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Phosphorylation of Synaptic GTPase-activating Protein
(synGAP) by Polo-Like Kinase (Plk2) alters the Ratio of Its GAP
Activity toward HRas, Rap1 and Rap2 GTPases
Ward G. Walkup 4th
Michael J. Sweredoski
Robert L. Graham
Sonja Hess
B. Kennedy
Division of Biology and Biological Engineering, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA
Current affiliation: De Novo Discovery, FogPharma, Cambridge, MA
Proteome Exploration Laboratory of the Beckman Institute, California Institute of Technology,
Pasadena, CA 91125
Current affiliation: Institute of Cancer Sciences, Faculty of Medical and Human Sciences,
University of Manchester, UK M13 9PL
Current affiliation: Antibody Discovery and Protein Engineering, MedImmune, Gaithersburg, MD
SynGAP is a Ras and Rap GTPase-activating protein (GAP) found in high concentration in the
postsynaptic density (PSD) fraction from mammalian forebrain where it binds to PDZ domains of
PSD-95. Phosphorylation of pure recombinant synGAP by Ca
/calmodulin-dependent protein
kinase II (CaMKII) shifts the balance of synGAP’s GAP activity toward inactivation of Rap1;
whereas phosphorylation by cyclin-dependent kinase 5 (CDK5) has the opposite effect, shifting
the balance toward inactivation of HRas. These shifts in balance contribute to regulation of the
numbers of surface AMPA receptors, which rise during synaptic potentiation (CaMKII) and fall
during synaptic scaling (CDK5). Polo-like kinase 2 (Plk2/SNK), like CDK5, contributes to
synaptic scaling. These two kinases act in concert to reduce the number of surface AMPA
receptors following elevated neuronal activity by tagging
Rap-specific GAP
protein (SPAR) for degradation, thus raising the level of activated Rap. Here we show that Plk2
also phosphorylates and regulates synGAP. Phosphorylation of synGAP by Plk2 stimulates its
GAP activity toward HRas by 65%, and toward Rap1 by 16%. Simultaneous phosphorylation of
synGAP by Plk2 and CDK5 at distinct sites produces an additive increase in GAP activity toward
HRas (~230%) and a smaller, non-additive increase in activity toward Rap1 (~15%). Dual
Corresponding author. Division of Biology and Biological Engineering 216-76, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA,
USA 91125, wwalkup@alumni.caltech.edu (W.G. Walkup 4th).
Appendix A. Supplementary Data
Supplementary data related to this article is attached as a separate document.
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Biochem Biophys Res Commun
. Author manuscript; available in PMC 2021 February 19.
Published in final edited form as:
Biochem Biophys Res Commun
. 2018 September 10; 503(3): 1599–1604. doi:10.1016/
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phosphorylation also produces an increase in GAP activity toward Rap2 (~40–50%), an effect not
produced by either kinase alone. As we previously observed for CDK5, addition of Ca
causes a substrate-directed doubling of the rate and stoichiometry of phosphorylation of synGAP
by Plk2, targeting residues also phosphorylated by CaMKII. In summary, phosphorylation by
Plk2, like CDK5, shifts the ratio of GAP activity of synGAP to produce a greater decrease in
active Ras than in active Rap, which would produce a shift toward a decrease in the number of
surface AMPA receptors in neuronal dendrites.
synaptic plasticity; synaptic scaling; postsynaptic density; synaptic GTPase activating protein
(synGAP); cyclin-dependent kinase 5 (CDK5); polo-like kinase 2 (Plk2)
1. Introduction
The post synaptic density (PSD) of neurons harbors several cytosolic signaling complexes
that are associated with glutamate receptors at the postsynaptic membrane of excitatory
synapses [
]. synGAP, a dual Ras and Rap GTPase Activating Protein (GAP), is unusually
highly concentrated in the PSD of excitatory synapses [
]. It binds tightly to the PDZ
domains of PSD-95 [
] which serves to position it in close proximity to NMDA-type and
AMPA-type glutamate receptors (NMDARs and AMPARs, respectively), and allows it to
regulate the composition of the PSD by restricting binding of other proteins to PSD-95 [
SynGAP stimulates the intrinsic GTPase activity of Rap ~100-fold and that of Ras, which
has a higher intrinsic rate, about 3 to 7-fold [
]. Stimulation of Ras and Rap by various
signaling pathways [
] modulates AMPAR trafficking in opposite directions, with active
Ras increasing insertion (exocytosis) of AMPARs at the dendritic membrane, while active
Rap increases their removal (endocytosis) [
Activation of NMDARs in cultured CNS neurons leads to phosphorylation of synGAP by
]. We showed that a recombinant, purified, soluble synGAP-
1 that lacks
102 residues at the N terminus (r-synGAP) can be expressed in soluble form and
phosphorylated by purified Ca
/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II (CaMKII) and
cyclin-dependent kinase 5 (CDK5) [
]. Phosphorylation by CaMKII accelerates the rate of
inactivation of Rap1 more potently than the rate of inactivation of HRas, whereas
phosphorylation by CDK5 has the opposite effect [
Within postsynaptic spines, Spine-associated RapGAP (SPAR), also regulates Rap [
SPAR acts differently than synGAP because it stimulates the activity of Rap2 more potently
than Rap1. CDK5 and polo-like kinase 2 (Plk2/SNK) act in concert to regulate SPAR;
CDK5 primes phosphorylation by Plk2, ultimately tagging SPAR for degradation [
During homeostatic down-regulation of synapses, loss of SPAR activity increases the steady-
state level of active Rap, thus increasing endocytosis of surface AMPA receptors.
We previously showed that Plk2 phosphorylation of r-synGAP decreases its affinity for
PSD-95 [
] and that CDK5 phosphorylation of r-synGAP accelerates its HRas GAP activity
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]. Here we extend those studies by examining the effect of phosphorylation by Plk2 on
GAP activity of r-synGAP and the effect of simultaneous phosphorylation of r-synGAP by
Plk2 and CDK5. We determine the location and stoichiometry of Plk2 phosphorylation sites
in r-synGAP, and the effect of their phosphorylation on HRas and Rap1/Rap2 GAP activity.
We show that, as for CDK5, the addition of Ca
/CaM produces a substrate-directed
increase in phosphorylation. Finally, we show that simultaneous phosphorylation by CDK5
and Plk2 results in a large additive increase in GAP activity toward HRas and a much
smaller increase in GAP activity toward both Rap1 and Rap2.
2. Materials and Methods
2.1 Expression and Purification of Recombinant Proteins.
R-synGAP, residues 103–1293 in synGAP A1
1 (118–1308 in synGAP A2-
1), and full
length HRas, Rap1B and Rap2A were purified as previously described [
]. We used synGAP
isoform names and residue numbering from ref. [
] with all residue numbering
corresponding to synGAP A1-
2.2 Stoichiometry and Rate of R-synGAP or
-casein Phosphorylation by Plk2.
R-synGAP (286 nM) or dephosphorylated
-casein (3.7 μM) from bovine milk (Sigma-
Aldrich) was phosphorylated with 110 nM Plk2 (Life Technologies). Phosphorylated
proteins were detected and calculation of the stoichiometry of phosphorylation was
performed as described in [
2.3 Phosphorylation of R-synGAP by Plk2 or CDK5 for use in GTPase Assays.
Phosphorylation of 725 nM r-synGAP by 230 nM Plk2, 230 nM CDK5/p35 or 230 nM Plk2
and CDK5/p35 was carried out as described in [
]. GTPase assays were carried out under
conditions previously described in [
2.4 Mass Spectrometry of Phosphorylated R-synGAP.
Mass spectrometry of phosphorylated r-synGAP using a hybrid LTQ-FT (Thermo Scientific)
equipped with a nano-electrospray ion source (Thermo Scientific) was carried out by the
Proteome Exploration Laboratory at the California Institute of Technology as previously
described [
3. Results and Discussion
3.1 Stoichiometry and Rate of Phosphorylation of r-SynGAP by Plk2.
Both endogenous and recombinant synGAP expressed in COS7 cells [
] can be
phosphorylated by Plk2. In our assay, r-synGAP was phosphorylated by Plk2 (Fig. 1A) at a
rate and stoichiometry similar to that of CDK5 phosphorylation [
]. The reaction was linear
for 10 min, reaching a stoichiometry of ~0.4 mol phosphate/mol r-synGAP. After 30 min,
the stoichiometry approached ~0.8 mol phosphate/mol. As for CDK5, addition of Ca
to Plk2 phosphorylation reactions doubles the stoichiometry and rate of r-synGAP
phosphorylation to ~0.8 and ~1.8 mol phosphate/mol at 10 and 30 minutes, respectively
(Fig. 1A). In contrast, phosphorylation by Plk2 of dephosphorylated
-caesin, was
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unaffected by Ca
/CaM (Fig. 1B). We previously showed that synGAP contains a binding
site for Ca
/CaM with affinity in the nM range [
]. Thus, the simplest explanation for the
effect of Ca
/CaM is that its binding to synGAP induces a conformational change that
increases accessibility to CDK5 and Plk2, accelerating the kinase reaction rate and enabling
the phosphorylation of additional residues.
3.2 Identification of Sites in r-SynGAP Phosphorylated by Plk2.
Recombinant synGAP expressed in COS cells was phosphorylated at nine residues by Plk2
(S364, S370, S434, S451, S821, S825, S827 and S880); however, phosphorylation at only
three of them (S370, S434, S825 and S827) influenced synGAP’s HRas GAP activity [
We identified eight additional Plk2 phosphorylation sites in r-synGAP (S140, S750, S751,
S756, S765, S808, S810, T897), and confirmed phosphorylation at S821, S825 and S827
(Table 1, Supplemental Table 1 and Data). All of the identified Plk2 phosphorylation
sites had high Mascot scores and false localization rates of less than 1%. Phosphorylation at
sites S140, S750, S751, S756, S765, S808 was detected after 2 minutes of reaction with
Plk2, whereas phosphorylation at S810, S821, S825, S827, and T897 was only detectable
after 10 minutes of reaction with Plk2. We previously showed that addition of Ca
/CaM to
reactions with CDK5/p35 results in phosphorylation of r-synGAP at S751, S765, S810,
S1093 and S1123, in addition to sites S728, S773/T775, S802 and S842 [
] (Table 2,
Supplemental Table 2 and Data). Similarly, here we show that addition of Ca
/CaM results
in phosphorylation of S810 and T897 by Plk2 within 2 min, and phosphorylation of S1099,
S1123 and S1283, which are also phosphorylated by CaMKII, after 10 min [
] (Table 1,
Supplemental Table 1 and Data). Plk2 and Plk3 kinases prefer phosphorylation sites in
which acidic amino acids (D, E) occur at positions between −4 and +4 of the target serine or
threonine residue; in endogenous substrates, this preference is often extended to additional
positions (e.g. −7 to +7) [
]. All of the Plk2 phosphorylation sites in r-synGAP, except
S1123, contain one (S140, S756, S765, S808, S821, S825, S827, T897, S1099, S1283), two
(S750, S751) or three (S810) acidic residues within −6 to +6 residues of the target serine or
threonine residue.
3.3 Effect of Plk2 Phosphorylation on GAP Activity of R-synGAP.
Plk2 phosphorylation increases the RasGAP activity of synGAP in COS cell lysates [
We examined the effect of phosphorylation of r-synGAP on its GAP activity toward Rap1,
Rap2, and Ras, using the
in vitro
Ras and Rap GTPase assays described in [
]. As we
observed for CDK5, phosphorylation by Plk2 increased the HRas GAP activity of r-synGAP
substantially (70%) (Fig. 2A), and the Rap1 GAP activity slightly (15%) (Fig. 2B), but did
not affect GAP activity of Rap2 (Fig. 2C). The effect of Plk2 on HRas GAP activity was
significant after 1 min and continued to rise throughout the time course, whereas the effect
on Rap1 was nearly maximal (11%) after 2 min. Addition of Ca
/CaM to phosphorylation
reactions did not alter HRas or Rap1 GAP activity significantly, but caused a small increase
in Rap2 GAP activity (11%) after 10 min. These data show that phosphorylation of r-
synGAP by Plk2 accelerates its rate of inactivation of HRas considerably more potently than
inactivation of Rap1 or Rap2, which
in vivo
would result in a relative increase in the steady-
state level of active Rap, thus increasing endocytosis of surface AMPA receptors [
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3.4 Effect of Concomitant CDK5 and Plk2 Phosphorylation on GAP Activity of R-synGAP.
During synaptic scaling, Plk2 binds to and phosphorylates SPAR that has previously been
phosphorylated at a specific site by CDK5. The phosphorylation targets SPAR for
ubiquitination, ultimately leading to a loss of mature spines and excitatory synapses [
Efficient ubiquitination of SPAR requires the “priming” phosphorylation by CDK5 [
]. We
found that concomitant phosphorylation of r-synGAP by Plk2 and CDK5 increases its GAP
activity toward HRas substantially and synergystically (230%, Fig. 3A). It had only a slight
effect on GAP activity toward Rap1 (18%, Fig. 3B), but produced a substantial increase in
GAP activity toward Rap2A that appeared more than additive (40%, Fig. 3C). Addition of
/CaM to these reactions had no statistically significant effects on GAP activity toward
HRas (Fig. 3A) or Rap1 (Fig. 3B) and a slight effect on GAP activity toward Rap2 (Fig. 3C).
These data suggest that Plk2 and CDK5 act together to drive the synapse toward removal of
AMPARs through activation of the Rap pathway by triggering removal of SPAR, and by
increasing the GAP activity of r-synGAP toward HRas. Activation of Plk2 also triggers
elimination of the HRas activator RasGRF1 and stimulates the Rap activator PDZGEF1
3.5 CaMKII, CDK5, and Plk2 Produce a Continuum of Changes in the Relative Levels of
Ras and Rap GAP Activity of synGAP.
Ras and Rap are critical regulators of the endocytosis and exocytosis of AMPARs near the
synapse [
]. The steady-state levels of activity of these two GTPases are set by the balance
of their activation by exchange of GDP for GTP and their inactivation by hydrolysis of the
bound GTP. Phosphorylation of synGAP by CaMKII alters the ratio of inactivation of Rap1
and HRas (Fig. 4A) [
] in a direction that would shift the steady-state balance of AMPAR
trafficking toward exocytosis resulting in an increase in surface AMPA receptors.
Conversely, phosphorylation of synGAP by CDK5 or Plk2 alters the ratio in the opposite
direction (Fig. 4A) [
], shifting the balance of AMPAR trafficking toward endocytosis of
AMPA receptors and a decrease in the number of surface AMPARs. Concomitant
phosphorylation by Plk2 and CDK5 drives up the rate of inactivation of HRas by synGAP
even further (Fig. 4A), which would strongly drive the endocytosis of AMPARs. CaMKII is
activated rapidly when Ca
flows through NMDA receptors during induction of LTP [
whereas both Plk2 and CDK5 are induced by activity-driven protein synthesis over a longer
time scale [
]. CDK5 activity is further limited by the availability of its p35 and p39
subunits, which are constitutively degraded and require NGF or BDNF to stimulate synthesis
]. The absence of rapid activation mechanisms and the slow catalytic rates of CDK5 and
Plk2 and are consistent with a homeostatic role. Thus, phosphorylation of synGAP by
combinations of different kinases could function like a rheostat to rapidly or gradually adjust
the steady-state number of surface AMPA receptors at each synapse.
In addition to altering the ratio of GAP activity toward HRas or Rap1, phosphorylation of
synGAP can also alter the ratio of GAP activity toward Rap1 or Rap2 (Fig. 4B).
Phosphorylation by CaMKII increases the ratio of GAP activity toward Rap1 versus Rap2
by markedly increasing the Rap1 GAP activity. Concomitant phosphorylation of synGAP by
Plk2 and CDK5 has the opposite effect, decreasing the ratio of GAP activity toward Rap1
versus Rap2 by increasing Rap2 GAP activity. Rap1 and Rap2 are both present in pyramidal
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neurons in the hippocampus and cortex, but the differences in their functions are not yet
clear. LTD inducing stimuli stimulate the Rap1-dependent p38 MAPK pathway, resulting in
phosphorylation of AMPARs with short cytoplasmic tails (GluR2/3) and their subsequent
exocytosis [
], while the Rap2-dependent JNK pathway is activated by depotentiation-
inducing stimuli and causes dephosphorylation of AMPARs with long cytoplasmic tails
(GluR1, GluR2L) and their removal from the synapse [
]. Given the degree of crosstalk
between the Rap1, Rap2 and Ras pathways, and the diverse localization of small GTPases
and their activators and effectors, it is plausible that distinct sub cellular pools of small
GTPases may perform discrete functions in the synapse [
Supplementary Material
Refer to Web version on PubMed Central for supplementary material.
This work was supported by grants from the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation (Center for Integrative Study of
Cell Regulation), the Hicks Foundation for Alzheimer’s Research, the Allen and Lenabelle Davis Foundation, and
from National Institutes of Health Grant MH095095 to MBK. WGW IV was supported by the National Science
Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship under Grant No. 2006019582 and National Institutes of Health under
Grant No. NIH/NRSA 5 T32 GM07616. The PEL is supported by the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation through
grant GBMF775 and the Beckman Institute.
synaptic GTPase activating protein
soluble recombinant synGAP fragment comprising
residues 103–1293
/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II
cyclin-dependent kinase 5
polo-like kinase 2
p21 Ras
Ras-related protein-1 or 2
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