Nature Human Behaviour
| Volume 9 | January
2025 | 208–226
nature human behaviour
Registered Report
How trait impressions of faces shape
subsequent mental state inferences
Chujun Lin
, Umit Keles
, Mark A. Thornton
& Ralph Adolphs
People form impressions of one another in a split second from faces.
However, people also infer others’ momentary mental states on the basis
of context—for example, one might infer that somebody feels encouraged
from the fact that they are receiving constructive feedback. How do trait
judgements of faces influence these context-based mental state inferences?
In this Registered Report, we asked participants to infer the mental states of
unfamiliar people, identified by their neutral faces, under specific contexts.
To increase generalizability, we representatively sampled all stimuli from
inclusive sets using computational methods. We tested four hypotheses:
that trait impressions of faces (1) are correlated with subsequent mental
state inferences in a range of contexts, (2) alter the dimensional space that
underlies mental state inferences, (3) are associated with specific mental
state dimensions in this space and (4) causally influence mental state
inferences. We found evidence in support of all hypotheses.
Humans spontaneously form impressions of other people’s general
characteristics upon seeing their faces
. For instance, we judge
whether people are trustworthy, intelligent or feminine on the basis
of how their faces look
. These trait judgements show high consensus
across perceivers in different age groups and from different cultures
The accuracy of trait judgements from faces is debated: although some
suggest that personality can be accurately judged from static face
, many argue that trait judgements from faces merely reflect
perceivers’ biases and stereotypes
. However valid or invalid they
may be, these judgements shape consequential decisions in the real
. Such influences are most prominent in situations where
understanding a person’s general traits plays an important role, such
as evaluating which candidate might be a good political leader
which individual on a dating site might be the best long-term partner
Understanding other people’s enduring dispositions is only one
contributing factor that guides social judgements and decisions. More
often, to successfully navigate the complex social world, it is critical
also to understand a person’s context-dependent mental states in the
: what is the other person currently thinking about, feeling
or intending? For instance, our ability to tell whether a friend is joking
or being serious would make all the difference in selecting appropri-
ate behaviour towards them in that particular situation. As with trait
inferences from faces, people also make inferences about others’ men
tal states rapidly and automatically
. This ability develops early on,
with evidence suggesting that infants are able to infer goals and inten
tions from six months of age
. Inferences of momentary mental states
are based on a range of cues, such as facial expressions, body postures
and gestures, together with situational information
Little is known about how judgements of relatively stable traits
from faces might bias or influence judgements of more transient men
tal states. Studies on the recognition of facial expressions show that
people perceive faces that are digitally manipulated to look untrust
worthy as displaying more negative emotions such as anger
. This
finding suggests that trait judgements from faces may shape emotion
judgements of isolated faces. However, whether this effect generalizes
to judging a broader set of mental states (beyond basic emotions) in
more realistic settings (for example, with situational information) is
unclear. Studies investigating the relation between a wider range of
traits and mental states in more naturalistic settings show that trait
knowledge does shape mental state inferences
. However, those
studies focus on more reliable trait knowledge, such as trait inferences
of participants’ friends and family members, and famous people about
whom participants already have substantial biographical and contex
tual information. It remains unknown whether people rely on trait
Received: 11 August 2020
Accepted: 10 October 2024
Published online: 2 December 2024
Check for updates
Department of Psychology, University of California, San Diego, San Diego, CA, USA.
Division of the Humanities and Social Sciences, California Institute
of Technology, Pasadena, CA, USA.
Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences, Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH, USA.
These authors jointly
supervised this work: Mark A. Thornton, Ralph Adolphs.
Nature Human Behaviour
| Volume 9 | January
2025 | 208–226
Registered Report
the location of an object in space. When more information about the
object is available, we may be able to use fewer, the same, or more and/
or different dimensions to locate the object. For instance, if the new
information identifies the object’s distance to Earth, then we need only
two dimensions; if the new information identifies a moving object, then
we need a fourth dimension (time).
Third, we asked whether (and to what extent) the mental state
dimensions are associated with trait impressions from faces (Table
Q3). For example, recent work has shown that how frequently people
judged the targets to experience positive or negative mental states in
various situations was most closely related to the trait dimension of
. However, that study investigated trait judgements based on
more information than just faces. It remains an open question how trait
judgements merely from briefly seeing an unfamiliar face might be asso
ciated with mental state dimensions. Understanding the association
between trait impressions and core mental state dimensions (beyond
individual mental state judgements) would allow for further general
izability of our findings. Specifically, it would allow us to predict how
inferences of any mental state—beyond the 60 mental states for which
we collected data—would be associated with trait impressions of faces.
Finally, we asked whether the associations between trait impres-
sions from faces and mental state inferences might be causal (Table
Q4). Prior research has shown that changing the trait impressions of
emotional faces shifted people’s perception of emotions
. Further
more, changing the trait impressions of target people (beyond faces)
has a causal effect on people’s mental state inferences of those targets
across a range of situations
. These results suggest a causal link from
trait to mental state inferences. However, it remains unclear whether
changing the trait impressions formed merely on the basis of faces
would be sufficient to cause people to change their mental state attribu
tions. We tested this hypothesis by digitally manipulating faces so that
the same individual generated multiple stimulus images that exhibited
different traits. We then measured how participants attributed dif
ferent mental states to the same individual in the same context as a
function of the experimental manipulation of that individual’s face.
Understanding the causal effects (Q4) beyond correlations (Q1–Q3) is
essential to determining the nature of the relation between trait impres
sions from faces and mental state inferences. Findings of correlations
without causation would suggest that the observed correlations were
driven by third variables (for example, inferred social roles that shape
both inferences of traits and mental states).
Protocol registration
The Stage 1 protocol for this Registered Report was accepted in princi
ple on 30 March 2022. The protocol, as accepted by the journal, can be
found at
As mentioned in Methods (‘Deviations from protocol’), one devia
tion from the approved registered Stage 1 protocol occurred in the
participant recruitment sources for the cross-world-region data. In
the approved registered Stage 1 protocol, we had planned to recruit
participants in all five world regions (the USA, Africa, Asia, Europe and
South America) using the MTurk Toolkit via CloudResearch. We suc
cessfully collected all data from the USA (
= 5,260), Asia (
= 961) and
Europe (
= 1,153) as planned. Due to the limited number of participants
in Africa and South America on MTurk Toolkit, we collected the data in
these two regions using an additional recruitment option offered on
CloudResearch, Prime Panels, together obtaining the planned amount
of data in Africa (
= 1,040) and South America (
= 1,171). We obtained
permission from the Editors before carrying out the above data collec
tion. Except for the deviation mentioned above, we adhered precisely
to the approved registered experimental procedures, data analysis
procedures and result interpretation procedures as detailed in Table
and Methods.
information to the same extent when it is drawn from solely superficial
facial judgements.
In the present investigation, we ask: are the diverse mental states
that people attribute to different individuals in specific situations biased
by the trait judgements of those individuals’ neutral faces? Answering
this question would advance our understanding of how people make
sense of others’ momentary and enduring features, two types of informa
tion critical for social navigation
. If the answer is yes, then the biases
and stereotypes in trait impressions from faces
would probably be
carried over to shape inferences of various mental states in a wide range
of situations. This may help explain, for instance, why Black males whose
faces are stereotypically perceived to be aggressive
are wrongly
attributed the mental state of intending to harm more often in various
situations even without any evidence
. If trait impressions of faces do
influence mental state inferences, then this would also suggest that the
impacts of spontaneous trait judgements of faces are much broader than
previously thought
. They not only would influence decisions in situ-
ations where temporally stable trait information is patently important
but also could influence moment-to-moment decisions we make in the
course of social interactions. Such broader influence could also help
explain why trait judgements of faces are sometimes accurate
. For
instance, individuals whose faces look like they are introverted may
be attributed the mental state of being unwilling to interact with other
people, leading others to reduce interaction with these individuals and
in turn exacerbating the social isolation of these individuals.
Our present research tested four main hypotheses. First, when a
photograph of a person’s neutral face is available, we asked whether
inferences of this individual’s mental states in specific situations are
associated with the trait impressions that are based on the neutral face
, Q1). As mentioned above, prior research shows that emotion
recognition from faces (for example, anger, fear or happiness) is associ
ated with trait judgements of those faces (for example, sociable, domi-
nant or trustworthy)
. However, in real life, we do not judge others’
mental states from their faces in isolation, as participants in most prior
studies have done. Instead, we make sense of people’s mental states
in specific situations. To test this hypothesis, we asked participants
to infer how much different specific people, whose neutral faces the
participants saw, would feel a certain mental state in a given situation
(scenario-state task; Methods). We linked these mental state inferences
to the first impressions formed from those specific people’s neutral
faces on a range of traits (face-trait task; Methods).
To increase the comprehensiveness and generalizability of our
study, we representatively sampled mental state terms using deep
neural networks and the maximum variation procedure from a com
prehensive list of putative mental states (Fig.
). We verified that
our final selected set of 60 mental states were representative of the
terms laypeople use in everyday life to describe others’ internal,
non-pathological, specific mental states (Fig.
). For each mental
state, we selected a situation that people thought co-occurred with
the mental state in real life (Methods). We representatively sampled
trait terms (Fig.
) that people spontaneously use to describe faces
), and faces that were diverse with respect to gender, race and
age (Fig.
) and that populate the facial geometry that people see in
everyday life (Fig.
Second, we hypothesized that the underlying psychological
dimensions people use to represent others’ mental states differ when
face images are available compared with when they are not (Table
, Q2).
Prior research has shown that people use three dimensions to represent
mental states (the 3-D Mind Model dimensions: valence, rationality
and social impact)
. Those studies did not include face information
when participants made mental state inferences. However, in real life,
we can usually see the individuals to whom we attribute mental states.
It remains an open question how adding the information from faces
might modify the psychological dimensions that characterize mental
state inferences. By analogy, we need three dimensions to represent
Nature Human Behaviour
| Volume 9 | January
2025 | 208–226
Registered Report
Table 1 | Design table
Sampling plan
Analysis plan
Interpretation given to different
Q1. Are trait
from neutral
faces associated
with mental
state inferences
about those
same people in
given scenarios?
H1a. We predicted that
mental state inferences
of unfamiliar others
in given scenarios
(scenario-state) would
be associated with
the trait impressions
formed from those
individuals’ neutral
faces when shown in
isolation (face-trait).
H1b. We predicted that
H1a would hold even
when we controlled
for the mental states
that the neutral faces
displayed (face-state).
Please refer to ‘Sampling plan’ in
Methods for the details.
H1a. We determined the sample
size for the scenario-state task
to be
= 50 participants per
mental state. This sample size
was estimated empirically on
the basis of our pilot data via the
jackknife resampling procedure.
We determined the sample
size for the face-trait task to
= 38 participants per trait.
This sample size was estimated
empirically on the basis of
sequential resampling by prior
H1b. We determined the sample
size for the face-state task to be
= 31 participants per mental
state. This sample size was
estimated empirically on the
basis of sequential resampling
by prior research
Please refer to ‘Analysis plan’ in Methods
for the details.
H1a. We tested this hypothesis using ridge
regression with cross-validations for each
of the 60 mental states.
Each model regressed the average ratings
given to the faces for a mental state under
the specific scenario (scenario-state) on
the ratings given to the faces for 13 traits
Multiple comparisons across the 60
mental states were corrected for via
maximal statistic permutation tests.
H1b. We tested this hypothesis using
variance partition analyses.
We assessed whether the unique variance
in the scenario-state ratings explained
by face-traits, when controlling for
face-states, is significantly greater than
zero across cross-validation resampling.
H1a. If >80% of the scenario-states
are significantly predicted by
face-traits, the evidence for H1a is
very broad; if 60–80% are predicted,
the evidence is broad; if 40–60%
are predicted, the evidence is
moderately broad; if 20–40% are
predicted, the evidence is narrow;
and if <20% (but at least one mental
state) are predicted, the evidence is
very narrow. Otherwise, there is no
evidence for H1a.
H1b. If the unique variance
explained by face-traits is
greater than zero in >80% of the
scenario-states, the evidence for
H1b is very broad; if greater than
zero in 60–80%, the evidence
is broad; if greater than zero
in 40–60%, the evidence is
moderately broad; if greater than
zero in 20–40%, the evidence is
narrow; and if greater than zero
in <20% (but at least one mental
state), the evidence is very narrow.
Otherwise, there is no evidence for
Q2. What are the
dimensions that
underlie mental
state inferences
of others when
we also see their
H2a. We predicted that
mental state inferences
could be represented
by a small number
of dimensions (<10)
even when faces were
H2b. We predicted
that the mental state
dimensions in H2a
would at least partially
overlap with previously
found mental state
dimensions when no
face was available (the
3-D Mind dimensions:
rationality, social
impact and valence)
We tested H2a and H2b using
the same set of data collected
for testing H1a.
Please refer to ‘Analysis plan’ in Methods
for the details.
H2a. Since no single method is regarded
as the best method for determining the
optimal number of dimensions, we applied
five distinct methods: Horn’s parallel
analysis, the optimal coordinate index, the
empirical Bayesian information criterion,
Velicer’s minimum average partial test and
The optimal number of dimensions was
the number that most methods agreed
on; or, if all methods disagreed, it was the
minimum number that generated the most
interpretable dimensions that accounted
for ≥75% variance in the data in exploratory
factor analysis.
H2b. We measured the Spearman
correlation between the dimensions in
our data and the 3-D Mind dimensions
using two different methods: one based on
factor loadings and scores, and the other
based on participants’ ratings of meaning
We deemed an absolute correlation of 0.2–
0.39, 0.4–0.59 or ≥0.6 to be an indication
of weak, moderate or strong similarity.
H2a. If the optimal number of
dimensions was <10, we concluded
that mental state inferences are
represented by a small number of
dimensions even when faces are
Otherwise, we concluded that
mental state inferences are no
longer represented by a small
number of dimensions when faces
are available.
H2b. If any dimension in our data
was at least moderately correlated
≥ 0.4) with any 3-D Mind dimension
on the basis of both methods,
we concluded that mental state
dimensions when faces are available
partly overlap with previously found
mental state dimensions when no
face was available.
Otherwise, we concluded that there
is no strong evidence for H2b.
Q3. Are the
dimensions that
underlie mental
state inferences
of others
when faces
are available
associated with
trait impressions
formed from
those faces?
H3a. We predicted
that the dimensions
of mental state
inferences when
faces were available
dimensions) would be
associated with trait
impressions formed
from those faces
H3b. We predicted that
H3a would hold even
when we controlled for
the mental states that
those neutral faces
displayed (face-state).
We tested H3a and H3b using
the same set of data collected
for testing H1a and H1b.
Please refer to ‘Analysis plan’ in Methods
for the details.
H3a. We tested this hypothesis using ridge
regression with cross-validations as in H1a.
The only difference is that each model
here corresponded to each core mental
state dimension in Q2.
Each model regressed the factor scores
for a mental state dimension across the
faces (factor scores of scenario-states) on
the ratings given to the faces for 13 traits
H3b. We tested this hypothesis using
variance partition analyses as in H1b. The
only difference is that the dependent
variable here is the factor scores for a
mental state dimension across the faces.
H3a. If any mental state dimension
was significantly predicted by
face-traits, we concluded that
the dimension(s) of mental state
inferences when faces are available
is (are) associated with trait
impressions from those faces.
Otherwise, we concluded that there
is no evidence for H3a.
H3b. If for any mental state
dimension, the unique explained
variance of face-traits was
significantly greater than zero, we
concluded that there is evidence
for H3b.
Otherwise, we concluded that there
is no evidence for H3b.
Nature Human Behaviour
| Volume 9 | January
2025 | 208–226
Registered Report
Associations between mental state and trait inferences
We found very broad evidence that mental state inferences of unfamiliar
others in given scenarios were associated with trait impressions formed
from those individuals’ faces (Table
, H1a). Inferences of every one of
the 60 mental states were significantly predicted by inferences of the
13 traits: ridge regression analysis with cross-validations (for increasing
generalizability; Methods) showed that the prediction accuracy for the 60
mental state inferences ranged from
= 0.64 to
= 0.97, with mean
= 0.88
(multiple comparisons across 60 mental states were corrected for using
maximal statistic permutations; corrected
values ranged from 0.0005
to 0.047; see Supplementary Table 2 for the results with detailed statistics
of all 60 mental states). These results suggest that given the same context,
how people infer different individuals’ mental states is associated with
the trait impressions inferred from those individuals’ faces.
The strong associations between context-specific mental state
inferences and trait impressions from faces remained robust even when
controlling for the context-irrelevant affective and cognitive states
inferred from the faces (captured when the photos were taken; Table
H1b). Using variance partition analysis (three models were fitted per
mental state with different predictors; Methods), we found that trait
impressions contributed a significant amount of unique explained
variance for 47 of the 60 mental state inferences (Fig.
). Across those
47 mental states, face-trait impressions on average contributed
= 0.39
explained variance (the lower bound across 2,000 cross-validation
iterations (that is, the 2.5th percentile) ranged from 0.005 to 0.597
across mental states; see Fig.
for detailed statistics) beyond the vari
ance that was commonly explained by both face-trait and face-state
impressions (see Supplementary Table 2 for the results of all 60 mental
states). These results suggest that given the same context, how people
infer different individuals’ mental states is influenced by first impres-
sions from faces that are specifically about the individual’s stable
characteristics beyond momentary states such as emotions (see Sup
plementary Fig. 3 for how each mental state was differently influenced
by different trait impressions; we validated this interpretation of the
ridge regression coefficients with three additional analysis methods
such as ordinary least squares regressions and LASSO regressions;
Supplementary Methods and Supplementary Fig. 4).
Trait inferences of faces do not merely influence an isolated mental
state judgement when that face is seen in a particular context. Trait
inferences also change the psychological space that characterizes the
relationships among mental state judgements (Table
, H2a). We inves
tigated the dimensions underlying these relationships by analysing
which mental state inferences were highly correlated with one another
across different target faces. As preregistered, we first determined
how many dimensions optimally summarized the common variance
in the judgements of the 60 mental states. Three of the five planned
methods indicated that four dimensions optimally represented men-
tal state judgements (agreed by Horn’s parallel analysis, the optimal
coordinate index and the empirical Bayesian information criterion;
2 of the 60 mental states were excluded for low factorability: ‘bored’
and ‘indecisive’).
The interpretation of these four mental state dimensions is most
clearly obtained by examining which types of targets were more (and
less) often attributed the mental states associated with each dimension
). We interpreted the four dimensions as describing senti
mental mental states (mental states that are stereotypically associated
with exaggerated or self-indulgent emotions), youthful mental states
(mental states that are stereotypically associated with youthful peo
ple), empathetic mental states (mental states that are stereotypically
associated with people who understand others’ feelings) and compe-
tent mental states (mental states that are stereotypically associated
with competent people). These four mental state dimensions together
explained 83% of the common variance in the context-specific mental
state inferences (each explaining 39%, 19%, 15% and 10%). Since our
dimension analysis method (exploratory factor analysis) does not force
the dimensions to be orthogonal, it reveals the natural relationships
between the dimensions. The sentimental mental state dimension and
the empathetic mental state dimension were moderately correlated
= 0.47;
= 5.32;
= 6.57 × 10
; 95% confidence interval (CI), (0.31,
0.61)); correlations between the other mental state dimensions were
weak (all
≤ 0.25).
We compared the four mental state dimensions uncovered when
targets’ faces were available with the three mental state dimensions
(valence, rationality and social impact) from prior theory
Sampling plan
Analysis plan
Interpretation given to different
Q4. Are mental
state inferences
of others in a
given scenario
by the trait
from those
neutral faces?
H4. We predicted
that trait impressions
formed from neutral
faces (face-trait)
causally shape mental
state inferences
of those people in
specific scenarios
Please refer to ‘Sampling plan’ in
Methods for the details.
H4. We used a set of
= 272
face images to detect the
causal effect. This sample size
was determined via formal
power analysis, with a paired
-test. See ‘Stimuli:
Trait-manipulation of face
stimuli’ in Methods.
We checked each trait
manipulation. Each subset
of facial identities with their
manipulated images were
rated by
= 38 participants per
manipulated trait, using a similar
procedure as in the face-trait
task in H1a.
We tested causality using the
trait-manipulated faces via
a similar procedure as in the
scenario-state task. Each subset
of facial identities with their
manipulated images were rated
= 50 participants per mental
state as in H1a.
Please refer to ‘Analysis plan’ in Methods
for the details.
H4. We tested causality for the mental
states that were strongly correlated
with trait impressions in H1 (for example,
the top predicted state(s) from each
dimension; targeting around six states).
For each mental state, we identified a
different, strongly correlated trait. For
each trait, we digitally manipulated each
face to enhance and reduce that trait,
generating two versions of face images.
We tested the causal effect for each
state-trait pair using two methods: one
based on aggregate scenario-state ratings,
using paired one-sided
-tests between
the two versions of faces; and another
based on individual scenario-state ratings,
using linear mixed modelling to regress
the ratings on the face versions while
controlling for the random effects of
participants and face identities.
H4. For each state–trait pair, if we
found a significant effect in the
expected direction (as discovered
in H1) using both methods, we
concluded that there is strong
causal evidence for that state–trait
pair. If only one method indicated
a significant effect, the evidence is
weak. If neither method indicated a
significant effect, there is no causal
evidence for that state–trait pair.
Across all tested state–trait pairs, we
concluded that the evidence for H4
is very broad if >80% pairs showed
strong evidence; broad if 60–80%
pairs showed strong evidence;
moderately broad if 40–60% pairs
showed strong evidence; narrow
if 20–40% pairs showed strong
evidence; and very narrow if <20%
but at least one pair showed strong
evidence. Otherwise, there is no
strong evidence for H4.
Table 1 (continued) | Design table