Chapter 8: Round jet into fluid at rest
General References
Major surveys and theory
BARON, T. and ALEXANDER, L.G. 1951 Momentum, mass, and
heat transfer in free jets. Chem. Eng. Prog.
, 181–185.
BIRCH, S.F. 1997 Comment on “Computation of turbulent axisym-
metric and nonaxisymmetric jet flows using the
model.” AIAA J.
COHEN, N.S. 1966 A correlation of the spread and decay of turbulent
free jets. AIAA J.
, 929–930.
Other peoples’ data. Suitably defined eddy
viscosity is unique function of ratio smaller density/larger density. Corre-
lation*, figure 2.
FATICA, M., VERZICCO, R., and ORLANDI, P. 1994 Rib vortices
in round jets: direct and large eddy simulation. In
Application of Direct
and Large Eddy Simulation to Transition and Turbulence,
Paper 27.
GRINSTEIN, F.F., GLAUSER, M.N., and GEORGE, W.K. 1995 Vor-
ticity in jets. In
Fluid Vortices
(S.I. Green, ed.), Kluwer, 65–94.
See figure
3.2.5 for
diagram of pairing. Figure 3.3.2 is axis switching for square
HALLEEN, R.M. 1964 A literature review on subsonic free turbulent
shear flow. Stanford Univ., Dept. Mech. Eng., Rep. MD-11; AFOSR-TN-
Undiscriminating review of analytical and experimental literature for
wake, jet, mixing layer. Various tables*.
MARTIN, J.E. and MEIBURG, E. 1991 The three-dimensional evo-
lution of axisymmetric jets perturbed by helical waves. In
Preprints, Eighth
Symposium on Turbulent Shear Flows
, Technical University of Munich, Vol. 1,
Paper 6-3.
MELANDER, M.V., HUSSAIN, F., and BASU, A. 1991 Breakdown
of a circular jet into turbulence. In
Preprints, Eighth Symposium on Turbu-
lent Shear Flows
, Technical University of Munich, Vol. 1, Paper 15-5.
SCHMIDT, W. 1941 Turbulente Ausbreitung eines Stromes erhitzer
Luft. I Teil. Z. angew. Math. Mech.
, 265–278.
STEWART, R.W. 1956 Irrotational motion associated with free tur-
bulent flows. J. Fluid Mech.
, 593–606.
Figs. 4, 5 show induced flow for
circular jet without wall and for plane jet with wall. Entrainment*, figures 4,
WITZE, P.O. 1974 Centerline velocity decay of compressible free jets.
, 417–418.
Correlation of other people’s data. Full paper avail-
able from NTIS as N74-12081. Velocity decay*, figures 1, 2.
1963 Wille, ZF
, 222
1964 Kleinstein, J Sp
, 403
1989 Kibens, AIAA Paper 89-1051
Experimental data
ABBISS, J.B., BRADBURY, L.J.S., and WRIGHT, M.P. 1975 Mea-
surements on an axi-symmetric jet using a photon correlator. In
The Ac-
curacy of Flow Measurements by Laser-Doppler Methods
, LDA Symposium,
Copenhagen, 319–335.
Work intended as proof of instrument, including
comparison with pulsed wire. Sketchy profiles of mean velocities, shear-
ing stress; axial decay. Velocity decay*, figure 6, Mean velocity*, figure 7.
Reynolds stresses*, figures 9, 11, 12.
G.G. 1966 An investigation into turbulent submerged jets over a wide
temperature range. Int’l. J. Heat Mass Transf.
, 1047–1060.
Cold round jet
into hot stagnant region of same gas, or vice versa; profiles of mean velocity,
mean temperature; axial decay. Mean velocity*, temperature*, figures 4–6,
10. Velocity decay*, figure 7.
AHMED, S.A., NEJAD, A.S., and CRAIG, R.R. 1988 A near field
study of a turbulent free jet, including the effects of velocity bias. In
Preprints, Eleventh Symposium on Turbulence, Univ. Missouri (Rolla), Pa-
per A4.
Various velocities*, figures 2–6.
ALBERTSON, M.L., DAI, Y.B., JENSEN, R.A., and ROUSE, H. 1948
Diffusion of submerged jets. Proc. ASCE
, 1571–1596; discussion in
901–914, 1019–1029, 1541–1548; all in Trans. ASCE
, 639–697, 1950.
Plane and round air jets into stagnant air; profiles of mean velocity; growth
rate, entrainment, flow direction. Figs. 26–28 are part of discussion by
Baines. Round jet is Dai’s thesis, about 1948. Albertson’s thesis, about
1948, is on evaporation. Geometry*, figures 6, 7. Induced flow*, figures 8,
12, 18, 24. Mean velocity*, figures 10, 11, 16, 17. Velocity decay*, figures 9,
15, 25. Core length*, figure 26. Figure 8 does not show negative
Streamlines wrong in figure 21. Measured and computed stress do not agree
in figure 40.
ANTONIA, R.A. 1974 The structure of velocity and temperature fluc-
tuations in a turbulent jet. In
Proc. Fifth Australasian Conference on Hy-
draulics and Fluid Mechanics
, Vol. I, 325–331.
Heated round jet into still
air or coflowing stream. Intermittency, probability density. Intermittency*,
figure 4. Frequency, figure 5.
ditionally sampled measurements in a heated turbulent jet. J. Fluid Mech.
, 455–480, 1 plate.
Profiles of conventional and zone-averaged velocity,
temperature. Mean and rms fluctuations in temperature are more nearly ho-
mogeneous than in velocity. Intermittency*, figure 4. Frequency*, figure 5.
Mean velocity*, figure 7. Reynolds stresses*, figures 9–14.
Errors in simultaneous measurements of temperature and velocity in the
outer part of a heated jet. Phys. Fluids
, 871–874.
Temperature*, figure
1. Velocity*, figure 5. Also pdf of velocity.
BARKER, S.J. 1973 Laser-Doppler measurements on a round turbu-
lent jet in dilute polymer solutions. J. Fluid Mech.
, 721-731.
jet containing additive. Profiles of mean velocity. Centerline turbulence in-
tensity. No significant effect of polymer on spreading rate. Mean velocity*,
figure 3. Velocity decay*, figure 4, Reynolds stresses*, figure 5.
BARNETT, D.O. and GIEL, T.V. Jr. 1976 Application of a two-
component Bragg-diffracted laser velocimeter to turbulence measurements
in a subsonic jet. Arnold Eng. Dev. Center, Rep. AEDC-TR-76-36.
decay*, figure 10. Mean velocity*, figures 13, 14. Radial component, figures
18, 19. Reynolds stresses*, figures 20–31, 33, 34.
BECKER, H.A., HOTTEL, H.C., and WILLIAMS, G.C. 1965 Con-
centration intermittency in jets. In
Proc. Tenth Symposium (International)
on Combustion
, 1253–1263.
Round free or ducted jet; profiles of intermit-
tency (scattered light from oil fog). Intermittency*, figure 3. Growth rate*,
figures 4, 5.
BECKER, H.A., HOTTEL, H.C., and WILLAMS, G.C. 1967 On the
light-scatter technique for the study of turbulence and mixing. The nozzle-
fluid concentration field of the round, turbulent, free jet. J. Fluid Mech.
259–284, 285–303.
Round air jet into stagnant air with oil smoke as tracer;
profiles of mean concentration, intermittency, relative fluctuation intensity;
rms fluctuation on axis; concentration spectra, scales. Concentration decay*,
figure 1. Growth rate*, figures 1, 12. Concentration*, figure 2. Intermit-
tency*, figures 3, 4. Concentration fluctuations*, figures 5–8.
BERMAN, N.S. and TAN, H. 1985 Two-component laser Doppler ve-
locimeter studies of submerged jets of dilute polymer solutions. A.I.Ch.E.J.
, 208–215.
Ducted jet with recirculation with and without polymer.
BORREGO, C. and OLIVARI, D. 1979 A method for the measure-
ment of mixing properties in a turbulent jet flow. von Karman Institute
for Fluid Dynamics, Tech. Note 130.
Mean velocity*, figure 3. Velocity de-
cay, figure 4. Mean concentration*, figure 5. Concentration decay, figure 7.
Reynolds stresses*, figure 8.
BRADBURY, L.J.S. and KHADEM, A.H. 1975 The distortion of a
jet by tabs. J. Fluid Mech.
, 801–813.
Effect of small tabs at exit of
round jet into still air. Coherence is reduced and entrainment is increased.
Interesting for control of structure. Geometry*, figure 1. Velocity decay*,
figures 3, 4, 7.
BRADSHAW, P., FERRISS, D.H., and JOHNSON, R.F. 1964 Tur-
bulence in the noise-producing region of a circular jet. J. Fluid Mech.
591–624, 1 plate.
Mixing region to about
= 12
. Profiles of Reynolds
stresses; spectra (including pressure), correlations; celerity. Schlieren pho-
tographs. Geometry*, figure 1. Reynolds stresses*, figures 3, 4, 28. Celer-
ity*, figure 21.
1973 Intermittency and structure of a jet exhausting into a stratified fluid.
Proc. Third Symposium on Turbulence in Liquids
(G.K. Patterson and
S.L. Zakin, eds.), Univ. Missouri (Rolla), 340–351.
Preliminary work on jet
collapse. Interface statistics; a little on mean velocity, turbulence intensity.
Opaque paper. Scale*, figures 2, 3.
CHEVRAY, R. and TUTU, N.K. 1978 Intermittency and preferential
transport of heat in a round jet. J. Fluid Mech.
, 133–160.
in heated jet, mostly at
= 15
. Profiles of mean and fluctuating veloc-
ity, temperature; intermittency; conditional averages; fluctuating transport;
spectra. Mean velocity*, figure 3. Fluctuations*, figure 4. Intermittency*,
figure 5. Reynolds heat transfer*, figure 13. Shearing stress*, figure 14.
CHUA, L.P. and ANTONIA, R.A. 1986 The turbulent interaction
region of a circular jet. Int’l. Comm. Heat Mass Transf.
, 545–558.
velocity*, figure 4. Mean temperature*, figure 4. Growth rate*, figures 5, 6.
Reynolds stresses, figures 7, 8.
CHUA, L.P. and ANTONIA, R.A. 1989 Flow reversal and intermit-
tency of a turbulent jet. AIAA J.
, 1494–1499.
Mean temperature*, figure
CHUANG, S.C.-H. 1970 Turbulent diffusion of small gas bubbles in
an axi-symmetric water jet. Ph. D. thesis, Purdue Univ.
Student of Gold-
schmidt. Mean velocity*, figures V-1, V-4, VI-8. Growth rate, figures V-2,
V-5. Velocity decay*, figures V-3, V-6. Reynolds stresses*, figures V-10,
VI-11. Concentration*, figures VI-2 to VI-5, VII-1 to VII-4, others. No
CORRSIN, S. 1943 Investigation of flow in an axially symmetrical
heated jet of air. NACA Wartime Rep. ACR No. 3L23.
Reynolds stresses*,
figures 23, 40. Mean velocity, figures 30–34. Growth rate, figure 36. Tem-
perature profile wider than velocity.
CORRSIN, S. 1949 An experimental verification of local isotropy. J.
Aeron. Sci.
, 757–758.
See also NACA TN 1865.
CORRSIN, S. and KISTLER, A.L. 1954 The free-stream boundaries
of turbulent flows. NACA TN 3133.
Mean velocity*, figure 13. Growth
rate*, figure 14. Intermittency*, figure 22. Also plane wake, rough-wall
boundary layer.
CORRSIN, S. and UBEROI, M.S. 1949 Further experiments on the
flow and heat transfer in a heated turbulent air jet. NACA TN 1865.
rate*, figure 8. Mean velocity, figures 11–13. Reynolds stresses*, figures 16–
CORRSIN, S. and UBEROI, M.S. 1950 Spectrums and diffusion in a
round turbulent jet. NACA TN 2124.
Diffusion behind heated obstacles.
CROW, S.C. and CHAMPAGNE, F.H. 1971 Orderly structure in jet
turbulence. J. Fluid Mech.
, 547–591, 7 plates; also Boeing Scientific
Research Laboratories, Rep. D1-82-0991, 1970.
Jet with tripped boundary
layer and acoustic forcing. Naturally preferred Strouhal number is about 0.3.
Effect of forcing on growth rate near orifice; filtered turbulence intensities,
decay on axis, spectra. Very nice paper. Velocity decay*, figures 7, 15.
Reynolds stresses*, figures 8, 13, 24, 28. Mean velocity*, figure 27. Growth
rate*, figure 29. Also flow viz.
DAHM, W.J.A. and DIMOTAKIS, P.E. 1985 Measurements of en-
trainment and mixing in turbulent jets. AIAA Paper 85-0056.
Mean con-
centration*, figure 5a. Concentration fluctuations, figure 5b.
DELLEUR, J.W., TOEBES, G.H., and LIU, C.L. 1966 Hot wire physics
and turbulence measurements in liquid. hydromechanics Lab., School of
Civil Eng., Purdue Univ., Tech. Rep. No. 13 (Contract Nonr-1100(25)).
Submerged round jet of water into water at rest; profiles of mean velocity,
axial turbulence intensity; axial decay of centerline velocity; spectra. Ap-
pendix is good annotated bibliography on hot wires, hot films, thermistors,
etc. Velocity decay*, figure 25. Mean velocity*, figure 26.
Structure and dynamics of round turbulent jets. California Institute of Tech-
nology, GALCIT Rep. FM82-01.
Flow viz*, figures 4–6.
DOWLING, D.R. 1988 Mixing in gas phase turbulent jets. Ph. D.
thesis, California Institute of Technology.
Mean concentration*, figures 3.1–
3.3. Centerline rms*, figure 3–4. Profiles of rms, figure 3.8.
DOWLING, D.R. and DIMOTAKIS, P.E. 1988 On mixing and struc-
ture of the concentration field of turbulent jets. In
Preprints, AIAA/ASME/
SIAM/APS First National Fluid Dynamics Congress,
AIAA, Part 2, 982–
988 (AIAA Paper 88-3611).
Geometry*, figure 1.
Velocity*, Reynolds
stress*, figure 2.
DOWLING, D.R. and DIMOTAKIS, P.E. 1990 Similarity of the con-
centration field of gas-phase turbulent jets. J. Fluid Mech.
, 109–141.
Mean concentration*, figures 3, 4, 5. Concentration fluctuations*, figures
8, 9. Concentration pdf.
DRUBKA, R.E., REISENTHEL, P., and NAGIB, H.M. 1989 The dy-
namics of low initial disturbance turbulent jets. Phys. Fluids
, 1723–1735.
Decay*, figure 1. Growth*, figure 4. Frequency*, figure 11.
EBRAHIMI, I. 1976 Axialer Verlauf der Geschwindigkeit in Luft-Frei-
strahlen. Forsch. Ing.-Wes.
, 33–35.
Strictly decay on axis. Slight depen-
dence of growth rate on Reynolds number. Velocity decay*, figures 2–8.
EBRAHIMI, I. and KLEINE, R. 1977 Konzentrationsfelder in isother-
men Luft-Freistrahlen. Forsch. Ing.-Wes.
, 25–30.
Profiles of mean and
rms concentration using scattered light from aerosol particles. Velocity de-
cay*, figure 3. Concentration decay*, figures 4, 5. Mean concentration*,
figure 8. Fluctuations*, figure 9.
EL AWADY, M.N.A.A. 1965 Transport of particulate materials in
axi-symmetric turbulent air jets. Ph. D. thesis, Dept. Agricultural Eng.,
Univ. California (Davis).
Mean velocity*, figure 28. Data are tabulated.
FARIS, G.N. 1963 Some entrainment properties of a turbulent axi-
symmetric jet. Miss. State Univ., Aerophys. Dept., Res. Rep. No. 39.
air jet into air at rest; profiles of mean velocity. Growth rate*, figures 5, 12.
Mean velocity*, figure 9. Velocity decay*, figure 14.
FORSTALL, W. and GAYLORD, E.W. 1955 Momentum and mass
transfer in a submerged water jet. Trans. ASME (J. Appl. Mech.
), 161–
164 (see also Ph. D. thesis by GAYLORD, “Momentum and mass transfer in
water for a submerged axially symmetric jet,” Dept. Mech. Eng., Carnegie
Institute of Technology, 1953).
Mean velocity*, figure 13. Concentration*,
figure 14. Velocity decay*, figures 16, 17. Read figures. Concentration
decays before velocity.
GIBSON, M.M. 1963 Spectra of turbulence in a round jet. J. Fluid
, 161–173.
Mean velocity*, figure 1. Reynolds stresses*, figure 1.
Otherwise spectra.
GOLDSCHMIDT et al 1972
1977 Some characteristics of concentration fluctuations in free turbulent
jets. In
Preprints, Symposium on Turbulent Shear Flows
, Pennsylvania
State Univ., 15.21–15.29.
Becker still putting smoke in jets, now at higher
Re. Concentration decay*, figure 1. Fluctuations*, figure 2.
GRIMMETT, H.L. 1948 The effect of velocity on the flow properties
of a free jet. M.S. thesis, Dept. Chem. Eng., Univ. Illinois (Urbana).
are tabulated. Single jet. Velocity decay*, figure 4. Mean velocity*, figures
5, 7, 8. Growth rate, figures 6, 9.
D.M., and OBEYSEKARE, U. 1996 Streamwise and spanwise vortex in-
teraction in an axisymmetric jet. A computational and experimental study.
Phys. Fluids
, 1515–1524.
HIDY, G.M. 1962 Vapor condensation by mixing in a free jet. D.
Eng. thesis, Dept. Chem. Eng., Johns Hopkins Univ.
Mean velocity*, figure
18. Velocity decay*, figure 33. Data are tabulated.
HILL, W.G. Jr., JENKINS, R.C., and GILBERT, B.L. 1976 Effects
of the initial boundary-layer state on turbulent jet mixing. AIAA J.
Velocity decay*, figures 1, 3.
HINZE, J.O. and VAN DER HEGGE ZIJNEN, B.G. 1949 Transfer of
heat and matter in the turbulent mixing zone of an axially symmetrical jet.
Appl. Sci. Res.
, 435–461; see also
Proc. Seventh International Congress
for Applied Mechanics
, Vol. 2, Part I, 286–299.
Round air jet into air at
rest; foreign gas used as tracer. Velocity*, figure 2. Temperature*, figure 5.
Concentration*, figure 7.
HOWARD, C.D. and LAURENCE, J.C. 1960 Measurement of screen-
size effects on intensity, scale, and spectrum of turbulence in a free subsonic
jet. NASA TN D-297.
Round air jet through screen into air at rest; faired
data for turbulence intensity; spectra; scales. Most data are faired. Turbu-
lence scale, figures 14, 15. Geometry*, figure 4.
HUSSEIN, H.J. and GEORGE, W.K. 1989 Measurement of small
scale turbulence in an axisymmetric jet using moving hot-wires. In
Seventh Symposium on Turbulent Shear Flows
, Stanford Univ., Paper 30-2.
Velocity decay, figure 3. Mean velocity*, figure 4. Reynolds stresses*, figures
5, 6.
HUSSEIN, H.J., CAPP, S.P., and GEORGE, W.K. 1994 Velocity
measurements in a high-Reynolds-number, momentum-conserving, axisym-
metric, turbulent jet. J. Fluid Mech.
, 31–75.
Velocity decay*, figures 6,
7. Mean velocity*, figure 8. Reynolds stresses*, figures 9–14.
ISLAM, M.T. and ALI, M.A.T. 1997 Mean velocity and static pres-
sure distributions of a circular jet. AIAA J.
, 196–197.
Flow near potential
core. Static pressure*, figures 3, 4.
JOHARI, H., ZHANG, Q., ROSE, M.J., and BOURQUE, S.M. 1997
Impulsively started turbulent jets. AIAA J.
, 657–662.
Results from flow
KAMOTANI, Y. and WISKIND, H.K. 1968 Measurement of turbu-
lence quantities by pressure probes. Div. Fluid, Thermal, and Aerosp. Sci-
ences, Case Western Reserve Univ., Rep. FTAS/TR-68-33.
Velocity decay,
figure 10. Mean velocity*, figure 11. Reynolds stresses*, figures 12–17.
KASAGI, N., NINOMIYA, N., and HIRATA, M. 1988 Three-dimen-
sional velocity measurement in a turbulent jet by digital image processing.
Proc. First World Conference on Experimental Heat Transfer, Fluid Me-
chanics, and Thermodynamics
(R.K. Shah, E.N. Ganic, and K.T. Yang,
eds.), Elsevier, 1502–1509.
Mean velocity*, figure 7. Reynolds stresses*,
figures 8–11.
KINDLER, K. 1988 Tieftemperaturfreistrahlen. Deutsche Forschungs-
und Versuchsanstalt f ̈ur Luft- und Raumfahrt, Rep DFVLR-FB 88-16.
velocity*, figures 9–12. Mean temperature*, figures 13–16.
KISER, K.M. 1963 Material and momentum transport in axisymmet-
ric jets of water. A.I.Ch.E. J.
, 386–390.
Profiles of mean velocity, mean
concentration (salt solution and conductivity cell); axial decay of
center line; turbulent Schmidt number. Velocity decay*, figure 3. Growth
rate*, figure 4.
KNYSTAUTAS 1964 (cited in 17A)
KRETZSCHMER, F. 1936 Str ̈omungsform und Durchflusszahl der
Messdrosseln. Forschung auf dem Gebiete des Ingenieurwesens, Ausgabe
B, Forschungsheft 381.
Orifice flow, shrouded or free. Mostly potential flow.
Flow viz, figures 40, 41.
KUHLMANN, J.M. and GROSS, R.W. 1989 Three component laser
Doppler measurements in an axisymmetric jet. Dept. Mech. and Aerosp.
Eng., Univ. West Virginia, Final Rep., May 1987–May 1989, NASA CR-
KUHLMANN, J. and GROSS, R. 1990 Three component velocity
measurements in an axisymmetric jet using LDA. AIAA Paper 90-1635.
Velocity*, figures 2–6. Reynolds stress, figure 7.
LABUS, T.L. and SYMONS, E.P. 1972 Experimental investigation of
an axisymmetric free jet with an initially uniform velocity profile. NASA TN
Helium jet into air. Profiles of mean velocity. Spreading angle,
centerline decay. Mean velocity*, figures 8, 9. Velocity decay*, figures 11,
12. Growth rate*, figure 14. Core length*, figure 13.
LASSITER, L.W. 1957 Turbulence in small air jets at exit velocities
up to 705 feet per second. J. Appl. Mech.
, 349–354 (for comment by
Morkovin that temperature fluctuations are not negligible, see
, 314–
315, 1958).
Round air jet into air at rest; faired profiles of mean velocity,
turbulence intensity; scales, spectra. Most data faired.
LAURENCE, J.C. 1955 Intensity, scale, and spectra of turbulence in
mixing region of free subsonic jet. NACA TN 3561.
LAURENCE, J.C. 1956 Intensity, scale, and spectra of turbulence in
mixing region of free subsonic jet. NACA Rep. 1292.
Mean velocity*, figures
11, 12. Reynolds stresses*, figure 9. Growth rate*, figure 13.
LAWRENCE, W.J. 1965 Mass transfer in a turbulent jet. Ph. D.
thesis, Dept. Chem. Eng., Univ. California (Berkeley).
Concentration decay,
figures III-3 to III-7. Mean and rms concentration*, figures III-1, III-8, A-1
to A-14. Data are tabulated.
LAURENCE, J.C. and STICKNEY, T.M. 1956 Further measurements
of intensity, scale, and spectra of turbulence in a subsonic jet. NACA TN
LIEPMANN, D. 1991 Streamwise vorticity and entrainment in the
near field of a round jet. Phys. Fluids
, 1179–1185.
Transition*, figures
LITTLE, B.H. Jr. and WILBER, S.W. 1951 Turbulence-intensity mea-
surements in a jet of air issuing from a long tube. NACA TN 2361.
air jet into initial region of coaxial air jet; profiles of mean velocity; turbu-
lence intensity. Very esoteric geometry (Bureau of Mines burner). Mean
velocity*, figure 5. Reynolds stresses*, figures 5–9.
LONGMIRE, E.K. and EATON, J.K. 1992 Structure of a particle-
laden round jet. J. Fluid Mech.
, 217–257.
Strong effect of particle
KNAPPMILLER, K.D. 1997 Centreline velocity decay measurements in
low-velocity axisymmetric jets. J. Fluid Mech.
, 363–377.
Velocity de-
cay*, figure 5.
McNAUGHTON, K.J. and SINCLAIR, C.G. 1966 Submerged jets in
short cylindrical flow vessels. J. Fluid Mech.
, 367–375, 5 plates.
for transition;
less than 5000. Laminar length*, figure 7. Nice pictures.
Flow viz*, figure 5. Laminar length*, figure 7.
MILLER, P.L. 1991 Mixing in high Schmidt number turbulent jets.
Ph. D. thesis, California Inst. Technology.
Most data faired.
MODARRESS, D., TAN, H., and ELGHOBASHI, S. 1984 Two-com-
ponent LDA measurement in a two-phase turbulent jet. AIAA J.
, 624–
Mean velocity*, figures 6, 9. Reynolds stresses*, figures 10, 11, 12.
MONS, R.F. and SFORZA, P.M. 1971 Turbulent heat and mass trans-
fer in axisymmeteric jets. Dept. Aerosp. Eng. and Appl. Mech., Polytechnic
Institute of Brooklyn, PIBAL Rep. No. 71-14.
Velocity decay*, figures 20,
26, 33. Reynolds stresses*, figure 23. Growth rate*, figures 28, 32, 35, 39.
NOTTAGE, H.B. 1951 Ventilation jets in room air distribution. Ph. D.
thesis, Dept. Mech. Eng., Case Inst. Technology (now Case-Western Reserve
Univ.), 2 vols.
Geometry*, figure 1. Growth rate*, figures 7–10. Mean ve-
locity*, figures 17–22. Entrainment*, figure 26. Velocity decay*, figure 27.
Also chilled jet.
OBOT, N.T. and TRABOLD, T.A. 1987 Velocity and temperature
fields in turbulent heated air jets issuing from sharp-edged inlet rounded
nozzles. In
Turbulence Measurements and Flow Modeling
(C.J. Chen et
al., eds.), Hemisphere, 527–536.
Geometry*, figure 1. Decay*, figures 2, 3.
Growth*, figure 5.
OBOT, N.T., GRASKA, M.L., and TRABOLD, T.A. 1984 The near
field behavior of round jets at moderate Reynolds numbers. Can. J. Chem.
, 587–593.
Decay*, figure 3. Velocity*, figures 5–7. Growth*, figure
PANCHAPAKESAN, N.R. and LUMLEY, J.L. 1993 Turbulence mea-
surements in axisymmetric jets of air and helium. Part 1. Air jet. J. Fluid
, 197–223.
Velocity*, figure 7. Reynolds stresses*, figures 9–12.
Energy balance.
PANNU, S.S. and JOHANNESEN, N.H. 1976 The structure of jets
from notched nozzles. J. Fluid Mech.
, 515–528, 2 plates.
jet into still air. Geometry inspired by observed noise reduction with thrust-
reverser buckets partly deployed. Profiles or contours of mean pitot pressure.
Nice. Mean velocity*, figures 6a–6d. Flow geometry*, figure 8.
POLOMIK, E.E. 1948 Entrainment by free jets. M.S. thesis, Dept.
Chem. Eng., Univ. Illinois (Urbana).
Data are tabulated. Round free jet to
= 35
. Growth rate*, figure 7.
RICOU, F.P. and SPALDING, D.B. 1961 Measurements of entrain-
ment by axisymmetrical turbulent jets. J. Fluid Mech.
, 21–32.
etry*, figure 1. Entrainment*, figures 3, 4, 5, 7. Figure 2 needs data for
Θ = 40
. Figure 4 needs Freon. Density in figure 5?
RODI, W. 1975 A new method of analysing hot-wire signals in highly
turbulent flow, and its evaluation in a round jet. DISA Inf. No. 17, 9–18.
Velocity decay, figure 8. Mean velocity*, figure 7. Reynolds stresses*, figures
Smoke-scattered light measurements of turbulent concentration fluctuations.
J. Mech. Eng. Sci.
, 111–129 (see also Sc. D. thesis by ROSENZWEIG,
“Measurement and characterization of turbulent mixing,” Dept. Chem. Eng.,
MIT, 1959).
Concentration fluctuations*, figure 8. Growth rate, figure
17. Mean velocity, mean concentration*, figure 18. See thesis by ROSEN-
ROSLER, R.S. 1962 Turbulence characteristics of a submerged water
jet. Ph. D. thesis, Dept. Chem. Eng., Northwestern Univ.
Velocity decay,
figure 9. Mean velocity*, figure 10. Reynolds stresses*, figures 11–14. Data
are tabulated.
SAMI, S. 1967 Balance of turbulence energy in the region of jet-flow
establishment. J. Fluid Mech.
, 81–92.
Geometry*, figure 1. Velocity*,
figure 2. Reynolds stresses*, figures 5–7. Energy balance.
SAMI, S., CARMODY, T., and ROUSE, H. 1967 Jet diffusion in the
region of flow establishment. J. Fluid Mech.
, 231–252.
Static pressure*,
figure 5. Radial velocity*, figure 4. Reynolds stresses*, figures 6–8. Inter-
mittency*, figure 12. Energy balance.
SCHLIEN, D.J. 1987 Observations of dispersion of entrained fluid in
the self-preserving region of a turbulent jet. J. Fluid Mech.
, 163–173.
Geometry*, figure 1. See color plates.
SFORZA, P.M. and MONS, R.F. 1978 Mass, momentum, and energy
transport in turbulent free jets. I. J. H. M. T.
, 371–384.
Growth rate*,
figure 11. Mean velocity, figure 12.
SHAUGHNESSY, E.J. and MORTON, J.B. 1977 Laser light-scattering
measurements of particle concentration in a turbulent jet. J. Fluid Mech.
, 129–148.
Round jet into moving fluid. Smoke detected by scattering.
Profiles of mean velocity, mean and rms concentration, intermittency; spec-
tra, scales. Mean velocity*, figures 7, 8, 11. Mean concentration*, figures 9,
10, 11. Fluctuations*, figures 12, 13, 14. Intermittency*, figure 15.
SHIRAKASHI, M., ARAKAWA, T., and WAKIYA, S. 1984 The tur-
bulent structure and the diffusion of the nozzle fluid in an impulsively started
axisymmetrical jet. In
Turbulence and Chaotic Phenomena in Fluids
Tatsumi, ed.), Elsevier, 385–390.
Flow viz*, photo 1.
SINGAMSETTI, S.R. 1965 Diffusion of sediment in a submerged jet.
Ph. D. Thesis, State Univ. Iowa.
Downward sand-laden round jet into tank;
profiles of mean velocity, mean concentration. Velocity and concentration
decay*, figure 8. Mean velocity, figures 9, 10.
SMITH, J.F.D. and STEELE, S. 1935 Rounded-approach orifices. Me-
chanical Engineering
, 760, 780.
STARNER, S.H. and BILGER, R.W. 1987 Anisotropy and turbu-
lence levels in flames and round jets. In
Preprints, Sixth Symposium on
Turbulent Shear Flows
, Toulouse, Paper 7.2.
Reynolds stresses*, figure 2.
SUNAVALA, P.D., HULSE, C., and THRING, M.W. 1957 Mixing
and combustion in free and enclosed turbulent jet diffusion flames. Comb.
and Flame
, 179–193.
Isothermal or heated jet into stagnant air. Decay on
center line. Effect of confinement. See thesis by Sunavala at Univ. Sheffield.
Concentration decay*, figures 2, 3, 11. Temperature decay*, figures 3–5, 9–
10, 11.
TAULBEE, D.B., HUSSEIN, H., and CAPP, S. 1987 The round jet:
experiment and inferences on turbulence modeling. In
Preprints, Sixth Sym-
posium on Turbulent Shear Flows
, Toulouse, Paper 10.5.
Mean velocity*,
figure 1. Reynolds stresses*, figures 2a, 2b.
TAYLOR, J.F. 1948 Flow characteristics of a turbulent free jet. M.S.
thesis, Dept. Chem. Eng., Univ. Illinois (Urbana).
Data are tabulated. Single
free jet. Velocity*, figure 8. Velocity decay*, figure 9. Growth rate*, figures
10, 11.
TAYLOR, J.F. and COMINGS, E.W. 1950 Impact tube measure-
ments in nonisothermal air jets. In
Proc. First Midwestern Conference on
Fluid Dynamics.
TAYLOR, J.F., GRIMMETT, H.L., and COMINGS, E.W. 1951 Iso-
thermal free jets of air mixing with air. Chem. Eng. Prog.
, 175–180.
Rudimentary. Profiles of mean velocity; axial decay of
on centerline. Mean
velocity*, figures 5–8, 11. Velocity decay*, figure 9. Growth rate*, figure 10.
Reynolds stresses*, figure 13. See TR2, TR6.
THOMAS, J.S.G. 1922 The discharge of air through small orifices,
and the entrainment of air by the issuing jet. Phil. Mag.
, 969–988.
Orifice flow*, figures 4, 5. Entrainment*, figures 6, 8, 9.
THOMAS, J.S.G. 1924 The entrainment of air by a jet of gas issuing
from a small orifice in a thin plate. Phil. Mag.
, 1048–1056.
Orifice flow*,
figure 1. Injector*, figure 3.
THOMAS, J.S.G. and EVANS, E.V. 1923 The entrainment of air by
a jet of gas issuing from a small orifice in a thin plate. Phil. Mag.
Different densities*, figure 2. Entrainment*, figures 3, 4, 5.
TOMICH, J.F. and WEGER, E. 1967 Some new results on momen-
tum and heat transfer in compressible turbulent free jets. A.I.Ch.E. J.
Hot jets to
, with initial
to 0.75. Decay of
axis; profiles of mean velocity, temperature. Competent; useful for problem
of dilution. Compressible flow, subsonic.
TRENTACOSTE, N.P. and SFORZA, P.M. 1969 Studies in homoge-
neous and nonhomogeneous free turbulent shear flows. Dept. Aerosp. Eng.
and Appl. Mech., Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn, PIBAL Rep. No. 69–36.
Mean velocity*, figures 19, 24–29. Velocity decay*, figure 20. Growth rate,
figure 22. Includes elliptic jet.
ULLRICH, H. 1960 Str ̈omungsvorg ̈ange in Drallbrennern mit regel-
barem Drall und bei rotationssymmetrischen Freistrahlen. Forsch. Geb. Ing.
, 165–181;
, 19–28.
Round or annular jet into air at rest; profiles of
mean velocity; length of core. Mostly on bubble. Geometry*, figure 15. En-
trainment*, figures 12, 18.
VOORHEIS, T.S. 1940 The entrainment of air by axially symmetrical
gas jets. M.S. thesis, Univ. California.
Velocity decay*, figures 7, 14, 15.
Mean velocity*, figures 8–13, 16–18. Mean concentration*, figures 16–18.
VRADIS, G.C., OTUGEN, M.V., KIM, D., and ARARAT, J. 1992
Development of round turbulent jets with skewed exit velocity distributions.
AIAA Paper 92-0536.
Contours*, figure 3.
VRADIS, G.C., OTUGEN, M.V., KIM, S.W., and KIM, D.B. 1993
Round incompressible jets with axisymmetric initial velocity distributions.
, 814–815.
Velocity*, figure 1.
WHITE, D.A. 1967 Velocity measurements in axisymmetric jets of
dilute polymer solutions. J. Fluid Mech.
, 195–204.
Water jet into water.
Growth rate; profiles of mean velocity. Polyox affects flow; guar gum does
not. Note data go only to
= 25
. Some data for polymer. Mean velocity*,
figures 3, 7. Velocity decay*, figures 4–6, 8.
WILLE, R. 1963 Beitr ̈age zur Ph ̈anemenologie der Freistrahlen. Z.
, 222–233.
WYGNANSKI, I. 1964 The flow induced by two-dimensional and ax-
isymmetric turbulent jets issuing normally from an infinite plane surface.
Aeron. Quart.
, 373–380.
Wall pressure*, figures 2, 3.
WYGNANSKI, I. and FIEDLER, H.E. 1968 Some measurements in
the self-preserving jet. J. Fluid Mech.
, 577–612 (also Boeing BSRL
Rep. D1-82-0712, 1968).
Round jet into stagnant fluid; profiles of mean ve-
locity, Reynolds stresses, intermittency; skewness, flatness; scales; spectra;
time-space correlation and celerity. Very fine data. Mean velocity*, figure 1,
Reynolds stresses*, figures 3–7. Intermittency*, figure 9. Time-space cor-
relation*, figure 20. Energy balance. In figure 13, osculating parabola is
YODA, M., HESSELINK, L., and MUNGAL, M.G. 1991 The tem-
poral evolution of large-scale structures in the turbulent jet. In
Eighth Symposium on Turbulent Shear Flows
, Technical University of Mu-
nich, Vol. 1, Paper 6-1.
Flow viz*, figure 6.
ZHANG, Q. and JOHARI, H. 1996 Effects of acceleration on turbu-
lent jets. Phys. Fluids
, 2185–2195.
Free jet with discontinuous flow rate.
ZIMM, W. 1921 Ueber die Str ̈omungsvorg ̈ange im freien Luftstrahl.
Forschungsarbeiten auf dem Gebiete des Ingenieurwesens, Verein deutscher
Ingenieure, Heft 234.
Mean velocity, figures 9–12. Entrainment, figures 24,
1962 Gibson, Nature
, 1281
1974 Avidor, AIAA Paper 74-579
1987 Parekh et al, AIAA 87-0164
1989 Mungal and Hollingsworth, PF
, 1615
1991 Miller and Dimotakis, PF
, 1156
1992 Yoda et al, PF
, 803
1994 Kerstein et al, PF
, 642
Round jet into moving fluid
Major surveys and theory
ANTONIA, R.A. and BILGER, R.W. 1974 The prediction of the ax-
isymmetric turbulent jet issuing into a co-flowing stream. Aeron. Quart.
See for experiments cited.
MIKHAIL, S. 1960 Mixing of coaxial streams inside a closed conduit.
J. Mech. Eng. Sci.
, 59–68.
Linearized integral equations.
NAUDASCHER, E. 1968 On the distribution and development of
mean-flow and turbulence characteristics in jet and wake flows. Iowa Inst.
Hydraulic Research, Univ. Iowa, IIHR Rep. No. 110.
ZHU, J. and RODI, W. 1990 Computation of axisymmetric confined
jets in a diffuser. In
Engineering Turbulence Modelling and Experiments
(W. Rodi and E.N. Ganic, eds.), Elsevier, 237–286.
Experimental data
ALPINIERI, L.J. 1964 Turbulent mixing of coaxial jets. AIAA J.
, 1560–1567; see also Ph. D. Thesis, An experimental investigation of the
turbulent mixing of non-homogeneous coaxial jets. Polytechnic Inst. Brook-
lyn, or PIBAL Rep. 789, 1963, by L.J. Alpinieri.
Round jet of hydrogen or
carbon dioxide into confined airstream; profiles of mean velocity, mean con-
centration. Mean concentration*, figures 7, 8. Velocity decay*, figures 10,
AMIELH, M., CHAUVE, M.P., and DUMAS, R. 1990 Heating effects
in confined coaxial turbulent jets. In
Engineering Turbulence Modelling and
(W. Rodi and E.N. Ganic, eds.), Elsevier, 467–476.
figure 3. Temperature*, figure 6. Reynolds stresses, figures 9–11.
ANTONIA, R. A. 1974 The structure of velocity and temperature
fluctuations in a turbulent jet. In
Proc. Fifth Australasian Conference on
Hydraulics and Fluid Mechanics
, Vol. I, 325–331.
Intermittency*, figure 4.
ANTONIA, R.A. and BILGER, R.W. 1973 An experimental investi-
gation of an axisymmetric jet in a co-flowing air stream. J. Fluid Mech.
, 805–822.
Round jet in ambient stream; initial velocity ratio 3.0 and 4.5.
Spreading rate; centerline velocity decay. Profiles of mean velocity, Reynolds
stresses. Scales, spectra. Univ. Sydney, ME Dept., Rep. F.39, 1972. Mean
temperature*, figure 1. Mean velocity*, figure 2. Decay on axis*, figures 3,
6, 7. Growth rate*, figure 4. Reynolds stresses*, figures 8–10, 12.
ANTONIA, R.A. and BILGER, R.W. 1976 The heated round jet in
a coflowing stream. AIAA J.
, 1541–1547.
Heated jet, with properties
ranging between wake and jet into still air. Profiles of mean and fluctuating
velocity, temperature,
; axial decay; turbulent Prandtl number. Ge-
ometry*, figure 1. Mean velocity*, figure 3. Reynolds stresses*, figures 5–7.
Also ”The heated round turbulent jet in a co-flowing stream”, Dept. Mech.
Eng., Univ. Sydney, Tech. Note F-66, 1974?
BECKER, H.A., HOTTEL, H.C., and WILLIAMS, G.C. 1962 Mix-
ing and flow in ducted turbulent jets. In
Proc. Ninth Symposium (Inter-
national) on Combustion
, 7–19 (discussion, 19–20) (see also Sc. D. Thesis
by BECKER, Concentration fluctuations in ducted jet mixing, Dept. Chem.
Eng., MIT, 1961).
Round jet (oil fog as tracer) into still air or into cylindri-
cal duct with controlled secondary flow rate; profiles of mean velocity, concen-
tration; mean static pressure; spectra of concentration fluctuations; scales.
Emphasis is on recirculation in duct. Velocity*, figures 3, 15. Growth*,
figure 5. Decay*, figures 6, 13. Pressure*, figure 12.
BECKER, H.A., HOTTEL, H.C., and WILLIAMS, G.C. 1965 Con-
centration intermittency in jets. In
Proc. Tenth Symposium (International)
on Combustion
, 1253–1263.
Intermittency*, figure 3. Growth rate*, figure
BINDER, G. and KIAN, K. 1983 Confined jets in a diverging duct.
Structure of Complex Turbulent Shear Flow
(R. Dumas and L. Fulachier,
eds.), Springer-Verlag, 261–272.
Pressure*, figure 2. Reynolds stresses*,
figures 6, 7.
perimental investigation of an axisymmetric jet in a coflowing airstream.
, 1157–1158.
Near field only.
CHAMPAGNE, F.H. and WYGNANSKI, I.J. 1971 An experimental
investigation of co-axial jets. Int’l. J. Heat Mass Transf.
, 1445–1464;
also “Coaxial turbulent jets,” same authors, Boeing, BSRL Rep. D1-82-
0958, 1970.
Apparently aimed at fanjet configuration. Centerline decay,
spreading rate for velocity ratios above and below unity; core length. Pro-
files of mean velocity, turbulence intensity, shearing stress. Velocity decay*,
figure 4, Growth rate*, figure 5, Mean velocity*, figures 14–16. Reynolds
stresses*, figures 18–28.
CHIGIER, N.A. and BEER, J.M. 1964 The flow region near the noz-
zle in double concentric jets. Trans. ASME (J. Basic Eng.)
, 797–804.
Round jet within annular jet (same or different fluids); profiles of mean
velocity, mean static pressure; mean concentration along axis. Geometry*,
figure 1. Streamlines*, figure 3. Static pressure*, figure 5. Velocity decay*,
figure 7. Growth rate*, figures 9, 11. Concentration decay*, figures 12, 13.
de WOLF, W.B. and MUNNIKSMA, B. 1980 Comparison of hot and
cold subsonic jets in an external flow with reference to jet engine simulation.
Netherlands, Rep. NLR TR 80042 U.
Mostly on mixing layer. Profiles of
mean velocity; boundaries; growth rate, axial decay. Geometry*, figure 1.
Velocity decay*, figures 3, 4, 6. Temperature decay*, figure 5. Mean tem-
perature*, figure 10. Growth rate*, figure 12.
DURAO, D. and WHITELAW, J.H. 1973 Turbulent mixing in the
developing region of coaxial jets. Trans. ASME (J. Fluids Eng.)
, 467–
Mean velocity*, figure 2. Reynolds stresses*, figures 4, 5.
FORSTALL, W. Jr. and SHAPIRO, A.H. 1950 Momentum and mass
transfer in coaxial gas jets. Trans. ASME (J. Appl. Mech.)
, 399–408
(see also Sc. D. thesis by FORSTALL, “Material and momentum transfer
in coaxial gas streams,” Dept. Mech. Eng., MIT, 1949).
Round air jet into
confined secondary air stream, with helium added to primary as tracer; faired
profiles of mean velocity, mean concentration; axial decay. Extensive bibli-
ography; more in JAM
, 219–220. May also be MIT Project Meteor Rep.
39, 1949. Velocity*, figure 3. Concentration*, figure 3. Growth*, figure 6.
Decay*, figure 7.
GELB, G.H. and MARTIN, W.A. 1966 An experimental investiga-
tion of the flow field about a subsonic jet exhausting into a quiescent and
a low velocity air stream. Canadian Aeronautics and Space Journal
Velocity*, figures 2, 5.
G.S. 1990 Near-field characteristics of a turbulent coflowing jet. AIAA J.
, 1405–1414.
Velocity, Reynolds stresses*, figures 5, 7–9. Decay*, figures
6, 11. Concentration*, figures 12, 13.
GORE, R.A. and CROWE, C.T. 1988 Observations on the flow in a
confined coaxial jet. In
Preprints, AIAA/ASME/SIAM/APS First National
Fluid Dynamics Congress
, AIAA, Part 2, 940–946 (AIAA Paper 88-3591).
Flow map*, figures 5, 6.
HABIB, M.A. and WHITELAW, J.H. 1979 Velocity characteristics
of a confined coaxial jet. Trans. AMSE (J. Fluids Eng.)
, 521–529.
HAMMERSLEY, R.J. 1974 An experimental investigation of the tur-
bulent characteristics of co-annular jets and their role in aerodynamic noise
generation. Ph. D. thesis, Dept. Nuclear Eng., Univ. Illinois.
figures 3.1.1 and various. Similar to Champagne and Wygnanski.
HENBEST, S. and YACOUB, E. 1991 A study of flow in axisymmet-
ric co-flowing jets. In
Recent Advances in Experimental Fluid Mechanics
(F.G. Zhuang, ed.), International Academic Publishers, 349–354.
decay*, figure 2/ Velocity*, figure 3.
HUANG, R.F. and LIN, C.L. 1994 Visualized flow patterns of double
concentric jets at low annulus velocities. AIAA J.
, 1868–1874.
KHODADADI, J.M. and VLACHOS, N.S. 1989 Experimental and
numerical study of confined coaxial turbulent jets. AIAA J.
, 532–541.
Profiles of mean velocity. This is thesis by Khodadadi at Illinois (ref 9).
Velocity*, figures 4, 7, 9, 10. Reynolds stresses*, figures 5, 8, 11, 12.
KNUDSEN, M. and WOOD, I.R. 1986 An axisymmetric jet in a mov-
ing fluid. In
Proc. Ninth Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference
, Auck-
land, 484–487.
Growth rate*, figure 5b. Decay*, figure 5a.
KO, N.W.M. and AU, H. 1985 Coaxial jets of different mean velocity
ratios. J. Sound Vibr.
, 211–232.
A few profiles of mean velocity. Mostly
coherent structure. Velocity*, figures 3, 4. Reynolds stresses*, figures 6–9.
Some pressure data.
KO, N.W.M. and KWAN, A.S.H. 1974 Experimental investigation of
subsonic coaxial jets. In
Proc. Fifth Australasian Conference on Hydraulics
and Fluid Mechanics
, Vol. I, 609–616.
Mean velocity*, figure 2. Reynolds
stresses*, figure 3.
KOBASHI, Y. 1952 Experimental studies on compound jets (mea-
surements of turbulent characteristics). In
Proc. Second Japan National
Congress for Applied Mechanics
, 223–226.
Continues work of Tani and
Kobashi; profiles of four Reynolds stresses, rms temperature fluctuations,
velocity-temperature correlation; wake downstream of local thermal source.
Reynolds stresses*, figures 3, 4, 6, 7.
KOUCKY, R.W. 1956 Mixing of enclosed liquid jets. Sc. D. thesis,
Dept. Chem. Eng., MIT.
Student of Mickley. Data are tabulated.
LANDIS, F. and SHAPIRO, A.H. 1951 The turbulent mixing of co-
axial gas jets. In Proc. Heat Transfer and Fluid Mechanics Institute (xxxx
, eds.) 133–146 (see also Sc. D. thesis by LANDIS, same title, Dept. Mech.
Eng., MIT, 1950).
Ducted jet with He or CO
tracer in primary stream.
Axial decay; faired profiles of mean velocity, temperature, concentration.
Growth*, figure 8. Decay*, figures 7, 9. Other data faired.
LASHERAS, J.C., LECUONA, A., and RODRIGUEZ, P. 1991 Three-
dimensional structure of the vorticity field in the near region of laminar,
co-flowing forced jets. In
The Global Geometry of Turbulence
(J. Jimenez,
ed.), Plenum, 95–109.
Transition*, figures 4, 7, 11, 14, 16.
LEUCHTER, O. and DANG, K. 1981 Experimental study of coherent
structures in mixing layers of coaxial jets. In
Preprints, Third Symposium
on Turbulent Shear Flows
, UC Davis, 14.1–14.6.
Pressure phase*, figure 12.
LITTLE, B.H. Jr. and WILBUR, S.W. 1951 Turbulence-intensity mea-
surements in a jet of air issuing from a long tube. NACA TN 2361.
near-field data. Also some pipe data.
MACZYNSKI, J.F.J. 1962 A round jet in an ambient coaxial stream.
J. Fluid Mech.
, 597–608.
Round jet into faster or slower ambient stream;
profiles of mean velocity.
is Pole; worked for Owen and Ellison at Manch-
ester. Velocity decay*, figure 4. Reynolds stresses*, figure 6.
study on double concentric jets I. Bull. JSME
, 529–539.
Mainly on effect
of base flow associated with wall of inner nozzle. Profiles of mean velocity,
Reynolds stress; growth rate; pressure and velocity on axis. Velocity decay*,
figures 3, 4, 5. Growth rate*, figure 6. Static pressure*, figure 7. Reynolds
stresses*, figures 9–14.
MOON, L.F. 1976 Pressure and velocity in a developing coaxial jet.
, 43–49.
Model for coaxial injector (fuel and oxidizer). Profiles
of mean velocity, turbulence intensity; entrainment. Geometry*, figure 1.
Mean velocity*, figures 4, 5. Static pressure*, figure 6. Reynolds stresses*,
figures 11, 12. Mean flowfield*, figure 18. Also paper at 11th JANNAF
Combustion Meeting, Pasadena, Sept. 1974?
3-D laser velocimeter investigation of turbulent, incompressible flow in an
axisymmetric sudden expansion. AIAA Paper 87-0119.
Decay*, figures 3,
4, 7.
NICKELS, T.B. and PERRY, A.E. 1996 An experimental and theo-
retical study of the turbulent coflowing jet. J. Fluid Mech.
, 157–182.
Geometry*, figures 1, 2. Velocity decay*, figure 4. Velocity*, figures 7, 8.
Survey*, table 1.
OWEN, F.K. 1975 Laser velocimeter measurements in free and con-
fined coaxial jets with recirculation. AIAA Paper 75-120.
Mean velocity*,
figures 5–7, 14. Reynolds stresses*, figure 9.
OWEN, F.K. 1976 Measurements and observations of turbulent re-
circulating jet flows. AIAA J.
, 1556–1562 (see also Laser velocimeter
measurements in free and confined coaxial jets with recirculation. AIAA
Paper 75–120).
Slow jet in fast stream. Frequency-biased LDV. Captive
toroidal eddy near nozzle exit. Some faired and unfaired data for mean
velocity, turbulence intensity. Streamlines*, figures 4, 8. Mean velocity*,
figures 3, 5, 7. Velocity decay*, figure 6.
PABST, O.E. 1960 Die Ausbreitung heisser Gasstrahlen in bewegter
Luft. Luftfahrttechnik
, 271–279.
See U&M 8004 for same data. Three
flows. Velocity*, figures 3, 5, etc. Temperature*, figures 4, 6, etc.
RAZINSKY, E. and BRIGHTON, J.A. 1971 Confined jet mixing for
nonseparating conditions. Trans. ASME (J. Basic Eng.)
, 333-347
(discussion, 347–349).
Long pipe of constant diameter. Profiles of mean
velocity, Reynolds stresses. Pressure*, figures 3, 4. Velocity*, figures 5–8,
30. Reynolds stresses*, figures 9–20.
REICHARDT, H. 1964 Turbulente Strahlausbreitung in gleichgericht-
eter Grundstr ̈omung. Forsch. Ing.-Wes.
, 133–139; longer version as Zur
Problematik der turbulenten Strahlausbreitung in einer Grundstr ̈omung,
Mitt. MPI und AVA, G ̈ottingen, Nr. 35, 1965.
Transition from strong jet to
linearized negative wake. Some cursory measurements of half width vs
for various ratios of jet to stream velocity. Geometry*, figure 1. Growth
rate*, figures 6, 9, 10. AR claims error in eq. 8; see MPI Mitt. 35.
REICHARDT, H. 1965 Zur Problematik der turbulenten Strahlaus-
breitung in einer Grundstr ̈omung. Mitt. MPI und AVA, Nr. 35.
tum*, figures 8, 9. Growth*, figure 10.
ROZENMAN, T. and WEINSTEIN, H. 1970 Recirculation patterns
in the initial region of coaxial jets. NASA CR-1595. See also Ph. D. Thesis,
Experimental investigation of recirculation patterns in the initial region of
coaxial jets, Ill. Inst. Tech., 1969, by T. Rozenman.
Jet of air or Freon 12
into faster air flow. Emphasis on development of recirculation bubble. Ge-
ometry*, figure 1. Velocity decay*, figure 7. Streamlines*, figure 11. Static
pressure*, figures 22, 23.
SMITH, D.J. and HUGHES, T. 1977 Some measurements in a tur-
bulent circular jet in the presence of a co-flowing free stream. Aeron. Quart.
, 185–196.
Velocity*, figures 1, 2. Reynolds stresses*, figures 6–12.
SO, R.M.C. and AHMED, S.A. 1984 Characteristics of confined tur-
bulent gas jets. In
Preprints, Ninth Symposium on Turbulence
, Dept. Chem.
Eng., Univ. Missouri (Rolla), Paper 16.
Velocity*, figures 7–11. Decay*, fig-
ures 4, 14. Reynolds stresses*, figures 16–26. Includes CO
, He jets into
STRYKOWSKI, P.J. and WILCOXON, R.K. 1992 Self-excitation and
mixing in axisymmetric jets with counterflow. AIAA Paper 92-0538.
ity decay*, figures 2, 5, 7, 14. Turbulence on axis*, figures 4, 6, 13.
SUZUKI, K., SUGA, K., OSHIKAWA, Y., and LEE, C.G. 1987 LDV
measurement of turbulence and test of turbulence models in a recirculating
flow. In
Preprints, Sixth Symposium on Turbulent Shear Flows
, Toulouse,
Paper 15.4.
Velocity*, figure 4a. Reynolds stresses*, figure 4c.
TANI, I. and KOBASHI, Y. 1951 Experimental studies on compound
jets. In
Proc. First Japan National Congress for Applied Mechanics
, 465–
Round air jet in moving air stream; profiles of mean velocity, turbulent
stresses; spectra; growth rate. Velocity decay*, figure 1. Mean velocity*,
figure 2. Growth rate*, figure 3. Reynolds stresses*, figure 4.
TATAR, T.G. and STOCK, D.E. 1984 Measurements in a circular,
two-dimensional self-preserving turbulent jet. In
Preprints, Ninth Sympo-
sium on Turbulence
, Dept. Chem. Eng., Univ. Missouri (Rolla), Paper 13.
Velocity*, figure 5. Reynolds stresses*, figure 6.
WARPINSKI, N.R., NAGIB, H.M., and LAVAN, Z. 1972 Experimen-
tal investigation of recirculating cells in laminar coaxial jets. AIAA J.
Standing axially symmetric vortex. Smoke pictures, boundaries
for various regimes (
). Cell formation*, figure 5. Velocity on
axis*, figure 9.
1954 Acharya, thesis, Delft
1959 Burley and Bryant, NASA 12-21-58E
Round jet with swirl
Major surveys and theory
HWANG, W.-S. and CHWANG, A.T. 1992 The swirling round lam-
inar jet. J. Engineering Mathematics
, 339–348.
WYGNANSKI, I. 1970 Swirling axisymmetric laminar jet. Phys. Flu-
, 2455–2460 (also Boeing BSRL Rep. D1-82-0741, 1968).
Nice gener-
alization of exact Squire-Landau solution to flow with swirl. Wall at arbi-
trary angle (useful for check on validity of boundary-layer approximation).
Numerical methods required. All velocities decrease like
. Geometry*,
figure 1. Velocity*, figures 2.5. Temperature*, figure 6. Others.
Experimental data
CHERVINSKY, A. and CHIGIER, N.A. 1966 On similarity of ax-
isymmetrical swirling jets. Dept. Aeron. Eng., Technion – Israel Institute of
Technology, TAE Rep. No. 52.
Velocity*, figure 1.
CHIGIER, N.A. and BEER, J.M. 1964 Velocity and static-pressure
distributions in swirling air jets from annular and divergent nozzles. Trans.
ASME (J. Basic Eng.)
, 788–796.
Mean velocity*, figures 4, 5, 7.
Growth rate, velocity decay*, figures 8, 9.
CHIGIER, N.A. and CHERVINSKY, A. 1966 Experimental and the-
oretical study of turbulent swirling jets issuing from a round orifice. Israel
J. Technology
, 44–54.
Velocity*, figures 2, 3, 4. Growth*, figure 9.
CHIGIER, N.A. and CHERVINSKY, A. 1967 Experimental investi-
gation of swirling vortex motion in jets. Trans. ASME (J. Appl. Mech.)
443–451; also Technion-Israel Inst. Tech., Dept. Aero. Eng., TAE Rep. 53,
Round air jet with full range of swirl into air at rest. Profiles of
mean axial and tangential velocity; axial decay, including static pressure on
axis; growth rate; occurrence of reversed flow. Good paper. Geometry*, fig-
ure 2. Mean velocity*, figures 3, 4, 5. Static pressure*, figures 6, 9. Velocity
decay*, figures 7, 8.
CRAYA, A. and DARRIGOL, M. 1967 Turbulent swirling jet. Phys.
, Supplement, Boundary Layers and Turbulence, S197–S199.
varies from weak to strong. Profiles of mean velocity, circulation, Reynolds
stress, thermal fluctuations. Very brief report. Mean velocity*, figure 1.
Reynolds stresses*, figures 4, 5.
surements in turbulent swirling flow through an abrupt axisymmetric expan-
sion. AIAA J.
, 669–681.
Pipe flow. Profiles of mean velocity; Reynolds
stresses. Flow reversal occurs. Looks clumsy. This is Ph. D. thesis by
Dellenback, Arizona State, 1986. Velocity*, figures 3–8, 9.
ELSNER, J.W. and DROBNIAK, S. 1983 Turbulence structure in
swirling jets. In
Structure of Complex Turbulent Shear Flow
(R. Duman
and L. Fulachier, eds.), Springer-Verlag, 219–228.
Mean velocity*, figure 3.
Decay*, figure 4. Energy balance.
ELSNER, J.W. and KURZAK, L. 1989 Semi-preserving development
of a slightly heated free swirling jet. J. Fluid Mech.
, 237–255.
figures 2, 3. Decay*, figures 4, 6. Reynolds stresses*, figures 10–14.
FAROKHI, S., TAGHAVI, R., and RICE, E.J. 1988 Effect of initial
tangential velocity distribution on the mean evolution of a swirling turbulent
free jet. In
Proc. First National Fluid Dynamics Congress
, AIAA, Vol. 2,
947–954 (Paper 88-3592).
Decay*, figure 13.
FAROKHI, S., TAGHAVI, R., and RICE, E.J. 1989 Effect of initial
swirl distribution on the evolution of a turbulent jet. AIAA J.
, 700–706.
Velocity*, figures 9, 10. Pressure*, figure 13.
GRANDMAISON, E.W. and BECKER, H.A. 1977 Turbulent mixing
in free swirling jets. In
Preprints, Symposium on Turbulent Shear Flows
Pennsylvania State Univ., 2.1–2.9. See also Ph. D. Thesis, Queen’s Univ.,
Kingston, Dept. Chem. Eng., 1975, by E.W. Grandmaison (same title).
atively large Reynolds number; light scattering from smoke. Profiles of rms
concentration fluctuations; contours of mean concentration with recircula-
tion; centerline decay; growth rate; spectra. Concentration decay*, figure 1.
Growth rate*, figure 2. Reynolds stresses*, figure 10.
KERR, N.M. and FRASER, D. 1965 Swirl. Part I. Effect on axisym-
metrical jets. Part II. Effect on flame performance and the modelling of
swirling flames. J. Inst. Fuel
, 519–538 (Part II by N.M. Kerr).
but useful. Geometry*, figure 1. Mean velocity*, figure 6. Growth rate*,
figures 7, 9.
MATHUR, M.L. and MacCALLUM, N.R.L. 1967 Swirling air jets is-
suing from vane swirlers. Part 1. Free jets. J. Inst. Fuel
, 214–225.
good. Swirl*, figure 11. Decay*, figures 12, 13. Growth*, figure 17.
MATHUR, M.L. and MacCALLUM, N.R.L. 1967 Swirling air jets is-
suing from vane swirlers. Part 2. Enclosed jets. J. Inst. Fuel
, 238–245.
Annular or coaxial jets into chamber of square cross section for various swirl
values. Shape of recirculation region; faired profiles of axial and tangential
mean velocity; wall pressure; decay of tracer; concentration along axis. Ve-
locity*, figure 2.
PRATTE, B.D. and KEFFER, J.F. 1972 The swirling turbulent jet.
Trans. ASME (J. Basic Eng.)
, 739–748 (see also Ph. D. thesis by
Swirling turbulent jets
,” Dept. Mech. Eng., Univ. Toronto, 1968).
by B.D. Pratte.
Jet with moderate swirl. Profiles of mean axial and tan-
gential velocities, Reynolds stresses; growth rate, evolution on axis; a few
spectra. Argument about
decay for axial and swirl velocities.
Geometry*, figure 1. Growth rate*, figure 2. Mean velocity*, figures 3, 4.
Reynolds stresses*, figures 5, 6. Velocity decay*, figure 8, Static pressure*,
figures 10, 11.
ROSE, W.G. 1962 A swirling round turbulent jet. I. Mean-flow mea-
surements. Trans. ASME (J. Appl. Mech.)
, 615–625.
Round air jet
from stationary or rotating pipe into air at rest; profiles of mean axial, radial,
and tangential velocities; centerline decay; turbulence intensity. Good paper;
probably thesis; what is Part II? Aero annex. Mean velocity*, figures 10–24.
Reynolds stresses*, figures 10–12. Velocity decay*, figure 32.
ROSE, W.G. 1962 Generation of a ”strongly” swirling jet and pre-
liminary experiments on the effect of its development of initial swirl distri-
bution. JHU, Dept. of Mechanics, AFOSR Rep. 2552.
Approach to orifice
is along a rotating annulus of large diameter. Some data on axial decay of
mean velocity and pressure. Problems with instability due to rotation. Ge-
ometry*, figure 1. Velocity decay*, figure 5. Reynolds stresses*, figure 6.
Static pressure*, figure 7.
ROSE, W.G. 1962 Generation of a ”strongly” swirling jet. Dept. Me-
chanics, Johns Hopkins Univ., Rep. No. AFOSR 2552.
Decay*, figures 5, 6.
Static pressure*, figure 7.
SAMET, M. and EINAV, S. 1988 Mean value measurements of a tur-
bulent swirling-jet. AIAA J.
, 619–621.
Profiles of mean velocity. Veloc-
ity*, figures 2–4.
SISLIAN, J.P. and CUSWORTH, R.A. 1984 Laser Doppler velocime-
try measurements of mean velocity and turbulent stress tensor components
in a free isothermal swirling jet. Inst. Aerospace Studies, Univ. Toronto,
UTIAS Rep. No. 281.
No swirl*, figures 5–18.
SISLIAN, J.P. and CUSWORTH, R.A. 1986 Measurements of mean
velocity and turbulent intensities in a free isothermal swirling jet. AIAA J.
, 303–309.
Probably thesis by Cusworth. See UTIAS Rep. 281, 1984.
1986 Robinson et al, UTIAS 308
1988 Takagi et al, TPTF, 851
Round jet with different gases
Major surveys and theory
CHASSAING, P., HARRAN, G., and JOLY, L. 1994 Density fluc-
tuation correlations in free turbulent binary mixing. J. Fluid Mech.
Growth rate*, velocity decay*, figures 2, 3. Velocity*, figure 5.
Reynolds stresses*, figure 6.
COHEN, N.S. 1966 A correlation of the spread and decay of turbulent
free jets. AIAA J.
, 929–930.
Experimental data
ALPINIERI, L.J. 1964 Turbulent mixing of coaxial jets. AIAA J.
BALLAL, D.R. and CHEN, T.H. 1987 Investigations of a CO
jet using an integrated Raman-LDA system. AIAA Paper 87–0377.
velocity, concentration*, figure 6.
BALLAL, D.R. and CHEN, T.H. 1987 Effects of freestream turbu-
lence on the development of a CO
round jet. AIAA Paper 87–1382.
figure 3A. Growth*, figure 4.
1978 The turbulent concentration field of a methane jet. J. Fluid Mech.
, 431–449.
Growth, decay*, figures 5, 6. Reynolds stresses*, figures 7, 11.
Concentration*, figure 10.
1986 Simultaneous velocity and concentration measurements of turbulent
jet flows. In
Preprints, Tenth Symposium on Turbulence
, Dept. Chem. Eng.,
Univ. Missouri (Rolla), Paper 52.
Growth, decay*, figures 5, 6.
L. 1996 Velocity turbulence properties in the near-field region of axisym-
metric variable density jets. Phys. Fluids
, 1614–1630.
Velocity decay*,
growth rate*, figure 2. Velocity*, figure 3. Reynolds stresses*, figure 14.
DONALDSON, C. duP. and GRAY, K.E. 1966 Theoretical and ex-
perimental investigation of the compressible free mixing of two dissimilar
gases. AIAA J.
, 2017–2025.
Subsonic and supersonic round jets of he-
lium, methane, nitrogen, carbon dioxide, and freon into stagnant air; decay
of mean velocity on centerline. Also ARAP Rep No 66, 1965? Geome-
try*, figure 1. Velocity decay*, figure 3. Entrainment*, figure 8. Mixing*,
figure 9.
KEAGY, W.R., WELLER, A.E., REED, F.A., and REID, W.T. 1949
Mixing in inhomogeneous gas jets. RAND Corp., Project RAND, Rep. R-
Velocity, concentration*, figures 4, 5, 6.
LENZE, B. 1976 Der Einfluss der Reynoldszahl auf den Verlauf der
Geschwindigkeiten und Konzentrationen von Freistrahlen unterschiedlicher
Dichte. Forsch. im Ingenieurwesen
, 184–186.
Jets of H
, methane, CO
air. Mean velocity and concentration on axis; growth rate. Velocity, concen-
tration decay*, figures 2, 4, 5, 6. Growth rate*, figure 3.
PANCHAPAKESAN, N.R. and LUMLEY, J.L. 1993 Turbulence mea-
surements in axisymmetric jets of air and helium. Part 2. Helium jet. J.
Fluid Mech.
, 225–247.
Density*, figure 8. Velocity*, figure 9. Concen-
tration*, figure 10. Reynolds stresses*, figures 14, 15, 16. Energy balance.
RAGSDALE, R.G. and EDWARDS, O.J. 1965 Data comparisons and
photographic observations of coaxial mixing of dissimilar gases at nearly
equal stream velocities. NASA TN D-3131.
Bromine jet into moving air
at low Reynolds number. Centerline decay. Rudimentary; useful only for
photos. Velocity decay*, figure 5. Flow viz*, figure 7.
SAUTET, J.C. and STEPOWSKI, D. 1995 Dynamic behavior of vari-
able-density, turbulent jets in their near development fields. Phys. Fluids
Geometry*, figure 1. Velocity*, figure 4. Growth rate*, figure 5.
Survey, table II. Reynolds stresses*, figure 9.
TOMBACH, I.H. 1969 Velocity measurements with a new probe in
inhomogeneous turbuelnt jets. Ph. D. thesis, CIT (see also I. Tombach,
“An evaluation of the heat pulse anemometer for velocity measurement in
inhomogeneous turbulent flow”, Rev. Sci. Instr.
, 141–148, 1973.
jet of He into air, SF
, etc.; profiles of mean velocity; turbulence intensity on
axis; growth rate; velocity from transit time for heat pulse. Shadowgraphs.
Mean velocity*, figure 10. Reynolds stresses*, figures 10, 12, 13. Growth
rate*, figure 11.
TRENTACOSTE, N.P. and SFORZA, P.M. 1970 Studies in homog-
neous and nonhomogeneous free turbulent jets. AIAA Paper 70-130.
cay*, figures 6, 16. Growth rate, figures 8, 18. Mean velocity*, figure 22.
WILSON, R.A.M. and DANCKWERTS, P.V. 1964 Studies in turbu-
lent mixing—II. A hot-air jet. Chem. Eng. Sci.
, 885–895.
Heated round
jet. Temperature width, decay. Profile of temperature fluctuations; value on
axis. Comments on effect of resolving power of probe. Temperature decay*,
figure 2. Temperature fluctuations*, figures 5, 7, 8.
ZAKKAY, V., KRAUSE, E., and WOO, S.D.L. 1964 Turbulent trans-
port properties for axisymmetric heterogeneous mixing. U.S. Air Force,
Office of Aerospace Research, Rep. ARL 64-103.
Profiles of velocity, con-
centration. Some flows supersonic.
ZHU, J.Y., SO, R.M.C., and OTUGEN, M.V. 1988 Turbulent mass
flux measurements in a binary gas jet. In
Preprints, AIAA/ASME/SIAM/
APS First National Fluid Dynamics Congress
, AIAA, Part 3, 2051–2058.
Profiles*, figures 4–7.
1966 Fan and Brooks, PASCE (JHD)
, 423
1991 Riva et al, Adv Turb
, 227
Jets with odd shapes
Major surveys and theory
BROWN, E.F., HUANG, S.L., MUTTER, T.B., and BLAIR, J.R. 1994
Entrainment in elliptical jets: numerical and theoretical results. In
Seventh ONR Propulsion Meeting
, S.U.N.Y. Buffalo, Dept. Mech. and
Aerosp. Eng., 222–232.
Eigen functions*, figures 2–4, 7.
GRINSTEIN, F.F. 1994 Dynamics and topology of non-axisymmetric
jets. In
Proc. Seventh ONR Propulsion Meeting
, S.U.N.Y. Buffalo, Dept.
Mech. and Aerosp. Eng., 216–221.
Numerical. Vortex-ring fission. Vor-
tices*, figures 1, 2. CFD flow viz*, figures 4, 5.
GRINSTEIN, F.F. and DeVORE, C.R. 1996 Dynamics of coherent
structures and transition to turbulence in free square jets. Phys. Fluids
CFD flow viz*, figure 2.
HUSSAIN, A.K.M.F. and HUSAIN, H.S. 1988 Passive and active con-
trol of jet turbulence. In
Turbulence Management and Relaminarisation
(H.W. Liepmann and R. Narasimha, eds.), Springer-Verlag, 445–457.
KIYA, M. and ISHII, H. 1991 Deformation and splitting of pseudo-
elliptical vortex rings. In
Advances in Turbulence 3
(A.V. Johansson and
P.H. Alfredsson, eds.), Springer-Verlag, 52–60.
Numerical. Splitting*, figure
1989 Initial development of noncircular jets leading to axis switching. AIAA
, 411–419.
Numerical work with eigenvalues. Growth rate*, figure 12.
RAJARATNAM, N. and SUBRAMANYA, K. 1967 Three-dimensional
free jets. J. Royal Aeron. Soc.
, 858–859.
Other people’s data. Scatter in
decay law reduced by using nozzle area/perimeter as length scale. Decay*,
figures 1, 2.
SFORZA, P.M. 1969 A quasi-axisymmetric approximation for turbu-
lent, three-dimensional jets and wakes. AIAA J.
, 1380–1383.
Useful point
of view.
Experimental data
Structure of three-dimensional turbulent jets. Fluid Dyn.
, 884–889 (Izv.
AN SSSR, Mekh. Zhidk. i Gaza, No. 6, 13–21, 1975).
Rectangular and
obliquely cut circular nozzles. Profiles of mean velocity, turbulence intensity,
Reynolds stress. Mean velocity*, figure 1.
AUSTIN, T. and HO, C.M. 1992 Controlled entrainment in a 2:1
aspect-ratio subsonic elliptic nozzle. AIAA Paper 92-0537.
Growth rate*,
figure 5.
FUJITA, S. and OSAKA, H. 1990 Effect of aspect ratios on potential
core length for cruciform jet. In
Engineering Turbulence Modelling and
(W. Rodi and E.N. Ganic, eds.), Elsevier, 477–486.
figures 1, 2. Velocity*, figure 5.
GRINSTEIN, F.F., GUTMARK, E., and PARR, T. 1995 Numerical
and experimental study of the near field of subsonic, free square jets. AIAA
Paper 94-0660.
Crossover*, figure 10.
GRINSTEIN, F.F., GUTMARK, E., and PARR, T. 1995 Near field
dynamics of subsonic free square jets. A computational and experimental
study. Phys. Fluids
, 1483–1497.
(Preliminary version, same authors, is
”Numerical and experimental study of the near field of subsonic, free square
jets.” AIAA Paper 94-0660, 1994).
WILSON, K.J. 1985 The mean and turbulent structure of noncircular
jets. AIAA Paper 86-0543.
Velocity*, figures 2, 3, 4.
HO, C.-M. and GUTMARK, E. 1987 Vortex induction and mass en-
trainment in a small-aspect-ratio elliptic jet. J. Fluid Mech.
, 383–405.
Velocity*, figures 2, 3, 6. Decay, figure 4. Reynolds stresses*, figures 18–25.
HUSAIN, H.S. 1984 An experimental investigation of unexcited and
excited elliptic jets. Ph. D. thesis, Dept. Mech. Eng., Univ. Houston.
HUSAIN, H.S. and HUSSAIN, A.K.M.F. 1983 Controlled excitation
of elliptic jets. Phys. Fluids
, 2763–2766.
HUSAIN, H.S. and HUSSAIN, A.K.M.F. 1985 Excited elliptic jets.
AIAA Paper 85-0544.
Reynolds stresses*, figures 2–7.
HUSAIN, H.S. and HUSSAIN, F. 1991 Elliptic jets. Part 2. Dynam-
ics of coherent structures: pairing. J. Fluid Mech.
, 439–482.
try*, figure 7b.
HUSAIN, H.S. and HUSSAIN, F. 1993 Elliptic jets. Part 3. Dynam-
ics of preferred mode coherent structure. J. Fluid Mech.
, 315–361.
Vorticity*, figure 10.
HUSSAIN, A.K.M.F. and HUSAIN, H.S. 1988 Passive and active con-
trol of jet turbulence. In
Turbulence Management and Relaminarisation
(H.W. Liepmann and R. Narasimha, eds.), Springer-Verlag, 445–457.
on elliptic jet. Flow viz*, figures 1, 2, 5. Growth*, figure 3.
HUSSAIN, A.K.M.F. and HUSAIN, H.S. 1989 Elliptic jets. Part 1.
Characteristics of unexcited and excited jets. J. Fluid Mech.
, 257–320.
Growth*, figures 4, 14, 36. Decay*, figures 6, 16, 36. Reynolds stresses*,
figures 11, 12, 17, 29, 30, 31, 37.
MARSTERS, G.F. 1977 Mean velocity and turbulence measurements
in flows of cruciform jets. In
Proc. Fifth Biennial Symposium on Turbulence
(G.L. Patterson and J.L. Zakin, eds.), Univ. Missouri (Rolla), 393–401.
figuration recommended for enhancement of mixing. Data on mean veloc-
ity, Reynolds stresses. Geometry*, figures 1, 4. 3-D view*, figures 5–8.
Mean velocity*, figure 13. Velocity decay*, figure 16. Reynolds stresses*,
figures 14, 15.
MARSTERS, G.F. 1979 The effects of upstream nozzle shaping on
incompressible turbulent flows from rectangular nozzles. Trans. Canadian
Soc. Mech. Eng.
, 197–203.
Contours of total pressure; profiles of mean
velocity, Reynolds stress. Least uniform flow is for sharp-edged nozzle. Ge-
ometry*, figure 1. 3-D view*, figure 2. Mean velocity*, figure 3. Isovels*,
figure 4. Turbulence contours*, figures 7–10.
MARSTERS, G.F. 1981 Spanwise velocity distribution in jets from
rectangular slots. AIAA J.
, 148–152.
Emphasis on excess velocity near
ends of nozzle. Decay on centerline; contour plots of mean and fluctuating
velocity; some correlations. Isovels*, figure 1. Velocity decay*, figure 2.
QUINN, W. 1989 The turbulent free jet issuing from a sharp-edged
elliptical slot. AIAA Paper 89-0664.
Velocity*, figures 5, 6. Decay*, figure
4. Axis exchange*, figure 7. Reynolds stresses*, figures 9–18.
QUINN, W.R. 1989 On mixing in an elliptic turbulent free jet. Phys.
, 1716–1722.
Velocity decay*, figure 3. Growth rate*, figure 5.
Reynolds stresses*, figures 6–9.
QUINN, W.R. 1989 On the development of a turbulent free triangular
jet. In
Tenth Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference
, Univ. Melbourne,
Vol. 1, 1.21–1.24.
Decay*, figure 2. Velocity*, figure 3c, others.
QUINN, W.R. 1990 Mean flow and turbulence measurements in a
triangular turbulent free jet. Int’l. J. Heat and Fluid Flow
, 220–224.
Growth, decay*, figure 3. Isovels*, figure 4.
QUINN, W.R. 1992 Streamwise evolution of a square jet cross sec-
tion. AIAA J.
, 2852–2857.
Velocity contours*, figure 2.
SFEIR, A.A. 1976 The velocity and temperature fields of rectangular
jets. Int’l. J. Heat Mass Transf.
, 1289–1297.
Aspect ratio of 10, 20,
30. Profiles of mean velocity, mean temperature. Axial decay, growth rate
(showing interchange of axes). Table 1*. Velocity decay*, figure 1. Mean
velocity*, mean temperature, figures 3, 4.
SFEIR, A.A. 1979 Investigation of three-dimensional turbulent rect-
angular jets. AIAA J.
, 1055–1060.
Same as IJHMT
, 1976? Ge-
ometry*, figure 1. Velocity decay*, figure 2. Growth rate*, figure 3. Mean
velocity*, figures 4, 5. Reynolds stresses*, figures 6, 7.
SFORZA, P.M. and STASI, W. 1979 Heated three-dimensional tur-
bulent jets. Trans. ASME (J. Heat Transf.)
, 353–358.
Velocity and
temperature decay, crossover; profiles of mean velocity, mean temperature;
contours of constant mass flux. Decay*, figures 4, 5. Growth*, figures 7–9,
13, 14. Velocity*, temperature, figures 10–12.
ies on three-dimensional viscous jets. AIAA J.
, 800–806.
elliptical, and triangular nozzles. Velocity decay, growth rate. Profiles of
mean velocity. See ref 16 (PIBAL Rep. 858 and 871) for data in more de-
tail. Decay*, figures 2, 3. Growth*, figures 7, 8, 9. Velocity*, figures 5,
TRENTACOSTE, N. and SFORZA, P. 1967 Further experimental re-
sults for three-dimensional free jets. AIAA J.
, 885–891.
Further to Sforza,
Steiger, and Trentacoste. Geometry*, figure 1. Velocity decay*, figures 2,
3. Growth rate*, figures 5, 6. Mean velocity*, figure 7.
TRENTACOSTE, N. and SFORZA, P.M. 1968 Some remarks on three-
dimensional wakes and jets. AIAA J.
, 2454–2456.
Geometry*, figure 1.
1993 Samimy et al, AIAA J
, 609
1994 Zaman et al, PF
, 778 (No 2, Part 2)
Multiple round jets
Major surveys and theory
Experimental data
ALEXANDER, L.G., BARON, T., and COMINGS, E.W. 1950 Trans-
port of momentum, mass, and heat in turbulent jets. Eng. Exp. Sta, Univ.
Ill., Tech. Rep. No. 8 (summary report). Revised as EES Bull. 413, 1953.
Summary of work by Taylor, Polomik, Grimmett. Geometry*, figure 17.
Mean velocity*, figure 18. Dual nozzles*, figure 19.
UCHEMANN, D. 1949 Jet diffusion in proximity of a wall. NACA
TM 1214 (translation of ZWB U&M 3057, 1943).
Velocity*, figures 2–9,
PIMENTA, M. and MOFFAT, R.J. 1974 Stability of flow through
porous plates: coalescent jets effect. AIAA J.
, 1438–1440.
For external
fluid at rest, instability appears above a critical velocity, but with hysteresis;
does not appear for moving external stream.
RAGHUNATHAN, S. and REID, I.M. 1981 A study of multiple jets.
, 124–127.
Small supersonic jets equally spaced on circle with
fixed overall mass flow. Thrust; profiles of mean velocity; axial decay. Mo-
mentum is not conserved (!). Noise reduction up to 10 db. Mean velocity*,
figure 1. Velocity decay*, figure 2. Growth rate*, figure 3. Momentum
balance*, figure 4.
1950 Sloop and Morrell, NACA E9I21
Transition of round jet
Major surveys and theory
BRANCHER, P., CHOMAZ, J.M., and HUERRE, P. 1994 Direct nu-
merical simulations of round jets: vortex induction and side jets. Phys.
, 1768–1774.
GEURST, J.A. 1986 Momentum-flux condition for Landau-Squire jet
flow. Zeitschr. f ̈ur angewandte Mathematik und Physik
, 666–672.
LANDAU, L. 1944 A new exact solution of Navier-Stokes equations.
C. R. (Doklady) Acad. Sci. URSS
, 286–288.
Point momentum source;
comments on effects of finite size for source.
PILLOW, A.F. and PAULL, R. 1985 Conically similar viscous flows.
Part 1. Basic conservation principles and characterization of axial causes in
swirl-free flow. J. Fluid Mech.
, 327–341.
SQUIRE, H.B. 1951 The round laminar jet. Quart. J. Mech. Appl.
, 321–329.
Seminal paper. Includes heated case. Streamlines*,
figures 1–3. Isotherms*, figure 4.
SQUIRE, H.B. 1952 Some viscous fluid flow problems. I: Jet emerg-
ing from a hole in a plane wall. Phil. Mag. (7)
, 942–945.
modifies streamlines compared to slip boundary condition. Displacement ef-
fect increases near axis. Streamlines*, figures 1–3.
Experimental data
ANDRADE, E.N. da C. and TSIEN, L.C. 1937 The velocity distri-
bution in a liquid-into-liquid jet. Proc. Phys. Soc. London
, 381–390
(discussion 391).
Laminar round jet, experimental. Velocity*, figures 4, 5.
BECKER, H.A. and MASSARO, T.A. 1968 Vortex evolution in a
round jet. J. Fluid Mech.
, 435–448, 3 plates.
Varicose instability. Reso-
nance*, figure 3. Strouhal number*, figure 8. Flow viz*, figures 2, 5, 7.
BROZE, G.and HUSSAIN, F. 1994 Nonlinear dynamics of forced tran-
sitional jets: periodic and chaotic attractors. J. Fluid Mech.
, 93–132.
Contributions on the mechanics of laminar-turbulent transition of jet flow.
Hermann F ̈ottinger-Institut f ̈ur Str ̈omungstechnik, Technische Universit ̈at
Berlin-Charlottenburg, final report, Contract No. AF 61(514)-808.
drical mixing layer at edge of round air jet into stagnant air, with thin noz-
zle boundary layers; profiles of mean velocity, fluctuation intensity; Strouhal
number. Frequency*, figure 14.
LIEPMANN, D. 1991 Streamwise vorticity and entrainment in the
near field of a round jet. Phys. Fluids
, Part 2, 1179–1185.
Flow viz*,
figures 1–3.
MEIBURG, E., LASHERAS, J.C., and MARTIN, J.E. 1989 Experi-
mental and numerical analysis of the three-dimensional evolution of an ax-
isymmetric jet. In
Preprints, Seventh Symposium on Turbulent Shear Flows
Stanford Univ., Paper 3-1.
Instability*, figures 2–7.
PETERSEN, R.A., SAMET, M.M., and LONG, T.A. 1988 Excita-
tion of azimuthal model in an axisymmetric jet. In
Turbulence Management
and Relaminarisation
(H.W. Liepmann and R. Narasimha, eds.), Springer-
Verlag, 435–443.
Instability*, figures 3, 5.
REYNOLDS, A.J. 1962 Observations of a liquid-into-liquid jet. J.
Fluid Mech.
, 552–556.
Round jet. Breakdown*, figure 3.
OHM, H. 1987 The recircula-
tory flow induced by a laminar axisymmetric jet issuing from a wall. Trans.
ASME (J. Fluids Eng.)
, 237–241.
Similar to Zauner in JFM. Stream-
lines*, figures 2, 4, 5.
SYMONS, E.P. and LABUS, T.L. 1971 Experimental investigation
of an axisymmetric fully developed laminar free jet. NASA TN D-6304.
Laminar circular jet at
from 250 to 1840 to
= 25
. Growth rate,
centerline decay. Profiles of mean velocity. Growth, decay*, figures 10, 11–
13. Velocity*, figure 8.
TONG, C. and WARHAFT, Z. 1994 Turbulence suppression in a jet
by means of a fine ring. Phys. Fluids
, 328–333.
Geometry*, figure 1.
Velocity decay*, figures 2, 7. Centerline data*, figures 3, 7.
TUCKER, H.J. and ISLAM, S.M.N. 1986 Development of axisym-
metric laminar to turbulent free jets from initially parabolic profiles. Trans.
ASME (J. Fluids Eng.)
, 321–324.
Combination of numerical and ex-