean velocity,
figures 3.1-1, 3.1-2. Growth rate, figures 3.2-1, 3.2-2, 3.2-3, 3.2-4, 3.2-5.
Reynolds stresses, figure 3.3.1. Pressure space-time correlation, figure 4.2.2.
No tables. Emphasis on sound effects; flow is compressible.
HILL, B.J. 1972 Measurement of local entrainment rate in the ini-
tial region of axisymmetric turbulent air jets. J. Fluid Mech.
, 773–779.
Entrainment rate*, figures 3, 4, 5.
HILL, W.G. Jr., JENKINS, R.D., and GILBERT, B.L. 1976 Effects
of the initial boundary-layer state on turbulent jet mixing. AIAA J.
1513–1514 (see also Effects of initial boundary layer conditions on jet mixing,
same authors, Grumman Aerospace Corp., Research Dept., Rep. RE-508,
Plane jet of aspect ratio 11. Decay on centerline depends strongly
on state of boundary layer at jet exit. Most data are faired because of use
of X-Y plotter; some were digitized manually. Full paper is Gruman report
RE-508, 1975 (N76-30496). Velocity decay, some mixing layer profiles. All
data faired.
HUSAIN, Z.D. and HUSSAIN, A.K.M.F. 1979 Axisymmetric mixing
layer: influence of the initial and boundary conditions. AIAA J.
, 48–
55 (see also Ph. D. thesis by HUSAIN, An experimental study of effects of
initial and boundary conditions on near and far fields of jet flows, Dept.
Mech. Eng., Univ. Houston, 1982).
Mean velocity*, figures 6, 7. Reynolds
stresses*, figures 6, 7. Growth rate*, figure 8.
HUSSAIN, A.K.M.F. and HUSAIN, Z.D. 1980 Turbulence structure
in the axisymmetric mixing layer. AIAA J.
, 1462–1469.
Mean velocity*,
figures 1, 2. Reynolds stresses*, figures 4, 5.
HUSSAIN, A.K.M.F. and ZEDAN, M.F. 1978 Effects of the initial
condition on the axisymmetric free shear layer: Effects of the inital momen-
tum thickness. Phys. Fluids
, 1100–1112.
Growth rate*, figures 2, 10.
Mean velocity*, figures 3, 11. Reynolds stress*, figures 3, 5, 11, 13.
HUSSAIN, A.K.M.F. and ZEDAN, M.F. 1978 Effects of the initial
condition on the axisymmetric free shear layer: Effect of the initial fluc-
tuation level. Phys. Fluids
, 1475–1481.
Growth rate*, figure 3. Mean
velocity*, figure 6. Reynolds stress*, figures 7, 11.
KLEIS, S.J. and FOSS, J.F. 1974 The effect of exit conditions on the
development of an axisymmetric free jet. Third year Tech. Rep., NASA
Grant NGR 23-004-068, Div. Engineering Research, Michigan State Univ.
Growth rate, figures 8, 9. Reynolds stresses, figure 12. Also mean velocity.
All data tabulated
KO, N.W.M. and KWAN, A.S.H. 1976 The initial region of subsonic
coaxial jets. J. Fluid Mech.
, 305–332.
Mean velocity*, figures 2-4.
Reynolds stresses*, figures 5–8.
KOLPIN, M.A. 1964 Flow in the mixing region of a jet. J. Fluid
, 529–548, 1 plate. See also Sc. D. Thesis (same title), MIT, 1962;
also ASRL TR 92-3.
Cylindrical mixing layer at edge of uniform round
subsonic jet into air at rest. Profiles of mean velocity, mean temperature,
turbulence intensity; spectra, filtered and unfiltered space-time correlations;
near sound field. Good paper. Velocity*, figure 19.
KUETHE, A.M. 1935 Investigations of the turbulent mixing regions
formed by jets. Trans. ASME
, (J. Appl. Mech.), A.87–A.95.
velocity, figures 12–14. Reynolds stresses*, figures 15–16.
LAU, J.C., MORRIS, P.J., and FISHER, M.J. 1979 Measurements in
subsonic and supersonic free jets using a laser velocimeter. J. Fluid Mech.
, 1–27.
Mean velocity*, figures 3, 10–12, 22. Reynolds stress*, figures
4–6, 13, 14, 17, 18. Decay rate*, figures 15, 16.
LEUCHTER, O. and DANG, K. 1978 Recherche exp ́erimentale des
structures a grande ́echelle dans les couches de m ́elange de jets turbulents.
La Recherche A ́erospatiale, No. 5, 279–282 (in English as Experimental in-
vestigation of large scale structures in turbulent jet mixing layers. In
ent Structure of Turbulent Boundary Layers
(C.R. SMith and D.E. Abbott,
eds.), Proc. AFOSR/Lehigh Workshop, Lehigh Univ., 402–407.
nary; includes
diagram on pairing. Space-time trajectory*, figure 6.
PETERS, C.E., CHRISS, D.E., and PAULK, R.A. 1969 Turbulent
transport properties in subsonic coaxial free mixing systems. AIAA Paper
See CHRISS and PAULK 1972.
RAJARATNAM, N. and PANI, B.S. 1972 Turbulent compound an-
nular shear layers. Proc. ASCE (J. Hydr. Div., No. HY 7)
, 1101–1115.
Mean velocity*, figures 4, 5, 6. Growth rate*, figure 10.
SAMI, S. 1967 Balance of turbulence energy in the region of jet-flow
establishment. J. Fluid Mech.
, 81–92.
Mean velocity, figure 2. Intermit-
tency*, figure 12. See thesis by SAMI.
SAMI, S., CARMODY, T., and ROUSE, H. 1967 Jet diffusion in the
region of flow establishment. J. Fluid Mech.
, 231-252.
Mean velocity*,
figure 3. Pressure*, figures 5, 8. Reynolds stresses*, figures 6, 7. Intermit-
tency, figure 12.
Conditional measurements in a heated axisymmetric turbulent mixing layer.
, 869–870.
Intermittency*, figure 3.
WILLS, J.A.B. 1964 On convective velocities in turbulent shear flows.
J. Fluid Mech.
, 417–432.
Time-space correlation*, figure 6.
ZAWACKI, T.S. and WEINSTEIN, H. 1968 Experimental investiga-
tion of turbulence in the mixing region between coaxial streams. NASA
CR-959 (see also Ph. D. thesis by ZAWACKI, Turbulence in the mixing re-
gion between coaxial streams, Dept. Chem. Eng., Illinois Inst. Technology,
Various velocity profiles. No tables.
Backward-facing step
Major surveys and theory
AMANO, R.S. and GOEL, P. 1983 Turbulent heat transfer in the
separated reattached and redevelopment regions of a circular tube. AIAA
paper 83-1520.
CASTRO, I.P. 1990 Free-stream turbulence effects on separated shear
layers. In Near-wall Turbulence (S.J. Kline and N.H. Afgan, eds.), 1988 Zo-
ran Zaric Memorial Conf., Hemisphere, 123–138.
EBRARD, P. 1993 Numer-
ical simulation and physical analysis of high Reynolds number recirculating
flows behind sudden expansions. Phys. Fluids
, 2377–2389.
set of three-dimensionality, equilibria, and early transition in flow over a
backward-facing step. J. Fluid Mech.
, 501–528.
Shows separation on
flat wall.
KO, S.H. 1993 Computation of turbulent flows over backward and
forward-facing steps using a near-wall Reynolds stress model. In
Research Briefs 1993
, Center for Turbulence Research, NASA Ames Re-
search Center and Stanford University, 75–90.
LE, H. and MOIN, P. 1992 Direct numerical simulation of turbulent
flow over a backward-facing step. In
Annual Research Briefs 1992
, Center for
Turbulence Research, NASA Ames and Stanford Univ., 161-173.
collection No. 31.
Experimental data
ABBOTT, D.E. 1961 I. Theoretical and experimental investigation
of flow over single and double backward facing steps. II. Simple methods for
classification and construction of similarity solutions of partial differential
equations. Ph. D. thesis, Dept. Mech. Eng., Stanford Univ.
Bubble length,
figures 7–13. Velocity, figures 16–19. Reynolds stresses*, figures 15. See
, 317, 1962.
ABBOTT, D.E. and KLINE, S.J. 1962 Experimental investigation of
subsonic turbulent flow over single and double backward facing steps. Trans.
ASME (J. Basic Eng.)
, 317–325.
Geometry*, figure 2. Velocity*,
figure 17.
ADAMS, E.W. and JOHNSTON, J.P. 1985 Effects of the upstream
boundary layer thickness and state on the structure of reattaching flows.
Preprints, Fifth Symposium on Turbulent Shear Flows
, Cornell Univ.,
Reattachment*, figures 4, 5. Friction*, figure 8.
ADAMS, E.W. and JOHNSTON, J.P. 1988 Effects of the separating
shear layer on the reattachment flow structure. Part 1. Pressure and turbu-
lence quantities. Exp. in Fluids
, 400–408.
Backward facing step. Surface
pressure, profiles of Reynolds stresses. Thesis by Adams is MD-43. Reynolds
stresses*, figures 12, 13. Surface pressure*, figures 4, 7, 8.
ADAMS, E.W. and JOHNSTON, J.P. 1988 Effects of the separating
shear layer on the reattachment flow structure. Part 2. Reattachment length
and wall shear stress. Exp. in Fluids
, 493–499.
See title. Thesis by Adams
is MD-43. Friction coefficient*, figure 8.
ADAMS, E.W. and JOHNSTON, J.P. 1988 Flow structure in the
near-wall zone of a turbulent separated flow. AIAA J.
, 932–939 (see also
”Experiments on the structure of turbulent reattaching flow,” same authors
with J.K. Eaton, Dept. Mech. Eng., Stanford Univ., Rep. MD-43, 1984).
Backward-facing step. Surface pressure and friction. Profiles of mean veloc-
ity, Reynolds stresses. Pressure*, figures 1–4, 3–15. Velocity*, figures 3-25,
3-26, 4-4a, 4-29. Reynolds stresses*, figures 4-4b.
ADAMS, E.W., JOHNSTON, J.P., and EATON, J.K. 1984 Experi-
ments on the structure of turbulent reattaching flow. Dept. Mech. Eng.,
Stanford Univ., Rep. No. MD-43.
1983 Experimental and theoretical investigation of backward-facing step
flow. J. Fluid Mech.
, 473–496.
Attachment*, figure 4. Velocity, figures
5, 6, 15–17. Three-dimensionality, figure 10.
1974 Similarities in pressure distribution in separated flow behind backward-
facing steps. Aeron. Quart.
, 305–312.
Geometry*, figure 1. Pressure*,
figures 2, 5, 6.
BADRI KUSUMA, M.S., REY, C., and MESTAYER, P.G. 1992 The
effects of wall roughness and the external flow structure on backward-facing
step flows. In
Proc. Eleventh Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference
Univ. Tasmania, Vol. II, 795–798.
Geometry*, figures 1ab, 2ab. Velocity*,
figures 4–7, 10–13.
BRADSHAW, P. and WONG, F.Y.F. 1972 The reattachment and re-
laxation of a turbulent shear layer. J. Fluid Mech.
, 113–135.
figure 7. Velocity*, figure 8. Reynolds stresses*, figure 9.
BROWNE, L.W.B. 1989 Experimental investigation of flow over a
backward facing step – progress report. In
Annual Research Briefs 1988
Center for Turbulence Research, NASA Ames Research Center and Stanford
Univ., 127–146.
Three-dimensionality*, figures 4, 5, 6. Velocity*, figure 9.
Reynolds stresses*, figures 10, 11, 13. Friction*, figure 15.
CASTRO, I.P. and BRADSHAW, P. 1976 The turbulence structure
of a highly curved mixing layer. J. Fluid Mech.
, 265–304.
figure 1. Energy balance.
CASTRO, I.P. and HAQUE, A. 1987 The structure of a turbulent
shear layer bounding a separation region. J. Fluid Mech.
, 439–468.
Pressure*, figure 6. Friction*, figure 6. Velocity*, figures 8, 9. Reynolds
stresses*, figure 13.
CASTRO, I.P. and HAQUE, A. 1988 The structure of a shear layer
bounding a separation region. Part 2. Effects of free-stream turbulence. J.
Fluid Mech.
, 577–595.
Small flat plate normal to flow with full splitter
plate. Surface pressure, friction. Faired streamlines for bubble. Reynolds
stresses at bubble boundary, including reattachment region. See
for Part
1. Bubble*, figure 5. Pressure*, figure 3. Friction*, figures 4, 14. Reynolds
stresses*, figures 8, 12.
CASTRO, I.P., DIANAT, M., and HAQUE, A. 1989 Shear layers
bounding separated regions. In Turbulent Shear Flows 6, Springer-Verlag,
CHATURVEDI, M.C. 1963 Flow characteristics of axisymmetric ex-
pansions. Proc. ASCE (J. Hydr. Div., No. HY3)
, 61–92.
Profiles of mean
velocity, Reynolds stresses, mostly faired. Head loss. This is Ph. D. thesis,
State Univ. Iowa, 1962. Geometry*, figure 1. Velocity*, pressure, figures 3,
6, 7. Decay*, figure 9. Reynolds stresses*, figure 17.
DEVENPORT, W.J. and SUTTON, E.P. 1991 Near-wall behavior of
separated and reattaching flows. AIAA J.
, 25–31.
Sudden expansion
in pipe. Velocity*, figures 3, 6, 7. Friction*, figure 5. Reynolds stresses*,
figures 12, 13.
DRIVER, D.M. and SEEGMILLER, H.L. 1985 Features of a reat-
taching turbulent shear layer in divergent channel flow. AIAA J.
, 163–
Reattachment*, figure 2. Velocity*, figure 5. Pressure*, figure 3. Fric-
tion*, figure 4. Reynolds stresses*, figures 6–8. Energy balance.
collection No. 31.
DURST, F. and PEREIRA, J.C.F. 1982 Laser-Doppler and numer-
ical studies of backward-facing step flows. In
Laser Anemometry in Fluid
, Proc. First International Symposium (R.J. Adrian et al., eds.),
LADOAN-Instituto Superior Tecnico, Lisbon, 293–300.
Reattachment*, fig-
ure 2. Velocity*, figures 6, 7.
DURST, F. and SCHMITT, F. 1985 Experimental studies of high
Reynolds number backward-facing step flow. In
Preprints, Fifth Symposium
on Turbulent Shear Flows
, Cornell Univ., 5.19–5.24.
Pressure*, figure 2.
Attachment*, figures 5, 6. Velocity*, figure 9. Reynolds stresses*, figures
10, 12, 13, 14.
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