Astro2020 APC White Paper: Optical and Infrared Observations from the Ground
10 July 2019
High-resolution Infrared Spectrograph for Exoplanet
Characterization with the Keck and Thirty Meter Telescopes
Dimitri Mawet
**, Michael Fitzgerald
, Quinn Konopacky
, Charles Beichman
, Nemanja
, Richard Dekany
, David Hover
, Eric Chisholm
, David Ciardi
Etienne Artigau
Ravinder Banyal
, Thomas Beatty
, Bj
orn Benneke
, Geoffrey A. Blake
, Adam Burgasser
Gabriela Canalizo
, Guo Chen
, Tuan Do
, Greg Doppmann
, Ren
e Doyon
, Courtney
, Min Fang
, Thomas Greene
, Lynne Hillenbrand
, Andrew Howard
, Stephen
, Tiffany Kataria
, Eliza Kempton
, Heather Knutson
, Takayuki Kotani
, David
, Chao Liu
, Shogo Nishiyama
, Gajendra Pandey
, Peter Plavchan
, Lisa Prato
S.P. Rajaguru
, Paul Robertson
, Colette Salyk
, Bun’ei Sato
, Everett Schlawin
, Sujan
, Thirupathi Sivarani
, Warren Skidmore
, Motohide Tamura
, Hiroshi Terada
6, 26
Gautam Vasisht
, Ji Wang
, Hui Zhang
HISPEC (High-resolution Infrared Spectrograph for Exoplanet Characterization) is a proposed diffraction-
limited spectrograph for the W.M. Keck Observatory, and a pathfinder for the MODHIS facility project
(Multi-Object Diffraction-limited High-resolution Infrared Spectrograph) on the Thirty Meter Telescope.
HISPEC/MODHIS builds on diffraction-limited spectrograph designs such as Palomar-PARVI and LBT-
iLocator, both of which rely on adaptively corrected single-mode fiber feeds. Seeing-limited high-
resolution spectrographs, by virtue of the conservation of beam etendue, grow in volume following a
power law (
is the telescope diameter), and are subject to daunting challenges associated with their
large size (e.g. mechanical and thermal stability). Diffraction-limited spectrographs fed by single mode
fibers are decoupled from the telescope input, and are orders of magnitude more compact and have
intrinsically more stable line spread functions. On the flip side, their efficiency is directly proportional to
the performance of the adaptive optics (AO) system. AO technologies have matured rapidly over the
past two decades, becoming mainstream on current large ground-based telescopes and baselined for
future extremely large telescopes. HISPEC/MODHIS will take R
100,000 spectra of a few objects in a
10” field-of-view sampled at the diffraction limit (10 mas scale), simultaneously from 0.95 to 2.4
m (y
band to K band). The scientific scope ranges from exoplanet infrared precision radial velocities, transit
and close-in exoplanet spectroscopy (atmospheric composition and dynamics, RM effect), spectroscopy
of directly imaged planets (atmospheric composition, spin measurements, Doppler imaging), brown
dwarf characterization, stellar physics/chemistry, proto-planetary disk kinematics/composition, Solar
system (e.g. comets), extragalactic science, and cosmology. HISPEC/MODHIS features a compact
and cost-effective design optimized to fully exploit the existing Keck-AO and future TMT-NFIRAOS
infrastructures and boost the scientific reach of both Keck Observatory and TMT soon after first light.
California Institute of Technology, CA, USA.
Jet Propulsion Laboratory, CA, USA.
University of California, Los
Angeles, CA, USA.
University of California, San Diego, CA, USA.
NASA Exoplanet Science Center, CA, USA.
Thirty Meter Telescope, CA, USA.
e de Montr
eal, QC, Canada.
Indian Institute of Astrophysics,
Bangalore, India.
University of Arizona, AZ, USA.
University of California, Riverside, CA, USA.
Mountain Observatory, Nanjing, China.
W.M. Keck Observatory, HI, USA.
University of California, Berkeley, CA,
Xiamen University, Fujian China.
NASA Ames Research Center, CA, USA.
University of Maryland, MD,
Astrobiology Center, National Institutes of Natural Sciences, Japan.
National Astronomical Observatories,
Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China.
Miyagi University of Education, Sendai, Japan.
George Mason
University, VA, USA.
Lowell Observatory, AZ, USA.
University of California, Irvine, CA, USA.
Vassar College,
Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tokyo, Japan.
University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan.
Astronomical Observatory of Japan, Tokyo, Japan.
Ohio State University, OH, USA.
Nanjing University, Nanjing,
E-mail, phone
:, 626-395-1452
arXiv:1908.03623v1 [astro-ph.IM] 9 Aug 2019
1. Key Science Goals and
HISPEC/MODHIS will offer a powerful new win-
dow into a range of science topics, from exoplan-
ets to distant galaxies. Moreover, because of its
compact, diffraction-limited design, MODHIS is tar-
geted as a first light instrument for TMT which will
provide a high spectral resolution capability that
would not otherwise be possible for many years.
1.1 High Spectral Resolution Characteriza-
tion of Exoplanets
Using high-dispersion spectroscopy as a way of spec-
tral filtering has been successfully demonstrated in
a few studies. The improved resolution, sensitivity,
and Line Spread Function (LSF) stability provided
by the Single Mode Fiber (SMF) fed diffraction-
limited spectrograph designs will help mitigate sys-
tematic noise introduced when isolating signatures
of the planet from those of the star and terrestrial
Characterization of Close-In Planets.
For transit-
ing and non-transiting hot Jupiters and warm Nep-
tunes, high-resolution transmission spectroscopy has
been used to detect molecular gas (Snellen et al.,
2010; Birkby et al., 2013; de Kok et al., 2014) and
to study day to night side wind velocity (Snellen
et al., 2010), providing an ultimate test for 3D exo-
planet atmosphere models (Miller-Ricci Kempton &
Rauscher, 2012). For planets detected with the RV
method, spectral lines owing to the planet and star
may be separated via their radial velocities (
km/s). The RV of a planet can thus be measured
to break the degeneracy between the true planet
mass and orbital inclination intrinsic to RV detec-
tion (Brogi et al., 2012, 2013, 2014; Lockwood et al.,
2014). HISPEC will provide the sensitivity, spec-
tral resolution, and spectral coverage necessary for
follow-up opportunities in the TESS era. MOD-
HIS on TMT will easily push the sensitivity bound-
aries to sub-Neptunes and super-Earths (Dragomir
et al., 2019)
, including the possibility of detecting
Earth-like biosignatures on rocky exoplanets around
nearby stars (Lopez-Morales et al., 2019)
Characterization of Long-Period Imaged Planets.
Coupling a high-resolution spectrograph with a high-
Denotes an Astro2020 Science White Paper
contrast imaging instrument will enable the direct
characterization of exoplanet atmospheres (Snellen
et al. 2015; Bowler et al. 2019
). In this scheme,
the AO system serves as a spatial filter, separating
the light from the star and the planet, and the spec-
trograph serves as the spectral filter, which differ-
entiates between features in the stellar and plane-
tary spectra (Wang et al., 2017; Mawet et al., 2017).
High-resolution spectroscopy has three game chang-
ing benefits: 1- Detailed species-by-species molecu-
lar characterization, abundance ratios such as [C/O].
2- Doppler measurements of the planet’s spin (Snellen
et al., 2014), orbital velocity, plus mapping of atmo-
spheric and/or surface features (Crossfield, 2014). 3-
Improved detection capability (Wang et al., 2017;
Mawet et al., 2017) by side-stepping speckle noise
calibration issues affecting low-resolution spectro-
scopic data from current integral field spectrographs
such as SPHERE (Beuzit et al., 2008) and GPI (Mac-
intosh et al., 2007). HISPEC on Keck will address
the detailed spectroscopic characterization of young
giant planets, but using the same technique with
MODHIS on TMT will enable the direct detection
and characterization of Neptune-size and possibly
Earth-size exoplanets (Wang et al., 2019)
, although
the latter case will generally require an extreme AO
front-end instrument such as PSI (see white paper
from Fitzgerald et al. 2019).
1.2 Detection of Exoplanets at or Within the
Diffraction Limit
Fiber nulling as a means to detect and character-
ize exoplanets and circumstellar disks at or within
the diffraction limit was first introduced and demon-
strated by Haguenauer & Serabyn (2006). This con-
cept is largely based on the Bracewell nulling in-
terferometer (Bracewell & MacPhie, 1979). The
first fiber nuller was demonstrated on sky at Palo-
mar observatory by Hanot et al. (2011). Ruane et al.
(2018) recently introduced the concept of vortex
fiber nulling (VFN), which circumvents the need of
a rotating baseline and greatly simplifies the design
and operation of the fiber nuller. The VFN con-
cept was demonstrated in the laboratory by Echev-
erri et al. (2019), and will be the subject of an on-
sky science demonstration at Keck observatory in
2020. A VFN mode is currently baselined for HIS-
PEC/MODHIS. The combination of VFN starlight
High-resolution Infrared Spectrograph for Exoplanet Characterization with Keck and TMT — 2/14
Spectral resolution
Wavelength coverage
m (yJHK) simultaneous
1-9 channels, including object, sky, calibration
Angular resolution at y band
7 mas (TMT) - 20 mas (Keck)
Angular resolution at K band
15 mas (TMT) - 44 mas (Keck)
Field of regard
10” patrol diameter
High contrast capabilities
raw contrast at the diffraction limit
Point-source limiting mag (1 hr, S/N=10 per sp. ch.)
17 (Keck) – 19 (TMT) mag
Laser Frequency Comb, Etalon, Gas cells
Instrumental stability
30 cm/s
Table 1.
HISPEC/MODHIS specifications.
suppression at the
raw contrast level (limited
by AO residuals and finite stellar size) and high-
resolution spectroscopy will enable the detection
and high-resolution spectroscopic characterization
of planets at or within the diffraction limit (down to
mas on TMT). Using the latest giant planet
occurrence rates from Nielsen et al. (2019), we
predict the discovery and simultaneous character-
ization of dozens of new young giant planets in
nearby young associations and star forming regions
with both Keck-HISPEC, and even more with TMT-
MODHIS. Benefiting from the giant aperture and
angular resolution of TMT, Ruane et al. (2018) pre-
dicts the detection of Ross 128 b in reflected light in
30 hours. Less challenging configurations, which in-
clude giant planet, mini-Neptunes and super-Earths
will also be accessible. The most challenging cases
of temperate Earth-size planets in less favorable con-
figurations than Ross 128 b (e.g. more distant) will
require PSI (Fitzgerald et al. 2019).
1.3 Exoplanet detection and masses with
Though we know of a multitude of planetary sys-
tems from transit missions, planetary masses are
essential for constraining their properties, including
densities and atmospheric properties (Batalha et al.,
2017). Thus, the need for new precision radial ve-
locity (PRV) instrumentation extends not only to
the current 8-10 meter telescope facilities, but be-
yond into the ELT era, where large collecting areas
will allow for the collection of high SNR spectra in
short enough time to obtain information about stellar
activity (Ciardi et al., 2019)
1.3.1 Stellar Jitter and the NIR Advantage
Doppler monitoring at NIR wavelengths offers two
enormous assists to the goal of measuring the masses
of exoplanets orbiting young and/or cool host stars.
First, both cool stars and the majority of young
stars are brighter in the infrared than in the op-
tical yielding higher SNR at longer wavelengths.
Second, there are theoretical and observational rea-
sons to expect that RV noise is reduced in the NIR
(Plavchan et al., 2015). Recent studies of M stars
with CARMENES show this tendency clearly in the
y-band and future work is likely to extend this trend
further into the NIR (Tal-Or et al., 2018).
Studies of very young stars have established that
the amplitude of RV variability is a factor of 2-4
lower in the NIR, where spot-to-photosphere tem-
perature contrasts are lower (Prato et al., 2008; Mah-
mud et al., 2011; Crockett et al., 2012; Carleo et al.,
2018). Robertson et al. (2016) found that the K I
doublet (7665 and 7699
A) is a good indicator of stel-
lar activity levels, leading us to investigate the utility
of the
-band K I doublet at 12,400
A and 12,500
for assessing correlations between chromospheric
activity and RV variability. HISPEC/MODHIS’s
high spectral resolution will also aid in characteriz-
ing Zeeman splitting as an indicator of stellar jitter
(Moutou et al., 2017).
1.3.2 NIR PRV science cases
The radius and ephemeris of transiting planets are
a priori
and the expected RV amplitude can
also be predicted to within a factor of a few. Fur-
ther, the rotation periods and characteristic lifetimes
of the surface features of host stars can often be
High-resolution Infrared Spectrograph for Exoplanet Characterization with Keck and TMT — 3/14
Figure 1.
HISPEC/MODHIS potential exoplanet
discovery and characterization space in a Mass
(Earth masses) vs Separation (SMA in AU) diagram.
The various markers denote simulated planet
populations within 27 pc using the occurrence rates
from Kopparapu et al. (2018) extrapolated up to a
semi-major axis of 30 AU using an exponential
cutoff. Various cutoffs in magnitude were applied to
reflect TMT photon noise limits in 10 hours. The
marker size is proportional to the planet size: red for
giant planets (radius
); orange for Neptunes (6
3.5); yellow for mini-Neptunes (3.5
1.75); dark green for super-Earth and Earth-size
planets (1.75
0.5); and light green for
temperate ([0
, 1
] AU)
super-Earth and Earth-size planets. The round
markers are for planets around cool stars (T
e f f
4000 K), while the square markers denote planets
around warmer stars (T
e f f
4000 K).
determined from the high precision time series pho-
tometry, critical information for the modeling of
time series RV measurements to remove stellar ac-
tivity (Aigrain et al., 2012; Haywood et al., 2014;
Dai et al., 2017).
Young Planets.
Planets transiting young host stars
have now been discovered from K2 observations of
young moving groups (
50-90 Myr) (David et al.,
2016, 2018) and open clusters (
600-800 Myr) (Mann
et al., 2016, 2017; Ciardi et al., 2018), with doubt-
less many more to be discovered by TESS. Among
these are ”Hot Jupiters” with large predicted Doppler
semi-amplitudes (
10-100 m/s). With the expected
reduction of stellar jitter in the NIR, the intrinsic
stellar variability at HISPEC/MODHIS wavelengths
will be comparable to or at worst a factor of 2 larger
than the reflex motion due to the planets. By combin-
ing transit radii and PRV masses it will be possible
to determine the density of these still contracting
planets and thus to open a new era in the study of
the formation of gas giant planets.
Transiting Habitable Zone (HZ) Planets.
transiting HZ planets most favorable for follow-up
spectroscopy will orbit cool stars, e.g. Trappist-1
with 7 orbiting planets (Grimm et al., 2018), and
the nearest of these will be prime targets for spec-
troscopic studies of their atmospheres. TESS radii
combined with HISPEC/MODHIS masses will yield
planet density to determine whether a planet is rocky,
icy, or gaseous, as well as the surface gravity which
is needed for the interpretation of transit spectroscopy.
Orbital Architectures for Small Transiting Plan-
The angle between the stellar spin axis and
the angular momentum vector of the planet orbit,
or orbital obliquity, provides rich information on
the history of planet formation and evolution (Winn
& Fabrycky, 2015). Obliquity is measured via the
Rossiter-McLaughlin (RM) effect (Rossiter, 1924;
McLaughlin, 1924) by monitoring the change in
radial velocity for the duration of a transit, which
usually lasts for only a few hours, or less than half an
hour for planets in the habitable zones of the coolest
M dwarfs. HISPEC/MODHIS will provide the sen-
sitivity, spectral resolution and temporal resolution
needed to expand the current sample of small planets
whose RM effect has been measured to date (Hirano
et al., 2012; Albrecht et al., 2013; Huber et al., 2013;
Sanchis-Ojeda et al., 2015). With MODHIS on TMT,
hundreds of small planets will become accessible
resulting in unique insights into how these planets
form and migrate (Johnson et al., 2019)
Surveying the Coolest Mature Stars.
MODHIS will have an important niche for the coolest
stars requiring the highest sensitivity (Reiners et al.,
2018) and for binary systems requiring AO to sep-
arate the components. For example, there are over
600 stars with spectral types between M9 and L9
and H
14 mag (Best et al., 2018),
which Keck-HISPEC could study with
High-resolution Infrared Spectrograph for Exoplanet Characterization with Keck and TMT — 4/14
precision of
30 cm/s. With just a few
observations per object, HISPEC could screen these
systems for RV variations and then look for planets
where the problem of rapid rotation (
20 km/s)
would be at least partially offset by the large signals
expected for Uranus-mass objects (e.g. 20 m/s for a
Uranus orbiting a 50 M
brown dwarf in a 30 day
orbit). MODHIS on TMT will provide improved an-
gular resolution and sensitivity so closer separation
and fainter binaries can be addressed.
1.4 Stellar and Planetary System Formation
Proto-planetary Disks.
The evolution, and ultimately
the dispersal of proto-planetary (PP) disks, holds the
key to many open questions related to planet for-
mation. High-resolution infrared spectroscopy is
instrumental in understanding PP disk gas dynamics
(e.g. the study of the emission and absorption of
CO ro-vibrational lines). Spatially resolved high-
resolution spectro-astrometry (at mas scales) of the
molecular gas allows one to measure its distribution
in space and velocity, and to correlate these measure-
ments with disk geometries and accretion activity.
Infrared spectroscopy also enables detailed charac-
terization of the molecular composition of young
disks, including organic molecules (Jang-Condell
et al., 2019)
Detecting/Characterizing Young Forming Plan-
Answering the key question ”How do giant
planets form?” cannot be achieved by only observ-
ing older, dynamically evolved systems. Imaging
extrasolar giant planets near the epoch of their forma-
tion is much easier, due to their higher luminosities.
This requires the full angular resolution of a large
telescope such as Keck or TMT, in order to separate
giant planets at solar system scales from their host
stars (Sallum et al., 2019)
. Most of the luminosity
of these forming planets is expected to be emitted
at NIR wavelengths (Zhu et al., 2015) from a cir-
cumplanetary disk. It has so far proved difficult to
uniquely separate circumplanetary emission from
circumstellar disk emission, as this requires resolv-
ing line emission at high spectral dispersion. The
kinematic signatures of these warm disks will occur
in the range of 3-30 km/s (similar to the velocities
of Jupiter’s moons), with strong line emission from
CO and H
O in the bandpass of HISPEC. These
data might even lead to measurements of the dynam-
ical masses of these forming exoplanets, in much
the same way as one can derive masses of T Tauri
stars from the velocity curves of circumstellar disks.
Spatially resolved, high-resolution spectroscopy of
young giant planets will also enable searches for
accretion signatures, if the planet is still growing. Fi-
nally, Doppler monitoring of directly-imaged planets
of any age could lead to discoveries of exomoons
(Vanderburg et al., 2018).
1.5 Physics of Very Low Mass Objects
HISPEC/MODHIS have the potential to revolution-
ize our understanding of the detailed properties of
brown dwarfs, the cousins of gas giant planets. The
simultaneous wavelength coverage provided by these
instruments will allow for detailed weather monitor-
ing on L and T dwarfs, while the high spectral res-
olution offers the opportunity for Doppler imaging
of their surfaces (Crossfield, 2014). The strength
of their magnetic fields can be probed with high
resolution spectroscopy, and kinematic information
gleaned from measurements of the RVs of the lowest
mass cluster members (Burgasser et al., 2019)
Furthermore, PRV measurements of binary sys-
tems, enabled by the high spatial resolution of the
Laser Guide Star (LGS) AO feed, will advance our
understanding of the physics of very low mass ob-
jects in a number of ways: establishing highly pre-
cise 3D orbits of short period sub-stellar objects
to establish mass benchmarks for testing evolution-
ary/spectral models (Konopacky et al., 2010; Bur-
gasser et al., 2012); examining low mass compan-
ions of more massive stars with well determined
ages, metallicity, etc such as the T dwarf companion
to G3 star, HD 19467 (Crepp et al., 2015); using
PRV and Gaia data to constrain the stellar mass-
radius relationship for metal-poor, low mass objects
using transiting, low mass halo stars discovered by
K2 (Saylor et al., 2018).
1.6 Solar System Science
A large wavelength coverage, high-dispersion in-
frared spectrograph is key to characterizing the molec-
ular composition of planets and small bodies in the
Solar system, including distant Kuiper Belt objects
(KBOs) and comets. For the well-known Jovian and
Saturnian moons, the diffraction limit of the adap-
tively corrected 10-30 meter telescopes allows spa-
tially resolving surface features (e.g. volcanoes on
High-resolution Infrared Spectrograph for Exoplanet Characterization with Keck and TMT — 5/14
Io or cryovolcanoes on Europa) and performing de-
tailed remote molecular characterization (Chanover
et al., 2019)
. HISPEC/MODHIS will enable new
science on the planets in our Solar System. High
resolution, AO-fed spectroscopy can shed light on
the methane abundance and variability across the
Martian surface, an area of great interest for astro-
biology (Wong et al., 2019)
. It can also be used
to investigate cloud features on the ice giant worlds
like Neptune and Uranus.
1.7 Galactic and Extra-galactic Science
HISPEC/MODHIS will be workhorse instruments
for a wide range of Galactic science. This includes
abundance and kinematic characterization of individ-
ual stars in the field, in clusters and in other unique
areas of the Milky Way, such as the Galactic Center
(Do et al., 2019)
. In the Galactic Center, there is
also the opportunity to test fundamental physics such
as the constancy of fundamental constants in the
presence of an extreme gravitational field. The spa-
tial resolution of HISPEC/MODHIS plus the spec-
tral resolution are required to look at variations of
the fine structure constant, for example. Additional
effects of general relativity from the measurement
of orbits of stars near the SgrA* will be more easily
detected with high resolution spectroscopy than with
continued astrometric monitoring, offering a unique
niche for both HISPEC and MODHIS in this field.
HISPEC/MODHIS will also perform extragalac-
tic science, including follow-ups of ultra-luminous
infrared transients (e.g. supernovae in nearby galax-
ies) from ZTF and LSST, studies of stars in ultra-
compact dwarf galaxies, and spectro-astrometry of
rotating gas disks for the detection of supermassive
black holes in galactic nuclei. The instruments can
be used to detect intermediate mass black holes,
characterize AGN mergers, and investigate stellar
feedback in nearby galaxies. Both HISPEC and
MODHIS are being designed with laser guide star
AO systems, which opens up a wide range of faint
object science previously unavailable to current in-
2. Technical Overview
In this section, we describe HISPEC, which is the
diffraction-limited high-resolution infrared spectro-
graph concept common to both Keck and the TMT-
MODHIS facility. At Keck, HISPEC is to be fed
by the front-end fiber injection unit of the Keck
Planet Imager and Characterizer (KPIC, see Mawet
et al., 2016, 2018; Delorme et al., 2018). TMT-
MODHIS includes the HISPEC spectrograph and
a new front-end instrument interfacing the spectro-
graph to the first-light AO system of TMT, NFI-
RAOS (Narrow Field InfraRed Adaptive Optics Sys-
tem, Herriot et al., 2014).
2.1 Front-end instrument
The front-end instrument (FEI) is the essential link
between the AO system and the single-mode spec-
trograph. Its purpose is to inject the diffraction-
limited beam of the target into one or several SMFs
and maintain accurate alignment throughout long-
exposure observations. The pointing accuracy and
stability is achieved through active sensing and con-
trol of the target and fiber positions using a scheme
similar to Colavita et al. (1999).
An actuated tip-tilt mirror (TTM) is used to align
the target image position with the tip of the SMF,
whose relative locations are determined by simul-
taneously imaging the scene and the SMF on to a
acquisition/tracking imaging camera (Figure 2). A
beamsplitter (BS) or dichroic reflects part of the sci-
ence beam to the tracking camera directly after the
TTM. To locate the SMF, a light source is retro-fed
through a set of reference alignment fibers located
close to the science fiber. Ideally the reference fibers
are part of the same bundle as the science fibers, en-
suring mechanical stability of their relative positions.
The BS reflects light from the SMF towards a corner
cube (CC) retroflector, which sends the beam back
through the BS and towards the tracking camera. A
beacon image is formed on the tracking camera at
the location of the SMF. The beacon is used to deter-
mine the TTM settings to co-align the object image
and the SMF.
The FEI is also designed to include high contrast
capabilities for faint off-axis sources (e.g., exoplan-
ets) using various pupil plane apodizers and masks,
and provide feedback mechanisms for starlight sup-
pression using the upstream AO systems (Keck AO
or NFIRAOS on TMT). Optimized Phase Induced
Amplitude Apodization (PIAA) lenses are used to
remap the input beam from the Keck and TMT aper-
tures into quasi-Gaussian beams matched to the fun-
High-resolution Infrared Spectrograph for Exoplanet Characterization with Keck and TMT — 6/14
Figure 2.
HISPEC/MODHIS Front-End Instrument (FEI) notional concept.
damental mode of the SMF as in Jovanovic et al.
(2017), enabling close to ideal injection efficiency’s
in the diffraction limit (
Multiplexing can be ensured by using image slic-
ing techniques, where the focal plane is divided in
sectors, which can all be addressed with an inde-
pendent fiber injection unit (Figure 2). Each fiber
injection unit includes a dedicated TTM that can
patrol the field of view on the fixed fiber bundle.
2.2 Spectrograph
The HISPEC notional optical design (see Figure 3) is
a diffraction-limited echellette spectrometer with an
almost all reflective design with a spectral resolving
power of R
180,000 and R
110,000 in the yJ and
HK passbands, respectively. The full wavelength
range from 9600
A - 23,850
A is broken up into
two wavelength channels from 9600
A - 13,270
(i.e. yJ-bands) and 14,760
A - 23,850
A (i.e. HK-
bands). The wavelength gap from 13,270
A - 14,760
A is not covered by either channel, but is also where
there is strong absorption from the atmosphere. The
main reasons to have two wavelength channels in
the spectrograph are: light does not propagate as
a single mode in a SM fiber for much more than
a 1 octave spectral range and secondly to achieve
close to Nyquist sampling over the full operating
wavelength range where there is a 2.5
factor from
the shortest to the longest wavelength.
Light enters the spectrograph through a fiber ar-
ray (2 columns). Each individual wavelength chan-
nel sees 1 column of several science, sky, and cal-
ibration fibers. The fiber array is collimated by an
F/4 Three Mirror Anastigmat (TMA). The collima-
tor forms a circular pupil with a 25 mm diameter
where a physical aperture stop is placed.
The relatively fast TMA can collimate a fiber
ferrule diameter up to 2 mm in size and therefore
is a optical design that is flexible enough to sup-
port any potential upgrades in wavelength coverage
and fiber channel multiplicity. A single Off-Axis
Parabola (OAP) collimator does not provide a suf-
ficiently large enough diffraction-limited FOV at a
F/4 focal ratio for the HISPEC fiber array and is lim-
ited to a field diameter size of
0.4 mm. The TMA
collimator design will also make centering the fiber
array less sensitive to mis-alignments compared to
an OAP collimator design.
The collimated light then gets dispersed in the
spectral direction by reflecting off of a 7 lines per
mm R4 echelle grating. The grating is used in a
quasi-Littrow condition where an out-of-plane angle
of 3.5
is needed to separate the incoming and
outgoing light from the grating surface sufficiently
enough to package the remaining optical elements
without interference. The echelle grating splits the
yJ-bands into 81 total spectral orders ranging from
209 - 289 and the HK-bands into 72 total spectral
orders ranging from 116 - 187.
High-resolution Infrared Spectrograph for Exoplanet Characterization with Keck and TMT — 7/14
Figure 3.
The HISPEC conceptual optical layout for the design incorporating a TMA F/4 collimator, a
reflection grating ruled with 7 lines mm
, a VPH cross-disperser, and a TMA F/22 camera. The
spectrograph gives a fixed spectral format on the detector array in an overall compact design form.
The dispersed light from the grating is then sepa-
rated into its two wavelength channels via a dichroic
mirror. The yJ-band is in reflection and the HK-
band is in transmission, where the dichroic 50/50
transition edge is at 14,000
A. The light then travels
into the individual cameras after passing through a
Volume Phase Holographic (VPH) cross-dispersing
transmission grating. The VPH cross-disperser al-
lows for a simpler and almost symmetric layout. To
first order a VPH grating has a constant angular
dispersion, which allows for a more uniform sepa-
ration of the orders in the cross-dispersed direction
and therefore allow for higher multiplicity of fibers
to be re-imaged between the orders. With a cross-
dispersing prism the non-linear change of index of
refraction with wavelength yields a closer spacing
of the spectral orders containing the longest wave-
lengths therefore limiting the allowed fiber multi-
plexing in the spectrograph. During the next design
phase further study will have to be made about the
cryogenic optical quality and stability of a VPH grat-
ing. Otherwise cross-dispersing prisms will have
to be used. Most likely two ZnSe prisms with a
refractive index of
2.4 will have to be used in the
yJ channel and a single Silicon prism with a refrac-
tive index of
3.4 for the HK channel in order to
get enough cross-dispersing power with reasonable
prism apex angles to spread the spectral orders over
the full height of the detector array. The dichroic and
cross-disperser are the only two refractive elements
in the spectrograph, where changes in the index of re-
fraction caused by thermal variations constrains any
spectrum shifts at the detector to the cross-dispersed
The individual cameras then re-images 1 column
of fibers onto their respective detectors. The HK
channel will use a Teledyne H2RG 2.5
m cut-off
detector with a 18
m per pixel size (upgrade option:
H4RG 2.5
m cut-off detector), while the yJ channel
will use a Teledyne H4RG with a 10
m per pixel
size. This roughly 2
factor in pixel size between
the detector arrays means the two channels can uti-
High-resolution Infrared Spectrograph for Exoplanet Characterization with Keck and TMT — 8/14
Figure 4.
The HISPEC spectrograph conceptual
mechanical layout.
lize an identical camera design, while maintaining
proper sampling. This will help in lowering the cost
of the cameras since they can be fabricated from the
same parent optic. The camera design is also a TMA
with a focal ratio of F/22, which gives diffraction-
limited image quality (i.e.,
95% Strehl) over the
entire detector area in both channels. The yJ chan-
nel has a spectral resolution of R
180,000 with a
pixel sampling ranging from 2.1 - 2.9 pixels and a
spectral sampling of
A/pix. The HK channel
has a spectral resolution of R
110,000 with a pixel
sampling ranging from 1.8 - 2.9 pixels and a spectral
sampling of
A notional mechanical design of the spectro-
graph is shown in Figure 4, featuring a compact and
simple layout, optimized for thermal and mechanical
3. Technology Drivers
Although the front-end instrument is based on mostly
mature technologies, there are some aspects that will
require further development to determine the most
efficient and robust way to realize the instrument in
time for TMT first light.
Beam shaping optics:
the PIAA lenses have
been successfully used in the past (Jovanovic et al.,
2017) but require further development to optimize
them for the two discrete wavebands of the HISPEC
spectrograph (yJ and HK).
Image slicing optics:
the choice of how to slice
the image will be partially driven by the layout of sci-
ence fields to be observed and partially by the types
and quality of optics available. Further development
may be needed here.
Optimal tracking strategies:
there are very
few SMF injections operating on-sky. Maintaining
alignment between the science target and the SMF
to within
will be required to maintain ef-
ficient coupling. Optimal strategies to provide this
level of alignment are being proof-tested by KPIC.
3.1 Low loss infrared single-mode fibers
HISPEC/MODHIS will exploit SMFs because their
output beam profile does not evolve with time and is
independent of the input illumination profile. This
will provide superior stability for the line spread
function (LSF) for Doppler applications. In addi-
tion, as outlined above, a diffraction-limited feed
decouples the spectrograph performance from that
of the telescopes aperture allowing for a highly com-
pact yet very high resolution instrument to be real-
ized, substantially reducing footprint, mechanical
deflection and cost. It also means that a single spec-
trograph could be built and used at both Keck then
However, SMFs have a limited range of wave-
lengths over which they are single-mode. There are
no SMFs covering the full y-K wavelength range.
Therefore the FIU will split the light in two pass-
bands and inject the light into two separate fiber
bundles that each span narrower wavelength ranges
(yJ and HK). There are many suitable options yJ
SMFs, including OFS BF05635-02 fiber (core and
cladding diameters of 4.4
m and 125
m, a Nu-
merical Aperture (NA) of 0.16, and a single mode
cut-off wavelength of 9600
A). For the HK SMF,
one option is offered by Le Verre Fluore (LVF), who
produce some of the highest performance fluoride
fibers. The best fit stock fiber is #3051 (core and
cladding diameters of 7.0
m and 125
m, a NA of
0.17, and a single mode cut-off wavelength of 15,500
A), which is not single-mode across the entire H-
band. A custom fiber will need to be developed with
LVF that operates across HK with minimal losses.
Alternatively, one could consider shifting the split
from between the J and H bands to in the middle
of the H band, but then the location of the dichroic
edge would need to be carefully considered to not
coincide with important spectral features.
High-resolution Infrared Spectrograph for Exoplanet Characterization with Keck and TMT — 9/14
3.2 Few mode fibers and photonic lanterns
Although the priority is to utilize SMFs, it may be
favorable to use fibers with higher collection effi-
ciency’s in the shorter wavebands (yJ) where the
Strehl ratio and hence coupling efficiency will be
lower. For this there are two options: few mode
fibers and photonic lanterns. Few mode fibers lay
at the boundary between multimode fibers (MMF)
and SMFs and support as their name implies, a few
modes (typically 2-8). By supporting more modes
these fibers typically allow for higher coupling ef-
ficiency than a SMF (Horton & Bland-Hawthorn,
2007). Owing to the fact that they support several
modes, ensuring the output beam is homogenized
and hence stable with time will require active scram-
bling. Alternatively, a photonic lantern consists of
a MMF at the input end and series of SMFs at the
other end. The light makes a gradual transition from
the MMF end, which is trivial to couple into to a
series of SMFs which offer diffraction limited perfor-
mance to the spectrograph (Leon-Saval et al., 2013;
Birks et al., 2015). In this way the flux will be
split amongst fibers reducing the flux/channel, but
the total flux will be much higher than for a SMF,
especially at shorter wavelengths where the AS per-
formance is reducing. We will source commercially
available versions of both fiber types and conduct
laboratory experiments to assess their applicability
for HISPEC/MODHIS. We will then work with ven-
dors and other research institutes to customize these
devices for our application. This development is
expected to occur over the next 5 years.
3.3 Infrared Laser Frequency Combs
Infrared laser frequency combs (LFCs) will pro-
vide long term, sub-m/s precision across the HIS-
PEC band. Devices now in hand or in development
use Electro-Opical Modulation (EOM) to generate
combs with intrinsic spacings of 10-30 GHZ which
are readily resolvable with R
graphs without the need for extensive pre-filtering.
These combs have been demonstrated at Keck (Yi
et al., 2016) and with HPF at the Hobby-Eberly tele-
scope (Metcalf et al., 2019). They can either be
referenced to a stable laser line such as acetylene (
30 cm/s), to a second, 100 MHz comb (
10 cm/s),
or via
self-referencing (sub cm/s stability tied
to an SI frequency standard). New LFC technolo-
(wk yrs)
Table 2.
Development schedule for MODHIS,
broken down by phase, duration, and labor.
gies based on micro-resonator microcombs promise
to greatly reduce the size, cost and complexity of
NIR LFCs with a prototype already demonstrated
at Keck (Suh et al., 2019). Future LFC’s will be
developed with extended wavelength range to cover
y-K. We plan to further develop this new technology
with significant investment over the next 5-7 years.
4. Organization, Partnerships, and
Current Status
HISPEC/MODHIS is currently led by Caltech, UC
Los Angeles, and UC San Diego, with science team
members from the entire US community, and TMT
International Observatory (see author list). Partic-
ipation in the instrument construction is currently
being discussed with partners from Canada (NRC,
University of Montreal) and Japan. We expect to
extend the instrument team to TMT international
partners, including China and India.
5. Schedule and Cost Estimates
In this section, we focus on the schedule and cost
estimate for the TMT-MODHIS facility, which in-
cludes the full cost of the HISPEC spectrograph. As
mentioned before, the fabrication and deployment
of HISPEC is currently being fast-tracked for Keck
Observatory as a pathfinder to TMT-MODHIS.
5.1 Schedule
The MODHIS schedule and costing draws credibil-
ity from similarly scoped high-resolution spectro-
graphs (e.g., PARVI), FEI (e.g., KPIC), and the other
High-resolution Infrared Spectrograph for Exoplanet Characterization with Keck and TMT — 10/14
TMT first light instruments (IRIS and WFOS). We
also expect to draw upon ongoing development of
Keck-HISPEC to help accelerate the design phases
of MODHIS. The development of MODHIS follows
a 7 year schedule outlined in Table 2. We anticipate
the three design phases (conceptual, preliminary,
and final) to last 2.25 years, followed by a 1.5 year
fabrication phase, a 1.25 year integration phase, and
finally a 1 year assembly, integration, and validation
(AIV) phase at the telescope.
5.2 Cost Estimates
The development of MODHIS is costed at just un-
der $25M, placing it at the low-end of the medium
cost category for ground-based projects evaluated by
ASTRO2020: “Funding for this effort is expected to
come from TMT and its Members”. A full cost esti-
mate of developing MODHIS, including sufficient
contingency, was performed in June 2019 by Cal-
tech and TMT. Table 3 itemizes MODHIS costs by
work breakdown structure tasks – the methodology
is consistent with other TMT first light instruments.
We highlight specific deliverables below.
The “Structure & OIWFS” element contains the
MODHIS interface and support structure that en-
ables attachment to NFIRAOS (TMT first light AO
system), the MODHIS front-end instrument rotator,
and the on-instrument wavefront sensor (OIWFS)
assembly, including the OIWFS detector cryostat
and controllers.
The “Front End Instrument” element includes
the subsystem that acquires, directs, collects, and
maintains alignment of the light at the output of
NFIRAOS, delivering the light into the single mode
fiber feeding the spectrograph. The cost includes all
elements plotted in Figure 2.
The costing of the “Spectrograph” is directly in-
formed by a detailed cost analysis of both PARVI
and Keck-HISPEC. This subsystem includes the
spectrograph cryostat and optics, two infrared H4RG
detectors and associated readout electronics, the in-
ternal calibration system (including two stable Laser
Frequency Combs), and all equipment needed for
integration and testing, including summit AIV.
The costing of the “Instrument Control Software”
element contains all software related activities re-
quired to support observing and testing, including
the instrument sequencer, hardware control modules,
(wk yrs)
Structure &
Front End
Control SW
Data Reduction
Table 3.
Development cost for MODHIS broken
down by task, labor, and cost.
interfaces to NFIRAOS, and hardware necessary for
the development and prototyping of the software
The “Integration & AIV” element includes the
integration of the MODHIS subsystems to form the
overall MODHIS science instrument, including in-
tegrating the OIWFS with the front end instrument,
the front end instrument with the fiber system, and
the fiber system with the spectrograph. All of these
integration steps will involve execution of progres-
sive acceptance test plans culminating in a pre-ship
readiness review. AIV includes hardware integra-
tion with NFIRAOS and the telescope, along with
integrating the control software and data reduction
pipeline to the observatory software environment.
High-resolution Infrared Spectrograph for Exoplanet Characterization with Keck and TMT — 11/14
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